ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Septem ber 1 9 9 5 /5 8 1 People in the New s Hugh Thompson Suzanne D. Gyeszly, collec­ tion d evelop m en t coo rd in a­ tor for social s c ie n c e s and preservation at th e Sterling C. E van s Library at T e x a s A&M U niversity, h as b e e n awarded a Fulbright grant to Hungary in library scien ce. O n e o f s e v e n F u l b r ig h t scholars g o in g to H ungary during fall 1995, Gyeszly will lecture and con d u ct research on the international and pub­ lic relations o f the National Szcchenyi Library (N ational Library o f Hungary) in B u d ap est follow ing the political ch an g es o f the ’90s. Thomas Conkling, head o f the eng in eering library at P en n State University, and Bonnie Osif, assistant en g in eer­ ing lib ra ria n , w e r e r e ­ cently presented with the Ei/SLA E n g in e e rin g Li­ b r a r i a n o f t h e Y e a r Award during the annual m eetin g o f th e S p ecial L ib r a r ie s A s s o c i a t i o n . Conkling and O sif w ere recognized for jointly d e­ veloping the T h ree Mile Island 2 D e c o n ta m in a ­ B o n n ie O sif tion and R ecovery Col­ lection and creatin g tw o In tern et-accessib le da­ tabases relating to the T h ree Mile Island reactor cleanu p. Sharon Hogan, university librarian at the Uni­ versity o f Illinois at C hicago Circle, has received the President’s R ecognition Award from the Chi­ n ese A m erican Librarians A ssociation (CALA) for h e r outstanding accom p lishm ents. H ogan has served o n the E xecu tive B oard o f the ALA and o n the Council. She w as p resident o f ACRL (1 9 8 5 8 6 ) and w as a c o fo u n d e r o f its B ib lio ­ graphic Instruction Section. She has b e e n a pro­ p o n en t o f m inority recruitm ent to the p rofes­ sion fo r m any years. David Kaser, distinguished professor em eri­ tus o f th e S ch o o l o f Library an d Inform ation S cie n c e at the University o f Indiana, has re­ ceived a 1995 Distinguished Service Award from th e C h in e s e A m erica n Li­ brarians Association. He w as recog n ized in particular for his im p a ct o n C h in es e li­ b r a r i a n s h i p t h r o u g h h is teach in g , training, and ad­ d ressin g c o n te m p o ra ry is­ su es to library p rofessionals in Taiw an. H e has b e e n a c ­ tive in ALA sin ce 1952, serv­ ing tw o term s as cou n cilo r an d as p resid en t o f ACRL (1 9 6 8 - 6 9 ) . Z h uang Shoujing, v ic e - chairm an o f th e B oard o f the China Society o f Library S c ie n c e a n d fo rm er d ir e c to r o f the B eijin g University Library (1 9 8 3 -9 3 ), receiv ed a 1995 D istin g u ish ed S erv ic e A w ard fro m the C h in e s e A m e r ic a n L ib r a ria n s A s s o c ia tio n . Zhuang has m ade outstanding con tribution s in prom oting m od ern librarianship in China. He w as instrum en tal in starting e x c h a n g e visits b e tw e e n leading library profession als in T ai­ w an and the C h in ese m ainland after his visit to Taiw an in 1993. D uring his tenu re as director o f the B eid a Library, h e establish ed stead y re­ lations in exch an g in g m aterials w ith m ore than 3 0 0 institutions in m ore than 50 cou ntries and districts. Jo h n Spencer Walters, d ocu m ents librarian at th e University o f Central Florida, w as nam ed the elev en th annual recip ien t o f th e B ernard M. Fry Award fo r the b e st article to ap p ear in the Journal o f Government Information during the p reced in g year. T h e prize-w inning article, ““T o y ’ P resses and the Rise o f Fugitive U.S. G overn m ent D o cu m en ts” ap p eared in th e Sep ­ tem ber/ O ctober 1994 edition. Appointments Jo h a n n a E. Bowen has b e e n selec ted d irector o f th e Library/Learning R eso u rces C en ter at Cabrillo C olleg e in Aptos, California. B o w en has b e e n coordinator for tech n ical services and referen ce/ b ib liog rap h er fo r political s cie n c e, business, and public policy programs at the State University o f New Y ork , C olleg e at Cortland. 5 8 2 /C&RL News She served as chair of the ALA LITA Library C onsortia an d A utom ated Systems In terest Group, was involved in the ALA/ALCTS Cre­ ative Ideas in Technical Services Discussion Group, and participated in OCLC activities. Lucy Cocke is the n ew director o f the McGaw Library at Alice Lloyd College in Pippa Passes, Kentucky. She previously served for 15 years as director o f Eckles Library at Mount Vernon College, Washington, D.C. Bruce M orton has b een appointed dean of Libraries at Montana State University, Bozeman. Morton has b ee n at Montana since 1984 w hen he joined as head of reference service. In 1989 he becam e the assistant dean for public ser vices and has served as the acting dean since 1993. Previously, Morton had b een librarian at Carleton College and Dickenson College. For the last 12 years he has served as associate editor of the Journal o f Government Information and w as a m em ber of the Depository Library Coun­ cil to the Public Printer of the United States. Susan A. Stussy is now library director at Ma­ donna University in Livonia, Michigan. She was formerly library director at Barton County Com­ munity College, Kansas; Marian College, Indi­ ana; an d St. Norbert College, Wisconsin. L eighann A yers is now head of the acqui­ sitions/serials division o f the University Librar­ ies at the University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor. Carol D a n n er Benfi eld has b een nam ed director o f developm ent for the University of South Carolina Libraries. J ea n ette B erg ero n has joined the Earth Sciences Resources Institute, an independent institute associated with the University of South Carolina, as librarian/information manager. D o re en Bradley is the n ew inform ation services librarian in the Alfred Taubm an Medi­ cal Library at the University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor. Ed. note: Entries in this column are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, individuals using institutional letterhead, and other sources. To ensure that your personnel news is considered fo r publication, write to Pam Spiegel, Assistant Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: Rick Brew er has joined the University of Kentucky Medical Center Library as reference librarian. R ebecca L. B rothers has been nam ed spe­ cial projects librarian in interlibrary lo an /co o p erative access services at the University o f Michi gan, Ann Arbor. Sue Burch has b een nam ed public services librarian at the University o f Kentucky Law Li­ brary. Sheila W. Butler has b een appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University o f Alabama at Birmingham. J o n E. C aw thorne joined the staff of the Knight Library at the University o f O regon as reference lib rarian /co o rd in ato r for outreach services. Charles E gleston is the new head o f the Cataloging M anagement Unit at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. Shaw n Esposito is now reference librarian at the University o f Kentucky Law Library. D ale F oster has b een nam ed head of spe­ cial collections at Auburn University, Alabama. D eb orah A. Gallagher has b een appointed M-link reference librarian at the University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor. D o n n a G ood w yn has b een nam ed associ­ ate librarian at Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, Illinois. Linda Suttle Harris has been nam ed head of reference services at the University o f Ala bam a at Birmingham. Martha H en n is the new arts and hum ani­ ties reference bibliographer at the University o f Alabama at Birmingham. D ottie H iebing has b een appointed direc tor o f METRO, the New York Metropolitan Ref­ erence and Research Library Agency. Elizabeth Icen h o w er has been named prin­ cipal cataloger at the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries. Audrey M. Ja ck so n has b een nam ed head of UCLA’s Science and Engineering Library. P eggy J o b e has joined the University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries as governm ent publications librarian for international do cu ­ ments. A lice Kawakami has been appointed m edi­ cal librarian at th e U niversity o f S outhern California’s Norris Medical Library. Marcia K ing-Blandford is the new refer­ ence librarian at the University o f Toledo, Ohio. Patricia W. Martin is the new head educa­ tion an d end-user search services librarian in Septem ber 1 9 9 5 / 5 8 3 the Alfred T au bm an M edical Library at the Uni versity o f M ichigan, A nn Arbor. Eleanor Mitchell is the n ew h ead o f th College Library at th e U niversity o f California Los A ngeles. Carol H. Murdoch is the n e w re fe re n c services librarian at North Central C olleg e i Naperville, Illinois. Preethi Naidu has b e e n nam ed kn ow led g an d c o n s u lta tio n s e r v ic e s lib r a r ia n at th Countway Library o f M edicine, Harvard Uni versity. Ja n e t L. Nelson is the n ew h ead o f the Ref eren ce S ectio n at the University o f Souther California Norris M edical Library, Los A ngeles Jen n ifer R. Ottervik has b e e n appointe music librarian at the University o f South Caro lina Sch o ol o f Music. Penny Papangelis has b e e n nam ed healt scien ces librarian at W estern K entucky U niver sity. Claude Rosen has b e co m e d irector o f te c h nical services at Indiana U niversity Southeast. Sarah Safranek jo in ed the H ealth S cien ce Library and Inform ation C en ter at the Univer sity o f W ashington as an inform ation m an age m ent librarian specializing in health services and p u blic health. Je a n Shipman has b e e n appointed asso ci ate d irector o f inform ation resou rces m an ag e m ent at the H ealth S cie n c e Library and Infor m ation C enter at th e University o f W ashington. Fina Simpson is n o w G lasgow Cam pus li brarian at W estern K en tu cky University. Deb Ward has b e e n nam ed associate d irec tor o f th e University o f K entucky M edical C en ter Library. Wendy W asman has b e e n ap p oin ted sci­ en c e librarian at Haverford C ollege. Dee Wood is n o w cataloger/g overnm ent docu m ents librarian at th e University o f K en­ tucky M edical Law Library. Judith Wulff is now referen ce librarian in the K ornh auser H ealth S cien c es Library at the University o f Louisville. Paul Zarins has jo in ed Stanford University as social s cie n c es bibliograp her. ­ e , e n e e ­ ­ n . d ­ h ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ R etirem ents Robert Fitzgerald, cataloger o f Slavic m ateri­ als at N orthw estern U niversity Library, has re- tired. Fitzgerald has b e e n active in the Slavic and Eastern European Section o f ACRL for m any years, chairing the Cyrillic Rom anization and A utom ation Com m ittee fo r SEES (1 9 7 9 – 80). Leo Hamilton retired as cataloging librarian at the G en eral Libraries, University o f T e x a s at Austin, after a 3 5-y ear career. T. Mark Hodges, d irector o f the Eskind B io ­ m edical Library at V anderbilt University, retired in Ju n e after 4 0 years in the p rofession. Previ­ ously, h e served w ith the Sheffield (E ngland ) and B ro o k ly n (N ew Y o rk ) p u blic libraries, the libraries at H am ilton and Sw arthm ore Colleges, and the m edical libraries at Harvard and Emory Universities. Marcia Jebb retired from the Cornell Univer­ sity Library this year. Aside from three years at T em p le University, J e b b has b e e n at Cornell sin ce 1962 serving in th e Reference Departm ent, as assistant d irector fo r p u blic services, and as A nglo-A m erican bibliograp her. Leah K. Nekritz retired as d ean o f learning resou rces at P rince G e o rg e ’s Com m unity Col­ leg e in Largo, Maryland. B efo re h er appointm en t to d ean in 1991, Nekritz served as director o f the learn in g re s o u rc e s p ro ­ gram (1 9 6 7 – 91). During h er career, N ekritz was active in m any state and n a tio n a l o rg a n iz a tio n s , including ACRL’s CJCLS, the AECT affiliate C om ­ munity C olleg e A ssocia­ Leah K. Nekritz tion for Instruction and Tech n olog y, and the Maryland Congress o f A ca­ d em ic Library D irectors. Sally O’Neal, archives librarian in Odum Li­ brary at V aldosta State University, G eorgia, re­ tired in Ju n e after 26 years o f service. Lorraine Raymond, collectio n d evelopm ent a n d c a ta lo g lib r a r ia n at th e U n iv e rs ity o f W ash in gton ’s H ealth S cie n c e Library and In ­ form ation Center, retired after 21 years o f ser­ vice. R aym ond’s n u m erou s accom p lish m en ts inclu de o v erseein g b arcodin g o f the library’s 300,000-v o lu m e collectio n and m anaging sev­ eral large serials review projects. 5 8 4 /C&RL News Berry G. Richards, d irector o f University Li­ braries at Lehigh University in Bethlehem , Penn­ sylvania, recently retired. S h e jo in e d th e L eh ig h staff in 1969 as associate director in charge o f the Mart S cie n c e and E ngi­ neering Library and was nam ed d irector o f U ni­ versity Libraries in 1978. She received the Nelson A. R o c k e f e lle r D is tin ­ g u ish ed Alum ni Award fro m S U N Y -A lb a n y in B erry G. Richards 1 9 9 2 , a n d th e P a u l J . Franz Award in Administration from Lehigh in 1990. Mary Seng retired as assistant director o f Fa­ cilities and Support Services at the G en eral Li­ braries, University o f T ex as at Austin, after 26 years o f service. Jo h n S. Shipman recently retired as univer­ sity bibliograp her at A cadem ic Libraries, Uni­ versity o f North Carolina, Chapel Hill. D eaths Anna L. Brackbill, 104, w h o retired in 1955 as c h ie f cataloger at the Franklin & Marshall Col­ lege Library in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, died in Ju n e . Earlier sh e had w orked in the libraries at U nion T h eo log ical Sem inary o f N ew Y o rk City, P rinceton University, and Y a le Divinity School. J . Dennis Day, director o f the Salt Lake City Public Library, died in August. Day w as form er chair o f the Intellectual Freed om Com m ittee, form er president o f the Freed om to Read Fou n ­ dation, and form er m em b er o f the ALA E xecu ­ tive Board. Send m em orial donations to the Freed om to Read Foundation, ALA, 50 E. Hu­ ron St., Chicago, IL 606 l l . C a ro ly n E. J a k e m a n d ie d A p r il 3 in Scarborough, Maine, at th e age o f 85. Jak em an graduated from Radcliffe College in 1932 and alm ost im m ediately th ereafter to o k up h er post in the Harvard Libraiy, w here she served for nine years in the old W id ener Treasure Room and later presided ov er the Reading R oom o f th e H oughton Library for 35 years. A gifted and d evoted librarian, Ja k e m a n o n c e jo in ed a small group o f em p loyees w h o literally labored day and night m oving the rare b o o k collectio n from W id ener to its n ew h o m e in 1941. Peter C. Mollema J r . died March 13 at the age o f 57. A librarian at California State University, Stanislaus, sin ce 1975, Mollema served first as h ead o f tech n ical services, and m ost recently as collectio n d evelop m ent librarian. Previously, h e w as em ployed as instructor o f English at th e University o f W isconsin, G reen Bay, and as librarian at K een e State College, the C ollege o f W ooster, th e University o f W isconsin-M adison, and O h io State University. Gerald E. Parsons, 55, a referen ce librarian sin ce 1974 at the Am erican Folklife Center o f the Library o f Congress, died Ju ly 13 o f cancer. Parsons, a graduate o f Colgate University, w rote extensively ab ou t A m erican folk lore and hunt­ ing and fishing traditions. He was treasurer o f the N ational Council for the Traditional Arts, and a m em b er o f D u ck s U nlim ited and the A m erican Archivists Association. Herbert L. Searcy, retired professor em eritus at th e University o f W isconsin-La C rosse, died Ju n e 5 o f com plication s from hip surgery. As h ead o f tech n ical services at La C rosse, Searcy directed the reclassification and rapid growth o f the library collection . He receiv ed his Ph.D. from the University o f Illinois in 1963- B A dvertiser index Academ ic Press 552 A m erican Chem ical 537 A m erican Psychological cov er 2 A m eritech Library Serv. cov er 4 Archival Products 544 B a k er & Taylor 540 B lackw ell 562 B ow ker/Reed cov er 3, 549, 580 C ongressional Quarterly 570 CUPA 530 EBSCO 559 E ngineering Inform ation 527 Sociolog ical Abstracts 579 SpaceSaver Corp. 567 Univ. o f Missouri 542