ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 2 5 E ducation and B ehavioral S c ien ces S e ctio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jean C. Jones, Di­ rector, Library and Archives, American Psychi­ atric Museum Association, Washington, D.C. (1 3 2 ) ; Darrell Jenkins, Assistant Serials Li­ brarian, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico (1 2 1 ). Secretary: Leslie Benton Bjorncrantz, Cur­ riculum Librarian and Reference Librarian, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 135); Marjorie Zumstein, Education and Psy­ chology Librarian, Purdue University, West La- Fayette, Indiana (1 2 1 ). L aw and P o l it ic a l S cie n c e S ectio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Susan C. Finsen, \ssistant Executive Officer, Congressional Re­ search Service, Library of Congress, Washing­ ton, D.C. ( 1 1 3 ) ; Sandra S. Coleman, Head, Reference Department, General Library, Uni­ versity of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico (5 7 ). Member-at-Large: Frances Hunt Hall, Law Librarian and Associate Professor, Southern Víethodist University, Dallas, Texas (1 0 4 ) ; Leslie W. Sheridan, Director of University Li­ braries, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio (6 2 ). R a re B ooks and M a nu scripts Se ctio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Marjorie Gray Wynne, Edwin J. Beinecke Research Librarian, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, fale University, New Haven, Connecticut (2 2 1 ); Evert Volkersz, Head, Department of Special Collections, University Library, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York (1 1 1 ). Secretary: Maud D. Cole, Keeper of Rare Books, The New York Public Library, New York, New York ( 1 9 3 ) ; Thomas D. Burney, Assistant to the Chief, Rare Books and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (1 3 4 ). Member-at-Large: Elizabeth A. Swaim, Spe­ cial Collections Librarian and University Ar­ chivist, Wesleyan University Library, Middle­ town, Connecticut ( 1 7 7 ) ; Liana Van Der Bel­ len, Chief, Rare Books and Manuscripts Divi­ sion, National Library of Canada, Ottawa, On­ tario, Canada (1 5 1 ). S l a v ic and E a st E u ro pea n S e ctio n Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Stan Humenuk, Head Catalog Librarian, Western Illinois Uni­ versity, Macomb, Illinois ( 6 3 ) ; Andrew Lubo- mir Makuch, Bibliographer for Collection De­ velopment, University of Arizona Library, Tuc­ son, Arizona (3 5 ) . Member-at-Large: Marianna Tax Choldin, Slavic Bibliographer and Associate Professor of Library Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois ( 5 1 ) ; Douglas K. Freeman, Slavic Cataloger/ SO LIN ET Coordinator, University of Tennes­ see Library, Knoxville, Tennessee (4 6 ). Un iv e r s it y L ib r a r ie s S ection Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: James T. Dodson, Director of Libraries, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas (5 5 7 ) ; James F. Wyatt, Dean of Libraries, The University of Alabama, University, Alabama (5 0 9 ). ■■ Highlights of the Annual Conference Meetings of the ACRL Board of Directors The Board of Directors of the Association of College and Research Libraries met twice dur­ ing the 1977 ALA Annual Conference in De­ troit: on Friday, June 17, and on Tuesday, June 21. ACRL 1978 National Conference George R. Parks, conference chair for ACRL’s national conference scheduled to be in Boston, November 8-11, 1978, announced the conference theme, “New Horizons for Academ­ ic Libraries,” and the Call for Papers on topics relating broadly to the future of academic and research librarianship. (Note: The Call for Papers appears on p.230 of this issue of Cò-RL News.) Screening and Appointment of Academic Librarians The “Guidelines and Procedures for the Screening and Appointment of Academic Li­ brarians,” developed by the Committee on Academic Status, was approved as ACRL pol­ icy. (Note: The policy appears on p.231 of this issue of C&R L N ew s. ) Salary Survey The ACRL Board of Directors approved in principle a proposal presented by the Commit­ tee on Academic Status to solicit funding for another ACRL salary survey of academic li­ brarians. The results of ACRL’s first salary sur­ vey were published in August 1976 as Salary 2 2 6 Structures o f Librarians in H igher Education for the A cadem ic Year 1975-76. Academic Status The board unanimously acknowledged the contributions of C. James Schmidt, director of libraries at the State University of New York at Albany, in his role as chair of the Commit­ tee on Academic Status from 1973 to 1977. Revision of College Library Standards Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Standards and Accreditation and the ACRL College Libraries Section, the board voted to establish an ad hoc Standards for C ollege L i­ braries Revision Committee to review the 1975 Standards fo r C ollege Libraries (published in the October 1975 issue of C&R L N ew s) and to propose revisions where needed. Reactions to the use of the 1975 Standards have under­ scored the need to review the formulas to acknowledge new compilations of USOE data, the development of performance measures, and problems of interpretation of the “List of Sub­ ject Fields” in Appendix I. Arthur Monke, li­ brarian at Bowdoin College, will chair the com­ mittee. Continuing Education Upon the recommendation of the ad hoc Continuing Education Task Force, the ACRL board voted to replace the task force with a standing ACRL Continuing Education Com­ mittee, which will be responsible for develop­ ing a continuing education program for ACRL that will assist ACRL members in their profes­ sional growth, thereby benefiting them, their libraries, and the library profession. Richard Werking, head of reference at the University of Mississippi in University, will chair the com­ mittee. ACRL Chapters The board welcomed as new ACRL chapters the College and University Libraries Division of the Texas Library Association and the South­ ern California Association of College and Re­ search Libraries. Eighteen groups are now af­ filiated with ACRL as chapters. The ACRL Chapters Committee presented a proposal for amending the ACRL bylaws to provide for a council of ACRL chapters. The Board of Directors referred the proposal to the Committee on the ACRL Constitution and By­ laws. State o f North Carolina vs. B. C. W est, Jr. At the suggestion of ACRL’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, the Board of Directors urged the American Library Association to enter the case of the State o f North Carolina vs. B. C. West, Jr., as fully and as strongly as pos­ sible in appropriate ways and in the court oi appropriate jurisdiction. The ACRL board rec­ ommended that, in ALA’s activities regarding the case, the ALA Executive Board and the ALA executive director avail themselves of the expertise in ACRL’s Rare Books and Manu­ scripts Section. The board also offered to con­ tribute a sum of money to support the case. Confidentiality of Library Records The ACRL board approved the recommenda­ tion of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Sec­ tion and the RBMS Committee on Manuscripts Collections that the ALA Council amend ALA policy # 1 0 1 . 2 , “C o n fid en tiality o f Library R e c ords,” so that it will not conflict with ACRL’s “Statement on Access to Original Research Ma­ terials in Libraries, Archives, and Manuscript Repositories” (C &RL News, November 1976) by providing that: Nothing in this policy [on confidentiality of library records] is intended to limit the ability of a librarian, archivist, or manu­ script curator to inform a researcher in original source materials of parallel re­ search by other individuals using the same sources, providing that written acquies­ cence to use of his or her name has been NEW FROM ISI ®(i n d e x t o s c i e n t i f i c & T . E . . t C h e H f N ir s I t C m A u l L tid P is R cip O lin C a r E y E in D d e I x N th G a t S co m p reh en siv ely co v e rs p ro ceed in g s an d th e p a p e rs published in th em . I S I ’s In d ex to Scientific & Technical Proceedings will give you access each y ear to 3 ,0 0 0 proceedings—m ore th an 8 0 ,0 0 0 papers— published in book form and from the journal literature. T h e new tool has all the ch arac­ teristics necessary for quick verifications and searches of the proceedings literature. Broad Coverage I S T P ™ covers proceedings from all the m ajor scientific and technical fields: life sciences • clinical medicine • engineering • applied sciences • physical and chem ical sciences • biological, environm ental, and energy sciences. Highly C urrent I S T P is issued m onthly (cum ulated semiannually) so th a t you’ll learn about newly published proceedings with a minimum of delay. And you’ll imm ediately be able to get an y proceedings or papers you locate which are o f special in terest to your patrons. I S T P provides all the information you need to acquire proceedings from publishers or to request them through interlibrary loan. I t even gives you th e addresses of first authors of papers to simplify patrons’ reprint requests. Effectively Indexed A variety o f indexes enables you to find proceedings with only the frag­ m ents of inform ation a p atron is likely to recall. Y o u can search by title words of proceedings, conferences and papers; by editors and authors; by the topic of the conference; by sponsors; by meeting location; even by the organizations of individual authors. E a c h of these indexes will lead you to a main entry. T h ere you’ll find a description of the proceedings in an easy-to-read con tents page fo rm at which includes individual papers. I S I ’s In dex to Scientific & Technical Proceedings offers a new and effective answer to the problems of locating proceedings and th e papers published in them . Subscriptions, a t $ 500 per year, will begin in 1978. Use th e coupon below to place your order tod ay. ©1977 ISI 2 2 8 obtained from each person whose name will be furnished. Rare Books and Manuscripts Preconference The board approved the location of the 1978 Rare Books and Manuscripts Section precon­ ference in New Haven, Connecticut. Terry Belanger, RBMS chair, announced that the Yale Center for British Art will host the preconfer­ ence, the theme of which is “The Study of Books as Physical Objects: State of the Art.” Legislation Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Legislation, the ACRL Board of Directors endorsed S1328, the Career Education Imple­ mentation Incentive Act of 1977, with the pro­ vision that the role of libraries and librarians in the dissemination of career information be explicitly stated in the text of the act where ap­ propriate. Information Needed for Minority Women’s Directory T he Directory o f Significant 20th Cen­ tury American Minority W om en was originally scheduled for publication in 1977 by Gaylord Professional Publica­ tions. However, late in December 1976 the original mailing list and all files for the directory were destroyed in a fire. Jessie Carney Smith is now making an effort to restore the vast files that had been assembled so that she might meet a revised deadline date. Whether or not you received a letter from her last year and responded to her request, you could assist in the project again by nominating persons for inclusion as soon as possible, sending titles of publications and lists of similar projects in progress that immedi­ ately come to mind, and sending ideas or suggestions that might be useful to the project. A revised publication date has now been set for early 1978. The directory will concentrate on the contributions of living Asian-American, American Indian, Black, and Hispanic women who have made significant contributions to their professions, communities, states, or the nation, and who may or may not be identified already in various biographical directories. Send your response to Jessie Carney Smith, University Librarian, Fisk Univer­ sity, Nashville, TN 37203. White House Conference on Libraries The board approved the recommendation of ACRL’s Committee on the White House Con­ ference and State Library Conferences and the ACRL Committee on Legislation that an orien­ tation/education session be held at the 1978 ALA Midwinter Meeting for academic librari­ ans serving on committees planning state li­ brary conferences preparatory to the White House Conference on Libraries. ACRL officers and members of the Committee on Legislation will host the meeting, to discuss ACRL con­ cerns and issues. Eunice Rockwell Oberly Memorial Fund A recommendation from the Agriculture and Biological Sciences Section was approved by the board, to permit additions to the capital funding of the Eunice Rockwell Oberly Me­ morial Award, which is presented every two years for the best bibliography in the field of agriculture or the related sciences. The award is administered by the section. ACRL Publications in Librarianship The Board of Directors unanimously en­ dorsed a resolution prepared by the Publica­ tions Committee in recognition of the contribu­ tions of Kenneth G. Peterson as editor of ACRL Publications in Librarianship from 1972 to 1977: WHEREAS Dr. Kenneth G. Peterson has served for five years as editor and editorial board chair for the ACRL Publications in Librarianship series, and WHEREAS under his leadership the series has maintained and increased its reputation for scholarly research and careful production, and WHEREAS these publications and Dr. Peter­ son’s efforts in seeking out scholarly work, advising its authors, and shepherding the entire process through to completed publica­ tion have constituted a major contribution to the library profession, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the ACRL Publications Committee unanimously votes its special gratitude to Kenneth G. Peterson and invites the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors to join the committee in this special recognition. The board unanimously approved the recom­ mendation of the Publications Committee that Joe W. Kraus, director of libraries at Illinois State University, Normal, be appointed as edi­ tor of ACRL Publications in Librarianship for a five-year term (1977/82). C ollege &- Research Libraries The 1977/78 fiscal-year budgets for College & Research Libraries and C ollege & Research Libraries News were approved as presented by 2 2 9 the Committee on Budget and Finance. The Board of Directors also approved an increase in the subscription price, effective for 1978. C h oice The Board of Directors approved a set of principles concerning the fiscal management and status of C hoice, which had been devel­ oped by representatives of C hoice, ACRL, and ALA: 1. The C h oice deficit of approximately $37,000 that has accrued over prior years will be liqui­ dated from the surpluses realized in 1975/76 and 1976/77. All of the remaining surpluses from the 1975/76 and the 1976/77 fiscal years will be dedicated to the establishment of a reserve fund for C hoice. 2. C h oice will establish a separate reserve fund rather than participate in a general ALA Pub­ lishing Reserve Fund. This arrangement may be subject to review from time to time. As is true for all ALA current funds, the C h oice re­ serve fund will not bear interest. The objective will be to create a reserve fund for C h oice that will reach a level of approximately 15 percent of a five-year moving average of operating ex­ penditures. ACRL will seek to build a reserve fund to that level within the next five years as a primary budgeting objective. However, this objective does not preclude consideration of needs to develop and improve the C h oice pro­ gram through current budget funding. 3. Should any surpluses be generated by C h oice beyond those needed to pay reasonable indirect cost rates to ALA, improve the C h oice program, and create the reserve fund outlined above, they will be dedicated to the further development of C h oice and will not inure to the benefit either of the ALA General Fund or of ACRL programs other than C hoice. 4. C h oice will be assessed by the American L i­ brary Association at an overhead rate of 3.08 percent of total direct costs for the 1977/78 fiscal year. That rate will increase by 1 percent per year until it reaches the rate of 6.08 per­ cent. This rate may be revised from time to time on the basis of procedures and allocation methods identical to those used in the 1977 in­ direct cost study. 5. Should C h oice experience major financial problems in the future, the first attempt to re­ solve them will be from the C h oice reserve fund. As a second level of support, ACRL will examine its overall program requirements and financial status to determine if assistance can be 2 3 0 given to C h oice. The final responsibility for resolution of such problems will rest with the ALA General Fund. 6. It is recognized that the Committee on Pro­ gram Evaluation and Support (C O P E S) and the ALA Executive Board will still have pur­ view over the C h oice budget in a general sense, but the detailed budgeting procedure and de­ cisions will follow the current process involving C h oice staff, the ACRL executive secretary, the ACRL Committee on Budget and Finance, and the ACRL Board of Directors. Budget The Board of Directors approved the budget for ACRL for 1977/78, as presented by the Committee on Budget and Finance. ■ ■ ACRL 1978 National Conference: New Horizons for Academic Libraries N ov em ber 8 - 1 1 ,1 9 7 8 Sheraton-Boston H otel Boston, M assachusetts C a l l f o r P a per s The Association of College and Research L i­ braries, a division of the American Library Association, will present its first national con­ ference in Boston, Massachusetts, November 8-1 1 , 1978. The conference will focus on the future pros­ pects for academic and research librarianship in the United States. There will be a variety of program meetings, exhibits by publishers and library equipment suppliers, special functions at other area institutions, and organized tours to visit various libraries in the greater Boston area. The conference will be held in the Shera­ ton-Boston Hotel, centrally located in Boston’s Prudential Center. A major feature of the conference will be the sessions for contributed papers. These papers Notice of Intent to Submit Submission of Completed Manuscript Notification of Acceptance should relate broadly to the major theme of the conference— the future of academic and research librarianship. Possible topics include, but a re not lim ited to, the following: — Administration and Management of L i­ braries — Economic Support for Libraries — Technology and Libraries — Cooperation and Networking — The Role of the Library in the College and the University — The Role of the Academic Librarian — Resources and Services All submitted papers will be refereed (with authors’ names removed), and those accepted will be scheduled for presentation at the con­ ference. Authors must be present to deliver their papers. Authors who plan to submit pa­ pers may use the form below ( or a copy of i t ) ‚ and they will receive instructions for preparing their manuscripts. The conference will observe the deadlines given below. November 30, 1977 February 28, 1978 May 31, 1978