ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries September 1 9 9 4 /5 2 1 A U N I V d E R S e I T l Y A p A l Co i mm i itment to Intellect ASSOCIATE DEAN OF LIBRARIES FOR PUBLIC SERVICES A d e l p h i U n i v e r s i t y s e e k s e x p e r i ­ enced, resourceful, and energetic indi­ vidual to as su m e responsibilities for a m a j o r d iv i s i o n o f it s L ib r a r ie s . The Associate Dean is responsible for ( 1 ) s e v e n p u b l i c s e r v i c e s u n i t s in t h e Swirbul ( m a i n ) Library, as well a s the separately housed Science Library and t h e l i b r a r i e s a t t h e M a n h a t t a n a n d Huntington Centers and ( 2 ) assistance to the Dean in a variety of library-wide a d m i n i s t r a t i v e r e s p o n s i b ilit ie s . MLS from a n ALA accredited library school and significant experience in academic s e r v i c e s a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a r e required. Salary $50,000 minimum; 12 month appointment (22 days vacation); e x c e l l e n t b e n e f i t s , i n c l u d i n g TIAA/CREF. Send le tt e r of application, cu rric u l u m vitae, a n d n a m e s of th ree ref erences to: E u g e n e T. N eely, D e a n o f L ib ra rie s , ADELPHI UNIVERSITY, S o u th Ave, G a r d e n City, NY 11530. A d e lp h i U n i v e r s i t y is a n E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y / A f f i r m a t i v e A cti o n Employer M/E_______________________ te course work in a recognized archives management program; inimum three years archival experience in a complex, preferably cademic institution; strong public service orientation; demonstrable eference skills; strong interpersonal skills with excellent oral and ritten communication; experience with MARC/AMC; active profes­ ional involvement. Desired; Hands-on library/archives preservation nd conservation experience; supervisory experience; knowledge of he history and development of the Colorado Plateau. Send resume, etter of application, and the names and addresses of three references o: Karen J. Underhill, Head, Special Collections and Archives, orthern A rizona U niversity, Box 6022, Flagstaff, AZ 86011. Re­ iew of applications will begin on September 15, 1994, and continue ntil the position is filled. Northern Arizona University is committed to qual opportunity, affirmative action; minorities, women, persons with isabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. CQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Reports to the Assistant Director for echnical Services. Responsibilities include order/pay/receipt activi­ ies for monographs, serials, and standing orders and approval plans; athering, compiling, and interpreting statistics and information re­ ated to the libraries’ materials budget; monitoring operation and erformance of vendors' services; resolving acquisitions and serial roblems. Required: One year post-MLS academic acquisitions xperience; knowledge of library-vendor relationships; demonstrated Deadlines: O rders fo r regular classified advertisem ents must reach the AC R L office on o r before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., S epte m be r2 fo rth e O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $7.10 per line for institutions that are AC RL members, $9.00 fo r others. Late job notices are $17.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $20.50 for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charged according to th e ir m em bership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $320 to $610 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G uidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in w hich the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 2 0 fo rth e October issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy o f the Am erican Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms fa c­ ulty ra nk and status vary in meaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL N ew s classified ads are now accessible on the Internet through the gopher server at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ads will be placed on the gopher approxi­ mately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL N ews is published. To reach C&RL N ew sN et you can locate the University of Illinois at C hicago in the menu of all servers m aintained on gopher at the University of M innesota. A lter­ natively, you can connect your favorite gopher client directly to host " 70". S elect "The Library" from the menu and then select "C&R L NewsNet" from the next menu. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL NeivsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611- 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail; U21808@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications o r placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states th a t “ALA is com m itted to equality o f opportunity fo r all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for em ploym ent, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or m ental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA se r­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. PO SITIO NS OPEN ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL POSITION.The Cline Library at North­ ern Arizona University invites applications for: Manuscripts Curator and Preservation Specialist. Under the supervision of the Head of the Special Collections and Archives Department, performs and super­ vises all tasks related to the acquisition, appraisal, arrangement, description, preservation and conservation, and deselection of archi­ val material— including manuscripts, records, oral histories, and maps; provides daily research and reference services; assists in developing a librarywide preservation program; operates a state-of- the-art conservation laboratory; builds support for a multifaceted archival program; promotes the use of collections through outreach program; writes grant proposals and reports; trains and supervises staff and student employees; serves as a Cline Library subject specialist. Minimum qualifications: Advanced degree in history or anthropology or ALA-accredited MLS; successful completion of gradu­ THE LIDCSSE DSI AAF a m a r w s a t l t N v u e d A T t g l p p e 5 2 2 /C&RL News TH E UNIVERSITY LIBRARY U n iv e r s it y o f S o u t h e r n C a l if o r n ia T h e University o f Sou thern C aliforn ia University Library invites applications for the position as A ssistan t U niver­ sity L ib rarian fo r In stru ctio n al and R esearch Services. T h e University Library is a site for teaching, learning, and research. T h e Library seeks a person who understands the strategic and technological im plications o f this mission and who understands the various scholarly, teaching, and research processes within a large academ ic in stitution. T h e A U L will provide leadership and vision for those areas o f the library w hich deal m ost directly w ith research and instructional programs and services and work with a sta ff strongly co m m itted to en h ancing the role o f the library in the University’s educational mission. T h e A U L for Instructional and Research Services is one o f four A U L S reporting to the U niversity Librarian and, using strategic thinking, innovation, and teamwork, is part o f an adm inistrative team and a faculty co m m itted to improving library services in an age o f fiscal limits. T h e A U L is responsible for the operations, services, programs and budget for 18 libraries/departments including the newly opened, technologically advanced Leavey Library and the C en ter for Scholarly Technology. T h e Instruc­ tional and Research Services D ivision has 4 4 Library Faculty, 6 6 Staff, and 8 0 F T E Students. To request a copy o f the vacant position an n ou ncem ent, w hich includes qualifications and application instruc­ tions, please call (2 1 3 ) 7 4 0 - 2 5 4 3 between the hours o f 9 :0 0 am to 4 :0 0 pm , M onday - Friday, o r send your name and address via e-m ail to donaldso@ Review o f applications will co n tin u e until th e position is filled. T h e U niversity o f Southern C aliforn ia is an AA /EO E, A D A -com plian t in stitution strongly co m m itted to the principle o f diversity. verbal and written communication skills. Experience with integrated online acquisitions system desirable. Applicants must have master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school. Rank: Assistant Univer­ sity Librarian. Salary range: $25,985-$29,985, plus benefits. Applica­ tion deadline: October 14, 1994. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Janice Donahue, Chair, Search Committee, Florida A tla n tic U n ive rsity Libraries, P.O. Box 3092, Boca Raton, FL 33431-0992. Please refer to Position No. 25017. An equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, a graduate professional school of the United Methodist Church, seeks an energetic and creative professional with ALA-accredited MLS, a theological degree from ATS-accredited institution, and at least five years experience in an academic library. Responsibilities include: General administration, cataloging and technical services, development and support of automation/electronic resources and teaching. Salary commensurate with education and experience (mini­ mum: $27,000). Faculty status, TIAA/CREF, vacation, medical and disability insurance. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three professional references to: Elmer J. O’Brien, United The o lo g i­ cal Seminary, 1810 Harvard Blvd., Dayton, OH 45406-4599. Review of applications begins September 20, 1994, and continues until position is filled. ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR II. Position and responsibilities: Responsible for the overall management of Access of Departments within the Purdy/Kresge Library including: Circulation, Stack Mainte­ ance, Reserve Services, Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and formation Services; responsible for the supervision and training of brarians and staff assigned to Access Units and planning and valuating new technologies to enhance access sen/ices; acts as aison with university departments, faculty, students, and Information ervices customers; has reference responsibilities; and attends eetings, conferences, and seminars on current trends and new chnologies. Qualifications: Master’s degree in library and informa­ on science from an ALA-accredited institution; master's degree or h.D. is desirable; minimum five years of experience in an academic r research library preferred; minimum three years of supervisory xperience in an academic or research library preferred; reasonable nowledge of access functions and issues in an academic or research brary is required; demonstrated analytical and planning skills; ability communicate and relate effectively with others; excellent oral and/ r written communication skills. The campus and the library: Wayne tate University is one of the nation’s leading urban research univer­ ities. The University Library System is ranked among the top 50 esearch libraries in the United States, with collections of over 2.4 illion books and journal volumes, 1.8+ million microfilms, and more an 23,000 current subscriptions to journal and government publica­ ons. The Purdy/Kresge Library complex, which houses the Media ibrary and Computer Instructional Laboratory, is one of the four braries at Wayne State University, which serves the graduate and ndergraduate programs in business, economics, education, hu­ anities, and social sciences. Other information: Minimum salary: n In li e li S m te ti P o e k li to o S s r m th ti L li u m Septem ber 1 9 9 4 /5 2 3 DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBR (Search Continued) Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapo Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI) seeks a dynamic serve as Director of the IUPUI University Libraries. The position affords a uniqu the role and position of the library as both acampus and community resource in a committed to the idea of information integration and distributed access. This co the university’s new $32 million library which serves as the nerve centerforthe ac of print-based, electronic, and multimedia resources to support communitywide Libraries currently have a total annual budget of $6.8 million. Further enhanc Libraries is one of the top-ranked campus priorities. The Director will have a proven track record in library administration and a keen s and communication technologies are transforming the structure and role of acad ARIES lis (IUPUI) and visionary leader to e opportunity to reshape n academic environment mmitment is embodied in quisition and distribution learning. The University ement of the University ense of how information emic libraries. He or she will have the experience, personality, and academic credentials to provide intellectual as well as administrative leadership, and will be comfortable working in partnership with other information technol­ ogy professionals on and off campus. An MLS (or MA/MS in library science) from an ALA-accredited program is strongly preferred, though other combinations of education and experience will be considered. A second advanced degree would also be strongly preferred. The successful candidate’s professional and scholastic credentials will warrant a tenured senior appointment. Nominations and applications will be considered until the position is filled, expected to be within the 1994-95 academic year. Previous applications are still active and candidates need not reapply. Formal and informal inquiries, application, and curricula vitae, including names of three references, should be sent to the Chair of the Search Committee, preferably by October 15,1994: Blaise Cronin Dean, School o f Library and Inform ation Science Indiana University Main Library 011 Bloom ington, IN 47405 An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. $39,000, based on experience and qualifications. Excellent benefits package including a retirement plan (TIAA/CREF), health plan op­ tions, dental, liberal vacation and illness plan, and tuition assistance for employees and family members. Submit a letter of interest, resume, and the names and addresses of at least three professional references to: Posting #137, Personnel Office, W ayne State Univer­ sity, Detroit, Ml 48202. Wayne State University is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. Wayne State University people working together to provide quality services. All buildings, structures, and vehicles at WSU are smoke-free. AUTOMATION SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN (search reopened). Assistant Professor or Lecturer, 12-month, faculty status. Reports to the Dean of Library Sen/ices and is responsible for planning and operation of the library’s various automated systems. Duties include systems man­ ager for the library's automated system (ULISYS) and cataloging system (OCLC); troubleshooter for all computer systems in the library; leader in training and use of library automation for optimizing library service. Qualifications: Minimum: ALA-accredited MLS, or equiva­ lent; experience and/or education in a variety of library or other automation applications including mainframes, microcomputers, and local and wide area networks; proven organizational and interper­ sonal skills; effective skills in written and verbal communication; and ability to work in a team setting. Five years professional academic library experience, or equivalent experience at other large library is required for Assistant Professor (preference will be given for aca­ demic experience). Advanced degree or systematic course work may substitute for up to three years experience. Desirable: Advanced degree in computing/information systems; experience with OCLC, automated circulation systems, VAX systems, CD-ROM technology, and the Internet; participation in professional organizations. Salary is competitive and negotiable. Rank and tenure-track status are depen­ dent on qualifications. Minimum salary: Assistant Professor (tenure- track), $32,666; Lecturer (non-tenure-track), $28,000. Lecturers will be eligible to apply for tenure-track status when faculty code require­ ments for Assistant Professor rank have been met. TIAA-CREF, 22 days vacation. Applications must be postmarked by Friday, October 14,1994. Central Washington University has a strong commitment to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff, and student body. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers of three current professional references to: Jennifer Jaques, Search Committee Chair, Reference Department, Central W ash in g to n U n iv e rs ity Library, 400 E. 8th Ave., Ellensburg, WA 98926-7548. AA, EEO, Title IX institution. CATALOGER (MONOGRAPHS). Duties: Under the general direction of the Head of the Catalog Department, this Cataloger uses the RLIN, OCLC, and NOTIS systems to perform original cataloging of mono­ graphs in music and several other subjects and in a variety of languages in both book and nonbook formats. This individual works with name, series, and subject authority control and other general assignments. This tenure-track position is governed by the university’s policies for research or creative achievement and professional ser­ vice as outlined by the Faculty Handbook. This position may require some supervision of library technicians and students. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of AACR2, MARC formats, LC classification and subject headings; familiarity with automated cataloging systems; bibliographic knowl­ edge of European languages. Desirable: Broad educational back­ ground including music; music cataloging experience; knowledge of a modern European language; second master’s degree; evidence of research or creative achievement; effective communication skills; and some supervisory experience. Deadline for applications: October 15, 1994. Available: January 1, 1995. Salary: $27,000 (minimum). Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; 33 days paid leave; short-term disability leave; university holidays; comprehensive medi­ cal protection; and group life insurance. University Libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the 5 2 4 /C&RL News University Libraries consists of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.3 million volumes. 18,000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. The libraries operates a computerized library system (NOTIS) including local holdings, subject databases, and network connections to other libraries. Norman, Oklahoma, is an attractive community with a low cost of living, close to a major metropolitan city. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, rank of Assistant Professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of applica­ tion with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references including current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Assis­ tant to the Dean for Administrative Services, University Libraries, U n ive rsity o f O klahom a, Norman, OK 73019; (405) 325-2611. Okla­ homa University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual career couples. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN II. Responsible for copy and original cataloging. Catalogs foreign-language materials and does authority work. Required qualifications: MLS; one year experience in mono­ graphic cataloging; thorough knowledge of LC classification, LCSH, AACR2; MARC; experience with OCLC (or other utility); strong initiative and flexibility; understanding of library issues; interest in effecting change in an automated environment; good communication and interpersonal skills. Preferred qualifications: Additional advanced degree(s); a record of publication; experience with the cataloging module of an automated system. Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) has a total enrollment of 6,300. The library, staffed by eight librarians and 16 paraprofessionals, contains 235,000 volumes, 1,500 journal subscriptions, and 900,000 government documents. This is a tenure-track faculty appointment. The Cataloging Librarian II is employed on a 12-month basis with 20 days annual leave and standard benefits. Send application letter, resume, and names of three professional references by November 1, 1994, to: Cataloging Search Committee Chair, A u b u rn U n ive rsity at M ontgom ery Li­ brary, 7300 University Dr., Montgomery, AL 36117-3596. AUM is an EEO, AA employer. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN FOR NETWORKED INFORMATION RESOURCES. Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University Library. The Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University is recruiting for a librarian who will provide leadership in constructing organizational schemes to support effective information retrieval for networked resources. The library is firmly committed to providing innovative information access to its clientele. Located in Ithaca, New York, Mann Library supports the instructional and research programs of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; the College of Human Ecology; and the Divisions of Biological and Nutritional Sciences. The successful individual will be a member of the Cataloging Services Unit, will actively participate in the library’s research and development efforts, and will work closely with staff from the Information Technology Section. This position will be responsible for: (1) organizing access to networked information resources; (2) using and, if necessary, customizing networked infor­ mation and retrieval tools; (3) supporting software development for staff workstations; and (4) creating original bibliographic and authority records for electronic resources, including CD-ROMs, Internet re­ sources, etc. Access to the electronic library is provided through the library’s Gateway and current development of the Gateway is focused on NCSA Mosaic. Qualifications: Required: Master's degree in library or information sciences from an accredited university. Excellent Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $28,000 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $23,846 West Virginia $22,000 W isconsin $25,830 •Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. September 1 9 9 4 /5 2 5 TWO POSITIONS: AUTOMATED SYSTEMS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES The American University in Cairo Applications are invited for two positions in the library of the American University in Cairo. The new position of HEAD OF LIBRARY AUTOMATED SYSTEMS: Involves coordinating the planning, development, and implementation of all automated systems for the library’s functions and services, including providing technical support for the library’s integrated DOBIS/LIBIS system, public access computing, microcomputing, and local area networks, as well as staff training, and providing leadership in enhancements of services through new information technology. Required qualifications include a graduate degree in librarianship or other relevant graduate degree; minimum three to five years experience in academic libraries, of which a substantial portion has involved maintaining an integrated library system. Knowledge of and experience with USMARC, Internet, and CD-ROM technology are essential. Rank will be Senior Librarian. The second opening is for ASSISTANT LIBRARY DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. As part of the Senior Library Administration Group, the appointee will be responsible for overall management of the technical services functions of the library, including cataloging, acquisitions, and automated systems; for supervision andtraining of technical services staff; and forbringingthe library’s bibliographic functions into full compliance with U.S. standards. Required qualifications include a graduate degree in librarian­ ship, second masters’s degree desirable; minimum five years experience in supervising technical services in an academic library, with at least three years of cataloging experience; knowledge of U.S. cataloging standards; background in the application of automated information technology within a library context. Both positions are two-year appointments (renewable) beginning in September 1995. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. For expatriates, housing, round-trip air travel, plus schooling for two children are included. Write with curriculum vitae, preferably before November 15, 1994, to: Andrew Kerek Senior Vice President and Provost The American University in Cairo 866 United Nations Plaza, Ste. 517 New York, NY 10017 knowledge of information retrieval and management systems, re­ source discovery tools, and working experience with various com­ puter systems (IBM/PC, Macintosh, UNIX) and their programming languages (e.g., C, C++). Effective communication skills and an ability to work in a team setting. Desirable: Cataloging experience in a research library and subject background or interest in the life sciences or related social sciences. Salary: $26,000 and up, depend­ ing upon qualifications. Closing date: Applications requested by October 1, 1994, but accepted until position is filled. Apply to: Bernadette Heath, Asstant to Director of Human Resources, Cornell U n iversity Library, 235 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. (Send resume, cover letter, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers for three references.) Cornell University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CHAIR, ACCESS SERVICES, Humboldt State University Library. The University Library seeks a creative, resourceful individual to manage those units— Acquisitions, Cataloging, Circulation, Periodi­ cals, Stack Maintenance, and Systems (three librarians and 16 FTE staff)— whose functions are centered around the automated inte­ grated system, GEAC ADVANCE. Responsibilities include adminis­ tration and coordination of the operation of the current system, planning for future generations of access systems, integration with other library databases to develop a library wide system, cooperation with other campus units to develop a CWIS, as well as personnel management, policy development, and budget oversight. The Chair reports to the University Librarian and serves on the library’s manage­ ment council. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; five years of professional library experience, with at least two years at the managerial level, including personnel management, policy develop­ ment, and budget oversight. Working knowledge of and demonstrated experience with automated library systems: demonstrated commit­ ment to collegial style and participative management; thorough understanding of and commitment to the philosophies, standards, and practices governing bibliographic access. Candidates whose charac­ teristics and qualifications also suit them to prepare individuals to function in a culturally and ethnically diverse society are especially encouraged to apply. Preferred qualifications: Substantial work expe­ rience in an academic library in one or more of the units supervised; strong communication skills and a service perspective; good interper­ sonal skills and ability to utilize employees creatively; broad knowl­ edge of emerging technologies and their applications in libraries; ability to analyze and interpret complex technical data; thorough understanding of the MARC format; and ability to embrace and implement change effectively. This is a full-time tenure-track position with appointment at Senior Assistant Librarian ($37,560 to $52,044), or Associate Librarian ($47,376 to $65,868). Benefits include optional 10-month year, 24 days annual vacation, 10 to 14 legal holidays, sick leave, and competitive retirement and health plans. Librarians are members of the general faculty with rank. HSU has a student population of 6,600 FTE and is the northernmost of the California State University campuses. The Library/Media Services has a collection of 435,000 volumes, along with a large government documents collec­ tion. Qualified candidates should submit a letter of application, resume, and names of three references by October 31 ‚ 1994, to: Chair, Library Faculty Personnel Committee, c/o University Librarian, H u m bo ldt State U n ive rsity Library, Areata CA 95521. HSU is an AA, EOE, Title IX employer. 5 2 6 / C&RL News LIBRARIAN FOR INFORMATION AND DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICES A key component o f the Harvard College Library’s Strategic Plan, is the development o f a comprehen­ sive interlibrary loan and document delivery program. To achieve this goal and develop services and policies that support information access in the emerging electronic environment, the Library is creat­ ing a new key management position: Librarian for Information and Document Delivery Services. The charge will be to guide and coordinate the developm ent o f ILL, and docum ent delivery services am ong the eleven College Libraries. Reporting to the Associate Librarian for Public Services, this posi­ tion will oversee comprehensive issues such as policy development and financial and strategic plan­ ning with particular em phasis on the organization o f service; the use o f information technology and electronic delivery m ethods; the organization, staffing and functioning o f the ILL Service unit in Widener Library; the development o f a comprehensive copyright compliance program; and the feasi­ bility o f a campus-wide document delivery service. The incumbent will play a significant role in the development o f a collaborative, cost-based, and effective ILL and resource sharing program. Specific responsibilities will include: • Providing leadership o f interlibrary loan, resource sharing, document delivery issues within the College Library, the Faculty o f Arts and Sciences Libraries, the University, and beyond. • Leading strategic, financial and long-range planning activities. • Developing comprehensive policies for lending and user-oriented borrowing. • Investigating and implementing new services and capabilities, such as electronic requesting and delivery capabilities including the commercial docum ent delivery suppliers and services. • Managing Widener's ILL functions (lending and borrowing) including the automation o f internal processing functions; personnel and budget management. Qualifications: MLS o r equivalent and a minimum o f 5 years managerial experience required. Strong commitment to furthering the use o f advanced information technology in a service-oriented setting; proven skills necessary to provide creative leadership for implementation and development o f a state o f the art program; knowledge o f national interlibrary loan and research sharing trends; knowledge o f current technologies and services including electronic requesting and delivery tech­ nologies, commercial docum ent delivery services, copyright compliance, etc. G ood communication skills and the ability to work creatively while fostering a cooperative approach is essential. The College Library consists o f the central collections o f the Faculty o f Arts and Sciences (7.3 mil. vol.) with a staff o f 416 FTE. In addition to Widener, the libraries include Cabot Science, Fine Arts, Harvard Yenching (East Asia), Houghton (rare books), Kummel (geology), Lamont and Hilles (under­ graduate), Littauer (economics and government), Music, and Tozzer (anthropology). Available: Immediately. C o m p e n s a t i o n : Anticipated hiring salary mid 40’s. Major benefits include generous vacation, holi­ day an a sick leave; choice o f health plans; dental insurance; life insurance; University-funded Income Plan; tax-deferred annuity options; tuition assistance. Interested candidates may send a letter o f interest, resume, and the names o f three references to: Susan Lee, Associate Librarian of Harvard College for Administrative Services, Harvard College Library, Widener 192, Cambridge, MA 02138. Harvard University upholds a commitment to Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. H a r v a r d C o l l e g e L i b r a r y September 1994 / 5 2 7 HEAD OF THE CENTER FOR CHINESE STUDIES LIBRARY University of California, Berkeley Assistant/Assodate/Librarian $28,666450,496 The Center for Chinese Studies Library (CCSL), a unit o f the University o f California, Berkeley East Asian Library, is one o f the World’s premier research collections on the People’s Republic of China. Particular strengths include materials on the history o f the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese economics, and Chinese law. The Head o f CCSL is responsible for collection d evelopm ent, reference services, technical s e r v ic e s , an d a d m in istra tio n o f CCSL; supervisin g a staff o f 3 FTE (p lu s student e m p lo y e e s ); a n d se rv in g a s a lia iso n to faculty, students, and Main Library collection development officers. Requirements include: an MLS or PhD in Chinese s t u d ie s (o r c o m p a r a b le e x p e r ie n c e ); a b a c k g ro u n d in m o d e rn C h in ese h istory, politics, and economics, with em phasis on CCP history an d co n tem porary Chinese affairs; k n o w le d g e o f W estern sc h o la r s h ip on co n tem porary China; a d v a n c e d familiarity with Chinese b ib lio g rap h ic an d reference tools; and the ability to work effectively with library staff, faculty and students. Applicants should apply in writing by October 1 ‚ 1994. Please include a cover letter, a statement o f qualifications, a complete resume, and the names, addresses and phone numbers o f three professional references. Send to; Jan ice H. Burrows, Director for Library Human Resources, 447The library, University o f California ‚ Berkeley ‚ CA 94720-6000. FAX: (510) 642-8675. EOE/AA CHINESE COLLECTIONS & REFERENCE SERVICES University of California, Berkeley Search Reopened Assistant/Assodate/Librarian $28,668450,496 The East Asian Library at the University o f California, Berkeley is the second largest collection of research materials in East Asian languages at any university outside East China. Among the areas o f particular strength are the holdings on the People’s Republic o f China, a large and distinguished collection o f Chinese rare books and 2,700 rubbings of Chinese inscriptions on stone and bronze. The Librarian is responsible for enhancing the strength of EAL’s pre-modem Chinese holdings; developing and managing book, non-book and electronic materials related to China; identifying projects and d ev e lo p in g p ro p o sa ls for extram ural fundin g to su p p o rt Chinese collections and services; acting as the primary reference and bibliographic instructor for Chinese materials; and serving as the liaison to faculty, students, and Main Library collection development officers. Requirements include: an MLS or PhD in Chinese studies (or comparable experience); expert know ledge o f Chinese (including classical Chinese); extensive knowledge o f Chinese literature, history and culture and Western scholarship on China; and advanced familiarity with Chinese bibliographic and reference tools. Some ability in reading Japanese, French and German is desirable. Applicants should apply in writing by October 3, 1994. Please include a cover letter, a statement of qualifications, a complete resume, and the names, a d d re sse s and phone num bers o f three professional references. Send to: Janice H. Burrows, Director for Library Human Resources, 447The Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-6000. FAX: (510) 642-8675. EOE/AA 5 2 8 /C&RL News DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY (Search Reopened) The American University in Cairo The American University in Cairo (AUC) invites applications for the position of Director of the Library. AUC is an independent private institution founded in 1919 on American educational principles and primarily dedicated to serving the educational needs of Egypt and the Middle East. Incorporated andfully accredited in the United States, AUC offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in some 25 fields in the liberal arts and professional disciplines. The Director has overall responsibility for the university’s library of nearly 250,000 volumes, both the largest English- language library in Egypt and including one of the world's finest rare books and special collections on Islamic art and architecture. Located on the campus in downtown Cairo and staffed by 16 librarians of multicultural background, the library serves a full-time student population of 4,200, over 5,000 part-time students and visitors, and a faculty of 250. Required qualifications include the MLS degree, with a doctorate preferred; administrative experience with American library practices; demonstrated leadership in library management and development; and familiarity with mainstream library computerization systems preferably including DOBIS/LIBIS. Prior overseas work experience highly desirable. Three-year (renewable) appointment should begin no later than August 1, 1995. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. AUC offers a competitive package of salary and benefits including, for expatriates, furnished housing, round-trip air travel, home leaves, and school tuition fortwo children. Review of applications will begin November 15,1994. Send letter of application, resume, and three references, names and addresses to: Andrew Kerek Senior Vice President and Provost The Am erican U niversity in Cairo 866 United Nations Plaza, Ste. 517 New York, NY 10017 COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT. The Eskind Biomedical Library at Vanderbilt University seeks a leader with initiative, creativity, and management ability to head its division of Collections Management. As a member of the library’s Management Team, the appointee will oversee a staff of 14 and several operations that now include: selection, acquisitions, bibliographic control, preservation, archives, and special collections. The Eskind Library is a state-of-the-art facility, opened in 1994, and is a component of the Informatics Center, which directs the integration, management, and utilization of information. This is a strategic priority at Vanderbilt (an IAIMS institution). Required qualifications are: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, or acceptable equivalent; three to five years relevant professional experience; fiscal, analytical, supervisory, planning, computer, and communications skills. Salary negotiable (minimum: $40,000). In­ sured benefits, retirement plans, and leave policies are those appli­ cable to exempt employees. Applications should be received as soon as possible and will be considered until the position has been filled. Send letter of application and a resume with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three referencea to: T. Mark Hodges, Director, Eskind Biomedical Library, V a n derbilt U n iversity, Nashville, TN 37232-8340; fax: (615) 936-1384. EEO, AA. COORDINATOR OF PERSONNEL AND DIVERSITY PROGRAMS. Coordinate all aspects of the University of Iowa Libraries personnel program, including staff development and training, human resources planning, job counseling, staff recruitment and selection, promotion, and compensation. Have direct responsibility for meeting the Univer­ sity Libraries’ commitment to the recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. Work with and advise as appropriate instructional and information librarians and others to address the development of diversity-related programs for faculty, staff, and students. Provide leadership in development of sen/ices for persons with special needs and disabilities, including compliance with ADA regulations. Will report to the University Librarian. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree or the equivalent professional experience in a university or research library, with a broad understanding of a wide variety of functional areas; an understanding of the components of a personnel program; knowledge of or the ability to develop expertise in staff development and training; demonstrated ability to communi­ cate logically, clearly, and effectively in oral and written form; ability to develop, implement, and evaluate programs and activities; analyti­ cal and research skills, negotiation and persuasion skills, and excel­ lent assessment and evaluative skills; demonstrated commitment to professional involvement; interest and commitment in diversity-re­ lated issues relevant to the university environment; and ability to communicate and establish ties with the University of Iowa multicultural community. Desired: Experience in personnel-related activities within a university or research library; experience in diversity-related activi­ ties within a university or research library setting; ALA-accredited MLS degree or the equivalent or appropriate course work in a personnel- related field; experience in implementing staff development and training programs; familiarity with user education programs; familiarity with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Salary and appointment: Appointment rank and salary will be based on relevant experience and educational background. Appointment will be made at the Librarian II o r III level. Salary range: $36,000-$42,000 depending upon qualifica­ tions and experience. The university offers an attractive package of benefits including 25 days of paid vacation per year, TIAA/CREF retirement, and a flexible selection of medical, child-care, and life insurance. The Ul Libraries: The Ul library system consists of 80 professional staff, 98 support staff, and 65 FTE student employees. The University Libraries includes the Main Library (Iowa Women’s Archives, the Information Arcade, Government Publications, Media Services, and social sciences and humanities collections) and 11 Septem ber 1994 / 5 2 9 C u rator of Prints and Photographs The Library Company of Philadelphia T h e L i b r a r y C o m p a n y , fo u n d ed in 1 7 3 1 , is an in d ep en d en t re search lib r a r y w ith a s ta ff o f tw e n ty and w ith im p o r ta n t c o lle c tio n s o f ra re b o o k s , m a n u s c r ip ts , and g rap h ics th a t d o c u m e n t e v e ry asp ect o f A m e r ic a n h is to r y up t o th e late 1 9 th c e n tu ry . Its s ig n ifican t reg ion al and n a tio n a l graph ics c o lle c tio n n u m b e rs m o r e th a n 7 5 ,0 0 0 ite m s and is p a r tic u la r ly s tro n g in e a rly p r in ts , d raw in gs, and p h o to g ra p h ic im ages cre a te d in th e P h ila d e lp h ia area an d / o r d e p ictin g th e re g io n . T h e graph ics c o lle c tio n is su p p o rte d b y e x c e lle n t h o ld in g s o f e a rly p h o to g ra p h ic lite r a tu r e and illu s tra te d b o o k s . R e s p o n s ib i li t i e s : T h e C u r a t o r o f P r in ts and P h o to g r a p h s is a d e p a rtm e n t h ead w h o re p o rts t o th e L ib ra ria n . T h e C u r a t o r in te r p re ts th e c o lle c tio n t o a b r o a d s c h o la r ly and general c o n s titu e n c y ; m ak es acq u is itio n s and w rite s re p o rts o n th e m ; su p erv ises a s m all s ta ff re s p o n s ib le f o r acc essio n in g and ca talo g u in g th e c o lle c tio n , m a in ta in in g th e d e p a rtm e n ta l readin g r o o m , and an sw erin g in q u iries b y p h o n e and m a il; o rg an ize s o c c a s io n a l e x h ib itio n s and p rep ares related p u b lic a tio n s ; re p re sen ts th e L ib r a r y C o m p a n y in lo c a l an d n a tio n a l p ro fe s s io n a l o rg a n iz a tio n s ; w o rk s w ith C o n s e rv a to rs b o t h in- h o u s e and c o n tr a c t ; an d o ve rse es d e p a rtm e n ta l lo a n s , rig h ts, and re p ro d u ctio n s . Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s : T h e r e are n o f o r m a l ed u ca tio n a l re q u ir e m e n ts . A p p lic a n ts sh o u ld h av e s ig n ifican t e x p e rie n c e w ith ic o n o g ra p h ic m a te ria ls ; a re c o rd o f s c h o la r ly p r o d u c tiv ity ; ad m in is tra tiv e and s u p e rv is o r y e x p e rie n c e , p r e fe r a b ly in a m u se u m o r re search lib r a r y ; and o u tsta n d in g c o m m u n ic a tio n and in te r p e r s o n a l sk ills. S a la r y : N e g o tia b le , d ep en d in g o n q u a lific a tio n s and ex p e rie n ce . F u ll b e n efits p ackage. T o a p p ly : N o m in a tio n s w e lc o m e . A p p lic a n ts sh o u ld send le t te r o f in te r e s t an d in te re s ts ; ré su m é ; and n am es, addresses, and te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re feren ce s b y 15 O c t o b e r 1 9 9 4 t o : S e a rch C o m m i t ­ te e , L ib r a r y C o m p a n y o f P h ila d e lp h ia , 1 3 1 4 L o c u s t S t., P h ila d e lp h ia , P A 1 9 1 0 7 -5 6 9 8 . E O E / A A . departmental libraries (Art, Music, Business, and the sciences, including the health sciences). With over three million volumes, the collections of the Ul Libraries rank 29th out of the 107 university libraries in the Association of Research Libraries. The libraries’ NOTIS-based system is called OASIS. The University Libraries is a member of the Research Libraries Group and has also implemented OCLC. Staff are actively engaged in a wide variety of national professional efforts and the libraries provides a program of support for professional development activities. Environment: The university and Iowa City: A major research and teaching institution, the University of Iowa offers recognized programs in a wide variety of areas. The university consists of a faculty of some 1,600 serving 27,000 students, 8,000 of whom are registered in graduate degree programs. Iowa City is a community with excellent educational, recreational, and cultural advantages, and is readily accessible via interstate highways. A major airport is only 30 miles away. Application procedures: Applica­ tions received by October 15, 1994, will be given first consideration. Minorities and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified individuals should send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers, to: Barbara I. Dewey, Director, Administrative and Access Services, U n ive rsity o f Iowa L ib ra rie s , Iow a C ity, IA 5 2 2 4 2 (319) 3 3 5 -5 8 7 1 ; b a rb a ra - The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. COORDINATOR OF REFERENCE SERVICES, McConnell Library, Radford University, Radford, Virginia. The Coordinator of Reference Services provides direction and leadership for the services and programs of the Reference Services Department, which include: Reference desk service, research assistance, interlibrary loan and document delivery, service to off-campus students, bibliographic instruction, special collections, and electronic information sen/ices. Supervises five librarians and two classified employees. As a member of the Library Administrative Council, the Coordinator of Reference Sen/ices works closely with the University Librarian and other depart­ mental administrators to plan, implement, and coordinate library programs and policies. As a library faculty member, the Coordinator of Reference Services participates in collection development, selects library materials, evaluates the library collections in designated subject areas, and serves as library liaison to one or more academic departments. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. At least three years of relevant supervisory experience in an academic library reference department at the professional level. Experience with an integrated automated library system, Internet information resources, CD-ROM LANs, and evidence of strong com­ puter skills (including microcomputer applications). Knowledge of print and electronic reference sources and services as well as current developments and trends in electronic reference and information technologies. Excellent communication skills. Strong public service orientation. A commitment to responsive and innovative service. Ability to work effectively in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. A commitment to the participatory style of management. The vacancy is a 12-month non-tenured administrative/faculty posi­ tion. Salary: $27,000 minimum, with comprehensive benefits, several retirement options including TIAA/CREF, 11 paid state holidays, 18 days paid vacation for first two years and 24 days thereafter. Radford University is a comprehensive coeducational state institution with an enrollment exceeding 9,000. The university offers bachelor's, master’s, and educational specialist’s degrees. The campus is located near the Blue Ridge Mountains, 45 miles southwest of Roanoke, Virginia. Application deadline: Review of applications will begin October 14, 1994, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, unofficial copies of transcripts, along with the names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of three current references, to: Linda Farynk, University Librarian, McConnell Library, Radford University, Radford, VA 24142. Radford University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. COORDINATOR OF THE REFERENCE GROUP. John Carroll University’s Grasselli Library is seeking an experienced and dynamic reference librarian to serve as Coordinator of the Reference Group. This person will coordinate all standard reference functions including staffing of the reference center, library instruction, and development of reference collections in all formats. Supervision of four full-time librarians with faculty status, two part-time librarians, and student assistants is part of the position. This is an academic-year tenure- track faculty appointment with extra compensation for summer work. 5 3 0 /C&RL News ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR East Carolina University Joyner Library RESPONSIBILITIES: Reports to the Director, Academic Library Services, and is responsible for leadership and management of all library activities in the areas of automation and telecommunications, budgeting, facilities planning and utilization ‚ and State Personnel Act (SPA) employees. Provides liaison and effective communication with campus computing, business affairs, and physical plant, as well as appropriate units in the Health Sciences Division of the university, and state, regional, and national groups as appropriate. DUTIES INCLUDE: Participates in overall library planning and policy formulation as a member of the library management team; assures effective organization of and provides direction to the library’s automation and telecommunication programs; coordinates within the framework of affirmative action policies and other established standards, personnel actions involved in recruitment, selection, training, evaluation, and retention of library SPA staff; assists in preparing, coordinating, and administering the annual library budget; negotiates service, automation, telecommunications, programming, and other contracts as needed in conjunction with campus or system purchasing units; serves as an ex officio member of the Operations Policy Review Committee of the Academic Library Services Faculty; is responsible for library operations inthe absence of the library director; performs otherappropriate duties as assigned by the Director, Academic Library Services. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: An ALA-accredited MLS and five years of successful administrative experience in an academic/research library, doctorate preferred; broad- based knowledge of academic/ research operations and services; demonstrated organizational abilities and leadership qualities; demonstrated skills in written and oral communication, interpersonal relations, team building, planning, and contract negotiation; comprehensive current knowledge of developments in electronic technologies and telecommunications and experience in deploying them; demonstrated skills in library budgeting and planning; evidence of university service, research, publication, and participation in professional associations; and strong analytical skills and problem-solving ability. Twelve-month tenure-track faculty position with appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning January 2,1995. Minimum salary $50,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. Substantial record of research, publication, and presentation will be expected of the successful candidate for promotion and tenure. East Carolina University has over 17,800 students in its College of Arts & Sciences and 10 professional schools. It is a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina System. Academic Library Services provides library and information services to the Division of Academic Affairs through two libraries, Joyner Library and the Music Library. Academic Library Services has afaculty of 30 and a staff of 75.5. Library collections total 981,000 volumes, 1,524,895 microforms, and 679,217 government documents. Academy Library Services is heavily networked, providing access to more than 24 CD- ROMs, the Internet, and its integrated library system, Marquis. Construction is underway on a major addition and renovation that will double the size of the library. Screening of applications will begin O ctober 1 ‚ 1994, and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Search Committee A ssociate D irector Pat Elks, A dm inistra tive A ssistant Joyner Library East Carolina U niversity Greenville, NC 27858-4353 Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. Septem ber 1 9 9 4 /5 3 1 BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL LIBRARIAN The University of New Mexico The University of New Mexico is seeking experienced, dynamic applicants for the position of Bibliographic Control Librarian. The Bibliographic Control Librarian is responsible for the maintenance and quality control of the library’s online catalog LIBROS and reports to the Head of the Catalog Department. Duties include the following: Directs the operations of a new unit, the Bibliographic Control Team. Manages database maintenance and online authority for the General Library, LIBROS consortium member libraries, and for several departmental libraries. Supervises 10 library specialists. Serves as a member of the Catalog Department T earn Leader Group in formulating policies and procedures for the department. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Required: Master’s degree in library science from an American Library Association-accredited program. At least three years relevant post-MLS experience. Work experience with automated catalog procedures and a bibliographic utility. Familiarity with MARC formats, copy cataloging, and LC authority files. Knowledge of automated authority control practices. Supervisory experience with an emphasis on a flexible management style that allows forthe delegation of responsibility and encourages individual initiative as well as teamwork. Demonstrated training skills. Effective written and oral communication skills. Desirable: Experience with INNOPAC and OCLC in an academic/major research library. Familiarity with GPO Monthly Catalog authority records from Marcive, Inc. Experience with retrospective conversion. Reading knowledge of Spanish. Experience with subject selection. Record of professional service and publications. As a tenure-track faculty member (regular, 12-month, full-time), the incumbentwill comply with the policies of the UNM Faculty Handbook, including research, publication, and service to the profession and community. Salary: $30,000-$40,000, based on qualifications. APPLICATION: Submit a resume (including addresses and telephone numbers for a least three references) and a letter describing the strengths you would bring to this position to: Rita C ritchfield Personnel Office General Library University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131-1466 A full position description will be provided on request. Deadline: Complete applications must be received by September 20,1994, by 5 p.m., MST. Standard benefits. Salary is competitive based on experience and degrees. Candidates must have an ALA MLS, five years reference experience in a comparable institution, knowledge of reference material in all formats and effective oral and written communication skills. Preference will be given to a candidate with a second master's degree or an earned doctorate. John Carroll University, a Catholic and Jesuit university, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send application letter, resume, and three letters of reference to: Gorman L. Duffett, John C a rroll U n iversity, Grasselli Library, 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights, OH 41118. Applications will be read after Septem­ ber 15, 1994. DIRECTOR OF NEW SERVICE DEVELOPMENT-OhioLINK. The Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) is seeking a Direc­ tor of New Service Development to work closely with the Executive Director and with personnel from OhioLINK member institutions. OhioLINK is a consortium composed of 15 public and two private universities, the State Library of Ohio, and 17 technical and commu­ nity colleges. The successful candidate will sen/e as key contact with information and library hardware, software, and database vendors, and provide leadership and support of OhioLINK committee, task force, and other planning groups; serve as primary agent to investi­ gate new services and technologies under consideration by OhioLINK; prepare analyses, recommendations, and plans for appropriate OhioLINK use; monitor new developments in information and library services; and provide input and recommendations to OhioLINK strategic plans. Qualified candidates will have a master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program or bachelor of science or arts in computer science, systems engineering, or a related technical field; demonstrated knowledge of current and emerging information technologies; a minimum of five years library computer operations experience, including managerial/supervisory experience in a university, academic consortium, or comparable environment; excellent oral and written communication skills; the ability to work successfully in group settings to facilitate discussion and build consensus. Starting salary is negotiable, depending on the qualifica­ tions of the successful applicant. Send salary requirements with resume. OhioLINK is an EEO/AA employer. Interested individuals should submit a letter of application, a current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: OhioLINK, Ste. 300, 2455 North Star Rd., Columbus, OH 43221. First consider­ ation of candidates will begin on September 16, 1994, and will continue until the position is filled. ELECTRONIC REFERENCE SERVICES COORDINATOR, PUBLIC SERVICES DIVISION, (search reopened) Librarian II (PRO 109). Responsible for planning and implementing electronic reference services and resources; develops plans for integrating electronic resources into information services; facilitates access by staff and the public and evaluates electronic reference services as new products become available; develops policies, programs, training materials; coordinates online search services; serves as liaison between refer­ ence services, systems, and collection management in selecting, implementing, and maintaining electronic resources. Reports to the Associate Director, Public Services Division. Required: An ALA- 5 3 2 /C&RL News accredited MLS; minimum three years professional experience; successful record of involvement with electronic reference and re­ sources; reference and instruction experience. Salary: $30,000 mini­ mum. Submit letters of application, resume, and names and ad­ dresses of three references to: Carole Armstrong, Assistant Director, Library Human Resources, E108 Library, M ichigan State U n iversity, East Lansing, Ml 48823-1048. Applications received prior to Septem­ ber 30, 1994, will receive priority. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Assists in the planning, evaluation, implementation, and maintenance of the library’s elec­ tronic information resources offered to the public. Provides staff training, library instruction, and reference service (including nights and weekends). Participates in reference collection development. Minimum qualifications: American Library Association-accredited master of library science degree; familiarity with information re­ sources and technologies; demonstrated excellence in communica- Septem ber 1994 / 533 ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN COLLECTIONS SERVICES The American University The University Library is seeking an Assistant University Librarian (tenure-track at rank of Assistant/ Associate Librarian), who reports to the University Librarian, to provide leadership and direction to the Collections Services Division during a time of technological change. RESPONSIBILITIES: Facilitates and administers Collections Services Division; coordinates activities related to selecting, acquiring, cataloging, processing, and preserving materials for the collections. As head of library systems, plans, coordinates, and implements computer applications across library units. Participates in administrative and policy-level groups and advisory committees, and library fundraising and development efforts. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited program; minimum of five years professional experi­ ence in increasingly responsible managerial positions; experience planning and implementing auto­ mated systems (CD-ROM, OCLC, NOTIS, INNOVACQ, microcomputer software programs, gopher, library LAN); technical services experience; demonstrated ability to work in a collaborative, participatory management environment; evidence of excellent interpersonal, organizational, written and oral communication skills, as well as flexibility, initiative, and problem-solving skills. Position begins November 1 ‚ 1994. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits package. Review of applications will begin on A ug ust 31,1994, and will continue until a candidate is appointed. To apply, send letter of application; resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to the following address: Michele Mikkelsen, Personnel Officer The American U niversity Library 4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW W ashington, DC 20016-8046 The American University is an AA, EEO university; members of diverse workforce are encouraged to apply. tion skills; and demonstrated ability to prepare effective user guides and training materials. Desirable qualifications: Reference and library instruction experience; science background; demonstrated ability to work in a team setting and handle multiple responsibilities in a changing environment; and demonstrated ability to work effectively with a multiculturally diverse academic community. Permanent ten­ ure-track appointment as Senior Assistant Librarian. Position will open January 1, 1995. Current salary range: $37,562 to $45,212, depending on qualifications. Submit a letter of application and resume by September 20, 1994, to: Library Recruiting Committee Coordina­ tor, Department E.R.L., C a lifo rn ia State U n iversity, San Bernar­ dino, 5500 University Prkwy, San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397. California State University, San Bernardino, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Section 504, Title IX employer. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Duties: Under the general direction of the Head of the Reference Department, this position is responsible for the management of the University Libraries' government publications collections including federal, state, and international documents. This position supervises three full-time clerical staff and student assistants, and is responsible for the planning, implementation, and review of government document services, proce­ dures, and programs. The incumbent provides reference and biblio­ graphic service in the areas of government publications and assists with general reference service; participates in collection development activities for the government documents collections; performs online bibliographic searches; and provides library instruction in the use of government publications. This tenure-track position is governed by the university’s policies for research or creative achievement and profes­ sional service as outlined by the Faculty Handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; preprofessional or professional experience in a government documents department; and knowledge of database searching and library instruction concepts and methods. Desirable: Experience in a library reference department; knowledge of microcomputer applications; effective communication skills; some supervisory experience; second master's degree or addi­ tional graduate work in political science, history, or related field; and evidence of research and publication. Deadline for applications: October 15, 1994. Available: January 1, 1995. Salary: $27,000 minimum. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; 33 days paid leave; short-term disability leave; university holidays; comprehensive medical protection; and group life insurance. University Libraries: A member of the Research Libraries Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the University Libraries consists of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.3 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscrip­ tions, and three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. Government Documents con­ tains over 1.3 million items and has full depository status, collecting 89% of GPO publications. In addition to the federal publications, the unit collects Oklahoma state documents and United Nations publications. The Libraries operates a computerized library system (NOTIS) including local holdings, subject databases, and network connections to other libraries. The GPO records are processed by Marcive and are loaded in the library database. Norman, Oklahoma, is an attractive community with a low cost of living, close to a major metropolitan city. Employ­ ment: Librarians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, rank of Assistant Professor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Applica­ tion: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references including current supervisor to: Donald C. Hudson, Assistant to the Dean for Administrative Services, Univer­ sity Libraries, U n ive rsity o f O klahom a, Norman, OK 73019; (405) 325-2611. Oklahoma University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. We encourage women and minority applicants and we are responsive to the needs of dual career couples. 5 3 4 /C&RL News MUSIC LIBRARIAN WITH TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIZATION East Carolina University Joyner Library RESPONSIBILITIES: Underthe direction of the Head of the Music Library, participates fully in all public service aspects of the Music Library operation including reference service and instruction in the use of bibliographic and information resources, online database and CD-ROM searching, and general library supervision (some evening and weekend duties on a rotating schedule). Serves as liaison with the music cataloger in the main library. Coordinates and supervises Music Library automation projects such as creating online tutorials and databases of special collections; loading and maintaining CD-ROM software and interfaces for interactive multimedia applications; and creating or identifying music-related resources for the library gopher. Shares in the supervision of students and graduate assistants. The Music Library, located in the School of Music, is staffed by two professionals, three support staff, and student assistants. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; undergraduate degree in music; advanced degrees in music or related field, or substantial progress toward same; working knowledge of modern European languages; experience with a national bibliographic utility, an integrated library system, MARC musicformats, and online database searching. Effective oral and written communication skills. Preferred: Experience in classroom instruction; experience in using DOS, Windows, MACs, OS/2, telnet, FTP, gophers, Mosaic, and interactive multimedia. Familiarity with computer applications in music highly desired. Twelve-month tenure-track faculty position with appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. Minimum salary $24,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. Professional achievement, service, and research/creative activity are required for tenure and promotion. East Carolina University has over 17,800 students in its College of Arts & Sciences and 10 professional schools. It is a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina System. Academic Library Services provides library and information services to the Division of Academic Affairs through two libraries, Joyner Library and the Music Library. Academic Library Services has a faculty of 30 and a staff of 75.5. Library collections total 981,000 volumes, 1,524,895 microforms, and 679,217 government documents. Academic Library Services is heavily networked, providing access to more than 24 CD- ROMs, the Internet, and its integrated library system, Marquis. Construction is underway on a major addition and renovation that will double the size of the library. Screening will begin O ctober 1 ‚ 1994 and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Search Com m ittee Music Librarian w ith Technology Specialization Pat Elks A dm inistrative A ssistant Joyner Library East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858-4353 Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. HEAD, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT. Full-time 12- month, tenure-track, faculty position with the University of South Alabama, an urban university in Mobile on the Alabama Gulf Coast. Reports to the Director of Libraries. Responsibilities: Coordinates public service and selected technical service functions for the Govern­ ment Documents collection; administers and evaluates departmental activities, including the collection and reporting of statistics; promotes positive and effective service. Coordinates public service and se­ lected technical sen/ice functions for the Serials and Microforms collections. Supervises and evaluates a staff of one librarian, four library assistants, and student assistants. Serves as liaison with the GPO Depository Library Program and the two Alabama regional depositories; ensures that program regulations and guidelines are followed. As a member of the university faculty, participates in institutional and professional development and service. Minimum Qualifications: ALA accredited MLS; five years professional library experience; strong commitment to user service. Must have excellent interpersonal, written and oral communication skills; supervisory September 1994 / 5 3 5 MALLOY-RABINOWITZ PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN Harvard University Library Harvard University is seeking a senior professional to fill the position of Malloy-Rabinowitz Preservation Librarian in the Harvard University Library and in the Harvard College Library. The position is responsible for coordinating and administering programs and services to meet the preservation needs of Harvard’s decentralized system of libraries. In FY1994, Harvard’s preservation program involved over 100 staff engaged in preservation activities universitywide and expenditures of $4 million. In the Harvard University Library, the Preservation Librarian administers the Preservation Office, which coordinates preservation information and policy universitywide, develops and manages externally funded preservation and access projects (17 FTE), and operates Harvard’s conservation laboratory for materials with artifactual value (4 FTE). In the Harvard College Library, the Preservation Librarian advises the Associate Librarians and Library Heads on preservation policy, develops services for HCL libraries, administers a use-driven program for Widener Library (15 FTE), and operates Photographic Services, providing high-quality reprographic services to all Harvard libraries (15 FTE). The successful candidate will have proven leadership skills forthe continued development of a state-of- the-art preservation program; knowledge of national preservation trends and of current preservation technologies and services. Good communication skills are required and the ability to foster a cooperative environment. An MLS (or equivalent) and five years of increasingly responsible managerial experience in a research library preservation program preferred; knowledge of scholarly communication patterns; understanding of the research environment; and evidence of planning and program development skills. SALARY MINIMUM: $54,200. Interviews will begin in September, 1994, and resumes will be received until the successful candidate has been identified. Resumes and names of three references to search committee chair: Barbara Graham Associate Director fo r A dm inistration and Programs Harvard U niversity Library W adsworth House Cambridge, MA 02138 Harvard is an equal employment opportunity employer. experience; experience with government documents in a depository library. Desired: Knowledge of technologies relevant to government documents, CD-ROM, and microforms, etc. Salary and benefits: Annual salary in the $30s. Generous benefits include state retirement, options for TIAA-CREF, 20 days vacation, university-subsidized insurance. Deadline for applications: Applications accepted until September 16, 1994, or until position is filled. Position available October 1 ‚ 1994. Candidates should submit a resume and a list of three professional references to: Pat Ramage, Chair, University Library Documents Search Committee, 310 Library Building, U n ive rsity o f South Ala bama, Mobile, AL 36688. affirmative action, equal oppor­ tunity employer. M/F/D. HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES. Responsible for administering the Department of Special Collections and Archives under the general direction of the Assistant Director for Collections. Department programs include Reference and Information Services, Collection Development, Collection Processing, Exhibitions, and Friends of the Libraries. Oversees operations and continued develop­ ment, expansion, and outreach of the department which includes a special collections librarian, an archivist, three support staff, and two student assistants. Other responsibilities include innovative planning and oversight of the full automation of special collections and archival records. Requirements: ALA-accredited master’s degree with suc­ cessful, relevant, and progressively responsible experience in special collections or archival supervision in an academic or research library. Must show a commitment to participatory management and user- oriented library service. Outstanding oral, written, and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of computer applications in special collections and/ or archives. Experience in providing subject-specific instruction using special collections and/or archival materials. Excellent working knowl­ edge of the rare book trade. Record of achievement in grantwriting. Evidence of professional and scholarly activity. Salary: $37,000. Excellent benefits package. 88% of Social Security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirement programs, release time to take a class up to three hours per week; no state or local income tax. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, names of three references, and resume to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Directorfor Administration, U niver­ s ity o f Housto n Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are encour­ aged to apply. HEAD, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT. Duties: Selects, organizes, manages, and provides access to the rare books and other specialized collections of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Cu­ rates exhibitions and manages SIL Exhibition Gallery, located in National Museum of American History. Develops and implements policies, and coordinates and provides oversight for all activities 5 3 6 /C&RL News TWO POSITIONS West Virginia University The West Virginia University Health Sciences Library is seeking two innovative reference librarians to work under the direction of the Head of Information Services. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Primary duties include: Planning and implementing electronic reference services and resources in cooperation with ongoing collection development and systems initiatives; coordinating online database search services in the health sciences; and performing general reference, instruction, and collection development functions. The incumbent coordinates the training of library staff and users in effective use of electronic resources, plans for electronic access to a variety of full-text, bibliographic, and numeric databases, and provides general current awareness and technological vision for the Health Sciences Library. The incumbent coordinates basic maintenance for the CD-ROM hardware and software in the library, serves as liaison to other campus agencies concerning electronic initiatives, and is responsible for general supervision of the audiovisual unit. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS, minimum two years experience in an automated reference setting in a health sciences or academic library; record of initiative and achievement in implementing electronic reference services; experience with MEDLARS; proficiency with DOS, LAN, and CD-ROM operations; working knowledge of an integrated library management system; experience with a broad range of audiovisual hardware and software; excellent oral and written communications skills and interpersonal skills; understanding of thespecial needs of health sciences libraries; ability to work effectively in achanging environment and meet deadlines. SALARY: Minimum $25,000, depending on qualifications; 12-month non-tenure-track faculty position; appointment at the Assistant University Librarian level. HEALTH SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Primary duties include: Providing reference services to Health Sciences Library users, including individu­ alized assistance and small group instruction in the use of manual and electronic materials and the WVU Libraries online catalog, preparation of finding aids and bibliographies, and some collection development responsibilities. The incumbent will also work with the libraries’ outreach programs to provide health sciences information to practitioners and other health sciences libraries throughout the state. REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS; excellent oral and written communications skills and interper­ sonal skills; understanding of the special needs of health sciences libraries; ability to work effectively in a changing environment and meet deadlines. Experience with online database searching and with other electronic database use is preferred. SALARY: Minimum $24,000, depending on qualifications; 12-month non-tenure-track faculty position; appointment at the Staff Librarian level. Both positions provide an excellent benefits package including TIAA-CREF, medical and life insurance, and a variety of optional insurance and pre-tax service programs. TO APPLY: Send letterof application indicating which position you are applying for, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three job-related references to: George H. Libbey Associate Dean fo r A dm inistration and Planning West Virginia University Libraries P. O. Box 6069 M organtown, WV 26506-6069 Review of applications will begin O ctober 3,1994, and continue until the position is filled. Female and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. West Virginia University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. involving SIL’s special collections throughout the system. Develops and implements outreach activities. Supervises the staff of the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology and will supervise staff of a new facility planned for the National Museum of Natural History. Qualifications: Professional knowledge of the theories, prin­ ciples, practices, and techniques of librarianship and how they relate to the history of books and printing, rare books, and special collec­ tions. Ability to supervise. Knowledge in the history of science, technology, and natural history. Knowledge of exhibition theory and experience in curating thematic exhibitions using rare books and other materials. Skill in reading French, German, and Latin. Skill in oral and written communication. Salary: Supervisory Librarian, GS-1410-13, minimum $49,947. Applicant must be U.S. citizen. For complete application package call Sm ith so n ia n In s titu tio n L ib ra rie s at (202) 287-3102 (our 24-hour Touchtone activated automated request cen­ ter), press 9, and request vacancy announcement #94-3089L. All September 1 9 9 4 /5 3 7 SCIENCE LIBRARIAN St. Lawrence University St. Lawrence University invites applications and nominations for the position Science Librarian. St. Lawrence, a private, nondenominational liberal arts college located between the Adirondack Mountains and the St. Lawrence River, seeks a dynamic, innovative person to assume this position. The University Libraries have a fully integrated Innovative Interfaces, Inc. ‚ library system and offer access to more than 35 periodical Indexes, some on a LAN and some through FirstSearch on the Internet. Both the catalog and the indexes are available on a campuswide communications network. Reporting to the University Librarian, the successful candidate will have primary responsibility for library services atthe Launders Science Library. Responsibilities include managing daily operations of the Science Library; providing reference services, including reference desk coverage on a varying schedule, library instruction, and mediated online science searches; reference collection development; overseeing circulation/reserves operations; supervising paraprofessional staff; and collection development activities in the sciences. Participates in the development of librarywide policies in cooperation with professional staff. REQUIRED: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of two years post-MLS experience; degree in science or equivalent professional library experience; strong reference, bibliographic instruction, and database searching experience and skills; experience with library computer applications; effective communica­ tion, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. PREFERRED: Experience in an academic library; supervisory experience. 12-MONTH APPOINTMENT: Liberal benefits; faculty status with one month’s vacation. STARTING DATE: On or before January 15,1995, preferred. SALARY RANGE: $26,000-$28,000. APPLICATION: The search committee will begin reviewing candidate material on September 30, 1994; position will remain open until filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names and telephone numbers of three references to: Lynn Ekfelt Search Committee Chair Owen D. Young Library St. Lawrence University Canton, NY 13617 St. Lawrence University is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. applications must be postmarked by September 30, 1994. The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF TECHNOLOGY. Major responsibilities: Provides day-to- day operation and management of InfoLinks, the University Libraries' integrated, automated system from Innovative Interfaces, and coor­ dination of network (Novell) and microcomputer activities. Duties directly related to InfoLinks include: Routine maintenance, system security, system setup, evaluating system capabilities, recommend­ ing appropriate equipment, and working closely with library and vendor personnel to develop new procedures, to resolve problems, and to implement new releases. Other duties include: Making recom­ mendations for configuration of computer equipment and networks; collaborating with library departments, subject specialists, and com­ puting staff to make electronic resources available either through the library system or other means; coordinating library networking opera­ tions and troubleshooting in conjunction with library and campus computing staff; coordinating training of library staff in use of library systems; managing OCLC and other vendor configurations; partici­ pating in statewide library computing initiatives; acting as a resource person for other libraries and library consortia throughout the state. Other duties include supervision of two full-time, as well as hourly, employees in microcomputer and network support. Other automation- related tasks may be required as needed. Reports to Associate Library Director. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; two to three years experience with an integrated library system (preferably in an academic setting); demonstrated ability to communicate effec­ tively (both orally and in writing) with library and computing staff, patrons, other university personnel, and system vendors. Familiarity with USMARC formats and knowledge of network management and Internet tools. Salary: $31,000 minimum; rank dependent upon quali­ fications. Twelve-month, tenure-track, TIAA/CREF or Fidelity, 22 days annual leave, tuition, and other benefits. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is a land-grant university and the major research institution of the state, offering a full range o1 undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. The libraries consist of Mullins and five branch libraries, including Law. Located in a rapidly growing area of northwest Arkansas, Fayetteville (population 44,000) also offers abundant natural beauty and recreational opportunities. Re­ view of applications will begin September 20, 1994. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers o f three current references to: Juana R. Young, Associate Direc­ to r of Libraries, U n iv e rs ity o f A rk a n s a s , Fayetteville, AR 72701 - 1201. The University o f Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirm a­ tive action employer. INFORMATION SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN, Shadek-Fackenthal Library. Manages the full range of library-based electronic information includ­ ing support of the library system (DRA/VAX/VMS) and its underlying database, supervision of circulation, support of campuswide informa­ tion sen/ices, gateways to remote databases, gopher and WWW servers. Participates in information services long-range planning. 5 3 8 /C&RL News HEAD OF CATALOGING W est Virginia University The West Virginia University Libraries seek an innovative librarian to assume the responsibility for the libraries’ Cataloging Department consisting of 4.5 professional catalogers and nine paraprofessionals. Primary duties include planning and coordinating the operations of the Cataloging Department, including the Serials Cataloging and Bindery unit; original monographic cataloging; determination of cataloging work flow and priorities; development of training module for cataloging and authorities and the training of new staff; working with external agencies, e.g. ‚ PRLC, OCLC, as appropriate; serving on various in- house automation task forces and committees. Reports to the Assistant Dean for Technical Services. Technical services librarians may be expected to spend at least four hours per week in a public-services department during the fall or spring semester of each academic year. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; a minimum five years professional experience in cataloging in an academic or research library; working knowledge of AACR2r; LC and Dewey classification systems; LCSH and MeSH; MARC formats; experience in using OCLC; reading knowledge of one or more Western European languages; experience with automated library systems, NOTIS preferred; good communication and interpersonal skills; and proven, successful supervisory experience. SALARY AND RANK: $40,000, minimum; 12-month non-tenure-track faculty position, appointment at the rank of Assistant Librarian or higher, depending on experience and qualifications. BENEFITS: Excellent benefits package including TIAA-CREF, medical and life insurance system with extensive optional and pre-tax service programs, generous annual and sick leave. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Screening of applications will begin N ovem ber 1 ‚ 1994, and will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: A llyson McKee A ssista n t Dean fo r Technical Services W est V irg in ia U nive rsity Libraries P.O. Box 6069 M organtow n, WV 26506-6069 Female and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. West Virginia University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Required: ALA MLS or equivalent experience and education, a strong academic background, and extensive experience in library automa­ tion. Desirable: Knowledge of DRA, VMS, and the Macintosh. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Full description available: Consider­ ation for the position, which is available immediately, will continue until appointment has been made. Send a letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three profes­ sional references to: Personnel Sen/ices, F ra n klin & M arsh all C o l­ lege, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. IN T E R L IB R A R Y S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R . C o o rd in a te s interlibrary borrowing, lending, and document supply activities (nearly 50,000 annual transactions) for the main library and four branches, using OCLC, RLIN, and DOCLINE systems. Coordinates distance education information services. Plans, directs, trains, and evaluates the work of five FTE staff and one graduate assistant. Establishes policies and procedures, sets priorities, performs bibliographic veri­ fication, monitors costs, maintains and evaluates statistics, prepares budget requests and reports. Collaborates with librarians at local, state, and national levels, and with the university’s Division of Continuing Education to facilitate user access to information. Uses information technology to enhance document supply processes. As a member of the Networked Services Team, participates in planning for networking, electronic services, and cooperative library programs. Reports to the Head, Networked Services. Library faculty must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Required qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS degree; several years post-MLS library experience; supervisory experience; managerial skills, including demonstrated organizational skills, creativity and flexibility, ability to make decisions, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, ability to deal with changing priorities based on client and library needs; knowledge of distributed computing, networking, and related issues; working knowledge of major bibliographic tools. Preferred: Knowledge of interlibrary loan practices; experience with OCLC or other automated ILL system; experience with distance education programs. Benefits: Librarians at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, have faculty rank and status and are appointed for 12 months. This is a tenure-track appointment. Annual leave is accrued at the rate of two days per month and sick leave at the rate of one day per m onth. Faculty have their choice of a state retirement plan or Tl AA/ CREF. Nonrefundable contributions to either retirement plan are paid for the employee by the university. Group health and life insurance plans are available. Tuition remission is available to university employees; partial undergraduate tuition remission is available to dependent children and spouses of UT employees. Send letter of application, a current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three recent references to: Joyce Jackson, Acting Head, Human Resources, The U n iv e rs ity o f T en nessee Libraries, 1015 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996-1000; fax: (615) 974-4696. Review of applications will begin November 1, 1994, and will continue until the position is filled. UTK is an EEO, AA, Title IX, Section 504, ADA employer. LIBRARY— CURATOR OF ARCHIVES AN D MANUSCRIPTS. The Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia is accepting applications for this position, which is available September 1, 1994. September 1 9 9 4 /5 3 9 ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES Northwestern University Northwestern University Library invites applications and nominations for the position of Assistant University Librarian foríe chn ical Services. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides leadership and direction for the Technical Services Division, which includes the Bibliographic Record Services, Catalog, and Serials & Acquisitions Services Depart­ ments. Thereare 15professionalsand36supportstaffinthedivision. The division acquires $4,000,000 of library materials and processes ca. 64,000 volumes annually. Promotes communication and cooperation among technical services departments, departments in other divisions with technical services responsibilities, and Chicago campus libraries. Provides assistance on matters relating to technical services throughout the library. Serves on the Administrative Committee, the University Librarian’s cabinet. Assists the University Librarian, works with other members of the Administrative Committee to carry out the mission of the library, and represents the library throughout the university and the profession. Participates in the Library Management Council, a policy-making forum for department heads and senior management. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required. Additional advanced degree strongly preferred. Minimum of seven years of increasing responsibility in an academic or research library required, with an emphasis on technical services. Demonstrated achievement in the manage­ ment of technical services operations and proven commitment to staff development. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Proven ability to promote cooperative efforts among library units. Demonstrated flexibility and initiative in a changing environment. Active involvement in implementing current developments and technological operations in technical services. Familiarity with library networks and systems such as NOTIS, OCLC, and RLIN. Evidence of and commitment to continuing participation in professional and scholarly activities. SALARY: Minimum $65,000. To APPLY: Send letter of application and resume, including names of four references, to: Peter J. Devlin Personnel Librarian Northwestern U niversity Library 1935 Sheridan Rd. Evanston, IL 60208 Applications received by O ctober 28,1994, will receive first consideration. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. Responsibilities: Arranges, describes, and maintains the archival and manuscript collections in accordance with modem standards; per­ forms reference/public sen/ice duties when required. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and/or master's degree in history or an appropri­ ate field; 1 to 3 years experience working with archives/manuscripts; knowledge of APPM, AACR2, and LCSH; experience with RUN; working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Communications skills essential. Salary range: $26,500-$28,500, plus excellent fringe benefits. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Thomas A. Horrocks, Co-Director of the Library, College o f P h ysicians of Philadelphia, 19 South 22nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. EOE. LIBRARY SYSTEMS COORDINATOR. Incumbent coordinates the installation, training, and operational support for computer hardware, software, and networks dedicated to library functions, including the integrated system, stand-alone and networked CD-ROM systems, and library office automation. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS required; additional degree in computer science or related area highly desirable. Minimum two years of experience with micro­ computer hardware and software; solid experience with LANs, multiuser systems, CD-ROMs, and the Internet required. Knowledge of PL/I and IBM OS/MVS and CICS environment desirable. Previous experience with DOBIS is helpful. Appointment with faculty rank, status, and benefits. Salary competitive. Letter of application, resume, and names of three references will be accepted through September 30,1994, or until position is filled, and should be addressed to: Gloria S. Cline, Interim Director of Libraries, University Libraries, U n ive rsity o f S o uth­ w e stern Louisiana, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70503. The University of Southwestern Louisiana is an equal employment oppor­ tunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARY SYSTEMS SPECIALIST. Responsible for training library staff in use of library system software; system operation; and depart­ mental documentation. Assist with system monitoring, operations, and planning daily schedules; researching/answering in-depth ques­ tions for all staff levels; testing and software implementation. Play key role in migration to new information management system. Qualifica­ tions: MLS and one year or bachelor's and two years experience in integrated online library system automation, experience with data processing using library computer systems; experience preparing training materials and conducting training; experience analyzing and describing computer-related problems; word-processing proficiency. Prefer: Experience in operation/maintenance/use of GEAC 9000 5 4 0 /C&RL News POSITION OPENINGS FOR LIBRARIANS AND ARCHIVISTS Open Media Research Institute Librarians and archive staff specializing in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe are being sought to staff a new, U.S.-sponsored research institute with offices in Washington, D.C., and Prague, the Czech Republic. Called the Open Media Research Institute (OMRI), this organization employs specialists who are responsible for analyzing key issues and developments in these regions and disseminating this information internationally through print and electronic media. OM Rl is the custodian of the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty archives, one the world’s largest archives covering the post-1950 Soviet Union and its successor states and Central and Eastern Europe. These holdings include an extensive and valuable samizdat collection. The institute also maintains a specialized library concerning the region. Available positions in the Information Services Department (ISD) include: An Assistant Director for Library and Automation, several Senior Librarians, Systems Librarians, an Electronic Services Librarian, an Assistant Director for Archive Services, Senior Archivists, and Advanced Information Services Reference Archivists. At present, all the positions are located in Prague. ISD supports the work of OMRI research analysts, international broadcasters, government policy communities, visiting scholars, and media representatives. These positions offer the opportunity to participate in the development of innovative approaches to acquiring, processing, caring for, and transmitting information from the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE: A master’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program for the librarians’ positions and a bachelor’s degree for the archivists’ positions, or equivalent experience and education. Demonstrated ability to develop and provide information services in an electronic media environment. Good written and verbal English and an excellent command of one or more languages of the area: the former Soviet Union, Czech and Slovak republics, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, former Yugoslavia, and Albania. Reading knowledge of additional languages is desirable. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience. An attractive benefits package will be offered which includes competitive health care and pension programs, relocation assistance, moving and housing allowance, and life insurance. Interviews will be conducted beginning in late J u ly 1994. Positions will be filled as soon as possible. Applicants should provide: A comprehensive curriculum vitae, a letter explaining the applicant’s career interests and goals, and the names, addresses, and current telephone and fax numbers of at least three people competent to assess the applicant’s ability to succeed in the position sought. To file an application or to obtain further information write to: Outside North America: In North America: Open Media Research Institute Open Media Research Institute P.O. Box 268 c/o Open Society Institute Kaprova 12 88 87 th Ave. 11001 Prague 1 New York, NY 10106 The Czech Republic USA Fax:0042-2-274913 e-m ail: tort@ Fax:(212)974-0367 The Open Media Research Institute is an equal opportunity employer. Get connected! Jobs & news now on the Internet C&RL NewsNet gopher to "", port 70 Septem her 1994 / 5 4 1 HEAD, TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY (Search Reopened) Northwestern .University The Transportation Library, a special library in an academic setting, is an international resource for the study of transportation. It supports research and education programs of the Northwestern University community as well as academic and corporate users in the U .S. and abroad. This major collection houses over 210,000 volumes and maintains an online indexing file of 150,000 citations. Library staff consists of five FTE librarians and 2.7 support personnel. NEEDED: Dynamic manager to work in collegial environment with motivated staff; creative leader with demonstrated ability to innovate operations; willing player in national transportation library arena; dedicated individual to pursue highest level and quality of service to users; excellent communicator with proven ability to work effectively with people. The Head of the Transportation Library directs and actively participates in daily operations and long-range development of the collections, services, and staff; administers all aspects of the library, including public services, technical services, collection management, and fee-based services; serves the University Library in participative planning and administration. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from ALA-accredited program; minimum of three years professional administra­ tive/supervisory experience in an academic or special library. Preferred qualifications include relevant subject expertise (e.g., transportation, urban studies, business, civil engineering, communications industry) and experience with automated systems. SALARY: $40,000 minimum. TO APPLY: Send letter of application and resume, including names and addresses of three references, to: Peter Devlin Personnel Librarian Northwestern University Library Evanston, IL 60208-2300 Applications must be received by O ctober 28,1994. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire. system. Experience in or knowledge of telecommunications, pro­ gramming, or installation and maintenance of computer and telecom­ munications equipment. Salary dependent upon experience and qualifications-negotiable from $25,000 plus benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee/Library Systems Specialist, Director’s Office, Rush Rhees Library, U n ive rsity o f Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627. Phone: (716) 275-4461; fax: (716) 273-1032. EOE, MF. MEDIA. The University of San Diego is seeking a creative, service- oriented, and energetic Director of the Media Center. A division of the university library, the Media Center supports USD’s teaching with its AV software collections, campuswide delivery system, software production, faculty development workshops, and media classrooms. The Director of the Media Center reports to the University Librarian. Responsibilities include recruitment, supervision, scheduling, and evaluation of a staff of 10; budget preparation and oversight; long- range planning; service on university and library committees; admin istration of the center’s Novell LAN; and oversight of the center’ operations on its SAM booking system and on the Innovative Inter­ faces campuswide library system. Candidates must have a master's degree in educational technology or in library science with a media emphasis and at least five years of relevant administrative experi­ ence. Preferred candidates will have an additional degree in a subject taught at the university, familiarity with a wide range of university programs; experience in telecommunications and computing (LANs, library automation, media booking, multimedia) and in teaching, and advanced speaking and writing skills. Founded in 1948, USD is Roman Catholic university. With 6,000 students, it has a College of Arts & Sciences and Schools of Law, Business Administration, Nursing, and Education. Salary minimum is $47,500. Benefits include TIAA/CREF and a variety of health and dental plans. USD is an AA/ ­ s a EO employer. Applicants should forward a letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Edward D. Starkey, University Librarian, Copley Library, U n ive rsity o f San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. Review of applications will begin September 27, 1994, and continue until the position is filled. PERIODICALS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Coordinates new service unit which includes current periodicals, newspapers, reserves, micro­ forms, and photocopy center. Supervises unit’s classified staff and student assistants. Serves as resource person for ILL sen/ices and bears primary responsibility for complex borrowing requests. Serves four to six hours weekly at general reference desk. Reports to Head of Circulation Department. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or interna­ tional equivalent; minimum of two years professional experience, preferably in an academic setting; excellent written and oral commu­ nications skills; demonstrated strong commitment to library-user- focused services. Preferred: A second graduate degree is preferred and is required for tenure; experience in staff supervision, in periodi­ cals or interlibrary loan services, and with library computer applica­ tions, including integrated library systems, CD-ROM, and OCLC. Salary: $32,000-$36,000 range, with comprehensive benefits includ­ ing TIAA/CREF. Rank commensurate with credentials and experi­ ence. Full-time, faculty tenure-track position open now. UNI, with an enrollment of 13,000 students, is one of Iowa’s three state universities and is located in a metropolitan area of 125,000. The Cedar Falls/ Waterloo communities are the commercial, cultural, and political hub of northeastern Iowa, and offer a very affordable cost of living. The Donald O. Rod Library’s collections include 750,000 volumes, 580,000 microforms, 450,000 documents, 3,000 periodicals subscriptions, and 11,400+ recordings. There are 57 FTE library faculty and staff assisted by 25 FTE students. A fourth-floor addition is under construe- 5 4 2 /C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES State University of New York College at Cortland SUNY College at Cortland seeks a creative and dynamic leader with excellent interpersonal skills to administer the College Library in a time of transformation. Reporting to the Associate Vice President for Information Resources, the Director of Libraries is one of six directors developing and administering a comprehensive program of information and technology services to the college. The director administers all aspects of a user-oriented library of 375,000 volumes with staff of 12 librarians and 20 support personnel, committed to teaching students to identify, locate, and evaluate information in traditional and electronic forms. The director must have a vision for a sen/ice-oriented, fo ward-looking library and must be able to promote the library; understand and introduce new technologies; and communicate well with faculty, staff, and administration to assure that the library plays an integral role in the curriculum. The director must understand the library’s role in a comprehensive liberal arts institution and the impact of new technologies on higher education and information resources. The library is automated in a clustered environment with other SUNY libraries and shares access to a network of CD-ROM databases. The library, which includes a Teaching Materials Center and an Electronic Media Center, is a partial government depository. SUNY Cortland, located in picturesque central New York about 25 miles from Syracuse and Ithaca, is a liberal arts college with an enrollment of 6,000 that has a strong commitment to undergraduate instruction and selected master's programs. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-MLS; additional advanced degree required. Demonstrated leadership abilities, strong oral and written communications skills, and experience with new technologies required. Academic library and management experience with a minimum of eight years progressive responsibility in libraries required. Successful experience working with library long-range planning and budget development also required, Letter of application should include a statement on the role of the library in an academic institution incorporating new technologies. Review of applications will begin O c to b e r24,1994. Position available April 1995. Interested candidates should submit letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of five references to: ’ Paula N. Warnken A ssociate Vice President fo r In fo rm ation Resources P.O. Box 2000 SUNY College at C ortland C ortland, NY 13045 SUNY Cortland is an AA, EEO employer and does not discriminate in employment o r the provision o f sen/ices on the basis of disability. tion. The library has employed an Innovative Interfaces IQLS since 1989. Review of applications will begin upon receipt and continue until an appointment is made. Applications received prior to September 30, 1994, will receive first consideration. The library encourages applica­ tions from minority persons, women, disabled persons, and Vietnam- era veterans. Applications should submit a letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional reference to: Joan Loslo, Chair, Periodicals Services Screening Committee, Donald O. Rod Library, U n iv e rs ity o f N o rth ­ e rn Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50613-3675. The University of Northern Iowa is an equal opportunity educator and employer with a compre­ hensive plan for affirmative action. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Penn State Harrisburg. Duties include reference desk coverage, including evening and weekend hours; research assistance; bibliographic instruction; online and CD-ROM database searching; collection development in public affairs and government information; and provision of electronic access to govern­ ment information through local systems and the Internet. Campus facts: Located in the Harrisburg metropolitan area; approxim ately 2,300 upper-division undergraduate and 1,300 graduate students; 160 faculty, 230,000 volumes, one million microforms, 1,550 periodi­ cal subscriptions; college offers Ph.D. in public affairs. Minimum requirements: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; professional expe­ rience as a reference librarian and thorough knowledge of reference sources and services, especially public affairs and government information resources, Internet; proven orientation to service; and ability to meet faculty standards for appointment, promotion, and tenure. Experience in government depository library and subject master's in related area desirable. Rank: Assistant Librarian ortenure- track, depending on experience and qualifications. Salary: $29,000 minimum, depending on experience and qualifications. Application: Send letter of application and resume to: Dorothy J. Guy, Box CRL- CRLN, Penn State H a rris b u rg , 777 W. Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057-4898. Closing date: October 15, 1994, or until position is filled. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Florida Atlantic University, S.E. Wimberley Library. Reports to the Head, Reference Department. Participates in all aspects of reference service at the reference desk (including some evening and weekend shifts), online CD-ROM/lntemet searching, library instruction, subje ct-assigned collection development, and other duties as assigned. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; at least two years professional experience in an academic library; effective inter­ personal and communication skills; flexibility and initiative. Preferred: Advanced degree in education or past experience as a subject specialist in education. Rank: Assistant University Librarian. Salary: September 1994 / 5 4 3 $25,000. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three current references to: Chair, Reference Librarian Search Committee, Florida A tla n tic U n ive rsity Libraries, P.O.‚Box 3092, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Deadline for applications is October 14,1994. Florida Atlantic University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale Univer­ sity. Librarian I or II. Serves at reference desk; teaches bibliographic instruction sessions; participates in building and weeding the refer­ ence collection. Supervises one or more units or special activities within the Reference Department; current assignment is directing the Periodical Room. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school. Familiarity with printed and electronic information sources in the humanities. An advanced degree, preferably in the humanities. Reading knowledge of two European languages. Effec­ tive oral and written communication and strong analytical skills. Ability to work well independently and with others in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Commitment to professional development. Evidence of initiative and resourcefulness in past activities. One year of professional experience highly desirable. Demonstrated supervi­ sory experience with support staff preferred. Salary from $31,500, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Full benefits package. Please submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references by September 30, 1994, to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Personnel Services, P.O. Box 208240, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520-8240. Yale University is an equal opportunity, ffirmative action employer. EFERENCE LIBRARIAN/EDUCATION SUBJECT SPECIALIST/ OORDINATOR OF DATABASE SEARCHING AND INSTRUC­ OR/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Responsibilities: Provides refer­ nce desk service, bibliographic instruction, and librarian-mediated atabase searching; serves as liaison with departments in the field f education; and coordinates the library’s database searching ervices. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and graduate degree in ducation or related field. Preferred: Professional experience in an cademic or research library in reference, library instruction, data­ ase searching, and microcomputer applications; doctorate. Starting ate: Fall semester 1994. Starting salary: $28,210-$37,804 for cademic year, $36,673-$49,145 for academic year and summer. iberal fringe benefits. Submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, nd names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references : Nancy S. Weyant, Chairperson, Search and Screen Committee, arvey A. Andruss Library, B lo o m sb u rg U n ive rsity o f Pennsylva­ ia, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. Deadline for applications: Postmarked y September 15, 1994. Bloomsburg University is an affirmative ction, equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, and all other rotected class members are encouraged to apply. Bloomsburg niversity, State System of Higher Education, Commonwealth of ennsylvania. a R C T e d o s e a b d a L a to H n b a p U P 5 4 4 / C&RL News TWO POSITIONS OPEN The University of New Mexico Full-time 12-month library faculty. Tenure-track. LEVEL OF APPOINTMENT: Professional rank appropriate to qualifications and experience. RESPONSIBLE TO: Director, Center for Southwest Research. SOUTHWEST STUDIES LIBRARIAN EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Required: Master's degree in library science from an accredited American Library Association program; a degree with an emphasis in Southwest studies or a closely related area; fluency in the Spanish language; and at least two years of experience in collection development and reference in an academic or research library. Desired: second advanced degree in a discipline appropriate to the study of the Southwest. Strong commitment to public service and ability to work in a team-oriented work environment. Strong written and verbal communication skills. PRIMARY DUTIES: Plans, coordinates, and implements the systematic collection development activities pertaining to Southwest regional studies. Along with General Library colleagues, will work a reference desk schedule in the Center for Southwest Research and, possibly, throughout the General Library. Reference schedules include night and weekend rotations. Will participate in the library’s instruction programs and work with other public services staff in Zimmerman and other branch libraries. Will be involved in grant writing and working with the Library Development Office to obtain outside funding. Liaison with unversity faculty, scholars, and researchers engaged in the study of the Southwest. AMERICAN INDIAN COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Required: Master's degree in library science from an accredited American Library Association program; a degree with an emphasis in the study of the history and cultures of American Indians, Southwest studies or a closely related area; and at least two years of experience in collection development and reference in an academic or research library. Second master’s degree in an area closely related to Native American studies desired. Strong commitment to public service and ability to work in a team-oriented work environment. Strong written and verbal communication skills. PRIMARY DUTIES: Plans, coordinates, and implements the systematic collection development activities pertaining to Native American studies in the Center for Southwest Research. Along with General Library colleagues, will work a reference desk schedule in the Center for Southwest Research and, possibly, throughout the General Library. Reference schedules include night and weekend rotations. Will participate in the library’s instruction programs and work with other public services staff in Zimmerman and other branch libraries. Will be involved in grant writing and working with the Library Development Office to obtain outside funding. Liaison with university faculty, scholars, and researchers in Native American studies. BACKGROUND: The University of New Mexico main campus has an enrollment of 25,000 students, employs 1,400 faculty and 4,000 staff. UNM offers 54 master's degrees and 35 doctoral and professional degrees. The institution serves a multicultural state and the institution/student body is one of the most ethnically diverse in the nation. UNM libraries, with a collection approximating two million volumes, are collectively a member of the Association of Research Libraries. The UNM General Library REFERENCE/TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Central Missouri State University, a comprehensive university 50 miles southeast of Kansas City with an enrollment of 12,000, invites applicants for this position. Responsibilities: Primarily responsible for collection development, bibliographic instruction, and reference services for the following disciplines: Agriculture, Power and Transportation, Safety Science and Technology, Electronics Technology, and Manufacturing and Construction. Reports to the Coordinator of Public Services. Quali­ fications: Required MLS. Preference will be given to candidates with a second master's in a science/technology area. We are seeking an individual with good communication and people skills. Must have sufficient computer expertise to carry out a variety of job-related functions. Salary and benefits: 12-month, faculty, tenure-track posi­ tion with excellent benefits. Appointment begins October 1, 1994. Salary and rank depends on qualification and experience. The university expects research and creative activities as well as public service activities for promotion and tenure. A second master’s degree is required for promotion and tenure. To apply: Send a letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Pal V. Rao, Dean of Library Sen/ices, C e n tra l M is s o u ri State U n iv e rs ity , Warrensburg, MO 64093. Screening will begin on August 31, 1994, and continue until position is filled. Central is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, ADA employer. Women and minorities are encour­ aged to apply. SCIENCE/ENGINEERING REFERENCE LIBRARIAN; ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) University Libraries is seeking qualified appli­ cants for this position. Available immediately. Provides general reference services, including some evening and weekend hours. Instructs library users in the use of library resources and research strategies. Serves as liaison to assigned science or engineering (Continued on next page.) September 1 9 9 4 /5 4 5 (Continued from preceding page.) system isa member of the AMIGOS Bibliographic Utility. The Centerfor Southwest Research (CSWR) is a department of UNM’s General Library and is located in the newly renovated west wing of the historic Zimmerman Library. The CSWR is designed to facilitate and support the academic and research programs of the university and the community. The Center works closely with a number of affiliates, for example, the Centerfor Regional Studies, the Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, and Native American Studies. CSWR houses and provides access to archival, monographic, and other special collections on the American West, the Southwest, and New Mexico. The successful applicant can expect to work in an environment that is conducive to innovation, collaborative activities, and a team approach. FACULTY RESPONSIBILITIES: Tenure-track faculty position. It is assumed that the incumbent in the position will comply with the policies of the Faculty Hanctooo/cincluding research, publication, and service to the profession and community. SALARY: Both positions— negotiable from $28,000. APPLICATIONS: Submit a resume (including addresses and phone numbers for at least three references) and a letter describing the strengths you would bring to the position (please specify which position) to: Rita Critchfieid, Personnel Office General Library University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 Applications received by September 15,1994, will be given first consideration. Recruitment will continue until the positions are filled. UNM Is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND RESOURCES Old Dominion University The Old Dominion University Library anticipates the vacancy of this position and is seeking candidates who will: DUTIES: Provide creative leadership in planning, developing, and administering automated systems and resources for research and instructional programs. Will be responsible for implementing new automated system. Lead cross-functional team for development of electronic information resources. Responsible for management of systems development, acquisitions, and control of library collections, currently in process of reorganization. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum of five years progressively responsible managerial experience, preferably in a university with research orientation. Record of exploration and application of emerging information technologies; significant technical knowledge. Broad functional experience, including experience in an automated technical services environment. Evidence of success as a manager and a leader; planning and program development skills; ability to work effectively in team environment; effective communication skills. Demonstrated strong service orientation. Evidence of serious commit­ ment to librarianship through personal record of educational, scholarly, and professional achievement. COMPENSATION: $50,000 minimum plus fringe benefits, including group health insurance and choice of retirement programs. 12-month appointment; 24 days annual leave per year. DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on O ctober 1 ‚ 1994, and continue until position is filled. CONTACT: Send letter, resume, and list of reference to: Jean A. Major, University Librarian Old Dominion University 405 University Library Norfolk, VA 23529-0256 (804) 683-4141 Old Dominion University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. 5 4 6 /C&RL News U N IV ERSITY LIBRARY U n i v e r s i t y o f S o u t h e r n C a l if o r n ia h e V on K lein Sm id Library (V K C ), a specialized su b ject library within the University o f Sou thern C aliforn ia niversity Library, seeks a Reference/P u b lic Services L ib rarian . Responsible for th e provision o f public service ithin V K C . Responsible for the developm ent and successful fu n ctio n in g o f th e reference service, library instruc­ tion program , circulation service and stacks m aintenance. D evelops public adm inistration and urban planning ollections. h e University Library, a m ajor research library with a collectio n o f m ore than 2 .6 m illion volum es, serves one o f the largest private universities in the country. T h e University Library has 14 specialized su b ject libraries, and a total f 1 7 2 F T E o f w hich 5 8 are Library faculty positions. It has adopted a strategic goal to develop networked in form ation services w hich include th e o n lin e catalog, 11 locally m ou n ted databases, full-text versions o f the Chronicle o f H igher Education and ClariN et News Services, and Gopher‚ and M osaic servers. o request a co p y o f the vacant position an n ou ncem ent, w hich includes qualifications and application instruc­ tions, send your nam e and address via e-m ail to do naldso@ o r call (2 1 3 ) 7 4 0 - 2 9 2 8 between the ours o f 9 :0 0 a.m . to 4 :0 0 p .m ., M on day - Friday. The University o f Southern C alifornia is anA A /EO E, A D A -com pliant institution strongly com m itted to the principle o f diversity. T U w c T o T h department(s) and selects materials in assigned subject area(s) for the reference and general collections. Responsible for developing the library’s information system in assigned subject area(s) including monitoring and selecting Internet resources made available through the system. Develops and implements various library resources and sen/ices, including developing training programs and documentation; assists in the formulation of public services and reference policies and procedures; and participates in unit, library, and university commit­ tees. Maintains awareness of professional developments and devel­ ops the skills required to maintain a high level of professional proficiency. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; under­ graduate major in one of the sciences or engineering, or professional library experience in a science or engineering library; strong public services orientation; ability to work with a diverse group of library users and staff; strong oral and written communications skills; knowledge of computer applications in libraries, including OPACs and CD-ROMs; and ability to meet the responsibilities and requirements of a tenure- track appointment. Preferred: One or more years of post-MLS expe­ rience as a reference librarian in an academic or special library; experience with electronic information in a networked environment, including knowledge of LANs, computer programming, multimedia, and Internet resources; advanced degree in relevant discipline; and knowledge of modem foreign language. Salary: $27,000 minimum. Fringe benefits: A month’s vacation; sick leave; choice of medical plans available; dental plan; group life insurance; and TIAA/CREF retirement/annuity plan. Librarians are eligible for sabbatical leave and other research support. Apply: Send letters of application, re­ sume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of four (4) references to: Jean Gnat, Associate Director, University Libraries, Indiana U n iv e rs ity Pu rdu e U n ive rsity In d ia n a p o lis (IUPUI), 755 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195. Closing: Applications or nominations received by October 1 ‚ 1994, will be guaranteed consid­ eration. Position remains open until filled. IUPUI is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encour­ aged to apply. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi seeks a Systems Librarian to serve as project manager in the implementa­ tion of an integrated library automation system (Innovative Interfaces, Inc.) and to be responsible for its ongoing operation. Applicant must have understanding of all library operations, including public ser­ vices, technical services, and media materials. This position supports library personnel in all computer functions, and the university commu­ nity in accessing automation system and related applications. Strong emphasis on installment of hardware and software. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree. Academic training in information technology. Two years library systems experience, excellent analyti­ cal and communication skills, strong commitment to responsive and innovative sen/ice, ability to work effectively in a demanding and rapidly changing environment, willingness to master new technolo­ gies and stay current, understanding of legal and contractual issues, and ability to administer maintenance contracts on hardware and software. Applicant must be familiar with library network-based services and network resource tools including Internet. Knowledge of MARC records and UNIX operating system. Salary and benefits: $33,000-$37,000. Choice of retirement programs. State package of September 1994 / 5 4 7 TH E UNIVERSITY LIBRARY U n iv e r s it y o f S o u t h e r n C a l if o r n ia T h e University o f Southern C alifornia University Library seeks a H ead o f th e Bib lio g rap h ic C o n tro l and Access D ep artm en t. T h e Library seeks a person who understands the philosophical, administrative, and policy issues o f bibliographic con trol in an academ ic library in an era o f changing methods o f access, changing technological imperatives, a changing econ o m ic environm ent, and changing requirements for bibliographic co n tro l o f printed and electronic resources. T h e Head o f the Bibliographic C o n trol & Access D epartm ent will be responsible for leadership in the D epartm en t, in the Library, and the University in developing policy through the Cataloging Policy C o m m ittee in issues affecting access and retrieval in the Library’s new integrated library system. R eporting to th e A U L for Technical Services and Systems, the D epartm ent Head will be responsible for the m an­ agement o f a departm ent o f 7 librarians and approximately 3 0 staff and students. T h e D epartm en t is organized into 7 sections including C o p y Cataloging, O riginal Cataloging, Serials, M usic, East Asian, Database M ain te­ nance, and Bibliographic Records Input and Physical Processing. T h e D epartm ent catalogs and processes approxi­ mately 5 5 ,0 0 0 titles per year using both R L IN and O C L C , including O C L C C JK Plus and R L IN C JK . T h e Head o f Bibliographic C o n trol & Access is responsible for coordinating cataloging policy, procedures and work flow with other departm ents in the D ivision, prim arily Acquisitions and Systems D epartm ents, and with o ther cataloging/ processing operations in G overnm ent D ocum ents, the H ancock Marine Sciences Library, and the Arnold Schoenberg Institute. T h e D epartm en t H ead chairs the Cataloging Policy Com m ittee. To request a copy o f the vacant position announcem ent, w hich includes qualifications and application instruc­ tions, please call (2 1 3 ) 7 4 0 - 2 9 2 8 between the hours o f 9 :0 0 a.m . to 4 :0 0 p.m , M onday - Friday, o r send your name and address via e-m ail to donaldso@ vacation and holidays. Group health and life insurance plans. Librar ians are a distinct group of academic professionals with representa tion on faculty senate and are appointed for 12 months. Review o applications will begin September 15,1994, and will continue until th position is filled. Send letter of application, current resume, an names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to Director of University Library, Texas A&M U n ive rsity-C o rp u s Christi 6300 Ocean Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78412. TAMU-CC is an equa opportunity, affirmative action employer. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN FOR ACQUISITIONS AND PROCESSING Manages the daily operations of the acquisitions, serials, and bindin online systems; monitors expenditures; creates customized manage ment reports; liaison with Library Systems Team; designs and imple ments related microcomputer-based support systems; manages ap proval plan profiling and the acquisition of materials in electroni format; liaison with teaching faculty, librarians, and vendors. Report to the Head, Acquisitions and Processing Team. Responsible for th team in the absence of the Team Leader. The team is composed o three units: Acquisitions, Serials, and Binding. These services ar supported by two faculty and 27.5 FTE nonexempt staff members. Th libraries' materials budget is approximately 3.6 million dollars, wit $155,000 allocated for binding. The acquisitions function is currentl automated using the GEAC GLIS system running on a GEAC 800 computer. The process of searching for a new integrated client-serve library system is currently underway. Required qualifications: ALA ­ ­ f e d : , l . g ­ ­ ­ c s e f e e h y 0 r - accredited MLS degree; several years of recent professional library experience; demonstrated experience with managing or implement­ ing microcomputer, mainframe, or networking projects; evidence of database creation or report generation experience using commercial software programs, e.g., Excel, dBase, etc.; excellent oral and written communication skills in English; ability to meet promotion and tenure requirements; strong sen/ice orientation; ability to work effectively with faculty and staff; excellent interpersonal skills and leadership abilities; ability to work effectively in a dynamic, highly automated academic library environment. Preferred: Experience with the design and implementation of online systems; knowledge of a foreign lan­ guage; knowledge of acquisitions, serials, or other technical services functions; programming language skills. Opportunities: This position will offer a unique opportunity to shape the UTK Libraries’ acquisitions processes in a networked environment with a new generation system. As a new system is selected and implemented, there will be many occasions for applying creative thinking, problem solving, and explor­ ing different networking possibilities. All library faculty have worksta­ tions with multinetwork capabilities. Benefits: Tenure-track position. Library faculty must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Twenty-four days annual leave, tuition remission, usual benefits. Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Send letter of application, current resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three recent references to: Joyce Jackson, Human Resources, The U n ive rsity o f Tennessee Libraries, 1015 Volunteer Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37996-1000. Review of 5 4 8 /C&RL News HEAD, REFERENCE SERVICES DIVISION (Available: January 2,1 9 9 5 ) Olin Kroch Uris Libraries Cornell University Library The Cornell University Library seeks an experienced, creative public services librarian to head a challenging new reference and instruction program. The recent administrative merger of Olin, Kroch, and Uris Libraries at Cornell underlies a commitment to develop an integrated approach to the user services in these physically connected libraries. As the head of a newly created unit incorporating four service desks in Olin and Uris Libraries and an extensive classroom instruction program, the division head will have the opportunity to shape, in a rapidly changing academic and technological environment, the reference services program in the largest unit at one of the country’s leading academic library systems. Serving primarily the faculty and students of the College of Arts and Sciences, the combined three libraries with holdings of over three million volumes have a central role in supporting user needs throughoutthe university. RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides strong leadership in planning, implementing, managing, and evaluating reference and instructional services in Olin and Uris Libraries. Supervises and motivates a staff of 11 reference and instruction librarians and 10 information assistants and administrative staff plus students. Oversees an operating and materials budget in excess of $1 million per year. Participates in the development and implementation of an extensive renovation program for Olin and Uris Libraries. Contributes to policy direction and decision making in Olin/Kroch/Uris as a member of the unit’s administrative group. Participates actively in librarywide programs. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS or equivalent. At least six years of increasingly responsible experience in reference services in an academic library. Background in social sciences and/or humanities required. Evidence of ability to provide leadership in the application of new technologies in enhancing user services. Evidence of initiative, leadership, reference, organizational, and personnel management skills, as well as enthusiasm for working cooperatively with colleagues and faculty. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Record of active professional involvement. SALARY: Minimum $45,000. CLOSING DATE: O ctober 15 , 1994, but applications will be accepted until position is filled. APPLY TO: Ann Dyckman Director, Library Human Resources 201 Olin Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-5301 (Send letter, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers for three references). Cornell University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. applications will begin November 1, 1994, and will continue until the position is filled. UTK is an EEO, AA, Title IX, Section 504, ADA employer. TECHNICAL/DATABASE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Kalamazoo Col­ lege, a highly selective liberal arts college, offers an entry-level position for an imaginative librarian with a commitment to the blending of technical services, electronic information services, and under­ graduate instruction. Initial responsibilities: Manage the operational aspects of all library automation activities and services in an Innova­ tive Interfaces environment and serve as the liaison with the college’s computer services. Perform original and copy cataloging of print and nonprint library and media materials according to accepted cataloging standards utilizing the OCLC bibliographic database; perform author­ ity control work as necessary. In collaboration, design and present orientation and training sessions to students, faculty, and staff on accessing Internet-based and other databases and the use of net­ working tools, e.g., Gopher, Hytelnet, and Mosaic, to access informa­ tion. Provide full reference service and supervise library operations on a rotating basis during some evening and weekend hours. The successful candidate must have a liberal arts undergraduate degree, preferably in the sciences; master’s degree from an accredited program; working knowledge of LC classification, LCSH, AACR2, MARC; working knowledge of online cataloging practices, library automation practices, information retrieval on the Internet, and net­ working tools; keen interest in electronic information resources; reading knowledge of one foreign language; and effective interper­ sonal and teaching skills. Salary: From $23,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience; faculty status; excellent fringe ben­ efits. Applications should include a letter of application, a complete resume, and three letters of reference. Review of applications will begin on August 15,1994, and continue until an appointment is made. Please send all correspondence to: Personnel Office, Attn: Susan M. Allen, Director of Libraries & Media Services, Kalam azoo College, Kalamazoo, Ml 49006. EEO, AA. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Hartwick College has an immediate opening in the Technical Services Department for an entry- level cataloger. In addition to general cataloging processes, the person in this position will work in subject authority work, revision of September 19S>4 / 5 49 OCLC input, supervision of student workers, and will act as liaison with the computer center. Requirements for the position: ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2, LCSH. Desired qualifica tions include familiarity with automated systems and experience in an academic library setting. This position carries a 12-month contract, excellent benefits, and a salary of $23,000. To apply, send a letter of application and a resume with names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Carol Couse, Director of Human Re sources, H a rtw ick College, Oneonta, NY 13820. An equal opportu nity employer. Review of applications will begin September 20,1994. TECHNICAL SERVICES SPECIAL PROJECTS LIBRARIAN. In cumbent will perform a variety of special projects in support of the ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ automation of Acquisitions/Serials Record Sections. Initial respon­ sibility will be to assist in implementation of the DOBIS serials module, including conversion of all serial holdings to machine-readable format. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; second subject master’s degree preferred. Experience in academic library technical sen/ices, especially serials record maintenance, preferred. Appointment with faculty status, rank, and benefits. Salary competitive. Letter of appli­ cation, resume, and the names of three references will be accepted through September 30,1994, or until position is filled, and should be addressed to: Gloria S. Cline, Interim Director of Libraries, University Libraries, U n ive rsity o f So uthw estern Louisiana, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70503. The University of Southwestern Louisiana is an equal employment opportunity affirmative action employer. Late Job Listings SERIA LS LIBRARIAN . Requirements: M aster’s degree in library science (ALA- accredited). Professional library experience in a research setting. Two years recent experience in serials cataloging including original and copy cataloging and catalog maintenance. Experience with a bibliographic utility (OCLC preferred). Successful supervisory experience, including training and evaluating personnel. Experience with an automated library environment. Strong communication, interpersonal, and prob­ lem-solving skills. Good planning and organizational skills. Desired qualifications: Experience with serials acquisitions. Experience with an integrated library system. Fam iliarity with team-based organizations. Working knowledge of authority prac­ tices, AACR cataloging rules and LC rule interpretations, OCLC/MARC formats, and CONSERV standards. Reading knowledge of Romance languages, German, and/or Russian. Fam iliarity with Dewey decimal classification. Fam iliarity with ANSI/NISO serials holdings standards and with UNSP newspaper cataloging standards. Respon­ sibilities: Contributes to the planning and management of the department and functions in a leadership role as the libraries move to a team-based organization. Oversees the operations of the Serials unit, including ordering, receiving, bibliographic control, database m aintenance, and coordinating systemwide binding activities. Facilitates programming, planning, and process improvement for the unit. Supervises, trains, develops, and evaluates staff. Performs original and complex copy cataloging of serials. Serves as resource person for libraries faculty, professional and clerical staff in m atters relating to serials acquisitions, cataloging, database maintenance, and binding. Reports to the Head of Technical Services. Salary: $29,000 and up, depending upon qualifications. Status and benefits: Administrative/Professional (non-tenure- track). Appointment on a fiscal year basis, with annual vacation of 22 working days. Flexible benefit programs with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical, and disability insurance programs are in effect, as are TIAA-CREF retirem ent and Social Security coverage. Application process: Send letter of interest, resume, and references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Administrator, P u rd u e U n iv e rsity Libraries, 1530 Stew art Center, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530. Review of applications com­ mences October 1, 1994, and continues until position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. R E F E R E N C E LIBR A RIA N /SCIEN CE B IB L IO G R A P H E R . Duties and responsi­ bilities: General and science reference service (including some evening and weekend hours); user instruction; collection development for natural and physical sciences, mathematics, computer science; and use and development of electronic library ser­ vices. Works with science faculty liaisons in m atters of collection development, document delivery services, and instruction. Participates in departmental planning and evaluation of services. Qualifications: M aster's degree from an American Library Association-accredited program; additional m aster's degree; significant course work in science disciplines or science reference experience; ability to communicate well orally and in writing; strong service orientation; ability to work in a collegial environ­ ment where user service and instruction are a priority and there is considerable scope for redefining services and incorporating new technologies into service delivery and 5 5 0 /C & R L News instruction; experience in use of electronic databases and Internet resources. Library faculty must demonstrate a record of scholarly achievement and service for tenure and promotion. Salary: $2 9 ,9 3 1 -$ 5 0 ,205 (Assistant Professor) for 12 months, commensu­ rate with experience. Application: Please send letter of application, resume, and names of four references with current telephone/fax numbers to: Sharon Bonk, Rosenthal Library, Q ueens College, 35-60 Kissena Blvd., Flushing, NY 11367-1597. Review of applications will begin on August 15, 1994, and continue until position is filled. Proof of identity and employability required. Queens College is an AA, EO E, ADA employer. CATALOGING. Assistant Department Head for Authorities, Cataloging Department, University of K ansas Libraries. Responsibilities: Participates in the management of the Cataloging Department; leads the Authorities U nit in managing the name and subject authority process; and oversees the Series Unit. Reports to the Head of Cataloging. (Full description available.) Required qualifications: M aster's degree from an ALA- accredited program; professional experience in cataloging including substantial expe­ rience in automated authority control in an academic or research library setting; comprehensive knowledge of AACR2r and Library of Congress Subject Heading practices; reading knowledge of one or more modern European or E a st Asian languages; successful supervisory experience and demonstrated leadership ability; effective oral and written communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work effectively with a wide range of staff and colleagues; strong planning, organizational, and analytical skills. Preferred qualifications: Experience with NACO. Annual salary: $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 - $36,000, dependent upon qualifications. Excellent benefits. To apply, submit le tter of application; resume; names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references; and copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts to: Sandra Gilliland, A ssistant to the Dean, U n iv e rsity o f K an sas Libraries, Lawrence, K S 66045-2800. Applications must be postmarked by September 3 0 ,1 9 9 4 . Review of applications will occur following the application deadline, with interviews scheduled for late October 1994. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD, ACQUISITIONS AND C O LLEC TIO N D EV ELO PM EN T, Sm ith College Libraries, (Search Extended). The Sm ith College Libraries seek a creative, experienced professional to provide leadership for change in a new postiion to coordinate collection development and manage acquisitions. The libraries have holdings of over 1 million volumes and include three branches, nonprint media, and nationally known special collections. An in-depth evaluation of collections and acquisitions policies has recently been completed. The libraries are an active member of the Five College Consortium, with Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Responsibilities: Manage and coordinate all acquisitions functions. Supervise 4.6 F T E sta ff in acquisitions; administer ordering, vendor selection, standing order plans, fund accounting, gifts and exchanges, and retention/replacement decisions. Guide collection development policy and serve as principal liaison with librarians and faculty in collection development; serve as selector where appropriate. Participate as member of technical services management team, eligible for administrative advance­ ment. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; at least five years professional experience in an academic library in areas related to acquisitions, serials and collection develop­ ment; knowledge of domestic and foreign book trade; significant experience with automated library systems (Innovative Interfaces preferred), approval plans, electronic information resources, and document delivery; collection development, management and communication expertise; awareness of trends in academic library acquisitions and collection management. Hiring range: $37,440-$41,556; actual salary commensurate with experience. Review of applications begins September 26, 1994. Submit letter of application, resume with salary requirements, and names of three references, to: Employment Group, Office of Human Resources, S m ith C ollege, Northamption, MA 01063. An affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. Minorites and women are encouraged to apply. Structure Bookmarks September 1994/521 AU NIVd E R SeITl Y Ap Al Coimmiitment to IntellectASSOCIATE DEAN OF LIBRARIES FOR PUBLIC SERVICESAdelphi University seeks experi­enced, resourceful, and energetic indi­vidual to assume responsibilities for a major division of its Libraries. The Associate Dean is responsible for (1) seven public services units in the Swirbul (main) Library, as well as the separately housed Science Library and the libraries at the Manhattan and Huntington Centers and (2) assistance to the Dean in a variety of library-wide ad Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September2 forthe October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.10 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.00 for others. Late job notices are 522/C&RL News THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYUniversity of Southern CaliforniaThe University of Southern California University Library invites applications for the position as Assistant Univer­sity Librarian for Instructional and Research Services. The University Library is a site for teaching, learning, and research. The Library seeks a person who understands the strategic and technological implications of this mission and who understands the various scholarly, teaching, and research processes within a large academic institution verbal and written communication skills. Experience with integrated online acquisitions system desirable. Applicants must have master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school. Rank: Assistant Univer­sity Librarian. Salary range: $25,985-$29,985, plus benefits. Applica­tion deadline: October 14, 1994. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Janice Donahue, Chair, Search Committee, Florida Atlantic University Libraries, P.O. Box 3092, Boca Raton, FL 33431-0992. P ithin the Purdy/Kresge Library including: Circulation, Stack Mainte­ance, Reserve Services, Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and formation Services; responsible for the supervision and training of brarians and staff assigned to Access Units and planning and valuating new technologies to enhance access sen/ices; acts as aison with university departments, faculty, students, and Information ervices customers; has reference responsibilities; and attends eetings, conferences, and seminars on current trends September 1994/523 DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBR(Search Continued)Indiana University Purdue University at IndianapoIndiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI) seeks a dynamicserve as Director of the IUPUI University Libraries. The position affords a uniquthe role and position of the library as both acampus and community resource in acommitted to the idea of information integration and distributed access. This cothe university’s new $32 million library which serves as the nerve centerforthe acof print-based, lis (IUPUI) and visionary leader to e opportunity to reshape n academic environment mmitment is embodied in quisition and distribution learning. The University ement of the University ense of how information emic libraries. He or she will have the experience, personality, and academic credentials to provide intellectual as well as administrative leadership, and will be comfortable working in partnership with other information technol­ogy professionals on and off campus. An MLS (or MA/MS in library science) $39,000, based on experience and qualifications. Excellent benefits package including a retirement plan (TIAA/CREF), health plan op­tions, dental, liberal vacation and illness plan, and tuition assistance for employees and family members. Submit a letter of interest, resume, and the names and addresses of at least three professional references to: Posting #137, Personnel Office, Wayne State Univer­sity, Detroit, Ml 48202. Wayne State University is an equal opportu­nity, affirmative action employer. Wayne St be eligible to apply for tenure-track status when faculty code require­ments for Assistant Professor rank have been met. TIAA-CREF, 22 days vacation. Applications must be postmarked by Friday, October 14,1994. Central Washington University has a strong commitment to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff, and student body. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and tele­phone numbers of three current professional references to: Jennifer Jaques, Search Committee Chair, Referenc 524/C&RL News University Libraries consists of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.3 million volumes. 18,000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstanding special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. The libraries operates a computerized library system (NOTIS) including local holdings, subject databases, and network connections to other libraries. Norman, Oklahoma, is an attractive community with a low cost of living, close to a major metropolitan ci II is employed on a 12-month basis with 20 days annual leave and standard benefits. Send application letter, resume, and names of three professional references by November 1, 1994, to: Cataloging Search Committee Chair, Auburn University at Montgomery Li­brary, 7300 University Dr., Montgomery, AL 36117-3596. AUM is an EEO, AA employer.CATALOGING LIBRARIAN FOR NETWORKED INFORMATION RESOURCES. Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University Library. The Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University is recruiting fo September 1994/525 TWO POSITIONS: AUTOMATED SYSTEMS AND TECHNICALSERVICESThe American University in CairoApplications are invited for two positions in the library of the American University in Cairo.The new position of HEAD OF LIBRARY AUTOMATED SYSTEMS: Involves coordinating the planning, development, and implementation of all automated systems for the library’s functions and services, including providing technical support for the library’s integrated DOBIS/LIBIS system, public access computing, microcomputing, and local area knowledge of information retrieval and management systems, re­source discovery tools, and working experience with various com­puter systems (IBM/PC, Macintosh, UNIX) and their programming languages (e.g., C, C++). Effective communication skills and an ability to work in a team setting. Desirable: Cataloging experience in a research library and subject background or interest in the life sciences or related social sciences. Salary: $26,000 and up, depend­ing upon qualifications. Closing date: Applications req managerial level, including personnel management, policy develop­ment, and budget oversight. Working knowledge of and demonstrated experience with automated library systems: demonstrated commit­ment to collegial style and participative management; thorough understanding of and commitment to the philosophies, standards, and practices governing bibliographic access. Candidates whose charac­teristics and qualifications also suit them to prepare individuals to function in a culturally and ethnically diverse soc 26/ C&RL News LIBRARIAN FOR INFORMATION AND DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICESA key component of the Harvard College Library’s Strategic Plan, is the development of a comprehen­sive interlibrary loan and document delivery program. To achieve this goal and develop services and policies that support information access in the emerging electronic environment, the Library is creat­ing a new key management position: Librarian for Information and Document Delivery Services. The charge will be to guide and coordinate the development of September 1994 / 527 HEAD OF THE CENTER FOR CHINESE STUDIES LIBRARYUniversity of California, Berkeley Assistant/Assodate/Librarian$28,666450,496The Center for Chinese Studies Library (CCSL), a unit of the University of California, Berkeley East Asian Library, is one of the World’s premier research collections on the People’s Republic of China. Particular strengths include materials on the history of the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese economics, and Chinese law.The Head of CCSL is responsible for collection development, refere CHINESE COLLECTIONS & REFERENCE SERVICESUniversity of California, Berkeley Search Reopened Assistant/Assodate/Librarian $28,668450,496The East Asian Library at the University of California, Berkeley is the second largest collection of research materials in East Asian languages at any university outside East China. Among the areas of particular strength are the holdings on the People’s Republic of China, a large and distinguished collection of Chinese rare books and 2,700 rubbings of Chinese inscriptions on 528/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY(Search Reopened)The American University in CairoThe American University in Cairo (AUC) invites applications for the position of Director of the Library. AUC is an independent private institution founded in 1919 on American educational principles and primarily dedicated to serving the educational needs of Egypt and the Middle East. Incorporated andfully accredited in the United States, AUC offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in some 25 fields in the liberal arts and professional di COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT. The Eskind Biomedical Library at Vanderbilt University seeks a leader with initiative, creativity, and management ability to head its division of Collections Management. As a member of the library’s Management Team, the appointee will oversee a staff of 14 and several operations that now include: selection, acquisitions, bibliographic control, preservation, archives, and special collections. The Eskind Library is a state-of-the-art facility, opened in 1994, and is a component of the and disabilities, including compliance with ADA regulations. Will report to the University Librarian. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS degree or the equivalent professional experience in a university or research library, with a broad understanding of a wide variety of functional areas; an understanding of the components of a personnel program; knowledge of or the ability to develop expertise in staff development and training; demonstrated ability to communi­cate logically, clearly, and effectiv September 1994 /529 Curator of Prints and Photographs The Library Company of PhiladelphiaThe Library Company, founded in 1731, is an independent research library with a staff of twenty and with important collections of rare books, manuscripts, and graphics that document every aspect of American history up to the late 19th century. Its significant regional and national graphics collection numbers more than 75,000 items and is particularly strong in early prints, drawings, and photographic images created in the Philadelphia area departmental libraries (Art, Music, Business, and the sciences, including the health sciences). With over three million volumes, the collections of the Ul Libraries rank 29th out of the 107 university libraries in the Association of Research Libraries. The libraries’ NOTIS-based system is called OASIS. The University Libraries is a member of the Research Libraries Group and has also implemented OCLC. Staff are actively engaged in a wide variety of national professional efforts and the libraries provides a p subject areas, and serves as library liaison to one or more academic departments. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. At least three years of relevant supervisory experience in an academic library reference department at the professional level. Experience with an integrated automated library system, Internet information resources, CD-ROM LANs, and evidence of strong com­puter skills (including microcomputer applications). Knowledge of print and electronic reference sources and service 530/C&RL News ASSOCIATE DIRECTOREast Carolina University Joyner LibraryRESPONSIBILITIES: Reports to the Director, Academic Library Services, and is responsible for leadership and management of all library activities in the areas of automation and telecommunications, budgeting, facilities planning and utilization ‚ and State Personnel Act (SPA) employees. Provides liaison and effective communication with campus computing, business affairs, and physical plant, as well as appropriate units in the Health Sciences Division of September 1994/531 BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL LIBRARIANThe University of New MexicoThe University of New Mexico is seeking experienced, dynamic applicants for the position of Bibliographic Control Librarian. The Bibliographic Control Librarian is responsible for the maintenance and quality control of the library’s online catalog LIBROS and reports to the Head of the Catalog Department. Duties include the following: Directs the operations of a new unit, the Bibliographic Control Team. Manages database maintenance and online authori Standard benefits. Salary is competitive based on experience and degrees. Candidates must have an ALA MLS, five years reference experience in a comparable institution, knowledge of reference material in all formats and effective oral and written communication skills. Preference will be given to a candidate with a second master's degree or an earned doctorate. John Carroll University, a Catholic and Jesuit university, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged t library science from an ALA-accredited program or bachelor of science or arts in computer science, systems engineering, or a related technical field; demonstrated knowledge of current and emerging information technologies; a minimum of five years library computer operations experience, including managerial/supervisory experience in a university, academic consortium, or comparable environment; excellent oral and written communication skills; the ability to work successfully in group settings to facilitate di 532/C&RL Newsaccredited MLS; minimum three years professional experience; successful record of involvement with electronic reference and re­sources; reference and instruction experience. Salary: $30,000 mini­mum. Submit letters of application, resume, and names and ad­dresses of three references to: Carole Armstrong, Assistant Director, Library Human Resources, E108 Library, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml 48823-1048. Applications received prior to Septem­ber 30, 1994, will receive priority.ELEC September 1994 / 533 ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN COLLECTIONS SERVICESThe American UniversityThe University Library is seeking an Assistant University Librarian (tenure-track at rank of Assistant/ Associate Librarian), who reports to the University Librarian, to provide leadership and direction to the Collections Services Division during a time of technological change.RESPONSIBILITIES: Facilitates and administers Collections Services Division; coordinates activities related to selecting, acquiring, cataloging, processing, and tion skills; and demonstrated ability to prepare effective user guidesand training materials. Desirable qualifications: Reference and libraryinstruction experience; science background; demonstrated ability towork in a team setting and handle multiple responsibilities in achanging environment; and demonstrated ability to work effectivelywith a multiculturally diverse academic community. Permanent ten­ure-track appointment as Senior Assistant Librarian. Position willopen January 1, 1995. Current salary range: knowledge of database searching and library instruction concepts and methods. Desirable: Experience in a library reference department; knowledge of microcomputer applications; effective communication skills; some supervisory experience; second master's degree or addi­tional graduate work in political science, history, or related field; and evidence of research and publication. Deadline for applications: October 15, 1994. Available: January 1, 1995. Salary: $27,000 minimum. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirem 534/C&RL News MUSIC LIBRARIAN WITH TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIZATIONEast Carolina University Joyner LibraryRESPONSIBILITIES: Underthe direction of the Head of the Music Library, participates fully in all public service aspects of the Music Library operation including reference service and instruction in the use of bibliographic and information resources, online database and CD-ROM searching, and general library supervision (some evening and weekend duties on a rotating schedule). Serves as liaison with the music cataloger in the HEAD, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS DEPARTMENT. Full-time 12- month, tenure-track, faculty position with the University of South Alabama, an urban university in Mobile on the Alabama Gulf Coast. Reports to the Director of Libraries. Responsibilities: Coordinates public service and selected technical service functions for the Govern­ment Documents collection; administers and evaluates departmental activities, including the collection and reporting of statistics; promotes positive and effective service. Coordinates pu collections. Supervises and evaluates a staff of one librarian, four library assistants, and student assistants. Serves as liaison with the GPO Depository Library Program and the two Alabama regional depositories; ensures that program regulations and guidelines are followed. As a member of the university faculty, participates in institutional and professional development and service. Minimum Qualifications: ALA accredited MLS; five years professional library experience; strong commitment to user service. Mu September 1994 /535 MALLOY-RABINOWITZ PRESERVATION LIBRARIANHarvard University LibraryHarvard University is seeking a senior professional to fill the position of Malloy-Rabinowitz Preservation Librarian in the Harvard University Library and in the Harvard College Library. The position is responsible for coordinating and administering programs and services to meet the preservation needs of Harvard’s decentralized system of libraries.In FY1994, Harvard’s preservation program involved over 100 staff engaged in preservation activi experience; experience with government documents in a depository library. Desired: Knowledge of technologies relevant to government documents, CD-ROM, and microforms, etc. Salary and benefits: Annual salary in the $30s. Generous benefits include state retirement, options for TIAA-CREF, 20 days vacation, university-subsidized insurance. Deadline for applications: Applications accepted until September 16, 1994, or until position is filled. Position available October 1 ‚ 1994. Candidates should submit a resume collections or archival supervision in an academic or research library. Must show a commitment to participatory management and user- oriented library service. Outstanding oral, written, and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of computer applications in special collections and/ or archives. Experience in providing subject-specific instruction using special collections and/or archival materials. Excellent working knowl­edge of the rare book trade. Record of achievement in grantwriting. Evidence of professional a 536/C&RL News TWO POSITIONSWest Virginia UniversityThe West Virginia University Health Sciences Library is seeking two innovative reference librarians to work under the direction of the Head of Information Services.ELECTRONIC RESOURCES/REFERENCE LIBRARIANPrimary duties include: Planning and implementing electronic reference services and resources in cooperation with ongoing collection development and systems initiatives; coordinating online database search services in the health sciences; and performing general reference involving SIL’s special collections throughout the system. Develops and implements outreach activities. Supervises the staff of the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology and will supervise staff of a new facility planned for the National Museum of Natural History. Qualifications: Professional knowledge of the theories, prin­ciples, practices, and techniques of librarianship and how they relate to the history of books and printing, rare books, and special collec­tions. Ability to supervise. September 1994/537 SCIENCE LIBRARIANSt. Lawrence UniversitySt. Lawrence University invites applications and nominations for the position Science Librarian. St. Lawrence, a private, nondenominational liberal arts college located between the Adirondack Mountains and the St. Lawrence River, seeks a dynamic, innovative person to assume this position. The University Libraries have a fully integrated Innovative Interfaces, Inc. ‚ library system and offer access to more than 35 periodical Indexes, some on a LAN and some through Firs applications must be postmarked by September 30, 1994. The Smithsonian Institution is an equal opportunity employer.HEAD OF TECHNOLOGY. Major responsibilities: Provides day-to- day operation and management of InfoLinks, the University Libraries' integrated, automated system from Innovative Interfaces, and coor­dination of network (Novell) and microcomputer activities. Duties directly related to InfoLinks include: Routine maintenance, system security, system setup, evaluating system capabilities, recommend­i in an academic setting); demonstrated ability to communicate effec­tively (both orally and in writing) with library and computing staff, patrons, other university personnel, and system vendors. Familiarity with USMARC formats and knowledge of network management and Internet tools. Salary: $31,000 minimum; rank dependent upon quali­fications. Twelve-month, tenure-track, TIAA/CREF or Fidelity, 22 days annual leave, tuition, and other benefits. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is a land-grant universi 538/C&RL News HEAD OF CATALOGINGWest Virginia UniversityThe West Virginia University Libraries seek an innovative librarian to assume the responsibility for the libraries’ Cataloging Department consisting of 4.5 professional catalogers and nine paraprofessionals. Primary duties include planning and coordinating the operations of the Cataloging Department, including the Serials Cataloging and Bindery unit; original monographic cataloging; determination of cataloging work flow and priorities; development of training module Required: ALA MLS or equivalent experience and education, a strong academic background, and extensive experience in library automa­tion. Desirable: Knowledge of DRA, VMS, and the Macintosh. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Full description available: Consider­ation for the position, which is available immediately, will continue until appointment has been made. Send a letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of th experience; supervisory experience; managerial skills, including demonstrated organizational skills, creativity and flexibility, ability to make decisions, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, ability to deal with changing priorities based on client and library needs; knowledge of distributed computing, networking, and related issues; working knowledge of major bibliographic tools. Preferred: Knowledge of interlibrary loan practices; experience with OCLC or other automated ILL system; experienc September 1994/539 ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICALSERVICESNorthwestern UniversityNorthwestern University Library invites applications and nominations for the position of Assistant University Librarian foríechnical Services.RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides leadership and direction for the Technical Services Division, which includes the Bibliographic Record Services, Catalog, and Serials & Acquisitions Services Depart­ments. Thereare 15professionalsand36supportstaffinthedivision. The division acquires $4,000,000 of libra Responsibilities: Arranges, describes, and maintains the archival and manuscript collections in accordance with modem standards; per­forms reference/public sen/ice duties when required. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and/or master's degree in history or an appropri­ate field; 1 to 3 years experience working with archives/manuscripts; knowledge of APPM, AACR2, and LCSH; experience with RUN; working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Communications skills essential. Salary range: $26,500-$28,500, IBM OS/MVS and CICS environment desirable. Previous experience with DOBIS is helpful. Appointment with faculty rank, status, and benefits. Salary competitive. Letter of application, resume, and names of three references will be accepted through September 30,1994, or until position is filled, and should be addressed to: Gloria S. Cline, Interim Director of Libraries, University Libraries, University of South­western Louisiana, 302 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70503. The University of Southwestern Louisia 540/C&RL News POSITION OPENINGS FOR LIBRARIANS AND ARCHIVISTSOpen Media Research InstituteLibrarians and archive staff specializing in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe are being sought to staff a new, U.S.-sponsored research institute with offices in Washington, D.C., and Prague, the Czech Republic. Called the Open Media Research Institute (OMRI), this organization employs specialists who are responsible for analyzing key issues and developments in these regions and disseminating this information in Get connected!Jobs & news now on the Internet C&RL NewsNetgopher to "", port 70 Septem her 1994 /541 HEAD, TRANSPORTATION LIBRARY(Search Reopened)Northwestern .UniversityThe Transportation Library, a special library in an academic setting, is an international resource for the study of transportation. It supports research and education programs of the Northwestern University community as well as academic and corporate users in the U .S. and abroad. This major collection houses over 210,000 volumes and maintains an online indexing file of 150,000 citations. Library staff consists of five FTE librarians and 2 system. Experience in or knowledge of telecommunications, pro­gramming, or installation and maintenance of computer and telecom­munications equipment. Salary dependent upon experience andqualifications-negotiable from $25,000 plus benefits. Send letter ofapplication, resume, and names and addresses of three references to:Search Committee/Library Systems Specialist, Director’s Office,Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627.Phone: (716) 275-4461; fax: (716) 273-1032. EOE, MF.MEDIA. Th EO employer. Applicants should forward a letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Edward D. Starkey, University Librarian, Copley Library, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. Review of applications will begin September 27, 1994, and continue until the position is filled.PERIODICALS SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Coordinates new service unit which includes current periodicals, newspapers, reserves, micro­forms, and photocopy center. Supervises u 542/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIESState University of New York College at CortlandSUNY College at Cortland seeks a creative and dynamic leader with excellent interpersonal skills to administer the College Library in a time of transformation. Reporting to the Associate Vice President for Information Resources, the Director of Libraries is one of six directors developing and administering a comprehensive program of information and technology services to the college.The director administers all aspects of a user-oriented l tion. The library has employed an Innovative Interfaces IQLS since1989. Review of applications will begin upon receipt and continue untilan appointment is made. Applications received prior to September 30,1994, will receive first consideration. The library encourages applica­tions from minority persons, women, disabled persons, and Vietnam-era veterans. Applications should submit a letter of application,resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of threeprofessional reference to: Joan Loslo, Chair, rience as a reference librarian and thorough knowledge of reference sources and services, especially public affairs and government information resources, Internet; proven orientation to service; and ability to meet faculty standards for appointment, promotion, and tenure. Experience in government depository library and subject master's in related area desirable. Rank: Assistant Librarian ortenure- track, depending on experience and qualifications. Salary: $29,000 minimum, depending on experience and qualifi September 1994 /543 $25,000. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three current references to: Chair, Reference Librarian Search Committee, Florida Atlantic University Libraries, P.O.‚Box 3092, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Deadline for applications is October 14,1994. Florida Atlantic University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale Univer­sity. Librarian I or II. Serves at reference desk; teaches bibliographic instruction sessions; participates in aven, CT 06520-8240. Yale University is an equal opportunity, ffirmative action employer.EFERENCE LIBRARIAN/EDUCATION SUBJECT SPECIALIST/ OORDINATOR OF DATABASE SEARCHING AND INSTRUC­OR/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Responsibilities: Provides refer­nce desk service, bibliographic instruction, and librarian-mediated atabase searching; serves as liaison with departments in the field f education; and coordinates the library’s database searching ervices. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and graduate degree in ducation or re 544 / C&RL News TWO POSITIONS OPENThe University of New MexicoFull-time 12-month library faculty. Tenure-track.LEVEL OF APPOINTMENT: Professional rank appropriate to qualifications and experience. RESPONSIBLE TO: Director, Center for Southwest Research.SOUTHWEST STUDIES LIBRARIANEDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Required: Master's degree in library science from an accredited American Library Association program; a degree with an emphasis in Southwest studies or a closely related area; fluency in the Spanish language; and at least REFERENCE/TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Central Missouri StateUniversity, a comprehensive university 50 miles southeast of KansasCity with an enrollment of 12,000, invites applicants for this position.Responsibilities: Primarily responsible for collection development,bibliographic instruction, and reference services for the followingdisciplines: Agriculture, Power and Transportation, Safety Scienceand Technology, Electronics Technology, and Manufacturing andConstruction. Reports to the Coordinator of Public Service service activities for promotion and tenure. A second master’s degree is required for promotion and tenure. To apply: Send a letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Pal V. Rao, Dean of Library Sen/ices, Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, MO 64093. Screening will begin on August 31, 1994, and continue until position is filled. Central is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, ADA employer. Women and minorities are encour­aged to apply.SCIENCE/ENGINEERING REFERENCE LI September 1994/545 (Continued from preceding page.)system isa member of the AMIGOS Bibliographic Utility. The Centerfor Southwest Research (CSWR) is a department of UNM’s General Library and is located in the newly renovated west wing of the historic Zimmerman Library. The CSWR is designed to facilitate and support the academic and research programs of the university and the community. The Center works closely with a number of affiliates, for example, the Centerfor Regional Studies, the Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND RESOURCESOld Dominion UniversityThe Old Dominion University Library anticipates the vacancy of this position and is seeking candidates who will:DUTIES: Provide creative leadership in planning, developing, and administering automated systems and resources for research and instructional programs. Will be responsible for implementing new automated system. Lead cross-functional team for development of electronic information resources. Responsible for ma 546/C&RL NewsUNIVERSITY LIBRARY University of Southern Californiahe Von KleinSmid Library (VKC), a specialized subject library within the University of Southern California niversity Library, seeks a Reference/Public Services Librarian. Responsible for the provision of public service ithin VKC. Responsible for the development and successful functioning of the reference service, library instruc­tion program, circulation service and stacks maintenance. Develops public administration and urban planning ollections.he University Library, a majo department(s) and selects materials in assigned subject area(s) for the reference and general collections. Responsible for developing the library’s information system in assigned subject area(s) including monitoring and selecting Internet resources made available through the system. Develops and implements various library resources and sen/ices, including developing training programs and documentation; assists in the formulation of public services and reference policies and procedures; and participates in u references to: Jean Gnat, Associate Director, University Libraries, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), 755 W.Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN 46202-5195. Closing: Applications or nominations received by October 1 ‚ 1994, will be guaranteed consid­eration. Position remains open until filled. IUPUI is an equal opportu­nity, affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encour­aged to apply.SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi seeks a Systems Librarian to serve a September 1994 /547 THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYUniversity of Southern CaliforniaThe University of Southern California University Library seeks a Head of the Bibliographic Control and Access Department. The Library seeks a person who understands the philosophical, administrative, and policy issues of bibliographic control in an academic library in an era of changing methods of access, changing technological imperatives, a changing economic environment, and changing requirements for bibliographic control of printed and electronic res vacation and holidays. Group health and life insurance plans. Librarians are a distinct group of academic professionals with representation on faculty senate and are appointed for 12 months. Review oapplications will begin September 15,1994, and will continue until thposition is filled. Send letter of application, current resume, annames, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references toDirector of University Library, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi6300 Ocean Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78412. TAMU-CC accredited MLS degree; several years of recent professional library experience; demonstrated experience with managing or implement­ing microcomputer, mainframe, or networking projects; evidence of database creation or report generation experience using commercial software programs, e.g., Excel, dBase, etc.; excellent oral and written communication skills in English; ability to meet promotion and tenure requirements; strong sen/ice orientation; ability to work effectively with faculty and staff; excellent in 548/C&RL News HEAD, REFERENCE SERVICES DIVISION(Available: January 2,1995)Olin Kroch Uris Libraries Cornell University LibraryThe Cornell University Library seeks an experienced, creative public services librarian to head a challenging new reference and instruction program. The recent administrative merger of Olin, Kroch, and Uris Libraries at Cornell underlies a commitment to develop an integrated approach to the user services in these physically connected libraries. As the head of a newly created unit incorporating fou applications will begin November 1, 1994, and will continue until the position is filled. UTK is an EEO, AA, Title IX, Section 504, ADA employer.TECHNICAL/DATABASE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Kalamazoo Col­lege, a highly selective liberal arts college, offers an entry-level position for an imaginative librarian with a commitment to the blending of technical services, electronic information services, and under­graduate instruction. Initial responsibilities: Manage the operational aspects of all library automation ac successful candidate must have a liberal arts undergraduate degree, preferably in the sciences; master’s degree from an accredited program; working knowledge of LC classification, LCSH, AACR2, MARC; working knowledge of online cataloging practices, library automation practices, information retrieval on the Internet, and net­working tools; keen interest in electronic information resources; reading knowledge of one foreign language; and effective interper­sonal and teaching skills. Salary: From $23,000, comme September 19S>4 / 549 OCLC input, supervision of student workers, and will act as liaison withthe computer center. Requirements for the position: ALA-accreditedMLS, knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2, LCSH. Desired qualifications include familiarity with automated systems and experience in anacademic library setting. This position carries a 12-month contract,excellent benefits, and a salary of $23,000. To apply, send a letter ofapplication and a resume with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Carol Couse, D automation of Acquisitions/Serials Record Sections. Initial respon­sibility will be to assist in implementation of the DOBIS serials module, including conversion of all serial holdings to machine-readable format. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; second subject master’s degree preferred. Experience in academic library technical sen/ices, especially serials record maintenance, preferred. Appointment with faculty status, rank, and benefits. Salary competitive. Letter of appli­cation, resume, and the Late Job ListingsSERIALS LIBRARIAN. Requirements: Master’s degree in library science (ALA- accredited). Professional library experience in a research setting. Two years recent experience in serials cataloging including original and copy cataloging and catalog maintenance. Experience with a bibliographic utility (OCLC preferred). Successful supervisory experience, including training and evaluating personnel. Experience with an automated library environment. Strong communication, interpersonal, and prob­lem-s 550/C&RL News instruction; experience in use of electronic databases and Internet resources. Library faculty must demonstrate a record of scholarly achievement and service for tenure and promotion. Salary: $29,931-$50,205 (Assistant Professor) for 12 months, commensu­rate with experience. Application: Please send letter of application, resume, and names of four references with current telephone/fax numbers to: Sharon Bonk, Rosenthal Library, Queens College, 35-60 Kissena Blvd., Flushing, NY 11367-1597. Review of applicat