ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 1 0 /C&RL News Internet Reviews Sαrα Am αto, editor N a t io n a l I n d ia n P o lic y C e n te r . A ccess: gopher:// g w is.circ.g w u .ed u :7 0 / ll/ Academic Departments/Na­ tional Indian Policy Center. P ro d u cer: National Indian Policy and Research Insti­ tute. C on tact: Bambi Kraus at or Many share the concern that the information super­ highway will bypass Native Americans and other minor­ ity groups. Internet access, effective November 1993, to the National Indi­ an Policy Center (NIPC) at the George Wash­ ington University gopher is an “on-ramp” in the right direction. The NIPC has been serving as an informa­ tion clearinghouse on Native American policy issues since 1990. It was established and fund­ ed by passage of Public Law 101-301 as a re­ search center after a year of consultation with American Indian and Alaskan Native tribes and individuals. The NIPC is committed to gather­ ing, analyzing, and disseminating information on substantive Indian policy issues affecting Indian country. Seven task groups have been formed to look at education, tribal governance, natural resource management, health, cultural rights and resources, law, and economic de­ velopment. The NIPC operates under the direction of a planning committee composed o f tribal lead­ ers and representatives of major Indian organi­ zations. NIPC acting director, Ron Trosper (Salish and Kootenai) founded the Native Ameri­ can Forestry Program at Northern Arizona Univer­ sity. Bambi Kraus (Tlingit) is assistant director. Since its inception, the NIPC has issued over 20 reports on topics ranging from education to protection o f sacred sites on public lands. The June 1993 report on the economic impact of Indian gaming has been cited by researchers, the media, and tribes. All NIPC research reports can be viewed on the NIPC gopher hole, organized according to NIPC task groups. The gopher also includes an annotated bibliography of the reports. Copies Sara Amato is systems librarian a t Willamette Univer­ sity, Salem, Oregon; e-m ail: sam o f this bibliography can be requested at no cost by fax, snail mail, or e-mail. An or­ der form is attached to the bibliography to request free copies o f reports. The NIPC gopher hole also contains 1990 census data, minutes o f task force meetings, press releases, and other data. NIPC is planning to develop a database of journal and newspaper arti­ cles and to include special­ ized state and tribal census data in the gopher. You can also access the NIPC via InterTribal N etw o rk (IT N ) in C o lo ra d o : gopher:// News/ National Indian Policy Center. ITN is a grow­ ing gopher hole that also includes book re­ views and information on grants, legislation, and medical topics.— M a ry Ja n e M cD erm ott Ce­ d a r F a ce, S ou thern O regon S tate C ollege H u n gerW eb. Access: http://www.hunger.brown. edu/oxfam. HungerWeb is one o f a small number of issue-focused web resources whose main pur­ pose is to raise the consciousness o f those who browse the site. World hunger is the issue, and exhortation is a principal tool. “There are many moral responsibilities and economic concerns that make ending hunger an unavoidable im­ perative: the human and social consequences o f hunger are unbearable, and the economic cost o f allowing hunger to persist is genocidal, if not suicidal . . . We can not avert our eyes nor deny our responsibilities— responsibilities in the name o f humanity, and responsibilities in our best interest” (from “The Facts About Hunger” on the main page). The site is praiseworthy for trying to gather relevant documents and links to inform and galvanize its audience to response, but there is some question as to who the intended audi­ ence is, and what its members should do once consciousness is raised. The level o f discourse in the introductory material seems appropriate for high school students or perhaps college freshman, and at present the links are not data- rich enough to be useful to more sophisticated browsers. http://www.hunger.brown September 1 9 9 4 /5 1 1 WWW interfaces (Mosaic, lynx, etc.) encour­ age a bulletized mode o f communication that is simplified and often superficial; when the sentence or paragraph contains a link, to more detailed material, the browser has the oppor­ tunity to explore further. HungerWeb’s linked texts examine national security, the environ­ ment, war, the Bible, population, and poverty in the U.S. as facets o f hunger, and each of these topics presents an argument with sup­ porting data. At their best they provide useful summaries of hunger issues, but sometimes the text seems naive— the intentions are surely the best, but the facts are questionable: “Hungry people will do almost anything to feed themselves, including taking up arms in Third World conflicts. It is these conflicts which are most likely to lead to full-scale nuclear war according to experts including the Center for Defense Information” (from the “Hunger and National Security” text). Links to “Extensive Hunger Resources" in­ clude a wide range of governmental and non­ governmental gophers and web sites, many of which have excellent and highly relevant in­ formation, though it is often d eep ly buried. T h e b ro w s e r n e e d s guidance in these re­ sources, and the WWW medium offers the op­ portunity to provide ex­ planatory context for them by means o f links to specific parts of doc­ uments, but little along these lines has yet been done by the maintainers of HungerWeb. Guid­ ance through the jun­ gles of literature about hunger (in the fonn of an n o tated b ib lio g ra ­ phies and commentary on issues like the poli­ tics of charity) would be a valuable addition as the site grows. In the Mosaic ver­ sion o f HungerWeb the images take up a great deal of space and trans­ mission time, but few are really informative. They create an ambience, but their message is more often generalized guilt (a starving child) or ambiguous allusion (Picasso’s Guernica, the Statue o f Liberty) than useful data or trenchant summary.— H u gh A. B la ck m er, W ashin gton a n d L ee U niversity S p rin g er Jo u rn a ls Preview Service (SPJV). A ccess: gopher:// 1/ TOC; gopher; 12. Spring­ er Journals Preview Service (SPJV). The separate files are also available via mailserver: SVJPS@VAX.NTP.SPRINGER.DE or by subscription to an e-mail list. Comments about the service can be sent via e-mail to SPRINGER@VAX.NTP.SPRINGER.DE This part of SPJV is a gopher-based table of contents service for selected Springer-Verlag titles in life sciences and radiology. The go­ pher menu is used to list tables o f contents to enable users to select a citation for which they may w ant an a b stra ct. A bstracts (c a lle d BiblioAbstracts by Springer-Verlag) are then ordered via e-mail (via a subscription billed to H ow to cite the Internet O ne question that often arises when w orking with electronic resources is how to cite them in both form al research papers and in general resource lists. Two works that address this issue are; Electronic Style: A G uid e to C iting Electronic Inform ation by Xia Li and N a n c y Crane (Meckler, 1993) and The C h icag o M a n u a l o f Style, 14th ed. (Uni­ versity o f C h ica g o Press, 1 9 9 3 ) w h ich includes a section on citing com puter program s and electronic documents. Tnese books can help you determ ine how to cite everything from an e-mail message to a full-text CD-ROM. Since this column w ill only deal with Internet-accessible resources, 1 w ill generally cite things using Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). Those o f you w h o are fa­ m iliar w ith W o rld W id e W e b browsers m ay a lre a d y be using URLs. Although not yet a form al standard, there is an Internet Dratf from the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) on the topic. In general, URLs are constructed as follows: ‹schem e : / / host.dom ain:port / p a th /to /s o u r c e › . A URL for a file named url-spec.txt a v a ila b le via ftp a t in the p u b / w w w / d o c directory w o uld be de­ scribed as: < file ://in fo .c e m .c h :/p u b /w w w /d o c /u r l- s p e c .tx t>. This docum ent is actually the text o f the Internet w o rkin g draft. A URL for the g o p h e r d ire c to ry w h e re this colum n and otner reviews are archived is < g o p h e r ://g o p h e r .w illa m e tte .e d u :7 0 /l/ 1 /lib r a r y / r e - v ie w s ›, meaning go ph er to go ph er.w illam ette.ed u, port 7 0 , and look in the lib ra ry /re v ie w s directory. If you have access to a W o rld W id e W e b browser, you could take a look at the follow in g hypertext d o c u m e n t tha t talks m ore a b o u t URLs: < h t t p : / / in f o . c e r n . c h / h y p e rte x t/W W W /A d d re s s in g /A d d re s s in g .h tm l›. In general, URLs are a very clear w a y o f describing how to access a resource on the Internet, if in the context o f this column further description is neces­ sary, it w ill be adde d. In the above go ph er exam ple, fo r instance, it m ight be nice to know that on the menu the lib ra ry directory dis­ plays as "Library Resources".— Sara A m ato gopher:// mailto:SVJPS@VAX.NTP.SPRINGER.DE mailto:SPRINGER@VAX.NTP.SPRINGER.DE file:// gopher:// 5 1 2 /C&RL News your credit card). For complete information on ordering abstracts, read the README file at the top of the menu. Use o f the table o f contents (TOC) service is free. TOCs are available ap­ proximately 10 days before the print issue is mailed to subscribers. The menu is organized by titles o f journals. The submenu for each title is further subdivid­ ed by year and that menu is divided by indi­ vidual issues. When you select an issue, a file is displayed listing the TOC for that issue. B e­ low is a sample citation: AU Howes-B-L. Teal-J-M. TI Oxygen loss from Spaitina alterniflora and its relationship to salt marsh oxygen balance. SO Oecologia. 1994 97(4) P 431. AB 40970431.442 The information is tagged according to BRS Medline format conventions. In its present form, SPJV contains approxi­ mately 90 titles. The number of years available varies widely. This service is not intended to be an index since the user must know which title, volume, and issue he or she wants to ex­ amine. Perhaps the best uses o f this service include SDI (selective dissemination o f infor­ mation), interlibrary loan, and collection de­ velopment. Libraries with limited budgets could then request separate articles for their users without having to subscribe to a particular jour­ nal. While still experimental, this service is a good example o f what serials publishers can do when they have access to the Internet. Many other publishers are beginning to offer similar ser­ vices, which could be a major tool in control­ ling serials costs. SPJV is o f particular value to researchers in the life sciences and radiology.— W ilfred D rew , SUNY C ollege o f A g ricu ltu re a n d T ech n olog y ■ (P rogram s co n t.fro m p a g e 490) Here are some useful teaching tips discussed during the session: 1) collaborative planning for staff needs; 2) train­ er as “guide on the side” rather than “sage on the stage”; 3) one assistant for each five trainees; 4) anonymous evaluation through e-mail, “finger­ ing” trainees if in a UNIX environment, and mak­ ing visits to faculty and staff offices. Here are some use­ ful hands-on activities Claudette Hagle, Univ. Jean Kent suggested: 1) attendees to the BIS pr e-mail friends, relatives, or President Clinton; 2) join listservs such as CJCLS’s CJC-L (listserv@dekalb.dc.peachnet. e d u ) o r NETTRAIN ( lis ts e r v @ u b v m .c c . or; 3) take “L et’s G o G o p h e rn W o r k s h o p ” (g o p h e r; 4) get a subject guide from the C learin g h ou se f o r S u bject-O tien ted In ­ tern et R esou rces G u id e (gopher gopher.lib., then select “What’s New and Fea­ tured Resources,” then select the Clearing­ house); 5) use YanofPs list o f gopher and ftp sites (ftp, login as “anony­ mous,” and use your e-mail address for the pass­ word); and 6) retrieve a “how to” guide (ftp, login as “anonymous,” and use your e-mail address as the password, then at ftp ro m p t ty p e “cd pub/nic n e tw o rk . services.guides," then type “dir” to see list of guides, then type “get ‹filen am e›” to transfer a guide o f your choice). Gilchrist’s library at Pierce College just re­ Û ceived a hard-wired con­ 2 nection for the Internet g through a $28,000 Na­ c O tional Science Founda­õ tion Grant (Note: order copies of “Grants for Re­f Dallas, welcomed ram in Miami. search and Education in Science and Engineering; n Application Guide” [GRESE], NSF 90-77, August 990 from the National Science Foundation, Forms Publications Unit, 1800 G St., NW, Room 232, ashington, DC 10550; phone: (202) 357-7861 ;e- ail: Also, Washington State Library provided hem two accounts with 100 hours access time nd trained two of their librarians so they could rain others. They have developed a multime­ ia package residing on a library PC for faculty nd staff to view before training sessions. And ey hired a substitute librarian to free the ref­ rence staff for four half days to explore and ractice the Internet.— P eggy H ollem an , P im a om m unity C ollege West C am pus ■ p a 1 & W m t a t d a th e p C o og