ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries May 1988 / 323 for presentation to the group. The institute will be conducted by C arol K uhlthau and M ary George. Contaet: Jana Varlejs, Director of Pro­ fessional Development, SCILS, Rutgers Univer­ sity, 4 Huntingdon Street, New Brunswick, NJ; (201) 932-7146. 30-July 9—Northern Ireland: Tour of Irish library collections, including the Ulster Folk and Trans­ port Museum, Ulster-American Folk Park, Fer­ managh Museum, Armagh Public Library, Ar­ magh Museum, Queen’s University of Belfast, Linenhall Library, and others. The program is offered by the British Council in association with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Fee: $400 (in­ cludes accommodations, most meals, and trans­ p o rt in N o rth ern Irelan d ). C ontact: C arm el McGill, Northern Ireland Cultural Exchanges Officer, The British Council, British Embassy, 3100 Massachusetts Avenue, N .W ., Washing­ ton, DC 20008; (202) 898-4277. July 22-29—New technology: Summer institute on “Technology in Transition: Issues, Dilemmas, and T rends,” sponsored by Nova University’s Center for Computer-Based Learning, Airport Hilton, D ania, Florida. Keynote speakers in­ clude Cecil Beach, Roger W yatt, and John Blair. Topics: LANs, optical disk technology, artificial intelligence an d expert systems, interactive video, and computer-based training. Contact: M arlyn K em per, D irecto r, Inform ation Sci­ ences, C enter for Computer-Based Learning, N ova U n iv ersity , 3301 C ollege A ve., F o rt Lauderdale, FL 33314; (305) 475-7047. August 1-12—Federal libraries: 16th annual Institute on Federal L ibrary Resources, sponsored by the Catholic University of America’s School of Li­ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). If the second falls on a weekend, the deadline is the following Mon­ day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis af­ ter the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date brary and Inform ation Science, W ashington, D .C . Participants will be addressed by 25 direc­ tors of federal information programs and several membership association representatives. Con­ tact: SLIS, C atholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064; (202) 635-5085. 7-12—Rare books: 10th annual Out-of-Print and A n tiq u arian Book M arket Sem inar, Driscoll University Center, University of Denver. A com­ prehensive survey of the market through a series of lectures, dem onstrations, discussions, and workshops. Keynote speaker: Bernard M. Ro­ senthal. CEUs: 3.0. Free: $450 (deposit due by July 1, check payable to Book Seminars, Inc.). Contact: M argaret K. Goggin, 4024 N.W. 15th Street, Gainesville, FL 32605; (904) 378-8144. October 17-20—EUSIDIC: Annual conference, European Association of Information Services, Heidelberg, Germany. Speakers include: Brigitte Henne­ mann (Genios), Clemens Jochum (Beilstein In­ stitute), David W hitaker (Whitakers), Christian D uteuil (CN IC), Hans H aller (University of Saarbrücken), Sir Charles Chadwyck-Healey, Jacques Michel (International Patent Office), Peter Jones (DEC), and Ev Brenner (API). Con­ tact: Barbara Sarjeant, EUSIDIC, First Floor Offices, 9/9A High Street, Calne, Wiltshire, E n­ gland. 20-24—Paper: “Papermaking by Hand in Amer­ ica,” a national conference on paperm aking, sponsored by the Friends of the Lilly Library and the Friends of the D ard Hunter Paper Museum, Indiana University Bloomington. A tour of the Twinrocker Handm ade Paper Mill in Brookston, Indiana, is scheduled. Contact: Friends of the Lilly Library, Lilly Library, Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington, IN 47405. ■■ must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ dem ic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1 ;00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. WANTED DONATE YOUR USED EQUIPMENT. Tax deductible We are a not-for-profit medical school in northeast Missouri seeking your used 324 / C&RL News equipment including: Reader/Printer; Microfilm Jacket Loader. We pay shipping and freight. Contact: Larry Onsager, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, 800 West Jefferson Street, Kirksville, MO 63501 ‚ or call toll-free: (800) 428-3376 (in Missouri); (800) 626-2286 (out of state), extension 2345. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS/COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. St, Lawrence University, a private, nondenominational liberal arts college, invites nominations and applications for its position of Ac­ quisitions/Collection Development Librarian. Under the direction of the University Librarian, this person will be responsible for drafting, implementing and monitoring library collection development policy and managing a library materials budget of $660,000. S/he will work closely with faculty and coordinate the collection development ef­ forts of the librarians. Under the general direction of the Head of Technical Services, s/he will be responsible for coordinating the or­ dering and receipt of library materials in an automated environment and serving as a resource person for two acquisitions paraprofes- sionals. Other responsibilities include sharing evening and weekend reference service in rotation with all librarians. Required: ALA- accredited MLS; some experience with collection development and acquisitions; familiarity with the OCLC system or another biblio­ graphic utility, MARC format, and AACR2; demonstrated communi­ cation and interpersonal skills and ability to work with all segments of the academic community. Preferred: professional library experi­ ence; experience in budget management and fund accounting; fa­ miliarity with PC software applications; a second master’s degree; a working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Twelve-month contract. Liberal benefits. Month’s vacation. Faculty status. Starting date: on or before August 15, 1988, preferred. Salary range: $19,000-$22,000. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Lynn Ekfelt, Search Committee Chair, Owen D. Young Library, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. Applications should be received by May 27, 1988. St. Lawrence University is an EEO/AA employer and educational institution. Women and minorities are en­ couraged to apply. ACQUISITIONS/EVENING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsi bilities include coordinating acquisitions and providing reference service five days a week, Monday-Thursday and Sunday 2 -1 0 P.M. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution and knowledge of computer applications for library procedures. Desirable: Related ex­ perience. Salary range is $18,000-$20,000. Benefits include a month’s vacation, insurance, and tuition remission opportunities. Starting date: July 1 ‚ 1988. Submit resume and references by June 1, 1988, to: Elinor Vaughan, Director, Brenau Trustee Library, Gainesville, GA 30501. Brenau College is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, Occidental College. The Acquisi­ tions Librarian position at Occidental College reports to the Techni­ cal Services Librarian. He/she plans, coordinates and directs activi­ ties of the acquisitions function with special emphasis in non-books. This would include serials, A-V, and microforms. Responsible for su­ pervision of ordering, serials check-in, bibliographic checking, ven­ dor relations, maintenance of files, staff training, scheduling, mend­ ing and bindery operation. All librarians at Occidental participate in reference and other service programs, as well as selection responsi­ bilities in one or more subject areas through our faculty liaison pro­ gram. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; three years of experience in an academic library, preferably in an auto­ mated environment. A strong service orientation and understanding of applications of microcomputer software programs to library proj­ ects. The person we seek for this position must work with minimum supervision and have the flexibility to meet new assignments as the organization and operations undergo changes. Must demonstrate an ability to work well with faculty, students, staff and colleagues. Ex- TWO DEPARTMENT HEAD POSITIONS The Center for Research Libraries The Center for Research Libraries is seeking department heads for its acquisitions and circulation depart­ ments. These management positions require MLS or equivalent and 5 years’ progressively responsible experience in a university or large research library, excellent oral/written communication skills, and supervi­ sory experience. HEAD, ACQUISITION. Knowledge of acquisitions practices and procedures, especially as related to the acquisition of foreign materials and serials. This position supervises and administers all aspects of the ac­ quisitions department. Performs a major part in all planning activities related to the operation of the depart­ ment and assists in all planning activities related to technical services. Prepares and monitors departmental budget requests. HEAD, CIRCULATION. Knowledge of current and developing practices and procedures in interlibrary lending and docum ent delivery. Strong bibliographic skills relevant to reference functions. This position supervises and administers all aspects of interlibrary loan, circulation, and on-site use of collection. Per­ forms a major part in all planning activities related to the operation of the department and assists in all plan­ ning activities related to access services. Prepares and monitors departmental budget requests. We offer an excellent benefits package, including TIAA/CREF retirement plan. Minimum salary $25,400; higher salary negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Persons wishing to apply for these positions should submit a letter of application, including salary requirements, resume, and list 3 references to: Linda Whittington Personnel Officer The Center for Research Libraries 6050 S. Kenwood Chicago, IL 60637 Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. May 1988 / 325 cellent communication skills are required. Occidental College is a highly selective liberal arts college located in the culturally enriched Los Angeles area. A major library automation project is underway with expected installation in 1989. Minimum salary of $23,000 with a very generous benefit package. Please send letter of application, re­ sume, and the names of three professional references to: Jacquelyn M. Morris, College Librarian, Mary Norton Clapp Library, Occiden­ tal College, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, CA 90041. Applica­ tions received by May 27,1988 will receive first consideration. Occi­ dental College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Boston College Li­ braries. This position coordinates personnel management, staff de­ velopment, communications and statistics for the University Library system. The Administrative Services Librarian reports to the Univer­ sity Librarian and participates, with senior management, in overall library planning and administration. Specific responsibilities include interviewing and recruitment, staff orientation and development pro­ grams, editing of a weekly staff newsletter, coordinating production of library publications and serving as general ombudsman for the li­ brary staff. Boston College Libraries have a total staff of 50 profes­ sionals, 90 support positions and over 200 student assistants. The collections include over a million printed volumes and the libraries are fully automated. The library administration is committed to devel­ oping leadership, planning and management skills at all levels of the library staff. Creativity and innovation are encouraged. Qualifica­ tions: The successful candidate will have an ALA-accredited MLS, and at least five years academic library experience, including three years of supervisory or administrative experience. Excellent interper­ sonal and communication skills, ability to work independently and effectively with all library staff, and a strong commitment to participa­ tive management are required. Practical knowledge of microcom­ puters, statistics and publications is desirable. Salary from $33,000, depending on qualifications. An excellent benefits package includes tuition remission, 22 days vacation, health, dental and other insur­ ance programs. Apply to: Mary McMillan, Employment Manager, Department of Human Resources, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167. Include names and phone numbers of 3 references. Ap­ plications received by May 15, 1988, will receive priority consider­ ation. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ARCHIVES AND RECORDS MANAGER. Minimum Requirements: M.A. degree in history, library science, social science, or a related field. Professional archival experience is desirable. Ability to type. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Knowledge of all ar­ chives and records management procedures and routines and per­ sonnel management methods and techniques. Description: Admin­ isters the archives and records management program at KSU. Accessions and appraises historical records. Assists researchers. Serves as the lead worker in seeing that the functions of the area are carried out. Schedule: All Library Services employees are subject to being scheduled whenever the library is open and services are pro­ vided (days, evenings, nights, weekends). Salary and Benefits: $18,086-$21,630 per fiscal year. University holidays. Sick leave and annual leave. Social Security; Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement; life and health insurance. Deadline for Application: Open until filled. Contact: Director of Libraries, Blazer Library, Kentucky State Uni­ versity, Frankfort, KY 40601. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. ASSISTANT CATALOGER, with Faculty Rank and Tenure Track. Position Reopened. Responsible for cataloging monographs as well as serials using Dewey classification, AACR2, LCSH, and MARC tagging. Supervise one support staff. General departmental duties include assisting users at the catalog consultant service desk, revis­ ing card filing in the card catalog, and catalog maintenance in man­ ual and automated systems. Participate in implementation of an au­ tomated system. Serve on library committees as requested by the University Librarian. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school; one or more years professional cataloging experience; famil­ iarity with OCLC or similar cataloging utility. Good fringe benefits; 22 working days vacation and 8 holidays. Salary: $18,540 minimum, for 12 months. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and ex­ perience. For full consideration, applications should be received by July 15,1988; applications will continue to be considered until posi­ tion is filled. Send letter, resume and the names of three references to: Edward R. Johnson, University Librarian, 204 Edmon Low Li­ brary, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-0375. AA/EO Employer. Successful applicant must comply with IRCA. ASSISTANT PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING LI­ BRARIAN, with Faculty Rank and Tenure Track. Position reopened. Carry out public service assignments under direction of Head, Physi­ cal Sciences and Engineering Division; provide reference desk ser­ vice on a rotating basis; perform online searches on DIALOG, STN and OCLC; fulfill collection management functions according to sub­ ject assignment and in liaison with appropriate faculty; participate in bibliographic instruction programs; participate in implementation of an automated system; serve on library committees as requested by Harvard College Library Librarian of Houghton Library Applications are invited for the post o f Librarian o f Houghton Library. Under the direction o f the Librari­ an o f Harvard College, develops and adm inisters the program s o f H oughton Library. H oughton Library, the primary library for rare books and manuscripts in the Har­ vard College Library, houses a col­ lection o f more than 400,000 rare books and over one million special materials including some 26,000 feet o f manuscripts, a premier collection o f works devoted to the arts o f the book, and the first collection in the country established to support research in the theater and perform­ ing arts. Candidates for the position o f Librarian should have the M.L.S. or relevant library experience, an ad­ vanced degree in the humanities and/or the social sciences, doctorate preferred; knowledge o f or experi­ ence in the field o f rare books and manuscripts; familiarity with the world o f collecting and collectors; understanding and appreciation o f research in a University environ­ ment; and above all, ability and commitment to work effectively within the Harvard College Library system to support scholarship in general and the teaching and research needs o f the Faculty o f Arts and Sciences in particular. To apply, please send letter of ap­ plication, resume, and names o f three references to Prof. David S. Landes, Chair, Search Com m it­ tee, Personnel Office, Widener Library, R oom 98, H arvard College Library, Cambridge, MA 02138. An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer HARVARD UNIVERSITY 326 / C&rRL News the University Librarian. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited li­ brary school; bachelor’s degree in one of the physical sciences pre­ ferred. Good fringe benefits; 22 working days vacation and 8 holi­ days. Salary; $18,000 minimum, for 12 months. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. For full consider­ ation, applications should be received by July 15,1988; applications will continue to be considered until position is filled. Send letter, re­ sume and names of three references to; Edward R. Johnson, Univer­ sity Librarian, 204 Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State Univer­ sity, Stillwater, OK 74078-0375. AA/EO Employer. Successful applicant must comply with IRCA. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Hanover College invites applications for the position of Assistant Librarian, Reference, in the Duggan Library, beginning no later than September 1,1988. Serves as the library’s general reference librarian, performing all the nor­ mally expected duties, including supervision of inter-library loan, database information retrieval (Dialog), and some classroom biblio­ graphic instruction. An ALA-accredited MLS, initiative, flexibility, good oral and written communication skills, and knowledge of and experience with electronic information retrieval systems required. Reading knowledge of at least one foreign language and experience or background in a private liberal arts college highly desirable. Sal­ ary: $20,000 minimum dependent upon training and experience. Faculty status, 12 month contract, one month vacation, with liberal fringe benefits, including possibility of attractive college housing. In­ terested candidates are asked to send statements of interest and cre­ dentials, including resumes, transcripts, and at least three letters of recommendation to; Walter D. Morrill, Director of Libraries, Hanover College, P.O. Box 287, Hanover, IN 47243. ASSISTANT SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. This tenure track position re­ ports to the Head of the Science Library. The job duties involve in­ struction, reference and collection development. Approximately 40% of the time will be spent instructing library patrons individually or in groups in the use of end-user online searching and CD-ROM bibliographies relevant to the sciences. The remaining 60% of the time will be spent doing online computerized literature searching, bibliographic instruction, reference and collection development. Re­ quirements; 1) MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; 2) Public Service experience in a science library or science library collection; 3) Effective oral and written communication skills; 4) Strong interper­ sonal skills; 5) Experience with computer database searching using DIALOG or BRS; 6) Possess qualifications for research in a special field and show evidence of scholarly and/or professional achieve­ ment. Preferences; 1) Undergraduate or graduate degree in psy­ chology or the biological sciences; 2) Experience teaching biblio­ graphic instruction. This is 12 month appointment with faculty rank and status. Faculty perquisites include TIAA/CREF, liberal vacation and sick leave benefits. Preference will be given to candidates at the senior level but candidates at all levels will be considered. Salary: ne­ gotiable; $22,000 minimum depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Apply by May 31 ‚ 1988, to: David Fagerstrom, Chair, Assistant Science Librarian Search Committee, University of Colorado, Boulder, University Libraries, Campus Box 184, Boulder, CO 80309-0184. Applications should include a statement of qualifica­ tions for the position, current resume and names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of three references. The University of Colo­ rado at Boulder has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people including women, members of ethnic minorities and disabled individuals. AUTHORITY CONTROL COORDINATOR, Database Manage ment Division, Central Technical Services, University of Minnesota Libraries. Responsibilities; Working under the supervision of the Head, Database Management Division, Central Technical Services and in consultation with the Bibliographic Control Planning Commit­ tee, coordinates creation and maintenance of local authority files by four University Libraries technical processing units on NOTIS; over­ sees load of local authority records from vendors, develops proce­ dures for creation of records in the local authority files and trains staff in their use, approves and/or upgrades provisional authority rec­ ords, initiates global changes, supervises processing of new and dropped headings list and reported errors, organizes systematic file cleanup; coordinates load and maintenance of resource authority ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES University of Colorado The University of Colorado at Boulder is an ARL institution with a library of approximately two million volumes and a staff of 43 library faculty, 94 classified staff plus student assistants. In addition to Technical Services, there are assistant directors for Public Services, Collection Assessment and Development, and Administration. The Technical Services Division includes Acquisitions, Copy Cataloging, Original Catalog­ ing and Serials departments. The division is staffed by nine librarians, 42 staff, plus student assistants. The Assistant Director reports to the Associate Director for Library Operations, participates in overall manage­ ment, policy and planning for the Libraries; provides leadership in planning, implementating and evaluat­ ing Technical Services programs in a collegial environment; recruits, supervises and evaluates Technical Services department heads; develops divisional budget requests, and interprets library policies to the aca­ demic community. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; minimum of five years administrative and managerial expe­ rience in a university or college library as a Department Head in technical services; demonstrated ability to set priorities effectively; demonstrated success in written and oral communication; knowledge and under­ standing of research library organization, interrelationship of divisions and of issues facing research li­ braries including preservation; significant experience with library automation and a bibliographic utility; proven leadership with staff and in the profession, plus evidence of scholarship and/or service to the profes­ sion. Tenure track position available immediately; twelve-month appointment with faculty rank and status. TIAA/CREF and usual vacation and sick leave benefits. Salary: From $45,000 depending on qualifications. Applicants should send resumes with names, ad­ dresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Leo W. Cabell, Chair, Search Committee, Uni­ versity Libraries, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0184. Closing date will be June 30, 1988. The University of Colorado at Boulder has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people including women, members of ethnic minorities, and disabled individuals. May 1988 / 327 files; contributes to policy recommendations concerning authority control. Required Qualifications; MLS from an ALA-accredited li­ brary school, two years of professional experience in technical ser­ vices, demonstrated written and verbal communications skills, strong interpersonal skills, ability to work independently, experience in cataloging using AACR2, familiarity with the MARC format for au­ thority records. Desired Qualifications: experience in planning or su­ pervising authority control work; familiarity with authority control in the current and projected NOTIS environments. Appointment is pro­ bationary leading to continuous appointment at the rank of Assistant Librarian in the Professional and Administrative series. Salary range is $22,000-$26,000, depending upon qualifications. Applicants should send a letter of application, a detailed resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel and Staff Development Officer, University of Minnesota Libraries, 453 Wilson Library, 309 - 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Letters of application must be postmarked no later than June 15, 1988. Cite UL 168 on all correspondence. The University of Minne­ sota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities. TWO POSITIONS University of California, Santa Cruz The University of California, Santa Cruz, invites applications for the following positions: REFERENCE/BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS LI­ BRARIAN. Assistant Librarian. Reports to Head, Reference. Provides general reference service in social sciences/humanities (12-15 hours/week on the Reference Desk, online searching, library in­ struction), and specialized reference service in bu­ siness/economics. Responsible for collection de­ velopm ent and m anagem ent in business/eco­ nomics. under direction of Head, Collection Plan­ ning. Q u a lific a tio n s : MLS; fa m ilia rity with business-economics literature; broad interest in so­ cial sciences/hum anities and w orking with stu­ dents/faculty; strong communication skills; online search training. Prefer: academic library reference, collection development, online search experience; strong background in business/economics. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Assistant Librarian. Reports to Head, Science Library. Pro­ vides reference service in the sciences. Participates in online searching and library instruction. Qualifi­ cations: MLS; strong communication and organiza­ tional skills; training in online searching. Prefer: sci­ ence reference experience in an academ ic or research library; online search experience; degree or equivalent experience in the sciences; experi­ ence with physical sciences information and litera­ ture. The ap p o in tm e n t range for both positions is $25,380-$29,376. Applications received by May 31, 1988, will be assured of consideration. Send narrative statement of qualifications, resume, and 3 references to: Katherine Beiers, University Li­ brary, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064. USCS is an EEO/AA/IRCA employer. AUTOMATION CONSULTANT. Immediate opening available for self-starter who has knowledge and experience with microcomputer library applications. Would work with member libraries in automation planning and start-up, assist in automation continuing education, share ideas about automation and serve as representative at auto­ mation meetings. Would manage a CLSI central site operation. Peo­ ple skills and promotional ability required. Needs flexible personality, speaking and writing skills, and desire to travel in the 12-county area (system car provided). MLS from ALA-accredited school, three years’ professional library experience, including job-related work with micros needed. Supervisory skills desirable. Must relocate to Rockford after being employed. Needs valid driver’s license. Salary range: $22,688-$32,000, negotiable based on qualifications. Excel­ lent benefits. Send credentials to: Sharon Loe, Assistant Director, Northern Illinois Library System, 4034 East State Street, Rock­ ford, IL 61108. EOE. AUTOMATION/LOAN SERVICES LIBRARIAN. James Madison University’s Carrier Library is seeking a librarian to coordinate library-wide automation and supervise the Loan Services Depart­ ment (circulation, reserves, inter-library loan) which includes a sup­ port staff of 6.5 + student assistants. The Carrier Library has installed the VTLS integrated system. Automation responsibilities include co­ ordination of automation activities as liaison with the library’s com­ puter center (staffed by administrative computing) and the library de­ partments as well as assist in short- and long-range automation planning (mainframe/microcomputers). Qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS, minimum of three years’ experience, includ­ ing automation and some supervisory experience. This is a faculty position, tenure-track, 12 month with 20 days vacation plus holidays, university paid retirement (Virginia retirement or TIAA/CREF). Blue C ross/B lue Shield plus other benefits. Salary range: SKIDMORE COLLEGE A four-year co-educational liberal arts college located in historic Saratoga Springs, N.Y. invites applications for the following position. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES SEARCH RE-OPENED R esp o n sib le fo r a d m in is te rin g acq u isitio n s, cataloging, and serials, preparing policy state­ ments and long-range plans, and coordinating c o m p u te r -r e la te d a c tiv itie s in a lib e ra l arts c o lle g e lib r a ry . T h is is a t e n u r e - tr a c k , te n - month, faculty position at one of the professorial rank. ALA accredited M LS and several years of experience in cataloging or acquisitions in an academ ic library are required; Doctorate pre­ fe rre d . An a d d itio n a l g r a d u a te d e g re e and evidence of scholarly work will be necessary to obtain tenure. Salary range $28,000. to $36,000. depending on qualifications. Position is avail­ able immediately; credentials review will begin June 1,1988. Send a resume and names of three references to: David H. Eyman, Head Librarian File #61 Skidm ore C o lleg e Saratoga Springs, New York 12866 A n e q u al o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action e m p lo y e r m / f 328 / C&RL News $27,000-$29,000. JMU is a public institution which has a primary mission of undergraduate education, an enrollment of 10,000 stu­ dents, and is located in Virginia’s beautiful Shenandoah Valley. JMU is approximately two hours from Washington, D.C., and Richmond. JMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Please send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Dennis E. Robison, University Librarian, Carrier Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807, by May 20, 1988. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Search reopened. Re sponsible for collection development, Library instruction, computer- assisted research, and reference services in business; scheduled general reference. Faculty position in the Department of Library Pub­ lic Services available July 1, 1988. Reports to Reference Services Supervisor. ALA-accredited MLS required with two years’ library ref­ erence experience. Second subject master’s degree desirable; MBA preferred. Minimum salary $23,000. Applications will be ac­ cepted until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Office of Aca­ demic Affairs, Library Search, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. Homer Babbidge Library, University of Connecticut, Storrs. We are seeking a Cataloger whose primary responsibility is cataloging and classifying as appropriate, international, foreign and non-Connecticut serial publications. Incumbent also directs transfer of serial acquisitions records and non-Connecticut monographic cat­ aloging to appropriate Technical Services Departments. May in­ clude limited work as a Reference Librarian if background and time permit. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; cataloging experience, es­ pecially with serials; knowledge of LC classification and subject headings, and AACR2 rules; working knowledge of one European language. Preferred: Familiarity with documents, some experience with public service assignment, knowledge of OCLC and/or other automated bibliographic systems, working knowledge of non- Western languages. Anticipated hiring salary mid to high $20’s de­ pendent upon qualifications. Preliminary screening to begin June 15, 1988. Send letter of application and resume to: University of Connecticut, Homer Babbidge Library, U-5A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT 06268. (Search #8A322). CATALOGER, 19th-century American ch ild re n ’s books. Prefer ALA/MLS, experience with name authority work, and original cata­ loguing using MARC books format and AACR2. Familiarity with RLIN, LC rare book rules, and background in American history and literature helpful. Salary range is $17,000 to $20,000, plus benefits and 20 days of vacation. AAS is a learned society which was founded in 1812 and holds close to 3,000,000 books, pamphlets, broadsides, manuscripts, prints, maps, and newspapers. It special­ izes in American history, life, and culture to 1877, and holds the pre­ eminent collection of early American printed material. The collec­ tions serve a worldwide community of scholars. Position is funded from July 1, 1988, through January 31, 1991. Closing date is May 20,1988, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application explaining background and interests, re­ sume, and the names of three current professional references to: Eleanor S. Adams, Personnel Office, American Antiquarian Soci­ ety, 185 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609. AA/EOE. CATALOGERS (RECLASSIFICATION PROJECT). Minimum re quirements: MSLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution. Pre­ vious cataloging experience is desirable. Knowledge of cataloging routines/rules and the OCLC cataloging subsystem and associated hardware/software. Description: Reclassify books to the Library of Congress Classification System from the Dewey Classification Sys­ tem. Engage in associated/related activities germane to reclassifica­ tion and retrospective conversion. Salary and Benefits: $18,000 per fiscal year. University holidays. Sick leave and annual leave. Social Security; Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement; life and health insurance. Deadline for Application: Open until filled. Schedule: All Library Ser­ vices employees are subject to being scheduled whenever the li­ brary is open and services are provided (days, evenings, nights, weekends). Contact: Director of Libraries, Blazer Library, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY 40601. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, John Carroll University, Catalog Depart­ ment. Position involves cataloging of books and non-print material, some government documents. Requires MLS, experience in cata­ loging using OCLC, AACR2, LC classification and subject headings. This is a faculty position, non-tenure track, for a limited term, to re­ place a faculty member on leave. The limited term ends on August 31, 1989. Salary: $18,500 per annum minimum plus benefits. Posi­ tion available July or September. Send resume by May 20,1988, to: Chairperson, Search Committee, Grasselli Library, John Carroll University, University Heights, Cleveland, OH 44118. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT University of Southern California The University of Southern California is seeking a Librarian as Head, Reference Department. Reports to the AUL for Public Services and manages Reference Department which serves as primary reference point for main library collections. Department is staffed by six librarians and one library assistant. Supervises the Reference Department and Information Desk. Participates in collection developm ent activities, biblio­ graphic instruction, and database searching within department. MLS from ALA-accredited program, with undergraduate degree in social sciences or humanities. Second Master’s degree desirable. Minimum of five years administrative experience, preferably in an academ ic library. Knowledge of bibliographic con­ trol, information sources in social sciences and humanities. Substantial database searching experience required. Rank and salary: Minimum: Librarian II, $30,495; Librarian III, $36,166, plus benefits. Position open: September 1 ‚ 1988, and will remain open until filled. Earliest date applications will be considered: June 1 ‚ 1988. Apply to: Carolyn J. Henderson, Director of Personnel and Organizational Development, Doheny Memorial Library, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a resume, and the names and telephone numbers of three references. Please refer to Head, Reference Department, Position # 7 18-CRL on all corre­ spondence. AA/EOE. May 1988 / 329 CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Primary responsibility for all cataloging and processing operations and personnel. Duties include: perform­ ing or supervising copy and original cataloging; serving as catalog­ ing resource for all library staff; coordinating library’s retrospective conversion project; participating in the planning and implementation of tri-college (Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Swarthmore) automation proj­ ect; working with Technical Services Coordinator to develop and im­ plement local cataloging policies and to provide active leadership and development opportunities for cataloging staff. Reports to Coor­ dinator, Technical Services and Automation. Required: ALA- accredited MLS; thorough knowledge of AACR2, OCLC/MARC for­ mats and tagging, LC classification and subject headings; experience with OCLC or other bibliographic utility; excellent inter­ personal and communication skills. Cataloging and supervisory ex­ perience and an additional advanced degree are desirable. Salary: low $20s. Generous fringe benefits. Application deadline: 15 June 1988. Please send letter of application, resume, transcripts and three letters of recommendation to: Michael S. Freeman, Librarian of the College, Magill Library, Haverford College, Haverford, PA 19041- 1392. EOE/AA. CATALOG MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN. The University of Ar izona is seeking a librarian to oversee the maintenance of biblio­ graphic and authority records in its online and card catalogs; super­ vise the authority control and records maintenance sections of the department; and assist in the development of policies and proce­ dures that will govern the maintenance of the online files. Original cataloging in one subject area, preferably in the sciences, will also be a responsibility. The Catalog Management Librarian will report to the Head Catalog Librarian and will directly supervise the heads of the Authority and Bibliographic Support Sections. Implementation of an online catalog is scheduled for Summer 1988. Requirements for this position include an ALA-accredited degree; minimum of two years experience working with bibliographic records in either cataloging, records maintenance, and/or authority control; knowledge of AACR2, MARC formats, LC classification, LCSH; demonstrated manaaerial ability; effective communication skills; ability to work ef­ fectively in a rapidly changing environment; experience with auto­ mated bibliographic systems; skill in analyzing and solving complex problems. Minimum salary is $21,500 or higher depending upon qualifications and experience. Librarians at the University of Arizona have academic professional status, are eligible for continuing status, are voting members of the faculty, and may take up to 24 days of professional leave per year. There are 22 days paid vacation, 12 days sick leave and 10 holidays per year. A standard package of fringe benefits is available. The position will be available August 1 ‚ 1988. Send letter of application, resume and the names of three ref­ erences to: Shelley Phipps, Acting University Librarian, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. Applications must be re­ ceived by June 10, 1988. The University of Arizona is an Equal Em­ ployment Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. CATALOG/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Primary responsibility for managing all cataloging activities, including planning, policies and procedures. Secondary responsibilities for bibliographic instruction, reference assistance, and online searching. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS, with a working knowledge of AACR2 and OCLC. Supervisory and interpersonal skills. Two years experience in an ac­ ademic library desirable. 12-month appointment, four weeks vaca­ tion, and faculty status (non-tenure track). Minimum salary: $17,000. Position is available no earlier than August 1, 1988. Phillips Univer­ sity is a small, private, liberal arts university affiliated with the Chris­ tian Church (Disciples of Christ). Approximately 1,000 students. Zol- lars Memorial Library has approximately 165,000 volumes, with 2 professional librarians and 3.5 FTE support staff. Send resume listing three references by May 30,1988, to: Kenneth W. Shipps, Vice Pres­ ident for Academic Affairs, Phillips University, Box 2000, Univer­ sity Station, Enid, OK 72702. Search will continue until position is filled. Phillips University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. CHAIRPERSON, GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT starting September 1, 1988. Tenure-leading position; academic rank de­ pending on qualifications of successful applicant. Administer and TWO POSITIONS Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Documents Coordinator/Reference Librarian/Subject Specialist. Responsible for ongoing devel opment of state and federal documents collection and providing related reference services; provides gen­ eral reference services with other librarians; serves as„subject specialist/liaison with an academic area; par­ ticipates in library instruction and online searching. Requirements: A L A-accredited MLS; minimum four years’ experience in both documents and reference in academic or research library; graduate degree in social sciences (except history), education, or related field. Preferred: experience in online searching and library instruction. Reference Librarian/Science and Health Sciences Subject Specialist. Provides general reference services with other librarians; serves as subject specialist and liaison with the science and health science departments; participates in online searching and library instruction. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum four years’ reference experience in an academic or research library; graduate degree in sciences or health sciences. Preferred: experience in library instruc­ tion and online searching. Both Positions: Starting date: August 29, 1988. Tenure track with full faculty status; rank and salary com­ m ensurate with qualifica tions. Assistant Professor throug h Associate Professor ranks range $24,200-839,420 (academic year) to $31,461 -$51,404 (including summer employment). Excellent fringe benefits. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference, beginning by May 31, 1988, to William J. Frost, Chair Search and Screen Committee Harvey A. Andruss Library Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1301 Bloomsburg University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority Applications are actively sought. 330 / C&RL News coordinate services and operations of the General Services Depart­ ment. Key services and operations of the department include circu­ lation, government documents, interlibrary loan, and microform ser­ vices. The chair works closely with two other librarians in the department plus a large complement of support staff and student as­ sistants. The chair is expected to assist in day-to-day operations in addition to administrative and coordinating activities. Required: Graduate degree from a program accredited by the American Li­ brary Association; a minimum of two years of experience in one or more of the key services and operations of the General Services De­ partment or other public service areas (preference will be given to those with management experience); ability to relate to staff and pa­ trons; demonstrated oral and written communication skills; ability to analyze operations and procedures. $28,000 minimum for a 12- month contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifica­ tions of the successful applicant. Apply with full resume plus names and current addresses/telephone numbers of three references by June 15, 1988, to: Kent Hendrickson, Dean of Libraries, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588- 0410. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. CHIEF, PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT. The Stanford University Libraries is seeking candidates for the position of Chief of the Preser­ vation Department. In support of the Stanford University collection management program, the chief of the Preservation Department is responsible for planning, implementing and managing all preserva­ tion and conservation treatment activities, as well as for coordinating them with other library programs. We are seeking candidates who can demonstrate: significant and successful administration of library preservation program; breadth of experience, qualifications and un­ derstanding and a flexibility of approach which will assure effective performance at the department chief level; effective interpersonal and communication skills; understanding and enjoyment of a re­ search university environment; an ability to contribute positively and effectively to the overall management of Technical Services and to the Collection Management Program as well as to lead and coordi­ nate preservation activities; knowledge of and sensitivity to preserva­ tion and collection management practices and issues and organiza­ tions which support such programs. Librarian/Senior Librarian $32,600-$48,100/$38,000-$55,400 (depending upon qualifica­ tions). Submit letter of application, complete statement of qualifica­ tions, resume of education and relevant experience and names and addresses of 3 references by June 30,1988, to: Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Cite #323-CRL on all correspondence. EOE/AA CO LLECTIO N DEVELO PM ENT/REFERENCE LIBR A RIAN , Carlson Health Sciences Library, University of California, Davis. Sal­ ary: Assistant Librarian ($25,380-$32,472) based on qualifications and experience. Responsibilities; Selection of printed materials and collection management activities for support of instruction and re­ search programs in the Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medi­ cine and graduate level programs in the health sciences. Shares in provision of reference service; interacts with library users in assess­ ing collection needs and promoting collection use. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent, preferably with emphasis on health sciences librarianship; academic background in life or health sciences; an integrated public services/collection development ori­ entation; excellent writing, speaking and interpersonal skills; demon­ strated initiative and leadership skills; experience in acquisitions, se­ rials or collection development is desirable as is MLA certification. Applications received by June 15, 1988, will be assured consider­ ation. To apply: Send letter, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references (including current supervi­ sor) to: Jane E. Marshall, 108 Shields Library, University of Califor­ nia, Davis, CA 95616; (916) 752-2112. The University of California, Davis, is committed to a policy of affirmative action and specifically invites inquiries and applications from women and ethnic minorities. HEAD, RESEARCH & INFORMATION SERVICES The University of Connecticut is seeking an outstanding librarian to fill an important new leadership posi­ tion in the Central Library as Head of the Research and Information Services. Reporting to the Associate Director for Collections and Information Services, the incumbent will manage a new department compris­ ing more than 20 Librarians and Library Assistants with very broad service responsibilities. Activities within the departm ent’s purview include reference and information services, government document programs, departmental bibliographic access services, teaching and orientation programs, computer-based informa­ tion services, microtext operations, and the Map Library. The successful candidate will occupy one of the library’s top management positions and will be invited to work with senior administrators in providing over­ all direction for the Libraries. Requirements include an MLS from an ALA-accredited program and a minimum of 7 years of post-MLS work experience in a research library. The professional record should demonstrate exceptional skills in the areas of management-planning, organization, supervision, communication, as well as a distinguished his­ tory of professional achievement as a Librarian with highly developed skills in the areas of reference ser­ vice, online searching, teaching and collection development. Candidates with broad experience and knowledge in all areas in the department including reference, documents, maps and microtext will have an advantage, as will those with additional graduate degrees, a record of publication, and a history of active participation in professional organizations. Anticipated hiring salary is in the high $30’s, dependent on qual­ ifications. Preliminary screening will begin June 15,1988. Please send a letter of application and resume to: University of Connecticut, Homer Babbidge Library, U-5A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT 06268. We are an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. (Search #8A321). THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT May 1988 / 331 COMPUTER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University of Rochester, a private research University providing graduate and undergradu­ ate study for 4,600 fulltime undergraduates and 1,900 graduate stu­ dents, seeks a Computer Services Librarian for the River Campus Libraries. Provides public information services for software applica­ tions, computing literature and University specific computer applica­ tions in the Computing and Reserve Library (CARL), jointly adminis­ tered, funded, and staffed by the River Campus Libraries and University Computing Center; promotes end-user searching of na­ tional databases in CARL; provides public support for bibliographic management software; oversees CD-ROM workstations (currently 5) for the River Campus Libraries. Provides assistance with computing, particularly microcomputing, to approximately 130 library staff on 40 staff microcomputer workstations, including software and hardware selection, training, building of computer applications like coding of script files, and building templates. Minimum qualifications: MLS and strong service orientation. Desirable qualifications: 5 years experi­ ence in academic libraries, including 3 years responsibility for infor­ mation technology; BS or MS in Computer Science or substantial amount of progress toward completion of one of these degrees. Ex­ cellent opportunity for growth in information technology in libraries. Appointment at Librarian I or II rank depending on qualifications. Minimum salary: $19,000 + . Send resume and names of three refer­ ences to: Cynthia Beckwith, Library Administration, Rush Rhees Li­ brary, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. Equal Op­ portunity Employer (M/F). COORDINATOR FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION. Minot State University has an opening for a Bibliographic Instruction Li­ brarian. This is a new position and the primary responsibility of this person will be planning, developing, and administering an instruc­ tional program for undergraduate and graduate students. Other re­ sponsibilities include some reference work, computer literature searching, collection development, and teaching in an undergradu­ ate library science program. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited school and the ability to work effectively with both stu­ dents and faculty. Salary: $19,524. Send a letter of application, resume and names of three references by May 31 ‚ 1988, to: Susan Podrygula, Chair of Search Committee, Memorial Library, Minot State University, Minot, ND 58701. COORDINATOR, INFORMATION CENTER GRADUATE LI­ BRARY, Reference Department, University of Michigan. Responsi­ ble for planning, supervising, and evaluating the services provided at the Information Center, which handles directional, informational, bibilographic and general reference questions. Duties include over­ seeing the operations and workflow of the Center, developing new services and evaluating current services, as well as the supervision of 4.45 FTE paraprofessional staff and indirect supervision of part- time assistants. As a librarian within the Reference Department, the Coordinator will provide reference service to faculty and students in the social sciences and humanities, including in-depth research as­ sistance, online searching and bibliographic instruction. In addition, the Coordinator will have responsibility for development and man­ agement of the Graduate Library’s collections in one or more disci­ plines in the humanities or social sciences and liaison with the depart­ ment(s) served. Required: MLS. Minimum of 4 years relevant experience, preferaby in reference in an academic library. Demon­ strated oral and written communication skills. Experience with online information resources, including bibliographic database searching. Graduate degree, graduate course work, or substantial experience in appropriate academic discipline. Working knowledge of one or more Western European languages. Desired: Demonstrated knowl­ edge of analytic/statistical methods in evaluating service. Demon­ strated knowledge of and experience with collection management. Relevant supervisory experience. Minimum salary of $23,000 de­ pendent on previous relevant experience. Applications received by June 15, 1988, will be given first consideration. Apply to: Lucy Co­ hen, Manager, Library Personnel Office, 404 Flatcher Graduate Li­ brary, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. A nondiscriminatory, Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT An exciting opportunity exists to join a newly formed technical services management team in a stimulat­ ing and challenging research library environment. The University of Connecticut Libraries currently has this key management opportunity available. This position reports directly to the Assistant Director for Technical Services and has primary responsibil­ ity for exercising leadership and initiative in policy and program development. The Department Head serves as a member of the University Libraries’ Management Council and is the official representative of the department throughout the UCL. The successful candidate will have strong leadership abilities and a rec­ ord of accomplishment in the respective area. Qualifications: Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program in Library and/or Information Science required, additional graduate degree preferred; six years’ relevant post-MLS experience in an academic or research library, preferably in an automated environment; demonstrated ability to plan, coordinate, orga­ nize and evaluate programs, including planning for automated services in the field; demonstrated ability to work successfully with staff at all levels and to foster cooperative attitudes within the department and be­ tween the department and other units; a knowledge of one or more foreign language(s) is desirable, as is a second Master’s degree. The Head of Acquisitions should have knowledge of acquisitions practices and procedures, including current developments in the field, and an in-depth knowledge of the domestic and foreign book trade. Anticipated hiring salary is in the high $30s, dependent on qualifications. Preliminary screening will begin June 30,1988. Please send letter of application and resume to: University of Connecticut, Homer Bab- bidge Library, U-5A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT 06268. We are an Affirmative Action, Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer, M/F. (Search #8A221) THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICl JT 332 / C&RL News COORDINATOR OF LIBRARY INSTRUCTION. Assistant Librar- ian, Bartle Library. Primary responsibilities are for coordinating li­ brary instruction for faculty and students, including the preparing and presenting of information in appropriate media in classroom set­ tings in a variety of disciplines. Collections development responsibil­ ity will be for materials supportive of the programs of the School of Education and Human Development, reporting through the Assis­ tant Director of Libraries for Collections Development. A collegial ap­ proach to professional service is essential. This position requires in­ terpersonal and instructional skills of high quality and effectiveness. We seek an individual with high academic qualifications, including an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, with a second ad­ vanced degree of relevance to education and a liberal arts under­ graduate degree preferred. Screening of applications will begin 15 June 1988 and will continue until the position is filled or withdrawn. We wish to have this person on staff by mid-August, to prepare for the fall semester. The range of salary anticipated for this position is $21,000 to $29,000 (calendar year), commensurate with qualifica­ tions, with excellent facilities and benefits available (including TIAA/ CREF retirement). Applications must include a letter describing how these qualifications can be met, appropriate academic transcripts and records, a statement of personal professional objectives, a list­ ing of four professional references (including addresses and tele­ phone numbers), and a current curriculum vitae or resume demon­ strating professional preparation and training, appropriate skills and experience. Address applications to: Albert A. Dekin Jr., Acting Di­ rector of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13901; (607) 777-2346. State University of New York is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority applicants are especially encouraged to apply and to make them­ selves known to our university’s affirmative action officer Silvia Fen­ ton. CURATOR FOR THE HISTORY OF HUMAN SEXUALITY, De partment of Manuscripts and University Archives. Responsibilities: The Curator will conduct a four-year project to develop holdings doc­ umenting sexual issues and their cultural and socio-political context. Under the direction of the Chairperson of the Department of Manu­ scripts and University Archives, the Curator will be responsible for developing and maintaining an archival collection for scholarly study of human sexuality. Responsible for all aspects of a comprehensive documentary program including initial planning, collection develop­ ment, description and preservation, and bibliographic control and access. Develop an active program to promote research, including bibliographic and documentary publications and conference, class­ room, and workshop participation. Desired qualifications: Graduate degree in humanities, library or information science, or social sci­ ences. Three to five years professional experience in an archives or research library. Outstanding written and verbal communication skills. Evidence of scholarly and professional activity. Salary: Mini­ mum $23,000. Salary and rank commensurate with experience and qualifications. Apply to: Please send cover letter, resume and list of three references to: Ann Dyckman, Personnel Director, Cornell Uni­ versity Library, 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Applica­ tions requested by June 1 ‚ 1988. Cornell University is an Equal Op­ portunity, Affirmative Action Employer. CURATOR OF ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS. The Historical Collections of the Library, College of Physicians of Philadelphia, is seeking applicants for the position, available May 1 ‚ 1988. Responsi­ bilities include the arrangement and description of the archive and manuscript collections, and assisting with the formulation of an auto­ mation and records management program. Qualifications: ALA- accredited M LS, or a graduate degree in history or archival manage­ ment; 1 -2 years professional experience working with archives and manuscripts; experience or familiarity with archival automation and the MARC/AMC format; and working knowledge of at least one for­ eign language. Excellent fringe benefits. Salary: $18,000. Submit re­ sume, listing three references to: Associate Librarian for Historical Collections, College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 19 South 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. An equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. DIRECTOR, ZOLLARS MEMORIAL LIBRARY. Responsibilities include administration and supervision of all activities of the library and audio-visual center. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and a minimum of 3 years experience in an academic library. Must have supervisory and administrative skills, proven effectiveness in prob­ lem solving, and demonstrated skills in interpersonal relations. Expe­ rience in library instruction or teaching and knowledge of automated library systems desirable. 12-month appointment, fringe benefits, faculty status (non-tenure track). Minimum salary: $22,000. Position is available no earlier than July 1 ‚ 1988. Phillips University is a small, private, liberal arts university affiliated with the Christian Church (Dis­ ciples of Christ). Approximately 1,000 students. Zollars Memorial Li­ brary has approximately 165,000 volumes, with 2 professional librar­ ians and 3.5 FTE support staff. Send resume listing three references by May 30, 1988, to: Kenneth W. Shipps, Vice President for Aca­ demic Affairs, Phillips University, Box 2000, University Station, Enid, OK 72702. Search will continue until position is filled. Phillips University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN, PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY, University of California, Davis. Salary: Assistant or Associate Librar­ ian ($25,380-$44,676) based on qualifications and experience. Re­ sponsibilities: Responsible for collection development and manage­ ment in support of instructional and research program s in the College of Engineering. Programs include agricultural, chemical, electrical, computer, mechanical, civil engineering and applied sci­ ence. Responsible for provision of reference service, online search­ ing, bibliographic instruction, end-user training for online searching, the MELVYL online catalog and other automated programs. Acts as liaison to the College. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­ lent; science and/or engineering background or experience essen­ tial; an integrated public services/collection development orienta­ tion; two years experience in an academic, research or special library; excellent writing, speaking and interpersonal skills; demon­ strated energy, initiative and leadership skills essential. Advanced online searching skills and microcomputing skills highly desirable. Applications received by May 30, 1988, will be assured consider­ ation. To apply: Send letter, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references (including current supervi­ sor) to: Jane E. Marshall, 108 Shields Library, University of Califor­ nia, Davis, CA 95616. Telephone: (916) 752-2112. The University of California, Davis, is committed to a policy of affirmative action and specifically invites inquiries and applications from women and ethnic minorities. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN, University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley. Provide reference service and instruction within the Government Documents Department. Participate in collection devel­ opment, particularly building foreign and international document collections. Maintain liaison with other subject specialists, faculty and students. Requires MLS degree, experience or education with docu­ ments, and foreign language skills in either German, French or Span­ ish. Should have some training or background in online searching and bibliographic instruction. An academic background in the social sciences is highly desirable. Full job description on request. Appoint­ ment salary range $25,380 to $38,928 per annum. Application deadline: 10 June 1988. Send resume, including names and ad­ dresses of three professional references to: William E. Wenz, Direc­ tor for Library Personnel, Room 447 Library, University of Califor­ nia, Berkeley, CA 94720. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. H E A D , C O N S E R V A T IO N AND P R E S E R V A T IO N D E P A R T ­ MENT, University of California, Davis. Salary: Associate Librarian $31,008-$44,676 or Librarian $41,700-$57,816, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Responsibilities: Reports to Assistant University Librarian for Collections. Responsible for development, implementation and administration of Library policies and programs for preservation. Directs work of Department of 6.5 FTE plus stu­ dents in Binding, Conservation Treatment (mending) and Preserva­ tion (brittle books and preservation microfilming). Responsible for environmental monitoring, preservation education of staff and users and disaster preparedness. Participates in University-wide preserva­ tion program. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited institution or equivalent; substantial experience and demonstrated achievement in conservation and preservation management in major academic or research library; knowledge of current conservation and preserva­ tion principles and techniques; demonstrated communication, man­ agement and planning skills; experience in staff training; excellent writing speaking and interpersonal communication skills required; supervisorial experience preferred. To apply: Send letter, resume and the names and telephone numbers of three references (includ­ ing current supervisor) to: Jane E. Marshall, 108 Shields Library, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, Telephone: (916) 752- 2112. Applications received by May 15, 1988, will be assured con­ May 1988 / 333 sideration. The University of California, Davis, is committed to a pol­ icy of affirmative action and specifically invites inquiries and applications from women and ethnic minorities. HEAD, LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY, University of California, Berkeley. Manage small branch with a comprehensive collection in Library Science. Supervise branch public and technical services; provide reference service and collection development. Maintain liai­ son with faculty and students of School of Library and Information Studies. Requires MLS degree, experience with bibliographic con­ trol and technological innovation in libraries; interest in a wide variety of computer applications to library and information work. Must have good reference skills, experience in online searching, knowledge of a broad range of reference and bibliographic materials. Full job de­ scription on request. Appointment salary range $25,380 to $32,472 per annum. Application deadline: 10 June 1988. Send resume, in­ cluding names and addresses of three professional references to: William E. Wenz, Director for Library Personnel, Room 447 Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING/TECHNICAL SERVICES. To direct cat aloging and processing units. Staff of 12.5 FTE, including 3.5 profes­ sionals. Materials acquisitions budget of $750,000. Required: ALA MLS, 5 years of experience in technical services with at least 3 years in cataloging, and experience with OCLC or other bibliographic util­ ity. Foreign language background and experience with online public access catalog preferred. Salary: $30,000 + depending on qualifi­ cations. Excellent benefits package. Send resume and names of three references by June 1 ‚ 1988, to: James Cubit, Assistant College Librarian, Williams College, Williamstown, MA 01267. An EO/AA employer. HEAD OF RESEARCH SERVICES for Oregon State University Li­ braries. Kerr Library seeks a Head of Research Services who is inno­ vative and interacts well with the university community. Shares re­ sponsibility with Head of Reference Services to develop library information resources and a program of library research strategies for graduate students and faculty. Supervises Bibliographic Instruc­ tion, Interlibrary Loan, and the Library Information Retrieval Ser­ vices. Provides direction for research for library faculty. Reports to Assistant Director for Research and Reference and serves on Re­ search Management Team. Requires: ALA-accredited MLS, second Master’s degree, record of publication, experience at research insti­ tution, strong communication and personal skills, 5 years profes­ sional experience in reference or related service. Preferred: Experi­ ence with bibliographic instruction, collection development, online and compact disc searching. Work experience or education in the sciences is desirable. Salary minimum: $30,000. Medical, dental and retirement benefits. Application deadline: June 1, 1988. Tar­ geted starting date: September 1, 1988. Apply to: Marjorie Knittel, Oregon State University, Kerr Library 121, Corvallis, OR 97331- 4501. OSU has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual­ career couples and is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer and complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. HEAD OF THE CHEMISTRY/BIOLOGY LIBRARY, University of Cincinnati. Responsible for the development and management of services and collections for the Chemistry/Biology Library. Receives direction from and reports to the Associate University Librarian for C ollections and Inform ation Services. Supervises staff. The Chemistry/Biology Library is one of the eleven branch libraries in the University Libraries system at the University of Cincinnati. The Chemistry/Biology Library exceeds 75,000 volumes and serves 700 faculty and students. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; minimum of two years library experience, including refer­ ence and online database searching experience and/or collection development in a scientific field, (additional experience and aca­ demic library experience preferred); evidence of successful supervi­ sory experience; ability to communicate clearly and effectively with faculty, students and colleagues; Bachelor’s Degree in physical or life sciences, or relevant combination of education and experience. Preferred: Master’s degree in physical or life sciences; reading knowledge of German. Salary: Salary and rank are commensurate with q u a lific a tio n s and e xperience; beginning range: $26,600-$32,000. To assure consideration send resumes with cover letter and name and address of three references no later than June 10, 1988, to: Judy Wernicke, Personnel Assistant, University Libraries, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. University of Cincinnati is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF THE COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE (OCAS) LI­ BRARY, University of Cincinnati. Responsible for the development and management of services and collections for the OCAS Library. Receives direction from and reports to the Associate University Li­ brarian for Collections and Information Services. Supervises staff. The OCAS Library is one of eleven branch libraries in the University Libraries system at the University of Cincinnati. The OCAS Library exceeds 30,000 volumes and serves 1,700 faculty and students. The College of Applied Science includes the departments of Chemi­ cal Technology, Construction Science, Fire Science, Electrical Engi­ neering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Mathe­ m atics/Physics/Com puter Science Technology, and English/ Humanities/Social Sciences. The College stresses application of computer technology in all phases of instruction. It offers associate and baccalaureate degrees. R equired qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS degree; minimum of two years library experience including reference and online database searching experience an­ d/or collection development, preferably in an academic library; evi­ dence of successful supervisory experience; ability to communicate clearly and effectively with faculty, students and colleagues. Prefer­ red: Baccalaureate or master’s degree in science, engineering, or technology. Salary: Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifi­ cations and experience; range: $22,600-$27,400. To assure con­ sideration send resume with cover letter and name and address of three references no later than June 7,1988, to: Judy Wernicke, Per­ sonnel Assistant, University Libraries, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221 -0033. University of Cincinnati is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, HEAD, SERIALS AND ACQUISITIONS, University Libraries, Bos ton College. Under the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Automation and Technical Services, and through the ef forts of a staff of eighteen, this new position will provide leadership in planning, developing and administering the ongoing procurement, receipt and processing of serials and monographs in a centralized and highly automated university library. Monitors an acquisitions budget of $1.6 million as well as a bindery budget of $90,000. Will be involved in strategic planning for enhanced library services and fu­ ture technology, working with colleagues from other departments and library units. Position assumes involvement in Boston Library Consortium cooperative programs as well as professional activity on a national level. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, 3 -5 years of in­ creasingly responsible professional supervisory experience in a uni­ versity library, a working background in serials, demonstrated plan­ ning and management skills, enthusiasm for organizational and staff development, and excellent interpersonal and communications abil­ ities and a working knowledge of acquisitions preferred. Salary from $33,000, commensurate with qualifications. Boston College offers its 14,000 students and almost 700 faculty the advantages of a strong liberal arts institution with outstanding graduate and professional programs. The new O’Neill Library provides an attractive and in­ tensely used environmentfor study and teaching. Among other tech­ nologies, the library uses the Geac, OCLC, and Faxon SC-10 sys­ tems as well as BIP Plus, and is currently installing the NOTIS system for operation in the Fall of 1989. Benefits for Boston College librari­ ans include one month’s vacation, tuition remission and a wide range of insurance programs. To apply: send resume and names of three references to: Mary McMillan, Employment Manager, Depart­ ment of Human Resources, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167. Applications received by May 15, 1988, will receive priority consideration. INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University of Minne sota Bio-Medical Library is seeking applicants for an Information Ser­ vices librarian position. Major responsibilities of the position are (1) reference desk services, (2) information management instruction, and (3) database searching. Some evenings and weekends may be required. Applicants must possess a graduate degree from an ALA- accredited library school. Other desirable qualifications include (1) substantial coursework in a health or life science discipline; (2) refer­ ence experience in a health science library; (3) database searching experience, especially on BRS or NLM; (4) library instruction experi­ ence; and (5) MLA certification. The University of Minnesota Bio- Medical Library serves the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health, Pharmacy, Mortuary Science, certain biological sei- 334 / C&RL News ences, and the University Hospitals. The Library has over 350,000 bound volumes and 4,005 active journal subscriptions. Services in­ clude a busy reference/information desk; a growing library instruc­ tion program, including end-user instruction; and an active biblio­ graphic search service. Other Library departm ents include a Learning Resource Center with extensive computer resources; Biomedical Information Service, a fee-for-service program; an auto­ mated technical services unit and an extensive history of medicine special collection. The Reference staff consists of six reference librar­ ians and a secretary. Reference staff report to the Head of Public Ser­ vices. This is a 12-month academic/professional position with a pro- bational appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank. Reappointment is based on performance and/or funding. Starting salary from $24,000. Benefits include 22 vacation days; medical, dental, and life insurance; and retirement plans. Send letters of application, resume, and names and addresses of at least three references to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel Officer, University Libraries, University of Minne­ sota, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Please identify application with U L 169. Applications must be received by June 15.1988. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer and especially invites and encourages appli­ cations from women and minorities. JOURNALISM LIBRARIAN. This position has primary responsibil­ ity for providing general and in-depth information services to faculty and students of the nation's pre-eminent Graduate School of Jour­ nalism. The Journalism Librarian is responsible for developing li­ brary collections to meet current teaching and research needs of the School; coordinating the Library’s services and collection with those in other libraries at Columbia; and serving as the Libraries’ liaisor with the School of Journalism’s faculty and students. Reporting to the Assistant Director for Social Sciences, the Librarian works closely with departmental and reference librarians from the Business, Socia Science, and Social Work Libraries to develop bibliographic instruc­ tion programs, orientation sessions, and electronic information ser­ vices. The position is also responsible for close communication with reference departments within Columbia University, since the Jour nalism Library is the focus of much interdisciplinary reference in the areas of journalism, communication, and current public affairs infor­ mation. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: pre­ vious public service experience, including computerized biblio­ g ra p h ic database searching; strong w ritten and verba communications skills; and demonstrated administrative abilities Subject background and/or experience in journalism is highly desir­ able. This position is available September 1 ‚ 1988. Preliminary inter­ views will be held at the Special Libraries Association meeting ir June in Denver. Salary ranges (which will increase 7/1/88) are cur­ rently: Librarian I: $24,500-$31,850; Librarian II: $26,500-$35,775 Librarian III: $29,500-$42,775. Excellent benefits include assist­ ance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and fam­ ily. Send resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Di­ rector of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 W. 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is May 30, 1988. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. TWO REFERENCE FACULTY New Mexico State University NMSU enrolls over 14,000 students in 70 major undergraduate areas, 42 master’s degree and 19 doc­ toral degree programs. Celebrating its 100th birthday, NMSU is the land-grant institution for New Mexico. The 5,800 acre campus is located in southern New Mexico on the high desert in the city of Las Cruces. Located 40 miles from El Paso, Texas, at the southern edge of the Rocky Mountains, the area enjoys abun­ dant sunshine, a balmy climate, and yetis within easy driving distance of alpine areas that include excellent skiing and winter sports. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The ideal candidate for this position will have an academic back­ ground in the sciences, engineering, and/or agriculture with a second master’s degree in hand. With at least 5 years of experience in a doctoral granting university, this faculty member will also bring extensive automation experience, collection development in the sciences, and liaison with teaching departments. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. NMSU is hoping to attract an individual with both academic and practical experience in dealing with the academic and business community. A second master’s and at least 5 years of experience in a doctoral granting institution will enhance this application. With one central facility and with an extensive building program likely, the NMSU Library contains ap­ proximately 800,000 volumes and has a budget of approximately $3 million. Highly automated, the Library utilizes VTLS for on-catalog and circulation, INNOVACQ for acquisitions and serials, DIALOG, and an ex­ tensive PC network. The candidate with all the requirements should expect a salary offer to $30,000 with appropriate faculty rank. Faculty at the NMSU Library will be expected to fulfill the usual requirements for promotion and tenure as outlined by their peers. Attractive fringe benefit package with 22 days of annual leave. If you are interested in a challenging position in a most attractive location, please submit your application by June 1, 1988, to: Lowell Duhrsen, Associate Dean New Mexico State University Library Box 30006 Las Cruces, NM 88003 Positions will remain open until filled. NMSU is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Offer of employment is contingent upon verification of individual’s eligibility for employment in the U.S. May 1988 / 335 LIBRARY DIRECTOR. The University of South Carolina at Spartan­ burg invites applications and nominations for the position of Library Director. USCS is a young and growing institution with a commitment to improvement and expansion in all facets of library services. Re­ sponsibilities include planning; policy formation and administration; and staff direction, coordination and development. This is a senior position, carrying faculty rank, and reporting directly to the Vice Chancellor for Academ ic Affairs. Candidates must have a master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited school, a minimum of five years’ library administration experience in an academic set­ ting, and, preferably, additional significant experience as a practic­ ing librarian. Salary is competitive, and will be based upon qualifica­ tions and experience; range $30,000-$40,000. The successful candidate must possess highly developed communication and inter­ personal skills, provide strong leadership, and serve as an advocate for the library. Experience with automated systems, budgeting, fi­ nancial management and grant writing is expected. Send letter of application (or nomination) along with resume and names, ad­ dresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Office of Ac­ ademic Affairs, Attn: Duncan Bailey, Chair, Library Director Search Committee, University of South Carolina, Spartanburg, 800 Uni­ versity Way, Spartanburg, SC 29303. USCS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. MEDIA/SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities include coordinat­ ing the organization and utilization of nonprint resources and serials management. Some evening and weekend work required. Re­ quired: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, knowledge of com­ puter applications for library procedures and utilization of audiovi­ sual e q uip m e nt and softw are in the postsecondary learning resources center. Desirable: Related experience. Salary range is $18,000-$20,000. Benefits include a month’s vacation, insurance, and tuition remission opportunities. Starting date: July 1 ‚ 1988. Sub­ mit resume and references by June 1 ‚ 1988, to: Elinor Vaughan, Di­ rector, Brenau Trustee Library, Gainesville, GA 30501. Brenau Col­ lege is an equal opportunity employer. NONBOOK CATALOGER. The University of Alabama seeks appli­ cants for the position of Nonbook Cataloger in the University Li­ braries responsible for cataloging nonbook materials using the OCLC and VTLS systems. Formats include music scores and sound recordings, maps, educational media (kits, filmstrips, realia, flat pic­ tures, games), microforms, machine-readable data files, video re­ cordings. Essential Qualifications: MLS degree from a program ac­ credited by ALA. Familiarity with all national cataloging rules and standards. Relevant cataloging experience, including experience with OCLC or other bibliographic utility. Excellent oral and written communications skills. Some facility with languages other than En­ glish . Evidence of ability to meet standards for promotion and tenure. Preferred Qualifications: Degrees, course work, or library experi­ ence in music and/or geography/cartography. Nonbook cataloging experience, including knowledge of MARC formats for nonbook ma­ terials. Experience with an online system such as VTLS or NOTIS. Salary and rank will depend upon qualifications and experience. As­ sistant Professor or Associate Professor rank, salary minimum $21,000. Permanent, 12 month, full-time position, tenure track, twenty-two days vacation, sick leave, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, State and TIAA/CREF retirement plans. Projected date of appointment, 9/1/88. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Sondra Tucker, Libraries Per­ sonnel Officer, The University of Alabama, P.O. Box S, Tusca­ loosa, AL 35487-9784 by the application deadline, 5/31/88. The Uni­ versity of A labam a is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. PRESERVATION ADM INISTRATIVE INTERN. The Stanford Uni versity Libraries is seeking candidates for an eleven month intern­ ship in Preservation Administration. The internship is funded from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in an effort to give qualified candi­ dates the opportunity to apply administrative skills to preservation activities in a large research library environment. The intern will par­ ticipate in administrative assignments as well as a conservation treat­ ment project. Qualified candidates must have an MLS from an ALA- a ccre d ite d lib ra ry school and form al training or education in preservation administration and conservation treatment or the dem­ onstrated equivalent in training or experience. Experience in a re­ search library is preferred. Assistant Librarian; beginning salary range $ 2 5,8 00 -$ 3 5,8 00 . Submit letter of application, complete statement of qualifications, resume of education and relevant experi­ ence and names and addresses of 3 references by June 1 ‚ 1988. Ask your referees to send in reference letters to: Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Personnel Officer, #321 -CRL, Stanford University Li­ braries, Stanford, CA 94305-6110. EOE/AA. PRESERVATION INTERN. This is a temporary nine-month position funded by a grant from the Mellon Foundation to support research- library preservation programs nationally. Four other institutions have also received preservation intern grants from the Mellon Foundation: Library of Congress, New York Public Library, Stanford University Libraries, and Yale University Libraries. The intern will report to the Head of the Preservation Department and, after orientation, will be assigned to one or more departmental libraries. Every effort will be made to assign the intern to subject areas of individual interest. The primary responsibilities will involve surveying the condition of spe­ cific collections, monitoring environmental conditions, assessing current preservation procedures and determining needs in order to design a practical preservation program, and preparing a proposal for the funding of any identified special needs. The intern will have the opportunity to participate in planning sessions, policy discus­ sions, and other library-wide preservation activities. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are knowledge of preservation prac­ tices and conservation procedures and techniques, as demon­ strated through previous relevant experience and/or successful completion of a formal program in the preservation of research li­ brary materials. The monthly salary (which will increase 7/1/88) is currently $1,917. Excellent benefits include tuition exemption for self and family and assistance with University housing. Send resume, list­ ing three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Colum bia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is May 21, 1988. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. PRESERVATION MICROFILMING LIBRARIAN, Preservation De partment. Primary responsibility for managing the Columbia Univer­ sity Libraries Preservation Microfilming Program, including supervi­ sion of supporting staff and student employees to prepare materials for microfilming, involving establishing bibliographic control, target­ ing, collating, and physical preparation of volumes. Responsibilities also include coordinating filming activities with the Reprographic Laboratories; coordinating pre- and post-filming procedures with other library units; contacting and maintaining contracts with outside microfilming vendors; managing grant-funded projects; assisting in all aspects of the Preservation Program including training, publica­ tions, the Preservation Committee, disaster prevention and recov­ ery, and system-wide planning for preservation. In addition to an ac­ credited MLS, requirem ents are kn ow ledge of preservation MICROFORMS/RESEARCH LIBRARIAN Youngstown State University David C. Genaway University Librarian Maag Library Youngstown State University Youngstown, OH 44555-0001 July appointm ent desired. YSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. 336 / C&RL News microfilming policies and procedures, with experience in a microfilm­ ing operation preferred; knowledge of current preservation trends, bibliographic control and library automation; ability to work in a fluid complex organization and to communicate effectively verbally and in writing. Formal study of preservation in an academic environment and supervisory work experience in a large academic library desir­ able. Salary ranges (which will increase 7/1 /88) are currently; Librar­ ian I: $23,000-$29,900; Librarian II; $25,000-$33,750. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition ex­ emption for self and family. Submit resume listing three references to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Li­ brary, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is May 21, 1988. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. PRINCIPAL CATALOGER, with Faculty Rank and Tenure Track. Serve as the cataloging and classification resource person for cata­ lo g e d and support staff in the Catalog Department. Train profes­ sional catalogers; revise original cataloging. Perform original cata­ loging of monographs and serials using AACR2, Dewey, LCSH‚and MARC. Supervise one support staff, other departmental personnel as appropriate. General duties include assisting users at the Catalog Consultant desk, participating in departmental planning and organi­ zation, and participating in implementation of automated system. Serve on library committees as requested. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school; minimum of four years professional cataloging experience in a research or academic library; extensive knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, DDC, and MARC formats; demon­ strated good com m unication, interpersonal, analytical, and problem-solving skills. Good fringe benefits; 22 working days vaca­ tion and 8 holidays. Salary: $25,020 minimum, for 12 months. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. For full consideration, applications should be received by July 15,1988; ap­ plications will continue to be considered until position is filled. Send letter, resume and names of three references to: Edward R. John­ son, University Librarian, 204 Edmon Low Library, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-0375. AA/EO Employer. Success­ ful applicant must comply with IRCA. READERS’ SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Rhode Island School of De­ sign. Provide reference service, library orientation and bibliographic instruction to dynamic and active art school community, including museum; supervise public services, including circulation, reserve collection and interlibrary loan; oversee serials and bindery. ALA- accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in art history or studio art preferred; reading knowledge of one or more modern European lan­ guages; three years professional and supervisory experience; knowledge of online reference services desirable. $22,500 mini­ mum, excellent benefits. Send application, resume and three refer­ ences by June 1, 1988, to: Carol S. Terry, Director of Library Ser­ vices, R h o d e Is la n d S c h o o l of D e s ig n , 2 C o lle g e Street, Providence, Rl 02903. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Full-time, twelve-month, tenure track position. Will be involved in traditional and modern reference activi­ ties, as well as bibliographic instruction. Will conduct online data­ base searches. Includes evening and weekend work. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; second master’s degree preferred. Degree requirements for tenure: MLS plus 30 semester hours of graduate work in another field. Experience in an academic lib ra ry preferred. E xperience in co n d u ctin g online database searches preferred. Experience in developing a computer-assisted instruction program or programs looked upon with favor. Librarians hold faculty rank and are evaluated for retention and tenure in areas of primary duties, research, and service. Salary: Instructor, $25,140; Assistant Professor, $27,900. Deadline for applications: June 1, 1988. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, and transcripts to: Cynthia Johnson, Administrative Clerk, University Library, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455. WIU is an Equal Opportunity, Af­ firmative Action Employer. Applications are especially encouraged from women, minorities, and handicapped persons. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The Myrin Library, Ursinus College, seeks an innovative librarian for the position of Information Services Librarian. Primary responsibilities include providing reference and information services to undergraduate students and faculty, online literature searching, library orientation and bibliographic instruction. The position reports to the Library Director and has academic status. Salary and professorial rank are dependent upon experience and qualifications ($20,000 minimum). Qualifications include an ALA- accredited MLS, 3 years of relevant professional experience, well developed organizational and communication skills, enthusiasm for and commitment to the utilization of information technology in library services. The Myrin Library will complete a major renovation project and install an integrated library system by 1989. The appointee is ex­ pected to assist in the development and implementation of the online public access catalog training program. Send letter of application, resume and three current letters of reference to: Charles A. Jamison, Library Director, Myrin Library, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA 19426. To ensure consideration, applications must be received by June 3, 1988. Ursinus College does not discriminate on grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Owen Science and Engineering Li­ brary, position currently open. Under the direction of the Head, Owen Science and Engineering Library, is responsible for reference, user education, database searching, collection development, liaison to departments, participation in library committees, and other duties as assigned. The Owen Science and Engineering Library is a m od­ ern 7 story building with a staff of 26, including 8 librarians; contains 400,000 volumes and 611,000 microforms. Library has automated circulation, acquisitions and bibliographic systems. Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree; effective interpersonal relations and com­ m unications skills. Preferred: E xperience in a scien ce /e n g i­ neering/medical library and/or subject background; user education; computerized literature searching. Rank and salary commensurate with experience and qualifications. Salary negotiable from begin­ ning professional salary of $18,000. A progressive record of profes­ sional scholarly achievements will be necessary in the position. TIAA/CREF, broad insurance programs. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Assis­ tant Director for Administrative Services, Libraries, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Applications must be postmarked no later than June 15, 1988. Washington State Univer­ sity is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Educator and Em­ ployer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply and to identify their status. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Position available at private, church- related liberal arts college in the tri-state area of the northern panhan­ dle of West Virginia. Twelve month contract, faculty status (non­ tenure). Primary duties: reference desk service (including some evenings and weekends), bibliographic instruction, reference col­ lection development, training and supervising student employees, and online database searching (primarily DIALOG). MLS required. Salary $18,000. Send letter of application and resume with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Jonas Bar- ciauskas, T.W. Phillips Memorial Library, Bethany College, Be­ thany, WV 26032, before May 15, 1988. Equal opportunity em­ ployer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, SUNY Binghamton. Assistant Librarian, Bartle Library. Primary responsibilities are for general reference, on­ line searching and collections development for management and economics. Bartle Reference is the main general service point in a dem anding academ ic environm ent serving undergraduate and graduate students and faculty. A collegial approach to professional service is essential. This position requires interpersonal skills of high quality and effectiveness. Reporting responsibilities will be to the Head of Reference and the collection development officer, as appro­ priate. We seek an individual with high academic qualifications, in­ cluding an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, with a sec­ ond advanced degree of relevance to management or economics and a liberal arts undergraduate degree preferred. Screening of ap­ plications will begin 15 June 1988 and will continue until the position is filled or withdrawn. We wish to have this person on staff by mid- August, to prepare for the Fall semester. The range of salary antici­ pated for this position is $21,000 to $29,000 (calendar year), com­ mensurate with qualifications, with excellent facilities and benefits available (including TIAA/CREF retirement). Applications must in­ clude a letter describing how these qualifications can be met, appro­ priate academic transcripts and records, a statement of personal professional objectives, a listing of four professional references (in­ cluding addresses and telephone numbers), and a current curricu­ lum vitae or resume demonstrating professional preparation and training, appropriate skills and experience. Address Applications to: Albert A. Dekin Jr., Acting Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, NY 13901; (607) 777- 2346. State University of New York is an Affirmative Action, Equal May 1988 / 337 O pportunity Employer. Minority applicants are especially encour­ aged to apply and to make themselves known to our university’s af­ firmative action officer, Silvia Fenton. REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N , PSYCHOLOG Y SUBJECT SPECIAL­ IST, Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). (Job revised and deadline extended.) Central Reference Services Department starting Septem­ ber 1.1 ) Serve on the Reference/Information Desk. 2) Select materi­ als for the general library collection in psychology and related social sciences. (Includes collection management, assessment, and fund m anagem ent.) 3) Provide user education in assigned subject ar- ea(s). 4) Liaison with faculty, staff, and students. 5) Online searching in the social sciences and humanities. Required: MLS from an Ameri­ can Library Association accredited library school; strong interper­ sonal skills; degree in psychology or relevant w ork experience. Pre­ ferred: G raduate d e gre e in the social sciences or humanities; experience in online searching; experience in reference services; reading know ledge of one or more foreign languages. $18,750 mini­ mum for a 12-month contract. Salary may be higher depending upon the qualifications of the successful applicant. Apply with full re­ sume plus names and current addresses/telephone numbers of three references by June 15, 1988, to: Kent Hendrickson, Dean of Libraries, 106 Love Library, University of N ebraska-Lincoln, Lin­ coln, NE 68588-0410. Affirmative Action, Equal O pportunity Em­ ployer. SCIENCE A ND TE C H N O LO G Y REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Cali fornia State University, Sacramento. Probationary (tenure-track) po­ sition at the Senior Assistant Librarian rank. Position is contingent upon funding. Salary range $ 31,680-$36,408 depending upon qualifications. Responsibilities; under the direction of the Science and Technology Reference Departm ent Head provides general ref­ erence service, database searching, and library instruction in the sci­ ences, technology and related subjects; serves as a subject special­ ist and library research consultant in environmental science, or co m p u te r science, or e n gin e erin g or som e com bination of the above; coordinates the developm ent of designated science collec­ tions; meets responsibilities of a faculty appointment. Minimum Qual­ ifications; ALA -accredited m aster’s degree (must be completed by appointm ent date); b a chelor’s degree in one of the sciences, com ­ puter science, or engineering; training or experience in computer- based information sources; strong interpersonal and com m unica­ tion skills (written and oral). Desirable Qualifications: Public service experience in an academ ic, research, or special library; experience with environmental science, com puter science, or engineering litera­ ture; library instruction or teaching experience. Write for a detailed vacancy announcem ent. Application procedures: send a letter post­ m arked no later than June 15,1988, addressing the above qualifica­ tions, a current resume, and names and addresses of three refer­ ences to: Charles Martell, Dean and University Librarian, California S tate U niversity, S acram en to , The Library, 2000 Jed Smith Drive; Sacramento, CA 95819-2695. CSUS is an equal opportunity, affirm­ ative action institution and hires only individuals lawfully authorized to w ork in the United States. SCIENCE, B IB LIO G R A P H IC IN STR U CTIO N , AND REFERENCE LIBR A RIAN . Serving a progressive university campus, including a center of excellence in Marine Science research. Responsibilities: coordinator of autom ated bibliographic searching and instructional services, including teaching of a for-credit library course. Work also includes reference duty and participation in collection development. Qualifications: ALA -accredited MLS, undergraduate degree in sci­ ences a must, graduate degree highly desirable. Demonstrated ex­ perience in online (DIALOG) searching and bibliographic instruc­ tion. Salary: $22,000, negotiable; 12-month appointment. Rank depending upon experience. Send application, resume, and names of three references to: Samuel Fustukjian, Director, Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, U niversity of South Florida, St. Petersburg Campus, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. Applications received by May 26, 1988, will be considered. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. S C IE N C E /E N G IN E E R IN G LIBRARIAN. Provides general as well as in-depth science/engineering reference services, including online literature searching; selects materials, teaches library usage and serves as liaison with science/engineering department(s). Required: MLS from an A LA -accredited library school. Preferred: degree in sci­ ence or engineering; reading knowledge of a foreign language; know ledge of online searching in BRS or DIALOG; experience in sci­ ence librarianship or reference departm ent of an academ ic library. Minimum salary $19,152. Applications, resumes and three letters of reference should be sent to: Personnel Office, Box 1184, W ashing­ ton University, St. Louis, MO 63130. Applications will be accepted until May 30,1988, or until the position is filled. Employment eligibility verification is required upon hire. Washington University is an Affirm ­ ative Action, Equal O pportunity employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN, Occidental College. The Science Librarian position at Occidental College reports to the College Librarian. He/she plans, coordinates and directs all library program s and ser­ vices related to the sciences as taught by the college. These include Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Physics and Geology. Library program s and services will include: reference service, bibliographic instruction, collection development, online searching and faculty liai­ son work. May include evening and weekend assignments. Qualifi­ cations: MLS from ALA-accredited school; undergraduate or gradu­ ate w ork in one of the disiplines mentioned above; three years experience in an academ ic library; a strong service orientation; famil­ iarity with automated services, including Dialog or BRS, applications of m icrocom puter software program s to library projects. The person we seek for this position must w ork with minimum supervision and have the flexibility to meet new assignments as the organization and operations undergo changes. Must demonstrate an ability to work well with faculty, students, staff and colleagues. Excellent com m uni­ cation skills are required. Occidental College is a highly selective lib­ eral arts college located in the culturally enriched Los Angeles area. A major library automation project is underway with expected instal­ lation in 1989. Minimum salary of $23,000 with a very generous ben­ efit package. Please send letter of application, resume, and the names of three professional references to: Jacquelyn M. Morris, Col­ lege Librarian, Mary Norton Clapp Library, O ccidental College, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, CA 90041. Applications received by May 27, 1988 will receive first consideration. Occidental College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. S C IE N C E R E F E R E N C E A N D M A P S L IB R A R IA N , S U N Y Binghamton. Assistant Librarian, Science Library. Primary responsi­ bilities are for science reference, online searching and collection de­ velopm ent and curatorial services for maps. The librarian will report to the Head of the Science Library. We seek an individual with high academ ic qualifications, including an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, with a second advanced degree of relevance and a s c ie n ce -re la te d lib e ra l arts u n d e rg ra d u a te d e g re e p re fe rre d . Screening of applications will begin 15 June 1988 and will continue until the position is filled or withdrawn. We wish to have this person on staff by mid-August, to prepare for the Fall semester. The range of salary anticipated for this position is $21,000 to $29,000 (calendar year), commensurate with qualifications, with excellent facilities and benefits available (including TIAA/CREF retirement). Applications must include a letter describing how these qualifications can be met, appropriate academ ic transcripts and records, a statement of per­ sonal professional objectives, a listing of four professional references (including addresses and telephone numbers), and a current curric­ ulum vitae or resume demonstrating professional preparation and training, appropriate skills and experience. Address applications to: Albert A. Dekin Jr., Acting Director of Libraries, S tate University of N ew York at Bingham ton, Binghamton, NY 13901; (607) 777- 2346. State University of New York is an Affirmative Action, Equal O pportunity Employer. Minority applicants are especially encour­ aged to apply and to make themselves known to our university’s af­ firmative action officer, Silvia Fenton. SCIENCES AND TEC H NO LO G Y LIBRARIAN. Tenure track 12- month faculty appointment. Responsible for collection development, including managem ent of assigned materials funds; liaison to faculty and students; database searching; and library instruction in the ar­ eas of veterinary m edicine and animal science and other subjects as assigned. Policy-making responsibility for the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Branch Library. Serves at general science reference desks as part of a team of five librarians and eight paraprofessional staff. Reports to the Head of the Sciences and Technology Department. Requires ALA-accredited m aster’s degree; knowledge of online searching techniques; demonstrated written, oral, and interpersonal comm unication skills; com m itm ent to service and academ ic librari­ anship, including research. Degree in a relevant subject field is desir­ able. Potential for meeting the requirements for promotion in rank and granting of tenure. Salary approxim ately $23,400. Send letter of application, resume, evidence of degree, and names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references to: Personnel Officer, Colorado S tate University Libraries, 106 M organ Library, Fort 338 / C&RL News Collins, CO 80523. Review of applications will begin no later than May 30, 1988. SO CIAL SCIENCES AND M IN O R ITY LIB R A R IA N /B IB LIO ­ GRAPHER. Position Description: The Social Sciences and Minority Librarian/Bibliographer provides reference assistance at a central reference desk and specialized assistance with Urban Studies, Mili­ tary Science, and the Minority Cultures Collection, defined to include materials on U.S. Blacks, Mexican-Americans, and Native Ameri­ cans in the Southwest; participates in collection development, library instruction, online database searching, and faculty liaison. The Mi­ nority Cultures Collection is a discrete collection in the Central Li­ brary. The Social Sciences and Minority Librarian/Bibliographer re­ ports to the Head of Central Library Reference. Qualifications: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; knowledge of social science reference and bibliographic resources. Desired: Experience or academic preparation, especially a Master’s degree, in the social sciences; knowledge of resources for minority studies; experience in library instruction and online database searching; reading knowledge of Spanish. Employment: Full-time. Non-traditional work week. Location: The University of Texas at Arlington, located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, has a current enrollment of approximately 23,000 and offers 97 degrees, 18 at the Ph.D. level. The University Libraries presently have approximately 1,076,500 items in the collections, a staff of 100, and an FY 1987-88 budget of nearly $5,000,000. The Libraries participate in AMIGOS/ OCLC, DIALOG, BRS, and are installing the NOTIS automated sys­ tem. Salary and Benefits; $18,036 annual minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Benefits include State contribution to health insurance premiums, payment of 88 percent of Social Secu­ rity premiums for a total of $965, and 8.5 percent annual salary con­ tributed by the state for optional retirement programs. Applications: Applications should include a resume and names and addresses of three professional references. Consideration for the position will be­ gin June 3,1988, and will continue until a satisfactory candidate has been found. Applications should be addressed to: Chair, Social Sci­ ences and Minority Librarian Search Committee, The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, P.O. Box 19497, Arlington, TX 76019. Applications from qualified minorities are encouraged. The Univer­ sity of Texas at Arlington is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SOCIAL WORK LIBRARIAN. This position has primary responsibil­ ity for providing general and in-depth information services to the fac­ ulty and students of the Graduate School of Social Work, and for de­ veloping the social welfare collections at Columbia. In addition, the Social Work Librarian works with the reference staff in the Lehman (social science) Library to provide social science reference and in­ structional services. Reporting to the Assistant Director for Social Sci­ ences, the Librarian serves as the Libraries’ liaison with Social Work faculty and students and works (with other department librarians in the Social Science Division) with the Assistant Director to develop services to enhance intellectual and physical access to the social sci­ ence collections. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: previous public service experience, including computerized bibliographic database searching and bibliographic instruction; subject background and/or relevant experience in social welfare; strong written and verbal communications skills; and demonstrated ability to administer library collections and work effectively with fac­ ulty and students. Preliminary interviews will be held at the annual Special Libraries Association meeting in June in Denver. Salary ranges (which will increase 7/1/88) are currently: Librarian I: $23,000-$29,900; Librarian II: $25,000-$33,750. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is May 30,1988. An Affirmative Action, Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Located in south central Kentucky, the Kentucky Library contains approximately 35,000 vol­ umes and significant ephemera relating to Kentucky and the region. Faculty position, reporting to Supervisor of Kentucky Library, primar­ ily responsible for collection development; work with vendors and donors; planning and performing basic conservation activities; refer­ ence; bibliographic instruction; involvement in university, commu­ nity and professional concerns. Qualifications include MLS from ALA-accredited program; effective planning and communication skills; 2 or more years professional experience in special collections work as well as advanced subject degree in American history, folk­ lore or other relevant subject area preferred. Minimum salary $19,000. Rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. Ap­ plications accepted until position filled. Send letter of application, re­ sume, three current references to: Office of Academic Affairs, Li­ brary Search, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. A new position available July 1 includes collection development, participation in implementa­ tion of an automated library system, cataloging, liaison work with a group of academic departments, and occasional coverage of the reference desk. We seek a librarian with experience in cataloging and with working knowledge of AACR2, LC subject headings, MARC formats, and OCLC protocols. In addition to an ALA- accredited MLS, we seek candidates with foreign language skills. Recent cataloging experience, preferably in an academic library, and familiarity with the Dewey Decimal Classification system are de­ sirable. The Library is in the process of introducing an integrated au­ tomated system. The successful applicant will utilize cataloging skills to assist in the introduction of an online public access catalog offer­ ing access to all of the Library’s holdings. Experience with an auto­ mated system is desirable. The position offers faculty status, gener­ ous health and life insurance plans, TIAA/CREF, 22 days annual vacation, and 10 paid holidays in a 12-month contract. Salary is de­ pendent on qualifications and experience, with a minimum of $22,000. Lafayette is a highly competitive independent coeduca­ tional undergraduate institution with course offerings in the liberal arts and engineering. We are located within easy travel distance of New York City and Philadelphia and with the advantages of the Po- conos and Bucks County nearby. Members of minority groups are encouraged to apply. Please send a letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference by May 20,1988, to: Dorothy Cieslicki, Librarian, Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042-1797. An equal opportunity employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS BIOMEDICAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Dana Biomedical Library, Dartmouth College/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, the largest medical library in northern New England, is seeking applicants for the position of biomedical reference librarian. Responsibilities include general reference work; database searching on MEDLARS, BRS, DIALOG, AMA/NET, and CD-ROM systems; some collection management; and user education. This individual will also serve as a liaison between the Reference Department and the Learning Resources Center (Audiovisual Department and Microcomputer Laboratory). Position reports to the Assistant Librarian. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an accredited library school; undergraduate degree in the Life Sciences; minimum of three years experience in an academic health sciences library; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; strong reference, online searching, microcomputer, and teaching skills; and an interest in educational May 1988 / 339 technology and library research. Salary: Librarian I, $21,500+; Librarian II, $23,600+; with excellent fringe benefits. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names of three references to: Phyllis E. Jaynes, Biomedical Reference Librarian Search Committee, Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, NH 03755. The committee will begin reviewing applications by June 1, 1988. Dartmouth College is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University of Alabama Lib­ raries, Tuscaloosa, invite applications for the position of Business Reference Librarian to provide, under the supervision of the Head of the Business Library, a full range of services, including development and interpretation of business reference collection to the university community, collection development in business, library user instruction, database and end-user searching and instruction, preparation of bibliographies and other library aids, and supervision of student assistants. Some evening and weekend reference desk service required. Qualifications required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA; in-depth knowledge of basic business reference sources, national and trade bibliographies; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library personnel at all levels; excellent oral and written communication skills; commitment to client-centered services. Desirable: Working knowledge of a foreign language; business reference experience in a large academic library or a special library; experience in online searching, government documents, and bibliographic instruction; evidence of professional and/or scholarly activity. Second master’s degree in business or a relevant social science degree highly desirable. Salary/benefits: Twelve month, faculty rank, tenure earning, strong benefits. Appointment will be at the Instructor level with a minimum salary of $18,000 or at the Assistant Professor level with a minimum salary of $21,000. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. Projected date of appointment is September 1, 1988. To apply send letter of application, resume and names and addresses of 3 references to: Sondra Tucker, Personnel Officer, University of Alabama Libraries, Reference Librarian Search Committee, P.O. Box S, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-9784 by June 10, 1988. The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. DIRECTOR OF BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Indiana University of Pennsylvania is seeking a Director of Bibliographic Services. This management position reports to the Associate Director for Technical Services and Systems and is responsible for planning and evaluating day-to-day cataloging activities of faculty and support staff in the creation of bibliographic and item data for the Libraries’ union public access catalog for planning, maintaining, and making weekly updates to the database; and for assisting in planning and implementing procedures for phasing out the card catalog. The IUP Libraries are installing an online union catalog designed by Carlyle Systems, Inc. Salary range for this management classification begins at $23,694; however, the starting salary will be dependent upon the qualifications of the successful candidate. Fringe benefits are excellent. An MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; a second Master’s degree; knowledge of AACR2 and Library of Congress Subject Headings; good written, oral, interpersonal skills; experience with the OCLC cataloging subsystem and automated library systems generally; and a minimum of five years experience working in an academic library environment are required. Three years experience in the development and quality control of an online union catalog in MARC format, enriched bibliographic records, Dewey Decimal classification system, and experience with microcomputing is preferred. Training ability or experience with the implementation of an automated online union catalog is useful as well as experience in public or access services in an academic library. Send cover letter, resume, and names/addresses/phone numbers of at least three references to: Chair, Director 340 / C&RL News of Bibliographic Services Search Committee, 203 Stapleton Library, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705-1096. Appointment effective Ju ly 1, 1988, or as soon as possible thereafter. IUP is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply. EDUCATION LIBRARIAN (search reopened). Available September 1, 1988. Responsible for Curriculum Library, collection development and database searching in education, and some general reference. Qualifications: ALA/MLS; three years’ relevant professional experience; second master’s degree in education desirable. $22,000 minimum for 12-month contract with excellent benefits. Apply with full resume and names/addresses/phone numbers of three references by June 15, 1988, to: Ted Otto, Assistant Librarian for Public Services, University Library, MS 84, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA 99004. AA/EOE. HEAD, ZIMMERMAN REFERENCE DEPARTMENT, University of New Mexico General Library. Faculty position. Permanent, 12 month, full time. Salary: $32,000 minimum. Level of appointment: Assistant Professor. Responsible to: Dean of Library Services. Education: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program. Required: A minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible professional library experience in public services in an academic or research library. Strong commitment to quality public services. Substantial evidence of administrative ability. The successful candidate must possess the ability to: work in a non-traditional management environment that uses a collaborative approach to decision-making; set priorities and provide decisive leadership in a dynamic environment; work well with people at all levels. Also needed are a creative approach to problem solving, evidence of contributions to university and professional committees and organizations, and a demonstrated record of scholarship and research. Additional qualifications: Second master’s degree preferred. Collection development experience desirable. Duties: Administers the central Reference Department, which includes the Microforms Area. Responsible for and takes part in all department activities, including reference desk service, collection development (responsible for Reference collection; may select in a subject area for general collection), library instruction, and online searching. Plans, implements, and evaluates Reference Department programs, services, and policies. Supervises and evaluates members of the Reference Department: 10 library faculty, 5.25 FT E staff and approximately 13 part-time students. Oversees hiring and training of new personnel and is responsible for faculty and staff development in the department. Serves on the Council of Department Heads, the major administrative body of the General Library. Trans: íits information, concerns, and policy issues, and coordinates planning and services between the department and the library as a whole. Background: The University of New Mexico General Library, with a collection of over 1,300,000 volumes, is a member of the Association of Research Libraries and the AMIGOS Bibliographic Council. The collection is located in Zimmerman Library, as well as 4 separate branches: Business/Economics, Fine Arts (Arts, Music, Architecture), Science/Engineering, and Curriculum materials. The General Library utilizes a DataPhase circulation system, an INNOVACQ acquisitions and serial control system, and will be installing a Carlyle online catalog. UNM, with an enrollment of 24,500 students, serves a multicultural state. The University employs 1,400 faculty, 3,800 staff, and offers 54 master’s and doctoral and professional degrees. Faculty responsibilities: It is assumed that the incumbent in the position will comply with the policies of the Faculty Handbook including research, publication and service to the profession and community. Applications: Submit resume (including names and addresses of three references) by Ju n e 10, 1988, to: Rita Critchfìeld, General Library Personnel Office, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. Recruitment will continue until the position is filled. UNM is an Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (TECHNOLOGY), full-time, 12-month, faculty position with the University of South Alabama, an urban university of 10,000 students. Mobile, located on Mobile Bay, is a metropolitan area of 478,821 near the Gulf Coast. Reference department offers collegiality, independence, flexible future assignments, and professional challenge. Five professionals share responsibilities with teamwork and a strong public service tradition in an atmosphere of increasing library use. The library is automated utilizing NOTIS, with online catalog and acquisitions modules operational and circulation scheduled for the near future. Duties: Primary responsibility: provide reference services to and act as liason with the students and faculty in engineering and computer science. Reference desk duty (including evenings and weekends in rotation), online searching, library orientation and instruction, join t student supervision, and special projects are included. Participates in the development of computer-assisted reference services and collection development activities in engineering and computer science. Requires: AL/VMLS. Innovative, cooperative, flexible, goal-directed professional who is service- oriented and has an ability to work effectively with library users and colleagues. Preferred qualifications: Interest, knowledge or experience with microcomputer hardware and software and the ability to apply this to reference services. Subject background in an area of technology. Training or experience in reference services, including online searching. Appointment will be at the instructor level with a salary of $18,000. Promotion and tenure-track appointment available August 1, 1988. The University of South Alabama offers generous benefits including mandatory state retirement, options for TIAA/CREF, etc., subsidized insurance and 20-day paid vacation. Applications must be postmarked by May 20, 1988. Candidates should submit a letter of introduction outlining qualifications, current resume, and names and addresses for three references to: Geneva Bush, Chair, Search Committee, University Libraries, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. SERIALS CATALOGER (position reopened). Responsible for cataloging and classifying print serials in all subject areas. Supervises the serials cataloging unit of two F T E technical assistants and two student assistants. The unit is also responsible for the creation and maintenance of local data records for the Arkansas Union List of Serials via the OCLC Serials Control Subsystem and for recording local holdings information on the shelflist. Participation in automation planning may also be required. Position reports to the Head, Cataloging Department. ALA-accredited MLS, serials cataloging experience (preferably in an academic library), knowledge of AACR2 and LC classification and subject headings required; experience with OCLC and local automated systems desired. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience, $19,000 minimum. Twelve-month, tenure-track, TIAA/CREF, 22 days annual leave, tuition and other benefits. Position available Ju ly 1, 1988. Applications accepted until the position is filled; review of candidates began February 1, 1988. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is a land-grant university and the major academic research institution in the state, offering a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Situated in the Ozarks, Fayetteville (population 40,000) offers cultural and recreational opportunities associated with natural beauty and a university community. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: John A. Harrison, Director of Libraries, U niversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701. The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer; minority and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1985: National Summaries, State Summaries, Institutional Tables. S ta tis tic s on 3 ,0 0 0 academic lib raries surveyed by the C enter for Educational S ta tistics. Contains data on collections, operating ex­ penditures, staff, and in stitu tion al indices of library operating expenditures, books and bound serials and F T E lib rary staff. $30.00pb; ACRL m em ber $ 2 4 .0 0 240p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 1 4 7 -4 1987 ACRL University Library Statistics 1985-86 and 1986 “100 Libraries” Statistical Survey. D ata and ran kings of 149 univer­ sity, college, community and ju n io r college lib raries on collections, expenditures, personnel, and in terlib rary loans. $30.00pb; ACRL m em ber $ 2 4 .0 0 HOp. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 1 4 4 -x 1 987 Quantitative Criteria for Academic Research Libraries, by Kendon L. Stubbs. D ata from 3 ,0 0 0 academic lib ra ries answ ers the question, “W hat is an academ ic research library?” In tables arranged by state, each institu tion is ranked by a component score. $19.00pb; ACRL m em ber $15.00 135p. 0-8389-6788-4 1 9 8 4 Association of College and Research Libraries A division of the Am erican Library Association c/o ALA Publishing Services, Order D epartm ent 50 E a s t Huron S tre e t • Chicago, Illinois 6 0 6 1 1 -2 7 9 5