ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 103 C om m ittee, th e board approved th e expenditure of $2,000 to su p p o rt travel expenses for ACRL officers to particip ate in m eetings sponsored by ACRL chapters. ACRL Discussion G roups The board w elcom ed as new discussion groups of ACRL the Librarians o f Library Science Col­ lectio n s D isc u ssio n G ro u p a n d th e P e rso n n e l Officers of Research L ibraries Discussion Group. Goals, P rio rities, a n d S tru c tu res The final re p o rt o f the ACRL S ubcom m ittee on Goals, Priorities, and Structures was accepted by the board and refe rred to th e Planning C om m it­ tee for a stu d y o f th e im plications o f th e sub­ com m ittee’s recom m endations. In dism issing the subcom m ittee, th e board unanim ously noted its great ap p reciatio n for th e su b c o m m ittee’s work during th e past four years. Award Proposals The board approved in principle two proposals, one from th e C om m ittee on Academic Status and one from th e Bibliographic In stru c tio n Section C ontinuing Education C om m ittee, to be subm it­ ted for fu n d in g from th e J. M o rris Jo n e s and Bailey K. H o w a rd -W o rld Book E n c y c lo p e d ia - ALA G oal A w ards. T h e b o a rd a u th o riz e d th e executive secretary to d eterm in e th e suitability of subm itting th e final proposals. Research on C h a racteristics of Academic L ib rarian s The board of directors encouraged R obert D. Swisher, on th e faculty of the U niversity o f Iowa, to u n d e rta k e a follow -up stu d y to his 1975 In ­ diana U n iv ersity doctoral d isse rta tio n , “ P rofes­ sional C om m unication Behavior o f Academic Li­ brarians H old in g M e m b ersh ip in th e American L ibrary A ssociation,” in o rd e r to p ro v id e com ­ p a r a tiv e in fo rm a tio n a b o u t p a s t a n d p r e s e n t characteristics of academ ic librarians. Choice T he new e d ito r o f C hoice, Louis A. Sasso, was in tro d u c e d b y P re s id e n t E ld re d R. Sm ith and was e n th u s ia s tic a lly w e lc o m e d by th e A C R L board. T he board unanim ously acknowledged its g ra te fu l a p p r e c ia tio n to th e m e m b e rs o f th e Choice staff for exem plary p erform ance d u rin g the period th e office was w ithout an e d ito r and accorded special com m endation to th e associate editor, Louise F. Lockwood. ACRL B udget T he board approved th e recom m endations of th e C o m m itte e on B u d g e t a n d F in a n c e th a t ACRL spend up to $10,000 o f its c u rre n t funds o v e r th e nex t tw o y e a rs to p ro v id e for w ord- processing e q u ip m e n t for th e ACRL office and th at ACR L sp e n d u p to $2,000 o f its c u rre n t funds for a p h o to co p y m ach in e for th e ACRL office. ACRL Staff President E ld red R. Sm ith announced th e res­ ignation, effective February 28, 1978, of Lynn C. D e n n iso n , ACR L p ro g ra m officer. T h e b o ard unanim ously expressed its g ratitude and apprecia­ tion for h e r service to ACRL du rin g th e past five years. ■■ A C RL 1978 National Conference New Horizons for Academic Libraries A re c e p tio n at th e B oston M useum o f F in e A rts, on F rid a y e v e n in g , N o v e m b e r 10, is planned as th e social ev en t on th e last evening of the ACRL 1978 C onference in Boston, N ovem ber 8 -1 1 , 1978. A re c e p tio n , sp o n s o re d by G. K. Hall, Inc., will com e almost at th e end o f a very full and fruitful m eeting, w hich is shaping up to be a major event of th e 1970s. U nencum bered by com m ittee m eetings, th e conference will include both invited and c o n trib u te d papers on all m ajor issues facing academ ic and research librarians in th e com ing decades. T h e re will also b e am ple tim e for discussion, seeing th e exhibits, and visit­ ing th e area libraries. C onference and hotel registration inform ation will be mailed in early sum m er, b u t please re ­ serve these d ates now! F or fu rth er information, please contact Julie A. Carroll Virgo, execu tiv e se c re ta ry of ACRL, at ALA h ead q u arters o r G eorge Parks, conference chair, at th e U niversity of R hode Island. ■■ M useum o f Fine A rts, Boston. ent BRARY RY ONS, mentary m VE OGUES -1972 blications s s ED F Announcing the most 20th Century British Goverm THE CONTROLLER’S LI HER STATIONE PUBLICATI The complete holdings of Parlia publications are offered on microfil CUMULATI HMSO AN NU AL CATAL 1922 By special arrangem ent with H er M ajesty’s S ta­ tio n e r y O ffic e , th e H is to r ic a l D o c u m e n ts I n s t i t u t e has been authorized to m icropublish the entire con­ tents o f the H M S O C o n tro ller’s L ibrary collection o f official British G overnm ent docum ents published during the years 1922-1972. Film ing will be com pleted in Ju n e, 1978. M eanwhile, the C a rro llto n Press office in Inver­ ness has com pleted its Cumulative Index to HM SO Catalogues o f Publications, 1922-1972 which offers the first single-alphabet source o f subject, a u th o r, an d title access to this sam e 51 years o f P arliam en tary a n d N on- P arliam entary publications. T he hundreds o f thousands of British G overnm ent p u sets of P arliam en tary or N o n-P arliam entary publication contents of these sets, plus ou r pre-publication prices below. A free set o f the C um ulative Index volumes i IT IS IM PORTANT TO NOTE THAT O R D ER S PLAC T O DAY’S PRICES A N D D ISC O U N T S -R E G A R D L E S S ABOUT BY FUTURE INFLATION, OR DEV ALUAT I O I N B O U N D V O L U M E S H e re a t last is a single source o f subject, a u ­ thor, and title access to 51 years o f P arliam en­ ta ry a nd N o n-P arliam entary British G overn­ m ent publications, the unique new C U M U L A ­ T IV E I N D E X T O H M S O C A T A L O G U E S O F P U B L IC A T IO N S , 1 9 2 2 -1 9 7 2 . T his new 2 volum e single-alphabet index set elim inates these 24 separate search steps which w ere form erly necessary to trace any subject th rough existing indexes to B ritish G overnm ent docum ents published during this period: 14 A n nual Catalogues 1922-1935 7 Q uinquennial “C onsolidated Indexes” 1936-1970 3 A nnual Catalogues, 1971-1972 M ore th an 200,000 subject a n d a u th o r entries were accum ulated from these a n n u al and quin­ quennial indexes and m erged into this one single alphabet set. Subject entries are arranged hierarchially and each a uthor, subject o r title en try refers to the y ear and page w here its full description appears in the A n nual C atalogue. T he year always ap­ pears as a tw o digit num ber in parentheses, follow ed by a page n um ber [e.g. “(70) 1657”]. These year and page num bers can be used e ither to locate the full description o f the p u b ­ lication in the A nnual C atalogues themselves, or as the initial access num ber to the retrieval system o f the m icrofilm collection. Index entries referring to such docum ents as C om m and Papers, H ouse o f L o rd s and H ouse o f C om m ons Bills and R eports, all include serial num bers as well as C atalogue page numbers. T he C um ulative In d ex to H M S O C atalogues o f P ub lication s 1 9 2 2 -1 9 7 2 , in tw o hard-cover volumes. Immediate D e liv e ry -------------- 5195,00 R E P R O D U C T IO N S O F H M S O A N N U A L C A T A L O G U E S , 1 9 22-1972 The C um ulative In d ex to H M S O C atalogues o f P ub lication s, 19 2 2 -1 9 7 2 m a y be purchased either by itself, as a p art o f the C on tro lle r’s L ib ra ry m icrofilm system, o r as a combined reference edition including reproductions o f the 51 A n n u al C atalogues themselves. These edi­ tions have been announced as available either on 35 m m o r 16 m m microfilm , in reduced “co m p act” editions, o r in full-size facsim ile re p rin t volumes. A vailable from us fo r im m ediate d elivery are the full texts o f 51 H M SO A nnual Catalogues on 6 reels o f 35 m m o r 16 m m silver halide microfilm. Immediate D e liv e ry ------------ $140.00 comprehensive collection of Publications ever reproduced COLLECTION OF MJAESTY’S OFFICE 1 9 2 2 - 1 9 7 2 and Non-Parliamentary for direct reference use with the new IN D EX TO OF PUBLICATIONS As the Cumulative Index entries refer to the year and page num bers of the H M SO Annual Catalogue issues in which the publications are described; and whereas all the publications in the C ontroller’s Li­ brary collection appear on the m icrofilm in the same o rd er they ap p e a r in the Annual Catalogues, the Cumulative Index can be used for direct access to the m icrofilm collection. J u s t how this self-contained reference system actu ­ ally works is described in detail in a free brochure which will be sent to you on request. in th is c o l l e c t i o n a r e b e in g o f f e r e d in i t ia ll y in e i t h e r a n n u a l l y o r in m u l t i - a n n u a l g ro u p in g s . T h e an d e s t i m a t e d d e liv e r y d a t e s a r e p r e s e n t e d in t h e ta b l e in c lu d e d w i th e a c h o f th e s u b -s e ts lis te d . NOW WILL BE RECORDED A N D DELIVERED AT OF WHAT PRICE INCREASES MAY BE BROUGHT THE DOLLAR. O N M IC R O FIL M T he 12 m illion page collection o f the C o n ­ tro lle r’s L ib rary will be contained on m ore th a n 4000 reels of 35 mm microfilm , and can be purchased either as a com plete set o r in a variety o f sub-sets. F o r instance, microfilm sets o f P arliam entary or N on-P arliam entary publications m ay be purchased separately, either fo r com plete runs o r fo r individual years. A R R A N G E M E N T A N D A CCE SS T he microfilm collection is arranged in the sam e sequence as the HM SO A nnual C a ta ­ logues, and all references to it from the C um u­ lative Index are by C atalogue year and C a ta ­ logue page n um ber [e.g., “(70) 1655”]. In order that the reader can go directly from the index entry to the microfilm (without r e ­ ferring to the Catalogues), an image of each C atalogue page has been reproduced on the microfilm and each publication listed on it has been assigned an “Item N u m b e r” relative to its position fro m the top [e.g. “(70) 1657-5”]. T o assist the reader in finding the C atalogue page and the title page o f the referenced docum ent on microfilm, we have incorporated two search features into the retrieval system; nam ely a “C atalogue-Page-Scale” and “Item N um ber Inserts”, each of which appears be­ tween every o th er microfilm fram e. T herefore, once a reference has been selected from the Cum ulative Index, the reader can: 1. go directly to the m icrofilm carton which is clearly m arked w ith the year and C a ta ­ logue page num bers, 2. locate the C atalogue page on film by m atching the Catalogue-Page-Scale p a t­ tern on the moving film to the Catalogue- Page-Scale pattern on the microfilm c a r­ ton, 3. identify the Item N um ber from the C a ta ­ logue page on microfilm, and 4. search the “Item N um ber Inserts” se­ quentially until one o f the proper inserts (showing the referenced Item N um ber) is located, a t w hich time the reader can use the docum ent’s own page num bers to re ­ w ind to its title page. A lternatively, the reader can go to the years and pages of the HM SO Catalogues themselves to select references from their detailed descrip­ tions (and incidentally, identify the Item N u m ­ bers) before referring to the microfilm.