ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries ALA IACRL Representatives at Academic Ceremonies and Meetings Throughout the year, the American Library Association and the Association of College and Research Libraries receive invitations to a va­ riety of academic ceremonies and meetings. During the past year, members of ALA and ACRL have represented the association at com­ mencement activities, at inaugurations of col­ lege and university presidents, at dedications of new libraries, and at annual meetings of oth­ er associations. In June 1973 Emery Wimbish, Jr., librarian of Vail Memorial Library at Lincoln University, in Pennsylvania, represented ALA/ACRL at the commencement activities of that university. In August 1973 the late Kenneth H. Fager- haugh, who was director of university libraries at Carnegie-Mellon University, attended the in­ auguration of Cecil Harland Underwood as thirteenth president of Rethany College. Rich­ ard J. Talbot, director of libraries at the Uni­ versity of Massachusetts, in Amherst, represent­ ed the association at the inauguration of Darcy Coyle as third president of Nichols College, in Dudley, Massachusetts. Representing ALA/ ACRL at the inauguration of John D. Rockefel­ ler, IV, as twelfth president of West Virginia Wesleyan College was Dr. Robert F. Munn, di­ rector of libraries at the University of W est Vir­ ginia, in Morgantown. On October 10, 1973, Dr. Robert J. Greene, librarian of Kennesaw Junior College, in Marietta, Georgia, served as the ALA/ACRL representative at the inaugu­ ration of Allen O. Jernigan as president of Rein­ hardt College, in Waleska, Georgia. Dr. Paul H. Spence, librarian at the University of Ala­ bama, attended the October inauguration of W. Clyde Williams as tenth president of Miles College, in Rirmingham. Donald K. Nelson, di­ rector of libraries at Rrigham Young University, represented the association at the November 19 inauguration of David Pierpont Gardner as president of the University of Utah. On May 28, 1974, Robert J. Adelsperger, special collec­ tions librarian at the University of Illinois, Chi­ ACRL Membership April 30, 1974 .................. .............. 12,015 April 30, 1973 ................... .............. 11,404 April 30, 1972 .................. .............. 10,872 cago Circle Campus, attended the inauguration of James H. Mullen as second president of Northeastern Illinois University, in Chicago. On November 16, 1973, Lewis C. Naylor, li­ brarian of the Toledo-Lucas County (Ohio) Library, served as the association’s representa­ tive at the dedication of the William S. Carlson Library at the University of Toledo. In October 1973 Donald C. Anthony, asso­ ciate director of libraries at Columbia Univer­ sity, and Dr. Reverly P. Lynch, executive secre­ tary of ACRL, attended the fifty-sixth annual meeting of the American Council on Educa­ tion. Clarence W. Rodgers, senior librarian at Queens Rorough (New York) Public Library, and Nancy K. Smith, librarian of the Fels Cen­ ter of Government at the University of Penn­ sylvania, attended the seventy-eighth annual meeting of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, held in Philadelphia on April 5 and 6, 1974. 137 Full-Size Bound Volumes! Reprinted at last in 106 OFFERED IN MONEY-SAVING SET OR AS SINGLE VOLUME S S Now, libraries everywhere can complete their holdings of this basic key to retrospective documents collections. . .THE MONTHLY CATALOG OF U S . GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS, 1895-1962 Made even more valuable by . . . . . . the availability of the 15 volume Cumulative Subject Index to the Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications,. 1900-1971 which, when used with the Monthly Catalogs for that period, function together as a self-contained documents reference system; and . . . the addition of more than 100,000 SuDocs Class numbers for 1895-1924, by Mary Eliza­ beth Poole, author of Documents Office Classification (Fourth Edition, 1974). This effort makes our reprint set the only single printed source of all these numbers for the period from the establishment of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents (in 1895) to the present. Announcing a unique new concept in reprint publishing: Free microfilm sets of the Monthly Catalog will be provided for interim use until all reprint volumes are delivered. Here is a new kind of offer to those librarians who want to record their orders for Monthly Catalog sets now at our pre-publication prices and discounts, but who don’t want to wait months for delivery of the complete sets. Immediately upon receipt of your order for our com­ plete reprint edition or its subsets, we’ll send you free microfilm copies of those Monthly Catalogs which you ordered. What’s more, you can keep these reels of 16mm microfilm (valued at more than $500.00 for the full run) and continue using them as an extra back-up set after your reprint volumes have arrived. The microfilm for Set I (covering 1895-1924) however does not include the added class numbers. Here are the 1974 delivery schedules and pre-publication prices of the Monthly Catalog re­ prints and their Cumulative Subject Index. 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