ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries PROFILES Nobeen S. Alldbedge has been appointed director of libraries at Montana State University, Bozeman. Since 1976 Alldredge has been assis­ tant director for collection development at Texas A&M University. Prior to that she was on the staff of the New York Public Library and the Uni­ versity of Nevada, Reno, where she held a series of positions culminating as the head of collection development. Alldredge obtained her bachelor’s degree at Mount St. Mary’s College and her MLS at Co­ lumbia University. She also has earned a master’s degree in history from Texas A&M, and was in the first group of Consultant Training Program participants sponsored by ARL’s Office of Man­ agement Studies. She now serves as a member of the ACRL Steering Committee and was a chapter councilor from Nevada in 1972-74. She also serves as chair of the Library Materials Price Index Committee and the Chief Collection Development Officers of Median-Sized Research Libraries discussion group, both units of ALA’s Resources and Tech­ nical Services Division. Alldredge has authored the section on “Prices of U.S. and Foreign Published Materials” in the Bowker Annual for both 1978 and 1979, and has People also published in the field of geostatistics. Francis X. Blown, Jb., has been named direc­ tor of the University of Michigan’s Bentley His­ torical Library, Ann Arbor, effective July 1. Blouin had been associ­ ate archivist at the li­ brary since 1975, and he succeeds Robert M. Warner who left last year to become U.S. National Archivist. Before coming to Michigan, Blouin was a research assistant at the Social Welfare History Archives Center at the University of Minnesota and subsequently a Francis X. Blυuin, Jr.teaching assistant in the department of history there. One of his major scholarly undertakings at Michigan, in collaboration with Warner, was a compilation of sources for the study of immigra­ tion under the auspices of the National Endow­ ment for the Humanities and the Michigan His­ torical Collections. He has also co-edited a Guide to Temperance and Prohibition Papers (Universi­ 251 ty of Michigan, 1977), and The Archival Implica­ tions o f Machine Readable Records (Society of American Archivists, 1980). Vartan Gregorian, former provost of the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania, has been named presi­ dent and chief executive officer of the New York Public L ibrary, effec­ ive June 1. He suc­ ceeds Richard W. Couper who continues with the library as pres­ ident emeritus. A noted historian and educator, Gregorian has been Tarzian professor of history and professor of South Asian history at th e U niversity of Pennsylvania since 1972. From 1978 to Vartan Gregorian 1980 he was th e 23d provost, and was first Bruce Rosenblum dean of the faculty of arts and sciences from 1974 to 1979. In 1969 he received the Danforth Foundation’s E.H. Harbison Distinguished Teaching Award. He has also won the Silver Cultural Medal of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Golden Medal of H onor of Vienna. He was a Gug­ genheim Fellow and a Ford Foundation Foreign Area Training Fellow, and received fellowships as well from th e American Council of Learned Societies, the Social Science Research Council, and the American Council of Education. In 1978 he was chairman of the National Con­ ference of Academic Deans, and in 1971 was program chairman of the American Historical Association. Steve Marquardt has been appointed director of libraries at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, effective June 15. His responsibilities will include leadership of all technical, public ser­ vice, and administrative functions of the William D. M cIntyre Library, and liaison to o th er academic and adminis­ trative units, as well as to libraries and data bases outside the uni­ versity. M arquardt has two m aster’s degrees, both from the University of Steve Marquardt M innesota, one in European history (1970) and the o th e r in lib rary science (1973). His doctorate (1978), also from the University of Min­ nesota, is in the history of modern France. Prior to his appointment, Marquardt was assis­ tant director for resources and technical services at the Ohio University Library, Athens. From 1976 to 1979 he held two positions at the West­ ern Illinois University Library, first as acquisi­ tions librarian, then as head cataloger. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Marie Inez Johnson, College of St. Catherine Library, St. Paul, and Rudy Johnson, University of Minnesota-Duluth, were recognized through motions and vote by acclamation at the meeting of the ARL Division of the Minnesota Library Association. The division acknowledged their long years of service and their contributions in the area of interlibrary cooperation. E.J. Josey, chief of the Bureau .of Specialist Li­ brary Services, New York State Education De­ p artm ent, was selected as the D istinguished Alumnus of the Year by the School of Library and Information Science, State University of New York at Albany, Alumni Association. The award, granted for achievement in librarianship and in­ formation resources management and conspicuous success in advancing the status of the profession, was presented at the annual SLIS Alumni Asso­ ciation Dinner on May 1. Josey was the recipient of ALA’s 1980 Joseph W. Lippincott Award. Mary D ennis Lynch, director of library ser­ vices at Rosemont College, Pennsylvania, has been elected vice president/president-elect of the Catholic Lib Kra. ry Association.Rodney Waldron, library director at Ore­ gon State University, Corvallis, was presented the Oregon Library Association’s Outstanding Service Award at the association’s annual meeting in April. The newly-established award was pre­ sented in recognition of Waldron’s “truly special contribution to Oregon libraries” in guiding the establishment of a statewide multitype library storage center. A PP O IN TM ENTS Miriam H. Allman has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian of the Countway Library, Harvard University. H arriet C. Anthes has been appointed cataloger in the Harvard College Library. D oris Apffel joined the staff of the William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University, Atlanta, as reference librarian. Nancy E. Baratz is the new reference librarian at the Medical Library, Yale University. Alan Boyd has been appointed senior assistant librarian in technical services, Oberlin College, Ohio. Diane Briceland is now assistant reference li­ brarian at the W alter Clinton Jackson Library, 252 University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Bao-Chu Chang has been appointed cataloger in the M onographic Cataloging D epartm ent, D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State Uni­ versity, Raleigh. Huei-Ju (Polly) Chang has been appointed catalog librarian for the East Asian Collection, Yale University Library. Frank Chapman has been appointed reference librarian at the Harvard Law School Library. Rita Costello is now business and administra­ tion librarian at the Drexel University Libraries, Philadelphia. Ellen Z. Danforth has been appointed cata­ log librarian, Streeter Collection, at Yale’s Histor­ ical Medical Library. Delight Dobby has joined the staff of the Con­ cordia University Libraries, Montreal, as refer- ènce/selection librarian (commerce). Arlene Taylor Dowell has been appointed assistant professor at the University of Chicago’s Graduate Library School. Paul Eldridge has assumed new responsibili­ ties as assistant to special collections, Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, New York. Nancy Evans has been appointed assistant pro­ fessor in the School of Library and Information Science, University of Pittsburgh. Sylvia B. Fatzer has been appointed head of reference at the University of Delaware Library, Newark. Kim Fisher has accepted a position as head of the Humanities Division, Oklahoma State Uni­ versity Library, Stillwater. Marilyn Fletcher has been named serials ac­ quisitions librarian at the University of New Mex­ ico Library, Albuquerque. Thomas Fusciano is now archivist at New York University. Allison L. Gould has been appointed social science reference librarian at Oberlin College Li­ brary, Ohio. Joseph Guarracino has been appointed head of the Non-Print Section, Drexel University Li­ braries, Philadelphia. Shirley Hallblade has been appointed direc­ tor of Vanderbilt University’s Management Li­ brary, Nashville. William Harroff has been ap pointed architecture librarian at the Oklahoma State Uni­ versity Library, Stillwater. John R. Henderson has joined the staff of the Ithaca College Library, Ithaca, New York, as ref­ erence librarian. Patricia M. Howell is now public services/ reference librarian at Yale’s Beinecke Library. Catherine A. Hughes has been appointed assistant reference librarian for interlibrary loan at the Milne Library, State University of New York at Geneseo. Mary Huth has been appointed assistant head of the Department of Rare Books, Manuscripts and Archives, U niversity of Rochester, New York. 253 Zoya Jenks has been appointed visiting assis­ tant librarian in the Catalog Department, Ber­ trand Library, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Richard A. J ensen has been appointed sys­ tems analyst/programmer at the Yale University Library Systems Office. Ruth Johnson has been promoted to the head of the Circulation Department, Drexel University Libraries, Philadelphia. Edgar A. Jones is now head of the CONSER office, Harvard University Library. Donna Krock has been appointed catalogue standards librarian at the McMaster University Library, Hamilton, Ontario. Michael Kryzytski has been appointed assis­ tant librarian in the Reference Department of the Bertrand Library, Bucknell University, Lewis­ burg, Pennsylvania. Mary Charles Lasater has been appointed monographs librarian, Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Marge Link has been appointed cataloger in the Monographic Cataloging Department, D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Joanne S. Lopez is the new collection develop­ ment librarian, Middlebury College Library, Ver­ mont. Marien McBride has been promoted to head of acquisitions, Drexel University Libraries, Phil­ adelphia. Harry Martin has been appointed librarian of the Harvard Law School. K. Leon Montgomery has been named acting associate dean of the School of Library and In­ formation Science, University of Pittsburgh. Thomas P. Moritz has been appointed assis­ tant librarian, Fisheries-Oceanography Library, and librarian, Friday Harbor Library, at the Uni­ versity of Washington, Seattle. F rada Mozenter is the new social sciences reference bibliographer at the J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Christopher Murray is now assistant head of technical services at the Mercy College Libraries, Westchester County, New York. Anne B. Passarelli has been appointed head of the Business Administration Library, Universi­ ty of Washington, Seattle. F red Peal has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Social Science Center, New York University. Linda I. Pierce has been appointed assistant reader services librarian at the McDonald Memo­ rial Library, Xavier University, Cincinnati. Naomi Ronen is now assistant librarian for ac­ quisitions, Harvard Law School Library. Mary C. Rucgieri is now reference librarian at Yale University’s Medical Library. Jacque-Lynne Amann Schulman has joined Pergamon International Information Corporation, McLean, Virginia, as data base marketing special­ ist. D eborah Lynn Shaw has been named assistant acquisitions librarian at the Oklahoma State Uni­ versity Library, Stillwater. Ruth Shenc is the new Oriental cataloger at Harvard University’s Fine Arts Library. Jeanne Sohn has been appointed assistant dean for collection development at the University of New Mexico Library, Albuquerque. Christopher Sugnet has been appointed assis­ tant head of the University of New Mexico’s bib­ liographic control department. Richard Surles has been named law librarian at the University of Illinois Law Library, Cham­ paign. Ray TURNER is now children’s and reference li­ brarian at Berea College Library, Kentucky. Audrey Vanderhoof has ben appointed ac­ quisitions librarian at Texas Christian University Library, Fort Worth. Sally Voth will join the Indiana University Li­ braries staff on September 1 as assistant director for technical services. Susan E. Wheeler has been appointed catalog librarian, Fry Print Collection, at Yale’s Historical Medical Library. Martha White is now reference/instruction li­ brarian at Berea College Library, Kentucky. RETIREMENTS Phyllis L. Brown, head of the Serials Division of the Eugene P. Watson Memorial Library, N orthw estern State U niversity of Louisiana, Natchitoches, retired May 29 after 16 years of li­ brary service there. Ann A. Carr, acquisitions librarian in Har­ vard’s Countway Library of Medicine, has retired after 14 years of service to Harvard and 29 years in the profession. Carmen Chisholm, circulation and children’s librarian at Berea College, Kentucky, has retired after 16 years at Berea. Donald N. Mackenzie, library director of the Eugene P. Watson Memorial Library, Northwest­ ern State University of Louisiana, Natchitoches, retired June 30 after 26 years of service. Margaret M. Moody, assistant librarian for planning and publications, Harvard Law School Library, has retired after 39 years of service at Harvard and 41 in the profession. Myrtle A. Moody, assistant librarian for tech­ nical services, Harvard Law School Library, has retired after 39 years of service at Harvard and 44 in the profession. J ennie A. Spurgeon retired on October 23, 1980, after 16 years of service with the University of Delaware Library. Claire Still has retired as catalog/reference li­ brarian at Stanford University’s Lane Library on June 30. 254 Louise Yang, head of technical services at Be­ rea College Library, has retired after 22 years of service at Berea. DEATHS Jack Pooler, chief librarian of Stanford Uni­ versity’s Science Department from 1961 to 1978, died in March at his home in Palo Alto. Wanda S, Schmidt, former research analyst and reference librarian in the Aerospace Technol­ ogy Division of the Library of Congress, died March 24 in Venice, Florida. AWARDS ANNOUNCED Beverly P. Lynch, university librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, has been awarded the ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award for 1981. The Association of College and Research Libraries and the Baker & Taylor Company presented the award to Lynch on June 28 at the ACRL reception during the American Library Association’s Annual Confer­ ence in San Francisco. The award cites Lynch for her work in serving as ACRL’s Executive Secretary in 1972-1977 (the first woman to hold that post), as well as her in­ fluential work over the past decade on the ACRL Board of Directors, the College & Research Li­ braries Editorial Board, and numerous ACRL committees. “An experienced teacher and a strong scholar,” reads the citation, “she has produced an exten­ sive body of research, noteworthy for its rigor and sound methodology, and she has been fre­ quently drafted as lecturer, panelist, and consul­ tant.” Lynch was also cited for her extensive previous experience as an academic librarian, which in­ cludes positions held at Marquette University and Yale University libraries. Since 1977 Lynch has been university librarian at the University of Illi­ nois at Chicago Circle, where she administers a library containing nearly three-quarter of a mil­ lion volumes. The ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award was established by ACRL and the Baker & Taylor Company to recognize individual members of the library profession who have made outstanding national or international contributions to academic and research librarianship and library development. The award consists of $2,000 and a citation. Last year’s award was presented to Evan I. Farber, librarian at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. Roland E. Schoenike, professor of forestry at Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, has been selected to receive the 1981 Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural Sciences. Schoenike was chosen for his 5,891-citation monograph, Yellow Poplar (Liriodendron tuli- pifera L.): An Annotated Bibliography to and in­ cluding 1974, published by Clemson’s Depart­ ment of Forestry in the College of Forest and Recreation Resources. Schoenike has been at Clemson University since 1963 and has published extensively in the field of forestry, including articles in Tree Plant­ ers Notes and Silvae Genetica. The Oberly Memorial Award, instituted in 1925, is presented in odd-numbered years to an American citizen who compiles the best bibliogra­ phy in agriculture or related sciences in the pre­ ceding two-year period. The award is adminis­ tered by the Science and Technology Section of the Association of College and Research Librar­ ies. Copies of Schoenike’s bibliography are obtain­ able only from the Department of Forestry, Col­ lege of Forest and Recreation Resources, Clem­ son University, Clemson, SC 29631, at a cost of $6.00. ONLINE CATALOGS ANALYZED The Council on Library Resources has approved funding for several projects to evaluate online public access catalogs. Five different groups have agreed to work together in a two- phase project to assure coordination of their efforts: J. Matthews & Associates, OCLC, Inc., the Research Libraries Group, the University of California’s Division of Library Automation, and the Library of Congress. The major objectives of the evaluation are to produce comparative data on existing systems and to provide information for use in guiding the de­ velopment of future online catalogs. Two types of data will be collected: 1) information about the requirements of those who use online catalogs and about the influence of such catalogs on user behavior; 2) information about the performance of exisiting online public access catalogs relative to user expectations and requirements. Grants totalling nearly $176,000 have been approved for the Research Libraries Group and hree member institutions. RLG will assess three perational online catalogs: one at Stanford, using he Research Libraries Information Network RLIN); one at Northwestern, using a system de­ eloped at that institution; and one at Dart­ outh, using a system developed in conjunction ith Bibliographic Retrieval Services. The principal pre-test of the RLG’s evaluation urvey has been underway at Northwestern be­ ause of the advanced development of LUIS, the t o t ( v m w s c 255 library’s online catalog. The questionnaire asks users to identify problems with features in the catalog. Ultimately the survey will generate data that will improve the system and increase its use­ fulness, as well as provide demographic informa­ tion about users and identify the barriers that dis­ courage people from using the system. J. Matthews & Associates, a California consult­ ing firm, has been awarded a $99,500 contract to analyze six online public access catalogs in smal­ ler public and academic libraries, including the Claremont Colleges, Mankato State University, Stephen F. Austin State University, and Mission Community College. Up to $22,000 has been approved for an assess­ ment of the University of California, Division of Library Automation’s prototype on-line public ac­ cess union catalog, and the Library of Congress will receive up to $16,351 to support data collec­ tion on its SCORPIO and MUMS systems. The funding for these projects is provided as part of CLR’s Bibliographic Service Development Program which attempts to draw upon technology to help solve problems of bibliographic control. NOTICES • A new Directory o f Minnesota Academic Li­ brarians 1980— 81 (48 pages, 1981) has been issued by the ARL Division of the Minnesota Li­ brary Association. The directory, edited by Allen L. Dollerschell, gives an alphabetical list of the addresses of Minnesota academic library staff with job titles and telephone numbers. It may be ordered for $4.16 from Bob Suderman, Director, Learning Resources Center, Bethel College, 3900 Bethel Drive, St. Paul, MN 55112. • An Interim Report on Book Paper (13 pages, April 1981) has been issued by the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. The committees aim is to encourage the improvement of the physical qualities of publications, especially the use of acid-free paper. Copies of the report are available from the Council of Library Resources, Inc., Suite 620, One D upont Circle, N.W ., Washington, DC 20036, upon receipt of a request and a self-addressed mailing label. • A Requirements Statement fo r the Name Au­ thority File Service, published by the Council on Library Resources, reports the progress of a nine- member task force appointed to assist in the plan­ ning and implementation of a name authority file service for the nation’s libraries. The service is intended to create an integrated, consistent file that can be used by all libraries. The present document explains the background and rationale for the service, specifies general and technical re­ quirements to be met if the service is to meet objectives, and proposes guidelines for ensuring that the content and format of authority records meet established standards. It may be ordered by sending a self-addressed mailing label to the Council on Library Resources, Inc., Suite 620, One D upont Circle, N.W ., Washington, DC 20036. • Serial Titles in the Academy o f Natural Sci­ Publications ences and the Franklin Institute Libraries (Phil­ adelphia) is a combined listing of the journal titles in two complimentary scientific libraries. Approx­ imately 10,000 distinct titles in the natural and physical sciences, ethnology, and engineering are included. A copy may be ordered for $20 from the Franklin Institute Library, 20th and The Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103. • The Siege o f Pensacola, 1781: A Bibliogra­ phy, by James A. Servies, has been published as Library Publication Number 12 of the John C. Pace Library, University of West Florida. Pre­ paid orders of $4 per copy may be sent to the John C. Pace Library, University of West Flor­ ida, Pensacola, FL 32504. RECEIVED (Selected items will be reviewed in future issues of College & Research Libraries.) • Scarecrow Press recently published A Uni­ fying Influence: Essays o f Raynard Coe Swank (1981, $13.50). The essays, edited by David W. Heron, span thirty years of Dr. Swank’s career and offer “a vision of library service broad enough to encompass both the classical tradition and the computer. • Keys to Library Research on the Graduate Level: A Guide to Guides by Harvey R. Gover (University Press of America, 1981, $5.25) is “de­ signed as a library survival kit for graduate stu­ dents, enabling them to fully utilize the library resources at their disposal.” Topics include the Card Catalog, basic periodical indexes, LC clas­ sification, and computer-prepared indexes and ab­ stracts. • Electronic detection systems are emphasized in Book Theft and Library Security Systems 1981- 82 by Alice Harrison Bahr (Knowledge Industry Publications, 1981, $24.50). Bahr analyses the similarities and differences of the systems avail­ able from Checkprint, Sentronic, LPS Interna-