ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 137 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE FINE & APPLIED ARTS REFERENCE COLLECTION, ca 500 titles. Checklist and particulars sent to institutions upon applica­ tion. C. Verbeke, North Salem, N.H. 03073. PERIODICALS BACK ISSUES—Unbound original editions, clean, top condition. Over 20% below list, ship­ ping extra. W. Parrish, 309 Woodbine Road, Stamford, Conn. 06903. Review Scient. In­ strum. V 16-33 (1945-62) $260. Acta Crystal- lographica V 1-24 (1948-68) $550. Miner- alogical Abstracts V 14-19 (1959-68) $140. Bull. Soc. franc. Min. Crist. V 82-91 (1959-68) $100. Amer. Mineralogist V2-4 (1917-19), V 20-53 (1935-68), 3 indices and extra issues $700. Entire lot $1660—25% list. POSITIONS W A N TE D CATALOGER, man, subject and LS Master’s degrees, years of experience with LC (many as dept. head). Desires position as dept. head east or southeast in small or medium-sized col­ lege library. Box 750, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. MAN, 26, M.L.S., one year’s bibliography ex­ perience, seeks position, preferably in bibli­ ography or cataloging. Pacific Northwest, B.C. preferred. Box 751, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. LIBRARIAN/SYSTEMS ANALYST. Man, 16 years experience in technical services, admin­ istration, and systems work in large libraries desires position as systems analyst in western library. Has degrees in business administration and librarianship. Especially interested in optimum development of computer-free sys­ tems. Box 753, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. FRESH YOUNG CATALOGER to receive M. L.S. June 1969, Pratt Institute. Seeks posi­ tion upon graduation in Northeast metropolitan area. Will work with L.C., special materials, audio-visual. Also has reference training with humanities background: B.A. 1968 Ursinus College. Will consider opportunities in academ­ ic library or special media collection on West Coast. K. Smith, 243 Ryerson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11205. Tel. (212) 622-1013. POSITIONS OPEN Administration LIBRARIAN for the Behrend Campus of the Pennsylvania State University. Campus has de­ lightful rural setting seven miles from down­ town Erie, about 600 full-time students, bac­ calaureate and associate degree programs. Part of a rapidly expanding and innovative system. Requires: 5th year library degree, several years experience, service orientation, and creative ability. Academic status, liberal benefits, rural setting, salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions. Send resume to Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University, University Li­ braries, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. All qualified applicants will receive considera­ tion without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. MCGILL UNIVERSITY has an opening for the position of Associate Librarian—-a member of the senior administrative staff who will par­ ticipate in library policy making, coordinate the development of departmental libraries in the sciences and other fields (staff totalling 60), and carry additional responsibilities. Pre­ fer a background in the sciences with sub­ stantial professional and administrative experi­ ence. Salary open and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Address letter of application and résumé of education and experience to: Director, McGill University Li­ braries, 3459 McTavish Street, Montreal, Can­ ada. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Challenging oppor­ tunity to help plan, build and administer the new central reference library in Nassau County, New York (population approximately 1,500,- 000). Send resume attention Dr. Sally B. Ron- sheim, John F. Kennedy Educational, Civic and Cultural Center, Firehouse, Building 20, Mitch­ el Field, Garden City, New York 11530. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY. Established Uni­ versity Library, attractive surroundings, North­ ern Bergen County, N.J. Director, experienced, MLS or BLS required. Please write Box 754, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, 111. 60611. EDUCATION LIBRARY ADMINISTRATOR. University of Alberta Library requires an ex­ perienced librarian to take charge of an Edu­ cation Library serving a student body of 3,000 undergraduates enrolled in a four-year degree program, almost 300 graduate students, and faculty. The Education Library houses 80,000 volumes, a Curriculum Laboratory, and circu­ lates 200,000 volumes per year. Staff of 23. Preference given to a librarian with an educa­ tion degree or with some experience in teach­ ing. Salary open to negotiation, minimum of $11,000. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grants. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Li­ brarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. 138 DIRECTOR of Herrick Memorial Library, Al­ fred University. Position open July 1, 1969. Delightful rural campus. 1800 students. M.L.S. from accredited library school, plus adminis­ trative college library experience. Salary range $14,000 to $18,000, depending on qualifica­ tions; fringe benefits. Apply to: Dr. Garrett Droppers, Chairman, University Library Com­ mittee, c/o Herrick Memorial Library, Alfred University, Alfred, New York 14802. Automation SYSTEMS PLANNING AND DEVELOP­ MENT CO-ORDINATOR. University of Al­ berta Library requires an experienced librarian to take charge of a Systems Planning and De­ velopment Department with a staff of fifteen engaged in a number of automation and sys­ tems projects. Salary open to negotiation, mini­ mum of $13,000. Rank of Assistant Librarian. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, re­ moval grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. Cataloging HEAD CATALOG DEPT. Salary range $9,108- $11,628 per annum. Immediate opening. One month vacation plus state holidays. Good re­ tirem ent plan, choice of health plans. College offering masters’ degrees in 33 fields. Student body over 27,000. Library Building addition of 200,000 sq. ft. now under construction. M.L.S. and cataloging experience required. Send resumes to Chas. J. Boorkman, College Librarian, California State College at Long Beach, Calif. 90801. CATALOGERS. The University of Akron needs two experienced catalogers and one without prior experience. MLS, knowledge of LC necessary. Background in serials or music or science helpful. Salary $8,000 and up, de­ pending on experience. Fringe benefits excel­ lent. Apply H. P. Schrank, Jr., University Li­ brarian, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44304. TRENT UNIVERSITY, unique among Canadi­ an educational centres, requires an experienced general cataloguer immediately. W e have a magnificent new riverside building opening in May, and a rapidly growing collection to put in it. This position arose due to internal pro­ motion. Salary open. Apply to the Librarian, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Can­ ada. EXPANSION OF CATALOGING staff and over $100,000 book budget will open three posi­ tions (including head cataloger) July 1, 1969. New building 1965, with projected wing 1971; library uses L.C. (reclassifying from Dewey) and adds 8-10,000 volumes per year. Four- year, liberal-arts, teacher-training institution, 2,000 students, library staff 25. Library degree and experience required. Apply John Zimmer­ man, Director, Jerome Fram pton Library, Frostburg State College, Frostburg, Maryland 21532. HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT, to ad­ minister staff of 20 at rapidly expanding uni­ versity library, new quarters in $3 million Li­ brary Addition II. Qualifications: five years of appropriate experience including some admin­ istration. Salary: Open. Faculty rank, TIAA, group health, life and major medical insurance. Apply: W arren B. Kuhn, Director, University Library, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50010. CATALOGUING ADMINISTRATOR. Univer­ sity of Alberta Library requires an experienced librarian to take charge of a Cataloguing D e­ partm ent with a staff of seventy-five processing 120,000 volumes annually. Salary open to ne­ gotiation, minimum $11,000. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Appli­ cants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Al­ berta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. CATALOG LIBRARIAN with several years experience for cataloging of books and peri­ odicals in all fields. Includes descriptive cata­ loging, classifications and assignment of subject headings. L.C. classification, working knowl­ edge of the principal European languages de­ sired. Faculty status. Mild winters, cool sum­ mers. Very close to excellent summer and winter sports areas. Excellent salary. Com­ mensurate w ith experience and qualifications. Apply Carl W. Hintz, University Librarian, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. University of Alberta Library requires a general librarian for cataloguing duties in a Periodicals Department. Salary according to experience and qualifica­ tions. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000- $9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$ 10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial up ­ ward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, re­ moval grant. Applicants should send curricu­ lum vitae, transcript of academic record, and th e names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. CATALOGUERS. The library of the University of Waterloo invites applications from grad­ uates of accredited library schools who are interested in cataloguing, using the L.C. clas­ sification and the Anglo-American code. Special consideration will b e given to applicants who are qualified to handle materials in science, mathematics, engineering, Slavic languages and German. Extra salary allowance will be made for persons with previous experience, appro­ priate subject background, or advanced de­ grees. Assistance will be given with moving expenses. Minimum salary for 1968-69 is $7,000 per year; after July 1, 1969 we anticipate a new minimum of $7,500. Special allowances are in addition to these figures. In this rapidly "Greater Achievements through Greater Membership" Write for FREE Membership Promotion Materials Membership Promotion American Library Association 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611 expanding library, opportunities for profession­ al advancement are good. Excellent working conditions and fringe benefits are offered, in­ cluding a sickness and accident salary con­ tinuance plan. Enrollment at the University of Waterloo will exceed 10,000 in 1969-70, with well over 1,000 graduate students. The book collection now totals some 300,000 volumes, and is presently expanding by 60,000 volumes per year. The library staff includes twenty- seven librarians among its 140 members. The total population of the twin cities of Kitchener- Waterloo is now 130,000. They are located within an hour’s drive of Toronto, London, Hamilton, and Stratford, in a prosperous and beautiful area. Please address inquiries to: Mrs. Doris E. Lewis, University Librarian, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. CATALOGUERS. University of Alberta Li­ brary requires: (1 ) science cataloguer; (2) German or Slavonic language cataloguers; (3) social science cataloguer; (4 ) audiovisual (Curriculum Laboratory) cataloguer; (5 ) peri­ odicals cataloguer. Salary according to experi­ ence and qualifications. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000-$9,450; Grade II, $9,500- $10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respec­ tively. Substantial upward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excel­ lent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three ref­ erences to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. CATALOGER for growing junior college li­ brary. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. M.L.S. preferred. Apply Dr, Jack Rodgers. President, Odessa College, P.O. Box 3752, Odessa, Texas 79760. Miscellaneous SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ADMINISTRA­ TOR. University of Alberta Library requires an experienced librarian to take charge of a Special Collections D epartm ent comprising rare books, manuscripts, special collections, and the University Archives. Salary open to nego­ tiation, minimum of $11,000. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Appli­ cants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Al­ berta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. RESEARCH LIBRARIAN. University of Al­ berta Library requires a general librarian to undertake library research. Duties may include: conduct of literature searches and compilation of state of art reports, conduct of surveys of users, practical research on Library require­ ments in various fields, evaluation of results of research, and preparation of recommendations on solutions to problems. Salary according to experience and qualifications. Í968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000-$9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 re­ spectively. Substantial upward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Ap­ plicants should send curriculum vitae, tran­ script of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. AUDIOVISUAL SPECIALIST to supervise Non-Print Media Utilization Unit in community college library located near New York City. Master’s degree in either educational media or library science with an emphasis on audiovisual services, plus 3 years experience in audiovisual services required. Salary $10,700-$13,200, with merit increases to $15,150. 33¾-hour week, month’s vacation, paid retirement, and other benefits. Apply Director of Library, Nassau Community College, Stewart Avenue, Garden City, New York 11530. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Uni­ versity of Alberta Library requires a general librarian to be responsible for organizing and administering special collections of materials not amenable to ordinary cataloguing and shelving processes, e.g., pamphlets, ephemera, and fragile materials. Salary according to ex­ perience and qualifications. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000-$9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial upward adjustment of scale expected in 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Appli­ cants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Al­ berta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. 139 THEOLOGICAL AND PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN in library serving liberal arts college and theological seminary. MLS and academic background in theology required. Salary open, with generous fringe benefits. Apply to Dr. Glen C. Stewart, Director, College and Seminary Library, Naperville, Illinois 60540.____________________________________ Multiple ADELPHI UNIVERSITY LIBRARY has the following positions: (1 ) H ead of M usic/Fine Arts Library to administer departmental library, develop collections and services. MLS degree, academic study in field and appropriate experi­ ence. Appointment at Assistant Professor level. (2 ) Serials Librarian to take charge of serials and work w ith Faculty in building collection. Interest in application of computer techniques. MLS degree and appropriate experience. (3 ) Reference Librarian. Active interest in organiz­ ing classes for students in subject bibliography and search techniques. MLS degree. Experi­ ence not mandatory. Salaries on the above de­ pend on qualifications and experience. Full Faculty status, including tenure and sabbat­ icals. TIA A /CREF, 22 days vacation. Thirty- five minutes to New York City. Award-winning air-conditioned building. Immediate openings. Apply to Miss D. Nora Gallagher, Director of Libraries, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York 11530. QUALIFIED LIBRARIANS in all specialties needed for college and university positions listed with us throughout the year by academic institutions seeking faculty and staff members. Enrollment includes notices of up-to-date va­ cancies, storage of your credentials for your use at any time, and other features. W rite for enrollment information. AMERICAN COL­ LEGE BUREAU and UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE STAFFING CENTER, 28 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 60604, Phone A.C. 312-427-6662. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY has wide range of new positions available in new quarters of $3 million Library Addition II. Catalog Librar­ ians; Order Librarians; Serials Librarian; Ref­ erence Librarians. Beginning Salary: $8,100. Faculty rank, TIAA, group health, life ’ and major medical insurance. For additional infor­ mation, write: W arren B. Kuhn, Director, Uni­ versity Library, Iowa State University, Ames Iowa 50010. THREE POSITIONS OPEN: CATALOGERS: One position open June 1, one open September 1. For one position experience with LC pre­ ferred. Foreign languages would be helpful. REFEREN CE LIBRARIAN: Head periodical section of Readers Services, open September 1. MSLS required. 37/2 hour week, paid retire­ ment, four weeks vacation. Salary: $7,580 In tw o college tow n in the foothills of the Cat- sk ills. Write, enclosing resumé, or call Mr J V Crowley, Co-ordinator of Technical Services or Mrs. Janet E. Green, Co-ordinator of Readers Services. Milne Library, State University Col­ lege, Oneonta, New York 13820. 607-431-2725 2724. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO Need on July 1: (1 ) Fine Arts Librarian wit experience in a library serving one or more o the arts and with educational background i music; (2 ) Latin American Bibliographer; (3 ) Circulation Librarian; (4 ) Business Adminis tration Librarian; (5 ) Assistant Humanities Li brarian; and (6 ) Government Publications Cat aloged Require MLS. Salaries open. Genera library with 510,000 volumes and four branch libraries serves student body of 15,000. Living conditions are ideal in city of 350,000 with dry and sunny climate with moderate temperatures year-round. Excellent fringe benefits for library staff. Apply: David Otis Kelley, University Librarian, University öf New Mexico, Albu querque 87106. 2 NEW POSITIONS will open July 1, 1969. Cataloger. Knowledge of L.C. required, and facility in a foreign language. Experience de sirable, but not required. Assistant for Acqui sitions. Experience desirable, facility in a for­ eign language required. Salary scale for both positions $7,000-$10,690. Starting salary de­ pends on qualifications. Faculty status, gener­ ous sick leave, annual leave, retirement pen­ sion. Send inquiries and resumé to Dorothy W. Reeder, Director, Albert S. Cook Library, Bal­ timore, Md. 21204. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT to di­ rect and develop reference services to faculty and students. Present areas of activity include bibliographic services, periodicals, government documents, interlibrary loans, surveys of col­ lections, and major involvement in library ori­ entation programs and the development of col­ lections in th e humanities and social sciences. Staff in departm ent includes six librarians, nine assistants, plus part-timers. Administrative abil­ ity, dynamic view of librarianship, and initia­ tive are prime qualifications. Salary range be­ gins at $9,300 with allowance for experience. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN Position with responsibilities for having main entries estab­ lished and development and direction of a new out-of-print program. Acquisitions rate is over 50,000 volumes annually. D epartm ent staff of 14 includes 3 librarians. Qualifications include cataloguing experience of at least two years, and plenty of initiative. Starting salary $7,600 with allowance for experience; good opportuni­ ties for advancement. Positions require gradu­ ation from an accredited library school and ex­ perience. 35-hour week; excellent fringe bene­ fits. Send application with curriculum vitae to University Librarian, Sir George Williams Uni­ versity, 1435 Drummond Street, Montreal, Quebec. WISCONSIN STATE UNIVERSITY, River P alls seeks candidates for two openings to work in new air conditioned library. Circulation li­ brarian to supervise main circulation desk and reserve desk. Two classified assistants plus student help. We intend to change present / . h f n ­ ­ ­ l ­ ­ ­ 140 141 circulation system and offer challenge in se­ lecting new one. Reference librarian to handle reference and bibliographic needs for an emerg­ ing university. Beginning salary is $8500 for the academic year. Summer session optional at % additional salary. M.S.L.S. required. Pro­ fessional librarians receive rank and faculty privileges, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, group in­ surance, social security plus new retirement system. Both positions begin September 1, 1969. We offer small town atmosphere with metropolitan Twin Cities attractions only one half hour driving time away. Apply Richard A. Cooklock, Librarian, Wisconsin State Uni­ versity, River Falls 54022. Public Services INFORMATION SPECIALIST to serve needs of Colorado industry under State Technical Services Act. Provide reference, literature search and photocopy services with staff of one sub-professional plus student assistants. Participate in promotional activities including newsletters, displays, some local travel. Must be able to work with literature of sciences, business and technology in serving technical clientele. Initially under general direction of Business Librarian, position offers opportunity to assume increasing responsibilities for entire operation. Annual salary to $9,500.00 depend­ ing on qualifications. Faculty rank with all perquisites; eligibility for TIAA; 22 days vaca­ tion; transportation to one professional meet­ ing each year. Candidates must have MLS from ALA accredited library school. Position available approximately August 1, 1969. Send complete resumes to Leo W. Cabell, Assistant Director for Public Services, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. OREGON—WESTWARD HO!!! Rewarding challenge and professional growth await in position on Oregon State Library administrative staff. State Capital, Salem, offers choice living and recreation for sports or cultural interests. Near urban benefits, scenic Pacific and Cas­ cade natural wonders. Enjoy progressive civic activities or timeless qualities of nature in land of open space! We need: DIRECTOR OF READERS’ SERVICES. Administrative and supervisory responsibilities, as Division Direc­ tor, for acquisition, reference, loan record, and circulation services of State Library. Recom­ mends policy relating to public services and development of State Library collection. Fifth year Master of Library Science degree re­ quired, plus five years of progressively respon­ sible professional library service, including ad­ ministrative and reference experience. Salary negotiable, depending on qualifications, within $10,350-$12,360 pay range. APPLY: Oregon State Library, Salem, Oregon 97310, Telephone 364-2171, Ext. 308. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Responsible for general adminis­ tration of circulation, Reference, Government Documents Curriculum Library, Music Library. Staff of eight professional, eleven civil service and part time student assistants. Present library building very good but too small. New building planned to move into in 1971. Enrollment 6,500, faculty of 370. Arts and Sciences and Teacher Education through the masters pro­ gram. Masters degree in librarianship from ALA accredited school, five years of experi­ ence, some preferably in reference, required. Salary range for 12 months depending upon qualifications, $9,917-$15,400. Full faculty status with rank. TIAA. Generous sick leave benefits. One month’s or 21 working days an­ nual leave. Sportsmens paradise, nature lovers delight, hikers and climbers challenge. Apply to: George H. Fadenrecht, Director of Librar­ ies, Central Washington State College, Ellens­ burg, Washington 98926. Reference Services HEAD OF ARTS REFERENCE Department required July 1, 1969, by the University of Waterloo. Minimum qualifications are gradua­ tion from an accredited library school and six years’ experience in reference work, preferably in an academic library. Minimum salary $9,500 and excellent fringe benefits. Special considera­ tion will be given to applicants with an ad­ vanced degree or additional relevant experi­ ence and training. Assistance will be given with moving expenses. The Art Library serves primarily the Arts faculty, which presently has 2,000 students including 300 graduate students. The Arts Library has some 200,000 volumes of books and periodicals and is growing by 45,000 volumes per year. The Arts Reference collection is 5,000 volumes and the department has a staff of nine, including five librarians. The library’s collection of approximately 280,- 000 volumes is being expanded at the rate of 60,000 volumes per annum. The staff numbers 135 including 27 librarians and serves 7,700 undergraduate students and 1,100 graduate students, in addition to 1,800 members of faculty and administrative staff. The twin cities of Kitchener-Waterloo have a population of 130,000 and are located within an hour’s drive of Toronto, London, and Hamilton in a pros­ perous and attractive area of southern Ontario. Please address inquiries to Mrs. Doris Lewis, University Librarian, University of Waterloo, WATERLOO, Ontario, Canada. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Al­ berta Library requires a general librarian, with humanities or social sciences background, to work in the General Reference Department. Salary according to experience and qualifica­ tions. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000- $9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial up­ ward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, re­ moval grant. Applicants should send curricu­ lum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. 142 DOCUMENTS/MICROTEXT LIBRARIAN with a minimum of three years experience in selective depository documents for U.S. Gov­ ernment Publications, state publications, and microprint, microcard, microfilm, and micro­ fiche collections. Appropriate academic back­ ground, initiative in acquisition and faculty liaison, and educational seminar with the stu­ dents and faculty. This is an excellent opportu­ nity to work with a computer assisted machine system for GPO materials. Northeastern Uni­ versity has an enrollment of 38,000. The li­ brary system includes, in addition to the main library, three divisional research libraries, law library, and a suburban campus library. It is a young, viable institution noted for its cooper­ ative education program. The position is a fac­ ulty appointment with attendant TIAA benefits, etc., 36/1 day work week, 24 days annual vaca­ tion and continuing education opportunities. $9,000.00 minimum. Send complete credentials to Albert M. Donley, Jr., Associate Director of University Libraries, Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115. MICRO-MATERIALS LIBRARIAN. University of Alberta Library requires a general librarian to take charge of micro-materials section in General Reference Department. To be respon­ sible for administering and providing readers services for a growing collection of microforms. Salary according to experience and qualifica­ tions. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000- $9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial upward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Aca­ demic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. Resources ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTIONS. Simon Fraser University Li­ brary invites applications for a senior adminis­ trative position with responsibilities for public services and development of the collections. The successful applicant must have a thorough knowledge of the literature of humanities or social sciences or sciences. Applicants should have an exceptional academic record with a master’s degree in an academic subject as well as librarianship. Simon Fraser University, the newest provincial university in British Colum­ bia, has an enrollment of approximately 6,000 students. The University has undertaken grad­ uate work to the doctoral level in eleven de­ partments in the faculties of Arts and Science. The University Library presently has a collec­ tion of 230,000 volumes and subscribes to over 5,000 periodicals. In the first five years of growth the University Library has spent $2.6 million on acquisitions and will spend $631,000 for acquisitions in 1969/70 adding 75,000 volumes. The total University Library budget for the coming year will be over $2,000,000. Beginning salary range $14,000- $16,000; TIAA CREF pension plan; outstand­ ing medical plan and excellent group insur­ ance; one month vacation. Send curriculum vitae with details of experience and names of three references to: D. A. Baird, University Librarian, Simon Fraser University Library, Burnaby 2, British Columbia. COLLECTIONS DEVELOPMENT CO-OR- DINATOR. University of Alberta Library re­ quires an experienced librarian to be responsi­ ble for co-ordinating the collection develop­ ment activities of a University Library with a collection of 800,000 and an annual book budget of one and one-half million dollars. University enrollment 15,725 students, of whom 1,980 are graduate students. Collection de­ velopment activities presently carried on for the Humanities and Social Sciences by a sep­ arately organized Selections Department, and for other subject areas as an integral part of the activities of subject oriented public service departments. Salary open to negotiation, mini­ mum of $13,000. Rank of Assistant Librarian. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, re­ moval grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. Subject Specialists COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARI­ ANS. University of Alberta Library requires general librarians to be responsible for collec­ tion development activities, in conjunction with teaching departments, in the fields of Social Sciences and History. The Library has a col­ lection of 800,000 volumes and an annual book budget of one and one-half million dollars. The University enrollment is 15,725 of whom 1,980 are graduate students. Preference given to applicants with subject master’s degrees in the areas indicated. Salary according to ex­ perience and qualifications. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000-$9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial upward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Appli­ cants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Al­ berta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE SPECIAL­ IST. Simon Fraser University Library has an opening for a librarian in its Social Sciences Division. The position involves information services to students and facultv members with responsibility for developing the collection in economics and commerce. Candidates should have relevant experience and an advanced degree in one of these fields is preferred. Be­ ginning salary range $8,500-10,500 with bene­ fits as listed above. The university is growing rapidly and a large graduate program has de­ veloped in economics and business administra­ tion. Candidates should send curriculum vitae and names of three references to: University Li­ 143 brarian, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby 2, British Columbia. EDUCATION LIBRARIAN. University of Al­ berta Library requires a general librarian for service in an Education Library. Education background desirable, but not essential. Salary according to experience and qualifications. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000—$9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial upward adjust­ ment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, tran­ script of record, and the names of three refer­ ences to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. LAW LIBRARIAN. University of Alberta Li­ brary requires a general librarian for service in a Law Library. Some legal background or law library experience desirable, but not es­ sential. Salary according to experience and qualifications. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000-$9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. In­ crements, $400 and $500 respectively. Sub­ stantial upward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Li­ brarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. MUSIC LIBRARIAN needed for September, 1969, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, located in growing recreational area and 60 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, America’s Renais­ sance City. Acquisitions, processing and public service work with materials located in Music- Department. Undergraduate degree in music and ALA accredited M.L.S. required. Experi­ ence is desirable. Salary dependent on qualifi­ cations. Faculty rank. Apply to Ronald A. Steiner, Acting Head Librarian, Indiana Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701. MEDICAL LIBRARIAN. University of Alberta Library requires a general librarian for service in a medical library. Biological sciences back­ ground desirable, but not essential. Salary ac­ cording to experience and qualifications. 1968/ 69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000-$9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial upward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Appli­ cants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Al­ berta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. New (1965) 2,600 acre campus, 20 minutes downtown St. Louis. Enrollment 10,000. Subject divisional library growing at rate of 50,000 yearly. Masters de­ gree programs in most areas. Professional nurs­ ing. Dental school starting 1970. Faculty rank, one month vacation, eligibility for sabbatical leave and participation in outstanding Illinois university retirement system. Substantial rele­ vant experience and training required. Salary $14,400, or more, depending upon qualifica­ tions. Apply: John C. Abbott, Director, Love­ joy Library, Southern Illinois University, Ed­ wardsville, Illinois 62025. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Alberta Library requires a general librarian for service in a Science Library. Science background de­ sirable, but not essential. Salary according to experience and qualifications. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000-$9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial upward adjustment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Appli­ cants should send curriculum vitae, transcript of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Al­ berta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. Technical Services ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN to assist in the development and maintenance of excellence in library collections at the Commonwealth Campuses of the Pennsylvania State University. Duties: evaluation of collections; development of acquisitions guidelines and policies; and in­ volvement in interpreting and making avail­ able the bibliographic resources of the main collection at University Park. Requirements: 5th year library degree, 3 years experience in acquisitions, or collection development activi­ ties, imagination and creative ability. Academic status, liberal benefits, rural setting, salary commensurate with qualifications. Send re­ sumé to Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University, University Libraries, Univer­ sity Park, Pennsylvania 16802. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. ORDER LIBRARIAN works closely with Ac­ quisitions Librarian in coordinating activities of an Acquisitions Department of 10 librarians and 33 clericals with a budget of $1,200,000. Establishes priorities in searching and process­ ing in conjunction with Bibliographic Control Librarian. In addition to major responsibility for monographic acquisitions, special assign­ ments may be available in a particular subject field. Requirements: 5th year library degree, 2 years experience in acquisitions, imagination and creative ability. Academic status, liberal benefits, rural setting, salary commensurate with qualifications. Send resume to Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University, University Libraries, University Park, Penn­ sylvania 16802. All qualified applicants will re­ ceive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. ASSISTANT TECHNICAL LIBRARIAN for the Library Information System of the Penn­ sylvania Technical Assistance Program, admin­ istered by The Pennsylvania State University 144 Libraries. Requires: 5th-year library degree. Desirable: experience with technical literatur searching and a background in science o technology. Academic status, liberal benefits, rural setting, salary commensurate with qualifi cations. Send resume to Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University, Universit Libraries, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. All qualified applicants will receive considera tion without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. ORDER LIBRARIAN, responsible for research and preparation of orders, faculty liaison and related work. Four year liberal arts college, 1200 enrollment, in attractive medium size city on 1-75, one hour South of Toledo; usual fringe benefits. Competitive salary depends up on qualifications. Opportunity to help build collection in new and expanding library. Open Sept. 1, 1969. Apply to S. A. Stiffler, Librarian, Findlay College, Findlay, Ohio 45840. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Catalogers, ac­ quisitions librarians, and public services spe­ cialist. Experience, one year administrative. M.L.S. Three year old state college library in formative stages in south Los Angeles County. Desire to be part of a dynamic academic en­ vironment is important. Salary $9,100-$10,000, depending on qualifications. Benefits include one month vacation and California state retire­ ment. Contact: B. Gallo, California State Col­ lege, Dominguez Hills-Library, 809 E. Victoria Street, Dominguez Hills, California 90247. ASSISTANT ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN for College in N.Y.C. Duties will involve all phases of serials work. M.L.S. plus relevant experience. Available September 1969. Starting salary $9,650. Faculty rank. Send resume. Box 752, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. University of Alberta Library requires a general librarian to work in the Book Order Department. Salary according to experience and qualifications. 1968/69 salary range: Grade I, $7,000-$9,450; Grade II, $9,500-$10,950. Increments $400 and $500 respectively. Substantial upward adjust­ ment of scale expected for 1969/70. Academic status, excellent fringe benefits, removal grant. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, tran­ script of academic record, and the names of three references to the Librarian, University of Alberta, Edmonton 7, Alberta, Canada. UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ap­ plications are invited for the position of AS­ SISTANT LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES AND PLANNING. Responsible for the operation and coordination of Acquisitions, Serials, Cataloguing and binding for a library system adding more than 100,000 volumes to the collections each year. Staff in the technical services divisions number 130 of whom 22 are professionals. The technical service staff has worked closely with the Library Systems De­ velopment Division (Systems Analyst, Systems e r ­ y ­ ­ and Information Science Librarian, program­ mers, keypunch and flexowriter operators) in automating various library routines. The plan­ ning responsibility of the position is in the area of general library development such as planning for library buildings. The salary will not be less than $15,000 per annum. There are excellent medical, disability, group insur­ ance and superannuation benefits and four weeks vacation. Librarians are eligible to join the Faculty Club and Association. The Uni­ versity of British Columbia is in Vancouver, a beautiful west coast city of 700,000 population. Current enrollment at the University is 21,000. Book collections total 1,200,000. The Library staff numbers 345 and 86 of these are profes­ sional. Applications with curriculum vitae should be submitted to Mr. Basil Stuart-Stubbs, Librarian, University of British Columbia, Van­ couver 8, B.C. HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS. Simon Fraser University, the newest provincially-supported university in British Columbia, is seeking can­ didates to administer the Acquisitions Divi­ sion with a staff of over 20 and a total acquisi­ tions budget of $631,000. An automated ac­ quisitions system has been in operation for three years. The Library collection is present­ ly 230,000 volumes with subscriptions to 5,000 periodicals. The University, with an approxi­ mate enrollment of 6,000 is 20 minutes from downtown Vancouver. Several years’ acquisi­ tions experience in an academic library are re­ quired as well as knowledge of or interest in data processing. Beginning salary range $10,- 000-$ll,000; TIAA CREF pension plan; ex­ cellent medical and group insurance plans; one month vacation. HEAD OF TECHNICAL PROCESSES to di­ rect order, serials and cataloging activities of a growing liberal arts college library of 85,000 vols. Converting to LC. Degree from ALA ac­ credited school and professional experience at a supervisory level. Salary $8,500-$11,000, de­ pending on experience. Generous benefits. Send resume to James E. Gaines, Jr., Library Director, Birmingham-Southern College, Birm­ ingham, Ala. 35204. HEAD, SERIALS DEPARTMENT. Oakland University has an immediate opening for an experienced Serials Librarian, who will super­ vise a staff of three (including one profession­ al) plus student assistants. Serials Head will work with faculty to develop the serials col­ lection, and will be responsible for the Central Serials Record and binding preparation. Oak­ land is a rapidly expanding State University, set in beautiful surroundings, twenty-five miles north of Detroit. Acquisitions and circulation records are already on computer. The salary is $10,000, plus substantial fringe benefits. An M.L.S. from an accredited library school is required. Send resume to: W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48063. 145 Librarians at H a m lin e University have become more than store­ keepers who m ake sure the latest m aterial is available. W ith the help of a 3 M M icrofilm System, they have become catalysts be­ tween the instructor and student. At H am line's Schilling M e m o ­ rial Research Center, an entire curriculum is built around the lib ra ry m a terials on m icrofilm . The librarian works w ith an in ­ structor, helping him in te g ra te the lib r a r y resources w ith his instruction. Instead of using this m icrofilm m aterial for reference, the stu­ dent now uses it as his original source. H e can read about an event as it happened in the New York Tim es on m icrofilm, instead of in a history book. Rather than being spoon-fed the information, he puts his reasoning powers to use and compares a specific event w ith other world happenings of the same era. The student can look up micro­ film data in seconds on the screen of a 3 M “ 400” R e a der-P rin ter. If he wants a reference copy, he just pushes a button and has it in six seconds. For more inform ation, call your 3 M Business Products Center or w rite to 3 M M icrofilm Systems, D e p t. F F D - 4 9 , S t. P a u l, M N 55101. this librarian is now a catalyst instead of a storekeeper 146 For n e w co nvenience in using C H O IC E . . . W ith th e firs t issue o f V olum e 5, M a rc h 19 68, C H O IC E b e g a n an a d d itio n a l service lo n g requested b y subscribers — C H O IC E R eview s-on-C ards. If you w e re n o t a m o n g the service's c h a rte r subscribers, y o u m a y w a n t to con sid er it no w . C H O IC E R eview s-on-C ards can b rin g to y o u r a c q u is itio n s system a new convenience as v e rs a tile as y o u w a n t to m a ke it. C a rd s m a ke it easy to s e p a ra te a n d d is trib u te review s sim ulta n e o u s ly to o th e r lib ra ria n s a n d fa c u lty — no m o re te a rin g up copies o r w a itin g fo re v e r f o r c irc u la tin g copies to re tu rn . C ard s can save c le ric a l steps in o rd e rin g a n d checking h o ld in g s (a m p le space f o r n o ta tio n s o n b o th fr o n t a n d ba ck o f each c a rd ). They a re a c a ta lo g in g a id , a n d th e y a re easy to lo c a te in y o u r d e s id e ra ta file . You can p r o b a b ly th in k o f dozens o f o th e r uses in y o u r o w n system. DESCRIPTION OF CARD REVIEWS As each re g u la r issue o f C H O IC E goes to press, a ll review s in th e issue a re re p rin te d s e p a ra te ly on 3 x 5 cards. Each is id e n tifie d b y subject h e a d in g a n d issue d a te . C o lla te d in th e o r d e r fo llo w e d in th e m a g a z in e , th e y a re b o x e d a n d m a ile d to y o u via Fourth Class m a il, S pecial H a n d lin g . DELIVERY OF CARDS F o urth C a s s , S pe c ia l H a n d lin g means y o u r b o x o f ca rd s is c a rrie d fro m o u r po st office to y o u rs w ith re g u la r First Class m a il, b u t d e liv e re d a c c o rd in g t o y o u r lo c a l Parcel Post d e liv e ry schedule. You sh o u ld receive ca rd s a t a b o u t th e same tim e as y o u r re g u la r issue by Second Class m a il. SUBSCRIPTION TO REVIEWS-ON-CARDS C a rd s a re a v a ila b le b y y e a rly s u b s c rip tio n a t a cost o f $ 8 0 . W ith c u rre n t p u b lic a tio n o f m o re th a n 5 ,5 0 0 review s p e r y e a r, th e cost o f th e c a rd service is less th a n 1 Î6 cents p e r re v ie w . C a rd s a re a v a il­ a b le o n ly to re g u la r C H O IC E s ub scribers, HOW TO ORDER S u b s c rip tio n s to R eview s-on-C a rds sho uld be o r ­ d e re d fro m S u b s c rip tio n D e p a rtm e n t, A m e ric a n L ib ra ry A s s o c ia tio n , 5 0 E. H u ro n S tre e t, C h ic a g o , Illin o is 6 0 6 1 1 . They a re n o t a v a ila b le th ro u g h a g encies. An o r d e r fo rm is p ro v id e d b e lo w f o r y o u r convenience. N e w sub s c rip tio n s a re s ta rte d w ith th e n e x t a v a ila b le issue fo llo w in g re c e ip t o f o rd e rs . For a d d it io n a l in fo rm a t io n re g a rd in g R eview s-on- C a rd s , please w rite C H O IC E E d ito r ia l O ffice s, 100 R ivervie w C e n te r, M id d le to w n , C o n n . 0 6 4 5 7 . TO: Subscription Department American Library Association 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611 In s titu tio n : ___________________________________________________________________________ Please consid e r this m y o rd e r fo r a 1 -yea r su b scrip tio n to A d d re ss: _____________________________________________________________________________ C HO IC E R eview s-on-C ards a t (Street) $ 8 0 p e r y e a r to b e g in w ith ______________________________________________________________________________________ th e n e xt a v a ila b le issue. (State) (Zip) A u th o riz e d b y: _______________________________________________________________________ (Signature) (Title) 147 CHILDREN'S LORE & LITERATURE These beautiful and fascinating items are mainly selected from the important guide HAVILAND Children’ s Literature: A Guide to Reference Sources, Library of Congress, Washington, 1966. Subjects covered include Fables, Nursery Rhymes, Games of Children, Story- Telling, Publishers of Children’ s Books in England and America. Some of these books are delightfully illustrated; others are facsimiles of early children’ s hooks. Florence V. Barry A CENTURY OF CHILDREN’S BOOKS. A s tu d y o f e ig h te e n th -c e n tu ry c h il­ d r e n ’s lite ra tu re an d its b a sis in e d u c a t i o n a l a n d p h il o s o p h ic a l th o u g h t. C o n te n ts in c lu d e c h a p te rs on c h a p -b o o k s an d b a lla d s , fa iry ta le s , th e L illip u tia n L ib ra ry , R o u s ­ seau an d th e m o ra l ta le , som e g re a t w rite rs o f little bo oks, an d th e o ld -fa s h io n e d g a rd e n o f v e rs e s . H is t o r ic a l in t r o d u c t io n , b ib lio g ­ ra p h y , an d c h ro n o lo g ic a l lis t of c h ild r e n 's b o o ks p u b lis h e d fro m 1 7 0 0 -1 8 2 6 . C ited in H avilan d 7. 1 9 2 2 /2 5 7 p ./$ 8 .5 0 Sabine Baring-Gould A BOOK OF NURSERY SONGS AND RHYMES. An e x c e lle n t c o lle c tio n by a p io n e e r fo lk lo r is t o f m o s t o f th e so n g s and rh y m e s fa m ilia r to re a d e rs o f all ages. The in tro d u c tio n de als w ith th e fo lk rh y m e s as it re la te s to social h is to ry . Illu s tra te d w ith w o o d c u ts a n d b o rd e r d e c o ra tio n s . C ited in H avilan d 77 5. 1 9 0 7 /1 7 5 p ./$ 6 .7 5 Henry Bett NURSERY RHYMES AND TALES, Their Origin and History. D iscusses m y th an d tra d itio n as t h e y a r e r e f le c t e d in n u r s e r y rh y m e s an d ta le s . B ib lio g ra p h ic a l no te s an d in d e x . C ited in H avilan d 7 7 6 ; K e n n e d y & S ands 3 3 3 2 . 1 9 2 4 / 1 3 9 p . / $ 7 . 0 0 Henry Bett THE GAMES OF CHILDREN, Their Origin and History. E xplore s th e re lig io u s an d fo lk lo re o rig in s o f tr a d itio n a l c h ild r e n ’ s g a m e s in te r m s o f w e d d in g s , fu n e ra ls , s p rin g tim e , s u n s h in e , fire , fa irie s , s a c rific e s , e tc . C ited in H ayw ood. 1 9 2 9 /1 4 0 p ./$ 6 .0 0 Effie Power BAG O’TALES: A Source Book for Story-Tellers. O ve r f if t y ta le s , in c lu d in g m y th s , fa b le s , an d fo lk ta le s , w ith no tes on s to ry te llin g and c h ild r e n ’s lite r a ­ tu re . An in tro d u c tio n s tre s s e s th e im p o rta n c e o f s to ry te llin g ; each s e c tio n has a p re fa c e c o n ta in in g a lis t o f s to rie s an d a b ib lio g ra p h y of s o u rc e s . A u th o r was d ire c to r o f c h ild r e n ’s w o rk a t C levela nd P ublic L ib ra ry . C ited in H a v ila n d 67 9. 1 9 3 4 /3 4 0 p ./$ 8 .0 0 Johann Amos Comenius THE ORBIS PICTUS OF JOHN AMOS COMENIUS. T h e f ir s t c h ild r e n ’s p ic tu re book an d fo r a c e n tu ry th e m o s t p o p u la r te x tb o o k in E urope a ft e r its p u b li­ c a tio n in 1 6 5 7 . E dited by C harles W. B a rd e e n , th is e d itio n is illu s ­ tra te d w ith o v e r 15 0 w o o d c u ts , w ith E nglish an d La tin te x ts in p a ra lle l c o lu m n s . 1 8 8 7 /1 2 1 p ./$ 9 .0 0 Lina Eckenstein COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN NURSERY RHYMES. Im p o rta n t s c h o la rly s tu d y o f r id ­ dles, c h a n ts , an d n u rs e ry lore fro m v a rio u s la n d s . R efe re n c e s a re given to e a rly use, w ith a c h ro n o lo g y of th e f ir s t p rin te d c o lle c tio n s in E nglan d. C ited in H a v ila n d 780. 191 l / 2 3 9 p . / $ 8 . 5 0 Louise Field THE CHILD AND HIS BOOK. Some Account of the History and Progress of C hildren’s Literature in England. T h ro u g h an e x a m in a tio n o f in d iv id ­ ual title s a n d a u th o rs th is s tu d y c le a rly sho w s th e d e v e lo p m e n t of E nglish c h ild r e n ’s lite ra tu re up to a b o u t 1 8 2 6 . Illu s tra te d . C ited in H avilan d 17. 1 8 9 5 /3 6 6 p ./$ 9 .5 0 Percy B. Green A HISTORY OF NURSERY RHYMES. A s tu d y o f th e o rig in an d m e a n in g o f n u rs e ry rh y m e s fro m p re h is to ric tim e s to th e n in e te e n th c e n tu ry w hich e s ta b lis h e s a lin k b e tw een ty p e s o f n u rs e ry rh y m e s , c h ild h o o d ga m es, a n d so n g s in v a rio u s areas o f th e w o rld . C ited in H avilan d 7 8 3 . 1 8 9 9 /2 1 2 p ./$ 8 .5 0 James O. Halliwell-Phillipps POPULAR RHYMES AND NU R­ SERY TALES. A Sequel to The Nursery Rhymes o f England. An im p o rta n t s o u rc e b o ok to t r a d i­ tio n a l rh y m e s , s to rie s , an d son gs of E nglan d. M a n y e n trie s p ro v id e in te re s tin g b a c k g ro u n d da ta an d a fe w v e rs io n s o f rh y m e s a n d ta le s fro m o th e r c o u n trie s a re g iv e n . C ited in H avilan d 8 0 3 . 1 8 4 9 /2 8 7 p ./$ 9 .5 0 Andrew W. Tuer STORIES FROM OLD- FASHIONED CHILDREN’S BOOKS, Brought Together and Introduced to the Reader. A c o lle c tio n o f c h ild r e n ’s s to rie s a rra n g e d in a p p ro x im a te c h ro n o ­ logical o rd e r fro m 17 6 7 to 1 8 2 7 . Illu s tr a tio n s in c lu d e title pages fro m bo o k s an d m a g a z in e s and 2 5 0 a m u s in g c u ts . C ited in H a v i­ la n d 62. 1 8 9 9 - 1 9 0 0 /4 5 4 p ./$ 8 .5 0 A D IV IS IO N OF GALE RESEARCH COM PANY BOOK TOWER D E TR O IT. M IC H IG A N 48226 F O L K L O R E & F O L K & F A I R Y T A L E S Long out of print, these facsimile editions of standard reference works offer the student of folklore a whole new range of material w ith which to investigate the traditions, superstitions, customs, beliefs, and observances of the past. In view of today's increased interest in the old traditions, each of these works makes a special contribution to the researches that have throw n light on the early in flu ­ ences that have helped to shape the history of modern man. T O M T IT T O T : An Essay on Savage Philosophy in Folktale b y E d w a r d C lo d d A k e y s t u d y o f v a r ia n t s o f t h i s b a s ic f o l k t a l e , f r o m t h e B r i t i s h Is le s a n d E u r o p e t o I n d ia b y a d i s t i n g u i s h e d a n t h r o p o l o g i s t . 1898 2 4 9 p . $ 6.7 5 POPULÄR TALES AN D F IC T IO N S : Their Migrations and Transformations b y W i l l i a m A . C lo u s t o n D e t a ile d s t u d y o f o r i g i n a n d d if f u s i o n o f f o l k t a l e s , w i t h c h a p t e r s o n m o t i f - t y p e s a n d v a r ia n t s . 1887 1 02 6p . 2 V o ls . $ 38.50 AN IN T R O D U C T IO N TO FO LKLOR E b y M a r i a n R o a l f e C o x C o m p r e h e n s iv e s u r v e y o f t h e s t u d y a n d l i t e r a t u r e o f m a n 's b e lie fs a n d c u s to m s . 1904 3 8 4 p . $ 15.00 AN IN T R O D U C T IO N TO SCIENCE OF C O M P A R A T IV E M Y T H O L O G Y A N D FO LKLORE b y S i r G e o r g e W . C o x P o p u la r t r a d i t i o n , t h e h e a v e n s a n d t h e l i g h t , t h e w in d s , t h e w a t e r , t h e c lo u d s , t h e e a r t h , e tc . A p p e n d ix e s a n d in d e x . 1881 3 8 0 p . $14.75 M Y T H S AND FO LK -LO R E OF IR E L A N D b y J e r e m ia h C u r t i n S ta n d a r d c o lle c t i o n o f m y t h s a n d f o l k ta le s c o lle c te d in K e r r y , G a lw a y a n d D o n e g a l. 1890 3 4 5 p . $11.00 FO LKLOR E AS AN H IS T O R IC A L SCIENCE y G e o r g e L . G o m m e S t a n d a r d g u id e t o s c i e n t i f i c s t u d y o f o l k l o r e , a n t h r o p o l o g y a n d e t h n o lo g y by e a d in g B r i t i s h f o l k l o r i s t . 1908 371 p . $ 15 .00 b f l P R IM IT IV E F O L K -M O O T S : or, Open-Air Assemblies in Britain b y G e o r g e L . G o m m e S t u d y o f o r ig in s a n d d e v e lo p m e n t o n o p e n - a i r m e e ti n g s , f r o m a n c i e n t t o m o d e r n t im e s , 1880 3 1 6 p . $14.00 E N G L IS H FAIRY AND O T H E R TALES b y E d w in S . H a r t l a n d C o lle c t io n b y n o te d f o l k l o r i s t , w i t h n o te s o n h is t o r y a n d s o u r c e s . 1890 2 8 2 p . $9.50 BIRD S IN LE G EN D . FABLE AND F O LK ­ LORE b y E r n e s t I n g e r s o l l A t r e a s u r y o f le g e n d s , b e lie fs a n d fa n c ie s c o n c e r n in g b ir d s t h r o u g h o u t h i s t o r y . 1923 2 9 2 p . $11.50 DRAGONS AND DRAGON LORE b y E r n e s t I n g e r s o l l O r ig in a n d d e v e lo p m e n t o f d r a g o n m y t h a n d lo r e in d if f e r e n t c o u n t r ie s , a n d it s s y m b o lic a s p e c ts . 1928 2 0 3 p . $8.50 LE G EN DA RY F IC TIO N S OF T H E IR IS H CELTS b y P a t r i c k K e n n e d y I m p o r t a n t c o lle c t i o n o f I r i s h f o l k a n d f a i r y ta le s , i n c l u d i n g le g e n d s o f C e lt ic s a in t s . 1891 1 52 p. $18.50 T H E A LG O N Q U IN LEGEN DS OF NEW E N G LAND , OR, M Y T H S AN D FOLK LORE OF T H E M IC M A C , PASSAMA- Q UO DO Y, AN D PENOBSCOT TRIBES b y C h a r l e s G . L e l a n d I m p o r t a n t g r o u p o f I n d i a n le g e n d s a n d ta le s f r o m o r a l t r a d i t i o n , c o lle c te d m a i n l y b y t h e a u t h o r a n d h is f r ie n d s . 1884 3 79 p. $ 12.50 E N G L IS H F O L K -R H Y M E S : A Collection of Traditional Verse Relating to Places and Persons, Customs, Superstitions, etc. b y C . F . N o r t h a l l B a s ic r e fe r e n c e c o lle c t i o n o f B r i t i s h f o l k r h y m e s , c la s s ifie d w i t h in d e x e s . 1892 5 65 p. $18.50 BAG 0 ’ TALES: A Source Book for Story- Tellers b y E f f ie P o w e r O v e r f i f t y ta le s , w i t h n o te s o n s t o r y t e l l ­ in g a n d c h i l d r e n 's l i t e r a t u r e , w i t h b ib l io g r a p h y . 1934 3 4 0 p . $8.00 T H E FO LKLOR E OF FA IR Y-TA LE b y ( P e r c i v a l ) M a c l e o d Y e a r s l e y S c h o la r ly s t u d y o f f a i r y - t a l e o r ig in s , ty p e s a n d th e m e s . 1924 2 0 4 p . $9.50 COMPLETE CATALOG OF PUBLISHED TITLES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST A DIVISION OF GALE RESEARCH COMPANY BOOK TOWER DETROIT. MICHIGAN 4 8 2 2 6