ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1 9 9 3 /1 5 5 Pll announces 1 9 9 3 p ro g ra m The Preservation Intensive I n s titu te (P I I), an NEH- fu n d ed w o rk sh o p for ad ­ vanced education in library and archival preservation, has announced that the first institute will be held at the University of Pittsburgh from August 1—6, 1993. Under the direction of Sally Buchanan, it w ill c o n s is t o f th r e e courses. Two of the courses are “Preservation o f Elec­ tronic Formats” taught by Michael Spring, De­ partment of Information Science, University of Pittsburgh, and “Bookbinding and the Arts and C rafts M o v e m e n t” ta u g h t b y M a ria n n e Tidcombe, author and historian of late-19th and early-20th-century b o o k b in d ers. The third course had not been announced by publica­ tion deadline for this column. PII is a collaborative effort of the library school deans at the University of Pittsburgh, the University o f California-Los Angeles, the University of Texas-Austin, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A second institute, un­ der the direction of Michele Cloonan, will be held at UCLA in 1994. For more information contact the Preserva­ tion Intensive Institute, 650 LIS Building, Uni­ versity o f Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; phone: (412) 624-9447; fax: (412) 648-7001; Bitnet: PLMS announces institute on magnetic m edia The Preservation of Library Materials Section (PLMS) of ALA’s Association for Library Collec­ tions & Technical Services (ALCTS) has an­ nounced it is cosponsoring “Magnetic Media Challenge: Preservation of Audio Tape and Vid­ eotape in Libraries and Archives,” a national institute to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 21-22, 1993- The program will provide back­ ground information on the developm ent of magnetic media technology, as well as prac­ tical information about care and handling, stor­ age, equipm ent selection and maintenance, staff and user training, and em erging tech­ nologies. Preservation News Jan e H e d b e rg This institute was devel­ oped jointly by PLMS, the Association of Research Li­ braries (ARL), the Society of American Archivists (SAA), an d the S outheastern Li­ brary Network (SOLINET). The registration fee is $145 for members of ALCTS; $180 for ARL, SAA, and SOLINET members, and ALA mem­ bers w ho are not members o f ALCTS; an d $215 for nonmembers of ALA. For m ore inform ation contact: Yvonne McLean, ALCTS/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0 6 ll; (800) 545-2433, x5032; U58294@UICVM. PLMS publishes p re s e rv a tio n b ib lio g ra p h y The PLMS Education Committee has published the second edition of “A Core Collection in Pres­ ervation.” This annotated bibliography covers basic sources of information for preservation planning and administration in libraries, as well as, archives. It was compiled by Don K. Thomp­ son, preservation librarian at the University of Southern California, and Joan ten Hoor, pres­ ervation librarian at the Newberry Library, and edited by Lisa Fox, preservation program offi­ cer at SOLINET. Copies may be purchased for $5.00 from the ALA Order Department, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. (ISBN 0-8389-7633-6) A b b e y Publications m oves to Texas Ellen McCrady’s Abbey Publications, publisher of the Abbey Newsletter m A the A lkaline Paper Advocate, moved to Austin, Texas, in Novem­ ber 1992. The new address and telephone num­ bers are: 7105 Geneva Dr., Austin, TX 78723; (512) 929-3992; fax: (512) 929-3995. ■ J a n e Hedberg prepares this colum n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation a n d Access. Submissions m ay be m ade via: Internet: JHEDBERGQLUCY. WELLESLEY.EDU; fa x : (617) 283- 3640; phone: (6 1 7) 283-2103; or m ail to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275. Submission deadline is the 15th o f the m onth a n d precedes publication by approximately six weeks. WELLESLEY.EDU