ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 90 Personnel APPOINTMENTS D avid Archer—technical services librarian, Downtown Campus—M ia m i-D ade Junior Col­ lege, Miami, Florida. J effrey E. B roude—head, periodicals sec­ tion, the Honnold Library—Claremont Col­ leges, California. L ee Burchinal—head. Office of Science In­ formation Service—National Science F ounda­ tio n. W illard G. D avis—assistant head, circulation department—University of Michigan, Ann Ar­ bor. Barbara A. D e Young—instructor and cata­ loger—Iowa State University, Ames. Marc K. F ortune—coordinator of urban af­ fairs—Marquette University library, Milwau­ kee. Suzanne F rankie—research specialist—ARL Of f ic e of Management Studies. E leanor K. F urnival—assistant librarian— Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. Thomas J. Galvin—associate director, School of Library Science—Sim m ons College, Boston, Massachusetts. L. Clarke H amilton—assistant register of copyrights—L ibrary of Congress. E laine A. H aurisa—assistant reference librar­ ian—University of Illionis, Chicago Circle. Kathleen M. H eim—reference and govern­ ment documents librarian—Rosary C ollege, River Forest, Illinois. Michael A. Jankowski—assistant reference librarian—U niversity of I llinois, Chicago Cir­ cle. I rving C. Kirk—head, circulation department, Lockwood Library—State U niversity of N ew York, Buffalo. L ynn Marko—head, catalog information sec­ tion—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Audrey N orth—Librarian—Bard C ollege, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. Anton J. Olson—assistant science librarian —University o f I llinois, Chicago Circle. Barbara E. Reed—assistant art librarian— State University of New York, Buffalo. E lizabeth Roleder—humanities bibliogra­ pher, the Honnold Library—C laremont Col­ leges, California. Janet M. Snair—assistant science librarian— U niversity of Illinois, Chicago Circle. Svatopluk Soucek—Near East cataloger— University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor. Robert J. Starring—assistant to the head of he graduate library—U niversity of Michigan, nn Arbor. RETIREMENTS Roberta Smith, head of the Reference De­ artment in the Wilbur Cross Library, University f Connecticut, retired on December 31, 1972. iss Smith was a member of the library staff for wenty-seven years and was head of Reference or twenty-three years. She was active in the Con­ ecticut Library Association having helped to or­ anize both the College and University Section nd the Reference Section of CLA. Mildred L. Treworgy, associate librarian, nd head, State Services of The Pennsylvania tate University libraries retired January 5, 1973, fter more than thirty years service to the library rofession. Her administrative post at retirement laced her in charge of the State Library Services The information on several recent ap­ pointments was in error. Corrected listings follow: Janette Chittenden—reference librar­ ian, Undergraduate Library—U niversity OF Maryland, College Park. W illiam L. Cohn—assistant professor, School of Library and Information Science —University o f W isconsin, Milwaukee. D ean R. Gattone—head of circulation services, Undergraduate Library—Un i­ versity of Maryland, College Park. Ross H empstead—head of the non­ print services, Undergraduate Library— University o f Maryland, College Park. Robert Merikangas—assistant head of reference, Undergraduate Library—U n i­ versity of Maryland, College Park. Vida C. Stanton—assistant professor, School of Library and Information Science —University o f W isconsin, Milwaukee. W illiam Sundwick—associate librar­ ian II, Undergraduate Library—Univer­ sity of Maryland, College Park. Joyce Taylor—assistant head of the nonprint media lab, Undergraduate Li­ brary—University of Maryland, College Park. t A p o M t f n g a a S a p p 91 with responsibility for the State Services pro­ grams and interlibrary loans. NECROLOGY Stith M. Cain, associate professor and direc­ tor of libraries at the University of Wisconsin— Whitewater since 1957 died on February 10, 1973. Mary K. D empsey, director of the Marquette University libraries from 1945 to 1955, died Feb­ ruary 7 at a St. Louis ( Missouri) hospital follow­ ing a brief illness. Miss Dempsey, 74, was instrumental in plan­ ning the construction of the original Marquette Memorial library which was opened in 1953. Af­ ter leaving Marquette, Miss Dempsey served as director of the Montana Historical Society in Helena until she retired in 1972. Georgene W att, a member of the Govern­ ment Publications Department of the Wilbur Cross Library, University of Connecticut, died on December 14, 1972. She had been employed by the Connecticut State Library before joining the staff of the Wilbur Cross Library in 1969. ■ ■ ALA POLICY ON C O M M IT T E E M EM BE RSH IP RESTRICTIO N S Members of all ALA and unit commit­ tees are expected to attend all meetings, and failure to attend two consecutive meet­ ings or groups* of meetings without an ex­ planation acceptable to the chairman con­ stitutes grounds for removal upon the chairman’s request to, and the approval of, the appropriate appointing officer or gov­ erning board. * “Groups of meetings” is defined as all meetings of a committee that take place at one midwinter or annual conference. “Handbook of Organization, 1972-73,” American Libraries v.3, no. 10 ( November 1972), p.1105. North American Library Education D IRECTO RY & STA TIS TIC S 1969-1971 n e w … updated… expanded… Recent changes in the field of Library Education demanded the preparation of fresh reference material. The new North American Library Education Directory & Statistics, 1969-1971 therefore re­ places the 1966-68 edition of the same title. Scholarly preparation of the survey instrument, tabulation of data, writing of interpretative chapters, and editing the publication were all accomplished with extreme detail. This book is of value to librarians, educators and students of library science. ISBN 0-8389-3109-X (1972) paper $4.50 A M E R IC A N L IB R A R Y A S S O C IA T IO N 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Ill. 60611