ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 7 2 / C&RL News • Ohio University, Athens, has b een officially designated by the G overnm ent o f Botswana as th e N orth American depository o f Botswana publica­ tions. In an April trip to G abarone, Botswana, Hwa- W ei Lee, director o f libraries at Ohio University, formalized arrangem ents with th e Botswana N a­ tional L ibrary Service for th e d ep o sito ry a n ­ nounced last June by Botswana’s President, Q u ett Masire. U nder th e depository, th e National Library will collect a copy o f all reference and cu rren t publications on Botswana, governm ent docum ents available for public d istrib u tio n , and selected archival and historical records to be sent to Ohio University Library. Some archival records and out- of-print publications may be microfilmed. It is estim ated th a t some 400 publications will be sent during 1990 as a beginning o f th e Botswana deposi­ tory. Ohio University Library will pay th e mailing and m icrofilm ing costs as well as be responsible for th e cataloging o f these publications into th e O CLC online union catalog and for making th e collection available to A m erican com panies, governm ent agencies, researchers, students and others. ■ ■ •P E O P L E • Profiles George S. Bobinski, dean o f th e School o f Inform ation and Library Studies at th e State U ni­ versity o f New York at Buffalo, has b een appointed by G overnor Mario C uom o to serve on a newly established New York State G overnor’s C om m is­ sion on Libraries. Bobinski said th e 30-m em ber commission will plan and establish policy for a G overnor’s C onference on Libraries to take place in late N ovem ber in Albany. T he conference th em e will be “Library and Inform ation Services for L iter­ acy, Productivity and D em ocracy.” Bobinski, dean of U B ’s School o f Inform ation and Library Studies since 1970, has b een actively engaged for several years in researching th e status o f C arnegie libraries throughout th e U nited States. F u n d e d by A ndrew Carnegie, m ore than 1,600 such libraries w ere built in th e U.S. from 1889 to th e mid-1920s. In 1977, he traveled to Poland w here he served as a Fulbright scholar/lecturer at th e University o f Warsaw. After earning a bachelor’s degree in history and a m as­ te r ’s degree in library science at Case W estern Reserve University, Bobinski attained an ad d i­ tional m aster’s degree in history and his Ph.D . in library science from th e University o f Michigan. Richard De Gennaro, director o f th e New York Public Library, has b e e n n am ed Roy E. Larsen Librarian o f H arvard College. T he H arvard Librarian oversees and manages a collection of m ore than 7.5 million volumes, 67 individual librar­ ies, and a staff o f 400. T he College Library is the largest com ponent in H arvard University’s library system. From 1958 to 1970, D e G ennaro held several senior positions w ithin th e University Li­ brary including reference librarian, assistant direc­ tor, associate university librarian for systems devel­ opm ent, and senior associate university librarian. H e spent the next 16 years as director o f libraries and adjunct professor o f English at th e university of Pennsylvania before assuming his p resen t position at th e N ew York Public Library in 1987. D e G ennaro holds an MLS from C olum bia University as well as a m aster o f liberal studies degree from W esleyan University, w here he also earn ed his BA. H e com pleted th e Advanced M an­ agem ent Program at H arvard Business School and has also studied abroad at th e Universities o f Paris (the Sorbonne), Poitiers, Barcelona, M adrid, and Perugia. His professional activities include m an­ agem ent consulting for a variety o f institutions in­ cluding Bell Laboratories, M IT R E Corporation, th e G etty C e n te r for th e H istory o f Art, and n u m e r­ ous colleges and universities. H e has served as p resid en t o f th e Association o f R esearch Libraries, chairm an o f th e board o f th e Research Libraries G roup, and chairm an o f th e American Society for Inform ation Science Special In terest G roup on Library A utom ation and N e t­ works. D e G ennaro has published extensively on library autom ation, library service in academ ic institutions, library m anagem ent, com puter-based library networks, and the changing role o f libraries in th e inform ation m arketplace. D e G ennaro succeeds Y.T. Feng, who is retiring after 10 years o f distinguished service as H arvard College librarian. June 1 9 9 0 /5 7 3 Linda S. Dobb has been appointed assistant library director for administrative services at the San Francisco State University’s J. Paul Leonard Library. In this position she will oversee and co­ ordinate library person­ nel administration, busi­ ness operations, strate­ gic planning and rep o rt­ ing, facilities utilization and p la n n in g , g r a n t ­ w ritin g an d d e v e lo p ­ ment, and public infor­ mation programs. D obb comes to San Francisco State from C alifo rn ia Polytechnic State U ni­ Linda S. Dobb v ersity , San L uis Obispo, w here she was head o f the Cataloging D epartm ent. Before that she was chief of bibliographic control for th e U.S. Government Printing Office, processing librarian for rare books at the Library o f Congress, a techni­ cal services librarian for the U.S. Custom s Service, and a cataloging librarian at the City College o f San Francisco. She is active in a variety o f American Library Association divisions and com m ittees, and is the author o f “T he R etreat as a Response to Change” in L ibrary Trends, Spring 1989, and “Recent D evelopm ents in C opyright for New Technologies,” in CD RO M Librarian, N ovem ber/ D ecem ber 1989, and in CD RO M Licensing Agree­ ments (Meckler, 1990). D obb holds a JD from the Hastings College o f Law and an MLS from Sim­ mons C ollege, Boston. H e r BA is from UC- Berkeley in dram atic art. Ellen Hahn, who has served since O ctober 1, 1989, as acting director for public service and collection m anagem ent II at the Library o f C on­ gress, assum ed that position on a perm anent basis effective M arch 26. D uring th e Library’s reorgani­ zation over the last two years, H ahn has served in a variety of positions, including acting director for research services, and acting special projects offi­ cer. She was also coordinator of the Special Proj­ ects Transition Team and the C onstituent Services Transition Team. She has been chief o f the G eneral Reading Rooms Division since 1978 and was, in 1988, on detail to the Office of the Librarian as chair of the M anagem ent and Planning (MAP) Committee which was responsible for developing the recent reorganization o f the Library and plan­ ning for the future as the Library approaches its 200th anniversary in the year 2000. H ahn came to the Library from the Chicago Public Library in 1975 as assistant chief for network developm ent for the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically H andicapped. As chief o f th e General Reading Rooms Division, she adm inistered the Library’s reference and bibliographical services in the social sciences and hum anities in the Main, Local H istory and Genealogy, M icroform, and Social Science Reading Rooms. She headed the team that designed the print Optical Disk Pilot project in 1983 as well as th e team in 1987 that investigated and made recom m endations for fu­ tu re applications o f optical disk technology. She has chaired several com m ittees o f th e American Library Association, and is th e author o f several articles in professional publications. H ahn is a graduate o f W ashburn University (BA, magna cum laude, French) and holds a m aster’s degree in library science from Kansas State Teachers College (now E m poria State University.) As director for public service and collection m anagem ent II, H ahn is one o f two officials responsible for all aspects o f service and custody o f the Library’s collections, including read er services, reference and specialized research, control and m aintenance o f th e collections, acquisitions, circulation, and related public programs. H ahn will report to the associate librarian for constituent services. The divisions reporting directly to h er are C hildren’s L iterature, Collections M anagem ent, European, G eneral Reading Rooms, Hispanic, Loan, National Referral C enter, Science and Technology, Serial and G overnm ent Publications and Visitor Services. Kenneth E. Harris has been appointed direc­ tor for preservation effective April 9. H e succeeds P ete r Sparks, who left this position last fall. Donald Wisdom, chief o f the Serial and G overnm ent P ub­ lications Division, has served as acting director since Sparks’s departure. H arris’s previous profes­ sional career has been with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), w here he served since 1986 as director o f the Preservation Policy and Services Division. From 1983 to 1986 he was acting chief, and subsequently, chief of the D ocum ent Conservation Branch. In 1986 he was also concurrently the acting deputy assistant archi­ vist for the National Archives. H e first came to NARA in 1968 as an archivist in the Diplomatic, Legal, and Fiscal Records Division, and served in a variety o f positions since that time. Harris received both a bachelor’s and a m aster’s degree from Okla­ hom a State University, w here his major fields of study w ere history and historiography. H e has taken additional graduate courses at George W ash­ ington University, as well as other courses in ar­ chives adm inistration and general management. H e is the current chair o f the C om m ittee on C on­ servation and R estoration o f th e International Council on Archives and a m em ber o f the Am eri­ can Institute for Conservation o f Historic and Ar­ tistic Works and th e Society of American Archi­ vists. H e received a Presidential Com m endation 5 7 4 / C&RL News for service in 1977-1978 on the P resident’s Task Force on Reorganization of the Federal Govern­ ment. As director for preservation, Harris will also serve as the National Preservation Program Offi­ cer. H e will be responsible for library-wide activi­ ties relating to the preservation, conservation, res­ toration, protection, and m aintenance o f the Li­ brary’s collections. H e will also develop and direct the National Preservation Program Office located at the Library of Congress. Additional offices under his jurisdiction include the Binding Office, C onser­ vation Office, Preservation Research and Testing Office, and the Preservation Milcrofilming Office. Harris will also direct the Library’s book deacidifi­ cation project which is being scaled-up to deacidify up to one million books p e r year. Susan Jurow has been appointed director of the Association o f Research Libraries Office o f M an­ agem ent Services (OMS) effective F ebruary 1, 1990. Jurow served as p ro g ra m o f f ic e r fo r training from 1984 to 1988 and associate di­ r e c to r from 1988 to 1990. In h er new role, she will be responsible for the overall manage­ m ent and direction of o p e ra tio n s w hich in ­ clude th ree core p ro ­ gram s: training, c o n ­ sulting, and p u b lic a ­ tions. A g ra d u a te o f Susan JurowS ta n fo rd U n iv e rsity , J u ro w r e c e iv e d h e r MLS from Rutgers. Prior to joining OMS, she held a variety o f public service positions in academic li­ braries including acting head o f the reference departm ent, business reference librarian and coor­ dinator o f C om puterized inform ation retrieval services at the M.D. Anderson Library o f the Uni­ versity o f Houston and head o f C urrent Journals and Microtexts at Stanford University’s G reen Library. Over the past five years, Jurow has d e ­ signed training program s tailored to m eet the needs of academic and research library managers. They include workshops on resource management, analytical skills, creativity, and training skills. An active m em ber of ACRL’s Personnel and Staff D evelopm ent Officers Discussion Group, she has w ritten several articles that will appear this year on leadership, strategic planning, and staff develop­ m ent and is a frequent speaker on the topic of fostering and developing creativity and risk taking in academic libraries. Charles Meadow has been nam ed associate dean of the Faculty of Library and Inform ation Science at the University o f Toronto with responsi­ bility for developm ent and technology. Meadow came to FLIS in 1984 with an extensive back­ ground in information systems. His previous posi­ tions have included project manager for technol­ ogy applications for DIALOG Inform ation Serv­ ices, professor o f information science at Drexel University, assistant director of the Division of M anagem ent Inform ation and Telecom m unica­ tions Systems of the U.S. Atomic Energy Comm is­ sion, chief of the Systems D evelopm ent Division of the U.S. National Bureau o f Standards, and senior systems analyst with IBM. H e received his BA from th e University o f R ochester and his MS from Rutgers University, both in mathematics. At FLIS Meadow has been involved in the im plem entation o f the Faculty’s new M aster o f Inform ation Science program . H e is currently chair o f th e annual Toronto Conference on D atabase Users and an elected m em ber o f th e University’s Academic Board serving on its C om m ittee on Academic Pol­ icy and Programs. His professional activities have included editing both the Journal o f the American Society f o r Information Science and the Canadian Journal o f Information Science. H e has published several books, most recently (with A.R. Tedesco) Telecommunications f o r M anagement and (with P. Cochrane) Basics o f Online Searching. H e is the author o f num erous articles on the online industry. Winston Tabb, who has served as acting D eputy Librarian o f Congress since June 1989, becam e director for public service and collection m anage­ m ent I, effective March 26. H e will continue con­ currently as acting D eputy Librarian until June 1. Tabb has been with the Library o f Congress since 1972, when he was a participant in the Library’s In te rn Program for outstanding library school graduates. After com pleting the internship, he for­ mally joined the staff o f the Congressional Re­ search Service (CRS), working initially as a refer­ ence specialist in th e Congressional Reference Division. From 1974-1975, he was a congressional research adm inistrator in the Office o f the D irector of CRS. H e was subsequently appointed team leader of the Congressional Reading Room and in 1977 he becam e adm inistrator of the Inquiry Unit. In 1978, Tabb was appointed Assistant C hief of the General Reading Rooms Division. In March 1984, he becam e chief of the Inform ation and Reference Division o f the Copyright Office. In March 1988 he was appointed chief of the Library’s Loan Division. H e was selected in O ctober of that same year to fill a one-year appointm ent as director for Research Services. D uring 1988, Tabb also served as vice chair of the M anagem ent and Planning (MAP) C om m ittee and later as coordinator o f the Collec­ tions Services Transition Team. As director of public service and collection m anagem ent I. Tabb June 1 9 9 0 /5 7 5 reports to the associate librarian for collections services. The divisions u n d er Public Service and Collection M anagem ent I are African and Middle Eastern; Asian; G eography and Map; Manuscript; Motion P ic tu re , B ro ad castin g an d R e c o rd e d Sound; Music; Prints and Photographs; and Rare Book and Special Collections. C. Brigid Welch has joined the staff at the Association o f Research Libraries Office o f M an­ agement Services as Program Officer for Inform a­ tion Services, effective 1 January. She will have prim ary resp o n sib ility for the OMS P ublica­ tions Program. In addi­ tion to direction o f the Systems and Procedures Exchange C en ter Publi­ cations (SPEC) and the OMS Occasional Papers Series, W elch will be d e ­ veloping a new publica­ tions series featuring in­ novations in m a n a g e ­ C. Brigid Welch ment and service trends in a c a d e m ic a n d r e ­ search libraries. She will also participate in the OMS consulting and training programs. W elch comes to OMS from th e University o f California, San Diego, Libraries w here she was head o f the Reference and Research Services D epartm ent at the Central University Library. H e r previous p ro ­ fessional positions include head of instructional and access services and user education coordinator at the University o f H ouston Libraries, program officer for continuing education and bibliographic instruction at ALA’s Association o f College and Research Libraries, and assistant editor for social sciences and reference at Choice magazine. W elch received a bachelor’s degree in English L iterature from Arizona State University in 1977 and an MLS from the University o f Texas at Austin in 1979. Welch’s professional activities include service on ACRL’s Legislation and Publications C om m ittees as well as the ACRL Task Force on Faculty Advi­ sory Com m ittee O rientation Materials. She most recently served as chair of th e Search C om m ittee for the editor o f College and Research Libraries. People in the news Priscilla Geahigan has been nam ed recipient of Purdue University’s 1990 John H. M oriarty Award for Excellence in Library Service. G eahi­ gan, associate professor o f library science, has been Purdue’s assistant m anagem ent and economics librarian since 1979. She received the award based on th e research and developm ent o f bibliographic tools to access th e P urdue collections. As a result of h er use o f new technology in inform ation gather­ ing, th e K rannert Library in the K rannert School of M anagem ent has been invited to serve as a test site for several new products and systems prior to their general release. Geahigan received a bachelor’s degree from H ong Kong Baptist College in 1967, a m aster’s degree from C entral Michigan University in 1968 and a m aster’s degree in library science from Wayne State University in 1970. The Moriarty award was established in 1982 to recognize o u t­ standing librarianship in fulfilling the information needs o f th e P urdue community. Moriarty was director of P urdue Libraries from 1944 to 1969. H e died in 1970. David Hunter, music librarian, University of Texas at Austin, becam e the fifth recipient o f the W alter G erboth Award at th e Music Library Asso­ ciation’s annual convention in Tucson, Arizona in February. T he award, which is intended to support research by a m em ber o f the Association in the first five years o f his or h er career as a librarian, was given to H u n te r in support o f his Project, Opera and Song Books Published in England, 1703-1726, a bibliographic description o f 180 opera and song books and th eir accompanying indexes. Lester J. Pourciau, associate vice president for academic affairs and director of libraries, Memphis State University, was p resen ted th e Tennessee Library Association’s H onor Award in recognition o f his significant contribution to the im provem ent o f library service in Tennessee. Muriel Regan was honored by the Columbia University School o f Library Service Alumni Asso­ ciation. She was among th ree nationally known alumni given the School of Library Service’s D is­ tinguished Alumni Award. The award acknowl­ edged the leadership she has shown and h er com ­ m itm ent and dedication to the profession. Regan is a co-founder o f Gossage Regan Associates, Inc., which serves libraries, information centers, and reco rd s m an ag em en t d e p a rtm e n ts nationw ide with a variety o f sophisticated and practical con­ sulting services; executive search/screening; p e r­ m anent staff placem ents, professional and support staff; and tem porary library and information p e r­ sonnel. Jessie Carney Smith, university librarian o f Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, has been se­ lected to receive the 1990 D istinguished Alumna Award from th e University o f Illinois Library School Association. The award recognizes alumni o f the G raduate School of Library and Inform ation Science who have made an outstanding contribu­ tion to the field, to the University of Illinois Library School Association or to the School. Smith was 5 7 6 / C&RL News chosen for h er wide-ranging achievements for the profession. In 1987, Smith com pleted an ambitious five-year effort with the Zambia Agricultural and Research Extension (ZAMARE) project which assisted the south central African nation in estab­ lishing self-sufficiency. Smith designed a plan to launch a national agricultural library system. She linked nine library substations with com puters to becom e branches of the Mt. Makulu Research Station, which she established at the country’s central agricultural research library. Smith re ­ ceived h er Ph.D. from the University o f Illinois in 1964 and has been university librarian at Fisk since 1965. She has served on the Council o f the Ameri­ can Library Association and as a visiting team m em ber for the ALA C om m ittee on Accreditation. Smith received th e ACRL A cadem ic/Research Librarian o f the Year Award in 1985. Appointments Susan Miriam Alon is now rare books librarian of special collections at the W ashington University School o f Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. Christine Anderson has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at St. M ichael’s College, Colchester, Vermont. Nancy Bianchi has been appointed reference librarian at St. M ichael’s College, Colchester, Ver­ mont. Bartley A. Burk is now social sciences and Latin American studies cataloger at the University o f N otre Dam e, Indiana. Irene Ursula Burnham is the new interpretive programs officer at the Library o f Congress. Bert Chapman is the new reference and docu­ m ents librarian at Lam ar University, Beaumont, Texas. Kathleen Eisenreis has been appointed assis­ tant professor in the area o f inform ation policy and research m ethods at the Wayne State University Library Science Program, Detroit. Maria Fredericks has been appointed associ­ ate conservator for library collections at th e W in­ te rth u r Library, Delaware. Janet Fullerton has been appointed acquisi­ tions coordinator at Ferris State University, G rand Rapids, Michigan. Jeffrey B. Garrett has been appointed foreign literature bibliographer and reference librarian at P urdue University, W est Lafayette, Indiana. Isaac Gewirtz has been nam ed rare book and m anuscript librarian at th e Bridwell Library, Southern M ethodist University, Dallas, Texas. Edwin Harris is the new head o f library systems and operations at F erris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan. Fred J. Hay has been appointed reference and acquisitions librarian at the Tozzer Library, H ar­ vard University. Paul Hensley has been nam ed assistant direc­ tor o f the W interthur Library, Delaware. Dennis K. Lambert has been appointed head of collection m anagem ent at Villanova University Library, Pennsylvania. Scott Lanning is the new reference librarian at Loop Campus, D ePaul University, Chicago. Kathleen Lazar has been nam ed library direc­ to r at the Strong M useum, Rochester, New York. Kristin McDonough has been nam ed chief librarian o f Baruch College, New York. Trisha Morris has been appointed head librar­ ian at Pennsylvania State University, DuBois Campus. Alan Pochi is the new coordinator of biblio­ graphic control at Ferris State University, G rand Rapids, Michigan. Michael Reagan has been appointed unit coor­ dinator o f the Circulation Unit at California State University, N orthridge. Beverly A. Shattuck has b een nam ed director of the University o f South Florida H ealth Sciences Library, Tampa. Monica Simpson is now curatorial cataloger at the Strong M useum, Rochester, New York. Marsha Stevenson has been appointed head of reference at the University o f N otre Dam e, Indi­ ana. Felix Eme Unaeze has b een appointed head of reference and instructional services at Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan. Clarence Walters has been nam ed director of m em ber library relations at OCLC, Inc., Dublin, Ohio. M. Jane Williams has been nam ed research associate at the National Commission on Libraries and Inform ation Science, W ashington, D.C. Retirements Sally A. Davis, director o f the library of the School o f Library and Inform ation Studies (SLIS) since 1978, will retire this m onth (June). Before joining the SLIS, Davis achieved distinction as a school librarian. T hroughout h er career she has held im portant offices and com m ittee appoint­ m ents in library organizations at the local, state, and national levels and has won several awards for distinguished service. Harold Smith will retire after 26 years as librar­ ian at Park College, but will continue doing collec­ tion developm ent work and organize the College’s archives. Prior to coming to Park College he had done public service work at th e University of Denver, the University oſN ebraska, the University June 1 9 9 0 /5 7 7 of Northern Colorado, and Southern Illinois Uni- versity-Carbondale. H e had earned his AB at Park College in 1944, followed by an MA in history at the University of Kansas in 1946, and an MLS at the University of D enver in 1950. H e received his Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University in 1963 prior to becoming librarian at Park College in 1964. During his years at Park he was Library Project Director for the Kansas City Regional Cou ncil for High er Education and later operated M id-Amer­ ica Inter Library Services at the College. He was instrum ental in initiating the Northwest Missouri Library Network, and was first President of the Kansas City M etropolitan Library Network. He has been active in the Missouri Library Associa­ tion, the M ountain/Plains Library Association, ACRL, ALA, and SLA, serving on various com m it­ tees. He initiated automation on his campus so that the Library could serve the College’s many military and corporate sites. H e also initiated, planned and developed a completely underground Library fa­ cility on the hom e campus in suburban Kansas City. Smith has published a num ber of articles on librarianship and history, and is the author of American Travellers Abroad, an annotated bibliog­ raphy of accounts published before 1900. Deaths Dorothy Foster McComrs, a reference librar­ ian and history bibliographer who retired from Virginia T ech’s Newman Library in 1989, died April 8 in M ontgomery Hospital. She was 66. McCombs joined the faculty in 1972 as an instruc­ tor and was prom oted to assistant humanities li­ brarian in 1976. She was nam ed reference librarian and history bibliographer in 1985, a job she held until her retirem ent in 1989. She wrote a guide to library materials on the Appalachian region of Vir­ ginia and continued after h er retirem en t as a member of the board of advisors for the library’s Appalachian Collection. She also served on the archive project com m ittee o f the Appalachian Consortium and the planning com m ittee of the Southern Highlands Institute for Educators. In 1988, she coordinated and convened a session on crafts for the Appalachian Studies Conference in Radford. McCombs was a docent of the histori­ cal plantation house Smithfield, served two years on the board of the Montgomery Branch o f the As­ sociation for the Preservation o f Virginia Antiqui­ ties, and was president for two years of the Poverty Creek Weavers Guild. H er first experience in li­ brary work came in 1943 when she spent a year as a library assistant at the Glen Rock Public Library in Glen Rock Public Library in Glen Rock, N.J. Later, she worked part-tim e at the Westerville Public Library in Westerville, Ohio. McCombs studied at Ohio State University and later earned a degree in library science at the University o f N orth Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1967. She rem ained with the M eredith College Library until 1971. She began working on a mas­ te r’s degree in history at Virginia Tech the same year she joined T ech’s library faculty, receiving the degree in 1976. Active in the Virginia Library Association, she served on a num ber o f committees and assisted with two regional conferences. She also held mem berships in the Appalachian Studies association, the Association for Bibliography of History, New River valley Historical Society, New River Valley Preservation League, and the Ameri­ can Library Association. H onorary organizations into which she was inducted included Beta Phi Mu for library science, Phi Alpha T heta for history and D elta Kappa Gam m a for women in education. David Arthur McDaniel, cataloger at the University of California, Berkeley Library, died in March at Alta Bates Hospital. M cDaniel enrolled in the Library School in 1983, got his MLS in 1984, and the Certificate in Bibliography in 1985. H e worked with Robert D. Harlan on early San F ran ­ cisco imprints and en tered the doctoral program in spring 1986. M cD aniel’s first library position was in the Acquisitions Division, w here he worked from 1984 to 1986. D uring a one-year sabbatical from his graduate studies, David signed on full-time as a charter m em ber o f the Bancroft Retrospective Conversion Project, w here his active intelligence and eye for detail helped make some order out of the chaos o f the disassembled catalog. With his return to school in the fall o f 1987, he assumed a new role in the Bancroft Copy Cataloging Unit as a part-tim e copy cataloger. H e soon becam e an avid rare books cataloger. H e had a passion for the book as a physical and intellectual quantity, and an encyclopedic knowledge o f its history and produc­ tion. Friends will rem em ber his amazing quick wit, which often enabled him to see many sides to a question in less tim e than it took to pose it. D ona­ tions sent to the Pacific C enter for H um an Growth (2712 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, CA 94705) in memory of David M cDaniel will be earm arked for AIDS counselling. Lola Leontin Szladits, curator of the New York Public Library’s H enry W. and Albert Berg Collection of English and American Literature, died in March at home in new York after a brief illness. She was 67 years old. As curator of the Berg Collection, Szladits was responsible for one of America’s most celebrated collections of first edi­ tions, rare books and manuscripts, spanning litera­ ture from a transcript of John D onne’s poems dating from 1619 to Joseph C onrad’s novels, T.S. E liot’s m anuscript o f The W asteland, Virginia 5 7 8 / C&RL News W o o lfs m an u scrip t diaries, and m any others. Szadits was appointed curator o f th e Berg Collec­ tion in May 1969. In adding new works to the collection, she focused on purchases th at served th e needs o f th e w riting community, and indeed, in one year alone, m aterial from th e Berg Collection appeared in published volumes on Randall Jarrell, the Peabody sisters, Dylan Thom as, and W.B. Yeats. Among th e most significant acquisitions m ade by Szladits w ere th e m anuscripts and h an d ­ w ritten notebooks dating to 1929 o f th e p o et W .H. Auden purchased in 1975. She established major author files on C onrad Aiken, H.G. Wells, M uriel Rukeyser, Evelyn W augh, May Sarton, Samuel Beckett, William Faulkner, and th e James Joyce circle o f w riters in France. In addition she added notably to th e B erg’s existing materials on Joseph Conrad, Alexander Pope, Max B eerbohm , W ash­ ington Irving, W alt W hitm an, and Oliver W endell Holmes. Szladits’ career was distinguished by h e r com ­ m itm ent to broadening th e u nderstanding and appreciation o f th e literature in h er charge. D uring h e r 20 years as curator, Szladits conceived, as­ sem bled, and m ounted some 35 exhibitions viewed by over half a million people, and p rep ared accom ­ panying catalogs, all to convey th e appeal and richness o f literature to the general public. H e r most recen t exhibition, is entitled W ords Like Free­ dom, a display which focuses on th e B erg’s collec­ fellow o f th e Library Association (England) in tion o N f aboli E tionist W literatur e. P Szladits is viewed by 1981. th e literary and scholarly com m unities as a literary • T h e B a t t l e o f A n t i e t a m a n d t h e M a r y l a n d C a m p a ig n o f 1 8 6 2 : A B i b l i o g r a p h y , by D. Scott H artw ig (117 pages, April 1990), brings to g eth er all m ajor references to the bloodiest day in N orth A m erican history, S e p te m b e r 17, 1862, w hen n early 25,000 A m erican soldiers w e re killed, w ounded, o r captured. To many people Antietam is little m ore th an a vague m em ory o f a question on a high school history exam, b u t to our ancestors— both black and w hite— it was a turning point th at p ro m p ted Lincoln to issue th e Em ancipation P roc­ lamation about 100 days later. This bibliography will be of interest to those who have read Stephen W. Sears’s definitive account, Landscape Turned R ed (1983). Copies are available for $45.00 from UBL M eckler Corporation, 11 F erry Lane W est, W est- port, C T 06880. ISBN 0-88736-321-0. • C D -R O M T e c h n o lo g y f o r I n fo r m a tio n M a n ­ a g e r s , by A hm ed E lsham i (280 pages, M arch 1990), contains all th e inform ation you n eed to get started with a C D -R O M collection. Some o f the topics covered are: different types o f optical disks, th e cu rren t lack o f standards, different types of indexing and search techniques, th e use o f C D - ROM for archival storage, online search services, C D -R O M hardw are, and a com prehensive list of 450 C D -R O M products. Copies are available for $35.00 from ALA Publishing Services, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-0523-4. • C h r o n ic le o f th e W o r ld s ed ited by Jerom e ICATIONS lion in h er own rite, and was the subject in 1984 o f th e only N ew Yorker profile ever w ritten about a librarian. She was featured in articles in The New York Times and o th er newspapers. She frequently lectured to th e literary and library com m unities, appeared on radio and television, and belonged to a n u m b e r o f organization, including th e Board of th e Keats-Shelley Association o f America; th e Li­ brary Council o f th e Rosenbach Foundation; the Council o f th e D ictionary o f Literary Biography; th e F riends o f th e C olum bia Libraries; and the Friends o f th e National Libraries (England), and th e H rosw itha Club. Prior to h e r positions in the Berg Collection, Szladits was a library assistant in th e Art Division of th e N ew York Public Library in 1955, a Librarian in the Rare Book Room o f th e New York Academy of M edicine from 1951-1955, a librarian in th e O ri­ ental section o f L ondon’s C ourtauld Institute of Art from 1948-50, and a medical secretary for the Allied C ontrol Commission, U.S. Forces in H u n ­ gary, from 1945-46. She received h er Ph.D . from P ete r Pazmany University on B udapest in 1946, and did post-graduate work at C olum bia University from 1946-47; at th e Sorbonne, University o f Paris in spring 1948; and at New York University’s Insti­ tu te o f F ine Arts, from 1950-1955. She received h e r diplom a o f librarianship from University Col­ lege London University in 1950, and was nam ed a