ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 66 / C &R L News The graceful span of the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge is a contrast of Old World charm against the skyline o f dow ntow n Cincinnati. route. Queen City Metro also provides service to about 45 other routes at various prices. Conference hotels All four conference hotels are conveniently linked to the Convention Center by the Skywalk C o n n e c tio n . R ates at th e hotels ran g e from $75-$95 for a single and from $87-$112 for a dou­ ble. A 10% sales tax must be added to all prices. Reservations for rooms at the official conference hotels are being handled by the Cincinnati Visitors and Convention Housing Rureau. Use the form in the preliminary program to reserve a room . D ead­ line for reservations is March 6, 1989. The very closest hotel to the Convention Center is the Clarion, just 50 steps away. Also close by the Center is the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati, which of­ fers many rooms w ith sweeping river views. The H yatt is the Headquarters Hotel. Entering the Omni Netherland Plaza is like en­ tering a movie set, for this hotel is one of the finest rem aining examples of Art Deco design in the United States. The Terrace Hilton has very much the feel of an exclusive club, with all wood pan­ eling and executive color schemes. Placement Service A placement service will be provided by the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources on April 5-7, 9:00 a .m .-5:00 p.m. It will be located in the Albert B. Sabin Convention Center. Although registrations will be accepted at the conference, job seekers and employers are strongly u rg e d to p re re g iste r. T he d e a d lin e for p r e ­ registration is March 15, 1989. To request forms (indicate employer or job seeker), write: ACRL National Conference, Placement, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. If requesting one copy, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope (#10). Enclose a mailing label for multiple copies. Interview facilities will be provided. Employ­ m ent policy prohibits the acceptance of job listings which bear discriminatory specifications with re­ spect to race, creed, age, color, sex or national ori­ gin. A salary range must be listed.