ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 199 5 /5 7 1 ACRL charts new direction ACRL Board approves new plan to meet the fu tu re A CRL has ad o p ted a new strategic plan toguide the association’s activities. The plan was approved by the ACRL Board o f Directors at its June 24 m eeting during the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. “We envision this as a dynam ic plan that will be subject to continuing evolution to m eet the changing needs o f our profession,” said Su­ san Martin, ACRL immediate past-president. “We appreciate the efforts o f ACRL m em bers w ho participated in identifying the critical issues fac­ ing libraries and librarianship, and suggesting h ow ACRL as an o rg an izatio n can b est fill present an d future n eed s.” T he cu lm in atio n o f m o re th a n th re e y ears of intensive effort by ACRL lead ers an d m em ­ bers, th e n e w p la n rep la ce s a 1987 version. It rec o g n ize s c u rre n t p rio rities a n d co n c ern s of ACRL m em b ers w ith a m ission a n d vision statem en t th a t em p h asize o p p o rtu n itie s for p ro fessio n al d ev e lo p m e n t an d p erfo rm an ce o f acad em ic lib ra ria n s’ m ission o f service. “The challenge before ACRL leadership is to m ove ahead expeditiously tow ard the goals the m em bership has a d o p te d ,” said Patricia Breivik, 1995–96 ACRL president. “We are en ­ couraged in o ur endeavors w ith the close rela­ tionship o f ACRL’s goals an d ALA Goal 2000. It is an exciting tim e for ACRL an d its members!” Mission The Association o f College an d Research Li­ braries (ACRL) provides leadership for devel­ opm ent, prom otion, an d im provem ent o f aca­ d em ic a n d re s e a rc h lib rary re so u rc e s an d services to facilitate learning, research, and the scholarly com m unication process. ACRL prom otes the highest level o f profes­ sional excellence for librarians and library p er­ sonnel in order to serve the users o f academic an d research libraries. Vision Together, ACRL m em bers will strengthen the ability o f academ ic and research librarians and other library personnel to provide superior ser vices an d resources for their communities; and will p rep are academ ic an d research librarians to play increasingly significant roles in higher education. ACRL will provide lead ersh ip in shaping education, information, an d scholarly co m m u n icatio n policy. It w ill ac h ie v e this through partnerships with higher education and information technology organizations, national forums, an d through the legislative process. ACRL will recruit and foster the retention of highly qualified an d talented librarians w ho reflect the diversity found in American society. ACRL will develop standards for professional preparation an d prom ote continuous learning for academ ic and research librarians and other library personnel. Goals 1. P rovide d e v e lo p m e n t o p p o r tu n itie s for academ ic an d resea rch librarians an d o th er library p e r s o n n e l that e n h a n c e th e ir ab il­ ity to d e liv e r s u p e r io r s e r v ic e s a n d r e ­ so u rces. Strategic Directions: 1.1 ACRL will su p p o rt activities w hich provide opportunities for academic and research librarians and library personnel to discuss and share ideas, know ledge, research, experiences, an d expertise. 1.2 ACRL will support recruitment efforts to bring into the profession those individuals w ho will enrich the diversity o f the profession. 1.3 ACRL will provide national program ­ ming at the regional level to support continu­ ing education needs. 1.4 ACRL will continue to seek ways to in­ crease membership participation in its activities. A n overview o f the development o f the new plan, as well as a list o f the ACRL members who worked on it, may be fo u n d in the June 1995 issue o f C&RL N ew s. 5 7 2 /C&RL News 2. C ollaborate w ith o th e r p r o fe ssio n a l o r­ gan ization s and a sso cia tio n s o f h ig h er ed u ­ ca tio n in o rd er to p ro m o te m utual in ter ests. Strategic Directions: 2.1 ACRL will participate in activities of, and seek cooperative relationships with, higher education associations. 2.2 ACRL will seek cooperative relation­ ships w ith other inform ation-related associa­ tions to develop cooperative initiatives to en ­ hance and expand the library’s role as central to academic endeavors. 2.3 ACRL will strengthen its relationship w ith the Association o f Research Libraries. 2.4 ACRL will w ork with higher educa­ tion and scholarly associations to protect ac­ cess to intellectual property in an electronic environm ent. 3. M aintain at th e n a tio n a l le v el a p ro m i n e n t ro le in p la n n in g and d e c is io n m ak in g fo r in flu e n c in g in fo r m a tio n p olicy. Strategic Directions: 3.1 ACRL will provide financial support for the ALA Goal 2000 technology initiative and legislative agenda to insure that the items of concern to academic librarians receive prom pt attention. 3.2 ACRL will support the ALA W ashing ton Office in responding to issues affecting aca­ dem ic libraries and higher education. 3.3 ACRL will use an effective com m uni cation mix to prom ote an understanding o f the value and contributions o f academ ic/research librarians and libraries to higher education and society in general. 3.4 ACRL will participate in activities of higher education an d other organizations to inform these groups o f the value o f library re­ sources an d services and the library’s role in the teaching/learning and scholarly process. 4. Ensure that ACRL’s o p era tin g en v ir o n m en t p ro v id es effic ie n c y in its u se o f re­ so u rces an d e ffec tiv e n e ss in th e d eliv ery o f se rv ic es to its m em b ers an d co n stitu e n t u n its. Strategic Directions: 4.1 The ACRL Board o f Directors will take responsibility for planning in order to provide organizational direction. 4.2 ACRL will develop and maintain an integrated dynamic m anagem ent system and process that include: a strategic plan, a finan­ cial plan, and product-line marketing or busi­ ness plans. 4.3 Members o f the ACRL Board o f Di­ rectors will act with the mission, vision, and goals o f the association in mind, and ensure that issues an d ideas are exam ined an d dis­ cussed openly an d thoroughly with the mem ­ bership. 4.4 ACRL will exam ine an d modify as appropriate its current structural arrangements to enhance its influence o n information policy setting and legislation through better coordi­ nation o f national an d state efforts. 4.5 ACRL will review an d revise its by­ laws to reflect the roles o f the Board o f Direc­ tors and all ACRL units. 4.6 ACRL will k eep inform ed o f current association m anagem ent practices an d ap p ro ­ priate technologies to ensure that it operates at an optim um level o f efficiency. ■ (Online resources cont. from page 539) Directory o f Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists. Many o f the listserv lists are mirrored as U senet new sgroups. • BI-L. The bibliographic instruction list­ serv list. Access: e-mail to: listserv@bingvmb. cc.bingham with subscribe bi-1 in the body o f the message. • D ir e c t o r y o f E le c tr o n ic J o u r n a ls , N e w s le tt e r s , a n d A c a d e m ic D is c u s s io n Lists, 5th Edition, May 1995 (g o p h e r ed i­ tio n ). Although this is an abridged version of the ARL publication, it includes information on approximately 2,500 discussion lists. Access: go­ p h er:// i.o rg :7 0 /ll/sco m m /ed ir. • NET-HAPPENINGS. This list distributes announcem ents o f interest to Internet users, in­ cluding information about upcom ing Internet events. Access: e-mail to MAJORDOMO@IS. INTERNIC.NET with subscribe net-happenings in the body o f the message. • NETTRAIN. A listserv m ailing list for p eo p le interested in netw ork training issues. Access: e-m ail to: listserv@ ubvm .cc.b u ffalo . edu with subscribe nettrain in the body o f the message. • A rch ives NETTRAIN. The archives of NETTRAIN are available an d searchable by author, title, an d subject using BRS/OnSite. Boolean searching is su pported and a tutorial covers search techniques and docum ent dow n­ lo a d in g . Access: t e l n e t : / / a . c n i.o rg /; login: brsuser. ■