ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries R E T IR E M E N T S Myrtle M. Carroll recently retired from the library of F lorida State University, Tal­ lahassee, Florida. She had been on the staff for sixteen years serving in both the humanities and the social science divisions. For the past seven years she had been head of the Refer­ ence Division. Eleanore F riedgood recently retired after more than eighteen years of University of California at Los Angeles service, most of which time she was a member of the cataloging staff of the University Library. Mary E. Potts, head of the Catalog Depart­ ment at the University of Oklahoma librar­ ies, will retire in July of this year. Miss Potts has been in the Catalog Department since 1930. D E A T H Clifford K. Shipton died recently. Mr. Shipton had retired in 1969 as custodian of Harvard University Archives, but he was still active as a historian, and, in particular, as the author of recent volumes of Sibley’s Har­ vard Graduates. Classified A dvertising POSITIONS WANTED LIBRARIAN, experience academic reference, seeks respon­ sible position. MLS, MA. Experienced in, with consider­ able knowledge of, library instructional and orientation programs for undergraduates. Thorough knowledge of all phases of reference work may be assumed. Currently administering large public service unit in medium-sized Eastern university library. W rite Box 842, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. LIBRARIAN seeks entry job into college/university library fie ld after receiving MALS this summer. Also MA in English. University experience in personnel administra­ tion and computer functions. W rite Box 846, CRL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. EXPERIENCED ARCHIVIST; presently employed as archivist of large NYC college archive; MA with Ph.D. course work completed in American history/American literature, MLS in lib ra ry service, Colum bia; seeks archival position beginning sum m er/fall; can interview at summer ALA meeting. W rite Box 845, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Administration MEDIA SERVICES DIRECTOR. Position open July 1974. Administers college media program (program develop­ ment, staff supervision and training, build instructional materials collection, supervise equipment use). O p ­ portunity to create own educational program in a new position. Live in a rural villa ge in the beautiful A p ­ palachian foothills ninety minutes from Pittsburgh. Fac­ ulty status. Master's Degree required. Experience in a media program a t secondary or college level preferred. Salary to $12,000. Resumes to Larry Frye, Phillips Li­ brary, Bethany College, Bethany, WV 26032. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN. Coker College is seeking an in­ dividual to head its lib ra ry and learning resources center beginning 7 /1 /7 4 . Coker is a 4-year, independent, coed liberal arts college of about 600 students with a unique and growing program. The librarian would play a significant developmental role. MSLS + experience in educational media desired. Appointm ent is on 12-month basis with month vacation, faculty rank, benefits. Salary $10,000—$15,000 depending on qualifications. Send resume and credentials to Dr. H. E. Babb, Dean of the Faculty, Coker College, Hartsville, SC 29550. NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised th a t these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the a pplicant with an indication of the salary the institution is w illing to provide for the position offered. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be e d ­ ited to exclude dire ct o r ind irect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions o f employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p ub li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate fo r classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE ATTENTION! Collection of La Revue des Deux Mondes, 126 volumes, starting in 1870-1891 included. Bound, hard back in leather. Six volumes missing. Excellent condition except for a few minor scratches on the covers of some. Any reasonable offer accepted. W rite Mrs. O. D. Daniels, 1134 North Arcadia, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. LITERARY AND U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D T-SHIRTS. Unity of mind and body. First edition, black on white, circular "The U *N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Lib ra ria n "—$3.50 ppd. Second edition, same except g litte r on dark blue—$6.50 ppd. Donne's "For Whom The Bell Tolls" ( II lines) on white shirt; Omar's "The Moving Finger" (4 lines) on white shirt—$3.50 ppd. Sizes 34-36 (S), 38-40 (M ), 42-44 (L). New York state residents add tax. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. The U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian, The "how I run my lib ra ry g o o d " letter, Dept. C N I, GPO Box 2631. New York, NY 10001. P.S. Send your n itty g ritty good (small and large) ideas—forms—do away with the shelflist— failures—cat­ aloging ideas—good ideas that just d o n 't fit elsewhere. 143 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOP MENT: Stanford University officer responsible fo r co o rd i nating collection development, including 6 curators an 25 subject specialists. Direction o f collection surveys an collecting policies and prio rities. Also responsible to selection o f materials in one or more areas such a U.S. history, classics, religious studies, philosophy,_ an linguistics. Master's degree in humanities o r social scienc discipline is minimum requirement together with con siderable scholarly a n d /o r lib ra ry collection developmen experience. Minimum salary $20,COO. Send resume to Dir o f Ls., Stanford University, Stanford, C A 94305. An equa opp o rtu n ity employer. ASST. TO C HAIRM AN OF INTERINSTITUTIONAL L BRARY COUNCIL, Oregon State System o f H igher Ed cation. A va ila b le July I, 1974. Challenging opportunit for person with experience in system and researc Responsibilities include assisting in coordination o f sy tem studies, projects and activities. Requires MLS; othe degrees desirable. Full faculty status. Salary $14,000 $16,000. (Must be w illin g to relocate every two year First year a t Ashland.) Send resume to Norman Alexander, Chrm., Interinstitutional Library Counci Oregon State System of H igher Education, Librar Southern Oregon College, Ashland, OR 97520. An equ opportunity employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Date o f posting: 4/22/74. Q u a lif cations: Master of arts in LS from an ALA-accredite lib ra ry school. A second master's is desirable. A t lea 5 years of adm inistrative experience in a college university library. Experience in planning and developin new lib ra ry facilities, including A /V services and dat retrieval systems, is highly desirable. Salary: $20,00 $25,000 a year. Responsibilities: To work closely wit the faculty and the academic dean in providing th kind of collection, physical facilities, and library sta suitable to the University and its academic goals. W i report d ire ctly to the academic dean. During a tran tio na l period while the University is moving from i present location to a new urban campus, to plan an im plem ent interim lib ra ry facilities; in cooperation wit the lib ra ria n o f the M ott Mem orial Library, to separat the join t holdings o f the University of M ichigan-Fli and the C. S. M ott Community C ollege; to plan permanent collection and lib ra ry build in g for the n campus; to assemble a staff who w ill provide lib ra and media services; and fin ally to function as lib ra d ire c to r o f the new University of M ichigan-Flint librar Inquiries, letters o f application, vitae, and supportin credentials should be directed to. The University M ichiqan-Flint, O ffice of Academ ic Affairs, 1321 C ourt St.. Flint, Ml 48503. DIRECTOR, Media Resources O ffice (Shiffman M edic L ibrary). Responsible, under d ire cto r of Project Directo to plan, direct, and coordinate activities of A /V med resources office established by 2-year federal gra Involves development of evaluation form for peer revie of software productions to be used by area heal care personnel, and planning and p a rticip a tin g educational seminars to provide inform ation and sistance to librarians, media specialists, and health ca personnel regarding the application of A /V materia and methods. A d d itio n a l duties include m onitoring penditures of budgeted funds, preparing reports a analyses settinq forth progress recommendations conclusions, while maintaining interface with health ca community needs and application o f media suppo Required: 5th-year lib ra ry degree from accredited libra school, relevant professional or paraorofessional perience in instructional technology highly desirabl adm inistrative experience and knowledqe of m edical brary network development useful a lb e it not essenti Salary $9,248-$ 14,493 deoendinq on Qualifications a experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA/C R EF retirem ent pla social security; health, hospital and life insurance p tia lly subsidized; liberal sick leave. W rite to J. F. W liams, II, Med. Ln., Shiffman Med. Lib., Wayne St Univ., 4325 Brush St., Detroit, M l 48201. An equal o p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e action employer. SERIALS DEPARTMENT HEAD of newly expanded partm ent with responsibility to r ordering, keeping counting records, processing, and distrib u tin g seri fo r 16 branches and departments. Staff o f 2 prof sional librarians and 8 lib ra ry assistants. MSLS from accredited lib ra ry school and several years experien in an academic or research lib ra ry in a large seri ­ ­ d d r s d e ­ t . l I­ u­ y h. s­ r — s. D. l. y al i­ d st or g a 0- h e ff ll si­ ts d h e nt a' ew ry ry y. g of E. al r, ia nt. w th in as­ re ls ex­ nd or re rt. ry ex­ e, li­ al. nd n; ar­ il­ ate p- de­ ac­ als es­ an ce als departm ent are required along with fa m ilia rity with serials autom ation. Minimum salary $12,000, but salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Submit resumes by July 15, 1974 to Adm n. Asst., Univ. of Southern C a lif. Lib., Libn. O ffice, Univ. Park, Los Anqeles, C A 90007. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS HEAD; A va ila b le im mediately. Salary $14,000 up depending on qualifications. To head rare book and other special collection activities in the University of South Carolina Libraries. Specialities desired. American and British literature. Collection strong in literature, American history, Southern history, special bindings, ornithology, C ivil W ar. Library degree desirable. Subject master's required. Ph.D. highly de­ sirable. A p p ly to Kenneth E. Toombs, Dir. of Ls., Mc- Kissick Memorial Lib., University of South Carolina, C olum bia, SC 29208. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. Cataloging CATALOG LIBRARIAN (HEAD, SERIALS CATALOGING SECTION), Wayne State Univ. Responsible for planning work-flows and procedures o f the serials section; co­ ordinating the section's work with that of other units in the cataloging department, and assisting in form ulating the section's interrelationships with other units of the lib ra ry. Required: 5th-year lib ra ry degree, fro m , ac­ credited lib ra ry school, a minimum o f 3 years' experience in serials cataloging in a large academic lib ra ry; ex­ perience with computer applications to cataloging and serials. Salary $ 11.249—$ 14.493, depending on q u a lifica ­ tions and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA/C REF re­ tirem ent plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance p a rtia lly subsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State is an equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action em­ ployer. W rite to Robert T. Grazier, Assoc. Dir., Univ. Libs., Wayne State Univ., Detroit, M l 48202. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Georgia State is seeking a li­ brarian to serve as Monograph Unit Supervisor, respon­ sible fo r revising cataloging o f 3 professionals and 3 pre­ professionals in a ll subject areas and languages and teaching beginning catalogers. O pportunity fo r planning for membership in lib ra ry network. Qualifications: MLS from A LA-accredited lib ra ry school; fam ilia rity with LC classification and AACR; 2 years' cataloging experience in a large institution. 40-hour work week, month vacation, two weeks sick leave, state teachers retirement, social security, group life and health insurance, optional dis­ a b ility insurance, faculty rank (12-month appointm ent). Salary range $10,000-$ 10,850 depending on experience and q ualifications. Send resume to Carolyn Robison, Asst. Univ. Ln., Georgia State University Library, 104 Decatur St. SE, A tlanta, G A 30303. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. Position available August I, 1974. We are seeking a general purpose cataloger with 2-3 years' experience working with LC and sufficient reading knowledge o f Russian to be able to handle original cataloging. A pplicants must have an advanced degree from an ALA-accredited lib ra ry school. Salary $10,836 for 12-month contract. A ppointm ent level: Instructor. Fringe benefits: state retirement program or TIAA/CREF, hospital and life insurance p artia lly subsidized. Li­ brarians a t Oregon have full faculty status. W rite to H. W . Axford, Univ. Ln., Library, University o f Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403. An equal opportunity employer. SERIALS CATALOGER for Brown University Library to catalog and classify serial publications using LC. MLS from an accredited lib ra ry school, working knowledge of French and German, and previous cataloging experience required. Salary range $8,800-$9,200. W rite, with resume, to David A . Jonah, Ln. and Dir. of Libs., Brown Univ. Lib., Box A, Providence, Rl 02912. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER. Position available July I, 1974. Duties: Cataloq p rin t and nonprint materials. Some reference work. Education: MLS from an accredited school. Ex­ perience: 2 o r more years cataloging experience with LC classification. Minimum salary $11,500 (12 months). C ontact: L. Everett Belote, Dean o f Instruction, Com ­ munity C ollege o f Decatur, 100 N. W ater St., Decatur, IL 62523. 145 Multiple University o f C alifornia has the following two positions open July I, 1974. GENERAL REFERENCE, assistant li­ brarian $8,724-$ 12.276. MLS, social sciences/humamties background. Regular desk duty and special assignments such as student orientation, bibliographies exhibits collection development. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS LIBRARIAN, associate librarian. $ 11,412—$ 16,020. Heads sizable separate unit within Reference Services Dept. Includes law and maps. MLS, solid academic back­ ground. Substantial relevant experience, including selec­ tion, processing and service. A p p ly to A . Dahl-Hansen, Univ. Ln., Univ. o f C alif., Riverside, CA 92507. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. University o f Cincinnati Libraries—openings: HEAD OF CATALOGING SERVICES (23,000 title s per year; OCLC) Salary open, minimum $13,000. HEAD OF REFERENCE SERVICES (9 professionals). Salary open, minimum $13,000. REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHY LIBRARIANS (4 positions). Subject backgrounds needed in psychology (preferably experim ental); community service (social work, o r crim inal justice, or urban affairs); political science or sociology; and Romance languages and lite ra ­ ture. Salary open, $9,400—$13,000. SENIOR ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Requires supervisory skill and working knowledge in foreign languages. Salary open, minimum $9,400. A ll salaries open—commensurate with experience, education, and general qualifications. Send resume to Hal B. Schell, Dean of Lib. Admn., 600 Main Library, University o f C incinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221. An equal opportunity employer. Northern Illinois University is seeking 3 individuals to fill vacancies at its libraries on September I, 1974. SOCIAL SCIENCE CATALOGER. To do original catalog­ ing of social science materials using the LC system. Minimum qualifications include a master's degree from an accredited lib ra ry school; a second master's degree in one o f the social sciences, and 3 years' experience doing original cataloging in an academic lib ra ry using the LC classification; reading knowledge o f two or more foreign languages, one of which must be either Thai or Indonesian/M alay and the other preferably German. Minimum salary $13,200 for a 12-month con­ tra ct. LIBRARIAN FOR INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. To aid students in the use of media-related educational materials, develop new materials and programs as required. Minimum qualifications are a master's degree from an accredited library school and advanced work in audiovisual aids and education. A second master's deqree in audiovisual instruction is desirable. Candidates should have a t least two years' experience in a media center, a strong interest and a b ility in encouraging the use of instructional technology and be able to produce instructional aids. Minimum salary $12,000 for a 12-month contract. SYSTEMS AND PLANNING LI­ BRARIAN. To review, update, and integrate library routines and procedures, both manual and automated; develop long range plans and recommend procedural, organizational, and operational methods which w ill in­ crease the effectiveness of the library. Also to develop, on a short term basis, the detailed plan fo r moving the general lib ra ry into a new building in late 1975 or early 1976. Minimum qualifications include a master's degree from an accredited lib ra ry school; 3 years' ex­ perience in an academic lib ra ry; thorough knowledge o f management techniques, including the application o f electronic data processing to library operations. A second master's degree (o r equivalent) is desirable. Minimum salary $12,000 fo r a 12-month contract. Fringe benefits, include Illinois Retirement System benefits, academic status, and month vacation. Applicants should send their resume and personal references to George M. Nenonen, Pers. Dir., Univ. Libs., Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, IL 60115, before July 15, 1974. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THREE POSITIONS, West Valley Jo in t Community C ollege. LEARNING SPECIALIST, Learn­ ing Resources Center, salary $10,867-$16,697. TECHNICAL PROCESSING LIBRARIAN, Learning Resources Center salary $10,867-$ 16,697. DEVELOPMENT DESIGN SPE­ CIALIST, Learning Resources Center, salary $10,867— $16,697. A ll position descriptions, responsibilities, and benefits available upon request. C ontact Dr. Warren Sorenson, Asst. Superintendent, Education, West Valley College, 14000 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA 95070. contract. Salary $9,600 minimum, negotiable. A p p ly Public Services ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN/HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Ava ila b le July, subject to state manpower clearance. Senior adm inistrative position in lib ra ry of over a m illion volumes. Master's degree in LS required. Second master's or Ph.D., at least 10 years' experience in academic lib ra rianship in more than one institution and in pub lic services preferred. Involves coordinating 19 librarians and 18 paraprofes­ sionals in graduate and undergraduate collections plus considerable responsibility for overall collection develop­ ment. Salary $15,000-$20,000 dependent on qualifications and experience. Send detailed resume, with names of references, to Personnel Clerk, Ham ilton Library, 2550 The M all, Honolulu, HA 96822. An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES, avail­ able July I, 1974. To adm inister the Reference, Docu­ ments, Circulation/Reserve Departments and the St. Petersburg Campus Library. These departments have a combined staff o f 38, including 14 professional librarians. MLS; 10 years' experience. Applications w ill be ac­ cepted only from candidates meeting minimum q u a lifi­ cations. Salary $16,000-$18,000 for 12-month appointment. Send inquiries to Mrs. Susan Vastine, Chrm., Search Comm., The Library, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620. Reference REFERENCE LIBRARIAN HEAD. Hofstra University Li­ brary, a m ajor private university on Long Island, is seeking a librarian with strong adm inistrative experience in supervising a ll aspects o f reference service in a large college or university lib ra ry. Staff o f 6 full-tim e, 2 part- tim e professionals and 3 support staff, reference collec­ tion o f 30,000 volumes. This position is also responsible fo r supervision of the Government Documents Depart­ ment, an active In te rlib ra ry Loan section, and a vigorous lib ra ry orientation program . MLS required; second mas­ ter's degree preferred. Essential: Demonstrated adminis­ trative a b ility ; a thorough knowledge of reference materials and procedures; and fa c ility fo r working e f­ fectively with students and faculty. Salary $16,000 up. Benefits: (Courtesy) Faculty rank Associate Professor, TIAA/CREF, excellent medical and life insurance, month vacation. Hofstra is an equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive ac­ tion employer. Send resume with 3 references to David E. Pownall, Dir. o f LS, Hofstra Univ., Hempstead, NY 11550. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT HEAD. A b ility to administer and provide innovative leadership for reference services and to coordinate collection development activities with acquisitions is essential. MLS plus a subject, master's highly desirable. Minimum of 4 years' academic, library or research work including supervisory or administrative experience required. Responsibilities include manage­ ment o f Reference Department and coordination of Docu­ ment, Interlib ra ry Loan, Photoduplication and M icrotext sections. A total staff o f 6 professional librarians, II supportive staff, and student, assistants. Salary from $16,000 depending on experience and qualifications. TIAA/C REF and standard benefits. Address letters of application with resume and references to Mr. Sul H. Lee, Assoc. Dir. of Ls., University o f Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. An equal opportunity employer. TWO REFERENCE POSITIONS. General reference re­ sponsibilities in addition to faculty liaison, and collec­ tion development: one position emphasizing the be­ havioral sciences, one with subject specialty open. Appointees would be members of the general reference staff reporting to .the departm ent chairman. A p p lica ble undergraduate major or subject master's in addition to the MLS and 5 years' professional reference experience absolutely required. Salary $10,000 up depending on qualifications. A p p lica tion deadline July 15, 1974. Posi­ tions available. Sept. I, 1974. Send resume to Donald W . Koepp, Univ. Ln., Arizona State Univ. Lib., Tempe, AZ 85281. An equal opportunity employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN fo r new university in Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. MLS degree plus background in one o f the sciences required. Im agi­ native person to work with faculty and students, library orientation, collection building, etc. 12-month academic Patrick J. Larkin, Lib. Dir., George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA 22030. GMU is an equal opportu n ity/a ffirm a - tive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, September 1974. Opening at the instructor level. Full faculty status. Beginning salary for 9-month contract $9,700 with additional summer em­ ployment optional. Excellent fringe benefits. MLS degree. Professional library experience desirable but not required. Send resume to W illia m V. Ryan, Dir. of LS, Andruss Library, Bloomsburg State College, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The University o f Northern Colorado Libraries is seeking candidates for the posi­ tion o f business and economics reference librarian. A MLS and second master's degree in business or equiva­ lent experience is required. Emphasis is. placed on crea­ tive, aggressive reference services with increasing use of microforms, multimedia and computer-based information retrieval systems. Faculty rank and status, salary $10,248 up. 12-month contract, month vacation and usual fringe benefits. Position now open. A p p ly to Thomas C. H ar­ ris, Dir., James A. Michener Library, Univ. of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639. An equal opportunity employer. Subject Specialists EXTENSION LIBRARIAN, Wayne State Univ. Responsible, under the direction of the head of the Education Divi­ sion, for providing lib ra ry services to the University's off-campus instructional centers. Involves selection and delivery o f materials necessary to support course offer­ ings at the center, plus scheduling o f staff to provide basic informational services. A d d itio n al duties include reference service in the Education Library plus mis­ cellaneous assignments at the discretion of the head of the Education Library. Required: 5th-year library degree from accredited library school; relevant professional or paraprofessional experience in extension service highly desirable; advanced training or professional experience in education curricula useful a lb e it not essential. Salary: $9,248-$12,049 depending on qualifications and experi­ ence. Fringe benefits: TIAA/CREF retirement plan; social security; health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized; liberal sick leave. Wayne State Univ. is an equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. W rite , to Robert T. Grazier, Assoc. Dir., University Libraries, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, Ml 48202. EDUCATION LIBRARIAN. Temporary from 9/1/74-8/31/75. MLS or equivalent professional degree or experience ac­ cepted. Training a n d /o r experience in education, fa­ m ilia rity with curriculum materials and juvenile lite ra ­ ture required. Candidate w ill arrange fo r a minimum o f three recommendations from qualified persons to provide critical evaluative comment, specific and in de­ ta il, about candidate's achievements, performance and probable success. Appointm ent at Librarian I level. Salary dependent on experience, training, and recom­ mendations (minimum $9,500). Faculty status, TIAA/CREF. Send resume to Dr. G. Donald Smith, Dir. of Ls., Wash­ ington State University, Pullman, W A 99163. An equal op­ p ortunity/affirm ative action employer. CHEMISTRY LIBRARIAN fo r the Emory University de­ partmental chemistry library (new position). Open Sept. I, 1974. Beginning salary $9,000. The chemistry librarian w ill play a major role in the development of expanded services in new quarters. MLS from ALA-accredited li­ brary school; undergraduate concentration in chemistry or strong science background and appropriate experience required. Send resume and references to Paul M. Tousins, Jr., Assoc. Univ. Ln., Robert W. W oodruff Lib., Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. ARCHIVIST-LIBRARIAN responsible for acquiring, pro­ cessing, and preserving printed materials o f major his­ torical library o f Michigan history. MALS, cataloging ex­ perience and MA in American history required; super­ visory experience preferred. Position available June 15. Salary from $9,600. W rite J. Fraser Cocks, III, U niversity o f Michigan, Bentley Historical Library, 1150 Beal Ave., Ann A rbor, Ml 48105; (313) 764-3482. CURATOR OF MANUSCRIPTS to arrange and catalog manuscripts and prints. MLS from an accredited library school. Graduate work in the humanities and rare book experience desired. Salary range: $8,600—$9,000. W rite with resume to David A. Jonah, Ln. and Dir. of Ls., Brown University Library, Box A, Providence, Rl 02912. An equal opportunity employer. SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Responsible for system-wide co­ ordination and service program development o f the serials collection. Master's degree in LS required; knowl­ edge o f periodical sources, microforms, equipment, and a b ility to develop systems is essential. Minimum 2 years' public lib ra ry experience in general reference and serials control. Salary range $9,610—$12,189. Liberal fringe bene­ fits. Contact W. R. Henderson, Lib. Dir., Phoenix Public Library, 12 E. McDowell, Phoenix, AZ 85004. SOCIAL SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. To assist in reference service, collection development and maintenance and to perform as an equal and colleague with other members of the university faculty in individual creative expression and in cooperative enterprises. Candidate should be able to demonstrate sound academic knowledge in one or more o f the social sciences. Candidate w ill arrange for a minimum of three recommendations from q ualified persons to provide critical evaluative comment, specific and in detail, about candidate's achievements, perfor­ mance, and probable success. Especially desirable, but not essential fo r appointment, would be subject compe­ tence in business administration a n d /o r economics as demonstrated by one of the follow ing: a second g ra d ­ uate degree, advanced academic course work, or busi- ness/economics reference experience in an academic li­ brary. The MLS or equivalent professional degree or ex­ perience accepted. Exceptional related experience may be considered as a substitute for the professional de­ gree. Appointm ent at Librarian I or 2 level. Salary dependent on experience, training, and recommendations (upwards from $9,500). Faculty status, TIAA/CREF. Send resume to Dr. G. Donald Smith, Dir. of Ls., Washington State Univ., Pullman, W A 99163. An equal opp o rtu n ity/ affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN. Assist in opera­ tion and supervision o f system of libraries now serving Schools o f Engineering. These libraries are to be com­ bined in new Engineering Research Center, which is ex­ pected to open Fall 1976. Appointee w ill have o p ­ portunity to participate in planning fo r new fa cility and development o f services. Qualifications: Graduate library degree; supervisory a b ility ; experience in engineering or technical library. Faculty status and rank; 22 working days annual vacation; group insurance, TIAA/CREF re­ tirem ent plans in effect. Salary $9,000 or more depend­ ing on qualifications. Open August I, 1974. Deadline for applications July 15, 1974. A p p ly with resume to Ms. Katherine Markee, Pers. Ln., Purdue Univ. Libs., W. La­ fayette, IN 47907. An equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Function: Acts as assistant head of C irculation Services. Responsible for maintenance of supporting systems of an automated on-line circulation system (LCS). Position requires supervision of Circula­ tion Services during some evening and weekend hours. C irculation Services include interlibrary loan, reserves, periodicals, and micromaterials. Staff includes 5 library technical assistants, 21 FTE civil service employees, and 13 FTE student assistants. The library is open 105 hours per week. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-ac­ credited library school, background in library automation desirable, knowledge of at least one modern European language. Salary: $9,300-$10,225. Liberal fringe benefits equal to approximately 30% of salary include hospitaliza­ tion, insurance, TIAA, 21 days sick leave per year, 21 days vacation per year. A vailable September I, 1974. Earlier appointm ent possible. A pply by July 15, 1974, to Ms. Jean Whalen, Pers. Ln., Univ. Lib., Room 109, State University o f New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Interviews possible at ALA Convention in New York City, July 8-11, 1974. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a f­ firm ative action employer. Technical Services HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES/CATALOGER, Law­ rence University. Acquisitions $120,000; Technical Services staff 5½ + students; reclassification in process. MLS and relevant experience required; second Master's desirable. Salary: $10,000-12,000 depending on experience. Contact: Dennis Ribbens, Library Director, Lawrence University, Appleton, W l 54911; (414) 739-3681. 146 Something Special for Librarians. ACTS is our way of saying Acquisitions, Cataloging, Technical Systems. In a word, it sums up a very special library service which offers you the quickest, most cbmprehen- sive and accurate way we know to cafalog, verify and acquire books. A C T S gives you a data base of over 610,000 authoritative catalog rec­ ords. Included are English language title s, 38,000 foreign records, retrospective titles, titles listed in BCL and BJCL, and other important bibliographies. ACTS is an exclusive service which pro- videsacontinuous updating of rec­ ords in quantity and quality. Each week our catalog base is updated with over 2500 new titles. Weekly and quarterly cummulatives are also provided. ACTS is a simplified microfiche service which allows you to order catalog­ ing, technical processing services or books. All you do is mail us the Abel identification number appearing on the fiche card. Well produce cata­ log cards to your format and make sure the books you order are the ones you specified. ACTS provides a tailor-made service for large or small libraries. ACTS . r e d u c e s your paperwork to an ab- solute minimum. ACTS is a service that lets you catalog, process, order books in seconds. A C T S is the only program on the market today that offers this quality and quantity at a cost of $840. We' d like to tell you more about the Richard Abel Company ACTS program. And we’d like to dem­ onstrate exactly what we mean when we say, we have something special for librarians. Just mail the coupon or phone 800-547-3551 toll free. Richard Abel & Company, Inc. R O. Box 4245/Portland, Oregon 97208 (503) 645-3511/Telex 36-0458 OFFICES IN: Arlington, Tex. • Atlanta, Ga. • Blackwood, N.J. D enver, Colo. • G le n d a le , Cal. • M arion, O h io • Z io n, III.’ Waltham, Mass. • Mill Valley, Cal. • Toronto, Canada • Amster­ dam • London • Sydney • Sao Paulo. Edited by Paul Wasserman and Esther Herman of the University of Maryland School of Library and Information Services. First Edition • viii + 455 pages • Covers offerings of 732 museums • 492- column Title and Keyword Index • 30-Column Subject Indexto museums according to their major areas of interest • 24-column Geographic Index. CIP: L.C. Card No. 73-16335. ISBN 0-8103- 0385-X. $48.00. Thousands of subjects are covered in the more than 10,000 books, booklets, exhibit catalogs, films, and other media which are available for sale or distribution by the 732 museums, galleries, art institutes, ana similar institutions included in Museum Media. The key to the institutionally-arranged volume is an exhaustive 492-column Title and Keyword Index. This index lists not only the titles of the materials but also makes it possible to find materials according to the artists, works, media, periods, concepts, subjects, movements, and countries mentioned in their titles. Thus, the index provides direct references to authoritative, often unique materials dealing with innumerable specialized topics. Because its keyword index makes possible a direct subject approach, Museum Media serves as both a reference source and acquisition aid for librarians, students, museum and gallery personnel, re­ searchers, and others interested in using the pre­ viously hard to locate materials currently available from museums and other primary sources. SCIENCE CITATION INDEX®... the reference that sheds a whole new light on literature searching... belongs in every scientific library Science Citation Index — the uniquel effective search tool that organizes the world’s current scientific journal literature by the authors’ own reference citations — retrieves more pertinent articles on almost any giv subject, faster, than any other reference of any kind.It’s the one multi-disciplinary retrospective search tool that serves all departments because it covers ascientific subjects with unmatched authority. It's the one reference thatfinds material that gets lost in the limitations of conventional, subject- oriented literature indexing system SCI® makes use of an indexing system that follows scientists’ own traditional method of literature searching —that of locating articles related to their subject interests by y en ll s. examining reference citations of articles known to be relevant.The technique is called “ citation indexing” . And the SCI is the only comprehensive index to the journal literature that offers it.The Science Citation Index is theone standard literature-search reference that no library serving the scientific community can afford to be without. If your library doesn’t yet have this most useful of all literature retrieval tools . . . used by libraries large and s m a ll. . . bring your search capabilities up to date now. And plan extra sets for branch and departmental libraries where they can do the most good for your entire organization. (Special matching grants are available to smaller departmental and branch libraries to make it economical to obtain multiple sets of SCI.)For more on what the Science Citation Index can do for your library, send for our new brochure. facts about Book Review index BRI covers every review appearing in 235 magazines and newspapers. It covers all the major literary and educational periodicals. I t also provides access to the more specialized media which yield useful insights on books dealing with arts and crafts, business and economics, religion and philosophy, minority affairs, and other contemporary concerns. Each year BRI covers 65,000 reviews of over 35,000 books. THE BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION $45 per year. New subscribers receive an 8/2” x 11” loose-leaf ring binder. Published February, April, June, August, and December. (F o r convenience in using BRI, the April, August, and December issues cumulate the previous issue.) ANNUAL CUMULATIONS Bound volumes cumulating the contents of a year’s issues o f BRI are prepared immediately after publication of the December issue. • Bound volumes for 1965, 1966, 1967, and 1968 are in print, priced at $30 each. • Bound volumes for 1969 and later years are $45 each, available as follows: 1972 cumulation: in print 1973 cumulation: ready early 1974 1969, 1970, and 1971 cumulations: in preparation; may be ordered now for future delivery. A NOTE ON THE HISTORY OF BRI BRI was first inaugurated in 1965 as a periodical and continued through 1967. Clothbound cumulations were published after each year’s December issue. In 1968, the periodical was suspended, due to mechanical difficulties and inadequate customer support. A clothbound cumulation was published for 1968, but no further issues or bound volumes appeared until 1972. The suspension caused a flurry of queries from libraries who recognized BRI as a “basic reference to o l” (to quote from CHOICE). As time passed, the demand for BRI increased. In 1972, Gale resumed publication of periodical issues. A t the same time work commenced on retrospective indexing to fill in for the missing years. The 1972 cumulation is in print. The 1973 cumulation is scheduled for early publication. Bound volumes for 1969, 1970, and 1971 are being worked on. BOTH THE PERIODICAL SUBSCRIPTION AND THE ANNUAL CUM­ ULATIONS OF "B R I” MAY BE ORDERED ON GALE'S STANDING ORDER PLAN. GALE RESEARCH C Boo O k T M owe P r ANY Detroit Michigan 48226 RIEGER, Shay - Gargoyles, Monsters And Other Beasts / HB - v49 Je 7 3 - p288 RIEGGER, Hal-Primitive P ottery/C ho ice-vlO -A p ‘7 3 -p281 RIEGLE, Donald - 0 Congress / PW - v203 - Ap 16 ‘7 3 - p56 RIEMER, Neal - James Madison / APSR - v67 - Je ‘7 3 - p633 RIESSEN, Marty - Match Point / KR - v41 - Ap 1 ‘7 3 • p443 RIESSEN, Marty - Match Point / NYTBR - Je 10 ‘7 3 - pi 6 RIESSEN, Marty - Match Point / PW - v203 - Ap 16 7 3 - p52 Listings in Book Review Index provide author's name, title o f book, reviewing publication, date and page o f review. WHAT SHOULD A BOOK JOBBER DO FOR YOU? H e sh ould — • fin d a n d d e liv e r a n y b o o k in p rin t as q u ic k ly as possible, • p ro v id e you w ith a ccu ra te re p o rts on u n a v a ila b le title s , • use special procedures a n d re p o rts to c o m p le te rush orders, • m eet y o u r lib r a r y a n d business o ffic e in v o ic in g re q u ire m e n ts , • respond p ro m p tly to in q u irie s , • accept re a s o n a b le " re tu r n s " w ith o u t p rio r p e rm issio n , • p ro v id e c o m p e titiv e discounts. A n d th is is w h a t the Book House does fo r yo u ! Y ou, as lib ra r ia n s , c a re fu lly choose the r ig h t books f o r y o u r lib r a r y a n d w e m a ke the e a rlie s t possible d e liv e ry . w e a re not "b o o k se lle rs" w o rk in g fo r th e p u b lis h e rs — w e a re w o r k in g fo r y o u ! W e w o r k to d e liv e r the books you select. T his is the w a y w e see o u r jo b a n d th is is th e w a y w e do it. W h y not g iv e the Book House a tr ia l o rd e r a n d see w h a t o u r "C o n ce rn e d S e rv ic e " can do fo r yo u ! A N Y QUESTIONS? CALL 5 1 7 -8 4 9 -9 3 6 1 Let us k n o w i f yo u w a n t to receive o u r n e w s le tte r. Advisory Board M any advisors are also contributors Charles W. M ann, Pennsylvania State University T. A. J. Burnett, The British M useum Hyman W. Kritzer, Kent State University Marcus A. McCorison, Am erican A ntiquarian Societ W illiam White, Wayne State University Bart Auerbach, House o f El Dieff Benjamin Franklin V, U niversity o f Michigan Harvey Tucker, Black Sun Books Gloria A. Francis, Detroit Public Library Ronald R. Randall, John Howell Books Wayne Allen Jones, University of Illinois C olin Cass, Wayne State University James M. Babcock, Stalker &) Boos W illiam R. Cagle, The Lilly Library George Monteiro, Brown University J. M. Edelstein, National Gallery of Art W illiam F. Nolan, A uthor Lloyd C. Currey, Lloyd C. Currey Books John J. McDonald, U niversity o f Notre Dame Robert Voltz, University o f Rochester Otto Penzler, A uthor Robert A. Wilson, Phoenix Books Ernest Stefanik, West Chester State College Justin G. Schiller, Justin G. Schiller Ltd. y Announcing the first volume of First Printings o f American Authors December publication planned for beginning of four-volume guide to first editions of 1,000 U. S. authors • Modern scholarship and contemporary resources used to compile definitive record far exceeding scope of Merle Johnson's American First Editions and similar works • Bruccoli and Clark are General Editors, assisted by fifty specialists and large advisory board • New series will be handsomely typeset and bound, with portraits of each author, numerous facsimile pages, and other illustrations First Printings of American Authors, recording the first book appearances of the works of over 1,000 important authors from Colonial times to the present, has been announced by the Gale Research Company, Detroit. More than 150 of the expected 250 bibliographies in the first volume have already been completed, and publication is tentatively being planned for December, 1974. Succeeding volumes will appear six to nine months apart. First Printings includes both early and modern authors not in Merle Johnson's American First Editions as well as greatly enlarged and updated listings for those Johnson mentioned. A unique feature will be the inclusion of English firsts. Coverage in the first volume ranges from Henry Adams, Auchincloss, and Auden through Thoreau, Vonnegut, and W hitman. Subsequent volumes will have equally broad coverage. A cumulative index will appear in successive volumes. Editors of First Printings are Matthew J. Bruccoli, professor of English, University of South Carolina, and C. E. Frazer Clark, Jr., noted collector. Assisting them are more than fifty widely known bibliographers, collectors, curators, librarians, book dealers, and other book world figures who have special expertise and resources which enable them to prepare authoritative reports on their subjects. • Illustrations supplement bibliographies The basic part of each author's listing will be, of course, compact bibliographic descriptions of each of his books as first published in both America and England. Each listing will include a portrait of the author. In addition, facsimile title and text pages, photographs of bindings, etc., will be used where appropriate to highlight unusual features of a book or to illustrate a particularly important work. The set is being carefully designed in a handsome format, x 11 inches in size, and will be composed, printed, and bound in the best traditions of bookmaking. • 10% Prepublication Saving Offered The price of First Printings of American Authors is $140.00 for the four volumes. A special prepublication discount of $14.00 will be allowed, however, reducing the price to $126.00. • Descriptive Brochure Available G Book a To le wer • De R troi e t, s Mi e chi a gan r 4 c 82 h 26 Company