ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries •Jf une 1990 / 583 THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the O cto­ ber issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $5.75 per line for ACRL members, $7.25 for others. Late job notices are $13.75 per line for members, $16.20 for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a written order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $15 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary figure. Job announce­ ments will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Appli­ cants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in meaning am ong institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for academic and research library positions. A pre-recorded sum mary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Am eri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513. ALA p o licy re q u ire s th a t o rg a n iz a tio n s re cru itin g through ALA publications or placem ent services comply with ALA anti-dscrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is com m itted to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life -style, or national o rig in .” By adve rtising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. MATERIALS WANTED SPACE PROBLEM S? We will buy your surplus serials, technical, scientific and historic materials. Send list for best offer to: Colfax Books, P.O. Box 380542, Denver, CO 80238. POSITIONS OPEN AC QUISITIO NS/COLLECTIO N DEVELO PM ENT LIBRARIAN. Direct the operation of acquisitions and coordinate collection development including general supervision of acquisitions staff (2.8 FTE). Prepare and m onitor materials budget and coordinate selection w ork of bibliographers. Draft policies and prepare re­ ports. ALA/MLS, four years experience in academ ic library acqui- sitions/collection development. Prefer supervisory experience and record of professional achievement. W rite or call for full announce­ ment: Olivia Mills, Hum boldt State University Library, Arcata, CA 95521; (707) 826-3441. Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian ($34,752 to $43,836). Screening of applications will begin June 1, 1990, and continue until an appointm ent is made. Available: January 1, 1991. ASSISTA NT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Under direction of the Engineering Librarian, the Assistant Engineering Librarian will participate in reference and online searching services; biblio­ graphic instruction; collection development; faculty liaison; super­ vision of staff and students; original cataloging; and Library plan­ ning activities; as well as in the design and developm ent of special autom ation projects. Department: The Engineering Library serves approxim ately 515 faculty and researchers, 1,900 graduate stu­ dents, and along with the Undergraduate Library, some 5,500 undergraduates. It has an annual materials budget of approxi­ mately $457,00 and houses a working collection of 180,000+ volumes, including 3000+ serial titles. Its current staff consists of 3.75 FTE librarians, 1.5 FTE graduate assistants, 3.75 FTE support staff, and other student assistants. Q ualifications: Required - MLS/ ALA-accredited. Bachelors degree in engineering, com puter sci­ ence, or physical science, or professional experience in an engi­ neering or science library; dem onstrated expertise in a m icrocom ­ puter high-level program ming language; at least one year of pro­ fessional academ ic/research library experience; and evidence of research orientation and ability to meet University requirements for prom otion and tenure. Preferred - Experience in reference or bibliographic instruction; experience with standard personal com ­ puter software packages, such as word processors, com m unica­ tions software, database m anagem ent system s, and spread­ sheets. Desired - Salary/Rank: $23,500 upward, depending on quals/experience. Twelve-m onth appointm ent as Assistant Pro­ fessor. Must m eet University requirements for promotion/tenure (Lib ra ria n sh ip , research, p ub lications, u n ive rsity/p ro fe ssio n a l service). Application: Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of five professional references by July 9, 1990, to: Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, University of Illinois Library (U-C), 1408 W est Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-5494. The University of Illinois is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTA NT HEAD OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT, Univer­ sity of New Hampshire. Assists the Head of Collection Develop­ ment in planning, organizing and monitoring the collection devel­ opm ent program for a university library serving 11,000 students and 600 faculty. The collection presently includes about 950,000 bound volum es and 5,000 periodical subscriptions. Responsibili­ ties: Assist in coordinating the selection of print materials, both m onographs and serials, and non-print materials through interac­ tion with subject specialists, teaching faculty, curriculum com m it­ tees, book dealers, and other subscription agents. Review m ateri­ als received through approval plans and as gifts. Assist in evaluat­ ing collections, in updating policy manuals, in preservation and in other aspects of collection management. Reference duties as assigned. Qualifications required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; at least 2 years of academ ic library experience involving collection developm ent in one or more of the following areas: reference, acquisitions, or as a subject bibliographer; dem on­ strated knowledge of technology-based information systems; ef­ fective interpersonal, written, and oral com munication skills; ability to work with all segm ents of an academic community. Preferred: Graduate degree in a subject; knowledge of publishing, book trade, and higher education; know ledge of collection analysis tech­ niques. This is a 12-month, tenure-track faculty position. Profes­ sional achievem ent and research/creative activity are required for tenure and promotion. Salary $28,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Submit a letter of application and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three current references to: Ruth M. Katz, University Librarian, Dimond Library, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. Screening of applicants begins on June 15, 1990. Federal law requires proper documentation of identity and employability at the time of em ploy­ ment. The University of New Hampshire is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT MAP LIBRARIAN, University of Minnesota. Perform original and copy cataloging of cartographic materials and assist 584 / C&RL News with reference, circulation, and m aterials processing. Entry level position requiring MLS from ALA-accredited institution or foreign equivalent and oral and written com m unication skills. Reports to Head of the Borchert Map Library with six years to achieve continuous appointm ent. Salary - $22,000 minimum. Send letter of application, resume, and nam es and addresses of three refer­ ences to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel Officer, University of M inne­ sota, 453 W ilson Library, 309 19th Ave So., M inneapolis, MN 55455. Applications m ust be postm arked no later than July 16, 1990. Please cite jo b listing UL 194 on application. The University of M innesota is an equal opportunity educator and em ployer, and specifically invites and encourages applications from wom en and m inorities. A S SISTA N T PR O FESSO R OF LIBRARIES, O R IEN TA L M ATE­ RIALS SPEC IA LIST. Establish serial search strategy and create original cataloging records for serials with special responsibility for oriental language titles including all successives (serials, m ono­ graphs and m icroform s). Translate and transliterate C hinese and Japanese m aterials for all library departm ents. Participate fully in professional developm ent activities such as scholarly publications and presentations. Requires MLS (Library Science) from ALA- accredited institution; dem onstrated ability to (1) create original cataloging records in accordance with A A C R edition 2.5, LC C ataloging Service Bulletin and O CLC docum entation, (2) catalog on O CLC bibliographic database in US MARC form ats fo r serials, m onographs and m icroform s, (3) read and translate Chinese, (4) transliterate C hinese using the W ade-G iles m ethod and (5) Ro­ m anize Japanese. 40 hrs/week. $22,750 annually. Apply by July 10 to: Bernie Childerston, P.O. Box 94600, Lincoln, NE 68509, referring to Job O rder N um ber 520206. Affirm ative Action, Equal O pportunity Employer. A S SO C IA TE DIRECTO R OF TH E LIBRARY, Nicholls State Uni versity, Thibodaux, Louisiana. Specific responsibilities include: developing and allocating significant portions of the library ope ra­ tions budget; planning and providing for the im plem entation of library autom ation; managing the recruitment, training, evaluation and developm ent of library personnel; consulting faculty, adm in is­ trators and other university personnel to facilitate program s; m an­ aging the library’s facilities. C ontributions as a professional and as a m em ber of the university are required. The associate director is the principal adm inistrator of the library in the absence of the director. Q ualifications: M LS from an ALA-accredited school; a second m asters, Ph.D. preferred. Extensive and increasingly re­ sponsible experience in an academ ic research library, including at least five years in a m anagem ent position. Broad know ledge of diverse acad em ic library operations, an understanding of the scholarly use of library resources and service, exceptional organ­ izational and interpersonal skills, dem onstrated ability to work effectively with all m em bers of the extended academ ic com m unity, superior com m unication skills and creativity in planning are re­ quired. The ability to anticipate and the flexibility to adjust to changing priorities, procedures and w orkload and the ability to relate with sensitivity to staff at all levels are essential for success in this position. Salary: $35,000 per fiscal year m inimum, de p e n d ­ ent on experience and qualifications. Tw elve-m onth adm inistrative position. Deadline: June 1, 1990, or until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and three references to: Sharon Goad, Library Director, Eilender M emorial Library, N icholls State University, P.O. Box 2028, Thibodaux, LA 70310. Nicholls State University is an Affirm ative Action, Equal O pportunity em ployer. W om en and ethnic m inorities are encouraged to apply. A U T O M A T IO N L IB R A R IA N /T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R , M urphy Library, U niversity of W iscon sin-La Crosse. Tenure-track, faculty position. R esponsible fo r library autom ation activities, such as planning for upgrades, enhance­ m ents and/or system replacem ent as required. (50%) General responsibility fo r ongoing m anagem ent of the OCLC LS2000 li­ brary autom ation system. (25%) C oordinate selection, installation, and use of m icrocom puter-based system s such as O CLC 350 system s, and general office software. (25%) C oordinate catalog­ ing, serials, acquisitions, and m icroform s and serve on the library’s M anagem ent Council. O ccasional R eference/lnform ation Desk duty including w eekends in rotation. The professional librarians are organized as an academ ic departm ent and participate in collegial governance affairs. Requires a m inim um of 3 years professional experience in large scale library autom ation, good com m unication skills, and an ALA-accredited MLS. Som e adm inistrative experi­ ence preferred. Additional graduate degree preferred and required for tenure. Salary fo r academ ic year from $28,000 to $32,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Possible sum m er appointm ent. Send letter of application, names, addresses, and phone num bers of three current references and resum e by July 13, 1990, to: Edwin Hill, Departm ent Chairperson, M urphy Library, U niversity of W isconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, W l 54601. AA/ EOE. BUSINESS REFER EN CE LIB R A R IA N /B IB LIO G R A PH E R . The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, a dynam ic, urban university with 16,000 students, seeks an innovative, service-oriented librarian to serve as subject bibliographer and faculty liaison fo r the College of Business and Econom ics and the College of Hotel Adm inistration (the university is a m em ber of CHRIS, the C onsortium of Hospitality Research Inform ation Services) and to provide general and subject specific reference assistance from a central reference collection. O ther duties include database searching and end-user instruction, Salary guide Listed below are the minimum starting sal­ ary figures recommended by 19 state library organizations for professional library posts in these states. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­ mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989 issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, o r the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacan­ cies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut Indiana Iowa Kansas Louisiana Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin $27,000 varies* $19,619 $17,500* $20,000 varies* $27,554* $17,500 $24,200 varies* $20,832 $20,024 $23,700* $23,750 varies* $20,000 $20,500 $20,000 $23,700 *R ather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. June 1 9 9 0 /5 8 5 bibliographic instruction, developm ent of bibliographies and re­ search guides. Reports to Head Reference Librarian. W ork sched­ ule will include regular evening and weekend duties in rotation. Qualifications: Applicants must have a m aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; degree in business or m anagement field or a minimum of two years, business reference experience; dem ­ onstrated commitment to public service, ability to work effectively with students, faculty, and staff; effective oral and written com m u­ nication skills; database searching. An advanced degree in a business field, academ ic reference and bibliographic instruction experience are desirable. For continued em ployment, successful performance of job responsibilities and a record of university and professional contributions that meet university standards is ex­ pected. Salary range: $28,000-$35,000 depending on experience and qualifications. Librarians at UNLV have tenure-track positions with faculty status, 12-month appointm ents with 24 days per year of paid vacation and a standard package of fringe benefits includ­ ing TIAA/CREF. No state income tax. Application: Applications received by June 25, 1990, will receive first consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application; resume; names, phone numbers and Head o f Acquisitions Littauer Library Harvard College Library Harvard University Utilize your strong management and academic library experience to oversee and coordinate the acquisition of monographs and serials. Reporting to the Librarian of Littauer Library and supervis­ ing six Library Assistants, you will oversee serials control, including check-in of current serials, resolve complex serial problems, develop and maintain relationships with vendors, and consoli­ date subscriptions with appropriate agents. Your proven ability to work in a collegiate environment will assist you in selecting and reviewing material for retention, coordinating gift acquisitions, serving as primary HOLLIS liaison, maintaining and distributing new books listing to faculty and staff, and providing reference service. Additional responsibilities include overseeing binding and procedures for obtaining missing back issues of journals, managing the deaccession of materials, book and periodical sales to dealers, and support­ ing collection development and management. An MLS degree from an ALA accredited library school is required, along with a minimum of 3 years’ acquisitions/technical experience, includ­ ing automated library systems. Strong communi­ cations, organizational, and supervisory skills are essential. Familiarity with standard business practices is desirable. Please sub m it resumes a n d three sources for current reference to: Susan Lee, Associate Librarian o f Harvard College Library fo r Personnel, Widener Library, Room 98, Cambridge, M A 02138. A n affirmative action/e q u a l opportunity employer. Harvard University addresses of three references to: Mary Dale Deacon, Dean of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. UNLV is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. San Diego State University invites appli­ cations for the position of Catalog Librarian. Situated 30 miles north of the Mexican border and 120 miles south of Los Angeles, San Diego ranks sixth in size among the nation’s cities. With over 35,500 students, SDSU is the largest of the 20 cam puses that make up the California State University system. The Library has a total collection of one million volumes, and a staff of 35 profession­ als and 85 support personnel. Cataloging in all aspects of the social sciences, art, and/or literature; other assigned duties, which may include collection developm ent, reference, online biblio­ graphic searching, library instruction, etc. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited institution. Bachelor’s or ad­ vanced degree in the social sciences or humanities preferred. Analytical and problem-solving skills and aptitude for work requir­ ing accuracy and attention to detail. Ability to work effectively with students, faculty, and library colleagues. Knowledge of MARC formats, LC classification, LC subject headings, and AACR2 rev. Professional cataloging experience, especially in the areas of the social sciences, art, and/or literature, in an academ ic library using OCLC preferred. Knowledge of OPAC and online authority control desirable. W orking knowledge of a European language desirable. Entry-level candidates with relevant subject backgrounds will also be considered. Senior Assistant Librarian or Associate Librarian, depending upon qualifications and experience. Full-time, tenure- track, faculty position. Reappointment, tenure, and prom otion require evidence of continuing professional development. Salary range: $34,764-$60,960. Application date: To ensure full consid­ eration, applications should be received by July 6 ,1 9 9 0 , when the Appointm ent Comm ittee will begin screening. Desired starting date: October 1, 1990. Please subm it letter of application with resume and names of at least three references to: Gerald D. Palsson, Associate University Librarian for Administrative Serv­ ices, Ref: CAT, San Diego State University Library, San Diego, CA 92182-0511. SDSU is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity, title IX em ployer and does not discriminate against handicapped persons. CATALOG M ANAGEM ENT AND AUTHORITIES LIBRARIAN, Cornell University Library, Central Technical Services. Administer the Catalog M anagement Unit (one of 3 units in the Catalog Department). The Unit consists of the Authority Control Section, Catalog Management and Recon Section, and Barcode Cleanup Group. The Authority Control Section creates and maintains au­ thority records and m aintains headings on bibliographic records in the online catalog database. The Catalog Management and Recon Section m aintains bibliographic and holdings records in card and online catalogs and does conversion of card records, bookm ark­ ing, and barcoding. The Barcode Cleanup Group coordinates unit library barcoding projects and deals with resulting bibliographic control problems (2-year project). Other responsibilities: Partici­ pate with Head of the Department and other unit heads in the administration of a large complex department, functioning in an automated environm ent in which change is constant; oversee authority control for the Cornell database; act as resource person on authority control and play a important role in development of authority control policies for the Library; seek grant funding and manage grant-funded project. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent graduate degree; 5-6 years, experience in bibliographic control, including some cataloging using AACR2 and LCSH on an auto­ mated system ; working knowledge of the USMARC form ats; dem onstrated ability to plan and manage several projects sim ulta­ neously and deal with complex problems; 3 years adm inistrative experience including staff supervision; excellent interpersonal, written and verbal com munication skills. Salary $28,000+ depend­ ing on qualifications. Send cover letter, resume, and three refer­ ences, by July 1,1 9 9 0 , to: Ann Dyckman, Personnel Director, 201 Olin Library, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ­ ployer. CATALOGER. Liberal Arts/Performing Arts college in W estch­ ester County, New York, needs a cataloger. Formulates policies and procedures, trains and supervises staff, catalogs in all formats except music. Public service and collection developm ent opportu­ nities. Required: Masters degree from an ALA-accredited library 5 8 6 / C &RL News ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN New Mexico State University Faculty position with responsibilities for both original and non-original cataloging of monographs, serials, and special formats, and retrospective conversion in a broad range of subject fields. Includes supervision of classified staff. Must be willing to participate in shared responsibilities including collection management and reference services. Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited MLS; working knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, and LC classifications; demonstrated ability to communicate effectively. Preferred qualifications include 3-5 years cataloging experience; second master’s degree; working knowledge of Western European languages, especially German. Appointed to a faculty position, the individual employed will be expected to fulfill the usual requirements for promotion and tenure. Attractive fringe benefit package with 22 days’ annual leave. Salary from $20,500. NMSU enrolls over 14,000 students in 75 major undergraduate areas, 45 master’s degrees, and 19 doctoral degree programs. In its 102nd year, NMSU is the land-grant institution for New Mexico. Located in southern New Mexico on the high desert in the city of Las Cruces, NMSU is 4 miles from El Paso, Texas, atthe southern edge of the Rocky Mountains. The area enjoys abundant sunshine and moderate temperatures, yet is within easy driving distance of alpine areas that include excellent skiing and Winter sports. The NMSU Library is in the initial stages of an $11 million expansion and is highly automated using OCLC, VTLS online catalog and circulation system, INNOVAC, Dialog, and has an expanding CD- ROM operation. Application deadline, July 15,1990. Send letter of application with resume and transcripts, and have three letters of recommendation sent to: Anne Morgan, Head of Technical Service New Mexico State University Library Box 30006, Dept. 3475 Las Cruces, NM 88003-0006 NM SU is an equal-opportunity em ployer with an affirm ative-action plan. W om en, ethnic m inorities, persons with disabilities, and Vietnam veterans are encouraged to apply. school, e xpe rience ca talo gin g in an autom ated environm ent, know ledge of OCLC, AACRII, LC classification. Faculty status and liberal fringe benefits. M inimum $22,000 depending on qualifica­ tions and experience. Send resum e with nam es of three references to: Peter Brown, Affirm ative Action O fficer, SU NY at Purchase, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577. Review of resum es begins June 30, 1990. Position available Septem ber 1, 1990. C A TA L O G ER S (TW O). The University of Alabam a seeks a pp lica­ tions fo r the follow ing positions: M onographs catalog librarian, Instructor or A ssistant Professor Level to provide, under the supe r­ vision of the Head, Catalog Departm ent, general original catalo g­ ing and editing of O CLC copy fo r m onographs in the main and departm ental libraries. To assist with the form ulation and review of policies and procedures in the departm ent, and with conducting G raduate School of Library and Inform ation Science internships. Q ualification s— Instructor: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA; know ledge of AACR 2, Library of Congress classification, LCSH, and relevant M ARC form ats; ability to w ork effectively with others. Desired: E xperience with O C LC or other bibliographic utility; cataloging experience, preferably in a large academ ic or other research library; coursew ork, undergraduate or graduate degree in business or the sciences; experience with NOTIS; know ledge of one or more m odern European languages. Q ualifications— A ssistant Professor: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA; successful cataloging experience, preferably in a large academ ic or other research library; know ledge of AACR2, Library of C ongress classification, LCSH, and relevant MARC form ats; ability to w ork effectively with others. Desired: Experience w ith O CLC or other bibliographic utility; coursew ork, undergraduate or graduate degree in business or the sciences; experience with NOTIS; know ledge of one or more m odern Euro­ pean languages. Serials catalog librarian, Instructor or Assistant Professor Level to provide, under the supervision of the Head, Catalog Departm ent, original cataloging and editing of O CLC copy for serials in the main and departm ental libraries. To assist with the form ulation and review of policies and procedures in the dep art­ ment, and with conducting G raduate School of Library and Inform a­ tion Science internships. Q ualifications— Instructor: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA; know ledge of AACR2, Library of C ongress classification, LCSH, and relevant M ARC form ats; ability to w ork effectively with others. Desired: experience with O CLC or other bibliographic utility; serials cataloging experi­ ence, preferably in a large academ ic or other research library; experience with NO TIS; know ledge of one or more m odern Euro­ pean languages. Q ualifications— A ssistant Professor: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA; successful serials cataloging experience, preferably in a large academ ic or other research library, know ledge of AACR 2, Library of C ongress cla ssi­ fication, LCSH, and relevant M ARC form ats; ability to w ork effec­ tively with others. Desired: Experience with O CLC or other biblio­ graphic utility; experience with NO TIS; know ledge of one or more modern European languages. Appointm ents at the Instructor level will be with a beginning salary of $20,000. A ssistant Professor level positions m inim um $24,000. The U n iversity of A laba m a is a m em ber of ARL, OCLC, and CRL, and is currently converting to the NO TIS system . Applicants are invited to apply fo r one or both positions depending upon credentials and interests. Send letter of application, resum e and nam es and addresses of three references to: Sondra Tucker, Libraries Personnel O fficer, The University of Alabam a, Catalog Librarian Searches, P.O. Box 870266, T us­ caloosa, AL 35487-0266 by the application deadline of June 29, 1990. The University of Alabam a is an equal opportunity, affirm a­ tive action em ployer. June 1990 / 587 CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. This is a professional position to provide leadership and direction for library circulation activities. Responsibilities include: Overseeing all circulation activities; train­ ing, supervising and evaluating staff; perform ing some public services work. Circulation activities are highly automated. Flexible work schedule required. Experience with an automated circulation system or other autom ation activities desirable. Tenure-track position beginning approxim ately October 1, 1990. ALA-accred- ited Master’s in Library/lnform ation Science required. For tenure eligibility, by year six of em ploym ent a second m aster’s/sixth-year certificate required. Salary range is $2325-$2750/m onth. Review of applications begins July 1‚ 1990, and will continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume/vitae and names of three references to: Harvey Varnet, University Library, G overnors State University, University Park, IL 60466. GSU is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action university and especially encourages appli­ cations from m em bers of minority groups and women. COLLECTION DEVELOPM ENT LIBRARIAN: Full-time probation­ ary, tenure-track, assistant professor to provide leadership in collection developm ent and m aintenance activities. Develop and implement collection developm ent and evaluation strategies; work with librarians and instructional faculty to oversee collection devel­ opment; write collection evaluation reports as required. This public service position, reporting to the Dean, may have other duties assigned depending on the skills and background of the incum­ bent. ALA-approved m aster’s degree and three years experience in a com parable academ ic library. Collection developm ent experi­ ence required. Leadership and good com m unication skills essen­ tial. Preference will be given to those who have worked with an online system, possess subject m aster’s degree, and who dem on­ strate other transferable library skills. Salary to $38,000 for up to 180 duty days per year. Applications from m inorities are encour­ aged. Memorial Library is home to MSUS/PALS, an integrated online library system containing over 3.5 million records, now serving 55 public and private academ ic libraries in Minnesota and North Dakota. Applications m ust be postmarked by June 25,199 0. Preliminary interviews may be conducted at ALA/Chicago June 23- 2 8 ,1 9 9 0 . Appointm ent will be made in September 1990. Apply to: Thomas M. Peischl, Dean of the Library, Mankato State Univer­ sity, MSU Box 19-P.O. Box 8400, Mankato, MN 56002-8400. CO O RDINATO R, M INITEX/OCLC SERVICES. The MINITEX Li­ brary Information Network is a resource sharing network serving libraries in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Coordina­ tors are responsible for the developm ent of training and support program s of various OCLC subsystem s and services for over 160 libraries in the region. Required qualifications: M aster’s degree ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR AUTOMATED SYSTEMS Michigan State University Nominations and applications are invited for this exciting and challenging new position which will exercise a strong leadership role in all facets of the development and utilization of information technology in the MSU Libraries. The successful candidate for this position will work directly with the library automation systems (e.g., acquisitions, circulation, and online public access), for the development of a coherent infrastructure within the Libraries for public access computer systems, administrative support systems, telecommunications systems, and local area networks, plus major facilities planning. Hires and oversees systems staff, coordinates library automation systems/ projects. Prepares appropriate budgets/grants for library technology development, and serves as liaison to the MSU Computer Laboratory the academic unit administering mainframe campus networking services. Required: A LA-accredited master’s degree in Library Science or an advanced degree in Computer Science or some other relevant field, substantial experience in planning and implementing automated systems and technology-based systems and services in academic and research libraries. Also requires strong communication skills and the ability to relate well with technical and non-technical people of all types and at all levels; management skills; competency and currency in library automation, including knowledge of OCLC, major integrated online systems and microcom- puter/CD-ROM applications; and ability to view issues from a Library/University-wide perspective. Preferred: Experience with mainframe library systems, NOTIS and IBM environments particularly desirable; knowledge of telecommunications; national, and local area networks. Salary is $50,000 minimum, depending on experience and qualifications. MSU, enrolls over 40,000 students in 14 colleges. The Library system contains over 3 million volumes/microforms and 25,000 separate serial titles received regularly, and operates with the OCLC, NOTIS and INNOVACQ systems. Memberships include ARL and CRL. East Lansing is a community of approximately 50,000 located adjacent to Lansing, the state capital. Effective starting date is July 1,1990, or as soon as possible thereafter. Applications and nominations should be submitted, preferably by May 31; late submissions will be considered if a suitable candidate pool is not identified by the deadline. Submit letter of application, resume, names, addresses and telephone numbers of 4 references to: Hiram L. Davis, Director of Libraries Michigan State University East Lansing, Ml 48824-1048 Michigan State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. 5 8 8 / C&RL News Faculty Positions in Library Serials Librarian: Responsible for original cataloging and processing of serials in all formats using OCLC and NOTIS; and database maintenance, including editing records to conform with ANSI local standards. Reports to serials/acquisitions manager. Cataloger: Responsible for original cataloging of OCLC, monographs and items in all formats using OCLC and NOTIS; and database maintenance, including editing records to conform to LC and local standards. Experience cataloging non-print formats is also desirable. Reports to head of cataloging. Reference Librarian: Responsible for general reference utilizing traditional and computerized resources, including OPAC, CDROMs and online databases. Additional responsibilities include collection development in subject specialities and participation in a comprehensive bibliographic instruction program. Candidates must demonstrate well-developed interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work creatively in a rapidly changing environment. Reports to the head of reference. Qualifications: Above positions all require an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and two years relevant experience in an academic or research library. For serials librarian and cataloger positions, candidates must also have knowledge of Library of Congress classification and subject headings, AACR2, and MARC formats. Appointments are at the rank of instructor or assistant professor; an assistant professorship requires a second masters. Salary range from $26,260-$40,390, depending upon rank, educational attainment, scholarly contributions, and relevant work experience. Baruch, a senior college of The City University of New York (CUNY), is a member of CUNY + ‚ an integrated library system based on NOTIS, serving 18 units of the university. The library collection features 390,000 volumes and 2,500 current serial titles, serving an undergraduate population of approximately 12,000 and a graduate one of approximately 3,000. Send letter of application, resumes, and three names of professional references by June 1 4 , 1990 to: Chief Librarian, Baruch College/CUNY, 17 Lexington Avenue, Box 317, New York, New York 10010. AA/EOE. Minorities are encouraged to apply. Baruch College/CUNY from an A LA-accredited library school and a m inim um of one year of professional library experience. Know ledge of cataloging prin­ ciples and standards using AAC R 2 and O C LC /M A R C and e xpe ri­ ence using the O C LC Cataloging Subsystem . W orking know ledge of one or m ore m icrocom puter softw are packages. Effective written and oral com m unication skills. D em onstrated organizational skills. A ppointm ent: A ppointm ent is in the U niversity of M in n e so ta ’s A cadem ic Adm inistrative Class. M inimum salary is $26,000 and is dep ende nt upon qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. O ne position will be available Septem ber 1, 1990; a possible second m ay be available dep ende nt on funding. A p p lica ­ tio n s including the position num ber UL196 m ust be postm arked by July 6, 1990. Requests fo r a com plete position description and letters of application, including a detailed resum e and nam es and addresses of three references, should be addressed to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel and S taff Developm ent O fficer, University Librar­ ies, 453 W ilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, M inneapolis, MN 55255-0414. The U n iversity of M inn esota is an equal opportunity edu cato r and em ployer and specifically invites and encourages application from w om en and m inorities. DIR EC TO R , C LA R K E HIST O R IC A L LIBR ARY, C entral M ichigan U niversity Libraries. Central M ichigan University is com m itted to diversity as an educational value and to taking affirm ative actions to ensure equal opportunity in all areas of the University. Such facto rs as religion, national origin, race, color, sex, handicap, age, height, weight, m arital status, veteran status, citizenship, or sexual orientation are not used as a basis for discrim ination or harass­ ment. In accord with this com m itm ent to diversity and n o n discrim i­ nation, the Central M ichigan U niversity Libraries invite a pp lica­ tions from qualified individuals fo r the follow ing position: Director, Clarke Historical Library. The library, concentrating in the history of M ichigan and the Old N orthw est Territory, also includes a sizable historical collection of ch ild re n ’s literature. The D irector is respon­ sible for the adm inistration, developm ent, and prom otion of co lle c­ tions and services. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent library know ledge/experience; M A in Am erican his­ tory or Am erican studies; library experience; relevant scholarly publications; know ledge of bibliographic resources, preservation, and historical m aterials including rare books an m anuscripts; com m unication skills, public service orientation, and adm inistra- tiv e /s u p e rv is o ry e x p e rie n c e . S tro n g ly p re fe rre d q u a lific a tio n : Ph.D. in Am erican history or Am erican studies. Desired q u a lifica­ tions: Experience and/or training in public history; experience in grant w riting and prom otional activities; fam iliarity with library autom ation; and know ledge of publishing. It is a twelve-m onth, adm inistrative position. Salary is com m ensurate with q u a lifica­ tions, m inim um $41,000. Excellent fringe benefits. Applications and nom inations will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of ca n d id a te s’ files will begin im m ediately. Subm it letter of ap p lica ­ tion citing position; resum e; nam es, addresses, and telephone num bers of at least three references to: C hairperson, Selection Com m ittee, 207 Park Library, Central M ichigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. DIR EC TO R OF D E VE LO P M E N T, Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University: In conjunction with the Library D irector and the Library developm ent and Prom otion Coordinator, designs, directs, and coordinates the library’s developm ent program fo r m ajor gifts. W orks with the University D evelopm ent Foundation and the Library on cultivation and solicitation of individuals, private foundations, corporations and other groups. Advises on all m atters of gift recognition and stewardship. W orks closely with Library D evelop­ m ent Council and Friends of the Library Board. Reports jo intly to the Library D irector and the D evelopm ent Foundation. Em ployed by the D evelopm ent Foundation. Q ualifications: C ollege degree required, advanced degree with know ledge and understanding of libraries preferred. MLS advantageous. M inim um tw o years profes­ sional experience in developm ent or institutional relations. M ini­ mum five years total experience. Strong writing and speaking skills required; m arketing and public relations experience preferred. Ability to develop strong team w ork approach with involved library staff. C apital cam paign experience desirable. Salary: $27,500 m inim u m , c o m m e n su ra te w ith q u a lific a tio n s and exp e rie n ce . C o m pe titive ben efits package. Texas A&M University has an enrollm ent of 40,000 and is located between Houston and Austin. D eadline fo r applications is July 1 5 ,1 9 9 0 . Subm it letter of a pp lica­ tion, com plete resum e and nam es and telephone num bers of three professional references to: Durw ood Lewis, Director of College June 1990 / 589 CATALOG LIBRARIANS (TWO POSITIONS) Olin Library System Washington University in St. Louis The Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking talented and dynamic individuals to serve as Catalog Librarians. The Olin Library System is engaged in a multi-year project of strengthening and expanding its collections and services to correlate with the University’s program of enriched research and teaching activities. The Olin Library System consists of a large central library and eight satellite subject libraries. This Catalog Librarian performs original and adaptive cataloging according to AACR2, OCLC, and LC standards; creates and maintains records in card and online files: participates in formulating cataloging policies and procedures; assists with training personnel; develops and recommends authority control procedures and resolves authority problems. Desirable qualifications: Academic library cataloging experience with AACR2 and LC classifica­ tion. Knowledge of OCLC and other automated systems. Knowledge of online authority control systems. Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Working knowledge of a Western foreign language, preferably German. An understanding of the information needs of a research university. Ability to work effectively in a collegial manner in a changing environment. Minimum salary $22,000. For full consideration applicants should send a resume and three letters of reference to: Personnel Offices Box 1184 Washington University One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applications will begin July 15, 1990. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. W ashington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Programs, Texas A&M University Development Foundation, 610 Evans Library, College Station, TX 77843. DIRECTOR O F T E C H N IC A L SERVIC ES, G eneral Libraries, Emory University (search extended). Responsibilities: Provides creative leadership in planning, developing, and administering the Technical Services Division of the Emory University General Libraries. Participates in overall library management and reports to the Vice Provost/Director of Libraries. The Division is composed of 5 departments: Catalog, Catalog Support, Serials Control, Acquisi­ tions, and Processing. In areas of responsibilities represents the libraries at the national level (e.g. RLG, OCLC). Will play a lead role in the continuing implementation of the DOBIS integrated library system, will direct a funded major retrospective conversion project, and will plan for additional creative uses of the resources of both RLIN and OCLC. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­ lent. Extensive experience in research libraries in increasingly responsible adm inistrative positions sufficient to dem onstrate competence in m anagem ent of technical library operations. Broad knowledge of technical operations and procedures. Strongly demonstrated interpersonal skills; leadership qualities with under­ standing of national developm ents and standards in bibliographic control; experience with autom ated technologies and their appro­ priateness for library operations; good analytical, creative and organizational skills; ability to com municate and coordinate activi­ ties with library divisions, other libraries and departm ents of the university; sensitivity to information needs in a university com m u­ nity. Technical Services Division and General Libraries: The Tech­ nical Services Division has forty-four professional and paraprofes­ sional staff members. The collections of the General Libraries total 1,100,000 volum es (over 2,000,000 volumes for all Emory librar­ ies), 1,200,000 microforms, 6,000 linear feet of manuscripts with a growing collection of audiovisual materials. The staff totals ap­ proximately 150. Other resources are available in separate librar­ ies for law, health sciences, theology and Oxford College. The library materials budget of more than $2,500,000 provides for the purchase of materials for the General Libraries which support Arts and Sciences and Business. Beginning salary: Dependent upon qualifications and experience, but not less than $45,000. Com pre­ hensive benefits package, including TIAA/CREF. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Paul M. Cousins, Jr., Chair, Search Committee, Robert W. W oodruff Library, Emory University, At­ lanta, GA 30322. Review of additional applications for the contin­ ued search begins August 1‚ 1990, and continues until an appoint­ ment is made. Emory University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirm a­ tive Action Employer. ENGINEERING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Assistant Professor (tenure-leading), Branch Services Department, starting Septem ­ ber 4. 1) Provide reference service for Engineering Library and referral reference services for Mathematics & Statistics and Phys­ ics & Astronom y Libraries as well as for Computer Science faculty and students. 2) Develop Engineering Library reference and prod­ 5 9 0 / C&RL News uct catalog collections. 3) Provide library/bibliographic instruction for C om puter Science, Engineering, M athem atics and Statistics, and Physics and Astronom y. 4) Adm inister M athem atics & S tatis­ tics and Physics & Astronom y Libraries and supervise a LA III at each of these libraries. 5) Provide collection developm ent/subject liaison with C om puter Science, M athem atics & Statistics, and Physics & Astronom y Departm ents. 6) Provide com puter search services for areas cited above. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, dem onstrated oral and written com m unication skills, and good interpersonal skills. U ndergraduate degree, graduate course- work, or gradu ate deg re e in eng ine ering, c o m p u te r science, m athem atics, statistics, physics, or astronom y; reference e xpe ri­ ence in an academ ic or special library; online and CD-ROM com puter searching experience; reading know ledge of one or more fore ign languages; dem onstrated successful supe rvisory/m an- agem ent skills or experience; dem onstrated teaching/library in­ struction skills. $22,000 m inim um fo r a 12-month contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant. Apply with full resum e plus nam es and current ad- dresses/telephone num bers of three references by July 16 to: Kent Hendrickson, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0410. Affirm ative Action, Equal O pportu­ nity Employer. G R A D U A TE RE SE A R C H A S S IS T A N T S desired. The Library Science of W ayne State University seeks qualified applicants to enroll in its program leading to the M aster of Science degree. W ayne S ta te ’s Library Science Program is accredited by the Am erican Library Association. Program graduates are qualified for professional, entry level, career positions in corporate, academ ic, public and school libraries. Those selected will receive a salary, health insurance, and free tuition and books for one academ ic year. Situated on a beautifully landscaped cam pus, W ayne State Uni­ versity is a leading research institution that serves over 32,000 students, fo r details, please write: Peter Spyers-Duran, Dean, Library Science Program, 134 Purdy Library, W ayne State U niver­ sity Detroit, Ml 48009, Attention: Code 1. HEAD, AR C H IV ES AND SPEC IA L C O LLE C TIO N S. Environm ent: The A rchives and Special Collections Departm ent, with 3 librarians and 4 support staff has a collection of 55,000 m onographs and alm ost 300,000 new spaper and periodical volum es. The D epart­ m ent contains the rare book collection, the University Archives, a m ajor collection of Floridiana and the largest collection of Cuban exile writings and m em orabilia. The collections include photo­ graphs, maps, audiovisual tapes, and records as well as books. The Richter Library plans to im plem ent the IN N O PAC /IN N O VAQ system in early 1991. The University of Miami Library System, with holdings in excess of 1.7 m illion volum es, is a m em ber of the Association of Research Libraries and the C enter fo r Research Libraries. R esponsibilities: The Head reports to the A ssistant Director fo r Library C ollections and is responsible for the direction and m anagem ent of the Archives and Special C ollections Depart­ ment. M anages the growth of the collections through donations and purchases. Establishes liaison with UM faculty and with the local com m unity in order to acquire appropriate m aterials and prom ote their use. Publicizes the collection through exhibitions, publications and special program s. Provides high-quality refer­ ence and instructional services. O versees the original cataloging and classification of book, nonbook, and m anuscript m aterials. C ontrib utes to Library, University, and professio nal activities. Q ualifications: Required is the MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or foreign equivalent; at least five years progressively responsible experience in archives and/or special collections; know ledge of preservation techniques for rare and archival m ate­ rials; strong oral and w ritten com m u n ica tio n s skills; sup e rio r adm inistrative skills. Preferred is a service m inded librarian with university library experience, proficient in Spanish, experienced in a com puterized environm ent, with the ability to w ork successfully in a m ulticultural setting, and capable of participation in fundraising activities including grant writing. Appointm ent: Tw elve-m onth te n ­ ure-earning faculty appointm ent. Librarians are expected to meet the U niversity’s criteria fo r prom otion and tenure which require research, publication, and involvem ent in the profession. Salary/ Benefits: Starting salary negotiable, m inimum $35,000. Benefits include m oving allowance. University assistance with house fi­ nancing, tuition remission, paid pension plan options including TIAA/C REF, paid life insurance, partially paid m edical/dental in­ surance plans, 22 days paid vacation. Closing: For full considera­ tion, apply before July 16, 1990. Docum ents: Send application letter, resume, and nam es of three references to: Ronald P. Naylor, A ssistant Director for Adm inistrative Services, Otto G. Richter Library, University of Miam i, P.O. Box 248214, Coral Gables, FL 33124; fax (305) 665-7352. University of Miami is an equal opp or­ tunity, affirm ative action em ployer. HEAD, CA TALO G IN G D E PA R TM EN T (search extended). The University of Akron is the third largest state-assisted university in Ohio. It offers its 29,000 day and evening students more than 230 associate’s, bachelor’s and m aste r’s degree program s, and 14 doctoral degree program s. The University Library and Learning ASSOCIATE DEAN OF LIBRARIES FOR PUBLIC SERVICE A d e lp h i U niversity se e ks e x p e r i­ e n c e d , re s o u rc e fu l, a n d e n e r g e tic in d iv id u a l to a s s u m e a d m in is tr a tiv e re s p o n s ib ilitie s fo r a m a jo r d iv is io n o f its lib ra rie s. The A s s o c ia te D e a n is re s p o n s ib le fo r (1) s e v e n p u b lic s e rv ­ ic e s u nits in th e S w irbul ( m a in ) Library, a s w e ll a s th e s e p a r a te ly h o u s e d S c ie n c e L ib ra ry a n d th e lib ra rie s a t th e M a n h a t t a n a n d H un­ tin g to n C e n te rs ; a n d (2 ) a s s is ta n c e to th e D e a n in a v a r ie ty o f lib ra ry ­ w id e a d m in is tr a tiv e re s p o n s ib ilitie s . MLS fro m a n ALA a c c r e d it e d lib ra ry s c h o o l a n d s ig n ific a n t e x p e r ie n c e in a c a d e m ic lib ra ry p u b lic s e rv ic e s a n d a d m in is tr a tio n a r e re q u ire d . $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 m in im u m ; 12 m o n t h a p p o in t m e n t (2 2 d a y s v a c a t io n ) ; e x c e lle n t benefits, in c lu d in g TIAA/CREF. A d e lp h i University, th e o ld e s t p riv a te institutio n o f h ig h e r e d u c a t io n o n Long Island, s e rv in g a p p r o x im a te ly 9 , 0 0 0 g r a d u a t e a n d u n d e r g r a d u a te stu­ d e n ts , is c u r r e n t ly u n d e r g o in g c h a lle n g in g a n d e x c itin g c h a n g e s , in­ c lu d in g a re d e fin itio n o f its mission a n d g o a ls a n d a revision o f its c u rric u lu m . The University Ubraries c o n ta in a p p r o x ­ im a te ly 5 8 2 , 0 0 0 v o lu m e s , 5 6 9 , 0 0 0 m icro fo rm s, 3 5 , 0 0 0 n o n p rin t item s, a n d m a in ta in s o v e r 5 , 0 0 0 c u rre n t serials su b scrip tio n s. Fully a u t o m a t e d s y s te m s (O C L C a n d IN N O V A C Q / IN N O P A C ) s u p p o r t o n lin e p u b l ic a c c e s s c a ta lo g s , a s w ell as c irc u la tio n , a c q u is itio n s , a n d serials fu n ctio n s. S c re e n in g o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in June 1‚ 1 9 9 0 . Send le tte r o f a p p lic a tio n , c u rric u lu m v ita e , a n d n a m e s o f th re e re fe re n ce s to: E u g en e T. Neely, D e a n o f Libraries, ADELPHI UNIVERSITY, Box 7 0 4 , G a rd e n City, N e w York 11530. June 1990/591 Resources is seeking a professional, experienced m anager to effectively set priorities and direct the workflow of its Cataloging Department. Reporting directly to the Director of University Library and Learning Resources, the Head of the Cataloging Department supervises 6.0 professional and 5.0 staff em ployees. This working manager is responsible for: coordinating the original cataloging, copy cataloging and pre-order searching of monographs, serials, government documents, m edia and machine-readable datafiles; maintaining the database, catalog, and authority files; participating in the ULLR’s Departm ent Head’s Advisory Group and serving on other standing and ad hoc com m ittees; planning and implementing the department’s goals and budget. Required: MLS from ALA- accredited institution; at least 5 year’s cataloging experience in varied academic or research libraries dem onstrable successful movement of a large cataloging unit proven expertise with OCLC or other major bibliographic utilities, MARC form ats and local auto­ mated systems; thorough knowledge of AACR2, LC classification and authority control; excellent oral, written, and inter-personal com m unication skills. Preferred: Record of increasing responsibil­ ity of staff supervision; experience with VTLS; budgetary experi­ ence; potential fo r research and evidence of scholarly/professional achievem ent; evidence of creative and im aginative contributions to overall library management. This is a 12-month, tenure-track appointm ent at the rank of Associate Professor. It includes 22 days vacation, standard benefits package, and a starting salary be­ tween $39,000-$41,000. Application deadline is August 1, 1990. Send letter of application, resume, and three current letters of professional recom mendation to: Rebecca Kopanic, Chairperson Search Comm ittee for Head, Cataloging Department, University of Akron, Library and Learning Resources, Akron, OH 44325- 1706. The University of Akron is an equal education and em ploy­ ment institution. HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTM ENT (search reopened). Supervises and coordinates a cataloging unit with a staff of 6 FTE paraprofes­ sionals and two professionals including head. The unit processes COLLEGE LIBRARIAN Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut Trinity College invites applications and nominations for the position of College Librarian. Reporting to the Dean of the Faculty (the institution’s chief academic officer), the Librarian is responsible for planning, supervision, and administration of the main library, the Watkinson Library (a separate research facility), the College archives, and such special collections as the slide and music library. The annual library budget is approximately $2 million, and current holdings include over 800,000 books and periodicals, 200,000 microtexts, 150,000 slides, 15,000 sound recordings, and several thousand videotapes and films. Annual acquisition of new books averages 11,000 volumes. The Trinity, Connecticut College and Wesleyan University libraries are linked through a consortium that maintains a common online catalogue and provides state-of-the-art technology for other library functions. Expansion of the library’s physical facilities is possible within the mid-term future. Qualifications: Candidates must have a master’s degree in library science from an ALA- accredited institution (preferably with additional advanced education) and at least seven years’ experience in the administration of academic or research libraries. Particular weight will be given to candidates’ leadership ability and skills in budgeting, personnel management and development, fun­ draising, and long-range planning. Thorough knowledge of new library technologies is required, and prior participation in a library building or expansion project is desirable. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications; the minimum is in the range of $50,000-$55,000. The Librarian holds appointment as a member of the Faculty. Position is available as of September 1‚ 1990. Review of applications and nominations will commence on May 15, and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applicants should submit: 1) brief letter describing their leadership ability and discussing the role of the library in a liberal arts college; 2) current curriculum vita; and 3) names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references. Applications and nominations should be directed to: J. Ronald Spencer, Associate Academic Dean Trinity College, 300 Summit Street Hartford, CT 06106 Trinity College is an affirm ative action/equal opportunity employer. Applications from women and members of minorities are encouraged. 5 9 2 / C&RL News over 10,000 volum es per year. O the r duties include responsibilities as a subject bibliographer. Required: M aster’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school and a m inim um of four years of progressively responsible professional technical services experience: strong background in supervision and m anagem ent; knowledge of LC classification, LCSH, AACR2, and MARC fo r­ mats; dem onstrated com m unication and interpersonal relations skills. Preferred: Some experience with an online catalog. Position is twelve-m onth, tenure track, T IA A /C R E F or state retirement. Salary is $28,000-$32,000. H unter Library has an annual m aterials budget of approxim ately $700,000, contains over 350,000 v o l­ umes, and has a staff of 14 professionals and 25 paraprofession­ als. W estern Carolina University, with tw o other state universities, has form ed the W estern North Carolina Library Network, which shares an LS/2000 O PAC /circulation system . Send letter of appli­ cation, resum e, official transcripts, and nam es and telephone num bers of three references to: Sharon Kimble, Search C om m it­ tee, Hunter Library, W estern Carolina U niversity, Cullowhee, NC 28723. Preference given to applications received by July 1 5 ,199 0. W estern C arolina University is one of the sixteen senior institutions of the University of North C arolina and an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer. The University is located between the Great Sm oky M ountains and the Blue Ridge M ountains, 55 m iles w est of Asheville, North Carolina. HEAD, G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N TS AND M IC R O TEX T (search reopened). Experienced, take-charge librarian to m anage a selec­ tive depository library of United States governm ent and North C arolina state docum ents, oversee a m icrotext collection of over 700,000 pieces in a variety of form ats, and provide access to the Artom collection, which holds m aterials germ ane to current events from 1948-1989. The Head of this departm ent will supervise one professional and a support staff of one. He/she will be responsible for the organization and provision of reference services, biblio­ graphic instruction and control of governm ent docum ents and related tools, and m ay assum e som e collection d eve lop m en t re sp o n sib ility. G o ve rn m e n t D o cum e nts and M icro te xt w ill be m oving to a new and more visible location as part of the renovation of the Z. Sm ith Reynolds Library. The successful candidate will be able to participate in the autom ation of the Reynolds Library. W ake Forest University, located in the thriving Piedm ont Triad of North Carolina, has a collection of over one million volum es for a student population of 4,500, and is a liberal arts university with doctoral program s and strong professional schools. M inim um q u a lifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS. 3 years professional experience with docum ents. A dm inistrative ability and com m itm ent to service. Desired: Supervisory experience. Experience with m icroform s. A ppropriate academ ic credentials. Knowledge of relevant te c h ­ nologies fo r inform ation storage and retrieval. Salary range: from $23,000 com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. Posi­ tion available im m ediately. Please send letter of application and resum e with nam es of three references to: Director, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Box 7 7 7 7 ‚ W ake Forest University, W inston- Salem, NC 27109-7777 by June 20, 1990. AA/EOE. HEAD, M O N O G R A PH C A TALO G IN G UNIT, Catalog Departm ent, G eorgia State University. Responsibilities include: revision, tra in ­ ing, and supervision of two faculty rank catalogers and three Library Technical Assistants with responsibility fo r the cataloging of m onographs in all form ats and all languages added to the collection, catalog m aintenance, and retrospective conversion of older m onographs; preparation of training m aterials fo r the unit; planning new procedures and form ulation of standards of ca ta lo g ­ ing quantity and quality; cataloging new titles as tim e perm its; and participation in University and professional activities including research and publication. An online catalog and an integrated online circulation system (PALS) are in place, and planning has begun for integrated acquisitions and serials m odules. R etrospec­ tive conversion of bibliographic records for serials is com plete and for m onographs is in progress. Library of C ongress classification and subject headings are used. Required: an ALA-accredited m asters degree and two years experience cataloging in a library using O CLC or RLIN with one year of supervisory experience. Excellent com m unications and interpersonal skills are essential. Dem onstrated interest in professional and research activities is im portant. Salary: $24,000-$27,000. A vailable Septem ber 1990. Send letter of interest, resume, and nam es and telephone num bers of current and form er supervisors to: Dianne M. Smith, Library Personnel Officer, W illiam Russell Pullen Library, G eorgia State University, 100 Decatur Street, Southeast, Atlanta, G A 30303- DIRECTOR CLARKE HISTORICAL LIBRARY Central Michigan University Libraries Central Michigan University is committed to diversity as an educational value and to taking affirmative actions to ensure equal opportunity in all areas of the University. Such factors as religion, national origin, race, color, sex, handi­ cap, age, height, weight, marital status, veteran status, citizenship, or sexual orientation are not used as a basis for discrimination or harass­ ment. In accord with this commitment to diver­ sity and nondiscrimination, the Central Michi­ gan University Libraries invite applications from qualified individuals for the following position: Director, Clarke Historical Library. The li­ brary, concentrating in the history of Michigan and the Old Northwest Territory‚ also includes a sizable historical collection of children’s litera­ ture. The Director is responsible for the admini­ stration, development, and promotion of collec­ tions and services. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent library knowledge/experi- ence; MA in American history or American stud­ ies; library experience; relevant scholarly publi­ cations; knowledge of bibliographic resources, preservation, and historical materials including rare books an manuscripts; communication skills, public service orientation, and adminis- trative/supervisory experience. Strongly pre­ ferred qualification: Ph.D. in American history or American studies. Desired qualifications: Ex­ perience and/or training in public history; expe­ rience in grant writing and promotional activi­ ties; familiarity with library automation; and knowledge of publishing. It is a twelve-month, administrative position. Salary is commensurate with qualifications, minimum $41,000. Excellent fringe benefits. Applications and nominations will be ac­ cepted until the position is filled. Review of candidates’ files will begin immediately. Submit letter of application citing position; resume; names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Chairperson Selection Committee 207 Park Library Central Michigan University Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859 June 1 9 9 0/593 3081; (404) 651-2172. Review of applications begins July 10, 1990, and will continue until the position is filled. An Equal O ppor­ tunity Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD OF ACQUISITIO NS/COLLECTIO N DEVELOPMENT. The University of W est Florida invites applications and nom inations for the position of Head of Acquisitions/Collection Development. Re­ sponsibilities: Selects, acquires, evaluates current and retrospec­ tive monographic titles; m onitors and recom mends allocation of funds to academ ic departm ents; and supervises a staff of three paraprofessionals. Additional duties: Supervises bibliographic verification and processing of orders; monitors and evaluates approval plan and vendor perform ance; selects replacem ent titles and oversees weeding operations as well as gift retention/dis- bursement; form ulates developm ent of departmental policies/pro- cedures; interprets library and university policies to staff and patrons; participates in professional developm ent activities as appropriate. Reports to Director of Libraries. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; three years experience in acquisitions/collection development, preferably in an academ ic library; strong analytical, communication, interpersonal, organizational, and quantitative skills; ability to w ork with faculty; fam iliarity with the publishing trade; working knowledge of m icrocom puters and/or automated acquisitions, experience with NOTIS highly desirable. Salary and Benefits: $29,000-$33,000, 12 months. TIAA/CREF, other retire­ ment, no state or local income taxes. The University of Florida is one of nine institutions in the State University System, all of which use NOTIS. The Library serves over 7,000 students with a 500,000 volume collection and 4,500 journal subscriptions. Application procedure: Send letter of application by July 31, 1990, including resume and names of 3 professional references to: Director’s Office, John C. Pace Library, The University of W est Florida, 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32514-5750. UWF is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. HEAD OF COLLECTION M ANAGEM ENT SERVICES. Cleveland State University Library seeks a highly-qualified individual to join a top library m anagem ent team of four other services heads, the deputy director, and the stim ulating and innovative environm ent of an urban university. Position reports to the deputy director. Shares broad responsibility for m anagement of the library as well as planning, managing, and coordinating all collection management activities, including the collection-related responsibilities of 17 librarians, and the full-tim e supervision of 7 classified staff and 2.5 stu d e n t assistants. O verall respon sibilitie s include collection e valuatio n, sele ctio n and dese le ctio n , acqu isition, pre-ord er search, vendor selection, developm ent of special collections, and m anagement of an acquisitions budget of over $1 million. Serves as liaison to the CSU com m unity regarding the collections and encourages effective relations between selectors and that com m u­ nity. Selects materials in assigned subject areas. May participate in reference, bibliographic instruction and database searching. Qualifications required: ALA-accredited MLS. Supervisory experi­ ence and skills necessary to manage Collection M anagement Services, dem onstrated by experience in m anaging or coordinat­ ing a relevant library operation. Five years collection developm ent experience, including substantial experience in selecting library m aterials in an academ ic or research library, as well as relevant acquisitions or serials experience. Demonstrated ability to estab­ lish effective and positive relationships with faculty and staff. Understanding of the application of autom ation to library opera­ tions. Dem onstrated leadership, including good interpersonal, supervisory, and com m unication skills. Demonstrated potential for professional contribution and growth. Preferred: Advanced degree in a subject field. Experience with an integrated library system such as NOTIS. Knowledge of OCLC or another bibliographic utility. Minimum salary: $35,000 com m ensurate with background and experience. Cleveland State University, now celebrating its 25th anniversary, has over 18,000 students, over 600 faculty and offers a wide range of degree programs. Located in the heart of the city near Playhouse Square, CSU has easy access to the cultural attractions of University Circle, such as the Cleveland Orchestra and the Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland has a rich diversity of ethnic and racial grounds, super libraries and other cultural institu­ tions, and is a city truly on the move. Send letter of application; resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Brian P. Ruddick, Assistant to Director, Cleveland State University Library, E. 24th & Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH REFERENCE LIBRARIAN California State University, Stanislaus 12-month, tenure-track position, starting September 1990. Responsibilities, shared with three other reference librarians, include general reference and online database searching, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. Establishes circulation policies in consultation with dean of library services and assists circulation coordinator in resolving special problems. Some evening and weekend work required. Benefits include 24 days vacation, health, and retirement plans and sabbatical leave. Faculty status requires librarians to fulfill faculty requirement for retention, promotion, and tenure. Salary: Minimum $38,112; rank equivalent to assistant or associate professor, dependent on experience and qualifications. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; minimum of three years as a full- time reference librarian; preferably in an academic library; demonstrated knowledge of online database searching; experience in library instruction; strong public service commitment; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills; ability to maintain effective working relationships with col­ leagues and students in a culturally diverse academic community. Science background and supervi­ sory skills desirable. Applications received by June 15,1990, will be assured consideration. Submit complete resume, as well as the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Library Search Committee c/o John K. Amrhein, Dean of Library Services California State University, Stanislaus Turlock, CA 95380 AA/EOE: Women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. 5 9 4 / C &RL News The University o f Wisconsin-Parkside Library/Learníng Center Two Public Services Position C oordinator of o n line search services. The successful candidate will coordinate the library's m ediated and end-user search services; provide reference service; serve as liaison to several faculty departments for purposes of bibliographic instruction, online searching, and collection development; and participate in outreach programs. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Graduate library degree from an ALA accredited library school; substantial experience searching DIALOG a n d /o r BRS; ability to w ork confidently and creatively with microcomputers and software; well developed interpersonal and communication skills; evidence of professional commitment to librarianship. Desired: Teaching experience and demonstrated interest in and knowledge of current trends in bibliographic instruction. Reference/Outreach Librarian. The successful candidate will coordinate the library's community outreach services; supervise interlibrary-loan functions; provide reference service; and serve as liaison to several faculty departments for purposes of bibliographic instruction, online searching, and collection development. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Graduate library degree from an ALA accredited library school; well developed interpersonal and communication skills; evidence of professional commitment to librarianship. Desired: Experience in providing outreach programs; experience in business librarianship or academic background in business; microcomputer and online searching experience; teaching experience and dem onstrated interest in and knowledge of current trends in bibliographic instruction. Salary: Minimum of $24,000, depending on experience and qualifications. To apply: Applicants are invited to apply for one or both positions depending on credentials and interests. Send letter of application, resume, graduate transcripts, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: Linda Piele, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Library/Leam ing Center, UW-Parkside, Box No. 2000, Kenosha, W I53141 (FAX: 414/553-2545). Applications received by June 25,1990 will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Effective starting date is September 1, 1990. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. 44115. Review of applications will begin July 16 and will continue until the position is filled. Starting date O ctober 1. Prelim inary inform ational m eetings will be set up at ALA. Equal O pportunity Em ployer, m inority, female, handicapped. HEAD, O R D E R UNIT, Kansas State U niversity Libraries. R espon­ sible for m anagem ent m onographic acquisitions, including ap­ proval and blanket order plans, plus serial ordering with a staff of 5 classified and 2 FTE student em ployees. O rder Unit expends against a budget of nearly $1 m illion out of a t o ta l m aterials budget of over $2.3M . Unit Head is responsible fo r vendor selection and evaluation. Unit is fully autom ated on the LS/2 integrated library system. During FY91, the Unit will im plem ent NOTIS. The Unit derives records from O C LC thus providing copy to C ataloging Dept. The O rder Unit Head along with the Binding, G ifts and Serials Units, reports to C hair of the Acquisitions Dept. The Unit works closely with the C hair of C ollection Developm ent and a core of bibliographers. Requirem ents: ALA-accredited MLS; coursew ork and/or experience in library acquisitions; ability to com m unicate orally and in w riting; dem onstrated supervisory, m anagerial and interpersonal skills. Prefer: experience with an autom ated library acqu isitions system ; fam iliarity with O C LC and M ARC record form ats; fam iliarity with the use of m icrocom puters; experience in planning, im plem enting and docum enting w orkflow ; fam iliarity with accounting principles. Salary: $22,000 m inim um fo r 12-m onth appointm ent, negotiable depending on qualifications. Vacation of 22 working days. Blue C ross/Blue shield and choice of retirem ent plans including TIAA/C REF. KSU is a land grant university with 1,500 faculty and an enrollm ent of over 19,000. Librarians at KSU Libraries have faculty status and earn tenure. There is support fo r professional developm ent, but no publishing requirem ent. M anhat­ tan is a com m unity or 45,000 situated in the rolling Flint Hills with a very m oderate cost of living. Deadline for application: June 30, 1990. Send letter of application, resum e, names, addresses and phone num bers of three references to: Jean M cDonald, A d m inis­ trative Services, Kansas State U niversity Libraries, M anhattan, KS 66505. KSU is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action e m ­ ployer. W om en and m inorities are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF REFER EN CE. W right State University, Dayton, Ohio, is looking for a dynam ic, service-oriented individual to head U niver­ sity L ib ra ry R e fe re n ce D e p a rtm e n t. P rim ary re s p o n s ib ilitie s : Plans, im plem ents, and evaluates Reference D epartm ent pro­ gram s and services; supervises 7 professional librarians and 3 paraprofessionals; represents the library and the Reference De­ partm ent in various state and local organizations; with other library departm ent heads, recom m ends and im plem ents library goals and directives. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; five years professional library experience, including at least tw o years reference experi­ ence and two years experience in supervisory and/or adm in istra­ tive position. Desired: Additional graduate degree; reference e xp e ­ rience in academ ic or research library; experience with online public access catalog or other autom ated system. M inimum salary $31,800+, tw elve-m onth contract. Liberal benefits package. Send letter of application, resum e, and nam es of three references to: Patricia W alker, Business M anager, University Library, W right State University, Dayton, O hio 45435. Application deadline: July 10, 1990. AA/EOE. H E A D O F T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S /S Y S T E M S L IB R A R IA N , Seattle Pacific University. R e sponsibilitie s include: M anag ing/ directing technical services and coordinating an online integrated system , including the supervision of a retrospective conversion project. C andidates m ust have: ALA-accredited MLS; a dm in istra­ tive experience in technical services, fam iliarity with a m ajor bibliographic utility, library autom ation applications, retrospective conversions, and bibliographic database m anagem ent; and effec­ tive interpersonal and com m unication skills. Professional position, salary ($29,000-$32,000) depends upon experience and q u a lifica­ tions. Seattle Pacific U niversity is an evangelical C hristian univer­ sity of the arts, sciences, and professions. SPU has a com bined undergraduate enrollm ent of 3,300 students with an additional 4,000 students enrolled in off-cam pus program s each quarter. SPU seeks applicants who are com m itted to the spiritual and e du ca­ tional m ission of the university and its lifestyle expectations. W om en and m inorities are encouraged to apply. Send resum e and letter listing three or more references to: G ary R. Fick, University June 1990 / 595 SERIALS COORDINATOR LIBRARIAN (REOPENED SEARCH) The George Washington University Washington, D.C. The George Washington University announces that the search for Serials Coordinator Librarian has been reopened. Appointment salary: $26,000 minimum. Responsibilities: The incumbent is responsible for serials record control within the Acquisitions Department, including management and supervision of the Serials and Documents Units (5.5 FTE Staff and 4-6 part-time wage hour employees) and providing service liaison with Periodicals Unit, Reference, Cataloging and Systems, Preservation and Binding, and Subject Specialists. The serials Coordinator provides quality control of the automated serials database, currently utilizing FAXON SC-10 and contributes to NOTIS planning and implementation scheduled for Summer/Fall 1990. The incumbent also serves as the Gelman Library Coordinator for the GPO select depository program providing materials processing, acquisitions of new selections, and public services liaison (supervi­ sion 1/2 of FTE staff). Qualifications required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science; a minimum of 2 years serials acquisitions or serials bibliographic control experience; proven oral and written communica­ tion skills. Qualifications desirable: Familiarity with AACR2 and experience with OCLC; serials/ acquisitions automated systems; supervisory experience. Deadline: For full consideration please respond by June 30,1990. The search will remain open until the position is filled. Send current resume and names of three references to: Andrea Stewart The Melvin Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street, NW - Room 201 Washington, DC 20052 The George W ashington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Librarian, W eter Memorial Library, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA 98119; (206) 281-2228. Closing date: August 1‚ 1990. HEAD, REFERENCE SERVICES. Central Michigan University is committed to diversity as an educational value and to taking affirmative actions to ensure equal opportunity in all areas of the University. Such factors as religion, national origin, race, color, sex, handicap, age, height, weight, marital status, veteran status, citizenship, or sexual orientation are not used as a basis for discrimination or harassment. In accord with this com m itm ent to diversity and nondiscrimination, the Central Michigan University Libraries invites applications from qualified individuals for the following position: Head of Reference Services, responsible for leadership and management of the general reference unit, the services which include bibliographic instruction incorporating a credit course, database searching, and documents/law collec­ tions. The Reference Services unit consists of eleven librarians and two full-tim e support staff and is committed to innovative services supported by information technologies. It is a 12-month, tenure-track faculty position. Required qualifications: ALA-accred- ited MLS; significant professional reference experience,including bibliographic in struction and online and CD-ROM database searching; supervisory experience; dem onstrated leadership, human relations, and oral/written com munications skills; and evi­ dence of potential for professional and scholarly accomplishment meriting appointm ent with faculty rank. Desired qualifications: additional graduate degree; professional experience in academic or research library; collection development experience; and expe­ rience in online catalog use. Salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions, minimum $36,000. Excellent fringe benefits. Central Michi­ gan University is located in Mt. Pleasant, a city of about 25,000 one hour north of Lansing. The University offers programs through the doctoral level to a campus enrollment of 17,000 students. The Libraries, with a collection of over 900,000 volumes, are imple­ menting NOTIS and have 82 librarians and support staff. Applica­ tions will be accepted until this position is filled. Review of candi­ dates’ files will begin immediately. Submit letter of application stating this position; resume; and names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three references to: Chairperson, Selection Committee, Central Michigan University, Park 207, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES. Rensselaer Libraries seek a departm ent head to manage Acquisitions, Cataloging, and Serial activities and contribute to the overall management of the library. The libraries have a state-of-the-art online information system available through the campus network. The Head of Technical Services would establish, implement, and evaluate operational oals; organize and administer the human and fiscal resources of he unit; and participate in library-wide planning and policy form a­ ion. The Head supervises four librarians and twelve support staff. Requirements: ALA/MLS; minimum five years professional experi­ nce; demonstrated ability in supervision; experience with manag­ ing technology; strong analytical, problem solving, and leadership kills. Salary, mid-$30s, is competitive and negotiable depending upon experience and qualifications. Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti­ ute has an attractive benefits program including advanced educa­ ional opportunities for employees and their families. The Capital District of New York State offers many academic, cultural, and recreational opportunities. Send vita and names of three refer­ nces by July 15, 1990, to: Barbara A. Lockett, Director of Libraries, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180- 590. Rensselaer is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. g t t e s t t e 3 5 9 6 / C&RL News IN FO R M A TIO N DELIVER Y C O O RDINA TO R. Responsible for overseeing and supervising the interlibrary loan operations and developing a program to assist users in locating inform ation re­ sources available at institutions other than UMD. Enhance and encourage UM D’s cooperation with existing state and national interlibrary networks and explore new avenues of opportunity. In conjunction with the library’s application program m er and Public Service Departm ent personnel integrate new technologies in the implem entation of a docum ent delivery system. Participates in reference service. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; two years pro­ fessional experience in an academ ic library setting; reference experience in an academ ic or large public library. Necessary skills: effective oral and written com m unication; planning and organiza­ tional; successful interpersonal; and the ability to w ork as a team member. Salary: $27,500 - $30,000. Three year contract. Aca- dem ic/Renewable. Closing date: July 15, 1990. Send resum e and 3 letters of reference to: Joanne Line, Adm inistrator, Library, Uni­ versity of M innesota, 248 Library, 10 University Drive, Duluth, MN 55812. The University of M innesota is an equal opportunity educa­ tor and em ployer and specifically invites and encourages applica­ tions from women and minorities. M IN O R ITY INTERNSHIP. The University of Missouri-St. Louis Libraries are pleased to announce an internship for recent library school minority graduates. This one-year internship, to be de­ signed with the successful candidate, will offer experience and training in all aspects of library operations and significant financial support for continuing education. Q ualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school and m inority status. The UM-St. Louis Libraries contain over 529,000 volum es, 3,000 periodical subscrip­ tions, 1,003,000 U.S. governm ent docum ents, and 1,500,000 item s in m icroform . A dedicated and energetic staff serves a population of over 12,000 students and 400 full-tim e faculty in an institutional environm ent firm ly com m itted to quality urban educa­ tion. Salary: minimum $22,470. Subm it letter of application, res­ ume, and nam es of three references to: Joan Rapp, Director of Libraries, University of M issouri-St. Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge, St. Louis, MO 63121. M O N O G RA PHS CATALO G ER. Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, invites applications for the position of M onographs C ata­ loged a faculty appointm ent. San Antonio, site of the 1988 and 1992 ALA M idwinter m eetings, is the nation’s ninth largest city. Trinity, with 2,400 undergraduates and 200 graduate students, is strongly com m itted to excellence in support of the liberal arts and science tradition. Scholarly achievem ent is recognized through Phi Beta Kappa, other national honor societies, and em phasis on undergraduate research. Selective adm issions, highly qualified faculty, and outstanding teaching program s place Trinity am ong the excellent liberal arts and sciences universities in the nation. The Library’s collection contains some 675,000 volum es of books and bound periodicals (compared with 300,000 in 1980), plus sizable holdings of governm ent docum ents, m icroform s, and non­ print items. Primary responsibilities include cataloging all m ono­ graphic titles requiring original cataloging, including m ost foreign language m onographs; cataloging all special m aterials such as theses, special collections, m icroform s, etc.; and responsibility for the overall supervision of the O CLC searching unit within C atalog­ ing. O pportunities for collection developm ent and other public service assignm ents may be included. Required qualifications include the MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of AACR2, particularly as related to m onographs; know ledge of Library of C ongress classification system s and subject headings; reading know ledge of at least one foreign language in Germ an, Russian, French, Spanish, Chinese, or Japanese; fam iliarity with O CLC or the in-house autom ated system s; initiative, creativity, and strong com m unication skills; and the ability to function effectively in a com plex organization. Desirable qualifications include expe ri­ ence in m onographic cataloging in an academ ic library, and an additional graduate degree. Instructor or Assistant Professor rank with tenure-track. Salary m inimum $23,000, higher depending on experience or other qualifications; tw elve-m onth appointm ent; TIAA/C R EF and other fringe benefits. Position available August 15 ,1 9 9 0 , or as soon thereafter as possible. Send letter of a pp lica­ tion, detailed resume, placem ent file if available, and nam es of three references to: Richard Hume W erking, Director of Libraries, Trinity University, 715 Stadium Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78212, by June 10 ,1 9 9 0 , for possible interviewing at A LA sum m er confer­ ence. Trinity University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Deadline for receipt of applications is July 15, 1990. PR INCIPAL CA TA LO G ER /SEC TIO N HEAD, Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). Cataloging Department, starting Septem ber 15. 1) responsible for the supervision of the Original and Revised Cataloging Section of the Cataloging Departm ent including tra in ­ ing and revising the w ork of new professional catalogers; 2) be the D epartm ent’s contact and resource person for O CLC Enhance and Upgrade procedures; 3) act as resource person for professional catalogers in interpretation of cataloging rules, O CLC cataloging standards, and local cataloging policies and procedures in all M ARC form ats, including serials; 4) com m unicate changes in and interpretations of cataloging rules to all professional catalogers; 5) prepare and revise docum entation for the section m anual; 6) act as a resource person fo r cataloging assistants as needed; 7) be a m em ber of the Cataloging Departm ent m anagem ent team ; 8) as tim e permits, catalog m onographs; and 9) participate in special assignm ents. R equired: M LS from an A L A -accre dited library school; m inim um of four years recent professional cataloging experience; fam iliarity with O CLC or sim ilar cataloging utility; dem onstrated oral and written com m unication skills; ability to w ork effectively with professional and paraprofessional staff, good w o rk­ ing know ledge of at least one European language. Preferred: Dem onstrated successful supervisory and training skills; catalo g­ ing experience with O CLC Enhance; experience in an academ ic library environm ent; experience with an autom ated library system. $30,000 m inimum for a 12-month contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant. Apply with full resum e plus nam es and current addresses/tele- phone num bers of three references by July 16 to: Kent Hen­ drickson, 106 Love Library, U niversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0410. Affirm ative Action, Equal O pportunity Employer. PROG RAM O FFIC ER FOR TRAINING , Association of Research Libraries O ffice of M anagem ent Services. Responsible for design and delivery of training services and resources to academ ic/ research libraries essential, know ledge of business/m anagem ent literature and experience with teaching or training helpful. M ust be prepared to travel. Exciting opportunity for individual interested in m anagem ent issues in higher education. Minimum $30,000. To assure consideration, applications should be subm itted by August 1. Early applications are encouraged to perm it prelim inary inter­ view s at ALA. Send letter of application, resume, three references to: Susan Jurow, Director, A ssociation of Research Libraries, Office of M anagem ent Services, 1527 New Ham pshire Avenue, N.W., W ashington, DC 20036. PUBLIC SE R V IC ES PR O JEC T LIBRARIAN. The Schaffner Li­ brary, serving extension program s on Northwestern University’s Chicago cam pus, has received a m ajor foundation grant to extend developm ent of an “electronic library laboratory.” We are seeking a dynam ic librarian interested in participating in an extensive user education program for adult students, and active end user search service using both CD-ROM and online databases, and a variety of other services which take advantage of new inform ation tech n o lo ­ gies. This project position shares with other professional staff of Schaffner Library m aterials selection responsibilities, m icrocom ­ puter consulting and reference services, teaching in an active course-related BI program, some technical services and other library services, including som e evening hours. The incum bent will be expected to participate with colleagues in actively prom oting c o n tin u in g in n o v a tio n w ith in S ch a ffn e r, and c o m m u n ic a tin g Schaffner activities both within the university and to the higher education com m unity at large. Q ualification: MLS from an ALA- accredite d library school; excelle nt com m unication skills and fam iliarity with m icrocom puters and inform ation retrieval te chnol­ ogy. Salary: M inimum of $23,500. Applications, including a list of three references may be subm itted by July 1 to: Rachel D. Biegen, Personnel M anager, N o rth w estern U n ive rs ity Library, 1935 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208-2300. Interviews can be ar­ ranged at ALA. EEO /AA Employer. Em ploym ent eligibility verifica­ tion required upon hire. PUBLIC SER V IC ES LIBRARIAN. St. Lawrence University, pri­ vate, non-denom inational liberal arts college located between the Adirondack M ountains and the St. Lawrence river, has an opening fo r an entry level Public Services Librarian. Reporting to the University Librarian, the successful candidate will share responsi­ bility for daytim e and evening reference desk service, participate in other reference activities and discussions, assist in providing online and instructional services, and share responsibility for June 1 9 9 0 /597 STAFF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Olin Library System Washington University in St. Louis The Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a talented and creative individual to serve as Staff Development Officer. The Olin Library System is engaged in a multi-year project of strengthening and expanding its collections and services to correlate with the University’s program of enriched research and teaching activities. We are in the process of establishing a comprehensive, multi-year staff development program for the system which consists of a large central library and eight satellite subject libraries. The staff development officer is responsible for developing and coordinating the Library’s staff development program, assessing needs and implementing library-wide activities to address these needs; planning, designing, and conducting in-house training programs; conducting job analyses; and evaluating program effectiveness on an ongoing basis. Qualifications: MLS degree from ALA-accredited Library School. Academic background in personnel administration, adult education, human resources, management, psychology or counseling preferred. Experience in personnel or related field in an academic setting. Demonstrated skill in training and personnel management. Understanding of the role of the research library in higher education. Expertise in library operations. Strong interpersonal skills. Sensitivity and responsiveness to staff needs. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Minimum salary $23,500. For full consideration applicants should send a resume and the names of three references to: Personnel Office Washington University Campus Box 1184 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applications will begin July 15,1990. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. W ashington University is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. general collection development. St. Lawrence has recently intro­ duced INNOPAC and INNOVACQ and is continuing to implement CD-ROM technology. Tw elve month contract; liberal benefits; faculty status with one m onth’s vacation. Required: ALA-accred­ ited MLS; strong com m itm ent to service; effective com m unication and inter-personal skills; solid course work or experience in refer­ ence services on online searching. Preferred: Additional advanced degree; academ ic library experience; course work or experience in computer technology as applied to library services. Starting date: On or before Septem ber 1 ‚ 1990. Salary Range: $ 2 1 ,000-$23,000. The position will remain open until filled. The Search com m ittee will begin to review candidate applications on June 15, 1990. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of recom mendation to: Art Lichtenstein, Chair, Search Committee, Owen D. Young Library, St. Law rence University, Canton, NY 13617. St. Law­ rence University is com mitted to fostering m ulticultural diversity in its faculty, staff, student body and programs of instruction, As an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer, we specifically encourage applications from women and minorities. PUBLIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN(S). Eastern New M exico Univer­ sity in sunny, friendly, affordable Portales, New Mexico, seeks academic librarians to fill m ultiple vacancies. M LS-ALA required. Desire those with interest in reference, interlibrary loan, biblio­ graphic instruction, and online services. Academ ic experience desirable. Salary: $22,000+ (12-month contract); generous bene­ fits including 22 da ys’ annual leave. Application postmarked by 10 June 1990. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and have 3 letters of professional recom mendation sent to: Library Search Committee, Eastern New Mexico University Station 21 ‚ Portales, NM 88130. AA/EOE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Cornell University Library. Offer refer­ ence service: prepare bibliographies, assist with current aw are­ ness services, advise on collection needs, and instruct users in legal research m ethodology (including LEXIS and W ESTLAW ) in both form al and informal settings. Participate in the 1st year legal bibliography course. Regular evening and periodic weekend refer­ ence assignm ents. Qualifications: Required: MLS or equivalent grad degree; ability to com m unicate effectively and work well with faculty, students, and staff; flexibility; good problem solving skills; knowledge of legal bibliography or ability to learn quickly. Pre­ ferred: experience in a public service position, preferably in an academ ic law library (JD may substitute for experience if other requisite characteristics are present); experience in teaching legal bibliography. Foreign language skills desirable. Entry level salary $22,200+, depending on qualifications. Applications due July 1 but accepted until position filled. Send cover letter, names, addresses, and phone numbers for three references, and resume to: Ann D yckm an, D ire ctor of P ersonnel, 201 O lin Library, C o rn ell University, Ithaca, NY, 14853-5301. Cornell is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN FOR M ULTICUL­ TURAL SERVICES. Responsibilities: The University at Albany seeks a reference librarian with a special interest in outreach to 5 9 8 / C&RL News m ulticultural and non-traditional students. Provides reference services, bibliographic instruction, CD-ROM assistance for a m ul­ ticultural com m unity. Research and publication are expected, fa cu lty tenure-track. Q ualification s: Required: A L A -accre dited MLS; strong oral and written com m unications skills; strong com ­ mitment to public service; background or experience in a m ulticul­ tural environm ent. Desired: Experience in reference and/or biblio­ graphic instruction; fam iliarity with m icrocom puters. Salary: C om ­ m ensurate with education and experience. $23,500-$27,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries - U L 139, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 W ashington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resum es will begin July 6, 1990. Please include a list of three persons with addresses whom we can contact for references. The University at Albany, State University of New York is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. Applications from wom en, m inority persons, handi­ capped persons, special disabled and Vietnam era veterans are especially welcome. REFERENCE AND INSTRUC TIO N AL SERVIC ES LIBRARIAN. Full-time perm anent, tenure track instructor/assistant professor to provide reference services, instructional services and conduct o n lin e s e a rc h in g ; to s e rv e as lib ra ry lia is o n fo r a s s ig n e d discipline(s). ALA m aster’s required. Preference will be also be given to candidates with a subject m aster’s and who dem onstrate prior reference, database searching and/or instructional expe ri­ ences. Preference will also be given to candidates with a business, science or technology subject background. Salary range $25,230 to $35,502 fo r 168 days a year. Additional duty days may be available at the end of the current year and in future years. Applications from m inorities are encouraged. Applications m ust be postm arked by June 25, 1990. Begin date will be approxim ately Septem ber 11, 1990. Interviews may occur at ALA/Chicago June 23-28, 1990. Apply to: Thom as M. Peischl, Dean of the Library, M ankato State U n ive rs ity, MSU Box 19 - P.O. Box 8400, Mankato, MN 56002-8400. REFERENCE AND PUBLIC SERVIC ES LIBRARIAN at Moravian College for anticipated August vacancy. W orks with team of two other librarians to provide reference services and bibliographic instruction and supervises tw o support staff and 30 student assis­ tants. W orks with the system adm inistrator in the ongoing opera­ tion of a fully im plem ented Dynix integrated online system. Reeves Library, with a total staff of 5 librarians and 6 support staff, provides service to a selective, prim arily residential undergraduate student body of 1,200 and a graduate theological sem inary of 85 students. Librarians and staff w ork in a flexible, collegial setting in which interpersonal skills and a strong desire to serve students and faculty are required. Located in the beautiful Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania, M oravian College is the sixth oldest college in the country and is engaged in a variety of cooperative program s with five other neighboring private institutions. Background in com puter hardware and software desirable. Position requires A LA-accred­ ited MLS. Minimum salary will be $21,000 coupled with an excel­ lent benefits package which includes 23 days annual leave, 10 holidays, fully funded TIAA/C R EF and a variety of dependent tuition w aiver plans. Send letter of interest and resum e to: John Thom as Minor, Reeves Library, Moravian College, 1210 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018. Equal O pportunity Employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN (search reopened) Olin Library System Washington University in St. Louis The Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a talented and dynamic individual to serve as Systems Librarian. The Olin Library System is engaged in a multi-year project of strengthening and expanding its collections and services to correlate with the University’s program of enriched research and teaching activities. The Olin Library system consists of a large central library and eight satellite subject libraries. The Systems Librarian participates in the ongoing development of an automated library informa­ tion system and helps to maintain the efficient operation of existing automated processes. Desirable qualifications are: working experience in a library processing environment; program­ ming experience and/or coursework in assembler language and/or a block-structured higher level language such as PL/I, Pascal, or “C”, preferably on a main-frame machine; knowledge of interactive transaction processing and batch text-processing applications. Required: an MLS from an accredited library school or a graduate degree in a discipline related to information science. Minimum salary $22,176. For full consideration applicants should send a resume and three letters of reference to: Virginia F. Toliver Director of Administration and Planning Washington University Campus Box 1061 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 Position will remain open until filled; initial review of applications will begin July 15, 1990. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. June 1990 / 599 R E F E R E N C E /B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C TIO N LIB R A R IA N . The University of Evansville Libraries seeks a librarian possessing excellent written and oral com m unication skills, the interpersonal skills necessary to w ork collegially and cooperatively with peers, and a com m itm ent to excellent service and professional develop­ ment. UE Libraries houses over 215,000 bound volum es and over 243,000 m icroform s. Fully-autom ated and integrated online cata­ log on the NO TIS System . Responsibilities: Participate in all reference departm ent activities, assist in perform ing online litera­ ture searches, and coordinates an existing, successful, course- integrated library instruction program. Reports to the Head of Reference. Some evening and weekend work is required. Q ualifi­ cations: An MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. A second subject m aster’s in the sciences or social sciences is desirable. Prefer experience in academ ic library reference service. Basic experience in online literature searching and some knowledge of CD-ROM com puter databases required. Teaching experience preferred. Salary: $19,500 minimum, depending upon experience and qualifications. A tenure-track, faculty rank position requiring demonstrated proficiency in librarianship, scholarly activity, and community or university service. 22 vacation days, plus holidays. A 12-month contract. TIAA/CREF. The University of Evansville is an independent, church-related, selective adm issions University located in a city of 135,000 in southwestern Indiana. Enrollm ent numbers about 3,000 full and part-tim e students. The University includes a m ajor cam pus in England called Harlaxton College. We encourage applications from women and minorities. Send applica­ tion, resume, names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: R. N. Sharma, Director of University Libraries, U n iv e rs ity of E v a n s v ille , 1800 L incoln A venue, Evansville, IN 47722. Prelim inary interviews will be conducted at the ALA Conference in Chicago. Application deadline is June 30, 1990. P o sitio n is a v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly . T he U n iv e rs ity of Evansville is an Affirm ative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (anticipated opening). O pportunity to join an excellent team of 13 professional librarians in providing service to a large, m ulti-cam pus urban com m unity college. Duties: To offer general reference service and library-use instruction after­ noons and evenings. Perform collection developm ent in selected areas. Serve on library com m ittees to coordinate efforts with other ACC librarians. M aintain and develop periodicals collection. Per­ form online searching as needed. Maintain faculty liaison in se­ lected academ ic areas. Candidate should possess a strong public service com m itm ent. ALA-accredited MLS. Entry-level candidates who are m otivated to w ork in a com m unity college are encouraged to apply. Prefer: 2 years pre-professional experience in a academ ic setting. Supervisory aptitude. Applicants should be flexible, curi­ ous, energetic, and know ledgeable with excellent com m unication skills. M inorities are encouraged to apply. Faculty status. Nine- month contract with 3-m onth sum m er option. Salary: $23,015 (FY90) (9 months) minimum. Respond with letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Person­ nel Department, Austin Com m unity College, P.O. Box 140526, Austin, TX 78714-0526. Closing date: June 29, 1990. ACC is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, SO CIAL SCIENCE SPECIALTY. The Z. Smith Reynolds Library at W ake Forest University seeks a highly m otivated librarian to perform a full range of reference services in a general reference departm ent including online and end-user database searching, bibliographic instruction, collection development, and creation of specialized social sciences refer­ ence aids. Evening and weekend work required. Minimum qualifi­ cations: ALA-accredited MLS. Good interpersonal skills and a committment to service. Appropriate undergraduate coursework. Desired: Relevant library work experience including online search­ ing. Advanced degree in economics, social science, or statistics. Entry level appointm ent possible. The successful candidate will be able to participate in the autom ation of the Reynolds Library and the expansion and relocation of the Reference Departm ent to a building addition underway. W ake Forest University, located in the thriving Piedm ont Triad of North Carolina, has a collection of over one million volum es for a student population of 4,500, and is a liberal arts university with doctoral program s and strong profes­ sional schools. Salary range: From low 20s com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. Position available July 1, 1990. Applications received by June 20 will receive first consideration. Send letter of application and resume to: Director, Z. Smith Rey­ nolds Library, W ake Forest U n iversity, W inston-S alem , NC 27109-7777. AA-EOE. SCIENCE CA TALO G ER (new position). The University of Califor­ nia, Irvine, one of the fastest growing cam pus in the UC system, has an opening in the Catalog Department. Reporting to the Catalog Departm ent Head, responsible for cataloging m aterials in books form at for the science collections, including the medical sciences, supervising the sciences section, and advising catalog­ e d of m aterials in other form ats on classification and subject headings as necessary. Requirem ents include: an ALA-accredited MLS degree; reading knowledge of a foreign language, preferably Germ an; knowledge of LC and NLM classification system s and subject headings, AACR2 and M ARC form at; 3+ years recent experience as a cataloger of science m aterials in an academic, m edical or research library; proven supervisory skills; fam iliarity with an autom ated library system, such as OCLC; excellent com ­ m unication skills and the ability to w ork successfully with all elem ents of a diverse academ ic com munity. A science degree and local autom ation system and m icrocom puter application experi­ ence are highly desirable. Appointm ent will be at the Assistant to Associate Librarian, Step V, rank with a salary range of $31,668- $41,976, com m ensurate with qualifications and experience. We offer a generous benefits package, equal to approxim ately 40% of the salary, and an excellent retirem ent system. Applications re­ ceived by July 1 ‚ 1990, will receive first consideration, but applica­ tions will be accepted until the position is filled. To apply: send application letter with 1) a com plete statem ent of qualifications; 2) resum e of education and relevant experience; and 3) the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of 3 references. Address letters to: Anne Rimmer, Library Personnel Office, University of California, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713; (714) 856- 7115; fax (714) 725-2472. UCI is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer actively seeking minority applicants. TEC H N IC A L SERVIC ES LIBRARIAN, W illiams College Library. Under the general supervision of the Head of Technical Services to participate in the acquisitions and cataloging operations of the C ollege Library. Perform s original cataloging of monographs, m usic scores, and non-book materials. Does authority work, both subject and name. O versees retrospective conversion and reclas­ sification projects. Performs online catalog maintenance. Does com plex bibliographic searching for acquisitions. Participates in form ulating technical services policies and procedures. Trains and supervises technical assistants and student workers. Performs other professional assignm ents as required. Qualifications: MLS degree from an accredited ALA Library School. Knowledge of OCLC, LC classification, subject headings, and online catalog. A b ility to w o rk w ith fore ign language m aterials. Salary from $23,500 depending upon experience. Send resume and names of three references by June 30, 1990, to: Jam es Cubit, Assistant College Librarian, W illiam s College, W illiamstown, MA 01267. An EO/AA employer. USER EDUCATION CO O RDINATO R, University of Georgia Li­ braries. Duties and responsibilities: Through creativity and flexibil­ ity, the User Education Coordinator provides dynam ic leadership for all staff participating in user education activities. The C oordina­ tor is responsible for coordinating the Main Library’s user educa­ tion program and for direct supervision of the bibliographic instruc­ tion and orientation activities conducted by the Reference Depart­ ment at the Main Library. The Coordinator serves as liaison to the other library units who engage in instructional activities. The user education program provides instruction for the following categories of users: freshmen, other undergraduates, graduate and profes­ sional students, faculty, teaching assistants, university staff, li­ brary staff, and outside groups. The types of instruction offered include, but are not limited to tours, introductory sessions on basic library skills, specialized subject lectures, faculty and teaching assistan t sem inars, presentations on special services and/or sources, workshops, and self-guided instructional aids. Instruc­ tional staff includes members of the Reference Departm ent and other Library units. The Coordinator also serves as a general reference librarian with responsibility for assisting students, fac­ ulty, staff and others in making effective use of library resources. To achieve this goal, reference librarians provide general refer­ ence, instructional, and referral services in the social sciences and humanities, conduct library instruction through general tours and specialized presentations, prepare bibliographies and guides, perform com puterized database searches, and provide consulta­ 6 0 0 / C&RL News tive support for patrons using end-user com puter system s (i.e. OPAC and CD-ROM products, etc.). The Coordinator dem on­ strates com m itm ent to and participates in the innovative applica­ tion of technology in reference work. In addition, each reference librarian participates in developing the reference collection through selection and weeding. The Reference Departm ent is com posed of eleven librarians and four support staff. The Coordinator reports to the Head of the Reference Departm ent. Q ualifications: ALA-ac- credited MLS; Broad user education experience; Creativity and flexibility in planning and im plem enting user education program s; Two years of professional reference experience, preferably in an academ ic or research library; Knowledge of reference sources; Knowledge of instructional technology and technology-based ref­ erence system s; Experience in online database searching; Com ­ m itment to inform ation literacy; Demonstrated outstanding oral and written com m unication skills; Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, patrons, and the univer­ sity com m unity; W orking knowledge of at least one foreign lan­ guage desired. Salary M inim um : $25,000. Standard benefits package includes life, health, and disability insurance and m anda­ tory participation in the state retirem ent system, 21 days of annual leave, and 12 paid holidays. Application procedure: Send letter of application and resum e addressing all of the qualifications along with the nam es of three references postm arked no later than July 16, 1990, to: Florence E. King, Personnel Librarian, University of G eorgia Libraries, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. LATE JOB LISTINGS ARCHIVES. Sul Ross State University is seeking an experienced professional to serve as the Director o f the Archives of the Big Bend. The archives contain 9,000 volumes of printed books most relating to Texas and the southwest, 2071 linear feet of manuscripts relating to the settlement and development o f the Big Bend area, and the university’s archives. Responsible for evaluation, planning and develop­ ment of policies and procedures for the Archives of the Big Bend in the context of academic and administrative needs of Sul Ross State University. Duties include acquisition, technical processing, the provision of manuscripts, regional history and university archives, and other materials of the department of special collec­ tions located in the Bryan Wildenthal Memorial Library. Supervise one full-time paraprofessional and two part-time assistants. Participate in planning information services for the learning resources division and in collection development, biblio­ graphic instruction, and the delivery of library information services. Report to the Director of the Learning Resources Division of SRSU. Requirements: ALA-accred- ited MLS. Formal training in archival records management or two years experience in successful processing and cataloging of manuscript, archival or rare book collec­ tions. Preferred: BA or MA in American History. Experience with MARC AMC, automated library procedures and services, current trends in bibliographic instruc­ tion, reference services, and collection development. Interest in U.S. and Mexican History, particularly the history of Texas and the southwest. Salary commensurate with successful candidate’s experience and education, $22,452 minimum. Compre­ hensive benefits package. Send letter of application, resume, and the names o f at least three references to: Director of Personnel, Sul Ross State University, Box C-13, Alpine, TX 79832. (915) 837-8058. Review of applications will begin on July 15, 1990 and continue until the position is filled. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. ARCHIVIST, HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS. The Archivist, Head of Special Collections is responsible for the management and operation of a full service special collections department This individual manages, provides leadership, and, with other staff, carries out the department’s planning, personnel and budget activities; collection development; bibliographic control, automation; security; preservation; reference and public services, exhibitions, publications, public rela­ tions, and grant preparation. Position reports to the Associate Director of the Library. Qualifications: Required: Graduate library degree from an ALA-accredited program. Broad academic background; progressively responsible experience work­ ing in special collections;. skills in organizational leadership, supervision, interper­ sonal relations and budgeting; thorough knowledge of bibliographic description and control as applied to archival materials; demonstrated skills in oral and written communication and understanding of the aims of scholarship and the needs of scholars; familiarity with the principles and methods of conserving and preserving library materials. Preferred: Second graduate degree in a subject area; experience in library automation in special collections; experience with the organization and June 1990 / 601 care o f historical photographs, evidence of scholarly research and publication; reading knowledge of French. Salary: $25,000 per fiscal year minimum, dependent on experience and qualifications. Twelve month administrative position. Deadline: July 1, 1990 or until position is filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at ALA Send letter of application, resume and the names and telephone numbers of three references to: Dr. Sharon Goad, Library Director, Eilender Memorial Library, Nicholls State University, P.O. Box 2028, Thibodaux, Louisiana 70301. Nicholls State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. The University of California, Irvine, is seeking qualified candidates for a senior administrative position. Reports to the University Librarian and is responsible for public services in the Division of Library that serves the Schools of Humanities, Social Sciences, Fine Arts, Graduate School of Management and Program of Social Ecology; planning, organizing and managing the Division’s work and coordinating the Division’s activities with other Library units. The Division encompasses the public service departments housed in the Main Library— 1) Circulation, 2) Government Publications and Microforms, 3) Reference, and 4) Special Collections. Specific duties include: developing and coordinating public services in the Main Library; working cooperatively to establish policies that affect other Divisions such as Collections and Technical Services; planning and budgeting allocated resources; alternating with the AUL for the Sciences; serves as public service representative at University-wide meetings. Requirements include: an ALA-accredited MLS degree; extensive academic library experience, demonstrated administrative skills and knowledge in planning, organizing and setting priorities; commitment to a consultative/participative managerial style with demonstrated ability to work effectively with people at all levels; successful management experi­ ence with special attention to personnel concerns, preferably including those in a collective bargaining environment; ability to provide creative leadership in dy­ namic and rapidly changing circumstances; commitment to active programs in bibliographic instruction and to the overall goal of public services; excellent oral and written communication skills; and the ability to work effectively, independently and cooperatively with all elements of a culturally diverse academic community; basic computer literacy; evidence of university service, research and/or participa­ tion in professional associations. Advanced academic training beyond the Baccalau­ reate level is highly desirable. Appointment will be at Assistant University Librarian rank with a salary rank with a salary range of $46,200-$73,400 to be commensurate with qualifications and experience; generous benefits package, equal to approximately 40% of the salary; excellent retirement system. Applica­ tions received by July 15,1990, will receive first consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. To apply: send application letter with 1) a complete statement of qualifications; 2) resume of education and relevant experience; and 3) names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Letters should be addressed to: Anne Rimmer, Library Personnel Office, Univer­ sity of California, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713; (714) 856-7115; fax, (714) 725-2472. UCI is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer actively seeking minority applicants. AUDIOVISUAL CATALOGED (new position). The Library at the University of California, Irvine, is seeking an Audiovisual Cataloger to join our Catalog Depart­ ment. Responsibilities: catalog audiovisual monographic materials for the Main Library and its branches, supervise the audiovisual section, and coordinate work with other library units handling audiovisual media. To qualify, you must have an ALA-accredited MLS degree; ability to read at least one Western European lan­ guage; knowledge of LC classification system and subject headings and AACR2 and 602 / C&RL News MARC formats; 2 years recent experience as a cataloger in an academic or research library; proven supervisory skills; familiarity with an automated library system, such as OCLC; excellent communications skills and the ability to work effectively with a diverse academic community in a changing work environment. Knowledge of NLM classification and subject headings and one year o f experience cataloging audiovisual materials in an academic library is highly desirable. Salary range, $30,144-$39,276, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointment will be at the Assistant to Associate Librarian Step V rank. We offer a generous benefits package, equal to approximately 40% of the salary, and an excellent retirement system. Applications received by July 1, 1990, will receive first consid­ eration, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To apply: send application letter with 1) a complete statement of qualifications; 2) resume of education and relevant experience; and 3) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references. Address letters to: Anne Rimmer, Library Personnel Office, University of California, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713; (714) 856-7115; fax, (714) 725-2472. UCI is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer actively seeking minority applicants. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Uni­ versity of Cincinnati. Required qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program; two years of professional experience in an academic library; a minimum o f two years experience in library instruction and use programs; ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. Preferred qualifications: collection development experience; reading knowledge of one modern European language; experience in using micro-computers. $25,000-$29,000. Send the following information: a cover letter with complete statement of qualifications for this position; a resume of education and experience; and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references. Send to: Mark Weber, Assistant University Librarian for Person­ nel, 640 Langsam Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221- 0033. Deadline: 8/10/90. AA/EEO. BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTOR FOR SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY. As a member o f the Bibliographic Instruction Department, is responsible for instruc­ tion (undergraduate and graduate) and collection development in the sciences and technology. General reference assistance and database searching are part o f the position. In the past academic year over 10,000 students were taught by the Department. The Bibliographic Instruction Department plays an active role in curriculum development across campus. William S. Carlson Library is the central research facility of The University o f Toledo, a state university o f 24,000 students offering associate, bachelor, professional, and doctoral degrees in eight colleges. The attractive main campus is located in one o f Toledo’s finest residential sections and is an integral part o f the civic, cultural and commercial life of the city. Toledo is undergoing a revitalization o f its downtown and waterfront area to complement its noted Museum of Art, Symphony, Zoo, and Metropolitan Park System. Its location provides outstanding recreational opportunities on Lake Erie and easy access to Ann Arbor, Detroit, Columbus, and other cities throughout the midwest. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, undergraduate degree in science or engineer­ ing preferred. Advanced coursework in science or engineering preferred; library experience, and teaching experience desirable. Salary $25,000-$30,000 depending upon experience and qualifications. This is a faculty status, 12-month, tenure- track position with liberal fringe benefits. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Position available July 1,1990. Send letter o f application, resume, and the names o f at least three references to: Gloria Freimer, Chair, Search Committee, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606. The University of Toledo is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. June 1990 / 603 EAST ASIAN CATALOGER. Under direction of Head of Cataloging, responsible for original cataloging of monographs in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean using Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition revised, and Library of Congress classification and subject headings; oversees library’s OCLC/CJK operations and inclusion of East Asian materials in local online catalog; responsible for training and supervision of support staff (1 FTE) and student assistants. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; working knowledge of Chinese and Japanese with specialization in one; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing in English; practical and theoretical knowledge of Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition revised, Library of Congress subject headings and classification, current developments in cataloging; ability to deal with materials on a variety of subjects, solve problems, work with great attention to detail; ability to work well independently and with wide variety of people, and to meet responsibilities of tenure-track position. Preferred: working knowledge of Korean; experience with OCLC/CJK subsystem or other bibliographic utility; academic concentration on East Asian studies; previous supervisory experience. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Minimum: Assistant Librarian, $24,500; Associate Librarian, $29,768; Librarian, $36,383. Conditions and Benefits: Librarians hold tenure track appointments within a system of ranks analogous to and modeled on those of the teaching faculty. They participate in a system of faculty governance which includes the Bloomington Library Faculty Council and University Library Faculty Council. Within the University they are eligible for election to campus and university Faculty Councils and serve on university committees and task forces. They are eligible for sabbatical and other research leaves. Benefits include Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Major Medical insurance, TIAA/CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance and liberal vacation and sick leave. To apply send letter of application stating qualifications and background relevant to this specific position with resume, and names and addresses four references to the Search and Screen Committee in care of Marilyn Shaver, Personnel Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library C-201, Bloomington, IN 47405; (812) 855-8196. Available date: August 1, 1990. Closing date for applications: No earlier than July 9, 1990. EEO/AAE. HEAD, DOCUMENTS, MICROFORMS, AND MEDIA DEPARTMENT. Re­ porting to the Assistant Director for Public Services, the Head, Documents, Microforms and Media is a major administrative position in a service-directed environment. Responsibility for organization, staffing, budgeting and operation of three units: Microforms Center, Media Center, and Documents Processing Unit, each headed by a paraprofessional staff member. The Microforms Center supports a closed-stack collection of 2.2 million microforms, including journal and newspaper backfiles, government publications, ERIC documents, company reports, technical reports, and research collections. The Media Center provides service through individual, custom-built carrels and group listening rooms for a closed-stack collection of 12,000 non-print items focusing on course-related materials. The Microforms and Media Centers operate in attractive facilities, custom designed for their formats. The Documents Processing Unit is responsible for technical process­ ing and maintenance of state, federal, and international publications. The library is a selective (75%) federal depository, a full depository for State of Iowa publica­ tions, and collects international and other state documents. The Department is composed of nine support staff and 10 FTE student assistants. As a department head, this individual will participate in the administration of the Public Services Division and will serve on the Dean’s Council. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of three years relevant professional experience in an academic library; public service experience in at least one of the following areas: government publications, microforms, media; effective public service management skills; demonstrated ability to supervise and direct the work of staff including conceptu­ alization, planning and implementation skills; effective communication and inter­ 6 0 4 / C&RL News personal skills with staff and the public; understanding of and commitment to library automation; ability to view issues from a broad library-wide perspective; understanding and commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action; ability to meet promotion and tenure standards. Preferred: Experience in more than one o f the three functional areas; experience in reference services; experience with equipment procurement. Salary and benefits: $33,000 minimum. Competi­ tive benefits. Iowa State offers a positive environment for career growth and challenge. Situated on a beautiful campus, the recently remodeled and expanded Library actively serves a campus o f over 25,000 students and supports nationally recognized collections in excess of 1.7 million volumes, 2 million microforms and 21,000 current serial subscriptions. A fully integrated Library system (NOTIS) is in the first phases of installation. The Library is a member of ARL, CRL, BCR, and OCLC. Ames is a community of 50,000 located 35 miles from Des Moines, the state capital. The city supports quality schools and outstanding cultural attractions and was recently recognized as one of the top ten areas of its size in the country. Application: Review of applications will begin July 6,1990, and will continue until an adequate pool is developed. Submit letter, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers o f three references to: William K. Black, Assistant Director for Administrative Services and Personnel, 302 Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-2140. Iowa State University has a strong commit­ ment to equal opportunity and affirmative action, members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES, Regis College, Denver. Administers a proactive, expanding department. Develops policies, procedures, and evaluation instru­ ments. Participates in reference and BI rotations Serves as bibliographer in several subject areas. Qualifications: minimum of three years in an academic library. Experience in creating and implementing new public service programs. Skill in and love of teaching both undergraduates and working adults. MLS required. A second masters or doctorate desirable. Candidates must show evidence of scholarly/professional contributions through publications and/or professional society leadership and have reputations for imaginative thinking and planning. Solid supervisory and communication skills essential. Regis College is a Jesuit liberal arts college committed to value-centered education. The libraries serve over 6,500 students on seven campuses and teaching sites. The libraries are automated (CARL systems) and linked to the major academic libraries o f Colorado. Planning for the renovation of the main library is well advanced. Salary range: $28,000- $38,000. Excellent benefits. Submit letter of app. current res. and 3 references (inch phone) to: Mary Rogers, Dayton Memorial Library, Regis College, W. 50th & Lowell Blvd., Denver, CO 80221. Available July 1. HEAD OF REFERENCE SERVICES (search reopened). Manages the human and material resources essential to the provision of traditional and technological reference and research services in the social sciences, humanities, fine arts, business and education, serving a leadership roll and fostering a collegial, syner­ gistic environment conducive to the successful development o f personnel and programs. Salary: $38,000 and up, dependent on qualifications and experience. Required: ALA-MLS; effective communication and interpersonal skills; profes­ sional library experience, including reference service and collection development; academic or research library experience; administrative experience, including the supervision of librarians; demonstrated aptitude for planning, budgeting, and managing human and material resources; knowledge o f and experience with current library technology; strong leadership potential; record o f professional achievement sufficient to meet ASU criteria for appointment as Associate Librar­ ian or Librarian. Preferred: Substantial professional experience (five years or June 1990 / 605 more) in a large academic or research library; strong background in the social sciences and/or humanities. Deadline: July 15, 1990. Send letter, resume and names, addresses and phone numbers of four references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287- 1006. AA, EEO employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES AND SYSTEMS. Northern Michigan University is a state university of 8,000 students and 900 employees serving Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and located on the shore of Lake Superior. Olson Library contains over 450,000 volumes, subscribes to over 2,900 serials, and houses both A-V and depository documents collections. The Head of Technical Services and Systems will administer the technical services of Olson Library, which includes responsibility for planning and supervision of the activities and staff of Cataloging and Acquisitions, and for coordination of automated library systems. Qualifica­ tions: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; ability to coordinate and administer Acquisitions and Cataloging; 3 to 5 years academic library experi­ ence with significant experience in one major area of technical services; demon­ strated skills in planning; experience with automated library systems, preferably NOTIS, and a major bibliographic utility; work effectively with faculty, students, colleagues; effective oral and written communication skills; a second master’s degree in a subject area desirable. Salary: $28,674 to $35,000. Faculty status, tenure track. Submit nominations or letter of application with resume, three letters of recommendation, and copies of credentials and transcripts to: Director’s Office, Olson Library, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI 49855-5376. Applications review will begin after: July 15, 1990. Starting date: September 1, 1990. An AA/EO employer. MONOGRAPHIC SCIENCE CATALOGER. Original cataloging in the sciences and technology, and OCLC-member copy cataloging in all disciplines of mono­ graphic materials using AACR2 and other national standards. Additional respon­ sibilities as assigned. Participate in the development of departmental policies and procedures. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; cataloging experience in an academic or research institution which has included use of LC classification system and subject headings; application of AACR2 and MARC tagging via a bibliographic utility; reading knowledge of a modern European language; ability to catalog science and technology materials; ability to work in a changing environment; ability to meet promotion and tenure requirements. Preferred: OCLC experience in cataloging; science or technology background; reading knowledge of Russian or Spanish. Salary and Benefits: $24,000 minimum. Competitive benefits. Iowa State offers a positive environment for career growth and challenge. Situated on a beautiful campus, the recently remodeled and expanded Library actively serves a campus of over 25,000 students and supports nationally recognized collections in excess of 1.7 million volumes, 2 million microforms and 21,000 current serial subscriptions. A fully integrated Library system (NOTIS) is in the first phases of installation. The Library is a member of ARL, CRL, BCR, and OCLC. Ames is a community of 50,000 located 35 miles from Des Moines, the state capital. The city supports quality schools and outstanding cultural attractions and was recently recognized as one of the top ten areas of its size in the country. Application: Review of applications will begin July 16, 1990, and will continue until an adequate pool is developed. Submit letter, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: William K. Black, Assistant Director for Administrative Services and Personnel, 302 Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-2140. Iowa State University has a strong commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action, members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Em­ ployer. 6 0 6 / C&RL News PERSONAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FOR CLINI­ CAL SCIENTISTS. The William H. Welch Medical Library, The Johns Hopkins University, is offering a challenging position as a Personal Information Manage­ ment Specialist for Clinical Scientists. Primary responsibilities include consulting with individuals and departments to assess information needs, recommend appro­ priate solutions, and evaluate impact; and coordinating instruction for faculty, researchers, and staff in the clinical sciences. The position plays an active role in an exciting and changing information environment. The Librarian is a member of the Education Program under the supervision of the Manager o f Library Instruction. The Welch Library is in the forefront of the application o f electronic technologies to the management and delivery of health care information and biomedical research information. The Library is highly automated, using networks and heterogeneous computing systems to support an online catalog, bibliographic databases, and electronic service delivery. The position requires a master’s degree in library science, and experience with library instruction, online bibliographic databases, automated library systems, and IBM and Macintosh microcomputers. Excellent oral and written communications skills are essential. Two years experience in a health science library and an understanding of the information needs of researchers and clinicians is desirable. The Library offers a competitive salary and outstanding benefits package. Qualified applicants should submit an application letter, curricu­ lum vitae and names of three references to: Paulette Hynson, Employment Man­ ager, The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine Employment Office, 1830 E. Monument St., Room 2-106, Baltimore, MD 21205. EOE M/F/H. PROCESSING SERVICES DEPARTMENT HEAD, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University. Minimum rank: Librarian III. Search reopened. Responsibilities: Provides leadership and direction to the team leaders; advocates and facilitates the self-management process; ensures inter-team and inter-departmental coordina­ tion and cooperation; promotes team development and individual staff develop­ ment; defines and articulates departmental goals and objectives and works with the team leaders to assure that team objectives promote the achievement of depart­ mental objectives; assures that teams have the necessary resources to meet their objectives. Represents the needs and contributions of the department to the library system. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Knowledge of large research library technical services operations and issues. At least five years of progressively responsible professional experience in libraries, preferably aca­ demic or research libraries. Demonstrated leadership ability and managerial skills. Strong commitment to the principles of self-management and staff develop­ ment. Excellent interpersonal skills, including both written and oral communica­ tion skills. Analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to work effectively in a changing environment and with a diverse staff. Strong service orientation. Applica­ tion deadline: July 2,1990; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience; from a minimum of $32,750. Please send letter of application, resume, and the names of three refer­ ences to: Diane Y. Turner, Acting Head, Library Personnel Services, Yale Univer­ sity Library, P.O. Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. EEO/AA. PUBLIC SERVICES/MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARIAN (reopened search). The George Washington University announces that the search for Public Services/ Manuscripts Librarian in the Special Collections Department has been reopened. Appointment Salary Minimum: $24,000. Position Description: Opportunity to promote access to collections documenting the local history of the nation’s capital. Develop strategies for building collections and providing access using automated technologies. Responsibilities: Coordinate department public services operation; promote collection use. Plan and supervise the processing of corporate and personal papers. Assess and manage growing collections of manuscripts and records; estab­ June 1990 / 607 lish bibliographic control o f collections in an online environment. Maintain and develop local history research resource database, Collections: DC. Qualifications Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Archival administration course- work; pre- or post-MLS archival experience, including assessment and processing of corporate or personal papers. Knowledge of archival principals and established practices. Experience with microcomputer applications for manuscripts processing and with producing collection finding aids. Excellent written and oral communica­ tion skills. Deadline for application: For full consideration, please respond by June 30, 1990. The search will remain open until the position is filled. Please send current resume and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Andrea Stewart, Executive Associate, The Melvin Gelman Library, The George Washington University, 2130 H Street, N.W., Room 201, Washington, DC 20052. The George Washington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Lawrence University invites applications for the position of reference librarian. Located in Appleton, Wisconsin, Lawrence is a liberal arts college committed to excellence in undergraduate education. The library staff includes five professional librarians, two of whom serve in reference. Candidates should bring an appreciation for and commitment to undergraduate liberal arts education. The MLS is required. Some familiarity with library automation is necessary. A liberal arts undergraduate degree and an additional graduate degree are desirable. We are especially interested in applications from those with solid experience in reference work, and with the ability to provide leadership in bibliographic instruction. Position open as early as July 1, and no later than September 1. Salary from $24,000, depending on qualifications. Send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Dennis Ribbens, Library Director, Lawrence University, P.O. Box 599, Appleton, WI 54912. Minorities are urged to apply. Lawrence University promotes equal employment opportunity for all. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR ENGLISH LIT­ ERATURE AND LANGUAGE. University of Cincinnati. Required qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited program; M.A. in English or relevant combination of education and experience; ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. Preferred qualifications: professional experience in an academic library, preferably in reference or collection development and management; reading knowl­ edge of one modern European language; collection development experience. $24,000- $28,000. Send the following information: a cover letter with complete statement of qualifications for this position; a resume of education and experience; and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references. Send to: Mark Weber, Assistant University Librarian for Personnel, 640 Langsam Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. Deadline: 8/10/90. AA/EEO. SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, BIBLIOGRAPHER. Re­ sponsible for the Library’s collection development in Political Science, Hotel and Restaurant Management, and related social sciences disciplines. Provides service at information desk, including some weekend and evening hours. Participates in an active program of library instruction an computerized database searching in the disciplines of selection responsibility. Requires an ALA-accredited MLS. Excellent communication skills and strong service orientation essential. $20,500 minimum salary depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits package including choice of retirement programs. The University of Houston Libraries holdings exceed 1.6 million volumes, with a materials budget of $2.2 million, and a total staff of 175. The Library is a member of ARL. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. Equal Opportunity Employer. SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION LIBRARIAN, Michael Orradre Library, Santa Clara University. Responsible for participating in final contract negotiations with vendor selected for integrated library automation system and coordinating the implementation of the new system. Will work closely with vendor, staffs of both University and Law libraries, and appropriate computer center staff. Typical duties will include the following: work with operational units on system tables, file conversion, tape load, etc.; coordinate training programs; disseminate information and maintain communication during planning and implementation of system. Qualified candidates must have an MLS or equivalent degree from an ALA- accredited program and at least 5 years of professional experience. A minimum of 2 years experience is required in a position involving substantial responsibility for automated library systems. Broad-based knowledge o f academic library operations and services, demonstrated analytical, planning and organizational skills are required. Previous project management experience is strongly preferred. Previous experience with the implementation of an integrated library system is highly desirable. Project-based position, funded for approximately two years, depending upon date of hire. Non-career track appointment at the rank of Associate Librarian is expected. 1990/91 salary range, $32,281-$48,422. Apply by July 15, 1990, to: Elizabeth M. Salzer, University Librarian, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053. Santa Clara is an AA/EO employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. The Frederick L. Ehrman Medical Library of New York Úniversity Medical Center is seeking a Systems Librarian to direct and manage the implementation o f its integrated library system. In addition, the Systems Librarian will participate in planning for an expanded information system involving local applications of library operational, academic, and research databases. The NYU Medical Center has selected Innovative Interfaces, Inc. as its library system. It will run on DEC equipment in A UNIX environment. The Systems Librarian will supervise 1 FTE technical assistant, and report to the Director. The position requires an MLS from an accredited library school, and at least five years of professional experience, involving online public access catalogs, or the use of integrated library systems. Knowledge of micro computing, programming or com­ puter networking is highly desirable. Excellent organizational and communication skills are necessary. Salary is negotiable from $33,000. New York University Medical Center is one o f the nation’s leading biomedical research, patient care, and medical education. It is located along Manhattan’s East River between 30th and 34th streets. The library has 160,000 volumes and a staff o f 30 FTE. It is in the process of purchasing an integrated library system and expanding its service programs, particularly in support of undergraduate medical education. New York University Medical Center is an equal opportunity employer and seeks applications from all qualified applicants. Applications received by July 1 will be given priority consideration. Please send resumes to: Karen Brewer, Director, Frederick L. Ehrman Medical Library, 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. A 12-month faculty appointment. Primarily responsible for continuing implementation, management and maintenance of key NOTIS (turn­ key integrated library system), CD-ROMs and Commercial online databases. Requirements include ALA-MLS, with an additional graduate degree preferred; minimum of 3 years academic library experience; thorough knowledge of integrated library systems and expertise in online database searching using DIALOG or BRS. Salary range between $28,000 and $32,000. Messiah College is a Christian College in the Anabaptist and Evangelical traditions. Send letter of inquiry with vita to: Jonathan Lauer, director, Murray Learning Resources Center, Messiah College, Grantham, PA 17027. EEO/AA. ACRL and ALA Publishing present— Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Practical Approach The library management tool y ou ’ve been waiting for! M easuring Academic Library Performance offers an easy-to-use set o f output measures that you and your staff can perform without specialized training or knowledge o f statistics. The data you obtain can be used to evaluate the library’s services, to demonstrate the library’s value, and to guide resource allocation. Commissioned and approved by the ACRL Board o f Directors, the manual is the result o f two years o f development and field-testing. The project was headed by Dr. Nancy Van House o f the University o f California at Berkeley, who also worked on the development o f O utput Measures for Public Libraries (ALA, 1987). The measures are specifically designed for academic libraries. The manual contains all the background information and materials you need to carry out a measurement project, including survey forms ready to photocopy. The manual will also be available with a database software package to make your data collection even easier! Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Practical Guide By Dr. Nancy Van House, Beth Weil, and Charles R. McClure Prepared for the Association o f College and Research Libraries, under the auspices o f the Committee on Performance Measures, Ad Hoc Available in June 1990. Price to be announced. ISBN 0-8389-0529-3. A L A B O O K S American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 R E FERENCE P UBLICATION Now, for the first time, in one handy m a s t e r c a t a l o g ... the complete contents o f 225 subject catalogs listing thousands o f books, reports, and pamphlets available from the U .S. G o v e rn m e n t P r in tin g O ffice. Omni’s new annual Subject Bibliographies of Government Publications Edited by Pam D. Oliver. 932 pages. Federal Depository Libraries. U.S. Government Bookstores. Ordering infor­ mation, form. 650-item index. 1990. Standing Order available. $75. SUBJECT BIBLIOGRAPHIES guides readers to thousands of information sources on over 600 high-interest subjects like. .. Accidents.. .A ging.. .Youth.. .Computers... Day Care. . .Energy. . .Financial Aid to Students. . .D ie t. . .Gardening. . .M ental H ealth. . . Nursing C are. .. Small Business .. .Taxes.. .Teaching.. .and hundreds more. OVERCOMES A M AJOR PR O B­ LEM—Maintaining pamphlet files of subject bibliographies has always been a problem. But now Omni binds together in one volume the full text of 225 bibliographies. Arranged alphabetically by main subjects, the book ifŕí ‚ includes an A to Z index, pinpointing 650 precise subjects. (“ Consumer information,” for example, has over 24 subjects that qualify for indexing.) HELPFUL INFORMATION—Entries in this new master catalog are complete with precise titles, descriptions, publication prices, instructions for ordering, and an order form that can be duplicated. Try this massive catalog f r e e for 60 days. Standing Orders save you 10% a n d keep you up to date. Omnigraphics, inc. Penobscot Building • Detroit, MI 48226 Toll-free: 800-234-1340 • Fax: 313-961-1383 Structure Bookmarks •Jfune 1990 / 583 THE CLASSIFIED ADSDeadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the Octo­ber issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.75 per line for ACRL members, $7.25 for others. Late job notices are $13.75 per line for members, $16.20 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged a ports. ALA/MLS, four years experience in academic library acqui- sitions/collection development. Prefer supervisory experience and record of professional achievement. Write or call for full announce­ment: Olivia Mills, Humboldt State University Library, Arcata, CA 95521; (707) 826-3441. Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian ($34,752 to $43,836). Screening of applications will begin June 1, 1990, and continue until an appointment is made. Available: January 1, 1991.ASSISTANT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Under di 584 / C&RL News with reference, circulation, and materials processing. Entry level position requiring MLS from ALA-accredited institution or foreign equivalent and oral and written communication skills. Reports to Head of the Borchert Map Library with six years to achieve continuous appointment. Salary - $22,000 minimum. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three refer­ences to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel Officer, University of Minne­sota, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Ave So., Minneapolis, MN 55455. ence preferred. Additional graduate degree preferred and required for tenure. Salary for academic year from $28,000 to $32,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Possible summer appointment. Send letter of application, names, addresses, and phone numbers of three current references and resume by July 13, 1990, to: Edwin Hill, Department Chairperson, Murphy Library, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, Wl 54601. AA/ EOE.BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER. TheUniversity of Nevada, La Salary guideListed below are the minimum starting sal­ary figures recommended by 19 state library organizations for professional library posts in these states. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini­mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989 issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacan­cies. For more informa ConnecticutIndianaIowaKansasLouisianaMaineMassachusettsNew HampshireNew JerseyNew YorkNorth CarolinaOhioPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaVermontWest VirginiaWisconsin $27,000varies*$19,619$17,500*$20,000varies*$27,554*$17,500$24,200varies*$20,832$20,024$23,700*$23,750varies*$20,000$20,500$20,000$23,700 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. June 1990/585 bibliographic instruction, development of bibliographies and re­search guides. Reports to Head Reference Librarian. Work sched­ule will include regular evening and weekend duties in rotation. Qualifications: Applicants must have a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; degree in business or management field or a minimum of two years, business reference experience; dem­onstrated commitment to public service, ability to work effectively with students, faculty, and staff; effective oral and written co addresses of three references to: Mary Dale Deacon, Dean of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. UNLV is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.CATALOG LIBRARIAN. San Diego State University invites appli­cations for the position of Catalog Librarian. Situated 30 miles north of the Mexican border and 120 miles south of Los Angeles, San Diego ranks sixth in size among the nation’s cities. With over 35,500 students, SDSU is the largest of the 20 586 / C&RL News ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIANNew Mexico State UniversityFaculty position with responsibilities for both original and non-original cataloging of monographs, serials, and special formats, and retrospective conversion in a broad range of subject fields. Includes supervision of classified staff. Must be willing to participate in shared responsibilities including collection management and reference services.Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited MLS; working knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, and LC classifications; demon school, experience cataloging in an automated environment, knowledge of OCLC, AACRII, LC classification. Faculty status and liberal fringe benefits. Minimum $22,000 depending on qualifica­tions and experience. Send resume with names of three references to: Peter Brown, Affirmative Action Officer, SUNY at Purchase, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577. Review of resumes begins June 30, 1990. Position available September 1, 1990.CATALOGERS (TWO). The University of Alabama seeks applica­tions for the fol pean languages. Serials catalog librarian, Instructor or Assistant Professor Level to provide, under the supervision of the Head, Catalog Department, original cataloging and editing of OCLC copy for serials in the main and departmental libraries. To assist with the formulation and review of policies and procedures in the depart­ment, and with conducting Graduate School of Library and Informa­tion Science internships. Qualifications—Instructor: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA; knowledge of June 1990 / 587 CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN. This is a professional position to provide leadership and direction for library circulation activities. Responsibilities include: Overseeing all circulation activities; train­ing, supervising and evaluating staff; performing some public services work. Circulation activities are highly automated. Flexible work schedule required. Experience with an automated circulation system or other automation activities desirable. Tenure-track position beginning approximately October 1, 1990. ALA-ac service position, reporting to the Dean, may have other duties assigned depending on the skills and background of the incum­bent. ALA-approved master’s degree and three years experience in a comparable academic library. Collection development experi­ence required. Leadership and good communication skills essen­tial. Preference will be given to those who have worked with an online system, possess subject master’s degree, and who demon­strate other transferable library skills. Salary to $38,000 for up to 180 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR AUTOMATED SYSTEMSMichigan State UniversityNominations and applications are invited for this exciting and challenging new position which will exercise a strong leadership role in all facets of the development and utilization of information technology in the MSU Libraries. The successful candidate for this position will work directly with the library automation systems (e.g., acquisitions, circulation, and online public access), for the development of a coherent infrastructure within th 588 / C&RL News Faculty Positions in LibrarySerials Librarian: Responsible for original cataloging and processing of serials in all formats using OCLC and NOTIS; and database maintenance, including editing records to conform with ANSI local standards. Reports to serials/acquisitions manager.Cataloger: Responsible for original cataloging of OCLC, monographs and items in all formats using OCLC and NOTIS; and database maintenance, including editing records to conform to LC and local standards. Experience cataloging non-print from an ALA-accredited library school and a minimum of one year of professional library experience. Knowledge of cataloging prin­ciples and standards using AACR2 and OCLC/MARC and experi­ence using the OCLC Cataloging Subsystem. Working knowledge of one or more microcomputer software packages. Effective written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated organizational skills. Appointment: Appointment is in the University of Minnesota’s Academic Administrative Class. Minimum salary is $26,000 and is depende communication skills, public service orientation, and administra- tive/supervisory experience. Strongly preferred qualification: Ph.D. in American history or American studies. Desired qualifica­tions: Experience and/or training in public history; experience in grant writing and promotional activities; familiarity with library automation; and knowledge of publishing. It is a twelve-month, administrative position. Salary is commensurate with qualifica­tions, minimum $41,000. Excellent fringe benefits. Applica June 1990 / 589 CATALOG LIBRARIANS(TWO POSITIONS)Olin Library SystemWashington University in St. LouisThe Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking talented and dynamic individuals to serve as Catalog Librarians. The Olin Library System is engaged in a multi-year project of strengthening and expanding its collections and services to correlate with the University’s program of enriched research and teaching activities. The Olin Library System consists of a large central library and eight satellite Programs, Texas A&M University Development Foundation, 610 Evans Library, College Station, TX 77843.DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL SERVICES, General Libraries, Emory University (search extended). Responsibilities: Provides creative leadership in planning, developing, and administering the Technical Services Division of the Emory University General Libraries. Participates in overall library management and reports to the Vice Provost/Director of Libraries. The Division is composed of 5 departments: Catalog, Catalog Su nity. Technical Services Division and General Libraries: The Tech­nical Services Division has forty-four professional and paraprofes­sional staff members. The collections of the General Libraries total 1,100,000 volumes (over 2,000,000 volumes for all Emory librar­ies), 1,200,000 microforms, 6,000 linear feet of manuscripts with a growing collection of audiovisual materials. The staff totals ap­proximately 150. Other resources are available in separate librar­ies for law, health sciences, theology and Oxfor 590 / C&RL News uct catalog collections. 3) Provide library/bibliographic instruction for Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, and Physics and Astronomy. 4) Administer Mathematics & Statis­tics and Physics & Astronomy Libraries and supervise a LA III at each of these libraries. 5) Provide collection development/subject liaison with Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistics, and Physics & Astronomy Departments. 6) Provide computer search services for areas cited above. MLS from an ALA-accredited libra letter, resume, and names of three references to: Ronald P. Naylor, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Otto G. Richter Library, University of Miami, P.O. Box 248214, Coral Gables, FL 33124; fax (305) 665-7352. University of Miami is an equal oppor­tunity, affirmative action employer.HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT (search extended). The University of Akron is the third largest state-assisted university in Ohio. It offers its 29,000 day and evening students more than 230 associate’s, bachelor’s and June 1990/591 Resources is seeking a professional, experienced manager to effectively set priorities and direct the workflow of its Cataloging Department. Reporting directly to the Director of University Library and Learning Resources, the Head of the Cataloging Department supervises 6.0 professional and 5.0 staff employees. This working manager is responsible for: coordinating the original cataloging, copy cataloging and pre-order searching of monographs, serials, government documents, media and machine-readable datafil communication skills. Preferred: Record of increasing responsibil­ity of staff supervision; experience with VTLS; budgetary experi­ence; potential for research and evidence of scholarly/professional achievement; evidence of creative and imaginative contributions to overall library management. This is a 12-month, tenure-track appointment at the rank of Associate Professor. It includes 22 days vacation, standard benefits package, and a starting salary be­tween $39,000-$41,000. Application deadline is August 1 COLLEGE LIBRARIANTrinity CollegeHartford, ConnecticutTrinity College invites applications and nominations for the position of College Librarian. Reporting to the Dean of the Faculty (the institution’s chief academic officer), the Librarian is responsible for planning, supervision, and administration of the main library, the Watkinson Library (a separate research facility), the College archives, and such special collections as the slide and music library. The annual library budget is approximately $2 million 592 / C&RL News over 10,000 volumes per year. Other duties include responsibilities as a subject bibliographer. Required: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school and a minimum of four years of progressively responsible professional technical services experience: strong background in supervision and management; knowledge of LC classification, LCSH, AACR2, and MARC for­mats; demonstrated communication and interpersonal relations skills. Preferred: Some experience with an online catalog. Position is t DIRECTORCLARKE HISTORICAL LIBRARYCentral Michigan University LibrariesCentral Michigan University is committed to diversity as an educational value and to taking affirmative actions to ensure equal opportunity in all areas of the University. Such factors as religion, national origin, race, color, sex, handi­cap, age, height, weight, marital status, veteran status, citizenship, or sexual orientation are not used as a basis for discrimination or harass­ment. In accord with this commitment to diver­sity and no June 1990/593 3081; (404) 651-2172. Review of applications begins July 10, 1990, and will continue until the position is filled. An Equal Oppor­tunity Affirmative Action Employer.HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS/COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. TheUniversity of West Florida invites applications and nominations for the position of Head of Acquisitions/Collection Development. Re­sponsibilities: Selects, acquires, evaluates current and retrospec­tive monographic titles; monitors and recommends allocation of funds to academic departments; and su an urban university. Position reports to the deputy director. Shares broad responsibility for management of the library as well as planning, managing, and coordinating all collection management activities, including the collection-related responsibilities of 17 librarians, and the full-time supervision of 7 classified staff and 2.5 student assistants. Overall responsibilities include collection evaluation, selection and deselection, acquisition, pre-order search, vendor selection, development of special col REFERENCE LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, Stanislaus12-month, tenure-track position, starting September 1990. Responsibilities, shared with three other reference librarians, include general reference and online database searching, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. Establishes circulation policies in consultation with dean of library services and assists circulation coordinator in resolving special problems. Some evening and weekend work required. Benefits include 24 days vacation, 594 / C&RL News The University of Wisconsin-Parkside Library/Learníng CenterTwo Public Services PositionCoordinator of online search services. The successful candidate will coordinate the library's mediated and end-user search services; provide reference service; serve as liaison to several faculty departments for purposes of bibliographic instruction, online searching, and collection development; and participate in outreach programs. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Graduate library degree from an ALA accredited library school; 44115. Review of applications will begin July 16 and will continue until the position is filled. Starting date October 1. Preliminary informational meetings will be set up at ALA. Equal Opportunity Employer, minority, female, handicapped.HEAD, ORDER UNIT, Kansas State University Libraries. Respon­sible for management monographic acquisitions, including ap­proval and blanket order plans, plus serial ordering with a staff of 5 classified and 2 FTE student employees. Order Unit expends against a budget of near HEAD OF REFERENCE. Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, is looking for a dynamic, service-oriented individual to head Univer­sity Library Reference Department. Primary responsibilities: Plans, implements, and evaluates Reference Department pro­grams and services; supervises 7 professional librarians and 3 paraprofessionals; represents the library and the Reference De­partment in various state and local organizations; with other library department heads, recommends and implements library goals and directiv June 1990 / 595 SERIALS COORDINATOR LIBRARIAN (REOPENED SEARCH)The George Washington UniversityWashington, D.C.The George Washington University announces that the search for Serials Coordinator Librarian has been reopened. Appointment salary: $26,000 minimum.Responsibilities: The incumbent is responsible for serials record control within the Acquisitions Department, including management and supervision of the Serials and Documents Units (5.5 FTE Staff and 4-6 part-time wage hour employees) and providing service liaison wit Librarian, Weter Memorial Library, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA 98119; (206) 281-2228. Closing date: August 1‚ 1990.HEAD, REFERENCE SERVICES. Central Michigan University is committed to diversity as an educational value and to taking affirmative actions to ensure equal opportunity in all areas of the University. Such factors as religion, national origin, race, color, sex, handicap, age, height, weight, marital status, veteran status, citizenship, or sexual orientation are not used as a basis for doctoral level to a campus enrollment of 17,000 students. The Libraries, with a collection of over 900,000 volumes, are imple­menting NOTIS and have 82 librarians and support staff. Applica­tions will be accepted until this position is filled. Review of candi­dates’ files will begin immediately. Submit letter of application stating this position; resume; and names, addresses, and tele­phone numbers of three references to: Chairperson, Selection Committee, Central Michigan University, Park 207, Mt. Pleasant, 596 / C&RL News INFORMATION DELIVERY COORDINATOR. Responsible for overseeing and supervising the interlibrary loan operations and developing a program to assist users in locating information re­sources available at institutions other than UMD. Enhance and encourage UMD’s cooperation with existing state and national interlibrary networks and explore new avenues of opportunity. In conjunction with the library’s application programmer and Public Service Department personnel integrate new technologies in the implementation of PRINCIPAL CATALOGER/SECTION HEAD, Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). Cataloging Department, starting September 15. 1) responsible for the supervision of the Original and Revised Cataloging Section of the Cataloging Department including train­ing and revising the work of new professional catalogers; 2) be the Department’s contact and resource person for OCLC Enhance and Upgrade procedures; 3) act as resource person for professional catalogers in interpretation of cataloging rules, OCLC cataloging standard June 1990/597 STAFF DEVELOPMENT OFFICEROlin Library SystemWashington University in St. LouisThe Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a talented and creative individual to serve as Staff Development Officer. The Olin Library System is engaged in a multi-year project of strengthening and expanding its collections and services to correlate with the University’s program of enriched research and teaching activities. We are in the process of establishing a comprehensive, multi-year staff develop general collection development. St. Lawrence has recently intro­duced INNOPAC and INNOVACQ and is continuing to implement CD-ROM technology. Twelve month contract; liberal benefits; faculty status with one month’s vacation. Required: ALA-accred­ited MLS; strong commitment to service; effective communication and inter-personal skills; solid course work or experience in refer­ence services on online searching. Preferred: Additional advanced degree; academic library experience; course work or experience in com have 3 letters of professional recommendation sent to: Library Search Committee, Eastern New Mexico University Station 21 ‚ Portales, NM 88130. AA/EOEREFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Cornell University Library. Offer refer­ence service: prepare bibliographies, assist with current aware­ness services, advise on collection needs, and instruct users in legal research methodology (including LEXIS and WESTLAW) in both formal and informal settings. Participate in the 1st year legal bibliography course. Regular evening and pe 598 / C&RL News multicultural and non-traditional students. Provides reference services, bibliographic instruction, CD-ROM assistance for a mul­ticultural community. Research and publication are expected, faculty tenure-track. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; strong oral and written communications skills; strong com­mitment to public service; background or experience in a multicul­tural environment. Desired: Experience in reference and/or biblio­graphic instruction; familiarity with microcomputers. Salary: Com available at the end of the current year and in future years. Applications from minorities are encouraged. Applications must be postmarked by June 25, 1990. Begin date will be approximately September 11, 1990. Interviews may occur at ALA/Chicago June 23-28, 1990. Apply to: Thomas M. Peischl, Dean of the Library, Mankato State University, MSU Box 19 - P.O. Box 8400, Mankato, MN 56002-8400.REFERENCE AND PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN at Moravian College for anticipated August vacancy. Works with team of two other SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN (search reopened)Olin Library System Washington University in St. LouisThe Olin Library System of Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a talented and dynamic individual to serve as Systems Librarian. The Olin Library System is engaged in a multi-year project of strengthening and expanding its collections and services to correlate with the University’s program of enriched research and teaching activities. The Olin Library system consists of a large central library and eight satelli June 1990 / 599 REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN.The University of Evansville Libraries seeks a librarian possessing excellent written and oral communication skills, the interpersonal skills necessary to work collegially and cooperatively with peers, and a commitment to excellent service and professional develop­ment. UE Libraries houses over 215,000 bound volumes and over 243,000 microforms. Fully-automated and integrated online cata­log on the NOTIS System. Responsibilities: Participate in all reference depa nolds Library, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7777. AA-EOE.SCIENCE CATALOGER (new position). The University of Califor­nia, Irvine, one of the fastest growing campus in the UC system, has an opening in the Catalog Department. Reporting to the Catalog Department Head, responsible for cataloging materials in books format for the science collections, including the medical sciences, supervising the sciences section, and advising catalog­ed of materials in other formats on classification and sub 600 / C&RL News tive support for patrons using end-user computer systems (i.e. OPAC and CD-ROM products, etc.). The Coordinator demon­strates commitment to and participates in the innovative applica­tion of technology in reference work. In addition, each reference librarian participates in developing the reference collection through selection and weeding. The Reference Department is composed of eleven librarians and four support staff. The Coordinator reports to the Head of the Reference Department. Qualifications: ALA-ac- erence systems; Experience in online database searching; Com­mitment to information literacy; Demonstrated outstanding oral and written communication skills; Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, patrons, and the univer­sity community; Working knowledge of at least one foreign lan­guage desired. Salary Minimum: $25,000. Standard benefits package includes life, health, and disability insurance and manda­tory participation in the state retirement system, 21 days of annu ARCHIVES. Sul Ross State University is seeking an experienced professional to serve as the Director of the Archives of the Big Bend. The archives contain 9,000 volumes of printed books most relating to Texas and the southwest, 2071 linear feet of manuscripts relating to the settlement and development of the Big Bend area, and the university’s archives. Responsible for evaluation, planning and develop­ment of policies and procedures for the Archives of the Big Bend in the context of academic and administrati June 1990 / 601 care of historical photographs, evidence of scholarly research and publication; reading knowledge of French. Salary: $25,000 per fiscal year minimum, dependent on experience and qualifications. Twelve month administrative position. Deadline: July 1, 1990 or until position is filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at ALA Send letter of application, resume and the names and telephone numbers of three references to: Dr. Sharon Goad, Library Director, Eilender Memorial Library, Nicholls State Universi 602 / C&RL News MARC formats; 2 years recent experience as a cataloger in an academic or research library; proven supervisory skills; familiarity with an automated library system, such as OCLC; excellent communications skills and the ability to work effectively with a diverse academic community in a changing work environment. Knowledge of NLM classification and subject headings and one year of experience cataloging audiovisual materials in an academic library is highly desirable. Salary range, $30,144-$39,276, commensurate June 1990 / 603 EAST ASIAN CATALOGER. Under direction of Head of Cataloging, responsible for original cataloging of monographs in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean using Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition revised, and Library of Congress classification and subject headings; oversees library’s OCLC/CJK operations and inclusion of East Asian materials in local online catalog; responsible for trainingand supervision of support staff (1 FTE) and student assistants. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; workin 604 / C&RL News personal skills with staff and the public; understanding of and commitment to library automation; ability to view issues from a broad library-wide perspective; understanding and commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action; ability to meet promotion and tenure standards. Preferred: Experience in more than one of the three functional areas; experience in reference services; experience with equipment procurement. Salary and benefits: $33,000 minimum. Competi­tive benefits. Iowa State offers a positi June 1990 / 605 more) in a large academic or research library; strong background in the social sciences and/or humanities. Deadline: July 15, 1990. Send letter, resume and names, addresses and phone numbers of four references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287- 1006. AA, EEO employer.HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES AND SYSTEMS. Northern Michigan University is a state university of 8,000 students and 900 employees serving Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and located on the sh 606 / C&RL News PERSONAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FOR CLINI­CAL SCIENTISTS. The William H. Welch Medical Library, The Johns Hopkins University, is offering a challenging position as a Personal Information Manage­ment Specialist for Clinical Scientists. Primary responsibilities include consulting with individuals and departments to assess information needs, recommend appro­priate solutions, and evaluate impact; and coordinating instruction for faculty, researchers, and staff in the clinical sciences. The position p June 1990 / 607 lish bibliographic control of collections in an online environment. Maintain and develop local history research resource database, Collections: DC. Qualifications Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Archival administration course- work; pre- or post-MLS archival experience, including assessment and processing of corporate or personal papers. Knowledge of archival principals and established practices. Experience with microcomputer applications for manuscripts processing and with producing collectio and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. Equal Opportunity Employer.SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION LIBRARIAN, Michael Orradre Library, Santa Clara University. Responsible for participating in final contract negotiations with vendor selected for integrated library automation system and coordinating the implementation of the new system. Will work closely with vendor, staffs of both University and Law libraries, and appropriate computer ACRL and ALA Publishing present—Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Practical ApproachThe library management tool you’ve been waiting for! Measuring Academic Library Performance offers an easy-to-use set of output measures that you and your staff can perform without specialized training or knowledge of statistics. The data you obtain can be used to evaluate the library’s services, to demonstrate the library’s value, and to guide resource allocation.Commissioned and approved by the ACRL Board of Direct REFERENCE PUBLICATION Now, for the first time, in one handymaster catalog...the complete contents of 225 subject catalogs listing thousands of books, reports, and pamphlets available from theU.S. Government Printing Office.Omni’s new annualSubject Bibliographies of Government Publications Edited by Pam D. Oliver. 932 pages. Federal Depository Libraries. U.S. Government Bookstores. Ordering infor­mation, form. 650-item index. 1990. Standing Order available. $75.SUBJECT BIBLIOGRAPHIES guides readers to thousands of information sources on over 600 high-interest subjects like. .. Accidents.. .Aging.. .Youth.. .Computers... Day Care. . .Energy. . .Financial Aid to Students. . .Diet. . .Gardening. . .Mental Health. . . Nursing Care. .. Small Business .. .Taxes.. .Teaching.. .and hundreds more.OVER includes an A to Z index, pinpointing 650 precise subjects. (“Consumer information,” for example, has over 24 subjects that qualify for indexing.)HELPFUL INFORMATION—Entries in this new master catalog are complete with precise titles, descriptions, publication prices, instructions for ordering, and an order form that can be duplicated.Try this massive catalog free for 60 days.Standing Orders save you 10% and keep you up to date.Omnigraphics, inc.Penobscot Building • Detroit, MI 48226 Toll-free: 800-234-1340