ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 283 People PROFILES L a r r y X . B e s a n t is the new director of the Linda Hall Library, Kansas City, Missouri, suc­ ceeding Thomas D. Gillies who has been director since 1974. Besant has been assistant director of libraries for public services at Ohio State University since 1972. His appointment was ef­ fective July 1. Besant has a bache­ lor’s degree in chemis­ try and an MLS from the University of Illi­ nois. He was employed with Chemical Abstracts Service in 1 9 6 2 -1 9 6 8 L arry X. Besant and with the University of Houston Libraries in 1968-1971 as assistant director for technical ser­ vices. With some 30 professional publications and presentations to his credit on such topics as copyright law, chemical information, periodicals, and library automation, Besant has undertaken many consultantships in those areas. He served as chair of the ALA Planning Committee (1977- 1979) and currently serves as councillor on the Executive Council of the American National Standards Committee Z39. N a n c y E a t o n has been named director of li­ braries at the University of Vermont, Burlington. She comes to Vermont from the Atlanta Public Library, where she has been head of technical services since 1976. Prior to that she has served as automation li­ brarian at SUNY/Stony Brook (1974-1976), and assistant to the univer­ sity librarian (1 9 7 2 - 1974), head of the MARC U nit (1 9 7 1 - 1972), and cataloger (1968-1971) at the Uni­ versity of Texas at Aus­ Nancy Eaton tin. Eaton holds a bache­ lor’s degree in English from Stanford University and an MLS from the University of Texas (1968). In 1970 she was joint editor of Book Selection Policies in American Libraries. B a r b a r a F I s c h l e r has been appointed director of university libraries at Indiana University- Purdue University at Indianapolis, where she has been acting director since 1981. She has been at IUPU I since 1970, first as circulation librarian and then as public services librarian. Fischler has a bachelor’s degree from Wilson College, two master’s degrees from Indiana, and is currently pursuing a specialist degree in the School of Library and Information Science. She holds a part-time appointment as an associate pro­ fessor at the School. P h i l i p E . L e i n b a c h , assistant university librar­ ian for personnel at Harvard, has been named university librarian at Tulane University, New O rleans, effective in November. L einbach has been active in ALA, especially in p erson n el-related is­ sues. He is cu rrently chair of the ALA task force endeavoring to set up a com puter-based national placement ser­ vice for librarians. After earning master’s degrees in history and library science at I n ­ Philip E . Leinbachdiana University, Lein­ bach join ed the H ar­ vard Library in 1964 as administrative assistant in the Department of Resources and Acquisitions of the College Library. He became assistant librar­ ian for acquisitions in 1966, followed by an ap­ pointment as specialist in book selection in 1967. Leinbach spent 1970-1971 at the University of London as deputy librarian of Queen Mary Col­ lege in an exchange program. Returning briefly to Harvard as selection specialist, he was appointed personnel librarian in 1972. Leinbach also served briefly as acting librarian, Andover-Harvard Theological Library, and acting personnel officer for the Faculty of Arts and Sci­ ences. In 1976-1977 he was appointed to chair a committee that audited the salaries of all non­ teaching officers in the arts and sciences faculty. Leinbach also wrote the H an dbook f o r L ib ra r­ ians (rev. ed., 1979). He participated in groups that set up Harvard’s tuition assistance plan and longer-service benefits program. This year he was selected by UCLA’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science to participate as a Senior Fellow in a special program, funded by the Council on Library Resources, on academic re­ search library management. M i l d r e d L o w e , acting director of the Division of Library and Information Science at St. John’s University, has been appointed director of the 284 Division effective July 1. Lowe’s undergraduate degree in sociology is from Brooklyn College and her MLS is from Pratt Institute. She received a doctorate in li­ brary science from Columbia University under a Title IIB Doctoral Fellowship in 1972. She has been active in the New York Library Association, the American Printing History Association, and the Nassau County Library Association. She served on the ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences S e ctio n ’s Nominating C om m ittee in 1980-1981. Lowe served with the New York State Plan­ ning Committee for the Governor’s Conference on Libraries and as alternate delegate to the W hite House C onference on Library and In ­ formation Services. She was recently appointed to the Task Force on Federal Depository Library Service in New York State. M a r g a r e t P e r r y , assistant director of libraries for reader services at the University of Rochester, has succeeded Edward Johnson as director of li­ braries at Valparaiso University, Indiana. Perry has both a bachelor’s degree (Western Michigan University) and a master’s degree in li­ brary science (Catholic University, 1959). She re­ ceived a Certificate in French Studies from the University of Paris in 1956, and conducted fur­ ther graduate study at the City College of New York. She joined the staff at Rochester as head of the Education Library in 1970. In 1975 she was named head of reader services and has twice served as acting director of the University of Rochester Libraries. Perry has also been refer­ ence librarian and chief of circulation at the U.S. Military Academy Library, West Point, and U.S. Army civilian librarian in Europe. Perry has a num ber of publications to her credit, among them The H arlem R enaissance: An A nnotated B ibliography an d C om m entary (1981), A B io-B ibliography o f C ountee P. Cullen, 19 0 3 - 1946 (1971), and Silence to the Drums: A Survey o f th e L ite r a tu r e on th e H a rlem R e n a is s a n c e (1976). Her short stories earned her a scholarship to the American Writing and Publishing Seminar in Salzburg, Austria, and several prizes. N a t h a n M . S m i t h has been named director of the School of Library and Information Sciences at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, effective Septem ber 1 for a three-year term. Smith re ­ places Maurice P. Marchant who returns to the faculty. Smith has been a member of the library school faculty since 1972, specializing in research methodology, scientific literature, and reference service. He co-authored the book SPSS As a L i­ brary R esearch Tool and has often published arti­ cles in professional journals. Smith currently represents Utah on the ALA Council. He holds a Ph.D . in zoology and an MLS from Brigham Young University. E l i z a b e t h S n a p p has been named director of libraries at the Texas Women’s University, Den­ ton. Snapp was most recently acting director of lib raries th e re from 1979 to 1982. Prior to that she was assistant to the provost of the grad­ uate school (1977-1979), instructor in library sci­ en ce (1 9 7 7 -p r e s e n t), coordinator of readers serv ices (1 9 7 4 -1 9 7 7 ), head of acqu isitions (1971-1974), and catalog librarian (1969-1971) at TWU. Snapp rece iv e d an E lizabeth Snapp MLS from North Texas State University in 1969 and a master’s in history in 1977. She has done additional work at TWU on women in leadership and women in American literature. During the past year Snapp has served as a na­ tional director of Beta Phi Mu and as project di­ rector for an NEH consultancy grant on the de­ velopment of a curriculum and a center for the study of women. Her articles on aspects of the nature and im plications of patronage for the printed word have appeared in the Jo u rn a l o f Li­ b r a r y H istory and the M issouri H istorica l R e­ view. APPOINTMENTS (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611.) C l a i r e A b e r n a t h y has b e e n appointed cataloger in the Baker Library, Harvard Univer­ sity. A l i c e A l l e n has been appointed head of the Catalog Department at the University of Oregon, Eugene. S u s a n A n g s t a d t is now head of audio-visual services at the M ercy C ollege L ib ra rie s, Westchester County, New York. O r l a n d o A r c h i b e q u e is a new reference li­ brarian at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. C o r r i e B a k e r has been appointed resource ac­ quisitions coordinator at Old Dominion Univer­ sity, Norfolk, Virginia. R i c h a r d C . B a k e r has been named paper and book conservator of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts. B e t h A . B a r r e t t is the new cataloger in the 285 Serials D ep artm en t, Iowa State U niversity, Ames. M y r t l e C . B e n n e t t has joined the faculty of the School of Library Science, North Carolina Central University, Durham, as assistant profes­ sor. R i c h a r d F l e m i n g B e n n e t t is the new head of the C ircu lation D ep artm en t, U niversity of Florida Libraries, Gainesville. R o y V i n c e n t B e n n e t t has been appointed ref­ erence and instruction librarian at Western Ore­ gon State College, Monmouth. D e b r a B e d f o r d B e n s o n has been appointed technical services librarian at the University of Manitoba Law Library, Winnipeg. F . K e i t h B in g h a m has been appointed associ­ ate librarian for public services at the College of the Virgin Islands Library, St. Thomas. M a r y B e t h B l a l o c k has been appointed act­ ing director of the Education Library, Vanderbilt University, Nashville. J u l i e B o b a y has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Business Library, Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington. D . C l i f t o n B r o c k is now associate university librarian for special collections at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. E l i z a b e t h S. B r o o k s is now a reference librar­ ian in the Sawyer Library, Suffolk University, Boston. T e r r e n c e B r o o k s has joined the faculty of the School of Library Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City. C h a r l o t t e D a v is B r o w n has been appointed business reference librarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Sa m u e l R . B r o w n is now bibliographic instruc­ tion librarian at Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama. Sa r a N . B r o w n m i l l e r is a new reference li­ brarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. J a m e s C . C a in has been appointed head of the Circulation and Control Section of the Reference Services D ivision of the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. B a r b a r a C a s e is the new manager of cataloging services and coordinator of automation planning at California State University, Los Angeles. M a r y E l l e n C l a p p e r has been appointed staff analyst for the F.M . Faxon Company, Westwood, Massachusetts. J a m e s H . C o l e has been named curator of the Wason Collection at Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, New York. N e l d a C o l ig a n is now a technical services li­ brarian at the National Library of M edicine, Bethesda, Maryland. J u l i a J . C o o k e has been appointed associate dean of the School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. R o s e m a r y M . C o r b in has been appointed as­ sistant librarian in the Government Documents Department, University of California, Berkeley. K e i t h C o t t a m has been appointed acting di­ recto r of V anderbilt U niversity L ibrary, Nashville, for 1982-83. P a t r ic ia S. C r e h a n is the new economics bib­ liographer at the U niversity of P ittsbu rgh , Pennsylvania. P e g g y E . D a u b has been appointed head of the Music Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. K a r in D o n a h u e has been appointed assistant reference librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. R e e D e D o n a t o is now instruction/reference librarian for the Cluster Undergraduate Library, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla. J a n i c e D u n h a m has been appointed reference librarian at the John Cotton Dana Library, Rut­ gers University Library, Newark Campus. D i a n e C. F a r n s w o r t h has been appointed li­ brarian of the West Palm Beach Center of Florida Atlantic University Libraries, Boca Raton. L ois F a r r e l l has been named acting head of the Life Sciences Libraries, University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley. M a r y F i n n e g a n is now a reference librarian for the Library Association of Portland, Oregon. B a r b a r a F i s c h l e r has been appointed director of university libraries at Indiana University- Purdue University at Indianapolis Library. E l i z a b e t h F r ic k has accepted a position as vis­ iting assistant professor at Dalhousie University’s School of Library Service, Halifax, Nova Scotia, for academic year 1982-83. D e a n G a t t o n e has been appointed assistant director of the Library Systems Division, Univer­ sity of Maryland, College Park. L o u i s e W. G r e e n f i e l d has been named head orientation librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. R o n a l d J . G r e l e has been named head of Co­ lumbia University’s Oral History Research Office, New York. N e l s G u n d e r s o n is a new reference librarian at the Business Library, Indiana University, Bloomington. J a m e s W. H a r t has assumed the position of reference instruction librarian at the University of Cincinnati Libraries, Ohio. C a r l a H e i s t e r has been appointed librarian of the Natural History Survey, University of Illinois, Urbana. N a n c y H e r i n is now a technical services librar­ ian at the National Library of M edicine, Bethesda, Maryland. A n n H i p p e n s t e e l has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University of Wisconsin- Stout, Menomonie. K a r e n H i t c Hc o c k - M o r t is now head of col­ lection management and resources development at Old Dominion University Library, Norfolk, Virginia. J e f f r e y J a c k s o n has been appointed reference and instruction librarian at the University of 286 Wisconsin-Parkside. J im J a c o b s is the new documents reference li­ brarian at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. M a r t in J a m iso n is now instructional services librarian at Lycoming College, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. J e a n n e L . J o n e s has accepted the position of science-engineering reference librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. S usan R . J u r o w has been appointed business reference librarian and coordinator of com­ puterized information and retrieval services at the University of Houston. W il l ia m R . K a h l e s has been appointed assist­ ant documents librarian at the University of Illi­ nois at Chicago Circle. M a r il y n K a y e has joined the faculty of the Di­ vision of Library and Information Science, St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York. C o n n ie A . K ir b y has been appointed assistant documents librarian at Oklahoma State Univer­ sity, Stillwater. I n g r id K a r e n K it t e r m a n has been appointed head of technical services at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. R . C e c i l i a K n i g h t is the new assistant cataloger in the Oklahoma State University Li­ brary, Stillwater. M i c h a e l K o h l has been appointed head of special collections at Clemson University Librar­ ies, South Carolina. B a r b a r a K o r n s t e in has been appointed head of the Education/Psychology Library at the Uni­ versity of California, Berkeley. E m m e t t L a n g l e y has been appointed head of the reference department at Old Dominion Uni­ versity, Norfolk, Virginia. L o t t e N. L a r s e n is now head of reference and library instruction at Western Oregon State Col­ lege, Monmouth. P a t r ic ia L a r s e n has been appointed head of the catalog section at Southern Oregon State Col­ lege, Ashland. San d r a L e a c h has been appointed online ref­ erence services librarian at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. M i c h a e l M . L e e is now the director of Ward Edwards Library, Central Missouri State Uni­ versity, Warrensburg. T om L e o n h a r d t has been appointed assistant university librarian for technical services at the University of Oregon, Eugene. J o s e p h L e w i s is the new reference/social sci­ ences librarian at Old Dominion University, Nor­ folk. S h u i- K e u n g L i has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at Christian Broadcast Network Univer­ sity Library, Virginia Beach. T h o m a s K . L in d s a y has been appointed sci­ ence reference librarian at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. S u s a n L u n d e l l has been appointed music cataloger at the University of Cincinnati Librar­ ies, Ohio. A n n e Sc o t t M a c L e o d has been named acting dean of the College of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, College Park, effective July 1. L e s l i e A nn M a n n in g is now associate dean for technical services and automation at Kansas State University Libraries, Manhattan. T h o m a s M a r s h a l l has been appointed Ameri­ can and Latin American cataloger at the Univer­ sity of Arizona, Tucson. R o b e r t M er ik a n g a s has been appointed head of reference at the Hornbake Library, University of Maryland, College Park. L o r e t t a M e r s h o n has been appointed assist­ ant serials librarian at North Carolina State Uni­ versity, Raleigh. W il l ia m M is c h o is now engineering librarian at the University of Illinois, Urbana. L a im a M o c k u s has been appointed executive director of NELINET, Newton, Massachusetts, effective July 1. V iv ie n n e I . F . M o n t y has been appointed head of the Government Documents/Administrative Studies Library, York University, Downsview, Ontario. J a m e s E. M o rg a n has been elected chairman of the Oregon State System of Higher Educa­ tion’s Interinstitutional Library Council. P a t N i c h o l l s has been named head of the Cataloguing Department, University of Manitoba Libraries, Winnipeg. J u l i e N il s o n has been appointed head of ac­ quisitions at Indiana University, Bloomington. J u d it h M . N ix o n is a new reference librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. D a v id N u z z o has been appointed head of ac­ quisitions at the State University of New York at Buffalo. L y n n O h l h o r s t is now automation/special projects librarian at the University of Wisconsin- Stout, Menomonie. D ia n e P a r k e r has been named director of the Science and Engineering Library, State Univer­ sity of New York at Buffalo. H e n r y A . P is c io t t a has been appointed fine arts librarian at Carnegie-Mellon University’s Hunt Library, Pittsburgh. H e l e n P l o s s is now head of the Serials Cataloguing Section of Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries, Cambridge. M a r y P . P o p p is now head of undergraduate li­ brary services at Indiana University, Bloomington. N a n c y O t t m a n P r e s s is the new planning coordinator at the Pacific Northwest Regional Health Sciences Library, University of Washing­ ton, Seattle. S u s a n n e J . R e d a l j e has been appointed science-engineering reference librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. 287 C h a r l e n e E . R e n n e r has been appointed as­ sistant director for technical services at Iowa State University, Ames. B e t t y R e y n o l d s has been appointed director of the Martin Speare Memorial Library, New Mexico Institu te of Mining and Technology, Socorro. J a m e s R i c e , J r ., has joined the faculty of the School of Library Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City. D ana R o o k s is the new library personnel coor­ dinator at the University of Houston-Central Campus Libraries. P a t r ic ia R o u t l e d g e has joined the reference staff of the Engineering Library, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. J a c q u e l i n e C o o k Sa n d e r s is now catalog li­ brarian at the Julia Rogers Libraiy, Goucher Col­ lege, Towson, Maryland. L a v e r n a M . S a u n d e r s has been appointed technical services librarian at DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. B i l l S c i i e n c k is the new collection develop­ ment librarian at the University of Oregon, Eugene. L a u r i e S c o t t has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Dafoe Collections Department, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. K it S e a y is now serials librarian at Old Domin ion University, Norfolk, Virginia. K a r e n Se i b e r t has been appointed public ser vices librarian at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. M a r il y n J . S h a r r o w has been named chief li brarian of the University of Toronto, Ontario. J a c k S ig g in s has been appointed deputy uni­ versity librarian at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. C h a r l e s A. Sk e w i s is now assistant acquisitions librarian at Baylor University’s Moody Memorial Library, Waco, Texas. J o h n M . S l u k is the new social science cataloger at the U niversity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. M a r g e r y S l y has accepted the position of ar­ chivist for the Senator Strom Thurmond Collec­ tion, Clemson University, South Carolina. D o n S p i c e Ha n d l e r has been appointed cataloger at New York University Libraries. J ana R e e d S t e i d i n g e r is now a reference li­ brarian at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie. F r e d e r i c k J . St i e l o w has been appointed as­ sistant professor in the College of Library and In formation Services, University of Maryland, Col­ lege Park. I s a b e l S t i r l i n g has been appointed head o the Science Library at the University of Oregon, Eugene. D o n a St r a l e y has been appointed Near East ern m aterials cataloger at the University o Arizona, Tucson. S u z a n n e S u l l i v a n is now head of reference services at California State U niversity, Los Angeles. S u sa n S u m m e r has been appointed archivist for the Bakhmeteff Archive at Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library, New York. K a t h l e e n T e s s m e r has joined the faculty of the School of Library Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City. C o n n o r D . T ja r k s is now assistant director of libraries at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Ra­ ton. E l i s a b e t h T r u m p l e r is the new head of catalog­ ing at Drexel University Libraries, Philadelphia. E l a i n e T r z e b i a t o w s k i has been named computer-assisted reference librarian at the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie. D a n i e l L . W a d e is now documents librarian at the V anderbilt U niversity Law Library, Nashville. S u z a n n e W a r d has been appointed head of the Engineering Libraiy at Memphis State Univer­ sity, Tennessee. B e l l a H ass W e i n b e r g has joined the faculty of the Division of Library and Information Science, St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York. C. B r i g i d W e l c h has been appointed coor­ dinator of user education at the University of ­ Houston-Central Campus Libraries. G a y l e W i l l i a m s is the new Spanish language ­ and serials cataloger at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. W i l l i a m P . W il l i a m s has been named interim ­ director of libraries at Northern Illinois Univer­ sity, DeKalb. V ir g in ia W i s e has been appointed librarian of the Boston University Law Library. M i c h a e l E . W r i g h t has been appointed catalog librarian at the Musselman Library, Get­ tysburg College, Pennsylvania. RETIREMENTS W i l l i a m H . B o n d , librarian of Harvard’s Houghton Libraiy, retired on June 30 after 36 years of service to the Harvard Library. Bond will continue as professor of bibliography at Har­ vard. Bond’s Houghton Library career began in 1946 when he was appointed assistant to the librarian. This was followed two years later by his appoint­ ment as curator of manuscripts and in 1965 as Houghton’s director. He was curator of the Harry ­ Elkins Widener Collection in 1969-1970 and was elected to the Sandars Readership in Bibliogra­ phy at Cambridge University for 1981-1982. f President of the Colonial Society of Massachu­ setts, past president of the Bibliographical Society of America (1 974-1976), and m em ber of the ­ Council of the American Antiquarian Society, f Bond is also the author of several publications, including Supplement to the Census o f M edieval 288 and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and C anada (1962). M a x B o y k o , special languages cataloger at In­ diana University, Bloomington, retired on July 30. J o h n D e m o s retired on June 30 after eleven years of service to the University of Louisville Libraries. He came to Louisville in 1971 where he has served as director and most recently as the only dean in the library’s history. Prior to that he was variously head of the Math and Physics Libraries, head of Department Libraries, and assistant director for technical services at Ohio State University. Demos holds master’s de­ grees in English and library science from the University of California. F r a n k G i l l i s , director of the Archives of Tradi­ tional Music, Indiana University, Bloomington, retired on July 30. J a c k J o c h im retired as business bibliographer for the Loyola University of Chicago Libraries. E s t h e r L a i n e , librarian of the Entomology Li­ brary at the University of California, Berkeley, retired on June 30. C h a r l e s R . M a c h o v e c , assistant director for public services at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, retired on May 31. E l l s w o r t h M a so n retired as head of the Spe­ cial Collections Department at the University of Colorado Library, Boulder, on August 31, ending a career that began in 1935 as student assist­ ant in the Yale Univer­ sity Library. Mason holds master’s and Ph.D. degrees from Yale and an honorary L .H .D . from Hofstra U niversity. He has worked on the library staffs of Yale University, Marlboro College, the University of Wyoming, Montana State Univer­ Ellsworth Mason sity, Colorado College, Hofstra University, and Stanley Rosenfeld the University of Colorado, serving for 18 years as director of the last three. A voluminous writer, he is the author of seven books and monographs and 90 articles in the fields of librarianship, Eng­ lish and comparative literature, western U.S. his­ tory, book collecting, and library building plan­ ning. Mason served as planner and consultant on 128 library buildings, five of which have won archi­ tectural awards. His 1980 book Mason on L ibrary Buildings was widely reviewed in architectural and library periodicals. He taught English literature at Williams Col­ lege, Marlboro College, and Colorado College, and served as adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Library Science at the University of Il­ linois. In 1975 he was awarded the Harry Bailly Speaker’s Award by the Association of Colleges of the Midwest. J e a n n e O sb o r n retired from the faculty of the School of Library Science, University of Iowa, after 11 years service. M a e D u r h a m R o g e r retired on June 30 from the School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Berkeley. I r m g a r d R u t h e r f o r d , head of the Chemistry-Pharmacy Library at the University of Washington Libraries, Seattle, retired on June 1 after 25 years with the libraries. H a l S m i t h retired Ju n e 30 as professor emeritus, East Tennessee State University Li­ brary, Johnson City, where he served as mi­ croforms librarian. DEATHS H a r v e y F . B a u g h , former senior reference specialist in the Congressional Reference Divi­ sion, Library of Congress, died on May 5. He had retired in 1978 after 35 years of Federal service. J o s e p h T . H a r t , who served as director of ad­ ministrative services at New York University Li­ braries until his retirement in 1980, died on June 18. R e n e I m m e l m a n , for many years director of the University of Cape Town Libraries and founder of the library school there, died of cancer on April 30. A notable leader in the promotion of all types of libraries he was honored with a doctorate by the University of Potchefstroom on April 27, 1974. After his retirement from the University of Cape Town he continued his search for original Eulogy to Someone Else In its March 1982 C h a p te r N etw ork, the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, in Bethesda, Maryland, reported the untimely demise of Someone Else. “We were saddened to learn this week of the passing of one of the Society’s most valu­ able members— Someone Else. Som eone’s passing has created a vacancy that will be dif­ ficult to fill. Else worked with the Society for many years and did far more than the normal p erson’s work. W henever leadership was mentioned, this wonderful person was looked to for inspiration as well as results. “Whenever there was a job to do or a posi­ tion to be filled or a meeting to attend, one name was on everyone’s lips: ‘Let Someone Else do it.’ Someone is survived by all cur- j rent Society members and will be especially missed by its inactive members. We hope everyone will actively keep Someone Else’s memory alive.’’ 289 documents for the library and continued to write on the history of libraries, the university, Cape Town, and South Africa.— W inifred B. Linderman. C h a r l e s P e r c y P o w e l l , who retired from the Library of Congress in 1965, died on May 13. At the time of his retirement he was historian and reader adviser in the Manuscript Division. ■■ News from the Field ACQUISITIONS • B e t h u n e - C o o k m a n C o l l e g e , Daytona Beach, Florida, has acquired the private library and papers of the late Joseph Henry Taylor, noted historian and educator. The collection in­ cludes books on U.S., Latin American, African, Afro-American, and world history, as well as copies of theses written by students whom Taylor advised at North Carolina College at Durham. • E a s t e r n N e w M e x i c o U u n i v e r s i t y , Por­ tales, has received the papers of the late U.S. Congressman Harold Runnels (D-N.Mex.). Pre­ sented by his wife Dorothy on behalf of the Run­ nels family, the papers encompass over 200 cubic feet of general, administrative, and legislative files, press releases, speeches, committee pro­ ceedings, and documents that pertain to Run­ nels’s activities in the Democratic Party in his home state. The university plans to house them in special quarters to be constructed in Golden Library. • The E d u c a t i o n a l T e s t i n g S e r v i c e , Princeton, New Jersey, has acquired a complete set of the published articles and papers of Louis L. Thurstone, one of the most renowned psychometricians of the 20th century. The collec­ tion will be housed in E T S ’s Carl Campbell Brigham Library where it will be available to re­ searchers in the field of educational psychology. Materials in the collection date to before World War I and include the period when Thurstone developed his first theories of applied psychology at Carnegie Institute of Technology. At Carnegie he was responsible for developing objective tests which were the foundation for modern ability tests such as the SAT. • The N a t i o n a l G a l l e r y o f A r t Library, Washington, recently acquired the library of the late Wolfgang Lotz who had been director of the