ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 0 8 /C&RL News Preservation N ew s Ja n e Hedberg OCC offers d isaster p re p a red n e ss pubs The Oklahoma Conservation Congress (OCC) is distribut­ ing updated editions of two disaster preparedness publi­ cations: B a sic G u id elin es f o r D isaster P lan n in g in O klah o­ m a and B ib lio g ra p h y on D i­ sa sters, D isa ster P r e p a r e d ­ n ess a n d D isaster R ecovery, both by Toby Murray, pres­ ervation officer at the Univer­ sity of Tulsa. The basic guide­ lines, originally produced in 1985, may be adapted for use in any type institution. The bibliography, originally fi pages when produced in 1981, is now 70 pa es long. Copies of both publications are available fr o f charge from Gary Harrington, Oklahom Department o f Libraries, 200 North East 18t Oklahoma City, OK 73105. A stamped ($2.13 self-addressed, 9"x l2" enveloped is requeste Com m ission publishes pam phlet on utilizing isoperm s The Commission on Preservation and Acce published Isoperm s: A n E n v iron m en tal M a a g em en t T oolby Donald K. Sebera in June 199 It is intended to help administrators understan the effects o f relative humidity and temper ture on paper-based collections and to calc late the consequences o f storage in specif environmental conditions. Sebera reviews t scientific basis for his concept of isoperms, representation o f the relative permanence paper under varying temperature and relati humidity conditions, but explains their app cation to real-world situations in non-technic language. He also includes examples o f ho isoperms may be used to inform collection sto age decisions. This pamphlet is part o f a co tinuing Commission initiative to make scienti Get connected! Jo b s and news now o n the In tern et C&RL N ew sN et gopher to “”, port 70 of ve g­ ee a h, ), d. ss n ­ 4. d a­ u­ ic he a of ve li­ al w r­ n­ f­ ic inform ation accessib le and useful to preservation administrators. Copies are available for $10.00 from the Commis­ sion on Preservation and Access, 1400 16th St., N.W., Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036-2217; phone: (202) 939-3400. Prepayment by check (made payable to the Commission on Preserva­ tion and Access) is required. Commission sponsors re­ ceive copies at no charge. CCAHA publishes mold bulletin The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) has published a six-page technical bulletin called M an ag in g a M old In ­ v asion : G u id elin es f o r D isaster R espon se. It cov­ ers a variety o f topics including human health concerns, prevention planning, and methods for treating mold outbreaks, plus provides a bibliography and resource list. Copies are available for $3.50 (includes post­ age) from the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts, 264 South 23rd St., Philadel­ phia, PA 19103; phone: (215) 545-0613. PLMS an d RMLS becom e PARS The Preservation o f Library Materials Section (PLMS) and the Reproduction o f Library Mate­ rials Section (RLMS) o f ALA’s Association for Library Collections & Technical Services Divi­ sion (ALCTS) have merged to form the Preser­ vation and Reformatting Section (PARS). The merger was overwhelmingly approved by mem­ bership vote last spring and implemented at ALA’s Annual Conference in Miami. Robert Harriman and Robert DeCandido, chairs o f the former sections, will serve as cochairs o f PARS during 1994—95. All com mittees, discussion groups, and task forces have been reviewed and, in many cases, restructured to complete the merger. ■ Subm issions f o r this colu m n m ay b e m ad e to: Ja n e H edberg, W ellesley C ollege Library, 1 06 C en tral St., W ellesley, MA 02181-8275; (6 1 7 ) 283-2103; JHEDBÈRG@LUCY. WELLESLEY.EDU. Subm ission d ea d lin e is th e 15th o f the m onth a n d p reced es p u b lica tio n by approxim ately six w eeks.