ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1 9 9 0 /5 2 1 White House Conference update By Patricia A. Wand Chair, A C R L Task Force on W H C L IS The W hite H ouse C onference O n Library A nd I nformation S ervices 1991 From across th e country librarians converged on Washington, D.C., for Library Legislative Day on Tuesday, April 24, 1990. T he agenda was federal support o f libraries and that, o f course, included talk about the W hite H ouse C onference on Library and Inform ation Services (W HCLIS) scheduled for July 1991. Senator Tom H arkin (D-IA), in his briefing of librarians, announced th at as chair o f the Senate L abor-H H S-E ducation Appropriations Subcom ­ m ittee, he would include additional funding for W H C LIS through the Supplem ental A ppropria­ tions Bill (Senate HR4404). T hat bill passed the Senate with an additional $425,000 allocated to the W h ite H o u se C o n fe re n c e . I f th e bill passes through the H ouse-Senate negotiations, the sup­ plem ental budget will increase to $2 million the am ount earm arked for states and territories to carry out th eir preconference activities. Most states and territories have now scheduled preconference activities. Those planning events in calendar year 1990 are: • Illinois, April 4 -6 • American Samoa, April 11-12 • Nevada, May 10-11 • Connecticut, May 22-24 • Michigan, May 3 1 -Ju n e 1 • Georgia, Septem ber 5 -6 • Hawaii, Septem ber 7 -8 • Pennsylvania, S eptem ber 13-15 • Minnesota, S eptem ber 16-17 • Maryland, Septem ber 23-25 • Louisiana, Septem ber/O ctober • New Jersey, Septem ber or D ecem ber • Colorado, O ctober 8-10 • W est Virginia, O ctober 11-13 • Tennessee, O ctober 14-16 • Marshall Islands, O ctober • N orthern Marianas, O ctober • Ohio, Fall • P uerto Rico, N ovem ber 6 -8 • Indian Tribes, N ovem ber 8 -9 • Kansas, N ovem ber 8-10 • Virginia, N ovem ber 10-11 • Guam, N ovem ber 15-17 • Missouri, N ovem ber 16-17 • Indiana, N ovem ber 16-18 • New York, N ovem ber 28-30 • N orth Dakota, N ovem ber 2 9 -D ecem b e r • Oklahoma, N ovem ber 3 0 -D e c e m b e r 1 • F ederal Library Com m unity, N ovem ber • Florida, D ecem ber 3 -5 Several states have tentative dates set and others ave not yet determ ined th eir preconference activ­ ty schedule. As an example o f the focus that discus­ ions may take, th e stated objectives o f the Illinois re-W hite H ouse C onference on Libraries and nform ation Services were: • develop issues and questions relative to the elivery and use o f inform ation in Illinois; • study new inform ation technologies and their otential in Illinois; • discuss the role for Illinois libraries in provid­ ng inform ation for literacy, productivity, and emocracy. Academic librarians in all states may contact h eir state libraries to learn the details o f events. ■ ■ EBSS Newsletter editor needed The ACRL E ducation and Behavioral Sci­ ences Section requires an interested individual to keep EBSS m em bers inform ed through the section’s newsletter. Please send a le tter of interest and a sample of editorial/new sletter work to Pam Baxter, Psychological Sciences Library, Peirce Hall, P urdue University, W est Lafayette, IN 47907. Applications will be re ­ viewed at ALA Annual Conference. The editor will begin production with the Fall 1990 issue, scheduled for mailing prior to the 1991 M id­ w inter Meeting. h i s p I d p i d t You can have it all. Others can place your order, but only Faxon provides a complete line of serials acquisition and management services to guide you through every step of your purchasing cycle. Our accurate pricing information facilitates budgeting and planning, while other Faxon services simplify ordering and renewal, speed check-in and claiming, and provide fast, easy access to all the information you need. Start putting Faxon’s comprehensive set of services to work for you. Call today at 1-800-225-6055. (In MA, call 617-329-3350 collect.)