ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 120 Bowker, 1977. 187p. $15. (LC 77-21286) (ISBN 0-8352-1033-2) C u r re n t research on scientific a n d technical in­ fo rm a tio n tra n sfe r : ab stra cts a n d f u l l text o f p apers d elivered at three 1976 sem inars sp o n ­ so red b y N ational Science Foundation, D ivision o f Science Inform ation. — N ew York : Jeffrey N o rto n P u b . (1976?). 2 4 p ., 7 m ic ro fic h e in pocket. $12.95. (LC 77-9216) (ISBN 0-88432- 007-3) Design f o r d iversity : library services f o r higher education a n d research in A ustralia / e d ite d by H a r r i s o n B r y a n a n d G o r d o n G r e e n ­ w o o d . — St. L u c ia (A u s.) : U n iv e rs ity o f Q ueensland Press, 1977. 790p. $39.95. (ISBN 0-7022-1314-4) G uide to basic inform ation sources in the visual arts / by GER D M UEHSAM . — Santa Barbara, Calif. : J. N orton Pub./A B C Clio, 1977. 266p. $14.95 (LC 77-17430) (ISBN 0-87436-278-4) L ib ra ria n s a n d o n lin e se rv ic e s / by PA U L IN E At h e r t o n an d R o g e r W . C h r i s t i a n . — W hite Plains, N.Y. : Know ledge In dustry P u b ­ lications, 1977. 124p. $24.50. (LC 77-25275) (ISBN 0-914236-13-X) Librarians o f C ongress, 1802-1974. — W ashing­ ton, D .C . : L ibrary o f Congress, 1977. 273p. $7.75 (LC 77-608073) (ISBN 0-8444-0238-9) (A collection o f articles th a t first a p p eared in th e q u a rte rly jo u rn a l o f th e L ib rary o f C o n ­ gress.) L i b r a r y & m e d ia : m a r r ia g e o r d iv o r c e / D w i g h t F . B u r l i n g a m e , e d i t o r . — E v a n sv ille , In d . : U n iv e r s ity o f E v a n sv ille Press, 1977. 78p. $4.95. (LC 77-91273) (ISBN 0-930982-00-2) “C ritical issues in h ig h er e d u c a tio n .” T h e o r g a n iz a tio n a n d r e t r i e v a l o f e c o n o m ic know ledge : proceedings o f a conference held b y the In tern a tio n a l E conom ic Association at K iel‚ W e s t G e r m a n y / e d i t e d b y M a r k P e r l m a n . — B o u ld e r , C o lo . : W e s tv ie w P re s s , 1977. 5 2 0 p . $ 3 8 .5 0 . (L C 7 6 -3 0 5 1 3 ) (ISBN 0-89158-721-7) Scientific a n d tech n ic a l tra n sla tio n / ISADORE PlN C H U C K . — B o u ld e r , C o lo . : W e s tv ie w Press, 1977. 269p. $16.50. (LC 77-4933) (ISBN 0-89158-737-3) “(The language library)” Spezialbestände in deutschen B ibliotheken . B u n ­ desrepublik D eu tsch la n d einschl. Berlin (W est) = S p e c ia l c o lle c tio n s in G e r m a n lib r a r ie s : F e d e ra l R e p u b lic o f G e r m a n y in c l. B e r lin ( W e s t) / im A u f tra g d e r D e u t s c h e n F o rs c h u n g s g e m e in s c h a f t, b e a r b . von W A L ­ TH ER G e b h a r d t . — B erlin ; N ew York : D e G ru y te r, 1977. 739p. $67.30. (LC 77-22288) (ISBN 3-11-005839-1) The subject approach to inform ation / by A. C. FO SK ETT. — 3d ed. — London : C. Bingley ; H am d en , C onn. : L in n e t Books, 1977. 476p. $12. (ISBN 0-208-01546-9) ■■ Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers o ffe rin g facu lty "rank” and "s ta tu s " are advised tha t these terms are am biguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Posi­ tions Open classifications will be edited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age. and sex as con­ ditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, American Library As­ sociation, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago. IL 60611 and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 9 4 4 -6 78 0 . A confirm ­ ing order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as possible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line to ACRL members; $ 2.25 per printed line to non-ACRL members. FOR SALE SEARCH SERVICE. Ex-librarians locate title s or su bje ct, plus 150 .0 0 0 indexed stock. PAB 291 7 A tla n tic. A tla n tic City, NJ 08401. Phone: 609/344-1943. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Acquires materials, assists with the evaluation and processing of gifts, assists with collection building and evaluation of collection, assists in the transition from Dewey to LC. Some reference assignments. Knowledge of OCLC and MARC format highly desirable. MLS from ALA-accredited library school required and definite plans for a second master's highly desirable. Some previous a cqu is itio n e xperience essential. Knowledge of French. German. Spanish, and Latin essential. Faculty status, TIAA. Salary: open, dependent on experience. Position available July 1, 1978. (All formal applications due May 1, 1978). Send let­ ter of inquiry plus resume to James A. Martindale. Director of Lib­ raries, DePauw University. Greencastle, IN 46135. An affirm ative action/equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. Senior adm inistrative officer o f the re­ sources and reference services division (public services): reports to the director. Manages collection development, public services ac­ tivities, 24 library faculty members, 17 school and departmental li­ braries. Acts as liaison with other divisions of libraries and a u ­ diovisual center as well as teaching and research faculty and stu­ dents. Provides leadership in library faculty development. Expected to meet criteria for faculty promotion and tenure requirements. De­ sired qualifications: advanced degree in library or information sci­ ence, additional degree or graduate work. Record of increasing job responsibilities, with public service experience in an academic or research library. Ability to coordinate and direct the activities of a large division. Experience in library management. Evidence of p ro­ fessional activity such as research and participation in professional organizations. Available July 1, 1978. Position carries faculty rank and responsibilities, rank and salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. M inimum salary $20.000. Send resume, let­ ters of reference, and list of publications and research activities to: John Thomas. Personnel Officer, Purdue University Libraries/AVC, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Deadline for applications: May 15. 1978. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF COLLEGE LIBRARY. Private college fo r w om en, two- and four-year program s. 6 0 0 stud e nts, over 50.000 print and nonprint materials. MLS required, plus experi­ ence. Responsibilities: reference, cataloging, student assistants, periodicals, orientation and library instruction, AV materials. Salary range $10 ,00 0 to $12 ,00 0 depending on qualifications. Begin June 1978. Deadline for applications, May 1. 1978. Apply to: Mrs. Kay Gillis, Personnel Director, Centenary College, 4 00 Jefferson St., Hackettstown, NJ 07840. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIO NS LIB R A R IA N . Per forms a wide variety of public sen/ices and technical processing in connection with sizable collections of documents, law materials, and maps. Graduate library degree and some familiarity with gov­ ernment publications required. Rank: assistant librarian; initial salary. 121 $ 1 2 ,9 2 4 -$ 15,000. Contact Ms. Rikki Robison, Library Person­ nel Office, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT REFERENCE LIB RA RIA N. Two library faculty tenure­ tract positions. Under direction of the reference librarian or desig­ nee, assists in providing reference service to faculty, students, and the general campus com m unity. Responsible for: (1) guiding in d i­ vidual students and faculty members in defining reference needs or research topics and in selecting and using relevant domestic and foreign materials; (2) explaining use of bibliographic sources and tools and participating in the library's orientation/instruction programs; (3) developing finding aids and procedures facilitating easy handling of the library's collections; (4 ) other projects as as­ signed. M inim um qualifications: (1) master's degree in library sci­ ence from an ALA-accredited library school; (2 ) knowledge of re­ fe re n c e s e rv ic e at th e u n iv e rs ity level to be e v id e n c e d at a m inim um by graduate level course work in the areas o f reference and academ ic libraries (course work in library organization or ad­ m in is tra tio n may su b s titu te for special co urse in a c ad em ic li­ braries); (3) awareness of the classification of library materials and the range of reference resources to be demonstrated at a m inimum by gra du ate level course w o rk in ca ta log ing and classificatio n theory and bibliography o f the literature of broad disciplinary areas; (4) ability to promote vigorously information services and instruc­ tional programs and to assist users in varying levels of educational background; (5) evidence of ability to meet university standards in research, publication, and professional service commensurate with tenure. Additional desirable qualifications: (1) previous work experi­ ence in reference/inform ation services will be given strong weight­ ing; (2) a second graduate degree in a subject field will also be given stro ng weighting. S ala ry/ra nk/co ntra ct: m in im u m salary, $12,220; rank of assistant professor; twenty-three days' annual va­ cation plus eleven paid holidays, fifteen days' annual sick leave, hospitalization insurance, participation in the state university re­ tirement system. Note: budgetary considerations may also allow for a d d itio na l vis itin g a p p o in tm e n ts fo r a tem po ra ry period o f 12 months. Apply, with supporting resume and at least three refer­ ences. to: Dr. Billy R. Wilkinson, Associate University Librarian, University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, P.O. Box 8 198, Chicago. IL 60680. Deadline for application is May 5, 1978. The University of Illinois is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. University of California. Riverside Library, seeks a librarian for a challenging position as B IOMEDICAL SCIENCES SPECIALIST and COORDINATOR OF COMPUTER LITERATURE SEARCHING for the Science Libraries. Must have MLS. 2 years of reference experi­ ence. and training in on-line searching. Experience in a science li­ brary desirable. Assistant or associate librarian level. Salary range for appointment. $ 1 4 ,2 6 8 -1 6 ,5 8 4 . Send resume and list of 3 -5 re­ ferences to Ms. Rikki Robison. Library Personnel Office, University of California. Riverside. CA 92521. An equal opportunity affirmative action employer. CATALOG/EVENING REFERENCE LIB RARIAN. Instructor, Sept. 1 Supervision of catalog section, also evening weekend reference ser­ vice. information retrieval. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS: ex­ perience in LC cataloging. OCLC on-line, reference in college li­ brary. $ 1 2 ,7 0 0 m in im u m . Equal o p p o rtu n ity a ffirm ativ e action em ployer Resume, references to: Professor Gladys W. Jarrett. Chief Librarian. York College. SUNY Jamaica. NY 11451. CATALOGER. Penrose Memorial Library. Whitman College. Re­ sponsible for all cataloging, supervise one clerk-typist plus student assistants. Master's degree with a major in library science from a graduate school accredited by the American Library Association. Competency in at least one modern foreign language. To assist with programmed library instruction. Experience desired but not necessary. M inim um salary $9,500. one-m onth vacation. TIAA- CREF. college health plan. Familiarity with com puter technology desired. The library is a principal member of the Washington Li­ brary Network, and an on-line terminal is used in cataloging. Posi­ tion open July 1. 1978, but will consider a later date. An interview is required. Whitman College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age. religion, sex. national origin, or physical handicap in its educational program, activities, o r employment policies, in accordance with federal, state, and local laws. Send credentials and a letter of application to Arley D. Jonish. Librarian; Penrose Memorial Library. Whitman College. Walla Walla. WA 99362. CATALOGER. Responsible for all operations o f the Cataloging De­ partm ent including keeping statistics (OCLC experience required). Supervises inventory procedures, two clerks, and several student assistants. Qualifications: B.S. (science or engineering preferred), ALA-accredited MLS. Salary $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 + . Starting date: July 1. 1978. Send inquiries to: Mrs. Ottilie H. Rollins. Head Librarian. Clarkson College of Technology. Potsdam. NY 13676. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. Princeton University Library seeks applications and nominations for the position of CATALOGER. HUM AN ITIE S CATALOGING TEAM, LIBRARIAN I. Responsible for original cataloging and classifying of monographic publications in a variety of languages and formats; re­ vises m em ber-input OCLC copy to conform with Princeton catalog­ ing; prepares cataloging for input into the OCLC data base. MLS degree fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d lib ra ry sc h o o l re q u ire d . W orking knowledge of Romance languages, preferably Spanish and Por­ tuguese. Subject background in the fine arts/literature fields. Know­ ledge of Anglo-Am erican Cataloging Rules and Library o f Congress Classification. Salary in a range having a base of $11 .00 0 but w ith­ out a ceiling. Applications, including resume, three letters of re­ commendation, and library school transcripts, should be sent by May 1, 1978. to: Cataloguer Search Committee, c /o Maria G. Lar­ son. Personnel Librarian. Princeton University Library. Princeton. NJ 08540. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. COORDINATOR, ACADEMIC BRANCH LIBRARY. Assist with de­ velopment of reference, collections planning, and related tasks in university branch library currently operated on cooperative basis with a regional public library. TIAA, state teacher retirement. Blue Cross-Blue Shield, and other employee benefits. Vacation schedule norm ally arranged d u rin g breaks between q uarters. MLS from ALA-accredited school. Three years’ academ ic library experience preferred. Good interpersonal relationships essential. $10 ,50 0 to $ 1 2 ,5 0 0 d e p e n d in g on q u a lific a tio n s and e x pe rie nc e . Twelve months' appointm ent. Available March 1, 1978. Write to: Mr. Ken Croslin, Director. Troy State University Libraries. Troy State Univer­ sity. Troy. AL 3 6 0 8 1 . An e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e a ction employer. COMMISSIONER, THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Responsible for overall adm inistration of an urban public library and library sys­ tem, which is a departm ent of the City of Chicago, serving a popu­ lation of 3.3 million with a departmentalized Central Library, newly renovated Cultural Center. 78 branches, and outreach and exten­ sion services. Public library background, successful administrative experience, the ability to direct a large staff are essentials. Success­ ful candidate must be able to relate to other city agencies and work effectively with board o f directors. Position requires master's degree in library science from ALA-accredited program, ten years' of ex­ perience in library field, successful experience at policy-m aking level, thorough knowledge of adm inistrative procedures, and strong leadership qualities. Salary $45.800. Liberal fringe benefits. Resi­ dency within corporate limits of the city of Chicago is required at time o f employment. An equal opportunity employer. By May 1. 1978, send letter and resume to: Mr. Arthur J. Murphy. Deputy Commissioner. The Chicago Public Library. 4 25 N. Michigan Ave., C h icag o, IL 6 0 6 1 1 . An a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n /e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity employer. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES. University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. Coordinates the activities of the public service units o f the university library, including reference, circulation, the undergraduate library, and 32 departmental libraries. Participates in library-wide planning and decision making in relation to policy, budget, collection development, staff, and coordination of public and technical services. Master's degree in library science or its equivalent required. Candidates will be expected to have expert knowledge and several years of experience in a major research or academic library public services unit, familiarity with technical ser­ vice operations, a record of research and publication sufficient to warrant appointm ent at the tenured associate professor level, a c o m m itm e nt to application of new technology to p ublic service functions, an understanding of an academic com m unity, and ad­ ministrative and managerial experience. Salary $ 25 .00 0 upward and faculty rank depending on qualifications and academic creden­ tials. Twelve-month appointment with one month of vacation and other fringe benefits. Must meet general university re quirements for promotion and tenure (research, publication, university'com m uni- ty professional service) in addition to specific library assignments. Send complete resume with names and addresses of five refer­ ences to Lucille M. Wert (Chairperson). Personnel Office. 3 05 Li­ brary. University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana. IL 61801. Inquiries concerning the position may be directed to the chairperson, phone (217) 3 3 3 -7 4 0 7 . For m axim um consideration, applications should be received by May 1, 1978. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS. Administers and supervises staff of 8. Responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinat­ ing, reporting, and budgeting. Responsible for bibliographic search­ ing including use of OCLC terminal. Responsible for expense con­ trol. Responsible for serial acquisitions, monographs, and nonprint. Responsible for gift acceptance and exchange. Responsible for col­ lection developm ent analyses, planning, and policy formulation. Responsible for domestic, foreign, and antiquarian book trade pub­ lications. Other duties as assigned by the assistant university li­ brarian for technical services. MLS. m inim um of 3 years' experi­ ence. 1 year supervisory, knowledge of AACR, LC. and on-line sys­ tems. $ 1 3 ,0 0 0 + . 12-month contract. Available immediately. Send resume, three references, and credentials by May 10. 1978. to Norman R. Pearson, Asst. University Librarian for Technical Ser­ vices. Wright State University Library. Dayton. OH 45435. Equal opportunity affirmative action employer. 122 HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES. Responsible for all aspects of pub­ lic service, in c lu d in g reference, library instruction , circu lation , interlibrary loan, government documents, AV materials. Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library school, at least 7 years’ ex­ perience in increasingly responsible positions in an academic li­ brary, interest in and experience with library instruction programs, ability to work with an innovative curriculum , and graduate study in history or a social science discipline are required. Knowledge of li­ brary automation and information retrieval systems highly desirable. Rank: associate librarian. Salary range: $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 + . depending on experience and qualifications. Position available August 1, 1978. Faculty status, TIAA-CREF or state employees retirement plan, and other benefits. Send resume with names o f 3 references by July 1, 1978, to: RoseMarie Wickham, Chairperson, Search Committee, SUNY College at P urcha se, P urc ha s e, NY 1 05 77 . An e qu al opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, SERIALS DIVISION. University of Michigan Library. Re­ sponsible for policy development and operational management of a division of 10 professional staff, 6 paraprofessionals, and 18 FTE support staff, organized in three major units: Acquisitions Section, Cataloging Section, and Bindery Preparations Section. Reports to a ssociate d ire c to r (te c h n ic a l services). Q u a lifica tio n s in clu de graduate degree in library science; working knowledge of two prin­ cipal western European languages; five years o f professional ex­ perience in a large university library, including a m inimum of two years’ experience in the acquisitions or cataloging of serials in a large university library and at least two years of successful super­ visory or management experience; understanding of national trends in the bibliographic control of serials; ability to speak and write ef­ fectively; capability of managing and providing leadership in a period of rapid change in systems for the acquisitions and biblio­ graphic control o f serials. Salary range $17,40 0-$2 2 ,0 0 0. Write: Mrs. Lynn Marko. Assistant for Personnel and Staff Development. 8 18 Hatcher Library, Ann Arbor, Ml 4 81 09 . The University of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory. affirm ative action employer. HUMANIT IES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Auburn University Lib­ raries. MLS, strong background in the humanities, and facility in at least one modern foreign language. Strong service orientation. Ap­ plication folders m ust be completed by May 15, 1978. Salary: $ 14 ,00 0, 12-m onths. Faculty status (b u t not professorial title), e lig ib le to be c o nsid ered fo r ten u re . State re tire m e n t plan is mandatory; TIAA, optional. Twenty working days’ annual vacation, sick leave benefits. To assume duties July 1. 1978. Apply to Dr. Ruth G. Fourier, Chairman, Humanities Reference Librarian Search Committee, Ralph Brown Draughon Library, A uburn University. A uburn AL 3 68 30 . A uburn U niversity is an equal o pp ortun ity employer. LIBRARIAN, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Milne Library. State University College, Oneonta. New York. Accredited graduate degree in librarianship required. Working knowledge of AACR, LC, and Dewey class, MARC tagging, and OCLC highly desirable. Foreign languages useful. Appointment available September 1. 1978. Assis­ tant librarian rank ($10,000 minimum; 12 months). Usual benefits. Professional staff member of the department with primary respon­ sibility for cataloging and classification of monographs and serials. Evening and weekend assigmments on a rotating basis at a public service desk. Applications accepted until May 15, 1978. Address inquiries and vita to Martha Chambers, Chairperson, Personnel Committee. Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820. State University o f New York is an equal opportun ity/ affirmative action employer. LIBRARIAN/MANUSCRIPTS CURATOR in Clarke Historical Library to catalog and maintain collections of rare books, pamphlets, mss., and historical materials, and to supervise reading room. M.A. in history or literature and MLS or equivalent required, knowledge and ability to identify materials and earnest desire to engage in research for publication expected. Salary $15,155 adjustable in accordance with experience. Full faculty privileges, rank according to academic credentials. Position open July 1. Apply to Edward Walsh, Chair­ person, Selection Committee, Park Library, Central Michigan Uni­ versity, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. Central Michigan University is an equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. L IB R A R IA N , SCIENCE REFERENCE. Reference/collection de velopment responsibilities for science and health science; active participation in library instruction program. ALA-accredited MLS. strong science background, experience in academic library refer­ ence, second master’s or Ph.D. in science area, and teaching ex­ perience highly desirable. Faculty appointment with responsibilities fo r research and publication; 10-m onth contract with standard benefits, TIAA-CREF. $ 1 0 -1 2 ,0 0 0 . Position available August 1, 1978. Deadline for applications, April 30, 1978. Send vitae with three references to B. Donald Grose, Library, Indiana University- Purdue University at Fort Wayne. 2101 Coliseum Blvd. E., Fort Wayne, IN 4 6 8 0 5 . An e qu a l o p p o r tu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Supervises library operations and directs School Library Certification program. ALA-accredited MLS required, subject master's desirable. At least 3 years' of appropriate super­ visory experience required and a com m itm ent to concept of library as multim edia resource center. CVC is a 4-year college of the Uni­ versity of Virginia, with 9 00 students, a 90,000-volume library, in a rural location. Expect SOLINET membership soon. Twelve-month position, faculty status, salary competitive. Deadline May 1, 1978. Send vita with references to E. F. Low, Jr., Dean, Clinch Valley Col­ lege of the University of Virginia, Wise. VA 24293. An affirm ative action/equal opportunity employer. RE FERENCE/BIBLIO G RAPH IC INS TRUCTIO N. Reports to the head of the Reference Department, is responsible for the coordina­ tion of the freshman library instruction program, and works with li­ brary and classroom faculty to develop advanced library instruction programs. In addition, serves as a subject specialist reference li­ brarian, In this capacity, gives direct user assistance at a cen­ tralized reference desk, takes part in collection development, and serves as a liaison with appropriate academic faculties. Must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and an additional graduate degree. Outstanding candidates who do not have a mas­ ter’s degree in a subject area but are willing to obtain one will be considered. However, the second degree is a requirement for te­ nure. Ability to work effectively with students and library and class­ room faculty, along with a high degree of initiative, imagination, self-direction, and flexibility is required. Experience in library in­ struction highly desirable. Appointment range: $ 1 1 ,0 0 0 -$ 16.000. depending on qualifications, for 12 months. TIAA/CREF and Blue Cross-Blue Shield. Apply with resume by May 30. 1978 to James C. Eller, Associate Director for Library Services, University Library. Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67208. An affirm ative action/ equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIB RA RIA N. General reference in hum anities and social sciences; bibliographic instruction; collection development. ALA-accredited MLS required. Prefer experience in academic ref­ erence, MA in social sciences, foreign languages, computer search skills, ability to teach, supervise, function as team member. Salary: $ 9 ,8 0 0 -$ 12.000. TIAA/CREF. group life and medical. 22 days’ va­ cation. Available June 1, 1978. Apply by April 24 to Linda Sellers. Librarian for Public Services, Fondren Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275. Equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Georgia State University. General refer­ ence and interpretive assistance to faculty, students, and staff. Bib­ liographic instruction to students at all levels is an important part of duties. Qualifications: ALA-accredited graduate degree; liberal arts background: fluent use of English; knowledge in depth of Spanish, French, or German.- subject specialty in business administration, economics, natural sciences, or European languages; proficiency in use o f governm ent d ocum ents, card catalog, and bibliographic tools is essential. Faculty rank (12-m onth appointm ent). Salary $ 1 0 .8 0 0 -$ 11.500. Apply by May 1, 1978, to Carolyn Robison, As­ sociate University Librarian, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur S treet, S .E., A tla n ta , GA 3 0 3 0 3 . An e qu a l e d u c a tio n a l and employment opportunity institution. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Supervision of cataloging, acquisitions, and periodicals activities in a liberal arts college library of 106.000 volumes. Faculty status, 12-month contract. Salary $ 1 1 .5 0 0 -$ 13,000. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited lib­ rary school and familiarity with OCLC. Send resume to: James R. Christopher. Dunn Library. Simpson College. Indianola. IA 50125. A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e is May 1, 1 978. S im pson is an e qu al opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. YOUNG PEOPLE'S COLLECTION LIB RARIAN. Librarian in charge o f special collection o f over 14.000 volumes of materials for young people. The collection is used mainly by students in elementary education and educational media classes. The staff consists of one full-time support staff person and student assistants. The librarian selects, processes, and catalogs all materials. Person must have master’s degree in library science and a degree or experience in elementary or secondary education. Salary based on qualifications and experience. Library faculty have full-faculty status including fa­ culty ranks. Deadline for accepting applications will be April 15, 1978. Appalachian State University, located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of northwestern North Carolina, has a student en­ rollment of 8 ,0 0 0 and with more than 500 on the faculty. Send re­ sume to Richard T. Barker, University Librarian, Appalachian State University. Boone, NC 28608, An affirmative action/equal opportun­ ity employer. We’ve made the paperwork on over 18,000 standing orders easy to forget. By jo in in g to g e th e r a staff o f p ro fe s s io n a l lib ra ria n s w ith a a n d P ro c e s s in g S e rv ic e s a n d B A T A B … B a k e r & T a y lo r's s o p h is tic a te d c o m p u te r sy stem , w e'v e r e d u c e d th e p a p e r c o m p u te riz e d a c q u is itio n se rv ic e . w o rk o n o v e r 18,000 seria ls, m o n o g ra p h ic s e rie s a n d sets F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n o n o u r B a k e r & T a y lo r C o n tin u a ­ in p ro g re s s to ju s t o n e s ta n d in g o rd e r. We ca ll it th e B ak e r tion S erv ic e o r an y o f o u r o th e r serv ic es, ju s t fill in th e & T a y lo r (C ontinuation S ervice. c o u p o n a n d sen d it to th e d is trib u tio n c e n te r n e a re s t you. All y o u d o is p ro v id e us w ith a list of th o s e title s y o u w ant p la c e d o n s ta n d in g o r d e r a n d w e d o th e re s t. B ooks a re s e n t to y o u im m e d ia te ly a f te r p u b lic a tio n . You c a n ev e n o r d e r b o o k s on a n a lte r n a te y e a r b asis a n d you c a n r e q u e s t b a c k issues o f p u b lish e d b o o k s. B a k e r & T a y lo r o ffe rs th e m o st g e n e ro u s d is c o u n ts in th e in d u s try a n d yo u 'll n e v e r s e e a c h a rg e fo r s e rv ic e o r h an d lin g o n an y B a k e r & T a y lo r in v o ice. O u r C o n tin u a tio n S e rv ic e is o p e n - e n d e d . It in c lu d e s o v e r 18.000 title s fo r y o u to s e le c t from . W e c a n also p ro v id e a b asic s ta r t e r list fo r s c h o o l, p u b lic , a n d c o m m u n ity c o lleg e lib ra rie s . In a d d itio n , w e o ffe r a v a rie ty o f s e ria ls m a n a g e ­ m e n t to o ls, plus p ro fe s s io n a l c u s to m e r se rv ic e a n d a toll fre e num b e r. B a k e r & T a y lo r also o ffe rs .ex tra s e rv ic e s to o . like A p ­ p ro v a l P ro g ra m s . C u rr e n t A w a ren ess S erv ic es. C a talo g in g W estern D iv isio n S ou th w est D iv isio n M id w e st D iv isio n S o u th e a st D iv isio n E astern D iv isio n 3 80 E d is o n W ay. R e n o . N V 8 9 5 6 4 12860 H illc r e s t R o a d . D a lla s . T X 7 5 2 3 0 G la d io la A v e .. M o m e n c e . IL 6 0 9 5 4 C o m m e r c e . G A 3 0 5 2 9 50 K irb y A v e .. S o m e r v ille . NJ 08876 (702) 7 8 6 -6 7 0 0 ( 2 14 )3 8 6 -2 9 9 1 ( 8 1 5 )4 7 2 - 2 4 4 4 ( 4 0 4 ) 3 3 5 -5 0 0 0 ( 2 0 1 )7 2 2 -8 0 0 0