ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 136 A P PR E N T IC E SURVEYORS Names of 115 librarians who would welcome opportunities to serve as apprentice surveyors have been collected by th e ACRL Committee on Library Surveys. These are persons who wrote in response to an invitation from the Committee in th e November 1968 issue of C írR L News; they are located in 33 states and 2 Canadian provinces, and their interests and special qualifications are as diverse as th e prob­ lems encountered in surveys of college and uni­ versity libraries. Collection of th e names was the first step in an effort by the Committee to increase the num ber of well qualified surveyors by provid­ ing opportunities for experience. The Commit­ tee recommends th a t each survey team include an apprentice member, and invites directors of surveys to draw upon its roster. It will welcome opportunities to suggest names of prospective apprentices who seem to be particularly well prepared to contribute to any survey th a t is being planned. Requests for information should be addressed to Edw in E. Williams, Chairman, ACRL Committee on Library Surveys, W idener Library 183, H arvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. ■■ A C R L /JC L S P R E C O N F E R E N C E “New Strategies for Learning: the Im pact of Instructional Technology Upon th e Junior College” will be th e them e of a preconference sponsored by the American Association of Junior Colleges and th e Association of College and Research Libraries at Atlantic City from June 19-21. Planned to stimulate dialogue b e­ tw een administrators, faculty, librarians and media specialists; the two days of sessions will include demonstrations, concurrent workshops, and contact w ith resource persons. Major pre­ sentations will b e made by Bill J. Priest, chancellor, Dallas County Junior College Dis­ trict, Dallas, Texas; Gabriel Ofiesh, chairman, departm ent of educational technology, Catholic University, Washington, D.C.; James Zigerall, Dean, TV College, Chicago City College; and Carol Zion, assistant to the vice-president, Miami Dade Junior College. Maurice B. Mitchell, chancellor of the Uni­ versity of Denver and former president and editorial director of Encyclopaedia Britannica, will speak a t the banquet to be held in con­ nection w ith the preconference on Friday, June 20. Attendance is lim ited to 500 persons, and the registration fee, including three meals, is $50. Reservation forms and information may be requested from th e Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library As­ sociation, 50 E ast H uron Sheet, Chicago, Il­ linois 60611. ■■ SU BJECT ANALYSIS O F LIBRARY M ATERIALS An American Library Association Preconfer­ ence Institute sponsored by Information Science and Automation Division, Resources and Tech­ nical Services Division’s Cataloging and Clas­ sification Section, and Columbia University, June 19—21, Traymore Hotel, Atlantic City. A 1969 updating of the Conference on Sub­ ject Analysis of Library Materials, Columbia University, 1952, to provide an interpretive overview of the state of th e art of subject analysis, especially as it has developed in the last tw enty years. Registration blanks will be mailed to all ALA members. Registrations to th e limit of 700 will be accepted with th e registration fee of $35.00 on a first-come, first-served basis. The fee includes a Banquet ticket, coffee ser­ vice during the m eeting breaks, and one copy of the proceedings to be published by Colum­ bia University, School of Library Service. IN S ID E T H E D L P . . . (C o n tin u e d fr o m p age 1 0 5 ) 5. Applicants Branches may now apply for Supplemental and Special Purpose Types A and B grants, as well as Basic grants, through the parent institution. Beginning in 1969-70, new insti­ tutions may apply for Basic grants one year before they open. These five paragraphs are necessarily brief and sketchy. The new program documents for 1968-69 will provide a comprehensive tre a t­ m ent of the new Title II-A regulations. You will note on the last two pages of the Instructions the addresses and phone num ­ bers of our nine Regional Library Service program officers. Call the one in your region if you need further assistance and information about th e Title II-A programs. ■ ■ PE R S O N N E L . . . (C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 1 3 2 ) association w ith the North Texas State Univer­ sity library. Mrs. Natalie Notkin has retired after tw enty years of service w ith th e University of W ashington libraries. Mrs. Marion Stanton has retired after eleven years of service w ith th e University of W ashington libraries. Naomi Street, a mem ber of the staff of the New York Public library’s art and architecture division for the past eighteen years, retired on December 31, 1968. ■ ■