ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 257 ford (Stanford University Libraries, 1981). The Conference grew out of the Stanford flood of November, 1978. • The Annotated Bibliography of Canada’s Major Authors, Volume II, edited by Robert Lecker and Jack David (ECW Press, 1980, $30 cl, $18 pa) contains comprehensive, annotated bibliographies of works by and on Margaret Atwood (poetry), Leonard Cohen, Archibald Lampman, E. J. Pratt, and A1 Purdy. Calendar July 12-25—Administration: “Executive Development Program for Library A dm inistrators,” Ox­ ford, Ohio, in two sessions (July 12-18, July 19-25). Contact: Harry F. Brooks, Institute of Business and Education Services, School of Business Administration, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056; (513) 529-2132. August 17-19—Planning: “Improving Planning Skills: A Closer Look at A Planning Process," a work­ shop designed by Peggy O’Donnell, continuing education specialist at ALA’s Public Library Assoication. PLA will co-sponsor the workshop with the State Library Agency, Wisconsin Divi­ sion for Library Service. The session, held at the St. Benedicts Center, Madison, Wisconsin, will be directed to public library practitioners with knowledge of PLA’s A Planning Process fo r Public Libraries who anticipate beginning or who have begun to apply the process in their libraries. Registration fee: $150. Deadline for registration is July 17. Contact: Shirley Mills-Fischer, PLA executive director, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944- 6780, ext. 318. 25-26—Public Relations: Public Relations Work­ shops. August 25, Arlington, Texas; August 26, Houston, Texas. Contact: Anne Hollingsworth, Library Development Division, Texas State Li­ brary, Box 12927, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711. Septem ber 17—Politics: “Libraries in the Political Process, Detroit Public Library, a Michigan Libraries Forum sponsored by Gale Research Company. In addition to interacting with several speakers of national prominence in this field, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a congressional hearing on library services. Con­ tact- Joan Durrance, Coordinator of Continuing Education, School of Library Science, Uni­ versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. O ctober 15-16—Nursing: Annual conference, New Eng­ land Regional Council on Library Resources for Nursing, Durham, New Hampshire. Confer­ ence theme: “Effective Utilization of Uncertain Resources Through Creative Management: Sur­ vival in the 80s for the Nurse and Librarian.’’ Fee: $65. Contact: Tosca N. C arpenter, Mosher Health Sciences Library, Newport Hospital, Newport, RI 02840. 21-23—Natural History Bibliography: “North American Natural History Bibliography: Re­ search, Needs, and Prospects,” the first confer­ ence of the North American Section of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Contact: Nina J. Root, Chairwoman, Depart­ ment of Library Services, American Museum of Natural History, C.P. West at 79th St., New York, NY 10023; (212) 873-1300, ext. 381. 28-29—Archives: Conservation workshop spon­ sored by the Society of American Archivists will be held in conjunction with the Midwest Archives Conference at the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. It will consist of lecture/dis- cussion on various aspects of conservation phi­ losophy and administration as well as hands-on demonstration and practice of basic archival conservation techniques. Enrollment is limited. Tuition of $50 will cover the cost of a conserva­ tion supply kit. Attendees must currently hold a position in a manuscript or archival repository and have little or no previous training in con­ servation. Contact: Basic Archival Training Program, Society of American Archivists, 330 S. Wells, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 922-0140. N ovem ber 2-4—Information Technology: “The Challenge of Change: Critical Choices for Library Decision- M akers,” the 1981 Pittsburgh Conference, sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Library and Information Science. A major focus will be on new modes of informa­ tion storage and delivery and their anticipated impact on libraries and library service over the next 5-7 years. State of the art papers will address the full spectrum of technologies rel­ evant to library operations and services. For further information, contact: Allen Kent, School of Library and Information Science, University of Pittsburgh, 801 LIS Building, Pittsburgh, PA 15260.