ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1 9 9 3 /1 5 1 Enhance your skills Rare books, technology, a n d science will be topics o f fiv e New Orleans preconferences A CRL w ill o ffer five p re c o n fe re n c e s prior to the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans this summer. Details about follow. 3 4 th ra r e boo ks preconference “Mainstream or Margin? How Others View Spe­ cial Collections” is the title of ACRL’s Rare Books a n d M a n u sc rip ts S e c tio n ’s (RBMS) 34th preconference to be held June 22-25, 1993, at the Omni Royal Orleans Hotel in New Orleans. Preconference program chair Pat Bozeman says, “A multifaceted vision of who and what we are—as well as a vision of what w e wish special collections to become—is necessary if we are to anticipate and respond to the changes and challenges brought on by institutional re­ structuring, shrinking resources, and the shift­ ing patterns in collection use.” Speakers. To this end a diverse group of speakers have been chosen to address the ques­ tions of “mainstream” and/or “margin” in a chal­ lenging, provocative, and creative way. Speak­ ers include: Betty Bengtson, director, University of Washington Libraries; Daniel Bradbury, di­ rector, Kansas City Public Library; Jo h n T. Casteen III, president, University of Virginia; Stanley Chodorow, associate vice-chancellor of academic planning and dean of arts and hu­ manities, University of California, San Diego; Judith Goldstein, anthropologist, Vassar College; Joan Gotwals, vice-provost and director of li­ braries, Emory University; William Jones, assis­ tant university librarian for collections devel­ opment and information services, University of Illinois at Chicago; Brian Schottaender, assis­ tant university librarian for technical services, University Research Library, UCLA; Steven Watson, independent scholar and author, New York City; and David Zeidberg, head of special collections, University Research Library, UCLA. Plenary sessio n s. The plenary sessions will be com plem ented by a series of continuing education seminars addressing such topics as career building in special collections; catalog­ ing Latin materials; collection-level cataloging; electronic texts; gay and lesbian studies and use of special collections; marketing our col­ lections and ourselves; Slavic and Eastern Eu­ ropean books in American libraries; strategies eafcohr downsizing special collections: advantages/ disadvantages of deaccessioning, reformatting, and off-site storage; and undergraduate use of special collections. Registration. The registration fee for the three-day preconference is $150 for ACRL mem­ bers and $200 for nonmembers; the deadline for registration is May 10. Written cancellations will be honored until June 4, subject to a $45 cancellation fee. In addition to the plenary and seminar sessions, preconference registrants will enjoy an opening reception at the Historic New Orleans Collection, an evening of tours, Cajun food, an d lively m usical en tertain m en t at Destrehan Plantation (one of the older planta­ tion houses in the Lower Mississippi Valley), and a reception and tours at the Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University. Historic architectural and literary walking tours of New Orleans will also be available on the afternoon of June 22. Lodging. The Omni Royal Orleans Hotel, in the heart of the French Quarter, will serve as the preconference hotel at the special rate for $90 for single, double, and twin rooms. It is an ALA Annual Conference hotel. For those wish­ ing to stay at the Omni for ALA, separate regis­ tration is necessary through ALA Housing due to a differential in preconference and Annual Conference rates. Alternative housing is also available for the preconference in traditional residence halls on the campus of Tulane Uni­ versity. Residence hall double occupancy is $19 per person, per night, and single occupancy is $25 per night. Apartment housing is also avail­ able on the Tulane campus. The charge for four persons per apartment is $35 a person, per night, and for two persons the charge is $47.50 a person, per night. All Tulane housing is subject to a $5 1 5 2 /C&RL News registration fee and registrants must make their own arrangements with the Tulane University Housing Office. B r o c h u r e . A b ro c h u re d e s c rib in g th e preconference, including a registration form, will be mailed to all RBMS members around March 1. If you w ould like to receive a bro­ chure contact the ACRL office at (800) 545-2433 ext. 2522 or 3248 or fax: (312) 280-2520. Science R eference Service “Science Reference Service: An Introduction for the General Reference Librarian” is the title of ACRL’s Science and Technology Section’s (STS) full-day preconference to be held June 25,1993- A udience. This program is designed for the general reference librarian. Update your knowl­ edge of science and technology resources and enhance your skills in answering questions in these disciplines. Review the nature of scien­ tific research and the publication process. Ex­ perts lead you through the literature in life sci­ ences, physical sciences, and applied sciences. Explore CD-ROM and online databases. Ven­ dor receptions and product demonstrations con­ clude the preconference. Speakers. Introduction by Thomas Kirk, ACRL president-elect, college librarian, Berea College; “What Young Scientists Bring to the Library: What Nonscientists in the Library Can Do to Help T hem ,” keynote address, Tony Stankus, science librarian, College of the Holy Cross; “CD-ROM and Online Sources and Strat­ egies,” Robin Raquet, science librarian, Trinity University; physical science sources, Arleen Somerville, physical sciences librarian, Univer­ sity of Rochester; applied sciences sources,” LeAnn Weller, engineering librarian, University o f Kansas; life scien ces sources, Christina Peterson, life and health sciences librarian, San Jose State University. R egistration. The registration fee is $120 for ACRL members, $155 for ALA members, an d $195 for non-ALA members. The deadline for registration is May 17, 1993- C re a tin g th e v ir tu a l lib ra ry “Creating the Virtual Library” is the title of ACRL’s Educational and Behavioral Sciences Section’s (EBSS) half-day preconference to be held June 25, 1993. A udience. This program is for librarians and administrators or com puter-center profession­ als interested in expanding the boundaries of their libraries through the use o f information technology. Academic libraries are experienc­ ing a transformation with the evolution of the virtual library—a system by which users may connect transparently to remote libraries and databases, using the OPAC as a gateway. The introduction will present this vision and its impact on library organization and services. Four librarians actively involved in a coopera­ tive networking project will share global issues and practical information. A professor w ho teaches through distance education will present new opportunities for academic libraries. Speakers. “What Is the Virtual Library?” Laverna Saunders, assistant university librarian for technical services, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; “Administrative and Systems Decisions,” Myoung-ja Lee Kwon, associate dean of librar­ ies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and Carol Parkhurst, assistant university librarian for sys­ tems and technical services, University of Ne­ vada, Reno; “Academic Issues and the Virtual University,” John Cochenour, assistant profes­ sor of instructional technology, University of Wyoming; “Training Staff and Users to Navi­ gate the Virtual Library,” James McPhee, head o f library instruction, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and Betty Glass, instructional services librarian, University o f Nevada, Reno. Registration. The registration fee is $100 for ACRL members, $140 for ALA members, and $190 for non-ALA members. The deadline for registration is May 17, 1993. In te rn e t tools a n d services “Navigating and Navigators: Research and Devel­ opment in Navigational Tools & Services for the Internet” is the title of this full-day preconference cosponsored by the Coalition for Networked Infor­ mation to be held June 25, 1993. A udience. This program is for anyone re­ sponsible for library/information resources and services in academic, public, or school librar­ ies. It will focus on contact with inventors of new technologies for navigation of networks and with those responsible for planning user services in the networked environment. Em­ phasis will be on the design of such technolo­ gies and systems as Gopher, Archie, WAIS, and Netfind; on issues such as user needs and data elements for records; and on initiatives such as the Coalition’s TopNode. Speakers. The preconference will be led by George Brett, director, Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery & Retrieval, and Peggy Seiden, head o f public services, March 1 9 9 3 /1 5 3 Skidmore College—coleaders of the coalition’s Working Group on Directories and Resource Information Services. A wide variety of other speakers will also make presentations and be available for informal discussions. Registration. The registration fee is $150 for ACRL members, $185 for ALA members, and $215 for non-ALA members (lunch is included). The deadline for registration is May 17, 1993. Leadership a n d technological chang e “Leadership and Technological Change: A Call to Action Now” is the title of this joint technol­ ogy full-day preconference cosponsored by ACRL, the Library Administration and Manage­ ment Association (LAMA), and the Library In­ formation and Technology Association (LITA). It will be held June 25, 1993. A u d ie n c e . T h e a u d ie n c e fo r th is preconference is directors, managers, library leaders or leaders-to-be needing introductory technological information. If technology in your lib ra ry is n o t g re a tly a d v a n c e d , th is preconference is for you. It offers strategies and solutions for making the vision of technology a reality in your library. Move your library into the 21st century. Technology is in your future whether your library is large, small, or mid­ sized. Speakers. Speakers Carol Hildebrand, Eu­ gene Public Library, and Paul Peters, Coalition for Networked Information, and guided group work will provide direction, techniques, and resources to help you bring technology to your library. Registration. The registration fee is $95 for ACRLTAMA/LITA members, $120 for ALA mem­ bers and for non-ALA members (lunch is in­ cluded). The deadline for registration is May 17, 1993.