ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 7 6 / C&RL News N ew Publications G e o rg e M. Eberha rt Food & M ood: The Com ­ p lete Guide to Eating W ell an d F eelin g Y our Best, by Elizabeth Somer (460 pages, January 1995), offers dietary solutions to such com m on p r o b le m s as d e p r e s s io n , m ood swings, sleeplessness, irritability, seasonal affective d iso rd er (SAD), an d PMS. Somer’s practical advice is sup p lem en ted by h er su b ­ stantial reference listings and resource recommendations. The frequent tables, charts, worksheets, quizzes, and lists encourage brows­ ing. $25.00. Henry Holt, 115 W. 18th St., New York, NY 10011. ISBN 0-8050-3125-1. Ha rro d 's L ib ra ria n s' G lo s s a r y , compiled by Ray Prytherch (692 pages, 8th ed., March 1995), contains 9,000 terms used in informa­ tion managem ent, library science, publishing, the b o o k trade, and archive m anagement. First published in 1938, Hαrrod’s n ow has an advi­ sory b o ard to im prove coverage in records managem ent, preservation, and com puter and international terminology. More com plete than the already dated ALA Glossary, this volum e defines such terms as Meame style, spamming, Vosper Fellowships, ola books, denudation, plug and play, bibliopsychology, and EuroCAIRN. A g o o d one-v o lu m e first sto p for definitions. $99.95. Ashgate Publishing, Old Post Road, Brookfield, VT 05036. ISBN 0-566-07533-4. The M icrosoft W in e G u id e on CD-ROM (1995) is a fine exam ple o f multimedia in its most instructive and entertaining form. Wine connoisseur Oz Clarke, in a series of video clips, explains w ine glasses, decanting, opening the bottle, corks an d corkscrews, sparkling wine, w ine tasting, the appearance o f wine, elements o f wine, and faults in wine. He also conducts a tasting tour o f w ine flavors from cham pagne to port and discusses labels, varieties, styles, w h en to drink wine, and how to plan a cellar. O ne o f its m ost enjoyable features is its w ine selector, through w hich you can choose a w ine region, grape variety, w ine style, star rating, food match (from pizza to pâté), specific pro­ ducers, appellations, o r tasting notes, to com e u p w ith a list o f appropriate w ine labels. No printed guide can produce a custom ized list as this CD- ROM can. Even if you are not a w ine drinker, you will find som e aspect o f this soft­ w are to admire. $39.95 list. M icrosoft C orp., O n e Mi­ crosoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399. O n These W a lls: Inscrip­ t io n s a n d Q u o ta tio n s in t h e B u ild in g s o f t h e Li­ b rary o f C ongress, by John Cole (106 pages, April 1995), is the first b ook to list the inscriptions and q uo­ tations in all three library buildings. It also in­ cludes brief descriptions o f paintings and works o f sculpture, along with a short history of each building. Includes six color an d 27 black-and- w hite photos and a detailed index and guide to names. $8.50 (plus $3.50 handling). Library o f Congress Sales Shop, Washington, DC 20540. The O x fo rd Encyclop edia of the M od­ er n Islam ic W orld, edited by Jo h n L. Esposito (4 vols., March 1995), is devoted to culture, religion, an d politics in the Islamic w orld of the 19th an d 20th centuries. Its more than 750 original articles (including 100 biographical entries) w ere w ritten by an international team o f scholars in Islamic studies. The topics are well chosen an d highly informative, offering lucid analyses o f com plex concepts that many users will b e unfamiliar with. The Islamic p er­ spective o n w om en, suicide, class, urban plan­ ning, magic and sorcery, terrorism, an d librar­ ies will b e o f interest to students in those fields. $395.00. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-19-506613-8. Secret Intelligence a n d Public Policy: A D ilem m a o f D em ocracy, by Pat M. Holt (269 pages, O ctober 1994), examines the paradox of covert intelligence operations within an open, dem ocratic society. This b ook deals with such vital issues as w hat arm of governm ent is ulti­ mately responsible for intelligence, how that authority reaches its decisions, an d h ow the lines o f com m unication from authority to o p ­ erational officer can be unclogged. Holt has considerable experience w ith his subject: he w as the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Septem ber 1 9 9 5 / 5 7 7 principal con tact with the in telligence com m u­ nity for 17 years. He writes: “[I] learned a great many secrets and failed to learn others despite diligent efforts to penetrate the obfuscation that is a bureaucrat’s natural d efe n se .” $18.95. Con­ gressional Quarterly B ook s, 1414 22nd St,. N.W., W ashington, DC 20037. ISBN 0-87187-683-3. Tantalizing Tingles: A Discography of Early Ragtime, Jazz, and Novelty Synco­ pated Piano Recordings, 1889– 1934, by Ross Laird (2 5 8 pages, April 1995), brings together all data for recordings o f n on classical piano made for issue on disc and cylinder prior to 1935. Primary arrangement is by performer, with cross-references for pseudonym s and record­ ings m ade as part o f piano duets, trios, or quar­ tets. An appendix lists n o n so lo instrum ental re­ cordings b y selected pianists, and the ind ex provides a ccess by son g title. M uch o f this data has not b e e n pu blished b efore. $65.00. G reen ­ w ood Press, 8 8 Post Road W est, P .O . B o x 5007, W estport, CT 06881. ISBN 0-313-29240-X . The V is u a l D ic tio n a ry o f A m e ric a n Domestic Architecture, by Rachel Carley (272 pages, Jan u ary 1995), presents m ore than 500 detailed illustrations o f American dwellings from Native American wigwams to postmodern cou n­ try houses. T ex t and definitions are minimal, the author presum ing that readers will lo o k up “voussoir” and “m odillion cou rse” if n eed be. T h e fine points o f floor plans, interior views, and details are also carefully exam ined. $40.00. Henry Holt, 115 W. 18th St., New York, NY 10011. ISBN 0-8050-2646-0. ■ W h ole L ib ra ry H a n d b o o k 2 a d d s hum or to facts an d fig u re s D o you know how many p eo p le attended the first ALA Annual C on feren ce in Philadel­ phia in 1876? (It was 103; 24,653 attended last Ju n e .) D o you know how m uch m on ey is spent on hom e video gam es per year, com pared to that spent on educational and research m ate­ rials for colleg e and university libraries? (It’s $5.5 billion com ­ pared to $1 billion .) For facts like th ese and oth­ ers, turn to Tloe Whole Library Handbook. 2: Ciurent Data, Pro­ fessional Advice, and Curiosa about Libraries and Library Ser­ vices, com p iled b y G eo rg e M. Eberhart (ALA, 1995; $30.00, ALA m em bers $27.00). An update o f the first volume, pu blish ed in 1991, the Hand- book includes 90 percen t n ew material. Com ­ piled from m any sou rces, including C&RL, C&RL News, RBML, and American Libraries, it includes articles o f gen eral and special inter­ est on topics like: w hat librarians can do to save the earth; m anaging em p loyees; how to raise good readers; 84 library uses for the In­ ternet; and 11 ways to answ er a censor. Almost every asp ect o f the profession is covered here in brief, informative p ieces. You will find information on form ing a foun da­ tion , w o rk p la ce v io le n c e , plan n in g library b u ild in g s , lib ra ry p r o m o tio n id eas, atte n d in g c o n fe r e n c e s , part-time w orkers, selecting soft­ w are, and m any m ore topics. And if you like som e hum or w ith y o u r fa c ts an d fig u r e s, ch eck out the section o n haunted libraries (a m ale librarian haunts the room s w est o f th e Rotunda in th e U.S. C ap ito l B u ild in g , w here the Library o f Congress w as o n c e housed, b e ca u se he died b efo re he cou ld fetch the $6,000 he had hidden betw een the pag es o f b o o k s there). Or try “T h e T o p T en List o f Silly and Illogical Reasons to B an a B o o k ,” “Daffy Dis­ sertations,” or “Little-Known Nets” like NyetNet for Russian dissidents. The Whole Library Handbook 2 will prove to b e an entertaining and informative resource for librarians o f all kinds. T o order a cop y call (8 0 0 ) 545-2433, press 7 or fax (3 1 2 ) 836- 9 9 5 8 .— Pam Spiegel, ACKL