ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 0 2 /C & R L News ACRL aw ard o p p o rtu n ities The deadline fo r most awards is December 1, 1994 T he Association o f College and Research Libraries awards program recognizes spe­ cial achievements and outstanding publications and fosters professional development in aca­ demic and research librarianship. Is som eone you know deserving o f special recognition for their contributions to academ ic and research librarianship? Take a moment to nom inate these outstanding individuals so they can get the recognition they deserve. Please review the requirements for each award and note those for which you or a colleague are eligible. General submission procedures Nominations include documentation (a letter) indicating: 1) your name, address, e-mail, and phone number, plus the name, address, e-mail, and phone number o f the person you are nomi­ nating; 2) narrative supporting the nomination (keeping in mind the award criteria); 3) a cur­ rent vita. Individuals may nominate themselves or others. Unless otherwise indicated send nomi­ nation s and a p p licatio n s to: (Name o f the Award), ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 θ 6 l l . S t a ff C ontact: For a complete list o f previ­ ous recipients or if you have questions or need h e lp in co m p ilin g a n o m in atio n c o n ta c t Cheryl Bem ero toll-free at (800) 545-2433, ext. 2510; voice: (312) 280-2510; fax: (312) 280-2520; or e-mail: ACHIEVEMENT/DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Academic or Research Librarian of the Y e ar A w ard This award recognizes an o f the library profession w standing national or intern to academic or research l brary development. individual member ho is making an out­ ational contribution ibrarianship and li­ A w ard. $3,000 donated by Baker & Taylor. C riteria: Nominees should have dem on­ strated achievement in such areas as: 1. Service to the org anized p ro fession through ACRL and related organizations. 2. Significant and influential research on aca­ demic or research library service. 3. Publication o f a body o f scholarly and/or theoretical writing contributing to academic or research library development. 4. Planning and implementing a library pro­ gram o f such exemplary quality that it has served as a model for others. Subm ission p r o c e d u r e : Send eight copies of the nominating, package (see general submis­ sion procedure above). D e a d lin e: December 1, 1994. P revious recipients: Irene Hoadley (1994), William A. Moffett (1993), Carla Stoffle (1992), Richard De Gennaro (1991), Patricia Battin (1990). Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian A w ard This award recognizes an individual librarian w ho has made an especially significant contri­ bution to the advancement of bibliographic in­ struction in a college or research institution. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose pio­ neering efforts in the field of bibliographic in­ struction led to the formation o f the ACRL Bib­ liographic Instruction Section. A w ard : $1,000 cash donated by Moun­ tainside Publishing Company on behalf o f its publication, R esearch Strategies: A J o u r n a l o f L ib rary C oncepts a n d Instruction. The award is administered by the Bibliographic Instruc- tion Section of ACRL. Criteria: Nominees should have achieved dis­ tinction in one or more of the following areas: 1. Planning and implementation o f an aca­ demic bibliographic instruction program that has served as a model for other programs na­ tionally or regionally. 2. Production o f a body o f research and publication that has a demonstrable impact on the concepts and methods o f teaching and in- S ep tem b er 1 9 9 4 / 5 0 3 formation-seeking strategies in a college or re­ search institution. 3. Sustained participation in organizations, at the national or regional level, devoted to the promotion and enhancement o f academic bib­ liographic instruction. 4. Promotion, development, and integration of education for bibliographic instruction in ALA-accredited library schools or professional continuing education programs that have served as models for other courses and programs. S u b m issio n p r o c e d u r e : Send nominating package (see general submission procedure above) to: Lori Arp, University o f Colorado, Norlin Library, Campus B ox 184, Boulder, CO 80309-0184; (303) 492-3901. Call Lori if you have questions or need assistance in compil­ ing this nomination. D ead lin e: December 1, 1994. Previous recipients: Cerise Oberman (1994), Hannelore Rader (1993), Betsy K. Baker (1992), Carla Stoffle (1991), Joan Ormondroyd (1990). Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial A w ard This award honors the life and accomplishments o f Hugh C. Atkinson, one of the major innova­ tors in modern librarianship, and recognizes outstanding achievement (including risk-taking) by academic librarians that has contributed significantly to im­ provements in the area o f library automation, library management, and/or library development or research. A w ard: $2,000 cash and a ci­ tation. This award is funded by an endowment created by divi­ sional, individual, and vendor contributions given in memory of Hugh C. Atkinson. Additional funds are sought to bring the en­ dowment to at least $100,000. Send your tax-deductible contribu­ tions to: Hugh Atkinson Memorial Award, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. The Ross A tkinso award is jointly sponsored by the th e aw ard s ce an d C arol C oACRL, the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), the Li­ brary Administration and Management Associa­ tion (LAMA), and the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), four divisions of the American Library Association. Eligibility: The nominee must be a librarian employed in a university, college, or commu­ nity college library in the year prior to applica­ tion for the award and must have a minimum o f five years o f professional experience in an academic library. Criteria: Nominees must have demonstrated achievement (including risk-taking) that has contributed significantly to improvements in the area o f library automation, library management, and/or library development or research. Su bm ission p r o c e d u r e : See general submis­ sion procedures above. D ead lin e: December 1, 1994. Previous recipients: Dorothy Gregor (1994), Richard De Gennaro (1993), Miriam Drake (1992), Donald E. Riggs (1991). EBSCO Community College learning Resources/Library Achievement Awards These two annual awards recognize significant achievement in the areas of: 1) programs and 2) leadership. A w ard: $500 cash for each award plus cita­ tions for each award winner are donated by EBSCO Subscription Services. Eligibility: Individuals or groups from two- year institutions, as well as the two-year insti­ tutions them selves, are eligible to receive awards. ( c e n te r ), w in n e r o f th e 1 9 9 4 K.G. Saur Award, at m o n y in Miami w ith ACRL P resid en t T o m Kirk p e r o f Reed R eferen ce Publishing. Criteria: Nominees for the program award should demonstrate significant achievement in development o f a unique and innovative learn­ ing resources/library program. Nominees for the leadership award should demonstrate sig­ nificant achievement in advocacy o f learning resources/library programs or services or lead- n r e o 5 0 4 /C & R L News ership in professional organizations that are associated with the mission o f community, jun­ ior, or technical colleges. Subm ission p r o c e d u r e : Nominations should consist o f the application form (available from the chair), a narrative letter describing achieve­ ments, and any supporting attachments. Send four copies o f the nominations to.- Award Jury Chair, Charles Peguese, Assistant Dean o f In­ struction Resources, Harrisburg Area Commu­ nity College, 3300 Cameron St., Harrisburg, PA 17110-2999; (717) 780-2468. D e a d lin e: Decem ber 1, 1994. P revious recipients-. L ead ersh ip o r C om m u ­ nity S ervice: Imogene L. B o o k (1994); Gloria Terwilliger (1993); Paul E. DuMont (1992). P ro g ra m D ev elop m en t: Ed Rivenburgh (1994); Lois Marriott (1993); The Library Collection Development Committee at St. Petersburg Ju n ­ ior College (1992). ACRL/EBSS Distinguished Education a nd Behavioral Sciences Librarian A w ard This award honors a distinguished academic librarian who has made an outstanding contri­ bution as an education and/or behavioral sci­ ences librarian through accomplishments and service to the profession. A w a r d A citation presented by the EBSS Award Committee. C riteria: Nominees should have dem on­ strated achievements in some o f the following areas: 1. Serv ice to the org an ized p ro fe ssio n through ACRL/EBSS and related organizations; 2. Significant academic library service in the areas o f education and/or behav­ ioral sciences; 3- Significant research and publication in areas of academic library services in education and/or behavior­ al sciences; 4. Planning and imple­ mentation o f academ ic li­ C erise O b e rm a n a brary programs in education D udley BI L ib raria and/or the behavioral sci­ ences disciplines o f such exemplary quality that they could seive as a model for others. The nominee does not have to meet all of the stated criteria. S u bm ission P roced u re. Send ten copies of the award nom ination form to: Laurene E. Z aporozhetz, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Noel Memorial Library, One Uni­ versity Place, Shreveport, LA 71115. For ques­ tions or to request a copy o f the form call Laurene at (318) 797-5203. D e a d lin e December 1, 1994. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship This award fosters research in academic librarian­ ship by encouraging and assisting doctoral stu­ dents in the field with their dissertation research. A w ard: $1,000 cash and citation donated by the Institute for Scientific Information. Eligibility: The recipient o f the fellowship must meet the following qualifications: 1. B e an active doctoral student in the aca­ demic librarianship area in a degree-granting institution. 2. Have completed all coursework. 3. Have had a dissertation proposal accepted by the institution. 4. A recipient o f the fellowship may not re­ ceive it a second time. 5. Applicant need not be an ACRL member. Criteria. The proposal will be judged primarily on merit with emphasis on the following: 1. Potential significance o f the research to the field o f academic librarianship. (No attempt will be made to define academic librarianship but the subject should be consistent with top­ ics usually published in C ollege & R esearch Li­ braries or presented at ACRL meetings.) 2. Validity o f the methodology and proposed methods o f analysis. 3. Originality and cre­ ativity. 4. Clarity and complete­ ness o f the proposal. 5. Presentation o f a con­ vincing plan for completion in a reasonable amount of time. 6. Evidence o f a continu­ ing interest in scholarship such as a previous publica­ c e p ts th e M iriam tion record. Aw ard in Miami. S u b m issio n p r o c e d u r e : Qualified students who wish to be considered for the fellowship may apply by submitting a brief (ten pages or less double-spaced) pro­ posal that includes the following: 1. Description o f the research, including sig­ nificance and methodology. c n S ep tem b er 1 9 9 4 / 5 0 5 2. Schedule for completion. 3. Budget and budget justification for items for which support is sought. (Must b e items for which no other support is available.) Exam­ ples o f acceptable budget items are printing, computer time, fees to subjects, statistical con­ sulting, photography, artwork, typing, and pro­ fessional travel. 4. Name o f dissertation advisor and com ­ mittee members. 5. Cover letter from dissertation advisor en­ dorsing the proposal. An up-to-date curriculum vitae should ac­ company the proposal. Because o f limits im­ posed by timing considerations, applications may be made for research under way, e.g., a student who begins research in the fall may apply for support for expenses incurred from the fall until the time the award is made. Send applications to: Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0611. D e a d lin e: Decem ber 1, 1994. Mαr†inus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant This grant supports research on Western Euro­ pean studies, librarianship, or the book trade. A w ard: A maximum o f 10,000 Dutch guil­ ders (or U.S. dollar equivalent) donated by Martinus Nijhoff International, a subscription agent and book dealer with headquarters in The Netherlands. This study grant covers air travel to and from Europe, transportation in Europe, and lodging and board for no more than 14 consecutive days. Funds may not be used for salaries, research-related supplies, publication costs, conference fees, or equip­ ment purchases. Criteria: The primary criterion for awarding the grant is the significance and utility o f the proposed project as a contribution to the study o f the acquisition, organization, or use o f li­ brary materials from or relating to Western Europe. Current or historical subjects may be treated. The award jury will review proposals with the following in mind: 1. What is the work to be accomplished? The proposal should be as explicit as possible about the current state o f knowledge in the area and what will be achieved by the success­ ful completion o f the study. 2. What is the need for and value o f the proposed research? The proposal should pro­ vide persuasive evidence that the study is o f practical use or scholarly value to the wider community served by the grant. 3. What is the methodology for carrying out the proposed work? The research design should be as specific as possible and demonstrate why the European component is essential. 4. Is the work accomplishable within the time frame proposed? If the study extends be­ yond the 14-day limit o f the grant, the pro­ posal should specify how the additional work will be completed and funded. 5. Are the applicant’s qualifications sufficient to carry out the study? S u bm ission p ro c e d u re. Send six (6) copies o f the application, which includes: 1. A proposal, five (5) pages or less, typed double-spaced. 2. A tentative travel itinerary not to exceed 14 days, including the proposed countries and institutions to be visited and the preferred pe­ riod o f study/travel. 3. A travel budget, including estimated round- trip coach airfare, transportation in Europe, lodging expenses, and meal costs. 4. A current curriculum vitae. Send applications to: Mary Taylor, Martinus Nijhoff International West European Specialist Study Grant, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, EL 60611. D ead lin e: December 1, 1994. Samuel Lazerow Fellowship for Research in Acquisitions or Technical Services in an Academic or Research Library This award fosters advances in acquisitions or technical services by providing librarians a fel­ lowship for travel or writing in those fields. Research projects in collection development or the compilation o f bibliographies will not be supported by this fellowship. A w ard: $1,000 cash and a citation donated by the Institute for Scientific Information. Criteria: The proposals will be judged with an emphasis on the following: 1. Potential significance o f the project to ac­ quisitions or technical services work. 2. Originality and creativity. 3. Clarity and completeness o f the proposal. 4. Evidence o f an interest in scholarship, such as a previous publication record. Subm ission p ro ce d u re. Brief proposals (five pages or less, double-spaced) should include the following: 1. Description o f research, travel, or writing project. 2. Schedule for project. 5 0 6 /C & RL News 3. Estimate o f expenses (e.g., professional travel, com puter time, photocopying, typing.) 4. Recipients o f the fellowship will be asked to submit a brief report on the results o f their research. 5. An up-to-date curriculum vitae should ac­ company proposal. Send eight copies of the application to: The Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, ACRL, 50 E. Hu- ron St., Chicago, IL 60611. D e a d lin e: December 1, 1994. PUBLICATIONS OR ARTICLES Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, American Book Prices Current, Exhibition Catalogue A w ards These awards recognize outstanding catalogs published by American or Canadian institutions in conjunction with exhibitions o f books and/ or manuscripts. A w ard: A printed citation to the winning institutions organizing the exhibitions. Kather­ ine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, A m er ica n B o o k P rices Current, established an endowment to fund the awards. Eligibility: Catalogs published by American or Canadian institutions in conjunction with an exhibition o f books and/or manuscripts which has taken place or which is in progress before August 31, 1994, are eligible. Catalogs must be published between September 1,1993, and Au­ gust 31, 1994. The entries will be divided into three budget categories— expensive, m oder­ ately e x p e n siv e , and in ex p e n siv e — b ased upon the production costs as outlined in the entry form. Catalogs may be o f varying for­ mats, styles, and scope, but each must repre­ sent an exhibition which has taken place. Catalogs may be intended for various types o f audiences: e.g., scholars, students, general public. Catalogs may have various purposes: e.g., publicity, dissemination o f collection in­ formation, attraction o f donors, com memora­ tion of a special occasion, etc. Criteria: Catalogs will be judged on the level o f accuracy and consistency o f presentation, their clarity, quality o f design, and usefulness to the intended audience. S u bm ission p r o c e d u r e . Four (4) copies o f the catalog must be submitted with an entry form (available from the chair o f the commit­ tee) to the chair: Elaine Smyth, Head, Rare Book Collection, Louisiana State University, Hill Me­ morial Library, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. All cata­ log submissions will becom e the property of RBMS. If you have any questions, call Elaine at (504) 388-6547. D ea d lin e: September 30, 1994. K .G . Sαur A w ard for Best Article in College & Research Libraries This recognizes the most outstanding article p u b lish ed in C o lle g e & R e s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s (C&RL) during the preceding volume year. A w ard: A citation and $500 cash to each author donated by K.G. Saur. Eligibility: Articles published in C&RL dur­ ing the preceding volume year. Criteria: The winning article will be selected on the basis o f originality, timeliness, relevance to ACRL areas o f interest and concern, and quality o f writing. Subm ission p roced u re. Articles for C&RL m ay be submitted to the editor: Gloriana St. Clair, Assistant Dean for Access Services, E506 Pattee Library, Pennsylvania State University, Univer­ sity Park, PA 16802. Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship A w ard This award stimulates the contribution o f ar­ ticles o f superior quality to the biannual ACRL journal R are B o o k s a n d M anuscripts L ib rarian - ship (RBML). A w ard: $1,000 cash to an author and a cita­ tion donated by Christie, Manson & Woods. Eligibility. Article published in RBML dur­ ing the two preceding volume years. The next award will be given in 1995. Criteria: The winning article will be selected on the basis o f significance, originality, timeli­ ness, thoroughness, and pertinence to issues relating to the theory and practice o f special collections librarianship. Other criteria will in­ clude clarity o f thought and expression. S u bm ission p r o c e d u r e . Articles for RBML may be submitted to the editor: Sidney Berger, University of California, Rivera Library, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92521. BIS Bibliographic Instruction Publication of the Y e ar A w ard This award recognizes an outstanding publica­ tion related to bibliographic in stru ction p u b ­ lished in a given year. A w ard: A citation presented by the BIS Awards Committee. C riteria: Publications are judged on the ba­ sis o f relevance to the field o f bibliographic A C R L Association of College & Research Libraries PUBLICATIONS F A L L 1 9 9 4 2 - ACRL P u b lication s M ANAGEM ENT Preparing for Accreditation: A Handbook for Academic Librarians P atricia Ann Sacks a n d Sara Lou Whildin This valuable, step-by-step workbook helps librarians com plete their self-study and evaluation processes. $ 18.00,80p. 0-8389-0621-4,1993 Recruiting the Academic Library Director: A Companion to the Search Committee Handbook Sharon Rogers a n d Ruth Person $18.95; ACRL member $15.95 0-8389-/484-8, 1991 Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Practical Approach Nancy Van House‚ Beth Weil, a n d Charles McClure This easy-to-use set o f output measures is designed to assist in measuring the impact, efficiency, and effectiveness of academic library activities. “This volume offers practical guidance to a library or a unit within a library wishing to evaluate its services.”—J o u r n a l o f L ibrary A dm in istration $34.00, 140p,, 0-8389-0529-3, 1990; $75.00 with self-running database, 0-8389-0542-0,1991 CLIP N otes Practical ideas for managing your library’s programs and services are contained in ACRL’s College Library Information Packets (CLIP Notes). Each CLIP Note provides data and sample documents from college and small university libraries that will assist you in establishing or refining services and operations. NEW! M anaging Student W orkers in College Libraries, CLIP Note #20 M ichael K athm an, J a n e M cGum K athm an, comps. Comprehensive guidance for managing student employees. Includes examples o f policies and procedures for employment, dismissal, orientation, training, supervision, and performance review. $ 2 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 5 .9 5 , 140p. 0-8389-7752-9,1994 NEW! Formal Planning in College Libraries, CLIP Note #19 S arah Watstein, P am ela Wonsek, P au la Matthews, comps. A survey o f formal planning procedures at academic libraries. Includes examples o f work-sheets and checklists, vision statements, and formal planning documents. $ 2 7 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 4 .9 5 , 120p. 0-83 89-7743-X, 1994 NEW! Staff Development and Continu­ ing Education, CLIP Note #1 8 Elizabeth Sudduth, Lynn Livingston, comps. Survey and examples o f policies for development and continuing education o f both professionals and paraprofessionals. Sample documents are from development plans specifically for library personnel and from collegewide faculty development plans. $22.95; ACRL member $19.95, 134p. 0-8389-7715-4,1994 NEW! Emergency Planning and M an­ agem ent in College Libraries, CLIP Note #17 Susan C. George, comp. Policies and procedures for emergency planning and management in college libraries. Includes examples o f plans covering everything from earthquakes to salvage procedures. $28.95; ACRL member $25.95, 146p. 0-8389-7710-3,1994 ACRL P u b lications - 3 Interlibrαry Loan in College Libraries, CLIP Note #16 R oxann Bustos, comp. Sample policies and procedure statements, forms, public relations documents, and instructional handouts for libraries offering online searching, CD-ROM, and other computer- based services. . . recom­ mended for large and small academic libraries.”— L ib rary J o u r n a l $34.50; ACRL member$28.75, 148p,, 0-8389-7652-2,1993 D atabase Searching in College Libraries, CLIP Note #15 Sarah Pederson, writer a n d comp. Samples o f policies and procedures statements, forms, promotional documents, and instructional handouts. $29.95; ACRL member $24.95, 123p. 0-8389-7651-4,1993 Audiovisual Policies in College Libraries, CLIP Note #14 Kristine Brancolini, comp. “The documentation included in the kit is clear and o f good quality and covers all aspects o f establishing and managing an audiovisual collection."— LRTS $21.95; ACRL member $18.95, 152p. 0-8389-7495-3,1991 College Library Newsletters, CLIP Note #13 P atricia Smith B utcher a n d Susan McCarthy Campbell, comps. Sample newsletters as well as nameplates, graphics, and style manuals/guidelines for guest editors are included. $1 8.95; ACRL member $15.95, 154p. 0-8389-7445-7,1990 Performance Appraisal in Academic Libraries, CLIP Note #12 B a rb a ra Williams Jenkins, comp., with the assistance o f Mary L. Smalls “. . . a wide variety o f philosophies and approaches, ranging from series o f rela­ tively open-ended questions to grids for grading employees on specific qualities and achievements."—JAL $18.95; ACRL member $15.95, 128p. 0-8389-7444-9,1990 Collection Development Policies for College Libraries, CLIP Note #1 1 Theresa Taborsky, comp. “. . . this volume is well worth the price." — L ibrary J o u r n a l $26.95; ACRL member $21.95, 175p. 0-8389-7295-0,1989 Annual Reports for College Libraries, CUP Note #10 Kenneth Oberembt, comp. Contains data-gathering forms, graphics, and selected annual reports. $21.95; ACRL member $1 8.75, 135p. 0-8389-7219-5,1988 Friends of College Libraries, CLIP Note #9 Ronelle Thompson, comp. “This is a must for two groups o f libraries: those who have Friends groups and those who do not.”-—L ib rary J o u r n a l $1 8.75; ACRL member $15.50, 134p. 0-8389-7171-7,1987 Periodicals in College Libraries CLIP Note #8 J a m ie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, D avid Henderson, comps. “Recommended for all college and univer­ sity libraries."— Library Journal $18.75; ACRL member $15.45, 1 16p. 0-8389-7143-1,1987 Mission Statements for College Libraries CLIP Note #5 J a m ie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, D avid Henderson, comps. “. . . a commendable production.”— RQ $21.95; ACRL member $1 6.50, 107p. 0-8389-6944-5, 1985 BIBLIOGRAPHI Sourcebook for Bibliographic Instruction The Editorial B o a rd o f the B iblio­ g rap h ic Instruction Section A working, desk-top tool for new and experienced bibliographic instruction librarians, the Sourcebook is practical and easy-to-use. Five essential topics are covered: learn­ ing theory, in­ structional de­ sign, teaching methods, evaluation, and administration. “Highly recommended for all institutions engaging in B I.”— Library Journal $ 1 8.95; ACRL member $ 16.95, 96p. 0-8389-7673-5,1993 Learning to Teach: W orkshops on Instruction Nine workshops cover the basics including clear, concise discussions o f classroom techniques, new technologies, and instruc­ tion in a multicultural environment. This collection o f workshops is designed to develop fundamental skills and addresses critical issues in bibliographic instruction. “Recommended for practitioners as well as academic, library school, and school library collections.”— Library Journal $24.95; ACRL member $21.95, 86 p. 0-8389-7627-1, 1993 4 - ACRL P u b lications C INSTRUCTION e Evolving Educational ission of the Library tsy Baker, Mary Ellen Litzinger, itors ategic issues which challenge the velopment o f instructional programs in ademic libraries and roles for librarians in e educational processes o f their parent stitutions. Academic librarians, library hool educators, and higher education ulty and administrators will want this ok. “Those excited about the information eracy movement will likely find this book spiring.”— RQ 9.95; ACRL member $19.95, 202p. 8389-7584-4,1992 ead This First: An Owner's Guide the New Model Statement of bjectives for Academic Bibliographic struction arolyn Dusenbury, M onica Fusich, athleen Kenny, a n d Beth Woodard, itors . . the MSO [model statement objectives] ay serve as a checklist in evaluating isting BI programs, developing educa­ nal goals when determining new ograms, and determining whether such als are being achieved.”— Library Journal 9.75; ACRL member $16.45, 72p. 8389-7548-8,1991 Th M Be ed Str de ac th in sc fac bo lit in $2 0- R to O In C K ed “. m ex tio pr go $1 0- ACRL Publications - 5 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT NEW! Collection Mαnαgment in the Electronic Age: A Manual for Creating Community College Collec­ tion Development Policy Statements Je n n ie S. Boyarski, K ate Hickey, editors A survey o f community and junior colleges’ collection development policies with examples of eleven com ­ plete and seven partial policy statements. $42.95; ACRL member $35.95, 197p. 0-8389-7737-5,1994 Richard Garnett: The Scholar and Librarian Publications in Librarianship No. 46 B a rb a ra McCrimmin This is a "straightforward and well- researched . . . enjoyable biography— both interesting and readable." Wilson Library B u lletin $30.00,211 p. 0-8389-0508-0,1989 Curriculum Materials Center Collection Development Policy, Second Edition Beth G. Anderson, Virginia Nordstrom, Karin Duran, Allison G. Kaplan, comps. A model policy is provided along with example policies from libraries that illustrate modifications to the model to fit specific local needs. $ 16.95; ACRL member $ 14.95,4óp. 0-8389-7707-3, 1993 Books for College Libraries III This set covers more than 50,000 titles chosen to represent a core collection of books for four-year college and university libraries. BCL3 is also available on ma- chine-readable tape. Contact CHOICE, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. “Highly recommended.”— L ibrary J o u r n a l $600/6 vol. set, $1 25 individual volume 0-8389-3353-X, 1988 Directory of Curriculum Materials Centers, 1990 D onald Osier, Carol Wright, Ja n e t Lawrence, Mary Ellen Collins, Beth Anderson, comps. This directory includes 272 institutions and covers purpose, hours, staffing, budget, service, and holdings. $39.50; ACRL member $32.95, 240p. 0-8389-7439-2,1991 Women's Studies Collection Development Policies The WSS Collection Development a n d Bibliography Committee Complete policy statements from 16 university libraries illustrate a range of issues and provide a variety o f models. The RLG Conspectus; W om en’s Studies supple­ mental guideline, included as an appendix, identifies issues unique to women’s studies and describes materials and sources. “This essential tool . . . provides the structure for developing concise policy statements. Recommended."— L ibrary J o u r n a l $35.95; ACRL member $29.95, 122p. 0-8389-7596-8, 1992 6 - ACRL P u b lic a tio n s State Education Documents: A State-by-State D irectory fo r Their Acquisition and Use EBSS Education-Related Government Publications Subcommittee This directory provides the means to access the large variety o f state education docu­ ments available from government agencies. “This source could be a useful tool in collection development and reference.”—-JAL $ 2 1 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 1 8 .9 5 , 54p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 3 2 7 -2 ,1 9 8 9 Ethnic S tu d Publications in this series from CHOICE are co ously published in the magazine (volumes 27 30). Each collection provides the full text o f t indexes. The editors consider these collection CHOICE reviewed in these ethnic areas. Orde Middletown, CT 06457. Asian and Asian American Studies $ 2 0 .0 0 , 6 0 5 titles, 113p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 9 1 -3 ,1 9 9 3 Latino Studies $ 2 0 .0 0 , 5 2 5 titles, 1 1 2p. 0-83 8 9 -7 6 3 1-X, 1992 Western European Studies: C urrent Research Trends & Library Resources Eva Sartori, Ceres Birkhead, John Cullars, John Dillon, Thomas Kilton, editors Eleven research papers offer thoughtful synthesis, personal insight, and information useful for anyone dealing with recent scholarship in Western European studies. $ 3 2 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 9 .9 5 , 120p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 4 6 1 -9 ,1 9 9 0 e s R e v ie w s piled by the editors from reviews previ­ rough 29, Asian Americans through volume CHOICE review and author and title representative o f the significant books that from CHOICE‚ 100 Riverview Center, African and African American Studies $ 2 2 .0 0 , approxim ately 7 5 0 titles, 152p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 9 1 -1 ,1 9 9 2 Native American Studies $ 15 .00 , 2 7 8 titles, 6 0p . 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 3 2 -8 ,1 9 9 2 i m th he s r INFORMATION ACCESS NEW! Guide to Searching the Biblio­ graphic Utilities for Conference Proceedings Nirmala S. Bangalore, Judith A. Carter, editors A convenient guide detailing search strategies for finding conference proceedings in either RUN, OCLC/PRISM, or WLN utilities. $ 7 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 6 .9 5 , 15p. 0-8389-7734-0, 1994 Abstracting, Information Retrieval, and the Humanities: Providing Access to Historical Literature, Publications in Librarianship: N o. 48 Helen R. Tibbo An e x a m i n a t i o n o f t h e q u a l i t i e s a n d fu n c t io n s o f a b s t r a c t s a n d th e c h a l l e n g e s in v o lv e d in t e x t c o n d e n s a t io n . $ 3 5.0 0 , 27óp. 0 -8 3 8 9 -3 4 3 0 -7 , 1993 Scholarly Communication in an Electronic Environment: Issues for Research Libraries Robert Sydney Martin, editor Any academic librarian in a position to subscribe to, manipulate, or face the administrative issues o f electronic media will find a timely base o f information in this book. “Relevant to. all persons interested in the development and management o f research libraries.”—JAL $ 2 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 4 .9 5 , 136p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 8 6 -7 ,1 9 9 3 ACRL P u b lica tio n s - 7 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Examples to Accompany D escrip tiv e C a ta lo g in g o f R a re B o o k s Prepared by the Bibliographic Stan­ dards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section “The introduction is clear, the bibliography useful, the indexes exhaustive and the records themselves painstakingly accurate. In short, it is a model o f its kind, and should be consulted not only by those cataloguers currently using the code but also all managing librarians considering its adoption.”— Rare Books Newsletter $ 2 9 .9 5 ; ACRL members $ 2 3 .9 5 , 148p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -76 7 2 -7,1 9 9 3 T h esau ri for Use in R a re Book an d S p ecia l Collections C atalog ing These thesauri were developed for use in MARC field 655 and 755. Each thesaurus pro­ vides standardized vocabulary for retrieving items by form and genre or by various physica characteristics which are typically o f interest to special collections librarians. Genre Terms (2nd ed.) Binding Terms $ 2 1 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 18.95, 90p. $1 1.50; ACRL member $ 9 .5 0 , 37p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 5 16-X, 1991 0 -8 3 89 -7 2 1 0 -1 ,1 9 8 8 Paper Terms Printing & Publishing Evidence $ 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 7 .50 , 52p. $ 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 7 .5 0 , 28p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 4 2 7 -9 ,1 9 9 0 0 -8 3 89 -7 1 0 8 -3 ,1 9 8 6 Type Evidence Provenance Evidence $ 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 7 .5 0 , 1 9p. $ 1 0 .5 0 ; ACRL member $ 8 .5 0 , 24p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 4 2 8 -7 ,1 9 9 0 0-8389-7239-X, 1988 l PERSONNEL NEW! NEW! Discovering Librarians: Profiles Academic Status: Statements of a Profession and Resources, Second Edition Mary Ja ne Scherdin, editor Susan Kroll, editor Results o f national studies o f vocational A revised compilation that includes the interests o f library and information profes­ current ACRL standards and guidelines that sionals. The librarian profile is presented apply to faculty status for academic from the ACT, the Strong Interest Invento­ librarians. An updated selective bibliogra­ ries, the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator, and phy includes many new entries. the SIGI PLUS computer-aided career $ 1 0 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 8 .95 , 62p. guidance tool, along with analysis of 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 7 3 9 -1 ,1 9 9 4 demographic data. $ 3 5 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 3 1 .9 5 , 22 0p. 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 7 5 3 -7 ,1 9 9 4 8 - ACRL Publications STATISTICS & RESEARCH Academic Libraries Achieving ACRL University Library Excellence in Higher Education: Statistics, 1990-91 Proceedings of the Sixth National Library Research Center, Graduate Conference of the Association of School of Library & Information College and Research Libraries Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, comp.Thomas Kirk, editor $ 6 9.9 5 ; ACRL member $ 39.95, 80p. P ractical e x a m in a t io n s a n d s o lu tio n s to 0-8389-7587-9, 1992cu rre n t a c a d e m ic library p r o b le m s a r e in c lu d e d in 4 k e y n o te a d d r e s s e s , 3 6 p r o g r a m r e p o r ts, a n d 52 r e fe r e e d c o n tr ib ­ ACRL University Library u te d p a p e r s . “An e x c e lle n t p r o fe s s io n a l d e ­ Statistics, 1988-89 v e lo p m e n t r e s o u r c e for lib ra ria n s tryin g to k e e p cu rre n t a n d fo r n e w lib ra ria n s c o n ­ Denise Bedford, comp. c e rn e d a b o u t th e p r o f e s s i o n .’’— JAL $ 49 .9 5 ; ACRL member $2 9 .9 5, 79p. 0-8389-7446-5,1990 $ 4 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 4 4 .95 , 522p. 0-8389-7622-0,1992 ACRL University Library NEW! Statistics, 1987-88 ACRL University Library Robert E. Molyneux, comp. Statistics, 1992-93 $ 49.95; ACRL member $ 29 .9 5 , 79p. Library Research Center, Graduate 0 -8389-7288-8,1989 School of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois at ACRL Academic Library Urbana-Champaign, comp. D a t a fro m o v e r 109 p a r tic ip a tin g libraries. Statistics, 1978/79-1987/88 L ib rary c a t e g o r ie s in c lu d e c o lle c t io n s, p e r ­ (Diskettes) s o n n e l, e x p e n ­ $ 59 .9 5 ; ACRL member $49.95 d itu re s, a n d 0-8389-7310-8, 1989 interlibrary lo a n . In stitu ­ tio n al c a t e g o r ie s ACRL/Historically Black in c lu d e d e g r e e s Colleges & Universities o ffe r e d , e n ­ Library Statistics, 1988-89 ro llm en t siz e , Robert E. Molyneux, comp. a n d facu lty siz e . $ 3 5.9 5 ; ACRL member $ 25 .9 5 , 101 p. $ 6 9 .9 5 ; ACRL 0-83 89-7547-X, 1991 member $ 39.95, 8 0 p . 0-8389-7738-3, 1994 • Join your colleagues in Pittsburgh • Learn the latest in academic library research and practice • See exhibits of products and services for the library • March 29-April 1, 1995 • Register Now! Call (800) 545-2433, ext. 2521 ACRL P u b lication s - 9 ORDER FORM 2. In d ic a te q u a n tity o f e a c h ite m y o u w is h ____Abstracting, Into. Retrieval, q>35.00; 0 -8 3 8 9 -3 4 3 0 -7 ____Academic Lib. Achieving Excellence, $ 4 9 . 9 5 /4 4 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 2 2 -0 ____ Academic Status, $ 1 0 . 9 5 /8 . 9 5 ; 0-8 3 8 9 -7 7 3 9 -1 ___ .ACRL Stats 9 2 / 9 3 , $ 6 9 . 9 5 /3 9 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 7 3 8 -3 ____ ACRL Stats 9 0 / 9 1 , $ 6 9 . 9 5 /3 9 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 5 8 7 -9 ____ACRL Stats 1 9 8 8 /8 9 , $ 4 9 . 9 5 / 2 9 .9 5 ; 0 8 3 8 9 -7 4 4 6 -5 ____ACRL Stats 1 9 8 7 /8 8 , $ 4 9 . 9 5 / 2 9 .9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 2 8 8 -8 ____ACRL Stats 7 8 / 7 9 - 8 7 / 8 8 (Diskettes), $ 5 9 . 9 5 /4 9 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 38 9-73 10 -8 ____Annual Reports, $ 2 1 . 9 5 /1 8 . 7 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 2 1 9 -5 ____A-V Policies, $ 2 1 . 9 5 /1 8 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 4 9 5 -3 ____Binding Terms, $1 1 .5 0 /9 .5 0 ; 0-8 38 9 -7 2 1 0 -1 ____ Books for College Libraries, $ 6 0 0 ; 0-8 3 8 9-3 35 3-X ____ Collection Dev. Policies, $ 2 6 . 9 5 / 2 1 .9 5 ; 0-8 3 8 9 -7 2 9 5 -0 ____ Collect. M gt. in Elect. Age, $ 4 2 . 9 5 / 3 5 .9 5 ; 0 -8 38 9-77 37 -5 ____College Lib. Newsletters, $ 1 8 . 9 5 / 15 .9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 4 4 5 -7 ____ C&RL and C&RL News, Index v. 41-50, $ 2 9 . 9 5 /2 5 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 38 9-74 87 -2 ____Curriculum Mat'ls Ctr. Dev., $ 1 6 . 9 5 / 1 4 .9 5 ; 0 -8 38 9-77 07 -3 ____ Database Searching in College Libraries, $ 2 9 . 9 5 /2 4 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 5 1 -4 ____ Dir. of Curriculum Centers, $ 3 9 . 5 0 / 3 2 .9 5 ; 0 8 3 8 9 -7 4 3 9 -2 to o rd e r. ___Discovering Librarians, $ 3 5 . 9 5 /3 1 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 7 5 3 -7 __ Emergency Planning, $ 2 8 . 9 5 /2 5 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 7 1 0 -3 ___Evolving Educational Mission, $ 2 9 . 9 5 / 19.95; 0 8 3 8 9 -7 5 8 4 -4 ___ Examples to Accompany DCRB, $ 2 9 . 9 5 /2 3 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 7 2 -7 ___Friends of College Lib., $ 1 8 . 7 5 / 15 .5 0 ; 0 8 3 8 9 -7 1 7 1 -7 ___Formal Planning, $ 2 7 . 9 5 /2 4 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 38 9-77 43 -X ___Genre Terms, $ 2 1 . 9 5 /1 8 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 - 7 5 16-X ___Guide to Searching, $ 7 . 9 5 / 6 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 7 3 4 -0 ___ HBCU Stats 8 8 / 8 9 , $ 3 5 . 9 5 /2 5 . 9 5 ; 0-8 38 9-75 47 -X ___Interlibrary Loan in College Libraries, $ 3 4 . 5 0 /2 8 . 7 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 5 2 -2 ___Learning to Teach, $ 2 4 . 9 5 /2 1 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 38 9-76 27 -1 ___M anaging Student Workers, $ 2 9 . 9 5 / 2 5 .9 5 ; 0 8 3 8 9 -7 7 5 2 -9 ___Measuring Acad. Lib. Perf.‚ $ 3 4 .0 0 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 5 2 9 -3 ___Measuring . . . (disk & book), $ 7 5 .0 0 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 5 4 2 -0 ___Mission Statements, $21 9 5 / 1 6 .5 0 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -6 9 4 4 -5 ___Paper Terms, $ 8 . 9 5 / 7 . 5 0 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 4 2 7 -9 __Performance Appraisal, $ 1 8 . 9 5 / 15 .9 5 ; 0 8 3 8 9 -7 4 4 4 -9 __ Periodicals in College Lib., $ 1 8 . 7 5 / 15 .4 5 ; 0 8 3 8 9 -7 1 4 3 -1 __Preparing for Accreditation, $ 1 8 .0 0 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -0 6 2 1 -4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ 10 - ACRL P u b lic a tio n s Printing & Pub. Evidence, $ 8 . 9 5 / 7 . 5 0 ; Sourcebook for B.I., $ 1 8 . 9 5 / 1 6 . 9 5 ; 0 - 8 3 8 9 - 7 1 0 8 - 3 0 - 8 3 8 9 - 7 6 7 3 - 5 Provenance Evidence, $ 1 0 . 5 0 / 8 . 5 0 ; Staff Development, $ 2 2 . 9 5 / 1 9 . 9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 2 3 9 -X 0 - 8 3 8 9 - 7 7 1 5 - 4 Read This First, $ 1 9 . 7 5 / 1 6 . 4 5 ; State Education Doc., $ 2 1 . 9 5 / 1 8 . 9 5 ; 0 - 8 3 8 9 - 7 5 4 8 - 8 0 - 8 3 8 9 - 7 3 2 7 - 2 Recruiting A cad . Lib. Dir., $ 1 8 . 9 5 / Type Evidence, $ 8 . 9 5 / 7 . 5 0 ; ’ 1 5 .9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 4 8 4 -8 0 - 8 3 8 9 - 7 4 2 8 - 7 Richard Garnett, $ 3 0 .0 0 ; W estern European Studies, $ 3 2 . 9 5 / 0 - 8 3 8 9 - 0 5 0 8 - 0 2 9 .9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 4 6 1 -9 Scholarly Communication, $ 2 8 . 9 5 / W om en's Studies Collection Dev. 2 4 .9 5 ; 0 -8 3 8 9 -7 6 8 6 -7 Policies, $ 3 5 . 9 5 / 2 9 . 9 5 ; 0 - 8 3 8 9 -7 5 9 6 -8 3. Indicate a subtotal and add ap prop ri­ 3a. Sign m e up fo r ACRL A pproval Plan: ate hand ling charges. Handling charges are $3.75 for orders up to $19.99; $4.75 for (sen d all new ACRL publications) $20 to $49.99; $6.50 for $50 to $74.99; $7.50 f~J P for $75 to $149.99; and 5% o f total for orders above $150. O PC (sen d all new CLIP N otes only) $______________ Subtotal $______________ Handling charges $______________ Total 4. Select m ethod o f payment. 5. Mail o rd er to: ACRL, Attention: Hugh Thompson, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. For faster, more personal service, call toll-free (800) 545-2433, press 7, or fax (312) 836-9958. Term s o f B usiness-. Institutions and individuals m ay order on acco u n t, plus p o stage and handling. P repaym en t shou ld a c co m p a n y individuals' orders o f $ 3 0 o r less. Shipping and handling ch arges will be ad d e d to all o rders. All p rices are payable in U.S. funds, net 30 days. First price is list price. Discounts-. ALA person al and organizational m em bers are eligible to receive a te n p e rce n t (1 0 % ) discount o n ACRL m aterials ( e x c e p t subscription items). T o receive the discount, give yo u r m em bership num ber, and d ed u ct the discou nt w h en preparing yo u r orders. ACRL p ersonal and organizational m em b ers re ceive 1 0 - 3 0 % discou nt on nonsub scription ACRL m aterials. Look for th e ACRL m em b er price in this booklet. NEWS & Choice Book review journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Eleven issues per year (July/August combined). Available by subscription only, $1 ó 5 /y e a r domestic rate; $1 8 7 /y e a r Canadian/foreign rate; single issues $ 2 0 .0 0 ISSN: 0 009-4978. Also available as: Choice-Reviews-on-Cards Reviews from each monthly issue of C h oice printed on 3x5 cards. Available to Choice subscribers only for $ 2 5 3 / year domestic rate; $ 2 7 5 /y e a r Canadian/foreign rate. O rder either Choice product from: Circula­ tion Department, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, M iddletown, CT 0 6 4 5 7 ; (203) 347-6933. Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship A journal o f theory and practice covering all aspects o f special collections librarian­ ship. Two issues/year. $ 3 0 .0 0 U.S.; $ 3 5 .0 0 for Canada and Mexico; and all other countries $ 4 0 .0 0 ; single issues $ 1 5 .0 0 each. ISSN: 0884-450X. REVIEWS College & Research Libraries Official journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Six bimonthly issues per year. Sent to ACRL members as a perquisite of membership. Also available on subscription. $ 5 0 .0 0 per year in the U.S.; Canada and M exico $ 5 5 .0 0 per year; and all other countries $ 60 .0 0 ; single issues $ 1 4 .0 0 each. ISSN: 00 10-08 7 0. College & Research Libraries News Official news magazine o f the Association of College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year (July/August combined). Sent to ACRL members as perquisite of membership. Also available on subscrip­ tion. $ 3 5 .0 0 per year in the U.S.; $ 4 0 .0 0 per year in Canada and other PUAS countries; $ 4 5 .0 0 in other foreign countries; single issues $ 6 .5 0 each. ISSN: 0 0 99-0086. College & Research Libraries and College & Research Libraries News, Index for Volumes 4 1 - 5 0 (1 9 8 0 -8 9 ) $ 29 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 5 .9 5 , 1 80p. 0-8389-7487-2,1991 ACRL A PPRO VA L PLANS ACRL publications provide practical ideas, tools, and methods for management, bibliographic instruction, special collections, collection development, statistics, and research. Convenient and cost-cutting ACRL approval order plans provide automatic priority shipping of ACRL's new books at a 20% discount to ACRL members (10% to nonmembers). There are two approval plan categories from which to choose: • Plan P guarantees that you will automatically be sent all new ACRL publications including CLIP Notes. ACRL publishes approximately 5 to 6 new titles each year. • Plan PC is exclusively for titles in the CLIP Notes (College Library Information Packets) series. CLIP Notes collect data and sample documents from academic libraries to assist librarians in establishing or refining services and operations. It's easy to enroll. Make your selection on the order form in this catalog. Or call or write the ACRL Program Officer indicating the category you have chosen. ACRL/ALA, Approval Plan, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 6 θ 6 ll; (800) 545-2433, ext. 2517 ACRL P u b lication s - 1 1 September 1 9 9 4 /5 0 7 Letters M aking n e w books a v a ila b le quickly To the Editor: I hope you will let me comment on an article that appeared some time ago in C&RL News: “Patron access to on-order and in-pro- cess titles,” by Elizabeth Ten Have and Denise Forro (December 1992). In it the authors note: “In the past this type of assistance was rela­ tively unknown in academic libraries. A search of the library literature shows that even in today’s automated libraries, with the benefits of integrated systems, this is a fairly unique service. Many libraries do not offer access to materials that are waiting for cataloging, let alone items that are on order.” I believe, through a glitch in L ibrary Liter­ atu re, two articles (and perhaps more) that dealt with browsing and circulating newly acquired, uncataloged books have been lost to researchers. As the author of one of the articles, “Backlog to Frontlog” ( L ibrary Jo u r ­ n al, September 1, 1969), 1 would like to amend the record. Daniel Gore, then librari­ an of MacAlester College, adapted my ap­ roach for an academic environment. He pub­ ished an article in LJ (September 1, 1972) ith the great title, “In Hot Pursuit o f ASTCAT.” For browsing (and many books are select­ d by browsing), my Frontlog System shelved ncataloged books in a public area in “acces­ ion” number order. Gore added the appro­ riate LC classification prefix letters to divide he Frontlog/FASTCAT book by broad sub­ ect categories. The Orange (NJ) Public Library still uses he Frontlog System. All adult books await­ ng cataloging are on public shelves available or browsing and borrowing. I suspect even n academic libraries newly published books irculate better than older books. In this era o f “Customer Service” we all hould consider making new books browsable nd available for circulation.— M arvin H. cilken , The U.N.A.B.A.S.H.E.D Librarian ■ p l w F e u s p t j t i f i c s a S instruction in academic or research libraries, originality, timeliness, and quality o f writing. E ligibility. Publications include journal ar­ ticles, books, and book chapters. Submitted publications may be authored by on e or more individuals, a group, organization, or com­ mittee. BIS publications are not eligible for con­ sideration for the award. Publication year is de­ fined as September through August of the year preceding the year the award is given. S u bm ission p ro ced u re: Submit a two-page summary, a copy of the publication, and nomi­ nation form (available from the committee chair) to: Lori Arp, University of Colorado, Norlin Li­ brary, Campus Box 184, Boulder, CO 80309- 0184; (303) 492-3901. D ead lin e. December 1, 1994. O b e rly A w a rd for Bibliography in Agricultural Sciences The biennial Oberly Award is given in odd- numbered years for the best English-language bibliography in the field of agriculture or a related science. A w ard: The cash award and citation are made possible by a fund established in 1923 by colleagues in memory of Eunice Rockwood Oberly, late librarian of the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agricul­ ture. The award is administered by the ACRL Science and Technology Section. E ligibility : English-language bibliographies in the field of agriculture or a related science compiled during the two-year period preced­ ing the year in which the award is made. C riteria: Bibliographies submitted for award consideration are judged on accuracy, scope, usefulness, format, and special features: ex­ planatory introductions, annotations, and in­ dexes. To be eligible for the 1995 award, a bibliography must have been published in 1993 or 1994. {E d . n ote: See page 471 for tips on preparing award-winning bibliographies.) S ubm ission p ro ced u re: Nominations may be made in the form of a letter and should point out the reasons the bibliography should be considered for the award. A copy of the bibli­ ography should accompany the nomination. Send nominations to: Mike Haddock, Oberly Jury Chair, 3005 Wilson Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502-3257; (913) 532-7418. D ea d lin e: December 1, 1994. ■