ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 107 A rt L ib ra rie s S ubsection ACRL Theme: The Art Subsection as a national forum for college and research art libraries. Tuesday, June 24 (Time to be announced) Organizational Meeting Open Forum on reorganization of the Art Subsection Wednesday, June 25 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. All day tour via bus to Princeton University Visit Art Library and Index of Christian Iconography Luncheon. Members and Art Librarians only. Send advance reservations and deposit ($3.00) to: Miss Phyllis Hoffberg Program Chairman—Art Libraries Fine Arts Library—Furness Building University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 Balance of fee (to be announced) will be paid at the ALA Central Tickets desk, where tickets will be picked up. Thursday, June 26 2:00-4:00 p.m. Organizational Meeting (cont.) Formulation of objectives, long term plans and projects. ■ ■ C h a irm a n ’s L e tte r to th e A rt L ib ra rie s S ubsection With this issue of C&'R L News we are be­ ginning what I hope will be a continuing activi­ ty of our group, a roundtable of problems, news and ideas written for and by art librarians. The benefits to other readers of this journal will be, hopefully, of some value. The success of this initial effort is due to the enthusiasm and hard work of Mrs. Florence DaLuiso of the State University of New York at Buffalo. Those who met at Kansas City were agreed that the Art Subsection must devote itself to current problems faced by all art libraries. To that end, an Index Committee was formed con­ sisting of Miss Judith Hoffberg of the Universi­ ty of Pennsylvania, Miss Alice McGrath of the Rhode Island School of Design, Mrs. Florence DaLuiso of the State University of New York at Buffalo, Mr. David Ryan of the Minneapolis Institute of Art and myself. The Committee is engaged in a retrospective indexing of Art In ­ ternational from its inception in 1957 through 1968. As you know, the Art Index has begun to index Art International with the 1969 issue. We hope to publish the index in the near future. Elsewhere in this issue you will find the re­ sults of the first group of titles gathered by the Reprint Committee chaired for the last two years by Miss Carol Selby of Eastern Michigan University and Mr. William Dane of the Public Library of Newark. We are planning enough work sessions at the conference in Atlantic City so that we can hear reports from the present committees and dis­ cuss the purpose and direction of new commit­ tees and our organization as a whole. To that purpose I would appreciate hearing any sugges­ tions for discussion that you feel would be val­ uable. The Nominating Committee under the chair­ manship of Miss Alice McGrath has given us a slate of candidates with a much broader geo­ graphic base. Let us hope that more active participation from all parts of our country and Canada soon becomes a reality.—Herbert Scherer, Chairman, Art Subsection. ■ ■ A rt S ubsection T itles for R e p rin tin g a n d M icrofilm ing At the business meeting of the Art Subsection at the ALA Convention in New York in 1966, a suggestion was made to form a committee to investigate a program for microfilming and re­ printing of unavailable source material in the field of art history. The membership felt that this was a worthwhile project as individual requests for reprinting had received scant attention from reprint publishers and microfilm companies. A committee was appointed which included Carol Selby, then librarian at the Detroit Insti­ tute of Arts, as Chairman, with Herbert Scherer, art librarian of the University of Min­ nesota, and William J. Dane, principal art li­ brarian, Newark Public Library, as committee members. The committee decided on the fol­