ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries November 1994/ 673 R a c ia l & E thnic D iv e r s ity In fo rm a tio n ex c h a n g e Conference on library services to Latinos “Alma, Vida, y Corazon: Em­ pow ering the Latino Com­ munity through O ur Librar­ ies” will b e held Saturday, February 25, 1995, at the University of California, Ber­ keley. Bibliotecas Para La Gente (BPLG), in celebrating its 20th anniversary as an asso­ ciatio n o f indiv id u als in ­ v o lv ed in im proving an d promoting library services to Latinos in Northern California, will sponsor its first conference. The conference will provide an opportunity to share and learn of informa­ tion and services to the Latino community. This one-day conference, cosponsored by the Department of Chicano Studies at the Uni­ versity of California, Berkeley, will offer indi­ viduals w ho provide library services to Latinos an opportunity to showcase their successes, ex­ amine problems, and propose new solutions. There will be a main plenary session featuring speakers yet to b e annouced. From the pro­ posals submitted, BPLG will assemble a num ­ ber of panels, lectures, and workshops to take place throughout the day. The deadline for pro­ posals is November 30, 1994. For more information, a proposal, or regis­ tration form, contact: Kathy Blackmer Reyes at Chicano Studies Library #2570, 3404 D w indle Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720; e-mail: lcastill@; phone: (510) 642-3859; fax: (510) 642-6459- BPLG is a chapter of REFORMA. N ew electronic journal on Africana studies Announcing a new electronic journal, EJAS-L: Electronic Journal of Africana Studies (ISSN Deborah Abston 1076-9870). EJAS-L is a bi­ ennial, peer-reviewed elec­ tronic journal with an edito­ ria l b o a r d o f A fric a n American scholars. It com ­ municates scholarly thought in African American studies. The first regular, biennial issue will deb u t in March 1995. W hen w arranted by th e v o lu m e a n d flow o f scholarship, special and/or su p p le m e n ta ry issu es on emergent themes will be dis­ tributed. EJAS-L, w hich is now accepting articles, has five sections, one o f w hich is refereed: 1) Re­ search and Applications (articles submitted for this section will be blind reviewed by at least two qualified referees); 2) Essays and Opinions; 3) News, Letters, and Other Discussions; 4) Re­ views of Print and Electronic Resources; and 5) Preprints and Abstracts Distribution. Articles may b e submitted for inclusion in any of the five categories. EJAS-L will be distributed through a listserv fileserver, an ftp site, and a gopher server. Sub­ scribers will be made aware of the available issue by distribution of a quaterly table o f con­ tents to AFAS-L, AFRO AM, and other e-confer­ ences that request the service. For information on form and style of sub­ missions, please contact the editorial board by e-mail: ejased@ kentvm (B itnet) or ejased@ kentvm (Internet). N e w listserv on Chicana issues MUJER-L is a free and open forum for discus­ sion and exchange of information for those w ho share an interest in Chicana an d /o r Latina is­ sues, and to build an international netw ork among those w ho share these interests. To sub­ scribe, sen d a m essage to listproc@lmrinet. To post a message, send e-mail to ■ Submissions f o r this column should be made to Deborah Abston, head o f current periodicals/micro- form s at Arizona State University, Hayden Library, B o x 871006, Tempe, A Z 85287-1006;phone: (602)965-6928/6392; fa x : (602) 965-9169; Bitnet: iddxa@asuacad; Internet: iddxa‹Sasuvm.