ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 560 / C&RL News ACRL Board of D irectors' actions, June 1 9 9 5 Highlights o f the ACRL Board o f Directors' A nnual Conference meetings T he ACRL Board of Directors met twice dur­ing the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago on June 24 and 27. Highlights of the meetings are as follows: Approved establishm ent o f a n ew discussion group, Electronic Reserves, increasing the num­ ber of division-level discussion groups to 21. Thanked th e Seventh ACRL N ational Con­ ference Executive Committee and com mended it for the development and presentation of an exciting, stimulating, and intellectually challeng­ ing conference. Sent M emorial R esolution for W illiam An­ drew Moffett to ALA Council for endorsement. Adopted the Strategic Plan p resented by the ACRL Interim Planning Committee; voted to adopt the planning roles; and postponed tak­ ing action on the implementation plan until after the Board’s fall retreat. D isbanded th e ACRL P lan nin g Com m ittee with the highest appreciation and asked that the ACRL Constitution and Bylaws Committee place the portion of Article VI, Section 2b on the spring ballot which allows the membership to vote to remove the chair of the Planning Committee from the ACRL Board of Directors as an ex-officio member without vote. A pproved tw o ex -offîcio p o sitio n s o n the ACRL Publications Committee to be filled by the CLS CLIP Notes Committee chair and by a rep­ resentative from the section newsletter editors. Endorsed r e so lu tio n h o n o r in g E ldon W. Tamblyn for voluntarily providing ACRL with annual indexes to College a n d Research Librar­ ies and College a n d Research Libraries News for twenty (20) years (1975– 1995). A pproved re v isio n s to th e bylaw s o f the University Libraries Section and approved the ACRL Board 1994-95: Back row: Lee H isle, A lthea J en k in s, Linda P h illip s, H elen Spalding, Jill Fatzer, Frances Maloy, Victoria M ontavon, Ray Metz, Bernard Fradkin. Front row: Sandra Ready, T hom as Kirk, Susan Martin, Patricia Breivik, Mary Reichel. September 1 995/561 ACRL Board 1995– 96: Back row: A lthea J e n k in s, H ele n Spalding, J ill Fatzer, Frances Maloy, V ictoria M ontavon, Carol P feiffer, B ernard Fradkin. F ront row: Lee H isle, Susan Martin, Patricia Breivik, W illiam M iller, Mary R eichel. N ot pictured: Linda Muroi. bylaws of its newest section, English and Ameri­ can Literature. Voted n o t to e n d o rse th e in terp retation s o f the Library Bill o f Rights-, developed a response to the interpretations that recom m ended they not be forw arded to the ALA Council for action at this time, and submitted it to the ALA Intel­ lectual Freedom Committee. A ccepted th e ACRL Academ ic Library Sta­ tistics Committee’s five-year review report, ap­ pro v ed the nam e change to ACRL Statistics Committee, and asked the committee to focus its efforts on cooperative activities with the Stan­ dards and Accreditation Committee and research ways to coordinate activities with the ACRL unit statistics committees. E stablished th e “ACRL Leadership C enter” that will serve as a clearinghouse for informa­ tion on leadership, and centralize and coordi­ nate activities and programs that focus on aca­ demic librarians as leaders. A ccepted in v ita tio n fo r m em b ersh ip in th e Library of Congress’ Neíwork Advisory Com­ mittee (NAC). A pproved a p la n fo r im p lem en tin g a liai­ son program with nine key external organiza­ tions: National Forum on Information Literacy, American Association for H igher Education, American Council on Education, Association of American Colleges and Universities, American Association o f Community Colleges, Council of Independent Colleges, National University Con­ tinuing Education Association, National Asso­ ciation o f State Universities an d Land-Grant Colleges, and American Association o f Univer­ sity Professors; an d fu n d ed the program at $9,000 for 1996. A pproved a C onflict o f Interest statem ent for the ACRL Board o f Directors. A pproved th e ACRL and CHOICE 1996 bud­ gets, w hich project a deficit for ACRL o f ap­ proximately $250,000, largely for planning of the 1997 National Conference and new initia­ tives in support of the new Strategic Plan. A pproved a n e w ch arge for th e ACRL Mem­ bership Committee, changed the committee’s composition, and revised the com mittee’s list of responsibilities. A pproved fifteen p rogram s reco m m en d ed by the ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1996 ALA Annual Confer­ ence in New York. Approved co sp o n so rsh ip w ith the C oalition for Networked Information (CNI) of New Learn­ ing Communities Program and appointed Tom Kirk to serve as the ACRL liaison to the project. E sta b lish ed a task fo rc e to e x p lo r e h o w current and potential efforts o f the ACRL Chap­ ters Council and the ACRL G overnment Rela­ tio n s C o m m ittee c o u ld b e c o m b in e d an d strengthened. ■ 5 6 2 /C&RL News BLACKWELL for SMART Sourcing™ Full Book Processing Tables o f Contents Full Authority Control FTP M A R C Records Worldwide O C L C PromptCat™ Provider Catalog-Ready M A R C Records T h e L E A D E R in Bibliographic Services for O ver 20 Ye a r s B. H. Blackwell Blackwell N orth America Oxford Lake Oswego, O R • Blackwood, NJ