ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries College & Research L i b r a r i e s n e w s No. 6, June 1974 ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries, Vol. 35, No. 3 CBS License to National Archives The National Archives and Records Service of the United States has been granted a non­ exclusive, royalty-free license by Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. to record and main­ tain libraries of all news, documentary, public alfairs, and special events broadcast on the CBS Television Network. The license allows the National Archives to record CBS News television broadcasts and to make copies of the recordings for use at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., and at the sixteen branch archives and presidential li­ braries around the country. Scholars, research­ ers, and others meeting the requirements set by the National Archives would have access to the libraries. At the moment CBS is engaged in a federal court dispute with Vanderbilt University, which operates a Television News Archives, charging that the university’s nonprofit service involves editing, duplication, and distribution of CBS broadcasts in violation of CBS’ copyright privi­ lege. The license to the National Archives does not allow for editing other than the deletion of commercials and gives the National Archives the right to develop and distribute an index, summary, catalog, or other literature. CBS will also provide transcripts of broadcasts covered by the license. ■■ Library Cooperative Developments The following appeared in the Acquainter have access has increased even more spectacu­ larly than the membership—from the 2,000 ti­ tles in the bank’s own files to the more than 50,000 in the periodical collections of six ma­ jor Chicago libraries (John Crerar, Newberry, University of Chicago, University of Illinois- Chicago Circle, and Central Serials Service of the North Suburban Library System). A daily courier from the Newberry headquarters en­ sures the bank’s emphasis on speed of service. All photocopies . are sent by first class mail. Articles available in the bank’s own collection are mailed within 24 hours after a request by teletype, mail, or telephone (the bank has re­ 1, no. 2 (Feb. 1974). ACM Periodical Bank Since its inception in 1968 the Periodical Bank of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest has increased the number of libraries served from those of the ten member colleges to a na­ tion-wide user group of 44. The 34 associate members now include library systems and com­ munity libraries. Several have received ser­ vices on a trial membership basis before mak­ ing a membership commitment. The number of periodicals to which members College & Research Libraries is published by the Association of. College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 17 times yearly—6 bimonthly journal issues and 11 monthly, combining July- August, News issues at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Subscription, $15.00 a year or, to members of the division, $7.50, included in dues. Circulation and advertising office: American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri 65251. News editor: Allan Dyson, M offitt Undergraduate Library, University of California, Berkeley, California .94720. Associate News editor: Susana Hinojosa, Assistant Librarian, Reference Department, M offitt Undergraduate Library. Editor: Richard M. Dougherty, University Library, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. President, ACRL: Norman Tanis. Executive Secretary, ACRL: Beverly Lynch, ALA.