ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 541 C L A S S I F I E D Ads Car eer oppor t uni t i es from across the country Deadlines: O rders fo r regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC RL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., Septem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $9.50 per line for institutions that are AC RL members, $11.50 for others. Late job notices are $22.00 per line fo r institutions that are ACRL mem bers, $26.75 fo r others. O rganizations subm it ting ads will be charged according to th e ir m em bership status. Display ad rates range from $435 to $820 based upon size. Please call fo r sizes and rates. Or see our Web site: h ttp://w w w l. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day o f the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 fo r the October issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy of the Am erican Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at h ttp://w w w rlnew 2.htm l. Ads w ill be placed approxim ately 2 - 3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL N ew s is published. Contact: Christopher Becker, Classified Advertising M an ager, C&RL N ew s C lassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Am erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., C hicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280- 7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-m ail: c& rlnew sads@ a la .o rg . Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR C O LLECTIO NS. Th e University a t A l bany, SUNY seeks an innovative librarian to lead its collection development activities. This senior adm inistrative position, reporting to the Dean and Director o f Libraries, includes responsibility fo r managing a $4.3-million collections budget and leadership, coordination and evaluation of the work of 12 bibliographers and selectors in building the library’s collections, both print and electronic. Responsibilities also include oversigh t o f Special Collections, University Archives, the C am pus Records Center, and the Preservation Office. Albany is looking fo r an experienced leader, knowl edgeable about the mission o f a research library, with a keen sense of the evolving role of research libraries in the digital age. Advancing digital library developm ent will be as im portant as m aintenance o f print collec tions. The Assistant Director will work actively with academ ic schools and departments to determine selective areas of excellence and growth, to be reflected in the Library’s collection investment. As a member o f the senior administrative group, the Assistant Director is responsible for developing and implementing the mission and goals and broad policy directions of the University Libraries. S he o r he will help lead the dynam ic process of change in the transition to the digital library in a research environm ent. Research, p ublication, and service to the Libraries and University are expected to satisfy criteria fo r continuing appointm ent and prom otion of library faculty a t the University at Albany. Qualifications: Required: Gradu ate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution. Minim um of five years of successful, progressively responsible experience in develop ing research library collections. Successful m anagem ent experience and a track record of creativity in developing library programs. Strong analyti cal and budget m anagem ent skills; dem onstrated ability to work across organizational boundaries and to lead effective teams. Working knowledge of the scholarly publications market and licensing o f electronic information products. M ust d em onstrate excellent oral and w ritten com m unication skills, organizational and planning skills. M ust dem onstrate leadership, interpersonal, and su pervisory skills and an ability to m anage change. Preferred: Subject specialization o r an additional graduate degree, a notable professional record o r national reputation, knowledge of com put ing technologies. Term s and Benefits: Twelve-month appointment; m ini mum sick leave and annual leave at 15 days each per year; health insurance, m ajor m edical o r Health M aintenance O rganization and dental. Social Security coverage. TIAA-CREF o r N e w York State Teacher’s Retirement available (employee contributes 3% , University contributes 8%). Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Salary minimum of $67,000 + administrative stipend. Apply to: Anna Z. Radkowsk¡-Lee, Library Person nel O fficer, University Libraries-U L 112, University a t A lbany, S tate University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin July 17, 2000. Please include the names, addresses, and phone n um be r of three references w e can contact. The University a t Albany, State University of New York is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled and Vietnam-era veterans are especially welcome. Salary guide Listed below are the latest minim um starting salary figures recommended by state library associations fo r professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut $34,172 Delaware $22,500** Illinois $30,096* Indiana varies* Iowa $23,911 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $31,362* New Jersey $33,785 North Carolina $27,641** Ohio $25,198** Pennsylvania $28,120* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $32,240 *R a the r than e sta b lish one s tate w id e s a la ry m inim um , som e state a sso cia tio n s h ave ado pte d a fo rm u la b ased on va ria bles such as c o m p ara b le sa la rie s fo r p u b lic s ch oo l te a ch e rs in each co m m u nity, o r the g ra de le vel of a p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n post. In th e s e ca ses, you m ay w ish to co n ta ct th e state associa tio n fo r m inim um s a la ry in form atio n . **Th e se re co m m e nd a tion s a p p ly o n ly to p u b lic lib ra ria n s. ASSISTANT MAP LIBRARIAN. John R. BorchertMap Library, University o f Minnesota Libraries-Twin Cities Campus, The University of Minnesota Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of Assistant Map Librarian in the John R. BorchertMap Library. The University Libraries particularly encourages the candidacy of people with e xperience in m ulticultural and m ultiracial settings. Description of Unit: A p re m ie r cartographic collection and Regional GPO Map Deposi tory Library, with holdings o f300,000 maps dating from the 16th century to the present, 330,000 aerial photographs, and 8 ,0 0 0 atlases, the Borchert 542 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 DIGITAL LIBRARY DIRECTOR University of Minnesota Libraries-Twin Cities Campus The University of Minnesota Libraries seeks an individual who will provide innovative and dynamic leadership in advancing the Libraries’ technological and digital presence in the University and beyond. The Digital Library Director will plan and implement digital initiatives and will have responsibility for a variety of issues associated with digital technology including, but not limited to, intellectual property, access management, imaging, digital archiving, content development, technical infrastructure, and intellectual accessibility and service issues. The director will be advised and assisted by the Digital Library Steering Committee, whose membership includes University faculty, administrators, and library staff. The Digital Library Director reports to the University Librarian and is a member of the Libraries’ leadership team. This individual will have a principal role in integrating the Libraries’ digital initiatives with the work of the University’s Digital Technology Center (DTC), a new $55 million facility, to be located in the renovated Walter Library. The DTC will house research facilities in such areas as data mining, digital asset management, Internet 2, genomics and informatics, e-commerce, network design and development, and wireless connectivity. The Digital Library Director will work closely with these academic and research programs and with the University’s Office of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer. The Digital Library Director will assist in representing the Libraries externally, working with organizations like the Digital Library Federation, Library of Congress, OCLC, Research Libraries Group, Consortium for Institutional Cooperation (CIC), and with individual partner institutions. Within the University, this individual will take the lead in relating the Libraries to programs and activities of DTC faculty as well as the digital initiatives of faculty who are not associated with the DTC. Included in this role is education of faculty on how the Libraries can contribute to their digital research agendas. Within the Libraries, the Digital Library Director will be assisted by the Digital Projects Coordinator and staff from other teams within the Libraries and will provide creative leadership in this expanding and important area. The Digital Library Director should have an understanding of the potential for enhanced digital library services; demonstrated experience in using new technologies and applying them to library services and collections; knowledge of and success with external funding sources; experience in building partnerships with technology vendors; and managerial expertise commensurate with advanced technical knowledge. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Advanced degree in library science, information science, or computer science or other appropriate field; at least five years of progressively more advanced responsibilities in digital technology applications; excellent written and verbal communication skills; success in proposal writing and grantsmanship; ability to work in a team-based organization; experience in project management; demonstrated leadership ability; knowledge of library and research advances in digital technology; and an understanding of industry developments and directions. Preferred: Undergraduate degree in the sciences, and a second master’s degree. SALARY AND BENEFITS: This is a full-time, 12-month academic administrative appointment. Salary is very competitive, commensurate with qualifications. Excellent benefits and substantial moving allowance. TO APPLY: Send a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current professional references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting Libraries Human Resources Office University Libraries 499 Wilson Library 309 19th Ave. South Minneapolis, MN 55455-0414 Please identify your application with number UL116. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The University o f M innesota is com m itted to the policy that a ll persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, a nd em ploym ent without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, m arital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, o r sexual orientation. http://w w w C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 543 SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN California State University, Sacramento CSUS seeks a motivated and energetic Social Sciences Librarian. This entry-level, tenure-track faculty position provides substantial opportunity for professional growth and development. The position reports to the Head of Reference and works with the Coordinators for Collection Development and Library Instruction. The Reference Department includes 15 librarians, six library assistants, and several part-time librarians and student assistants. DESCRIPTION: Shares responsibility for reference service to students, faculty, and the general public at the Reference Desk; serves as the subject specialist in the following academic programs: Political Science/Government, International Relations, Public Policy, and related subjects; partici­ pates in the Library’s instruction programs and provides specialized instruction in areas of subject specialty; serves as a resource with appropriate instructional faculty. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent degree from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent international degree (must be completed by August 1,2000); effective interpersonal skills and the ability to work with faculty and students in a culturally diverse environment; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively in a team and independently; demon strated skill in using electronic information resources; knowledge of principles of collection development; demonstrated ability to provide effective public service; degree or significant academic preparation in Political Science/Government, International Relations, or Public Policy. Ability to teach. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: An advanced degree or significant academic preparation in Political Science/Government, International Relations, or Public Policy; experience working at a Reference Desk; demonstrated ability to effectively prepare, deliver, and assess instruction; demonstrated knowledge of Web page and presentation software; knowledge of and an interest in emerging technologies related to the social sciences; familiarity with non-English language(s); knowledge of principles of collection development in Political Science/Government, International Relations, or Public Policy. APPOINTMENT: Probationary, 12-month, tenure-track, entry-level position at the Senior Assistant Librarian rank. Salary range: $46,488-$58,740. Librarians have full faculty status and excellent benefits. Library faculty must demonstrate professional competence, scholarly or creative achieve ment, and service to the University and community in order to meet university requirements for tenure and promotion. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Position is available September 1,2000. Applications received by July 15, 2000, will receive first consideration. Position open until filled. Send a cover letter describing interest and qualifications, a complete résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e- mails of three professional references to: Patricia Larsen Director and Dean of the Library California State University, Sacramento Library 2000 State University Drive East Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 Applicants invited for interview will be required to submit official transcripts. Vacancy announce ment and position description available electronically: Request from lmjones@ CSUS is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Map Library also houses the Automated Cartographic Information Center, an award-winning G IS facility, and is closely aligned with the University of Minnesota’s top-ranked geography department. Position Responsibilities: Perform original and co py cataloging, and m etadata creation fo r W eb Resources; participate in all o th e r activities o f the M ap Library, including reference service using traditional resources and the digital resources of the Automated Cartographic Information Center; instruction; and conser vation. Q ualifications: Required: M LS degree from an ALA-accredited institution (or its foreign equivalent); good oral and written communication skills; knowledge of trends and issues in map librarianship; fam iliarity with bibliographic control and metadata concepts; ability to work effectively in a team environment and with a diverse clientele; strong interpersonal skills. Preferred: Academic background in geography o ra related field; familiarity with digital spatial inform ation and GIS; knowledge of metadata creation and application; knowledge of AACR2 Rev. and M AR C 2 1; experience with HTM L and W eb page creation; and experience with electronic reference sources in geography. Type of Appointment/Salary: This is a full-time, 12- month, continuous appointment track, academic professional position with probationary appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank. Minim um salary: $32,000. Excellent benefits and moving allowance. Recruiting Schedule: Position is available im m ediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Full position description is available at: ohr/employ.html, listed with Academic Professional positions by Job Num ber U L 1 14. To Apply: Send letter of application, résumé, and nam es and addresses of three references to Linda DeBeau-Melting, Libraries Human R esource O ffice, University of M in n e so ta-T w in C ities, 499 W ilson Library, 3 0 9 1 9th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please cite U L114 on application. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employm ent without regard to 544 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 Brown Un iversity University Library; Position responsible for collection development, processing and cataloging of materials and public services in support of Middle Eastern Studies. Includes resources in both Middle Eastern and Western European languages, and in all subjects: History, language and literature, religion, politics, economics, anthropology. Duties include: selection of books, journals and other information resources in all formats, including electronic; ordering, cataloging, and other processing of materials in Middle Eastern languages; assisting Library users in locating and evaluating Middle Eastern Studies information; outreach to faculty, students and other Library users. Works closely with Middle Eastern Studies faculty in various departments. Reports to the Head of the Collection Development Department. Requirem ents: Academic subject expertise (with post-graduate degree) in some aspect of Middle Eastern Studies. Reading knowledge of Arabic and another Middle Eastern language, preferably Persian or Turkish. Knowledge of, and experience with, standard cataloging procedures and tools, including bibliographic utilities. Ability to communicate effectively with faculty, students and Library staff. Ability to work independently as well as in concert with others, and to maintain enthusiasm for a constantly changing environment. Desired qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school; experience with collection development in a research library and familiarity and skill with current library technology. Salary: $31,100. For the above position, p lease send your resum e to Brown University', Human R esources, Box 1 8 7 9 , Jo b # B 0 0 4 0 6 , Providence, Rl 0 2 9 1 2 Broivn University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. v isit our website a t: w w w . b r o w n . e d u k U e N I V n t E R s S I T TAT Y e DEAN OF LIBRARIES AND MEDIA SERVICES (Search Extended) Kent State University is continuing its search fo rth e position of Dean of Libraries and Media Services (LMS) with a revised anticipated appointment date of January 1, 2001. Appli cations and nominations continue to be invited and will be reviewed, as received, until the position is filled. To apply, applicants should send a letter highlighting qualifications for this position, a résumé, phone numbers, and e- mail addresses of three or more references to: Dr. Diedre L. Badejo Chair, LMS Search c/o Office of the Provost Kent State University P.O. Box 5190 Kent, OH 44242-0001 For further information, visit our Web site at: w w w Equal Opportunity, Affirm ative Action Em ployer Purchase College, State University of New York (SUNY) S eek in g en ergetic and innovative librarian to help design and im plem ent an expanded instructional program to m eet inform ation m anagem ent com p eten cies in the new S U N Y general education plan. Presents an excitin g opportunity to integrate research and inform ation literacy skills across the curriculum at a co lle g e that features outstanding perform ing and visual arts conservatories and an e x cellen t liberal arts program . Se rv e s as principal instructor and as a resource for librarians participating in library instruction. Adapts and develops w eb -based cla s se s and tutorials within the context o f a c a m p u s-w id e instru ction al te ch n o lo g y in itiative centered in the library. A ssesses instructional needs and evalu ates instructional se rv ic e s. P rom otes the library instruction program through m arketing and outreach. R e g u la r refe re n c e d e sk and c o lle c tio n d evelo p m en t responsibilities. R e q u ire d Q u a lific a tio n s : M L S from an A L A a ccred ited program ; dem onstrated instruction and co m m u n icatio n s k ills ; fa m ilia rity w ith c u rre n t lib ra ry in s tru ctio n p r a c tic e s ; a b ility to w o rk e ff e c ti v e ly in a c o lle g ia l e n v iro n m e n t.’ P r e f e r r e d : S u b je c t M a s te r ’ s d e g re e ; e x p e rie n c e d e v e lo p in g , c o o rd in a tin g , and a s s e s s in g in structional p rogram s; and e x p e rie n c e in applying new t e c h n o lo g ie s to in s tru ctio n . S a l a r y : fro m 3 5 ,0 0 0 , co m m en s u ra te w ith q u a lific a tio n s and e x p e rie n c e . F a cu lty rank: S e n io r A ssistant L ib rarian ; 12 m onth, tenure track. E x c e lle n t b en efits. Sen d letter o f application, resum e, and n am es o f at least three referen c es to: Robin (TO BI) Jacobs-Yanthis, Affirmative Action Officer, Purchase College/SUNY, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Pu rchase, N Y 10577 e-m ail: hu m an .resou rces@ p Review of applications begins June 1, 2000 and continues until position is filled. A A /E O E race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, m arital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. B IB LIO G RAPHIC IN S TRUCTIO N C O O R D IN A TOR . Develop, co ordi nate, and teach in library instruction program with emphasis on curriculum- integrated information literacy; assist with pathfinders, W eb page. Provide reference assistance; participate in collection developm ent in all formats. Required: ALA-M LS, 3 0 additional graduate credits/2nd subject master’s degree. 3 to 4 ye ars’ relevant experience; excellent instructional skills; dem onstrated experience integrating technology with pedagogy. Subject strengths in curriculum areas, espe cia lly business and health sciences preferred. Tenure-track, A ssistant/Associate Professor rank. Minim um salaries: $ 4 6 ,3 4 9 -$ 5 0 ,9 6 8 . Send letter o f interest, in dicating position desired, and c.v. to: T e rri C am po, Long Island University, 1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201-8423. Long Island U niversity is the eighth la rg est private u nive rsity in the U.S. It is recognized fo r strength in the liberal a rts and sciences, health sciences, and library and inform ation science, including a Ph.D. program in the latter. The Brooklyn Cam pus is located within easy a ccess o f M anhattan. It enrolls m ore than 8,200 students pursuing u ndergraduate and g raduate d egrees in the various colleges: Arts and Science, Pharm acy and Health Sciences, Education, H ealth Professions, N ursing, Business and P ublic A dm inistration. The library, with a staff o f 42, including 21 librarians, h ouses 235,000 volumes, 2 ,400 periodical subscriptions, and a collection o f 2 4,0 00 AV resources. It p rovides 18 b ibliographic data ba ses fo r e nd -u ser searching. LIU is an EEO/AA employer. CATALOGER. Getty Research Library has opening fo r full-tim e rare book cataloger. Prepares original bibliographic records fo r rare m onographs in a variety of formats and languages fo r a scholarly collection in art history and the humanities. Requires: ALA-accredited MLS and undergraduate degree in art history or related discipline o r equivalent; reading knowledge of two European languages; 3 - 4 years’ online cataloging experience including rare book cataloging; knowledge of A AC R2, DCRB, MARC, LC Classifi cation, LCRIs. Excellent written and verbal communication, organization, and interpersonal skills. Salary range starts a t $38,700; excellent benefits. Send cover letter and résumé to: Personnel Coordinator, Getty Research Institute, 1200 Getty Center Dr., Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688. CA T A LO G ER . T h e C u rtis Laws W ilson Library o f the U niversity o f M is souri-R olla in vites applica tio ns fo r the position o f C ataloger. U M -Rolla, one o f fo u r ca m p use s o f the University o f Missouri, is the prem ier science C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 545 HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT Northeastern U niversity Libraries Northeastern University Libraries invites applications and nominations of individuals with vision, enthusiasm, and leadership ability for the position of Head, Catalog Department. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to lead the Libraries in the planning, development, and assessment of innovative programs for the organization, description, control of, and access to information resources, and to collaborate in the transformation of technical services. RESPONSIBILITIES: Adm inister the Catalog Department, including the cataloging, classification and content analysis of resources, database maintenance of Library catalog systems, and physical processing and preparation of materials. Actively support and demonstrate commitment and sensitivity to diversity in the workplace. Ensure quality control and data integrity of the online public access catalog and Library holdings, and their linkages to networked and related systems. Establish cataloging policy and practices within the context of national and international standards, and in collaboration and consultation with other departm ents and libraries. Develop proposals for, negotiate, implement, and assess contract services. Assess the application of national and international cataloging, metadata and data definition standards. Research, test, and evaluate information systems and the effects of various search engines and retrieval techniques on the utilization of library management systems, virtual catalogs, and other databases. Participate in consort¡al and other professional activities associated with information retrieval and data description and access. SETTING: Northeastern, an urban Carnegie Research II institution, is student focused and dedicated to a cooperative education/experiential learning model. A diverse student body of 16,000 under graduates and 4,000 graduate students is enrolled in seven undergraduate colleges, nine graduate and professional schools, and two part-time undergraduate divisions. There also are active continuing education and distance learning programs. The Library holds membership in OCLC/ NELINET, the Coalition for Networked Information Task Force, the Boston Library Consortium, and the Boston Regional Library System, and is a Commission on Preservation and Access sponsor. Visit the Library’s Web site for more information: QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree required; additional advanced degree desirable. At least 5 years’ demonstrated successful experience in the management and supervision of cataloging and database maintenance activities in academic or research libraries. Demonstrated knowledge of national and international standards relating to the organization of knowledge, cataloging, classification, description and access, and emerging standards for digital resources. Demonstrated knowledge and experience with cooperative programs, consortia initiatives, and operational workflow analyses. Knowledge of trends and issues in academic libraries, higher education, scholarly communication, and emerging technologies. Ability to work with a wide variety of individuals at all levels. Strong service orientation. Commitment to staff development. Demon strated commitment and sensitivity to diversity in the workplace. Excellent planning, analytical, communication, supervisory, project management, and organizational skills. SALARY: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits. Review of applications will begin June 23,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references to: Carol Chamberlain Associate Dean, Technical Services and Systems Northeastern University Libraries 320 Snell Library 360 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 Northeastern University is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer, a n d especially welcomes applications from minorities, women, a n d persons with disabilities. and engineering cam pus of the system. It offers undergraduate and gradu ate degrees in science and engineering, and undergraduate degrees in the liberal arts. W ithin the library, nine professionals and 17 support staff serve 350 fa cu lty and 4 ,5 0 0 high -a b ility students. Th e co lle ction in clu de s over 375 ,00 0 vo lum es and 1,500 p eriodical titles. UM R is a lso a selective d ep osito ry fo r U.S. and M issou ri g ove rn m e nt docum ents. Th e building provides a modem , open, pleasant work environment. Strong em phasis is placed on cooperation with public services. The relatively sm all staff size and flexible organizational structure assure staff o f active involvem ent in library co ncerns. R esponsibilities: Perform o riginal and c o m p lex co py cataloging fo r a va rie ty o f form ats and in a ll subject areas; maintain MARC bibliog ra p hic a nd auth ority records using O C LC and a m ulticam pus Innovative Interfaces system; establish nam e and series authority records; assist in analyzing and evaluating processes and in helping a department 546 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 PrincetonUnivers¡ty MANUSCRIPTS CATALOGER Princeton University Library Princeton, New Jersey Twelve-month temporary appointment. THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: The Princeton University Library is one of the world’s most distinguished research libraries. It employs a staff of approximately 320 librarians, professional technical workers, administrators, and support staff; it also has a large student and hourly workforce. Library operations are divided among 20 sites on campus, including a large central library. More information on the Princeton University Library may be found at the Library’s Web site: http:// infoshare1.Princeton.EDU:2003/. The Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections are particularly rich. The Rare Book Division is noted for its classical Latin texts, American history and literature collection and holds about 200,000 rare and historically significant printed volumes in Western languages. The Manuscripts Division holds an estimated 8,500 linear feet of materials covering five thousand years of recorded history and all parts of the world, with special strength in Western Europe, the United States, Latin America, and the Near East. DESCRIPTION: The Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts (RBSC) in the Princeton Firestone Library seeks a full-time professional cataloger to deal with backlogs in the Manuscript Division. In the General Manuscripts Bound unit there are approximately 2,500 volumes dating from 1601 to the present. The position involves MARC-format cataloging of handwritten textual materials in English as well as one or more of the following languages (French, Latin, Italian, Spanish, and German). Authority work and related research is also involved. QUALIFICATIONS: The successful candidate will hold an ALA-accredited master's in Library and Information Science or an equivalent combination of education and professional experience. The candidate should also have an academic background in the humanities and a minimum of one year of professional experience as a cataloger working with MARC format, preferably MARC AMC format cataloging. The successful candidate must have a good reading knowledge of at least one Romance language; knowledge of Latin is also desirable. Ability to read handwritten materials dating from 1601 to present will be essential. Experience with NOTIS and/or Endeavor is also desirable. BENEFITS: Prorated: Twenty-four (24) vacation days a year, plus eleven (11) paid holidays. Medical and other benefits. SALARY & RANK: Dependent upon experience and qualifications. Review of applications will begin on May 30, 2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Nominations and applications (résumé and the names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to be contacted) should be sent to: Search Com m ittee for M anuscripts C ataloger c/o Lila Daum Fredenburg Hum an Resources Librarian Princeton U niversity Library One W ashington Road Princeton, NJ 08544-2098 Princeton University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. of fou r stay current on emerging trends in technical services; help resolve com plex problems surrounding cataloging issues; represent the campus on com m ittees charged with developing and enforcing cataloging stan dards. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; fam iliarity with the M ARC form ats and standard cataloging tools, including AAC R2, OCLC, LC cataloging rule interpretations, and subject heading practices. D e sired: Previous cataloging experience in an online environment, preferably in an academ ic setting; ability to use technology to accom plish technical services tasks; experience cataloging using Ill’s INNOPAC. Salary and Benefits: 12-month, nontenured faculty position at Librarian II level; $28,000 minimum; 2 8 days’ vacation annually and 8 paid holidays; vested retirement a fte r five years; university medical and dental benefits package. To Apply: Please send a letter o f application, résum é, and nam es of three current references to: Human Resource Services, Reference #51055, University o f Missouri-Rolla, 187 0 M ine r C ircle , Rolla, MO 65409-1050. Questions about the position m ay be directed to: Jean S. Eisenman, Director, Curtis Laws Wilson Library, (573)341-4011, jse@ UMR staff will recruit at the Placement Center at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, July 8 - C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 547 10,2000. Complete applications received by August 1,2000, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until position is filled. The U niversity o f M issouri-Rolla is an equal opportunity, a ffirm ative action em ployer committed to increasing diversity am ong faculty, staff, and stu dents. M em bers of m inority g roups and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Community: Rolla, a city of approxim ately 14,000, is located in the foothills of the Ozarks. Community sen/ices are excellent, as are educational and medical facilities. Th e scenic area offers ideal oppor tunities fo r those interested in outdoor activities such as canoeing, hiking, or fishing. Th e cultural and recreational advantages o f St. Louis are available w ithin tw o h ours via interstate highway. The c o st o f living is reasonable. For additional information about the university and the commu nity, see: CATALOGER, P R IN T AND D IGITAL M O NO G RAPHS. W ichita State University Libraries. (Search Reopened) W SU Libraries seeks a creative and know ledgeable individual to be part of its Technical S ervices tea m . W ichita State University is one o f the m ajor research institutions in the Kansas state u niversity system , and is located in the greater W ichita metropolitan area encompassing a population of o ve r 500,000. Duties and Responsibilities: Reporting to the Head of Technical S ervices, the m ajor responsibilities of the position include original and com plex copy catalog ing o f m onographic resources in a variety o f print, n onprint, and digital formats following AACR2, MARC, and appropriate authority control stan dards. Other responsibilities include supervising 3.5 support staff, sharing database m aintenance workloads, and keeping abreast of national stan dards fo r bibliographic control of library materials; contributing to depart mental policy, planning, and procedures developm ent; p articipating in strategic planning; and engaging in professional service and scholarship related to the discipline. T he position will be one of three catalogers in a department with 12 support staff. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited graduate degree. Any combination of experience in cataloging, cataloging course work, o r paraprofessional cataloging of m onographic m aterials that equals one year. Dem onstrated knowledge of cataloging principles and procedures, including A AC R2, LC subject headings, LC classifica tion, and MARC. Experience in using an online cataloging system. Excel lent interpersonal skills. Demonstrated evidence of being self-motivated and able to work independently and successfully in a collegial environment. Demonstrated potential to meet the L ibraries’ tenure and prom otion re quirem ents. M ust be eligible to work in the United States. Preferred Qualifications: O ne o r m ore years of professional cataloging experience within the last five years, in a m edium -sized o r large academ ic library. Familiarity with government documents and SuDoc Classification, knowl edge o f CO RC and oth e r metadata principles, experience with authority control. S upervisory experience. Reading knowledge of one o r m ore foreign languages. An additional graduate degree in an academ ic disci pline. Salary and Benefits: Minim um salary, $32,000 fo r a 12-month ap pointment. Academic rank and salary negotiable depending on experience and qualifications. A tenure-eligible faculty appointment. Excellent fringe benefits including TIAA-CREF, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and HMOs. Twenty-tw o days’ annual leave. Application: Send letter of application, résumé, and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three current references to be received by June 3 0 ,2 0 0 0 , to: Sha Li Zhang, Search Committee Chair, Ablah Library, Box 68, W ichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260-0068. W ichita State University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are especially encour aged to apply. CURATOR. (Librarian/Sr. Librarian). A m erican and British History Col lections, Stanford University. Th e Sta nford U niversity Libraries seeks a subject specialist with graduate training in Am erican or British studies to develop and m anage general and special collections supporting those areas. The scope of your responsibilities will include published texts in all formats, printed and electronic, as well as unpublished prim ary resources. You will also provide advanced reference and bibliographic assistance and may teach a g raduate se m in ar o r colloquium on research m ethods and resources in Am erican and British history. As a m em ber of the curatorial team, you will actively participate in the new Humanities and Area Studies Resource Center, a central library resource fo r reference and collection- related services and support fo r research and teaching in the hum anities and area studies. Requirements: An MLS from an ALA-accredited library school o r equivalent in training and experience, substantial knowledge of and experience in academ ic o r research libraries and the research envi ronment in a major university, and advanced graduate work in American and British history (Ph.D. preferred). Demonstrated knowledge of the distribu tion and sources o f m aterials in A m erican and B ritish history, relevant professional accom plishm ents (scholarly publications, teaching experi ence, and library-related publications/presentations), and effective inter personal and oral/w ritten com m unication skills are essential. R eading knowledge of one o r more foreign languages is desirable. Librarian Salary Range: $50,000-$60,000. Senior Librarian Range: $60,000-$72,000. Com pensation will be based on relevant q ualifications and experience. For consideration, send a cover letter, a complete statement o f qualifications, a full résum é of education and relevant experience, and the nam es and addresses of three references to: Carol Olsen, D irector o f Human Re- A ssociate Dean of Libraries P O S IT IO N W e a re s e e k in g a p erson o f sk ill and visio n to jo i n a d y n am ic lead ersh ip team a s A s s o c ia te D ean o f L ib raries and to im p lem ent o u r Stra te g ie s fo r a N ew M illenniu m . T h e p o sition w ill ap p eal to a lead er with k n ow led g e o f lib rary ad m in istrative m atters and w i th th e p r o f e s s i o n a l p o t e n t i a l t o a d a p t to a n d a cc o m m o d a te the rev olu tion ary tran sfo rm atio n fa c ed by lib raries. T h e A s s o c ia te D ea n w ill se rv e a s the deputy to the D ean o f L ib ra rie s in o verall m anagem ent, planning and d ecis io n -m a k in g . T h e lib rary m an agem en t te a m o f the D ea n and A s s o c ia te D ea n w ill o ffe r broad lead ership in a c a d e m i c a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l i s s u e s , w i th th e in tro d u c tio n o f n e w t e c h n o lo g y an d o rg a n iz a tio n a l d evelop m en t to a d ed ic ated lib rary facu lty and sta ff. T h is p o s itio n w ill p la y a v ita l r o le in a n u m b e r o f k e y a c t iv itie s , in c lu d in g c o n tin u o u s s h o rt an d lo n g -te rm p lann ing, bu d get d evelop m en t, m an agin g fa c ilitie s, and d rafting annual reports and sim ilar docum ents, prom oting faculty/staff d evelo p m en t co m m u n icatin g with serv ic e p ro v id e rs and ve n d o rs, an d a n a ly z in g lib ra ry iss u e s. T h e s a la ry ran ge is $ 4 6 , 0 0 0 - S 6 1 ,0 0 0 , w ith e x c e lle n t b e n e fits . Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S R eq u irem en ts include an A L A -a c c re d ite d M L S d eg ree; s e c o n d m a s t e r ’ s o r d o c t o r a t e , a n d th re e y e a r s o f i n c r e a s i n g l y r e s p o n s i b l e e x p e r i e n c e in a lib r a r y . A p p lic a n ts m u st a ls o h a v e a w o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f m o d e rn a c a d e m i c l i b r a r i e s , c u r r e n t t r e n d s in th e p r o f e s s i o n , e m e r g i n g t e c h n o l o g i e s , a n d m o d e rn m an agem en t m ethods fo r org an ization al d evelop m en t. T h e p o sitio n req u ires a co m m itm en t to e x c e lle n c e in lib rary se r v ic e s , stron g interp erso n al, o ra l, and w riting s k ills , ab ility an d w illin g n e ss to w o rk co lla b o ra tiv e ly and to fo s te r co o p e ra tio n w ith vario u s c o n s titu e n c ie s a c r o s s th e u n iv e rsity an d th e s ta te s y s te m o f h ig h er ed u cation . T o b e a fin alist the can d id ate m u st b e a b le to co m m u n ic ate w ell and p erform w ell in the in terv iew (s). U N IV E R SIT Y / C O M M U N IT Y In fo rm atio n a b o u t IU P and the lib rary is a v a ila b le at F o r in fo rm a tio n o n th e c o m m u n ity o f In d ian a, P e n n sy lv a n ia s e e H O W T O A P P L Y Su b m it c o v e r letter an d resu m e to S e a rc h C om m ittee- A s s o c ia te D ea n o f L ib ra rie s, S ta p le to n Library, R o o m 2 0 3 , Indiana U n iv ersity o f PA, 4 3 1 S . E lev en th S tre et, Indiana, PA 1 5 7 0 5 . Inclu de nam es, a d d resses, and phone nu m bers o f three p rofes sio n a l r efe re n c es . A p p lication s m ust b e po stm ark ed by Ju ly 3 1 , 2 0 0 0 . F o r a full p osition a n n o u n c e m e n t s e e o r c o n ta c t the O ffic e o f Human R e s o u rc e s a t ( 7 2 4 ) 3 5 7 - 2 4 3 1 . IUP is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity vnyrsity of PeenainavlysIndiana Uni employer committed to excellence through diversity. ources, Stanford University Libraries, 590 Escondido Mall, Stanford, A 94305-3090. This position is open until filled. For inform ation on this nd other positions, see us on the W eb at: epts/humres. AA/EOE EAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. S outhw est Baptist University. SBU ffers graduate and undergraduate programs, is affiliated with the M is ouri Baptist Convention, and is accredited by the North Central Associa on. Candidates must have an MLS degree, an earned doctorate, appropri te administrative experience, excellent communication and interpersonal kills, a commitm ent to effective use of technology, and must be evangelical s C a d D o s ti a s 548 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 G e n e s e o LIBRARY INSTRUCTION c o o r d in a t o r The State University of New York College at Geneseo seeks an enthusiastic, effective teacher to develop and direct a campus wide initiative, teaching information management and research skills to undergraduate students. Responsibilities include management, assessment, and promotion of a new instruction program, supervision and mentoring of library teaching faculty, teaching classes, and working closely with faculty from the academic departments and the College Writing Center staff. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated strong interest, experience, and skill in the teaching/ learning process involving undergraduate students; evidence of leadership potential; effectiveness in college teaching; experience in mentoring colleagues; commitment to high-quality undergraduate instruction using a variety of instructional modalities; strong public speaking and written presentation skills; ALA-accredited MLS or other appropriate master’s degree; evidence of effective management of multiple projects and priorities; record of working effectively both in a team environment and independently; good background in use of information technologies and information retrieval so ftw a re . PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated commitment to the instructional mission of the academic library permeated with information technology; interest and experience in instructional design and outcome assessment methodologies; previous teaching experience in library research methods, English composition, or other relevant subject areas; demonstrated skill designing print and Web-based instructional materials. This is a 12-month, full-time, tenure-track faculty position with attendant expectations for profes sional competence, service, and scholarship. Initial appointment is for two years. Academic rank and salary ($38,000 minimum) are commensurate with qualifications and experience. Attractive benefits package. Additional information can be found at: Interested persons should send a cover letter, résumé, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references. Review of applications will begin June 1, 2000, and continue until position is filled. Anticipated starting date is August 2000. Applications should be sent to: Library Instruction Coordinator Search Committee c/o Director’s Office Milne Library State University of New York College at Geneseo 1 College Circle Geneseo, NY 14454 Geneseo is an AA/EO employer a nd is especially interested in increasing diversity in its faculty, staff, students, and administrators. Christians w ho are active Southern Baptists. For additional information, consult the posting at: Tw elve month, faculty tenure-track position with excellent benefits. Salary is nego tiable. R eview of applications begins im m ediately and will continue until position is filled, with a target date of Ju ly 1 , 2000. S ubm it a résum é and request an application, o r send a letter of nom ination, to: Dr. Bing Bayer, C h a ir o f Search Committee, Southwest Baptist University, 1600 Uni versity Avenue, Bolivar, M 0 6 5 6 1 3. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. The New York State Historical Association seeks a Library Director to provide overall administration and management of its 85,000-volume Research Library specializing in American and New York State history. The library, which is staffed by five full-time employees, primarily serves museum staff, graduate students, and Association mem bers. The Association’s Library, Fenimore Art Museum, a nd The Farmers’ Museum are located ju st o utside the historic village of C ooperstown, situated on the shores of Otsego Lake in beautiful upstate New York. Duties include development and implementation of all library policies and proce dures; development and oversight of library budget and financial adminis tration; management of all library personnel; care and maintenance of the library’s collection, including acquisitions, preservation, and cataloging; design and delivery o f all library services, public programs, and educa tional endeavors; and selection and implementation of appropriate library technologies. The Director represents the library, serving as an institu tional advocate in professional associations and participates in long-term planning; oversees planning and implementation of capital improvements; and assists in fundraising efforts. Qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS degree, undergraduate degree preferred in history o r related topic; minimum of five years’ professional experience in increasingly responsible positions, preferably in a research o r professional library environment; evidence of successful experience in library management and personnel supervision; strong interpersonal and communications skills; and knowl edge o f and experience with contem porary library technologies. This position offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. Send résumé, references, and co ver letter by June 3 0 ,2 0 0 0 , to Human Re sources Manager, New York State Historical Association, P.O. Box 800, Cooperstown, NY 13326. DIRECTOR OF TH E LIBRARY. Saint M ary-of-the-W oods College in vites applications fo r the position of director o f the library effective July 1, 2000. Saint M ary-of-the-W oods is a private, Catholic, liberal arts college fo r w om en. Th e college enrolls 1,200 students in an undergraduate resident program fo r traditional students, an undergraduate external pro gram fo r adult women, and master’s programs fo r women and men. The library holds over 150,000volumes and houses several special collections. The library building also serves as a facility fo r cam pus and com m unity programs. The library director reports to the vice president fo r academ ic affairs and holds faculty rank. Responsibilities: The director is responsible fo r the general administration of the library, including planning, budgeting, collection developm ent, staff supervision, and evaluation. The director C&RL N ew s ■ June 2000 / 549 THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEYBIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL The College of New Jersey is a highly selective, comprehensive, residential institution recognized as one of the outstanding colleges in the country. The College, located In suburban Ewing Township, N J enrolls approximately 5,800 undergraduate and 900 graduate students. We have a full time, tenure- track position available for a Bibliographic Control Librarian. Responsibilities: provide leadership in cataloging and authority control; create original and revise copy cataloging; develop policy and procedures for cataloging materials in all formats including governm ent documents, serials and electronic resources; coordinate the w o rk of three part-tim e professional catalogers; train and supervise three paraprofessional catalogers. Requirements: ALA-accredited Master’s degree; at least three years professional-level recent cataloging experience; extensive knowledge of cataloging standards including AACR2R, LCSH and LC Classification, MARC21, CONSER, OCLC; awareness of emerging metadata standards; excellent communication, interpersonal and problem solving skills; initiative, flexibility and a strong service orientation are essential. Preferred: m anagem ent experience; knowledge o f Voyager, familiarity with DDC; an additional graduate degree. Research/ scholarly activity, service on committees, and active participation in profession expected for tenure. Salary range: $41,319 - $61,970. A review of applications will begin on May 30 and continue until the position is filled. Please send cover letter, resume, and names and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Ms. Ellie Fogarty, Chair, Search Committee, Roscoe L. West Library, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718, Ewing, NJ 086 28 -0 7 1 8. To enrich education through diversity, The College of New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For further information about The College visit our website at: http://w w w /tcn].edu P h i l i p H o f e r C u r a t o r o f P r in t in g a n d G r a p h ic Ar t s H o u g h t o n L ib r a r y T h e P h ilip H o f e r C u r a to r o f P r in t in g a n d G r a p h ic A r ts in th e H o u g h to n L ib r a ry is r e sp o n s ib le fo r m a n a g in g th e D e p a r t m e n t o f P r in t in g and G ra p h ic A rts. R e p o r tin g to th e L ib r a ria n o f th e H o u g h to n L ib rary , th e C u r a to r m an ag es th e c o lle c tio n o f p r in tin g a n d g r a p h ic arts w h ic h d o c u m e n ts th e h is to ry o f le tte r f o r m , p r in tin g , a n d illu s tr a tio n fro m th e 8 t h c e n tu r y t o th e p re s e n t. T h e c o lle c tio n in clu d e s illu m in a te d a n d c a llig ra p h ic m a n u s c rip ts , p r in te d b o o k s , d ra w in g s fo r b o o k illu s tr a tio n , p r in ts , ty p e s p e c im e n s a n d p h o to g ra p h s . T h e C u r a to r h as p r im a r y re s p o n s ib ility fo r th e d e v e lo p m e n t a n d use o f th e c o lle c tio n th ro u g h a c q u is itio n s , c o r re s p o n d e n c e , e x h ib itio n a n d p u b lic a t io n . T h e C u r a to r sup erv ises o n e p ro fe ssio n a l a n d o n e s u p p o rt s t a ff m e m b e r a n d w o rk s w ith th e L ib r a ria n a n d o th e r h e a d s o f d e p a r tm e n ts w ith in H o u g h to n in lo n g -te r m p la n n in g a n d e s ta b lis h m e n t o f p o lic ie s. T h e H o u g h to n L ib r a ry is th e p r im a r y lib r a ry fo r rare b o o k s a n d m a n u s c r ip ts a t H a rv a rd U n iv e rs ity a n d in c lu d e s m o re th a n 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 rare b o o k s , o v e r 1 0 m illio n s p e cia l m a te ria ls, in c lu d in g m a n u s c rip ts , p h o to g r a p h s , a p re m ie r c o lle c tio n d e v o te d to th e a r t o f th e b o o k , a n d a c o lle c tio n o n th e h is to r y o f th e th e a tr e a n d th e p e r fo rm in g a rts. T h e H o u g h to n L ib r a ry w ith its F T E s t a ff o f 3 5 a ctiv e ly s u p p o rts research a n d in s tr u c tio n b y a c q u irin g , c a ta lo g in g , a n d p re se rv in g literary , rare, h is to r ic a l, a n d visual m a te ria ls a n d th ro u g h th e p r o v isio n o f c o u r s e s , le c tu re s, se m in a r s , e x h ib itio n s , a n d p u b lica tio n s . T h e su cce s sfu l c a n d id a te w ill hav e an M . L .S . and/or a n ad v a n ce d d eg ree in an a c a d e m ic d is c ip lin e related to th e h o ld in g s o f th e c o lle c ti o n . S ig n if ic a n t e x p e rie n c e w ith in a sp ecia l c o lle c tio n s library, p re fe ra b ly w ith in a n a c a d e m ic s e ttin g , in c lu d in g su p erv isio n o f s t a f f a n d p ro v e n s k ills w o r k in g w ith a v a rie ty o f p e o p le . E x p e rie n c e w ith d iverse research re so u rce s p refe rre d . W e are s e a rc h in g fo r a n in d iv id u a l w h o w ill b r in g e n e rg y a n d im a g in a tio n to th is k ey p o s itio n as w ell as a w illin g n e ss to w o rk in c lo s e c o o p e r a tio n w ith co lle a g u e s in s h a p in g th e fu tu re o f th e H o u g h to n L ib rary . H a rv a rd U n iv e rs ity o ffe rs a c o m p e titiv e p ro g ra m o f b e n e fits . A p p o i n tm e n t salary d e p e n d e n t o n q u a lific a tio n s a n d e x p e rie n c e . T h e review o f a p p lic a tio n s w ill b e g in im m e d ia te ly and c o n t in u e u n til th e p o s itio n is filled . In te re ste d p a rtie s a re in v ite d to s u b m it a le t te r o f a p p lic a tio n a d d re ssin g p o s itio n q u a lific a tio n s , a re su m e , a n d th e n a m e s, ad d resses, te le p h o n e a n d fa x n u m b e r s o f th re e re fe re n c e s to : R e s u m e P r o c e s s i n g C e n t e r , H a r v a r d U n i v e rs ity , R e q u i s i t i o n # 5 0 4 0 , 1 1 H o l y o k e S t r e e t , C a m b r id g e , M A 0 2 1 3 8 . O r a p p ly o n l i n e t o : w w w .h r .h a r v a r d .e d u / e m p l o y m e n t/ jo b s .h tm l H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y U P H O L D S A C O M M I T M E N T T O A F H R M A T T V E A C T I O N A N D E Q U A L E M P L O Y M E N T O P P O R T U N I T Y . H A R V A R D U N I V E R S I T Y http://www/ 550 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES LIBRARIAN University of California, Santa Barbara The University or California, Santa Barbara, one of nine campuses of the University of California system, is seeking a Middle Eastern Studies Librarian. Reporting to the Area, Ethnic, and Gender Studies Collection Coordinator and working closely with the Principal Cataloger, the librarian works individually and as part of a team to provide reference, cataloging, bibliographic, and instructional services to students, faculty, staff, and the university community. Has responsibility for all aspects of collection management and development for assigned subjects such as Islamic and Near Eastern Studies. Liaison work includes collaboration with the Center for Middle East studies and the faculty to promote and support Interest in Middle East Studies throughout the university and the community. Provides reference assistance and participates in the library’s instruction program. Has responsi bility for scheduled reference service in all social sciences and humanities disciplines, research consultation, electronic reference, and online searching. Includes some evening and weekend assignments. Working under the general direction of the Principal Cataloger, catalogs library materials in Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, and Turkish. Has responsibility for the development and maintenance of printed and electronic guides to specialized library resources. ALA-accredited MLS. Scholarly competence in Arabic language as well as knowledge and understanding of Middle East culture. Reading knowledge of Persian, Turkish, or Hebrew language. Demonstrated experience in reference, collection development, and bibliographic instruction. Cataloging experience, including experience with LC classification, LCSH, LCRI, AACR2, MARC formats and familiarity with a bibliographic utility, preferably OCLC. Strong commitment to excellence In public service and the ability to work effectively In a culturally diverse environment. Demonstrated initiative, flexibility, creativity, and the ability to handle multiple responsibilities. Evidence of an understanding of the publishing and book trade in the Middle East as well as methods of acquiring materials. Ability to work effectively with faculty, students, staff, and the community. Excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. Hiring range is $40,248-$57,984 based on qualifications and experience. Consideration of applications begins July 14,2000, and continues until the position is filled. Send résumé, and names and addresses of three references to: Detrice Bankhead Associate University Librarian Personnel, Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 For the complete job announcement, visit: The University o f California is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer and invites applications from a ll who m eet the stated qualifications. provides the leadership to m ake the library the intellectual center o f the cam pus and m aintains linkages with other libraries. D irector shares evening and weekend duties with staff. Qualifications: MLS o r equivalent; minim um of five years’ library experience; evidence o f progressively re sponsible administrative experience; demonstrated knowledge of manage ment of library facilities; extensive experience with information technology used to support library operations; fam iliarity with OCLC cataloging and interlibrary loan procedures; evidence of strong interpersonal, communi cation, and organizational skills; understanding of the role o f the library in a small liberal arts college; and strong service orientation. Review of applications will begin May 15,2000, and continue until the appointment is made. A letter of application, complete résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references should be sentto: Connie Bauer, Vice President fo r Academ ic Affairs, Saint Mary-of-the-W oods College, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876-1099. EOE/AA. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. (Non-Tenured Faculty) Uni versity of Maryland Libraries. Responsibilities: Serves as primary contact and resource fo r licensing issues fo r a growing array of locally acquired electronic databases and journals, as well as resources acquired in consortium with oth e r institutions o f the university system, the state, and mid-Atlantic region. Serves as a member of the Acquisitions Management Team and the M aryland U niversity System Access Library Databases Team (M dUSA). Assists in monitoring acquisitions workflow. Q ualifica tions: Required: A LA-accredited m aster’s degree in Library Science. Experience: Three years’ progressively responsible relevant experience required. At least two years' experience in acquisitions activities in a large university library. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Pre ferred: At least one ye ar with responsibility fo r one o r m ore functions relating to e lectronic resources. Extensive knowledge o f acquisitions methods and p rocedures fo r both serials and monographs. Extensive knowledge of the acquisition and licensing of electronic databases and journals on behalf of individual institutions and consortia. Extensive knowl edge o f the book and subscription trade. Experience w ith HTM L and metadata. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Ex cellent benefits. Applications: F o r full consideration, su bm it a cover letter and a résumé and names/addresses of three references by June 23,2000. A pplications accepted until the p osition is filled. Send résum é to: Ray Foster, Library Personnel Services, Room #4105, McKeldin Library, Uni versity of Maryland, College Park, MD20742-7011. You may also fax your résumé: (301)314-9960. Libraries W eb address: UMCP. The University of M aryland is an affirmative action, equal oppor tunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. ENGIN EERING LIBRA RIAN, ARTS & ENGIN EERING LIBRARIES. University o f Michigan. Th e University Library collections and services C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 551 HEAD, COLLECTIONS SERVICES The University of Connecticut (Search #00A387) The University of Connecticut Libraries seek a forward-thinking, energetic individual to help lead the Libraries into an increasingly electronic future. Reporting to the Director of Library Services, the Head of Collections Services is responsible for the Libraries’ collection development, acquisitions, cataloging, preservation, and stacks management programs, comprising 30 FTE staff and a collections budget of approximately $4.5 million. Area Heads exercise significant budgetary and managerial responsibilities and serve as leaders, mentors, and facilitators. The incumbent, together with the Director and five other Area Heads, form the Libraries’ Leadership Council, the principal decision-making body. Leadership Council has systemwide responsibility for strategic planning, personnel and resource allocation, organizational visioning, and the formulation of librarywide priorities, goals, policies, and procedures. The complete job description is available at: http:// w w w .lib.uconn/edu/jobopps/. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: An ALA-accredited MLS degree in library or information science and 3 - 5 years of library managerial/supervisory experience; ability to lead and mentor staff and facilitate interpersonal relationships; working knowledge of library collection development and technical services; budget management and vendor relations skills; knowledge of integrated library informa tion systems; ability to apply technology to a diverse range of library applications; familiarity with licensing concepts for electronic information resources; strong public service orientation; demon strated facilitation, leadership, and evaluation skills; and excellent written and oral communication skills. DESIRABLE REQUIREMENTS: A record of relevant professional publications and activities; expe rience in a team-based environment; and a second master's degree. UNIVERSITY SETTING: The University of Connecticut, established in 1881, is a Carnegie Research I University. It was recently cited as one of the top 20 public national universities and is engaged in UConn 2000, an ambitious ten-year, $1 billion campus building project. The main campus, situated in Storrs on 3,100 acres of woodlands and rolling hills, is located approximately 30 miles from Hartford, the state capital, and midway between Boston and New York City. There are approximately 21,750 students systemwide. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: As a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Libraries are technologically advanced and recognized as an exciting center of intellectual life on campus. The Libraries are organized in team-based structures and are engaged in ongoing strategic programs. A dynamic organization, the Libraries offer creative, service-oriented individuals an exceptional opportunity for personal growth and learning. COMPENSATION: Anticipated hiring salary: high $60,000s to low $70,000s. University benefits include 22 paid vacation days/year, 12 paid state holidays, excellent health and retirement plans, and tuition waivers. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Submit a letter of application addressing how previous experience and personal qualities meet the requirements for the position; a résumé; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Deborah Stansbury Sunday Administrative Librarian University of Connecticut Libraries Box U-1005A 369 Fairfield Road Storrs, CT 06269-1005 Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The University o f Connecticut has a strong com mitm ent to diversity. We actively encourage minorities and people with disabilities to apply. supporting the College of Engineering are located in the new state-of-the- art Media Union building on the North Cam pus of the U niversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor. It is one of the largest and m ost digitally enabled engineering libraries in the country. This position will jo in an energetic team of librarians and information professionals w orking in the areas of engineering, art, architecture, media, and music. This position is a full tim e appointment available im mediately. Duties: W ill provide selection, liaison, reference, and instruction responsibilities in support o f the Elec trical Engineering and Com puter Science Department. The UM College of Engineering is consistently ranked as one of the top engineering http://www.lib.uconn/edu/jobopps/ 552 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN Columbia Theological Seminary Columbia Theological Seminary invites applications for the position of Public Services Librarian of the John Bulow Campbell Library. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide quality reference services in response to the information needs of faculty, students, staff, and other library users. Coordinate the staffing and services of the central Reference Desk. Provide effective leadership in the introduction of new public services, the evaluation of existing services, and the development of policies and procedures in response to the evolving needs of reference and other information services. Work constructively in a collegial environment to design and implement programs and services that support teaching, learning, and research. Manage the content development of the library’s Web pages. Provide instruction in the use of library resources and services. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program. Graduate degree in theology or religion preferred. Experience in meeting user information needs in an academic environment, especially in the areas of theology and religion. Familiarity and comfort with print, nonprint, and Web- based reference tools. Ability to conduct effective reference interviews. Demonstrated strong commitment to delivering quality public service. Experience with library computer applications. Enthusiasm for meeting the challenges of providing information in the midst of both innovation and tradition. SETTING: Columbia Theological Seminary, a center for theological education of the Presbyterian Church (USA), offers master's and doctoral level degree programs and lifelong learning opportu nities. The Seminary is committed to academic excellence, leadership development, student success, and service to the church and society, and is located on a beautiful campus in suburban Atlanta. See The John Bulow Campbell Library serves approximately 450 FTE faculty and students, operates out of a newly expanded and renovated facility (1996), and participates in the GALILEO project (, the Atlanta Regional Consortium for Higher Education (http://w w w, and SOLINET (http:// w w w .so lin e t.n e t). This professional position includes excellent benefits. Salary is based on experience and qualifi cations (minimum $38,000). The position is open immediately. Deadline for applications is June 30, 2 0 0 0 . To apply, send cover letter, résumé, and the names of three references to: Library Search Columbia Theological Seminary P.O. Box 520 Decatur, GA 30031-0520 For more information, send e-mail to schools in the country. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA- accredited school; BA/S degree in an appropriate field (e.g., engineering o r science) o r equivalent experience; two o r m ore years’ experience in a research library; experience supporting online catalogs, databases, and Internet resources in a networked environment; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively as part of a team of informa tion specialists working with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Desired: An advanced degree in engineering, science, o r other relevant area; training o r teaching experience. Rank is anticipated at either Assis tant o r Associate Librarian depending on experience and qualifications. Salary and Leave: Final salary dependent on qualifications. (Minimum salary a t Assistant, $32,000; at Associate, $35,500) Position receives 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year, with provisions for extended benefits. To Apply: Send cover letter and copy of résumé to: Karen Downing, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. (F o r further information, please call (734) 764-2546 M -F , 8:00 a .m .-5:00 p.m. EDST.) Application Deadline: Applications received by June 30,2000, will be given first consideration. The U niversity o f Michigan is a non discrim inatory, affirmative action employer. G O VERNM EN T DOCUM ENTS AND ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. The I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, seeks an energetic team p layer who is w illing to participate in a changing and dynamic learning environment. Primary responsibility is to provide in-depth document reference service in a state/federal/regional depository library. W orks collaboratively with the W eb R esources Librarian revising and updating the government documents W eb page. Identifies and links elec tronic sources to the Library’s W eb page to provide efficient access to information resources. Provides service atthe reference desk and actively participates in the library’s bibliographic instruction and collection devel opment programs. Faculty rank, tenure-track position, 12-month appoint ment. Qualifications: Minimum qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of federal depository guidelines and practices; experience with print, electronic, and Internet government information resources; knowl edge and interest in educating library users; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills. Additional desirable qualifications include: 1) second m aster’s degree in a subject field (will be required fo r tenure and promotion); 2) reference experience; 3) experience using HTM L and developing W eb pages; 4) teaching experience. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure: Submit letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Gov/Doc & Elec. Resources Librarian Search Committee, I.D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 E ast Clark Street, Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Application Deadline: Review of applications will begin June 26,2000 and will continue until position is filled. The U niversity of South Dakota is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 553 ASSISTANT HEAD, ACCESS SERVICES Northeastern University Libraries Northeastern University Libraries invites applications from and nominations of individuals with enthusiasm, energy, creativity, and leadership skills to participate in the operational management and continuous im provement of access services in an environment undergoing rapid transformation. The successful candidate will be experienced in planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating services, knowledgeable of current trends in the provision of inform ation in an academ ic environment, familiar with the technology needs of access services, and have strong supervisory skills. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manage and participate in the daily operations of circulation, billing, reserve services, stack maintenance, interlibrary loan, photocopying, security, and building operations. Hire, train, supervise, schedule, and evaluate staff (11 FTE career and 40 FTE casual, including evening and weekend staff). Set and promote standards of service excellence. Recommend and implement policies and procedures, and assure operations compliance. Oversee billing and the collection of library fines. Monitor photocopy service and equipment maintenance. Participate in strategic planning and in the development of short- and long-term goals for Access Services. Plan and implement digital and self-service initiatives. Oversee provision and marketing of services using the Libraries’ Web pages. Coordinate the collection of operational statistics and participate in its analysis. May participate in collection development, reference, and/or bibliographic instruction. Occasional weekend and evening duties may be required. SETTING: Northeastern, an urban Carnegie Research II institution, is student focused and dedicated to a cooperative education-experiential learning model. A diverse student body of 16,000 under­ graduates and 4,000 graduate students is enrolled in seven undergraduate colleges, nine graduate and professional schools, and two part-time undergraduate divisions. There also are active continuing education and distance learning programs. The library holds membership in OCLC/ NELINET, the Coalition for Networked Information Task Force, the Boston Library Consortium, and the Boston Regional Library System, and is a Commission on Preservation and Access sponsor. Visit the Library’s Web site for more information: QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree. At least two years’ experience including: effective supervision, budgetary responsibility, and project planning and management in access services or related activities, preferably in an academic library. Ability to thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Excellent organizational, analytical, planning, interpersonal, and oral and written communications skills. Attentive to detail. Service-oriented, energetic, innovative, self-motivated, and resourceful. Must have experience in, or a demonstrated commitment to, achieving and working with a diverse staff and student population. Ability to perform related physical activities, such as lifting books and pushing fully loaded book trucks. Able to work occasional weekend or evening hours. Knowledge of library management systems and networks, OCLC, HTML, and Web publication. SALARY: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits. Review of applications will begin June 23,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, résumé, and the names of three references to: Lesley A. M ilner Head, A ccess Services N ortheastern U n iversity Libraries 150 Snell Library 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 N ortheastern University is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer, a n d especially w elcomes applications from m inorities, women, a n d p ersons with disabilities. HEAD OF CA T A LO GIN G A N D E LEC TR O N IC A C C ESS. University of Houston Libraries. Responsibilities: U nder the general d ire ction o f the Assistant Dean fo r B ibliographic and A ccess Services, the departm ent head provides leadership and m anagem ent fo r services and staff in copy and original cataloging, and database maintenance. This position provides direction fo r fou r librarians and approxim ately 17 su pp ort staff responsible for cataloging library resources, providing links from the catalog to W eb resources, m aintaining the online catalog, and labeling m aterials fo r t he shelf. Promotes the use of the latest technologies, concepts, and practices that su pp ort the o rg an iza tion o f a nd a ccess to e lectronic in form ation, including the use o f m etadata. Q ualifications: M a ster’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Successful supervisory experience. Knowl edge o f AAC R 2, LC classification, LC subject headings, M ARC formats, the m ajor bibliographic utilities, and evolving metadata standards. Excel lent analytical, interpersonal, written, and oral com m unication skills. Inter e st in new appro ach e s fo r cre a ting a ccess to electronic in form ation sources is strongly preferred. Salary: $50,000. Excellent benefits package. Application D eadline: App lica tio ns w ill be accep ted until the position is filled. Send letter o f application, nam es of three references, and résumé to: John Lehner, Library Human Resources Director, M.D. Anderson Library, 554 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 ENGINEERING/PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN New Mexico State University Library, Las Cruces, New Mexico RESPONSIBILITIES: The Engineering/Physical Sciences Librarian provides information services in an engineering, science, agriculture, and business environment, including some night and weekend hours. Provides library/information instruction, workshops, and consultation for student and faculty researchers primarily In engineering and physical science departments. Responsible for collection development and serves as faculty liaison to assigned departments. Responsible for maintaining the library’s codes and standards collection. Cultivates and maintains strong working relationships with faculty as well as an understanding of the research and teaching programs In assigned areas. In addition to excellent job performance and a commitment to continual development of expertise in the disciplines served, the successful candidate will be committed to professional growth and service, In keeping with university standards for promotion and tenure. REQUIRED: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program. Demonstrated knowledge of traditional and electronic reference sources in engineering and science; ability to work independently as well as in a team environment. Ability to carry out library instruction sessions for assigned departments. Understanding of information needs of engineers and scientists and the application of information technologies to serving these populations. Effective written and oral communication skills. DESIRED: Experience in engineering or physical sciences reference. Evidence of active interest In engineering and science. Ability to locate and develop Instructional materials and Web sites. Degree or a combination of training and experience in an engineering or physical science field. SALARY AND BENEFITS: $30,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Tenure- track appointment with a 12-month contract, 22 days’ annual leave, retirement options, health insurance, good benefits package. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be postmarked on or before June 24,2000. Send cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current references to: Kate Shaughnessy New Mexico State University Library P.O. Box 30006 MSC 3475 Las Cruces, NM 88003 For additional Information about the Library and the University, see the following sites: http:// and Offer of employment is contingent upon evidence of individual’s eligibility for employment in the USA. NMSU is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. University of Houston Libraries, Houston, T exas 77204-2091. F o ra m ore detailed position announcem ent, see: positions.htm. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirma tive action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with dis abilities are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF REFERENCE SERVICES. The Geisel Library of Saint Anselm College is accepting applications fo r the position of Head of Reference Services. Saint Anselm is a Catholic liberal arts college with a student population of some 2,000 students located near Manchester, New Hamp shire. The Library itself contains over 200,000 volumes and an active serials list o f som e 2,500 including online full-text titles via EBSCOHOST. The Reference collection includes 4,000 volum es accom panied by a host of online and CD-ROM sources. Geisel is an innovative library and is available on the Web ( The Head of Reference is responsible fo r coordinating reference services and supervising a staff consisting of two professionals, two support staff, and student assistants working in both reference and interlibrary loan. O ther duties include serving on the reference desk, assisting in online searches, and oversee ing library instructional programs and maintaining the Geisel homepage. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS with five years of experience in an academ ic library. Excellent oral and written com m unication skills and a strong disposition toward working with undergraduate students on all levels o f library service. Knowledge of online searching techniques, HTML, and library instructional programs also essential. Salary competi tive and related to applicant’s educational background and work experience. Interested candidates may send a cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Human Resources, Saint Anselm College, 100 S aint Anselm Drive, Manchester, NH 03102-1310. Saint Anselm College is an equal opportu nity employer. HUM ANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. U niversity of North Texas. The Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian is one of six librarians w ho provide reference and informational assistance at the General Reference Desk, through the Online Reference Help Desk, and through individual reference consultations. As part o f this team, the librarian’s schedule requires at least one evening a w eek as well as participation in a weekend rotation. The librarian conducts library instruction sessions, prepares Web pages and bibliographies, participates in the development and evaluation of the libraries’ collection, provides training to staff, and performs other duties as assigned. The librarian may also have one or more liaison assignm ents. Reports to the Head of Humanities and Social Sciences. Must be able to meet expectations of the Librarians’ Charter and Governance Document. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or its equivalent; a bachelor’s degree in one of the hum anities and social sciences; working knowledge of reference sources, both print and elec tronic; good verbal and written communication skills; good interpersonal skills; a bility to work successfully in a team environment; and a strong commitm ent to public service. Preferred qualifications: a minimum of two years’ academic reference experience; a graduate degree in the humani ties o r social sciences; experience in instruction; W eb page development C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 555 Harvard Law School ROMANCE LANGUAGES CATALOGER Harvard Law School Library. Reports to Cataloging Services Librarian. Catalogs monographs in the Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese). Contributes authority information to HOLLIS and the LC Name Authority File via NACO. Works with Copy Cataloging and Database Management staff, Serials Librarian and others to resolve bibliographic problems. May select new and retrospective materials for the non-English speaking countries of South and Central America and the Caribbean. Serves on committees as appropriate. MLS from ALA accredited library school, or equivalent. Excellent knowledge of Spanish and French; working knowledge of other Romance languages; 2-3 years' cataloging experience in an academic, research, or law library; experience with RLIN or O CLC and automated cataloging procedures. Background in Latin American Studies preferred. Please send le tte r o f interest, resum e a n d nam es a n d title s o f th re e references to : H a rry Marti n III, Lib rarian , H a rv a rd Law School, A reeda 5 11, 1545 Massachusetts Ave., C am bridge, M A 02138. H a rv a rd Law S chool is an equal opportun ity, a ffirm a tive a ction em ployer co m m itte d to em ploying a h ig h ly q u a lifie d , diverse staff. experience; and experience with a variety of software packages, such as FrontPage and PowerPoint. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Posi tion available: Septem ber 1,2000. Contact: Applications received by June 30,2000, will receive first consideration. Applicants should subm it a letter of application, vita, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional references to: Martha Tarlton, Chair, Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian S earch Com m ittee, University o f North Texas Libraries, P.O. Box 305190, Denton, TX 76203-5190; fax: (940) 369- 8760. The University of North Texas is the largest comprehensive doctoral institution in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. For m ore information on the UNT cam pus and the Libraries, please visit o u r W eb sites at: http:// and UNT is an AA/ADA/EOE insti tution and encourages applications from w om en and m inorities and is committed to creating an ethically and culturally diverse community. HUM ANITIES/M U LTIC ULTUR AL S TUDIES LIBRA RIAN. Carnegie Mellon University Libraries seek a librarian to serve as liaison fo r minority and gender studies and tw o o f the follow ing departm ents, depending on academic background and experience: Philosophy, Psychology, English, Modern Languages. Liaison a ctivities include collection developm ent, creation of W eb pages and tutorials, specialized reference and consulta tion, and instruction. This librarian will also provide outreach to Carnegie Mellon’s international students and to the Pittsburgh com m unity. A s a member o f the Hunt R eference Dept., staffs a reference desk serving faculty and students in humanities, social sciences, and business. Serves on library and university com m ittees as appropriate and is expected to participate in professional associations and activities. Required: MLS (ALA), library experience or academ ic background in the hum anities or social sciences; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; ability to work with faculty and students of diverse linguistic and ethnic backgrounds; ability to work well in individual and team situations. Computing and Internet skills to work com fortably in a high-tech environm ent. Preferred: One or more years of academ ic library experience; coursework in African Am eri can, Latin Am erican, o r Asian studies; knowledge of one o r m ore foreign languages. Detailed jo b description/inform ation a bout the libraries, see For information about Carnegie Mellon, see Salary negotiable from $30,000 minimum depending on qualifications and experience. Comprehensive benefits package. Cre dential review begins June 20,2000. Position begins October 1,2000. Send application letter referencing job HL 2-00, résumé, and names and contact information forth re e references to: Head, Adm inistrative Services, Hunt Library, HL2-00, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890. Carnegie Mellon is an a ffirm ative action, equal opportunity em ployer committed to diversity. INSTRUCTION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. W ork in collaboration with Public Services Librarian to enhance library’s information literacy efforts. General duties will include instruction, reference, and cam pus outreach. Will also p articipate on the public services team to develop reference collections, public service plans, policies, and procedures tha t support Library’s strong service mission. Twelve-month faculty appointment, with rank and sa lary (in the low $30s) com m ensurate with experience and credentials. Applicants should have strong service and instruction orien tation, knowledge o f electronic and W eb-based resources, MLS (ALA- accredited), and ability to work creatively, effectively, independently, and cooperatively with all elem ents of the college com m unity. Experience in instruction and academ ic reference, ability to create instructional materi als, and ability to utilize W eb pages to facilitate reference o r instructional goals desirable. DSU is proud of its 2000 Yahoo! Internet Life ranking of 9th Most W ired College in the nation. Visit the library’s W eb page a t http:/ / Review of applications will begin June 15,2000, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter, résumé, and the nam es, addresses, and phone num bers o f a t least three current references to: Ethelle S. Bean, D irector o f the Library, Karl E. Mundt Library, Dakota State University, Madison, SD 57042-1799; fax: (605) 256-5208, e-mail: Arrangements foraccommoda- tions required by disabilities can be made in the application process. TDD# 1-800-877-1113. EOE IN S TRUCTIO NA L S ER VICES LIBRA RIAN. Th e I.D. W eeks Library, University of South Dakota, is seeking an innovative librarian who will assist the Research Instruction Librarian to coordinate the Library’s information literacy program. R esponsibilities include providing instruction to library users at all levels, developing electronic instructional resources, such as tutorials and online subject guides. W orks with the Research Instruction Librarian in planning, im plementing, prom oting, and assessing instruc tional programs. W orks closely with University faculty integrating informa tion literacy com ponents into the ir classroom curriculum. Participates in reference and collection development activities. Individuals applying must have strong service orientation and a demonstrated ability to work indepen dently and as part of a team. Faculty rank, tenure-track position, 12-month appointment. Qualifications: Minim um qualifications include ALA-accred ited MLS; teaching experience; knowledge of teaching and research methodologies and the ir application to information literacy; experience with presentation software; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills. Additional desirable qualifica tions include: 1) second master’s degree in a subject field (will be required fo r tenure and promotion); 2) reference experience; 3) experience in applying new technologies fo r the delivery of information literacy instruc tion. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applica tion Procedure: Subm it letter o f a pplication, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: Instructional Sen/ices Librarian Search Committee, I.D. W eeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 East Clark Street, Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Appli cation Deadline: Review of applications will begin June 26,2 00 0 and will continue until position is filled. The University o f South Dakota is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRA RIAN. New M exico M ilitary Institute, a state-supported college preparatory high school and ju n io r college, announces an opening fo r a librarian. Considerable emphasis will be placed on collection development, especially W eb-based resources. O ther duties include: m anaging the special collection, planning and producing displays, reference work, and N ight Study Hall d uty a t least tw ice a week. The preferred education 556 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 Princeton U n i vers i ty ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, POPULATION RESEARCH LIBRARY This is a half-time position, subject to annual reappointments based on funding availability. The Princeton University Library seeks an energetic and innovative librarian to serve as Assistant Population Research Librarian. The candidate selected will join the Population Research Librarian and one special collections assistant in serving the library needs of the Office of Population Research as well as the needs of other social scientists on the Princeton campus. The Population Research Library houses 35,000 monographs, 15,000 reprints, 4,500 microfilms, and 12,000 pamphlets and subscribes to over 300 journals. It also provides several local databases to its users. Princeton University Library has an overall collection of over 6 million volumes, 34,000 print journal subscriptions, over 400 electronic journals, and over 250 networked databases. The Office of Population Research at Princeton University has been preeminent in the field of formal demography, in particular the development of the model life tables and stable population models. In recent years, the research portfolio of OPR has been broadened and now reflects growing involvement in areas such as population and environment, poverty and child well being, health and mortality, demographic anthropology, social and economic demography, and statistical and math ematical demography. Princeton OPR faculty associates maintain strong ties with other social scientists in Princeton and throughout the world. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Our ideal candidate fo r this position will be a librarian with strong skills in social science and population reference work, as well as enthusiasm for new methods of organizing, accessing, and delivering data resources. The Assistant Population Research Librarian will be responsible for providing reference service to faculty and students using both electronic and print resources, for library bibliographic and electronic resources instruction, and for assisting in maintaining the OPR Library’s Web site. In addition, the Assistant Librarian is responsible for locally cataloging a large variety of material, both electronic and print, and for ensuring that access to electronic OPR data collections is maintained through an appropriate approach to metadata and archiving. The Assistant Librarian also helps maintain a local tracking database for all types of (continued on next page) attainment will include a master’s degree in Library Science. Previous experience is preferred but not required. The successful candidate must be able to teach and serve a s a librarian fo r cadets ranging from 13 to 2 3 years of age. This is a 9-1/2-m onth, permanent, non-tenure position. New Mexico Teacher License o r ability to obtain is required. Academ ic and Institute rank, salary and benefits are commensurate with education and experience. Starting date is August 1,2000. Send letter of interest and résumé to: LTC Jerome Klopfer, Director, Learning Resource Center, New Mexico Mili tary Institute, 101 W est College Blvd., Roswell, NM 88201. NMMI is an EO/AA employer. LIBRARIAN AND ARCHIVIST RESIDENCY PROGRAM. Texas Tech University Libraries. Description: The Texas Tech University Libraries o ffe r two positions in a new Librarian and Archivist Residency Program. These two-year positions are designed fo r new graduates in library science and information and individuals interested in beginning careers as archivists. The University’s goal is to encourage individuals with diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in research libraries. The specific assign ment will reflect each Resident’s professional interests and aspirations, as well as the priorities of the Texas Tech Libraries. Residents will participate fully in the professional life of the Libraries, including committee assign ments and eligibility for conference travel support. Residents will be eligible for continuing positions that may arise in the Texas Tech Libraries during the appointment period. Qualifications: A position in the University Library requires a recent ALA-accredited degree. A position in the South west Collection/Special Collections Library requires a master’s degree in history, library science, or related field. Preference will be given to candi dates with no prior professional library or archive experience. Candidates who are bilingual in Spanish/English are encouraged to apply. Applicants should be interested in a research library career and have a strong desire fo r professional growth. S alary and Benefits: This is a two-year, n o n - Archivist, and with an annual salary of $30,000. Benefits include choice of retirement programs, including TIAA-CREF; 14 state holidays; develop mental leave opportunities; partial moving expenses; and no state or local income tax. General Information: Texas Tech University, with an enrollment of over 24,000, is one of four major state universities in Texas and offers a wide range of academic programs in 11 colleges and schools, including law and medicine. Texas Tech is a member of the Association of Research Libraries and is a Carnegie Research II institution. The University Librar ies have o ver 2 .1 million volumes and an annual budget of $9 million. The Lubbockarea (pop. 225,000) is the W est Texas center fo r higher education, agriculture, health care, banking, and business. Additional information about TTU and its libraries is available at: Applica tion Information: Send letter o f application indicating interest in the Resi dency Program and how you can contribute to its success, current résumé, and nam es and addresses of three references to: Residency Program, Office o f Library Adm inistration, Texas Tech University Library, Box 40002, Lubbock, TX 79409. Applications received by June 3 0, 2000, will be given first consideration. Texas Tech University is an EEO/AA/ADA employer. W e value qualified candidates who can bring a variety of back ground and experiences to o u r academic community. MANAGER, ELECTRONIC TE XT AND IMAGING CENTER. (Search Extended) The University o f Maryland Libraries invites applications or nom inations fo r t he position of Manager, Electronic Text and Imaging Center. Responsibilities: Reporting to the Head of Digital Library Opera tions, the incumbent will be responsible for daily operations of the ETIC, a new service unit at the University of Maryland Libraries. The initial focus of the ETIC is to support the humanities, and it is closely aligned with the Maryland Institute fo r Technology in the Humanities (M ITH) which is housed adjacent to the ETIC. Long-range plans are to expand activities into other disciplinary areas. The Center assists faculty and students in iden tifying, accessing, creating, and using scholarly electronic texts and C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 557 (continued from previous page) acquisitions; helps analyze and deliver interlibrary loans, SDIs, and table of contents services; helps mount new CD-ROM software and system upgrades; and assists in the production of a periodic newsletter. The Population Research Library staff and collection will be moving into a new library, now in the final stages of design. This new library will also include the collections and services of the Woodrow Wilson School Library of Public and International Affairs. The Assistant Librarian reports to the Librarian, Population Research Library, and works collaboratively with librarians in the Special Libraries Department as well as with all social sciences and data services librarians and staff. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: An ALA-accredited MLS degree. Educational background in the social sciences with at least a BA or BS in a relevant field. Working knowledge of at least one modern European language. Familiarity with Web resources and knowledge of HTML. Experience with a variety of electronic library and data resources, including knowledge of electronic numeric research data and the principles of acquiring, organizing, and maintaining it. Preferred: Knowledge of medical, demographic, and government resources, with emphasis on census and survey information. Knowledge of Microsoft Office software and Windows NT. BENEFITS: Prorated: Twenty-four (24) vacation days a year, plus eleven (11) paid holidays. Medical and other benefits. SALARY AND RANK: Dependent upon experience and qualifications. NOMINATIONS AND APPLICATIONS: Nominations and applications should be sent to the address below. Candidates should submit a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Review of applications will begin on July 1, 2000, and will continue until the position is filled. Search Committee for Assistant Librarian Population Research Library Princeton University c/o Lila D. Fredenburg Library Human Resources 1 Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544-2098 E-mail: Fax: (609) 258-0454 Princeton University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. images. The ETIC M anager will serve as the prim ary resource person in all phases of this service, from working with users to conceptualize options to assisting in the design of curricular and research projects using specific texts and tools; identify, evaluate, and acquire appropriate elec tronic texts and im ages fo r research and instruction in collaboration with subject librarians; keep informed of new trends and standards fo r digital projects; supervise a g raduate a ssistan t and u ndergraduate students who w ill pro vide technical support and public service assistance; collabo rate with the D irector and staff of MITH on research and instruction projects; provide individual and group instruction on electronic text and im age co n te n t, u se, a nd p ro d u c tio n ; p a rtic ip a te on th e L ib ra rie s ’ Collection M a n a g e m e n t and R e sou rce A llo c a tio n C o m m itte e a s re quested. Q ua lifica tio n s: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library and Information Science or a m aster’s in the Humanities; a t least two years' experience in one o r m ore of the follow ing areas: authoring languages, in s tru c tio n a l d esig n , W e b d e ve lo p m e n t, d a ta b a s e m a n agement, and m ultim edia. E xperience with HTM L, SGM L, XML. Dem onstrated a bility to w o rk with a variety of hardware and software utilized in electronic te xt and im a g in g w o rk (e .g ., s ca n n in g , te x t a n a ly s is s o ft ware). M ust be able to work effectively with technical and nontechnical users. E x c e lle n t o ra l and w ritte n c o m m u n ic a tio n skills. Supervisory experience. Familiarity with electronic text and imaging content. Reading knowledge of one o r m ore foreign languages preferred. Salary: Commen surate with qualifications and expe rie n ce. E xcellen t B enefits. A p p lica tions: F o r fu ll co n s id e ra tio n , su b m it a c o v e r le tte r a nd a ré su m é and n a m e s/a dd re sses o f th re e re fe re n ce s by June 1 6, 2000. Applications accepted until the position is filled. Send résum é to: Ray Foster, Library Personnel S e rvice s, Room # 41 05 , M cK e ldin L ibrary, U n iv e rs ity of M aryland, C o lle g e P ark, M D 2 0 7 4 2 -7 0 1 1 . You m ay also fax your résumé: (301)314-9960. Libraries W e b address: http://ww UMCP. Th e U niversity of M aryland is an affirmative action, equal o ppor tunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Shapiro Undergraduate Library, Uni versity of Michigan. The Shapiro Undergraduate Library (UGL) serves an undergraduate population o f 23,000 including a prim ary user group of approximately 15,000 enrolled in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA). Services, collections, and resources are also used by faculty, graduate students, staff, and members o f the local and regional community. Information, reference, instruction, and collection services and programs o f the UGL are designed to m eet the needs of undergraduates in a large research u niversity setting. These include e stablished and expanding collaborative program s w ith a num ber of University units, an array of reference and research services, an extensive instructional program, and an academic outreach program of which the Peer Information Counseling Program is an integral part. Information resources include access to the rapidly expanding networked information environment, growing Web-based reference and research services, nearly 500 p eriodical titles, 195,000 monographs, a browsing collection, and a course reserve service fo r LSA undergraduate and graduate courses. Duties: U n de r the direction of the Coordinator of Reference Services, and working with the close guidance of o th e r m em bers o f the UG L staff, the incum bent will: p rovide direct reference and research assistance to the U G L’s clientele using an array of resources as well as networked information technology; participate in instructional activities and in building the UGL’s collections in all formats; participate in team -based W eb projects and planning, and in library wide planning and committee activities as appropriate. Some weekend and/or evening hours required. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Demonstrated qualities in the following areas: 1) commitm ent and enthu siasm fo r working with a predominantly undergraduate clientele; 2) com m itm ent to q uality library instruction and an enthusiastic approach to teaching undergraduates; 3) enthusiasm fo r library public services and com m itm ent to providing quality service; 4) an understanding o f and experience with the application o f current technology in a library o r other instructional setting; 5) ability to work collaboratively in a dynamic, 558 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign POSITION DESCRIPTION: The Mathematics Librarian is responsible for the administration and operation of the Mathematics Library and sets priorities for the library in support of the University’s teaching and research missions. The Mathematics Librarian provides in-depth user education and reference services required by faculty and students in mathematics, statistics, and related fields. S/he maintains effective liaisons and communication with appropriate faculty and departmental library committees. The Mathematics Librarian manages, develops, and evaluates print and electronic collections and administers an acquisitions budget of over $250,000 for mathematics and statistics materials. S/he develops and maintains mathematics library Web sites. The Mathematics Librarian supervises the personnel of the Mathematics Library, consisting of 2 FTE clerical staff, .50 FTE graduate assistant, and numerous student workers, who provide services to all library users. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school or its equivalent; at least 2 years of successful professional library experience in an academic, research, or special library; library experience in the literature of mathematics, statistics, or a related field such as engineering or computer science; knowledge of current information technology applied to a library environment; strong communication and leadership skills; ability to work collaborat¡vely. Librarians have faculty rank and must demonstrate excellence in librarianship, research, publication, and university/professional/community service in order to meet University standards for promotion and tenure. Preferred: Evidence of participation in professional organiza tions in mathematics or librarianship; undergraduate or graduate degree in mathematics, statistics, or a related field such as engineering or computer science. SALARY AND RANK: Salary and rank are commensurate with experience and credentials. APPLY/DEADLINE: Send letter of application and résumé with names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses (where available) of three references to: Susan Edwards Library Personnel 1408 West Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 333-5494 Full consideration will be given to applications received by June 15, 2000. AA/EOE service-oriented environment; 6) a record o f consistent attendance and performance in prior work settings. A willingness to exercise creativity and take risks in a supportive, encouraging environment. Excellent ability to communicate effectively in speaking and writing. Desired: Knowledge of and experience with W eb design issues. Prior library experience working with an undergraduate clientele. Prior teaching experience. Rank, Salary, and Leave: R ank o f Assistant Librarian (m inim um salary: $32,000); 24 w orking days o f vacation p er year; 15 days o f sick leave per ye ar with provisions fo r extended benefits. T o Apply: Send cover letter and copy of résum é to: Karen Downing, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher G raduate Library North, University of M ichigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. (Contact (734) 764-2546forfurther information.) Application Deadline: A pplications received by June 30, 2000, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a non discrim inatory, affirma tive action employer. PUBLIC SER VICES LIBRA RIAN. Social W ork Library, University of M ichigan. (3-year term appt.) Duties: Reporting to the Social W ork Librarian, participate in outreach, liaison, and all public service activities relating to the mission of the Social Work Library. This includes an outreach and instruction com ponent: creating, coordinating, and promoting out reach activities, and designing and conducting orientations, workshops, and o ther instructional sessions. Participating in scheduled reference a ssistance service, which includes som e evenings and weekends, and contributing to special project planning and implementation are also part of this position, as is participating in collection development activities. The successful candidate will exhibit: a service orientation; ability to communi cate effectively in both written and oral media; ability to com m unicate technical information clearly; professional curiosity and initiative; ability to resolve m ost common hardware and software problems; and leadership and teamwork capabilities. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLA o r equivalent graduate degree; a t le ast tw o years’ experience providing reference service and library instruction in academ ic libraries; d em on strated knowledge o f new information technologies and the ir applications in an academ ic library; degree, training, o r collection developm ent back ground in the social sciences; demonstrated knowledge of W eb authoring tools, mark-up languages, and W eb page design. Desired: Experience in the following areas: working with social science data and GIS, providing assistance with governm ent information, planning and implementing in struction programs, collection developm ent. Degree in social work or psychology. Rank is anticipated at either Assistant o r Associate Librarian level, depending on experience and qualifications. Salary and Leave: Final rank and salary dependent on qualifications and experience. (M inimum salary at Assistant is $32,000; at Associate, $35,500.) Professional posi tions receive 24 working days of vacation per year; 15 days of sick leave per year with provisions for extended benefits. To Apply: Send cover letter and copy of résum é to: Karen Downing, Library, Human Resources, 404 H atcher Graduate Library North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. (Contact (734) 764-2546 for further information.) Application Deadline: Review will begin on June 3 0 , 2000, and continue until position is filled. T h e University o f M ichigan is a non discrim inatory, affirm ative action employer. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN FOR SOCIA L SCIENCES. (Non-Tenured Faculty) University of Maryland Libraries. Responsibilities: The Reference/Instruction Librarian fo r Social Sciences is a member of the Social Sciences and A llied Professions Team , reporting to the Team Managerand working within a developing team-based organization. The librarian works as a liaison to one o r m ore of the follow ing departm ents: Anthropology, E conomics, and Agricultural and Resource Economics. This p osition also serves as a resource person fo r the Libraries’ Law collection. In those roles, the librarian identifies user needs and provides collections and services in support of those needs. R esponsibilities in clude developing and managing print and electronic collections; general C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 559 DIRECTOR, EGAN LIBRARY University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau UAS is a regional university and part of the University of Alaska statewide system. REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Recent experience with budget­ ing, planning, and evaluation of library and information technology services. Policy level experience with automated library systems, multimedia systems, and supervising aca demic and/or administrative computing ser vices. Position provides leadership and manage ment in developing/implementing strategic plans for library and information technology services as they relate to the academic and administrative goals of the regional university. Supervises four librarians and the managers of media and computing. Salary from $59,800 DOE, includes excellent benefits package. Please consult the UAS Web site at http:// for complete position description, application form, and additional information. Send letter of application, vita, copies of transcripts, UAS application form, names, and phone numbers of three profes sional references to: Personnel University of Alaska Southeast 11120 Glacier Highway Juneau, AK 99801-8675 Phone: (907) 465-6534 Open until filled. Review of applications will begin June 15, 2000. UAS is an AA/EEO employer and educational institution. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY Effat College, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Be a part of an extraordinary undertaking. Join an international team of dedicated higher education professionals in a pioneering effort to create the first private liberal arts women’s college in Saudi Arabia. Effat College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is seeking a Director of the Library. This groundbreaking venture, dedi cated to the education of women, is built on four principles: a liberal arts education, prepa ration for a professional career, service to the community, and the Islamic faith. The Director of the Library will create a college library from the ground up. The full range of library skills will be needed to create collections, establish policies, develop ser vices, and provide student and faculty pro grams. A building, a small staff, and a small collection are in place. Excellent Arabic lan guage consulting support is available. QUALIFICATIONS: Must hold accredited MLS and have at least five years’ experience in an academic library with planning, budgeting, or evaluation responsibilities. Key areas of ex pertise should include collection development and bibliographic instruction programming. This situation requires an individual with a high degree of personal flexibility and an interest in learning about other cultures. Salary and benefits are extremely competi tive. The salary is tax-free. The one-year renewable contract includes expatriate ben efits such as a generous housing allowance, annual flight home, fully paid medical insur ance, an education stipend for up to two children, and a longevity bonus. If you are looking for an adventure and an opportunity to make a difference, please e- mail a cover letter and detailed résumé, includ ing current salary and salary requirements, to Susan Jurow, susanjurow@ and specialized reference services; and general and specialized user education services. W orks a minim um of 12 hours p er week, including evenings and weekends, providing reference and instruction in all subject areas at a busy service desk in a highly automated environment. Qualifica tions; Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library and Informa tion Sciences (degree must be conferred by date of appointment). Experi ence o r coursework in providing reference and instructional services in academ ic libraries. Subject background in one o r m ore of the listed subjects, dem onstrated through academic degrees, coursework, o r sub stantive library experience. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Strong com m itm ent to public service and collection developm ent and management. Ability to work creatively and collaboratively with faculty, staff, students, and colleagues in a dynam ic, rapidly changing environment. Demonstrated interest in research and professional activities. Knowledge of current and emerging information technologies and collection develop ment issues and trends. HTM L authoring skills. Experience in the use of print and electronic resources. Preferred: Second m aster’s degree in subject area(s) listed above. Salary: C om m ensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits. Applications: F o r full consideration, subm it a cover le tte r and a résumé and names/addresses of three refer ences by July 10,2000. A pplications accepted until the position is filled. Send résumé to: Ray Foster, Library Personnel Services, Room #4105, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011. You may also fax your résumé: (301)314-9960. Libraries’ W eb address: action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. SER IA LS A ND RECEIVING UNIT HEAD. U niversity o f North Texas Libraries. In a highly automated environment, is responsible fo r the acqui sition, fiscal control, and record m aintenance of nondepository serials. Monitors, analyzes, and reports vendor perform ance. W orks closely with the Electronic Information Resources Committee and the Contracts and Development Officer in the acquisition and licensing process of electronic resources. Responsible fo r the receipt o f m onographs. O versees the activities of the unit (5 FTE and several student assistants). Reports to the Head of the Technical S ervices Department. Required Qualifications: Master’s degree in Library/Information Science from an ALA-accredited institution, three years’ professional experience in an academic/research library, with at least tw o years in serials m anagem ent in an automated environm ent. Experience with acquisitions and access strategies for 560 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 Q U A L I T Y C A R E E R S i n a T h r i v i n g E n v i r o n m e n t W e b e r S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y W e b e r S ta te University is located in O gd en, U tah , a city rich in history and culture, a spectrum o f recreational o pportunities, and breathtaking scenery approxim ately 3 0 miles north o f S a lt L ak e C ity , hom e o f th e 2 0 0 2 W in te r O lym pic G am es. W e are a stud ent-centered in stitution th a t is focused on providing exceptio nal te aching and a sm all class environm ent. W e b e r State University L ib rary seeks a dynamic: Physical & Applied Sciences Bibliographer R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : T h is individual w ill serve as a m em ber o f inform ation services team s providing collection m anagem ent, reference, and in struction utilizin g th e H orizon system , S T N , and a w ide variety o f networked in fo rm ation resources. Y o u w ill c o n su lt w ith faculty to d eterm in e in structional and research needs in various departm ents and perform subject specific instruction on science in form ation tools and techniques. Y o u will •also serve approxim ately te n hrs/week and rotating evenings/ weekends a t a G en eral Reference D e s k and partic ip ate in providing general in stru ction sessions and m ay teach a tw o-credit hour library skills course. R e q u ir e d Q u a lific a tio n s : M aster’s degree from an A L A -a cc red ited program . U ndergraduate o r graduate degree in a science o r engineering discipline, o r recent science-related w ork experience in an academic library. Evid ence o f professional in volvement and achievem ent. P referre d : Stron g collection m anagem ent background, fam iliarity w ith scien tific onlin e databases, in cludin g C hem ical A bstracts, th e ability to develop W e b pages for collection managem ent and in stru ctional purposes, and knowledge and practice o f current reference and library instruction th eories and techniques is preferred. E xcellent interpersonal com munication skills, strong public service orientation, organizational and tim e-m anagem ent skills, and th e ability to w ork effectively as a m em ber o f a team in a changin g, innovative environm ent is desired. A n undergraduate o r second graduate degree in a physical o r applied science d iscip line is strongly preferred. Salary an d B e n e f its : T h is is an eleven -m o n th, tenure track, faculty appoin tm ent. S tartin g salary is 1 3 8 ,0 0 0 w ith excellent benefits (in clu ding T I A A - C R E F ) . A p p lic a tio n : Please send a current resume con tain in g th e names, addresses and p hone numbers o f three references and a le tter o f application addressing th e strengths you would brin g to th e positio n to : Jo a n H u b b ard , U n ive rsity L ib r a r ia n , c/o H u m a n R e so u rc es D ep a r tm e n t, W e b e r S ta te U n iversity , O g d e n , U tah 8 4 4 0 8 - 1 0 1 6 . Screening f o r th e position begin s Ju ly 2 4 ,2 0 0 0 . Po sition w ill rem ain open until filled. F o r m ore in form ation about th e L ib rary and W e b e r State University, please see our W e b pages: http://library.w http ://w t.phy electronic publications (serials, databases, and monographs). Experience with bibliographic utilities (preferably OCLC), and with automated serials and acquisitions systems (preferably Innovative Interfaces). Demonstrated skill with software applications, including databases, spreadsheets, and W eb design; especially as utilized in data mining. Demonstrated supervi sory and managem ent experience, training, and problem -solving skills. Excellent oral and written com m unications skills. Evidence o f initiative, flexibility, and ability to work creatively in a rapidly changing environment. Interest in personal scholarly achievement and professional development. Desired Qualifications: Experience with national standards fo r holdings statem ents. A second, subject m aster’s degree is desirable. Rank and Salary: Depending on previous experience, position will be filled as Librar ian II (m inimum starting salary $30,000) o r Librarian III (minimum starting salary $34,000). Librarians at UNT have faculty equivalence, 12-month contract. Usual benefits, a choice of retirem ent plans, including TIAA- CREF. T exas has no state incom e tax. R eview of applications will begin June 1,2000, and w ill continue to be considered until the position is filled. To apply, send letter of application with résumé, and names, addresses, and phone num bers o f three current references to the attention of: Kathryn Loafman, Search Committee Chair, c/o Administrative Offices, U n ive rsity o f N o rth T e xa s Libraries, P.O. Box 305190, Denton, T × 76203-5190. Environment: UNT is a state-assisted com prehensive doctoral granting institution located in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. For more information a bout th e UNT campus, the Libraries, and this position, please visit o ur Web site (campus:; Libraries:; position: www. University of NorthTexas is an AA/ADA/EOE and encourages applications from women and minori ties, as it is committed to creating an ethnically and culturally diverse community. SPE C IA L C O LLE C TIO N S /A R C H IVE S T E C H N IC A L S ER VIC ES L I B R A R IAN . h ttp://w w w T h e U n iv e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta Li braries-Twin C ities Campus invites applications and nom inations fo r the position o f S pecial Collections/Archives Technical Services Librarian, Materials Acquisition and Control Tearn. The University Libraries particu larly encourages the candidacy of people with experience in multicultural and m ultiracial settings. Context: The U niversity of Minnesota Libraries includes m any special collections and archival collections. The m ajor portion of the holdings o f these collections, even the books and serials, lacks online bibliographic access. (For an inventory of work to be done and fo r links to the hom e pages of the various special collections and archival units, see: Position Descrip tion: Perform original cataloging fo r m aterials in the S pecial Collections and Archives units; coordinate and advise SC/Ar units on the cataloging of m anuscripts, p rim ary source m aterial and ephem era, d eveloping and revising policies and procedures; lead and participate in special catalog ing projects, including grant-writing activities to support cataloging needs; work with archivists and curators to prioritize cataloging needs collectively; coordinate and participate in technical services attributes of digital projects initiatives. Qualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution (o rfo re ign equivalent); experience with m onographs, m anu scripts, o r special collections cataloging in an online environment; expe rience with archival description and standards in an online environment; knowledge of AACR2, APPM, LCSH, and LC classification; familiarity with O C LC and/or RLIN; project leadership o r management experience; work ing knowledge of one o r m ore European languages; effective written and oral communication skills, interpersonal skills; willingness to work flexibly with different groups in a team environm ent. Preferred: Experience in cooperatively developing project policies, standards, and procedures; experience in training staff and writing docum entation; experience in w riting grant proposals; experience with emerging information technolo gies and the willingness to develop these skills as the technology changes; familiarity with MARC AMC format, EAD, HTML, XML, SGML, and Dublin Core. Type of Appointm ent/Salary and Benefits: This is a full-tim e, 12- month, continuous appointment track, academic/professional position with probationary appointm ent at the Assistant Librarian rank. The Libraries offers a com petitive salary, com m ensurate with experience, but not less than $34,000 fo r this position. Excellent benefits and moving allowance. Recruiting Schedule: Position is available im mediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. A full position description is available at listed with Academic Professional positions by Job Num ber UL109. To Apply: Send a letter of application, résumé, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail ad dresses of three current professional references to: Linda DeBeau-Melt ing, Libraries Human Resources Office, University Libraries, 499 Wilson Library, 3 0 9 1 9th Avenue South, M inneapolis, MN 55455-0414. Please identify yourapplication with th e n u m b e rU L I 09. The University of Minne­ sota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and em ploym ent w ith ou t regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. S PECIAL M ATERIAL CATALOGING COORDINATOR. The Iowa State University Library invites applications forth e position of Special Material Cataloging Coordinator at the rank of Assistant Professor. This position is a full-time, 12-month position. Responsibilities: Coordinates cataloging of special m aterials (archives, visual materials, sound recordings, maps, computer files, electronic resources, etc.) in all formats. Prepares original bibliographic records and enhances complex m em ber copy records. Su pervises support staff. Participates with the faculty cataloging team. Quali fications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree. Ability to meet promo tion and tenure requirem ents. Experience o r coursework in cataloging; knowledge of AACR2 and LC classification; subject headings and at least two nonbook MARC formats; knowledge of current online library systems; and reading knowledge o f at least one modern language other than English. Ability to function in a collaborative, service-oriented environment and flexibility in adapting to change. Effective com munication skills. Pre ferred: Supervisory experience and/or experience in cataloging archival materials, film s, o r c o m p ute r files. Experience with OCLC o r RLIN ca ta loging system s. T o Apply: S ubm it letter o f application and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Chair, Special M aterials C ataloging Coordinator Search Committee, Iow a S ta te U n i ve rsity, Ames, IA50011-2140. Review of applications begins July 12,2000. For a copy o f the full position announcem ent, please contact the ISU Library’s Adm inistration O ffice a t (515) 294-1442, o r visit our W eb site: httpy/ Members of protected classes are especially encouraged to apply. Iowa State U niversity is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN/CATALO G ER . (Search Extended) John Carroll University’s Grasselli Library and Breen Learning C ente r is seeking an C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 561 experienced and dyna m ic S ystem s Librarian/Cataloger. T h is person will provide le adership in all a spects of planning, m onitoring, a nd evaluating systems n eeds in the Library and training o f staff in system s and software needs. A dditionally, this person w ill a ssist in cata lo ging n on-LC m aterial in all formats. This is a tenure-track faculty appointment. Salary is com m en surate with experience and background, with additional com pensation for sum m er w ork. S tandard b en efits. R equired: A LA -M LS o r e quivalent, second m aster’s in appro pria te su bje ct area, fa m ilia rity w ith library inte grated system s, experience using LC schedules and A AC R2, experience in planning, m onitoring, and e valuating o f auto m a te d system s, and aca dem ic lib ra ry expe rie n ce. Jo hn C a rro ll University, a C a tho lic and Je suit University, is an equal em ploym ent, affirm ative action em ployer. W om en and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send application letter and résumé, and have three re ferences se nt to: G orm an L. Duffett, Director, Grasselli Library a nd Breen L earning C e nte r, John C arroll U n iv ers ity , 207 00 North Park Blvd., U n ive rsity Heights, O H 4 4118. Prefe re n ce given to applications received by July 1,2000. TEC H N IC A L/A U TO M A TIO N S ER VIC E CO O R D IN A T O R . Exciting o p portunity to help pla n /im p le m e nt III system w ith M O B IU S (consortium of Missouri a cad em ic libraries). C oordina te/su pe rvise IN L EX /D R A library system fun ctio ns (in liaison w ith C o m p u te r C enter); share lib ra ry W eb page and o th e r te ch n o lo g y d utie s w ith E le ctron ic R esources librarian; administrative oversight o f cataloging, acquisitions, and serials functions in technical sen/ices departm ent of 4.5 staff, 1.5 FTE students in a 202,000 volum e library. R equired: A L A -a ccre dite d M LS; m inim um th re e ye a rs’ academ ic library e xpe rie n ce in tech n ical se rvice s o r lib ra ry system s; familiarity with cataloging/acquisitions/serials procedures; dem onstrated training a nd su p e rviso ry skills; p re fe r e xpe rie n ce w ith the W eb, HTM L; strong oral and written com munication skills. Salary Minim um: $3,350/mo., dependent upon qualifica tio ns/e xpe rie n ce. S ub m it le tte r o f application, resume, and nam es/addresses/telephone num bers o f three references to: Human R e sou rce s A-117, M issouri W e s te rn State C olleg e, 4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, M O 64507; o r e-mail: employee @ Deadline: A pplications reviewed as received until position filled. E OE/AA TEM PORARY REFER EN C E LIB R A R IA N . M cH enry C o un ty C ollege in Crystal Lake, Illinois is seeking a full-tim e tem porary reference librarian fo r the 2 00 0-2001 academ ic year. Prim ary responsibilities include planning and p ro viding re feren ce se rvice and instruction to both in dividu a ls and groups within the C o lle ge co m m u nity. M inim um q u a lifica tio ns in clu de a master’s degree in Library Science o r related field, including Instructional Materials, Information Science, o r Educational Media. Applicants with prior successful reference experience, knowledge of Internet and online database searching, e xperience p lanning and providing library in struction, know l edge o f the co m m u nity co lle ge m ission, and a stro ng s e rvice attitu de are desired. Application deadline is Ju n e 2 0 , 2000. Submit letter o f application, résumé, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: McHenry County College, Attn: B. Kreutzmann, 8900 U.S. Hwy 14, Crystal Lake, IL6 0 01 2. F o r additional information, call (815) 455-8901. EOE UN IVERSITY R E S ER VE S LIB R A R IA N . S ha p iro U n de rg ra d ua te Li brary, University of M ichigan. The S hapiro Undergraduate Library (U GL) serves an und ergrad u ate p op ulatio n o f 2 3,0 00 including a prim a ry user group of app ro xim a tely 15,000 e nrolled in the C o lle ge o f L iterature, Sci ence and A rts (LSA). Services, collections, and resources are also used by faculty, graduate students, staff, and mem bers o f the local and regional community. All services and programs o f the U G L are designed to meet the needs of u nd ergrad u ate s in a la rg e research u n ive rsity se ttin g . Th ese include established and expanding collaborative program s with a num ber of U niversity units, an a rra y o f re feren ce a nd re search services, an extensive and evolving instructional program, and an academ ic outreach. Information re so urce s in clu de the L ibrary’s ra p idly e xpa nd in g a rra y o f networked in form atio n re so urce s, g row ing W e b -b ase d reference, re search, in stru ction al, a nd re se rve se rvices, n ea rly 500 p eriod ica l titles, 195,000 m onographs, and a leisure reading collection. Within that context, the University Reserves Service p rovides th e University co m m u nity with course reserve and oth e r special use m aterials in a variety o f physical and electronic form a ts. E le ctron ic re serves se rvice s are an esta b lish ed and growing part of the unit’s offerings. Duties: U nder the direction o f the Head, Shapiro Undergraduate Library the incum bent will: oversee, coordinate, and direct all reserve o perations a t the U ndergraduate Library, including managing staff o f the U nive rsity L ibrary R eserves Service; w o rk clo sely with Digital Library and L ibrary S yste m s staff to sp ecify and d e ve lo p the system s u nd erpinn in g e le ctro n ic reserves; a ssess s e n/ice n eeds and consult w ith fa cu lty on re se rves su pp ort fo r th e cu rricu lu m , including developing su pp ort fo r fa cu lty w h o u se in stru ction al te ch n olo g y supp ort systems; design and im plem ent policies and procedures fo r the University Reserves Service, particularly as relates to copyright, intellectual property, and fair use; d e ve lo p sig n ifica n t e xpe rtise in co p yrig h t a nd intellectual property issues, particularly as they relate to instructional support services; provide direct reference service to the U G L’s predom inantly undergradu ate student clientele and participate in UG L collection developm ent activi ties, including m o n itoring th e re se rves co lle ction budget, m a kin g deci- W e s t e r n M i c h i g a n U n i v e r s i t y INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN Join a d ynam ic fa cu lty com m itted to q u a l ity instru ctio n a l services. T his position plans and coord in a te s all library in stru c tional program s. P articipates in general reference services and s ch o la rly a c tiv i ties. Full-tim e, 12-m onth, tenure-track ap pointm ent, reporting to the Head of C en tral R eference Services. Q U A LIF IC A T IO N S : Required: A L A -a c credited MLS. A cadem ic library in stru c tion e xperience. Know ledge of in s tru c tional technology. E xperience with com p u te r-b a s e d re s o u rc e s and s e rv ic e s . D em onstrated interpersonal com m unica tion skills. P referred: T eaching e x p e ri ence and a c a d e m ic lib ra ry refe re n ce e xperience. S u b je ct m aste r’s o r other a d va nce d d egree in area re le v a n t to in stru ctio n . C O M P EN S ATIO N : M inim um of $42,500 fo r A ssista n t Professor and $52,500 for A ssociate Professor plus liberal fringe benefits. R ank and salary com m ensu rate with q u a lifica tio ns and experience. PRO C ED U R ES: Letter, résum é, names, and tele p ho n e num bers of three refer ences should be sent to: Regina E. Buckner Director, Operational Services Waldo Library Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Ml 49008 Applica tio n s received by June 19, 2000, w ill receive firs t consideration. R eview w ill continue until the position is filled. W MU is a d ynam ic and grow ing C arnegie D octoral I U n ive rsity with 25 doctoral program s and enrollm ent of 27,744 stu dents, 25% at the graduate level. Six co lle g e s em ploy 756 fa c u lty m em bers. K alam azoo offe rs rich cultu ra l and rec reational activitie s located less than three hours from Chicago or Detroit. Kalam azoo is situated in the fa ste st-g row ing part of the state. W M U is a n A A /E O E . 562 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 s ions on the acquisition o f reserve materials, and consulting with faculty on the reserves collection; participate in planning, project team s, com m ittees, and oth e r p rofessional a ctivities as appropriate. Required: A LA -a ccre dite d M LS. D em onstrated qualities in the follow ing areas: 1) co m m itm en t and enthusiasm fo r providing services to a la rgely u ndergraduate clientele; 2) a bility to w o rk e ffe ctively w ith teaching faculty; 3) fa m ilia rity and 2 - 3 ye a rs’ experience with the applications of current and emerging technologies in a library setting; 4) 2 -3 years’ experience coordinating work o f staff o r colleagues; 5) good fam iliarity with the application o f intellectual property, copyright, and fa ir use prin ciples in an academ ic setting; 6) ability to provide leadership in a dynam ic and service-oriented environment; 7) ability to work collaboratively and foster collaboration. Excellent ability to com m unicate in speaking and writing. Desired: Prior supervisory, teaching, o r mentoring experience; experience applying intellectual property, copyright, and fair use principles in an academ ic setting. Rank is anticipated at either Associate or Senior Associate Librarian level depending on experience and qualifications. Salary and Leave: Final rank and salary dep en d en t on qualifications and experience. (M inim um salary at A ssociate is $35,500; a t Sr. A ssociate, $41,000.) Professional positions receive 24 working days o f vacation p er year; 15 days of sick leave p er year with provisions fo r extended benefits. T o Apply: Send cover letter and copy of résumé to: Karen Downing, Library Human Resources, 404 HatcherGraduate Library North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. (C ontact (734) 764 -2 54 6 fo r fu rth e r inform ation.) App lica tio n Deadline: A p p lica tio ns received by Ju ly 1 5 ,2 00 0, will be given first co nsid e ra tion . The University of Michigan is a non discrim inatory, affirm ative action employer. Late Job Listings DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY/LEARNING RESOURCES. Colorado Northwestern Commu nity College is seeking a qualified library administrator for its college library and learning resource system. Extensive knowledge of emerging information technologies and automated library systems is expected. The Director provides reference services, supervises all library operations, networks with regional public and school library personnel toward collaborative services, and orients new students to bibliographic and information search procedures. A master’s degree in Library and Information Science from an ALA-accredited institution is required; a second master’s or additional graduate studies in an academic teaching discipline is preferred. Salary range is $35,000-$42,000 commensurate with experience and qualifications; excellent fringe benefits. Colorado Northwestern serves a large rural area through its attractive campuses in Rangely, Craig, and three outlying centers. CNCC is located in the desert and canyon country just beyond the western slope of the majestic Rockies. The region abounds in opportunities for outdoor recreation: fishing, canoeing, rafting, boating, water skiing, hunting, hiking, camping, backpacking, horseback riding/packing, golf, downhill and cross-country skiing. To apply, write or call for a full position description; then submit, either in hard copy or electronically, a cover letter, résumé, unofíicial transcripts, and names/addresses/phone num bers of five professional references to: Human Resources Office, Colorado Northwestern Community College, CNCC Box 521, Rangely, CO 81648. Fax: (970) 675-3330. Human Resources Office: 1-800-562-1105 ext. #353. E-mail: Review of applica tions will continue until position is filled. Starting date no later than August 1,2000. CNCC is an equal opportunity employer. Minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. ELECTRONIC RESERVES LIBRARIAN. Applications are invited for the position of Elec tronic Reserves Librarian at the Cline Library, Northern Arizona University; salary range beginning at $37,000. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of and/or experience with reserves services, operations, technologies, and trends. Outstanding commitment to improving access to Library resources and services for distributed learners through the use of information technology. Knowledge of current and emerging trends in libraries, higher education, and distributed learning. Supervisory experience. Familiarity with digital image and document format standards. Experience in creating, describing, and providing access to digital images. Experience in Web publishing applications and practices. Interest in keeping abreast of hardware and software developments that support digital library initiatives. Experience with integrated library systems. Project management experience and record of successful project completion. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills in a diverse workplace and a multi-cultural learning environment. Ability to work flexibly and creatively in a rapidly changing environment. Enthusiasm for collaborating with colleagues on innovative projects and operational and service enhancements. Under the direction of the Head of Access Services, the Electronic Reserves Librarian provides leadership and supervision for the services, operations, and staff (a minimum of 2 FTE and student assistants) of the Reserves Unit within the Library’s Access Services Department. This position coordinates the Library’s expanding electronic reserves service, as well as print reserves, maintaining standards of high quality and rapid turnaround time for all services. The Electronic Reserves Librarian will assist in the continuing development of streaming audio reserves in support of music courses. Works collaboratively with faculty to present service options for placing resources on reserve. Continuously develops and analyzes policies, procedures, and workflow to enhance customer service and optimize the use of new technologies. Résumés will be reviewed every two weeks until filled, beginning on June 1,2000, up to December 31,2000. Send letter of application specifically addressing the qualifications listed above, résumé, and names and C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 563 THREE POSITIONS T h e U n iversity of A rizona The University of Arizona Library seeks professionals to join its team-based, innovative, flexible, user-oriented organization. The Library is committed to continuous learning, increasing client self-sufficiency, fostering diversity in the campus environment, and furthering its own cultural transmission, educational, and preservation roles. Applicants are sought for the following positions: ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, SOCIAL SCIENCES TEAM (Job #17833). The successful candidate will have responsibilities in education (instructional design), connection development, needs assess ment, advanced mediated services, information resource development/preservation, knowledge management, undergraduate services, and reference desk service (including evening and week end hours). Salary Range: $38,789-$44,959, DOE. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, DIGITAL LIBRARY INITIATIVES GROUP (Job #17834). The successful candidate will provide leadership and support in the creation, ongoing development, and enhance ment of digital library projects; establish relationships with faculty, researchers, scholarly organi zations, etc., with whom the Library may partner; work with library staff, campus partners, and customers to design new products based on end-user needs; and participate in other library wide projects as appropriate. Salary Range: $38,789-$44,959, DOE. TEAM LEADER, LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEMS TEAM (Job #17840). The successful candidate will provide information technology leadership that will include the Library’s computing infrastructure, operating systems, hardware, and software. The Team Leader will also provide and promote vision and leadership for the team and coaches, and will represent the Library in collaborative and comm unity activities as well as participate in librarywide cross-functional activities. The Team Leader will be responsible for planning and budget management for information systems. Salary: $69,525. All of these positions require a master’s degree in library/information science from an ALA-accredited institution. For job # ’s 17834 and 17840, other qualifications may suffice; please visit the UA Web site at: http://w w w To apply, send a cover letter citing position title and job #, a current résumé, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: Martina Johansen The University of Arizona Library 1510 E. University, Room C327 P.O. Box 210055 Tucson, AZ 85721-0055 Fax: (520) 626-7715 You may also send e-mail inquiries to Review of application materials begins June 19, 2000, and will continue until the positions are filled. A complete job description will be sent upon receipt of letter of interest. The University o f Arizona is an EEO/AA employer: M/W /D/V. addresses of three references to: Kathleen Smalldon, Head, Access Services, Cline Library, Northern Arizona University, Box 6022, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6022. For additional information phone (520) 523-6803, or fax (520) 523-3770, or e-mail See also for more complete listing. Northern Arizona University has a growing minority student population and is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. We welcome minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans willing to make a commitment to NAU’s mission of cultural diversity. Connect to ACRL on the Web Structure Bookmarks C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 541 rtunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $9.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $11.50 for others. Late job notices discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Christopher Becker, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (3 POSITIONS OPENASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTIONS. The University at Albany, SUNY seeks an innovative librarian to lead its collection development activities. This senior administrative position, reporting to the Dean and Director of Libraries, includes responsibility for managing a $4.3-million collections budget and leadership, coordination and evaluation of the work of 12 bibliographers and selectors in building the library’s collections, both print and electronic. Responsibilities also include oversight Salary guideListed below are the latest minimum starting salary figures recommended by state library associations for professional library posts in these states. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. Job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums when evaluating professional vacancies. For additional information on librarian salaries, contact ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources.Connecticut$34,172Delaware$22,500**Illi 542 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 DIGITAL LIBRARY DIRECTORUniversity of Minnesota Libraries-Twin Cities CampusThe University of Minnesota Libraries seeks an individual who will provide innovative and dynamic leadership in advancing the Libraries’ technological and digital presence in the University and beyond. The Digital Library Director will plan and implement digital initiatives and will have responsibility for a variety of issues associated with digital technology including, but not limited to, intellectual property, access management, C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 543 SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, SacramentoCSUS seeks a motivated and energetic Social Sciences Librarian. This entry-level, tenure-track faculty position provides substantial opportunity for professional growth and development. The position reports to the Head of Reference and works with the Coordinators for Collection Development and Library Instruction. The Reference Department includes 15 librarians, six library assistants, and several part-time librarians and student assistants.DES Map Library also houses the Automated Cartographic Information Center, an award-winning GIS facility, and is closely aligned with the University of Minnesota’s top-ranked geography department. Position Responsibilities: Perform original and copy cataloging, and metadata creation for Web Resources; participate in all other activities of the Map Library, including reference service using traditional resources and the digital resources of the Automated Cartographic Information Center; instruction; and conserva HTML and Web page creation; and experience with electronic reference sources in geography. Type of Appointment/Salary: This is a full-time, 12-month, continuous appointment track, academic professional position with probationary appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank. Minimum salary: $32,000. Excellent benefits and moving allowance. Recruiting Schedule: Position is available immediately. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Full position description is available at: 544 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 Brown UniversityUniversity Library; Position responsible for collection development, processing and cataloging of materials and public services in support of Middle Eastern Studies. Includes resources in both Middle Eastern and Western European languages, and in all subjects: History, language and literature, religion, politics, economics, anthropology. Duties include: selection of books, journals and other information resources in all formats, including electronic; ordering, cataloging, and other processin Purchase College, State University of New York (SUNY)Seeking energetic and innovative librarian to help design and implement an expanded instructional program to meet information management competencies in the new SUNY general education plan. Presents an exciting opportunity to integrate research and information literacy skills across the curriculum at a college that features outstanding performing and visual arts conservatories and an excellent liberal arts program. Serves as principal instructor and as a C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 545 HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENTNortheastern University LibrariesNortheastern University Libraries invites applications and nominations of individuals with vision, enthusiasm, and leadership ability for the position of Head, Catalog Department. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to lead the Libraries in the planning, development, and assessment of innovative programs for the organization, description, control of, and access to information resources, and to collaborate in the transformation of techni and engineering campus of the system. It offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in science and engineering, and undergraduate degrees in the liberal arts. Within the library, nine professionals and 17 support staff serve 350 faculty and 4,500 high-ability students. The collection includes over375,000 volumes and 1,500 periodical titles. UMR is also a selective depository for U.S. and Missouri government documents. The building provides a modem, open, pleasant work environment. Strong emphasis is placed on cooperation with public services. The relatively small staff size and flexible organizational structure assure staff of active involvement in library concerns. Responsibilities: Perform original and complex copy cataloging for a variety of formats and in all subject areas; maintain MARC bibliographic and authority records using OCLC and a multicampus Innovative Interfaces system; establish name and series authority records; assist in analyzing and evaluating processes and in helping a department 546 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 PrincetonUnivers¡tyMANUSCRIPTS CATALOGERPrinceton University Library Princeton, New JerseyTwelve-month temporary appointment.THE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: The Princeton University Library is one of the world’s most distinguished research libraries. It employs a staff of approximately 320 librarians, professional technical workers, administrators, and support staff; it also has a large student and hourly workforce. Library operations are divided among 20 sites on campus, including a large central library of four stay current on emerging trends in technical services; help resolve complex problems surrounding cataloging issues; represent the campus on committees charged with developing and enforcing cataloging standards. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; familiarity with the MARC formats and standard cataloging tools, including AACR2, OCLC, LC cataloging rule interpretations, and subject heading practices. Desired: Previous cataloging experience in an online environment, preferably in an academic Benefits: 12-month, nontenured faculty position at Librarian II level; $28,000 minimum; 28 days’ vacation annually and 8 paid holidays; vested retirement after five years; university medical and dental benefits package. To Apply: Please send a letter of application, résumé, and names of three current references to: Human Resource Services, Reference #51055, University of Missouri-Rolla, 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, MO 65409-1050. Questions about the position may be directed to: Jean S. Eisenman, Director, Curt C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 547 10,2000. Complete applications received by August 1,2000, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until position is filled. The University of Missouri-Rolla is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to increasing diversity among faculty, staff, and students. Members of minority groups and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Community: Rolla, a city of approximately 14,000, is located in the foothills of the Ozarks. Community sen/ices are excellent Associate Dean of LibrariesPOSITIONWe are seeking a person of skill and vision to join a dynamic leadership team as Associate Dean of Libraries and to implement our Strategies for a New Millennium. The position will appeal to a leader with knowledge of library administrative matters and with the professional potential to adapt to and accommodate the revolutionary transformation faced by libraries. The Associate Dean will serve as the deputy to the Dean of Libraries in overall management, planning and decisi 548 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 Geneseo LIBRARY INSTRUCTION coordinatorThe State University of New York College at Geneseo seeks an enthusiastic, effective teacher to develop and direct a campus wide initiative, teaching information management and research skills to undergraduate students. Responsibilities include management, assessment, and promotion of a new instruction program, supervision and mentoring of library teaching faculty, teaching classes, and working closely with faculty from the academic departments and the College Writing Christians who are active Southern Baptists. For additional information, consult the posting at: Twelvemonth, faculty tenure-track position with excellent benefits. Salary is negotiable. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until position is filled, with a target date of July 1, 2000. Submit a résumé and request an application, or send a letter of nomination, to: Dr. Bing Bayer, Chair of Search Committee, Southwest Baptist University, 1600 Univ planning; oversees planning and implementation of capital improvements; and assists in fundraising efforts. Qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS degree, undergraduate degree preferred in history or related topic; minimum of five years’ professional experience in increasingly responsible positions, preferably in a research or professional library environment; evidence of successful experience in library management and personnel supervision; strong interpersonal and communications skills; and knowledge o C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 549 THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEYBIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL The College of New Jersey is a highly selective, comprehensive, residential institution recognized as one of the outstanding colleges in the country. The College, located In suburban Ewing Township, N J enrolls approximately 5,800 undergraduate and 900 graduate students. We have a full time, tenure-track position available for a Bibliographic Control Librarian. Responsibilities: provide leadership in cataloging and authority control; create original and revise Philip Hofer Curator of Printing and Graphic Arts Houghton LibraryThe Philip Hofer Curator of Printing and Graphic Arts in the Houghton Library is responsible for managing the Department of Printing and Graphic Arts. Reporting to the Librarian of the Houghton Library, the Curator manages the collection of printing and graphic arts which documents the history of letter form, printing, and illustration from the 8th century to the present. The collection includes illuminated and calligraphic manuscripts, print HARVARDUNIVERSITY 550 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES LIBRARIANUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraThe University or California, Santa Barbara, one of nine campuses of the University of California system, is seeking a Middle Eastern Studies Librarian. Reporting to the Area, Ethnic, and Gender Studies Collection Coordinator and working closely with the Principal Cataloger, the librarian works individually and as part of a team to provide reference, cataloging, bibliographic, and instructional services to students, faculty, staff, and t provides the leadership to make the library the intellectual center of the campus and maintains linkages with other libraries. Director shares evening and weekend duties with staff. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent; minimum of five years’ library experience; evidence of progressively responsible administrative experience; demonstrated knowledge of management of library facilities; extensive experience with information technology used to support library operations; familiarity with OCLC cataloging and inter Team (MdUSA). Assists in monitoring acquisitions workflow. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library Science. Experience: Three years’ progressively responsible relevant experience required. At least two years' experience in acquisitions activities in a large university library. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Preferred: At least one year with responsibility for one or more functions relating to electronic resources. Extensive knowledge of acquisitions methods and C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 551 HEAD, COLLECTIONS SERVICESThe University of Connecticut (Search #00A387)The University of Connecticut Libraries seek a forward-thinking, energetic individual to help lead the Libraries into an increasingly electronic future. Reporting to the Director of Library Services, the Head of Collections Services is responsible for the Libraries’ collection development, acquisitions, cataloging, preservation, and stacks management programs, comprising 30 FTE staff and a collections budget of approximately $4.5 millio supporting the College of Engineering are located in the new state-of-the-art Media Union building on the North Campus of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. It is one of the largest and most digitally enabled engineering libraries in the country. This position will join an energetic team of librarians and information professionals working in the areas of engineering, art, architecture, media, and music. This position is a fulltime appointment available immediately. Duties: Will provide selection, liaison, reference, and instruction responsibilities in support of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. The UM College of Engineering is consistently ranked as one of the top engineering 552 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIANColumbia Theological SeminaryColumbia Theological Seminary invites applications for the position of Public Services Librarian of the John Bulow Campbell Library.RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide quality reference services in response to the information needs of faculty, students, staff, and other library users. Coordinate the staffing and services of the central Reference Desk. Provide effective leadership in the introduction of new public services, the evaluation of existing services, and schools in the country. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; BA/S degree in an appropriate field (e.g., engineering or science) or equivalent experience; two or more years’ experience in a research library; experience supporting online catalogs, databases, and Internet resources in a networked environment; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effectively as part of a team of information specialists working with culturally diverse faculty, students, and sta dynamic learning environment. Primary responsibility is to provide in-depth document reference service in a state/federal/regional depository library. Works collaboratively with the Web Resources Librarian revising and updating the government documents Web page. Identifies and links electronic sources to the Library’s Web page to provide efficient access to information resources. Provides service atthe reference desk and actively participates in the library’s bibliographic instruction and collection develop C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 553 ASSISTANT HEAD, ACCESS SERVICESNortheastern University LibrariesNortheastern University Libraries invites applications from and nominations of individuals with enthusiasm, energy, creativity, and leadership skills to participate in the operational management and continuous improvement of access services in an environment undergoing rapid transformation. The successful candidate will be experienced in planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating services, knowledgeable of current trends in the provision HEAD OF CATALOGING AND ELECTRONIC ACCESS. University of Houston Libraries. Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Assistant Dean for Bibliographic and Access Services, the department head provides leadership and management for services and staff in copy and original cataloging, and database maintenance. This position provides direction for four librarians and approximately 17 support staff responsible for cataloging library resources, providing links from the catalog to Web resources, maintain including the use of metadata. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Successful supervisory experience. Knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LC subject headings, MARC formats, the major bibliographic utilities, and evolving metadata standards. Excellent analytical, interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills. Interest in new approaches for creating access to electronic information sources is strongly preferred. Salary: $50,000. Excellent benefits package. Applica 554 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 ENGINEERING/PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIANNew Mexico State University Library, Las Cruces, New MexicoRESPONSIBILITIES: The Engineering/Physical Sciences Librarian provides information services in an engineering, science, agriculture, and business environment, including some night and weekend hours. Provides library/information instruction, workshops, and consultation for student and faculty researchers primarily In engineering and physical science departments. Responsible for collection development and serves University of Houston Libraries, Houston, Texas 77204-2091. Fora more detailed position announcement, see: positions.htm. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.HEAD OF REFERENCE SERVICES. The Geisel Library of Saint Anselm College is accepting applications for the position of Head of Reference Services. Saint Anselm is a Catholic liberal arts college with Interested candidates may send a cover letter, résumé, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Human Resources, Saint Anselm College, 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester, NH 03102-1310. Saint Anselm College is an equal opportunity employer.HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. University of North Texas. The Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian is one of six librarians who provide reference and informational assistance at the General Reference Desk, through C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 555 Harvard Law SchoolROMANCE LANGUAGES CATALOGERHarvard Law School Library. Reports to Cataloging Services Librarian. Catalogs monographs in the Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese). Contributes authority information to HOLLIS and the LC Name Authority File via NACO. Works with Copy Cataloging and Database Management staff, Serials Librarian and others to resolve bibliographic problems. May select new and retrospective materials for the non-English speaking countries of South and Central Am experience; and experience with a variety of software packages, such as FrontPage and PowerPoint. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Position available: September 1,2000. Contact: Applications received by June30,2000, will receive first consideration. Applicants should submit a letter of application, vita, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional references to: Martha Tarlton, Chair, Humanities & Social Sciences Librarian Search Committee, University of North Texas L credentials. Applicants should have strong service and instruction orientation, knowledge of electronic and Web-based resources, MLS (ALA-accredited), and ability to work creatively, effectively, independently, and cooperatively with all elements of the college community. Experience in instruction and academic reference, ability to create instructional materials, and ability to utilize Web pages to facilitate reference or instructional goals desirable. DSU is proud of its 2000 Yahoo! Internet Life ranking o 556 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 Princeton U n i vers i tyASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, POPULATION RESEARCH LIBRARYThis is a half-time position, subject to annual reappointments based on funding availability.The Princeton University Library seeks an energetic and innovative librarian to serve as Assistant Population Research Librarian. The candidate selected will join the Population Research Librarian and one special collections assistant in serving the library needs of the Office of Population Research as well as the needs of other social scientis attainment will include a master’s degree in Library Science. Previous experience is preferred but not required. The successful candidate must be able to teach and serve as a librarian for cadets ranging from 13 to 23 years of age. This is a 9-1/2-month, permanent, non-tenure position. New Mexico Teacher License or ability to obtain is required. Academic and Institute rank, salary and benefits are commensurate with education and experience. Starting date is August 1,2000. Send letter of interest and résumé Archivist, and with an annual salary of $30,000. Benefits include choice of retirement programs, including TIAA-CREF; 14 state holidays; developmental leave opportunities; partial moving expenses; and no state or local income tax. General Information: Texas Tech University, with an enrollment of over 24,000, is one of four major state universities in Texas and offers a wide range of academic programs in 11 colleges and schools, including law and medicine. Texas Tech is a member of the Association of Researc C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 557 (continued from previous page)acquisitions; helps analyze and deliver interlibrary loans, SDIs, and table of contents services; helps mount new CD-ROM software and system upgrades; and assists in the production of a periodic newsletter. The Population Research Library staff and collection will be moving into a new library, now in the final stages of design. This new library will also include the collections and services of the Woodrow Wilson School Library of Public and International Affairs. The Assistant images. The ETIC Manager will serve as the primary resource person in all phases of this service, from working with users to conceptualize options to assisting in the design of curricular and research projects using specific texts and tools; identify, evaluate, and acquire appropriate electronic texts and images for research and instruction in collaboration with subject librarians; keep informed of new trends and standards for digital projects; supervise a graduate assistant and undergraduate students who w PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Shapiro Undergraduate Library, University of Michigan. The Shapiro Undergraduate Library (UGL) serves an undergraduate population of 23,000 including a primary user group of approximately 15,000 enrolled in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA). Services, collections, and resources are also used by faculty, graduate students, staff, and members of the local and regional community. Information, reference, instruction, and collection services and programs of the UGL 558 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 MATHEMATICS LIBRARIANUniversity of Illinois Library at Urbana-ChampaignPOSITION DESCRIPTION: The Mathematics Librarian is responsible for the administration and operation of the Mathematics Library and sets priorities for the library in support of the University’s teaching and research missions. The Mathematics Librarian provides in-depth user education and reference services required by faculty and students in mathematics, statistics, and related fields. S/he maintains effective liaisons and communication service-oriented environment; 6) a record of consistent attendance and performance in prior work settings. A willingness to exercise creativity and take risks in a supportive, encouraging environment. Excellent ability to communicate effectively in speaking and writing. Desired: Knowledge of and experience with Web design issues. Prior library experience working with an undergraduate clientele. Prior teaching experience. Rank, Salary, and Leave: Rank of Assistant Librarian (minimum salary: $32,000); 24 work reference service and library instruction in academic libraries; demonstrated knowledge of new information technologies and their applications in an academic library; degree, training, or collection development background in the social sciences; demonstrated knowledge of Web authoring tools, mark-up languages, and Web page design. Desired: Experience in the following areas: working with social science data and GIS, providing assistance with government information, planning and implementing instruction progr C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 559 DIRECTOR, EGAN LIBRARYUniversity of Alaska Southeast, JuneauUAS is a regional university and part of the University of Alaska statewide system.REQUIRED: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Recent experience with budget­ing, planning, and evaluation of library and information technology services. Policy level experience with automated library systems, multimedia systems, and supervising academic and/or administrative computing services.Position provides leadership and management in developing/implementin DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARYEffat College, Jeddah, Saudi ArabiaBe a part of an extraordinary undertaking. Join an international team of dedicated higher education professionals in a pioneering effort to create the first private liberal arts women’s college in Saudi Arabia. Effat College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is seeking a Director of the Library. This groundbreaking venture, dedicated to the education of women, is built on four principles: a liberal arts education, preparation for a professional career, service and specialized reference services; and general and specialized user education services. Works a minimum of 12 hours per week, including evenings and weekends, providing reference and instruction in all subject areas at a busy service desk in a highly automated environment. Qualifications; Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library and Information Sciences (degree must be conferred by date of appointment). Experience or coursework in providing reference and instructional services in academic librar You may also fax your résumé: (301)314-9960. Libraries’ Web address: action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply.SERIALS AND RECEIVING UNIT HEAD. University of North Texas Libraries. In a highly automated environment, is responsible for the acquisition, fiscal control, and record maintenance of nondepository serials. Monitors, analyzes, and reports vendor performance. Works closely with the Electronic Information R 560 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 QUALITY CAREERSin a Thriving EnvironmentWeber State UniversityWeber State University is located in Ogden, Utah, a city rich in history and culture, a spectrum of recreational opportunities, and breathtaking scenery approximately 30 miles north of Salt Lake City, home of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. We are a student-centered institution that is focused on providing exceptional teaching and a small class environment. Weber State University Library seeks a dynamic:Physical & Applied Sciences BibliographerRes electronic publications (serials, databases, and monographs). Experience with bibliographic utilities (preferably OCLC), and with automated serials and acquisitions systems (preferably Innovative Interfaces). Demonstrated skill with software applications, including databases, spreadsheets, and Web design; especially as utilized in data mining. Demonstrated supervisory and management experience, training, and problem-solving skills. Excellent oral and written communications skills. Evidence of initiative, fl is an AA/ADA/EOE and encourages applications from women and minorities, as it is committed to creating an ethnically and culturally diverse community.SPECIAL COLLECTIONS/ARCHIVES TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University of Minnesota Libraries-Twin Cities Campus invites applications and nominations for the position of Special Collections/Archives Technical Services Librarian, Materials Acquisition and Control Tearn. The University Libraries particularly encourages the candidacy of C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 561 experienced and dynamic Systems Librarian/Cataloger. This person will provide leadership in all aspects of planning, monitoring, and evaluating systems needs in the Library and training of staff in systems and software needs. Additionally, this person will assist in cataloging non-LC material in all formats. This is a tenure-track faculty appointment. Salary is commensurate with experience and background, with additional compensation for summer work. Standard benefits. Required: ALA-MLS or equivalent, secon WesternMichiganUniversityINSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIANJoin a dynamic faculty committed to quality instructional services. This position plans and coordinates all library instructional programs. Participates in general reference services and scholarly activities. Full-time, 12-month, tenure-track appointment, reporting to the Head of Central Reference Services.QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Academic library instruction experience. Knowledge of instructional technology. Experience with compu 562 / C&RL News ■ June 2000 sions on the acquisition of reserve materials, and consulting with faculty on the reserves collection; participate in planning, project teams, committees, and other professional activities as appropriate. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Demonstrated qualities in the following areas: 1) commitment and enthusiasm for providing services to a largely undergraduate clientele; 2) ability to work effectively with teaching faculty; 3) familiarity and 2-3 years’ experience with the applications of current and emerging Late Job ListingsDIRECTOR OF LIBRARY/LEARNING RESOURCES. Colorado Northwestern Community College is seeking a qualified library administrator for its college library and learning resource system. Extensive knowledge of emerging information technologies and automated library systems is expected. The Director provides reference services, supervises all library operations, networks with regional public and school library personnel toward collaborative services, and orients new students to bibliographic and inf C&RL News ■ June 2000 / 563 THREE POSITIONSThe University of ArizonaThe University of Arizona Library seeks professionals to join its team-based, innovative, flexible, user-oriented organization. The Library is committed to continuous learning, increasing client self-sufficiency, fostering diversity in the campus environment, and furthering its own cultural transmission, educational, and preservation roles. Applicants are sought for the following positions:ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, SOCIAL SCIENCES TEAM (Job #17833). The successful candidat addresses of three references to: Kathleen Smalldon, Head, Access Services, Cline Library, Northern Arizona University, Box 6022, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6022. For additional information phone (520) 523-6803, or fax (520) 523-3770, or e-mail See also for more complete listing. Northern Arizona University has a growing minority student population and is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. We welcome minorities, women, pers