ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1 9 9 3 /1 6 3 Richard D. J oh nson , direc­ tor of libraries at the State University of New York at Oneonta, is the winner of the 1992 Spirit of Librarianship Award given by the Aca­ demic and Special Libraries (ASLS) Section of the New York Library A ssociation (NYLA). The award honors an ASLS member whose con­ tributions to the field exem­ plify the professional values of service, scholarship, and commitment to excellence. In making its selection for the award, the nominating committee made note of Johnson’s membership in NYLA since 1974, his leader­ ship as section president from 1981-1982, and his editorial leadership of the NYLA Bulletin for five years. Johnson received the ACRL Aca- demic/Research Librarian of the Year Award in 1984. Jo h n Buchanan Black, chief librarian of the University of Guelph, Ontario, was elected vice- president/president-elect of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) at its meeting in Arling­ ton, Virginia, in Octo­ b er. T h e s e le c tio n marks the first time a Canadian member has been nam ed to the po­ sition of president-elect. Black was named to the ARL Board of Directors in 1991 and has been ac tiv e in ARL sin c e John Black 1984, serving as a mem­ ber of the Committee on Information Policies, the Task Force on Telecommunications, and the Committee on the Management of Research Library Resources. In addition, Black serves on the Board of Directors of the Developing Coun­ tries Farm Radio Network, and co-chairs the U.S. National Research Council’s Panel on Sci­ ence and Technology Information Networks for Africa. He will take office in October 1993. Anne R. K enney, associate director of the De­ partment of Preservation at Cornell University Library, has b e e n a p p o in ted by P resident P e o p le in th e News Clinton’s transition team to a working group on the arts an d h um anities. She has b een assigned to a three- person group selected to as­ sess the National Archives and Records Administration. T he g r o u p , h e a d e d by B ren da B anks, assistant director of Georgia’s Depart­ ment of Archives and His­ tory, will help the Clinton adm inistration understand the current status of the ar­ chives and its role as a na­ tional cultural institution. Kenney is also presi­ dent of the Society of American Archivists. Appointm ents (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 6O6II- 2795.) Sharon L. Bostick is the new director of li­ braries at the University of Massachusetts, Bos­ ton. She began her duties on November 2,1992. Former director of bib­ liographic instruction/ reference at the Univer­ sity of Toledo’s Carlson Library, Bostick has also served as head of refer­ ence at Wichita State University, and head of interlibrary loan and the R eference H otline at O a k la n d U n iv ersity , M ichigan. She beg an Sharon Bostick her career as a reference librarian at the Troy Public Library in Michi­ gan. She holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Wayne State University, an MALS from the University of Michigan, and a B.A. in English from Oakland University. She also serves as review editor for CD-ROM Li­ brarian. 164 / C&RL News Marion F. Gallivan has been named director of University Libraries at Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania. She has served as acting director since August, and was previously di­ rector of operations at the Roberts Library on the Villa Maria campus. Her professional expe­ rience includes library work in Erie County, New Jersey, and New York. She received a B.A. in history and MLS from Syracuse University, and an MBA from Gannon. Gallivan is a board member and former president of the Friends of the Erie County Library Organization, the Penn­ sylvania Library Association, and the Friends of the Library, United States of America. She is also a former member of the Joint Pennsylva­ nia Library Association State Library Task Force on Youth Services. Paula N. Warnken, director of libraries at Xavier University, Cincinnati, since 1984, has been named associate vice-president for infor­ mation resources at State University College at Cortland, New York. The newly created posi­ tion includes responsibility for the library, ad­ ministrative and academic computing, telecom­ m unications, and the Learning Resources Center. Warnken received her B.A. in English and comparative literature from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, her MLS from Kent State University in 1980, and her M.E. in personnel training, education, and development from Xavier University in 1985. From 1973-75 Warnken was reference assistant at Bowling Green University; in 1975-76 she served as adjunct instructor at Muskingum Area Techni­ cal College; in 1976-80 she served as assistant public services librarian at Ohio University- Zanesville; and from 1980-83 she was head of reader services at Xavier. Warnken is a mem­ ber of several professional organizations and currently sits of the Board of Trustees for OHIONET. Ali Abdullah has been named business ref­ erence/collection development librarian at East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Frank R. Allen has been appointed head of administrative services at Virginia Common­ wealth University Library, Richmond. K enneth G. Botsford has been named documents librarian/cataloger at the Penn State University Libraries, University Park. Navjit Brar has been appointed head of document delivery at Michigan State Univer­ sity Libraries, East Lansing. Roger Brisson is now social sciences cata­ loging librarian at Penn State University Librar­ ies, University Park. Karen F. Cary has been named cataloging librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University Library, Richmond. Carol E. Chamberlain is now associate dean of technical services and systems devel­ opment at Northeastern University, Boston. Cheryl C hisnell is now information sys­ tems specialist in the Medical Center Library at Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Linda F. C lendenning has been named head of serials at Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Mark Collier is now reference librarian in the Joseph M. Lauinger Library at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Carolyn DeLuca has been named reference librarian in the Joseph M. Lauinger Library at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Ellen Dodsworth is now librarian in the Government Documents and Microforms De­ partment at the Joseph M. Lauinger Library, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Raize Dorr has been appointed interim uni­ versity7 librarian at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. Marcia Epelbaum is now head of access services in the Medical Center Library at Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Ngoc-My Guidarelli has been appointed cataloging librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University Library, Richmond. Susan Hamburger has been appointed manuscripts cataloger at Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. James Haug is now science reference/col- lection development at East Carolina Univer­ sity, Greenville, North Carolina. Tona H enderson joined the Penn State University Libraries, University Park, as busi­ ness librarian. C harlene Hovatter is now reference/li- brary instruction librarian at the University of Pittsburgh. Cynthia Howe has been named appraisal archivist at the Harvard University Archives. Janet Hughes joined the Penn State Uni­ versity Libraries, University Park, as biological sciences librarian. Karen Ingish is now coordinator of subur­ ban campus libraries, DePaul University, Chi­ cago. Michael Jackson is now reference/collec- , M arch 1 9 9 3 / 1 6 5 tíon developm ent librarian at Brown Univer­ sity Library, Providence, Rhode Island. Am y K napp has b ee n appointed database services/reference librarian at the University of Pittsburgh. Sonja Landes has b een nam ed assistant ref­ erence librarian at the State University o f New York, Geneseo. M elissa Laning is now director of the Di­ vision of Technical Services at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. Lance Lugar has been nam ed head of the Physics/Mathematics Library at the University of Pittsburgh. Carol Maus is now generalist librarian at East Central University, Ada, Oklahoma. Jan et M ayo is now head o f monographic c a ta lo g in g a t E ast C a ro lin a U n iv e rs ity , Greenville, North Carolina. Ared M isirliyan has b een nam ed Slavic- languages catalog librarian at the McGill Uni­ versity Libraries, Montreal. C arolyn J. M ueller is now acting execu­ tive assistant to the president at Humboldt State University Library, Arcata, California. D a n ie l C. M urphy has b e e n ap p o in ted management science/electronic database librar­ ian at the Florida International University Li­ braries, North Miami Campus. Judith N iles is now director of the Office of Collection M anagement at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. D a n ie l O’M a h o n y is n o w g o v ern m e n t docum ents coordinator at Brown University Li­ brary, Providence, Rhode Island. A rlene E. Ott is now serials librarian at the Chester Fritz Library, University o f North Da­ kota, Grand Forks. M elinda P en n in g to n is the new hum ani­ ties reference librarian for the W estern Ken­ tucky University Libraries, Bowling Green. Susan P eterson has b een appointed cata- loger for the Smith Collection of Conjuring and Magicana at the Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island. D ian e Pettit joined the Music Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Patricia P utney has b een appointed head of the Acquisitions Department at Brown Uni­ versity Library, Providence, Rhode Island. Margaret H. Reitz has been nam ed train­ ing coordinator at Alderman Library, Univer­ sity o f Virginia, Charlottesville. Jan et B. R ex is now assistant head of refer­ ence and research services at the Chester Fritz Library, University o f North D akota, G rand Forks. J a c q u e lin e S h a n e has b e e n a p p o in te d docum ents librarian/governm ent information technology specialist in the General Libraries o f Emory University, Atlanta. Carla J. Shilts has b een nam ed science ref­ erence librarian/bibliographer at the Chester Fritz Library, University o f North Dakota, Grand Forks. E laine S h in er has been nam ed cataloger for th e Smith Collection o f Conjuring and Magicana at the Brown University Library, Provi­ dence, Rhode Island. D a n iel S hou se is now education reference/ collection developm ent librarian at East Caro­ lina University, Greenville, North Carolina. D eb orah Silverm an has b een nam ed head of the Copy Cataloging Section at the Univer­ sity of Pittsburgh. A lliso n M. S leem an is now original cata­ loger at Alderman Library, University of Vir­ ginia, Charlottesville. Loanne Snavely is now head of the Arts Library at Penn State University, University Park. C. Vaughan Stanley has been appointed special collections/reference librarian at Wash­ ington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia. A nn e B. Tanner has b een appointed asso­ ciate dean o f the College of Information Stud­ ies at Drexel University, Philadelphia. Terry Taylor is now coordinator of library instruction at the Lincoln Park Campus Library of DePaul University, Chicago. C ynthia Teague is now governm ent docu­ ments librarian at Michigan State University, East Lansing. K atherine Thornes is now reference librar­ ian in the Bevier Engineering Library at the Uni­ versity o f Pittsburgh. Carol U rn ess has b een nam ed curator of the James Ford Bell Library at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. J ia n ro n g W ang has b een appointed assis­ tant cataloging librarian at the State University of New York, Geneseo. S tep h en R. W iist is now coordinator of ac­ cess services at Bloomsburg University, Penn­ sylvania. Brian R. W illiam s has been nam ed public services librarian in the Neef Law Library at Wayne State University, Detroit. A nn W olpert has been appointed director of research and information services at Baker Library (Business School), Harvard University. 166 /C&RL News Pamela L. W onsek has been appointed as­ sociate librarian for public services at Hunter College Library of the City University of New York. Retirem ents Mary Kay Davies, librarian of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries A nthropology Branch, Washington, D.C., retired in December. Claire C. Dudley, managing editor of Choice magazine, retired in December after more than nine years of service. Dudley joined Choice in 1983 as nonprint editor, and served as science editor before assuming responsibilities as man­ aging editor in 1989- She in tr o d u c e d an d m anaged Choice’s re­ view coverage of micro­ computer software and the new technology of CD-ROMs and online databases. Dudley man­ Claire Dudley ag ed th e Choice re ­ views database during a crucial period of its development, culminating in the national ex­ posure of Choice reviews on the CARL System’s online service. Librarianship is a second career Advertiser index Academic Press 126 AMIGOS 158 Ballen 129 Blackwell 137 Brodart cover 3 Chadwyck-Healy 150 CTMG Publishers 130 EBSCO 133 Gaylord cover 2 Graphics Press 119 OCLC cover 4,161 PAIS 141 Sociological Abstracts 122 Univ. of Missouri 162 H. W. Wilson 138 for Dudley, w ho is also a photographer, film­ maker, and environmentalist. Bernard J. Ford recently retired as associate director of libraries at the University of Penn­ sylvania (UP) Library, Philadelphia. A graduate of Oxford University and the University of Lon­ don, Ford joined the staff of the UP Cataloging Department in 1955. For the next two decades he was steadily promoted and was appointed associate director in 1974. Earl Gates, cataloging librarian at the Univer­ sity of Kansas (UK) Libraries, retired January 1, 1993. Gates joined the UK libraries in 1969 as an assistant order librarian. In 1971 he was ap­ pointed music librarian, then became music cataloger in 1985. Janet A. Neese, acting director of College Li­ braries at the State University of New York at Geneseo, retired December 31 after 26 years in various positions there. Deaths Florence Fürst, Stanford University’s chemis­ try librarian from 1959 to 1976, died December 2 from serious injuries she sustained in a two- car collision in Palo Alto, California. A memo­ rial book fund has been established in Furst’s name at the Health Library in the Stanford Shop­ ping Center; phone: (415) 725-8400 for more information. Martha Lou Thomas, former librarian in the Biomedical Library and General Library Refer­ ence Department at the University of Califor­ nia (UC)-Irvine, died December 5 in Newport Beach. After graduating with a degree in li­ brarianship from UC-Berkeley, Thomas worked as a children’s librarian in Palm Springs, then as a librarian at the University of Alabama Medi­ cal Center. She joined UCI’s Medical Sciences Library in 1969 as head of technical services, then became history of medicine librarian. In the early 1980s she transferred to the Main Li­ brary and served as thesis advisor, reference librarian, and bibliographic instruction librar­ ian. After her retirement in the mid-‘80s Tho­ mas published three romance novels featuring physically disabled heroines. ■