ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1 9 9 4 /5 0 7 Letters M aking n e w books a v a ila b le quickly To the Editor: I hope you will let me comment on an article that appeared some time ago in C&RL News: “Patron access to on-order and in-pro- cess titles,” by Elizabeth Ten Have and Denise Forro (December 1992). In it the authors note: “In the past this type of assistance was rela­ tively unknown in academic libraries. A search of the library literature shows that even in today’s automated libraries, with the benefits of integrated systems, this is a fairly unique service. Many libraries do not offer access to materials that are waiting for cataloging, let alone items that are on order.” I believe, through a glitch in L ibrary Liter­ atu re, two articles (and perhaps more) that dealt with browsing and circulating newly acquired, uncataloged books have been lost to researchers. As the author of one of the articles, “Backlog to Frontlog” ( L ibrary Jo u r ­ n al, September 1, 1969), 1 would like to amend the record. Daniel Gore, then librari­ an of MacAlester College, adapted my ap­ proach for an academic environment. He pub­ lished an article in LJ (September 1, 1972) with the great title, “In Hot Pursuit o f FASTCAT.” For browsing (and many books are select­ ed by browsing), my Frontlog System shelved uncataloged books in a public area in “acces­ sion” number order. Gore added the appro­ priate LC classification prefix letters to divide the Frontlog/FASTCAT book by broad sub­ ject categories. The Orange (NJ) Public Library still uses the Frontlog System. All adult books await­ ing cataloging are on public shelves available for browsing and borrowing. I suspect even in academic libraries newly published books circulate better than older books. In this era o f “Customer Service” we all should consider making new books browsable and available for circulation.— M arvin H. S cilken , The U.N.A.B.A.S.H.E.D Librarian ■ instruction in academic or research libraries, originality, timeliness, and quality o f writing. E ligibility. Publications include journal ar­ ticles, books, and book chapters. Submitted publications may be authored by on e or more individuals, a group, organization, or com­ mittee. BIS publications are not eligible for con­ sideration for the award. Publication year is de­ fined as September through August of the year preceding the year the award is given. S u bm ission p ro ced u re: Submit a two-page summary, a copy of the publication, and nomi­ nation form (available from the committee chair) to: Lori Arp, University of Colorado, Norlin Li­ brary, Campus Box 184, Boulder, CO 80309- 0184; (303) 492-3901. D ead lin e. December 1, 1994. O b e rly A w a rd for Bibliography in Agricultural Sciences The biennial Oberly Award is given in odd- numbered years for the best English-language bibliography in the field of agriculture or a related science. A w ard: The cash award and citation are made possible by a fund established in 1923 by colleagues in memory of Eunice Rockwood Oberly, late librarian of the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agricul­ ture. The award is administered by the ACRL Science and Technology Section. E ligibility : English-language bibliographies in the field of agriculture or a related science compiled during the two-year period preced­ ing the year in which the award is made. C riteria: Bibliographies submitted for award consideration are judged on accuracy, scope, usefulness, format, and special features: ex­ planatory introductions, annotations, and in­ dexes. To be eligible for the 1995 award, a bibliography must have been published in 1993 or 1994. {E d . n ote: See page 471 for tips on preparing award-winning bibliographies.) S ubm ission p ro ced u re: Nominations may be made in the form of a letter and should point out the reasons the bibliography should be considered for the award. A copy of the bibli­ ography should accompany the nomination. Send nominations to: Mike Haddock, Oberly Jury Chair, 3005 Wilson Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502-3257; (913) 532-7418. D ea d lin e: December 1, 1994. ■