ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1990 / 515 P R E S E R V A T I O N N E W S Prepared by Barbara Brown College Libraries Committee Commission on Preservation and Access • Amherst, Massachusetts. The College Li- braries C om m ittee o f the Commission on P reser­ vation and Access conducted a survey to determ ine the nature and quantity o f endangered materials in college libraries. A total o f 44 respondents rep o rted on 68 endangered special collections that may have national or regional significance. The collections included a surprising num ber of research collec­ tions o f national significance that require attention soon, if they are to be preserved. The com m ittee discussed the results of the survey with G eorge Farr, director of the National Endow m ent for the H um anities’ Office of Preservation, who reassured college librarians th at there is no lower limit for grant applications directed to his agency. T here is, however, a requirem ent that collections m ust be u n d er “intellectual control” before they can qualify for N E H grant support. College librarians making application to the N E H Office of Preservation are encouraged to contact the Preservation Office staff for further information. New preservation grant guidelines are scheduled to be distributed soon. • Andover, Massachusetts. The N ortheast D ocum ent Conservation C en ter has produced a series o f informative pam phlets on various p re se r­ vation topics, including: Microfilm and Microfiche; Archival Quality Storage Enclosures; Storage E n ­ closures f o r Photographic Prints and Negatives; Protecting Books w ith Custom-Fitted Boxes; R e­ moval o f Damaging Fasteners fr o m Historic Docu­ ments; Hints f o r Preserving Family Collections. The full preservation information packet including these titles is available for $12.00, or single copies free of charge, from: N ortheast D ocum ent C onser­ vation C enter, Field Service Office, 24 School Street, Andover, MA 01810-4099; (508) 470-1010. • Washington, D.C. T he Association o f Physi- cal Plant Administrators of Universities and Col­ leges (APPA) has announced the exact date of F ebruary 28-M arch 1, 1991, for the upcom ing course on environm ental conditions for libraries and archives. The one-and-a-half-day event, devel­ oped in cooperation with the Commission on P res­ ervation and Access, will be held at the Holiday Inn, Capital Hill, in W ashington, D.C. Participa­ tion is lim ited to 150, with the course designed for team s o f librarians/archivists and plant managers from an institution, as well as individuals. A major goal is to foster more productive working relation­ ships betw een librarians/archivists and plant ad­ ministrators, so as to improve environm ental con­ ditions o f library and archival materials. F o r further inform ation on course content and registration, contact Kathy Smith, D irecto r o f E ducational Programs, APPA, 1446 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3492. • Washington, D.C. T he National Endow- m ent for the H um anities has aw arded the Research Libraries G roup (RLG) a $724,814 grant to film and make widely available 25 endangered archival collections im portant to research in American his­ tory. This Archives Preservation M icrofilming Project, the first o f its kind, will last three years, during which 13 RLG m em bers in 9 states will preserve brittle or badly deteriorated materials from collections that are significant both regionally and nationally. Com bined, these materials total over 1,100 linear feet, to be captured on an esti­ m ated two million frames o f microfilm. The institu­ tions and the collections they will be filming and cataloging are: Brigham Young University, The Cecil B. DeM ille Collection, W alter Mason Cam p Paper, The R eed Smoot Collection, T he Newel K. W hitney Papers; Brown University, The Lester Frank W ard Papers, The John Hay Papers; Cornell University, Jacob Gould Schurm an Papers, Rail­ 516 / C &R L News way E m p lo y ee’s D ep artm en t; E m ory U niversity, The H a rris C o lle c tio n s; S ta n fo r d U n iv e rsity Hoover In stitu tio n on W ar, Revolution an d Peace, The N ational R epublic Collection; The N ew -Y ork Historical Society, T h e W illiam D u e r Papers, T he Daniel U llm ann Papers; The N ew York Public L i­ brary, T h e T hom as Addis E m m e t C ollection, T he Theodorus Bailey Myers Collection; The N ew York State L ibrary, T h e E dw in D. M organ Papers; N ew York University, Jewish L abor C o m m ittee, R elief and R escue Series, N ew York B ureau o f L abor Advice, Selected Records; The U niversity o f Flor­ ida, Samuel Ashe Swann Papers; U niversity o f M ichigan (B en tley H istorical L ib r a r y ), F ra n k M urphy Papers, C harles S pencer Sm ith Papers; U niversity o f M innesota, H elen H all Papers; Yale U niversity, H arvey C ushing Papers, Eli W hitney Papers, John T ru m b u ll Papers, G eorge Bird G rin ­ nell Papers. • Washington, D.C. T h e April 1990 issue o f th e C om m ission on Preservation a n d Access N ew s­ letter contains a b rie f article on th e problem s asso­ ciated w ith preserving video recordings, including tips on extending th e ir life, w ritten by Alan Calm es, preservation officer at th e N ational Archives and R ecords Com m ission. F o r copies o f th e article w rite to: Com m ission on Preservation and Access, 1785 M assachusetts Ave., N.W ., #313, W ashing­ ton, D C 20036. ■ ■ JoAn Segal named ALA associate executive director for programs JoAn S. Segal, A CRL executive director, has been appointed to th e new post o f ALA associate executive d irecto r for program s, effective May 21. ALA has added th e position to increase attention to programs serving its m em bers, according to ALA executive d irecto r L inda C rism ond. In h er new position, Segal will supervise, coordi­ nate, and m onitor th e staff and program s o f all ALA divisions and offices. She will also assist and advise Crismond and d ep u ty executive d irec to r R oger Parent in planning and im p lem en tin g policies, programs, structures, and p ro ced u res for ALA and its units. She will also p articipate in th e general adm inistration o f ALA h ead q u arters as one o f four departm ent heads. “JoAn brings extensive experience in association m anagem ent and librarianship to this position,” Crismond said. “W e value h e r m any contributions to the association and to A C R L over th e past several years.” Segal has served as A C R L ’s executive d irecto r since 1984. Prior to that, she was executive d irecto r of the B ibliographical C e n te r for R esearch in Denver. She has also held positions at th e W estern Interstate Com m ission for H ig h er E d ucation in Boulder, Colorado, th e N ew York U niversity In sti­ tute of M athem atical Sciences, and th e Englew ood (Colo.) Public Library. Segal holds a doctorate in com m unications from the University o f Colorado, an MLS from C o lu m ­ bia University, and a b ach elo r’s d eg ree in library science from R utgers University. She is a certified association executive w ith th e A m erican Society o f Association Executives. The ACRL Executive C o m m ittee has begun developing a transition plan for th e executive d irec­ to r position. A search will begin this sum m er, with th e closing d ate for applications set for S ep tem b er 30. M ore details will be an n o u n ced as th ey are available. ■ ■ ACRL President’s Program at Annual C onference P resid en t W illiam A. M offett’s liaison th e m e o f “A cadem ic Libraries: P artn ers in H ig h er E d u c a tio n ” will b e th e focus o f this y e a r’s A CRL P re sid e n t’s Program on Monday, June 25, from 2:00 p.m . to 5:00 p.m . Program chair Patricia Senn Breivik, Towson State University, has designed an environm ent th a t prom ises to engage librarians and adm inis­ trators in a dynam ic exchange. Panelists Jam es R. M ingle, executive d ire c to r o f th e S tate H igh e r E d ucation Executive Officers Associa­ tion (S H E E O ), P iedad R obertson, p resid en t o f B unker Hill C om m unity College, and H ow ard Simmons, executive d irecto r o f th e C om m is­ sion o f H ig h er E ducation, th e M iddle States Association o f Colleges and Schools, will re ­ spond to m o d erato r Breivik’s p robes to identify m ajor issues in h ig h er education. A ttendees will have an h o u r to discuss th e issues and suggest library responses. A C R L awards will b e p re se n te d after th e p anel discussion. T h e program will resum e w ith th re e videotapes depicting th e issues o f dis­ tan ce learning, library su p p o rt for econom ic developm ent, and diversity. Finally, th e ad m in ­ istrato r panel will select certain o f th e group ideas for th e ir response and w rap-up.