ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 146 / C&RL News Moffett wins academic/research librarianship's highest honor William Andrew Moffett, director of the Hun­ tington Library in San Marino, California, has b e e n nam ed the 1993 ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. Moffett will receive the award ($3,000 cash and a cita­ tion) at a reception given in his honor on June 28, 1993, during the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. The reception im­ m e d ia te ly fo llo w s ACRL’s President’s Program. Baker & Taylor Books sponsors the re­ ception and donates the cash award and citation. In nom inating Moffett, his colleagues said, “He has re­ mained at the forefront of aca­ William demic and research librarians in movements whose aims are to preserve and increase the pow er of our libraries’ users. Li- brarianship has had few leaders who have con­ tributed as much to the profession both within libraries and the scholarly community, and he truly deserves recognition as Academic/Re­ search Librarian of the Year.” In selecting Moffett for the association’s high­ est honor, committee chair Paul Dumont said, “He has demonstrated leadership as an educa­ tor, an academic librarian, and a historian. . . . He embodies the highest standards for the pro­ fession.” The committee, citing Moffett’s lead­ ership in combating the theft of and trade in rare books, and for successfully challenging in 1991 the scholarly monopoly of unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls materials, said, “these contri­ butions have brought both national and inter­ national attention to the profession.” Moffett’s leadership in organizing the Oberlin Group of Liberal Arts College Libraries while he was director of the Oberlin College Library was also noted by the committee. This organi­ zation has brought together a network of 60 libraries with common goals and problems in a way that encourages mutual support on be­ half of each member library. In recognition of his contributions to the profession, Moffett was elected chair of the College Libraries Section of ACRL (1984-85). In 1989-90 he was elected president of the asso­ ciation. In 1992 the association’s Board of Directors recognized Moffett with a special certificate o f co m m en d atio n citing his courage, integrity, and commit­ ment to high standards, as an exemplar of all members of the association for their praise and emulation. Frequently called upon as a speaker, both within the library p r o fe s s io n a n d w ith o u t, Moffett’s topics have ranged from the poetry of Robert Bums to the iconography of the book in Western art, from conserva­ A. Moffett tion issues to automation, from academic politics to the ethical challenges of librarianship. Moffett has held academic and administra­ tive appointments in several institutions since beginning his professional career. He taught history at Alma College (Michigan) and the Uni­ versity of Massachusetts at Boston, and has been director of libraries at Potsdam College (SUNY) and Oberlin College. At Oberlin he occupied one of the nation’s oldest endow ed positions in academic librarianship, the Azariah Smith Root directorship, in which he distinguished himself as a library builder and a spokesper­ son for college librarians. The Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award is given annually to recognize an indi­ vidual who is making outstanding contributions to academic or research librarianship and li­ brary development. Previous winners have in­ cluded Carla Stoffle (1992); Richard DeGennaro (1991); Patricia Battin (1990); John P. McGowan (1989); Edw ard G. H olley (1988); D uane W ebster (1987); Margaret Beckman (1986); Jessie Camey Smith (1985); Richard D. John­ son (1984); Richard M. Dougherty (1983); Wil­ liam Budington (1982); Beverly P. Lynch (1981); Evan Ira Farber (1980); Henriette D. Avram and Frederick G. Kilgour (1979); Keyes D. Metcalf and Robert D. Downs (1978). ■