ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 258 Classified Advertising Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month pre­ ceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $2.25 per line for ACRL members, $2.80 for others. Late job notices are $7.00 per line for members, $8.50 per line for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the last day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 31 for the October issue). All job an­ nouncements must include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for academic and research library positions. A prerecorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $25 for ACRL members and $30 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. The service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not ap­ pear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $5 for ACRL members and $10 for non-members. Contact: Kathy Van Voorst, Administrative Secretary, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE BUSINESS FOR SALE. Over 18,000 collections of original book reviews from 1929-1970. Reviews on File, Box 298, Walton, NY 13856. FINE SCHOLARLY LIBRARY. Bargain-priced to non-profit institu­ tions. 23 subjects listed. Inquiries to Cushman Family, Box 363, Westfield, NJ 07090. Self-addressed envelope appreciated. FOREIGN MICROFORMS. Any foreign microform from anywhere in the world at the foreign list price. Free searching. Monographs and serials. IMDS, 1995 Broadway, NY, NY 10023, (212) 873-2100. MARV BROADBENT, Box 6, Beltsville, MD 20705. Government publications. Standing, subscription, single, or search orders. No prepayment. No foreign surcharge. (301) 937-8846. SEARCH SERVICE. Ex-librarians locate titles or subject, plus 150,000 indexed stock. PAB 2917 Atlantic, Atlantic City, NJ 08401. Phone 609/344-1943. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. Overall coordination, direction, and supervision of Circulation, Ac­ quisitions, Interlibrary Services, Resource Development, and Pro­ cessing. Allocation and monitoring of materials budget; direct and responsible participation in overall administration of the Library, in­ cluding budgeting, planning, and policy formulation. Direct respon­ sibility for the encouragement and support of faculty and staff pro­ fessional development and growth. Collection Development consists of 17 professionals and 80 support staff. Acquisitions Budget (1 98 1 -8 2) of $1.8 million. Requirements: MLS from an ALA- accredited library school. Ten years of increasingly responsible pro­ fessional library experience, managerial competence, and actual work experience in at least two areas of Collection Development. Experience in working in strong participative administrative envi­ ronment. Open July 1, 1981. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Complete description of duties, benefits, requirements, and application avail­ able from: Kristen M. Dahlen, Head, Personnel Operations, Sterling C. Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77843, (713) 845-6111. Interviewing at ALA. An a ffirm ative- action/equal-opportunity employer. ASSISTANT HEAD OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. North­ western University Library. Participates in collection management, processing, reference, outreach and administrative activities of the Government Publications Department. Has primary responsibility for selection and cataloging of international documents and direct supervision of two full-time, non-exempt staff. Collection consists of federal, state and municipal, and international documents, and is staffed by three librarians, two non-exempt staff, and student assis­ tants. Department is housed on main floor near public catalogs and Reference Room. Qualifications: masters degree from accredited li­ brary school and academic background in the social sciences re­ quired. Advanced degree in social sciences strongly preferred. Minimum of three years research library experience, including gov­ ernment publications experience required. Some international documents, general reference, and supervisory experience highly desired. Experience with computerized information searches useful. Salary: $17,000-$ 19,500, dependent upon qualifications. Position available August, 1981. Send letter of application and resume, in­ cluding list of references, to Lance Query, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by August 3, 1981, will be considered. An equal- opportunity/affirmative-action employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIANS. Two positions for highly motivated, flex­ ible individuals in a liberal arts college library. Position #1 (avail­ able now): Responsible for circulation services (supervising support staff, stack maintenance, and managing student personnel) and for the government documents depository collection. Will also share in reference work, bibliographic instruction and collection development. Position # 2 (available September): Responsible for reference ser­ vices (bibliographic instruction program, reference desk), interli­ brary loan and maintenance of public services equipment. Shares collection development with other professional staff. Qualifications for both positions: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited school. Pre­ fer strong liberal arts background with science or social science emphasis. Ability to work well with others and to supervise students is essential. Both positions provide opportunity for participation in library decision-making and planning. Salary: $11,500 minimum. Send applications, with names, addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) references, to: Barbara Snead, Director, Hiram College Library, Box 98, Hiram, Ohio 44234. ASSOCIATE COLLEGE LIBRARIAN to c∞ rdinate day-to-day activi­ ties and operations including the OCLC work flow; to assist in the planning, implementation, development and evaluation of policies, services and personnel; and to administer the total library program in the absence of the College Librarian. Qualifications include in­ creasingly responsible administrative and supervisory experience in an academic library and an appropriate master's degree. Broad and varied academic experience will be helpful. This is a new 12- month administrative position that reports to the College Librarian. Excellent fringe benefits include TIAA/CREF. M inimum salary, $25,000. Appointment to be made September 1, or as s ∞ n there­ after as possible. Direct applications by August 1, to: Ross Stephen. College Librarian, Rider College, P.O. Box 6400, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. Rider College is an EO/AA employer M/F. CATALOG LIBRARIAN (Depending on expected fundş in FY 81/82). Qualifications: An MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or from a school of equivalent quality and a thorough com­ prehension of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules and Library of Congress cataloging practices required. Educational emphasis in physical or biological sciences and a working knowledge of one or more foreign languages preferred. Experience with an automated cataloging system desirable. Job may encompass cataloging mate­ rials in all form ats and in a wide range of subjects. Salary: $16,008-$22,080. Closing date: August 1, 1981. Appointment date: September, 1981. Contact Karen Anderson, Chair, Catalog Dept., The Library, California State University, Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge, CA 91330. An EO/AA, Title IX, Sec. 504 employer. CATALOGER (LIBRARIAN II). Position reopened. Responsible for original cataloging of monographs, with major responsibility for AV materials. Department consists of two librarians, six support staff, and student assistants, and processes approximately 10,000 titles per year. Activities include inputting current and retrospective rec­ ords into OCLC for a Union COM catalog and an on-line catalog. Must have MLS from an ALA-accredited program and thorough knowledge of AACR II and LC classification. OCLC experience de­ sirable. Prefer two to four years of progressive cataloging experi­ ence. Salary: $17,784 + , depending on qualifications. Fringe bene­ fits include sick leave, TIAA/CREF, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Position available immediately. Applications close September 1, 1981. Send resume, library school transcripts, and three letters of reference to Personnel Office, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105. NDSU is an equal-opportunity institution. 259 CHAIRPERSON, CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. Responsibility for c¡rculat¡on/reserve desk, microform/med¡a center, stacks, depart­ ment’s personnel, policies, procedures, planning, management, evaluation. Participant library-wide administrative planning. ALA- accredited MLS, computerized system knowledge, supervisory ex­ perience required. Demonstrated management abilities, academic library experience highly desirable. $16,00 0 -$ 17,500, faculty status, TIAA/CREF. Apply by July 31, 1981, to Karen L. Sampson, Ass’t to Director, University Library, University of NE at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182. AA/EEO employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Lycoming College seeks ex­ perienced director to administer library program of small liberal arts college with 3½ librarians and 6 support staff. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited ALA program, supervisory experience in public and technical services, knowledge of automated library system de­ sirable. Strong communication skills. 12-month appointment. Fac­ ulty rank. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience, minimum $18,000. Send application, resume, transcripts and let­ ters of reference to Shirley Van Marter, Dean of the College, Lycom­ ing College, Williamsport, PA 17701. An equal-opportunity em­ ployer. EAST ASIAN BIBLIOGRAPHER, University of Virginia Library. Re­ sponsible for collection development, cataloging and reference ser­ vice for materials published in China, Japan, Korea. Must deal ef­ fectively with library and teaching faculty at all levels. Faculty rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor and salary of $14,000 or higher, depending on qualifications and experience. Requirements: MLS; familiarity with collection development, cataloging and reference methods; knowledge of Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Applica­ tions must be received no later than August 15, 1981. Send res­ ume to Ms. Sada Crismond, Library Personnel Coordinator, Al­ derman I ibrary, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22901. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. HEAD, CATALOG MANAGEMENT AND MARKING SECTION. Northwestern University Libraries. Working with Northwestern's NOTIS automated library system, supervises one professional, 8 non-exempt and ca. 12 hourly staff responsible for: maintenance of the public online and card catalogs; maintenance of the online union authority files; transfers, withdrawals, added copies and vol­ umes; conversion of manual cataloging; marking. Qualifications: master’s degree from accredited library school; minimum 3 years’ experience, preferably in cataloging or catalog management in a research library using an automated processing system; proven su­ pervisory capabilities; working knowledge of two modern foreign languages, preferably including German or a Romance language; experience in authority work, familiarity with the MARC biblio­ graphic and authority formats desirable. Hiring range: $18,500- $19,500. Available October 1, 1981. Send letter of application and resume, including names of references to: Lance Query, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Libraries, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by August 21, 1981, will be considered. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. HEAD OF INFORMATION SERVICES. The Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library is seeking a Head of Infor­ mation Services. Our Library serves and is jointly supported by nineteen health science institutions in the Texas Medical Center in­ cluding two major medical schools, three nursing schools and vari­ ous allied health science programs. It is also a regional Resource Library for the South Central Regional Medical Library Program and actively serves the library needs of health professionals in central Texas. Because of the variety and size of our clientele, we need a mature, dynamic and service-oriented person to fill this challenging position. Responsibilities include coordinating and supervising all activities related to the provision of reference service and computer searching. The expanding reference department consists of nine professional librarians. Some of the management duties include: responsibility for computer search quality; record-keeping; refer­ ence collection maintenance; reference desk scheduling; and pro­ viding assistance in the use of the Library’s resources. Position re­ ports to the Associate Director for Public Services. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school and medical reference experi­ ence; MLA certification preferred. Good interpersonal skills are fun­ damental along with organizational and supervisory abilities. Posi­ tion available immediately. Salary negotiable. Excellent fringe bene­ fits. Send letter of application, resume and references to Janis Sharp, Personnel Librarian, Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library, Jesse H. Jones Library Building, Houston, Texas 77030. HEAD OF INTERLIBRARY LOAN AND RESERVE ROOM. To coor­ dinate the separate activities of Interlibrary Loan, the Reserve Read­ ing Room and current periodicals display; work closely with the faculty, graduate students and professional librarians on research projects, supervise two support staff members and several student assistants. Applicants are required to have an ALA-accredited MLS and experience in interlibrary loan, reference or bibliographic re­ search in an academic library. Supervisory experience desirable. Position open July 1, 1981. Minimum salary $13,500, depending upon qualifications and experience. 12-month contract. TIAA/CREF 260 and many other fringe benefits. Send application and resume to: Royal V. Pope, Director of Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayette­ ville, Arkansas 72701. An equal-opportunity/affirmative action employer; welcomes applications from all qualified individuals. HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES (Assistant or Associate level). Under the general direction of the Director of the Library, directs all public service functions to meet the library needs for the students and faculty. Participates in general administrative management, plan­ ning, budget, staff development, and personnel decisions. Has direct responsibility for all public services which includes coordinat­ ing a library program of bibliographic instruction to encourage max­ imum student use of the library. Will coordinate collection de­ velopment to ensure its full support of an academically superior undergraduate liberal arts curriculum and a graduate business pro­ gram of acknowledged excellence. Supervise staff of four, plus stu­ dent assistants. Qualifications: A Master’s Degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited library school. Subject Master’s degree is highly desirable. Experience in collection development preferred, strong commitment to public service, strong oral and written com­ munication skills, interest in library instruction, and an understand­ ing of the scholarly use of a library collection and services. Demon­ strated ability to work effectively and harmoniously with students, faculty, and library staff. Faculty status, usual fringe benefits, twenty days vacation, and a twelve month contract. Salary range: $17,000-$19,000. Application deadline: 1 August 1981. Send res­ ume and names and addresses of three references to Gerald B. Hubble, Director, Rockhurst College Library, 5225 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64110. Will interview at ALA. An equal- opportunity/affirmative-action employer. HEAD OF SYSTEMS. Responsible for managing all library system operations. Since the library has plans to implement a m ini­ computer-based system, this position will be involved in writing specifications, contract negotiations, and implementation. Reports to the Associate Director for Administrative Services and maintains a direct working relationship with the university computing services. Works with library administration and department heads in system design, development, and implementation; evaluation, mainte­ nance, and replacement of the Mohawk Circulation System; plans subsequent phases of library’s automation development; refines and maintains other existing automation applications, e.g., Seria/s Holdings List. Qualifications: MLS degree preferred; experience and I or training in electronic data processing required. Tenure-track po­ sition, rank and salary dependent upon qualifications, $23,000 minimum. 12-month appointment, TIAA/CREF or state retirement plan, health insurance, usual holidays, 24 days annual and 12 days sick leave, tuition remission. Applicants should submit letter of application, resume, and placement folder or three letters of refer­ ence by August 15, 1981, to Donald R. Hunt, Director, The Uni­ versity of Tennessee Library, Knoxville, TN 37916. UTK is an EEO, affirmative-action, Title IX, Section 504, employer. HEALTH SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Virginia Commonwealth Univer­ sity Libraries are seeking a Health Services Librarian to supervise the Reference, Interlibrary Loan, Circulation, and Periodicals Ser­ vices of its Tomkins-McCaw Library Medical College of Virginia Campus. Responsibilities include: Supervision of a staff of 18, in­ cluding 5 librarians, development of library public service policies, liaison as appropriate with faculties, students, staff, medical cam­ pus groups, cooperative associations, National Library of Medicine, and the Academic Services Librarian and Outreach Services Librar­ ian. Reports to Director of University Libraries. Required: demon­ strated ability to interact with the medical academic community, experience in program planning and development, policy making and coordination in the provision of public services: ALA-accredited MLS degree, minimum of 6 years experience, MLA certification de­ sirable, salary competitive (minimum $24,000), usual fringe bene­ fits, academic rank. Send resume with names and addresses of three references not later than July 31, 1981, to Gerard McCabe, Director of University Libraries, Virginia Commonwealth University, 901 Park Ave., Richmond. VA 23284. EEO Affirmative Action Em­ ployer. INFORMATION SPECIALIST, MECHANIZED INFORMATION CENTER (MIC). Provides reference service, primarily through computer-based information services, to students, faculty and staff of the University and to other users. Interviews patrons to deter­ mine information needs and the appropriate service to meet those needs— batch or online search, or printed reference materials. Pro­ files user requests for input to MIC batch systems or to online search systems such as BRS. Assists patrons in utilization of computer-generated bibliographies and in obtaining documents selected by the search; instructs them in use of the internal auto­ mated Library Control System (LCS) and in the use of printed in­ dexes. Conducts orientation programs and workshops, presents class lectures and participates in other activities to disseminate in­ formation about library services and those offered by MIC, and to promote their use. One year of professional library experience. Re­ ports to Head of MIC, a separate unit within Public Services. Re­ quired: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; ability to communi­ cate effectively with individuals and with groups. Preferred: experi­ ence with computer-based information retrieval systems, broad sub­ ject background, and public services experience. Available 1 Sep­ tember 1981. $13,320-$15,720. Faculty rank dependent upon qualifications. Faculty are expected to meet University requirements for tenure and promotion (teaching, research, service). Apply by 1 August 1981 to Sharon A. Sullivan, Personnel Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Include resume with names and addresses of at least three references. An AA/EEO Employer. Qualified women, minority and handicapped persons, as well as others, are encouraged to apply. LIBRARIAN of the Albert R. Mann Library, a New York state- supported unit of the Cornell University Libraries. The largest academic agricultural library in the U.S., Mann Library serves the New York State Colleges of Agriculture & Life Sciences and Human Ecology, the Division of Biological Sciences, and the Division of Nutritional Sciences with their nearly 5,000 graduate and under­ graduate students. The collection consists of 500,000 volumes, a full-time staff of 50.5 and a budget of over $1 million. The librarian is responsible to the University Librarian and the deans of the col­ leges. Activities include: budget and planning; development of policies; supervision of staff, collections, services and facilities; coordination of policies and operations with 15 other campus librar­ ies; liaison with external libraries, SUNY, and networks. Qualifica­ tions: superior record of management ability and experience in academic or research libraries; professional qualifications in librar- ianship, with life sciences emphasis; demonstrated competence in working with staff, faculty and students; strong interest in local, re­ gional, and national library developments. Position available Oc­ tober 1, 1981. Closing date for applications September 1, 1981. The salary is negotiable, commensurate with background and ex­ perience. Please apply to: Louis E. Martin, University Librarian, Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, NY 14853. Cornell University is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. DIRECTOR Clemons R eaders’ L ib ra ry The University of Virginia seeks a director for its Clemons Library, now nearing completion. The library, to house 150,000 volumes and seat 1,500 people, is developing a collection of key books in the fields to be represented, mainly humanities and social sciences. The library is designed to be of major importance not only to undergraduates, but also to gradu­ ate students and to the faculty. The University seeks a person as Clemons Librarian who can realize the full potential of this library in working with students and facul­ ty, in building the collections, and in develop­ ing programs to provide leadership for the pro­ fessional and support staff. The Clemons Li­ brarian will be involved in policy-making deci­ sions for the University library system, will be responsible to the University Librarian, and must be able to make effective written and oral presentations. Faculty rank dependent upon qualifications. Salary: $20,000 and up, de­ pends upon qualifications. Deadline: August 15, 1981. Send resume with the names of four refer­ ences tθ: Ms. Sada Cr¡smond Library Personnel Coordinator Alderman Library University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22901 An equal-opportunlty/affirmative-action employer. 261 LIBRARY DIRECTOR. The Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies. Re­ sponsible fo r a dm in iste rin g sm all research library and staff. Minimum requirements: M.A. in history or related field and two to three years experience in an archival agency or historical library that has included significant supervisory and administrative duties. Foreign language abilities, familiarity with OCLC automated catalog­ ing system, and experience in applying for and adm inistering grants desirable. Salary negotiable, $15,000-$20,000. Interested applicants should send resume and names and addresses of three references to: M. Mark Stolarik, Executive Director, The Balch Insti­ tute for Ethnic Studies, 18 S. 7th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. LIBRARY SYSTEMS ANALYST II. Responsible for designing and developing functional specifications for new and/or enhanced au­ tomated subsystems. Justifies systems, not only in terms of effi­ ciency, economics, and technical capabilities, but also in terms of psychological, managerial, and operational requirements. Position requires a master's degree in library or information science; five years of professional experience-, and two years of systems analysis experience. Must be conversant with the following fields: library ap­ plications; systems theory; human factors; and organization theory, and must be proficient in at least one of them. Starting minimum salary $19,647— higher depending on experience/qualifications. Submit resume to: Employment/Education Coordinator, OCLC, Inc., 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017. OCLC, Inc. is an equal- opportunity employer. LIFE SCIENCES LIBRARIAN, Science-Engineering Library, North­ western University. Responsible for collection development in the life sciences, excluding medicine; serves as liaison to life sciences departments, provides reference services including online search­ ing and develops bibliographic instruction; oversees Science- Engineering interlibrary loan, reserve and inventory operations; par­ ticipates in developing library research proposals. The library is in its own building (1977) with a collection of 231,558 volumes and operates on a budget of $684,546, including $395,000 for acquisi­ tions. Staff comprises 4.6 exempt, 8 non-exempt, plus student members. Technical services are provided principally by the cen­ tralized online system. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school is required; an advanced degree in the life sciences is highly desir­ able. Position is currently open. An appointment will be made in the range of $ 1 5 ,00 0 -$ 17,500, dependent upon qualifications. Send application and resume, including list of references, to Lance Query, Personnel Librarian, N orthw estern U niversity Library, Evanston, IL 60201. Applications received by July 31, 1981, will be considered. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. OUTREACH SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Virginia Commonwealth Uni­ versity is seeking an Outreach Services Librarian with respon­ sibilities on both University Campuses, Academic and Medical Col­ lege of Virginia Campuses; incumbent will supervise the Curriculum Laboratory, Learning Resource Centers in Academic buildings and MCV Hospital and assist in developing new learning resource cen­ ters serving several of the schools of the University, reports to the Director of the University Libraries. Responsibilities include: Super­ vision of staff, development of services policies, liaison as appropri­ ate with faculty, students, staff, academic and health science cam­ puses, cooperative associations, the Academic Services and Health Services Librarian and the Director of the University Media Produc­ tion Center. Required: Demonstrated ability to interact with the academic community, experience in program planning and de­ velopment, policy making and coordination in the provision of media and related services: ALA-accredited Master’s in Library Sci­ ence, or Master’s in Educational Media, minimum of six years ex­ perience, salary competitive (minimum $24,000), usual fringe ben­ efits, academic rank. Send resume with name and addresses of three references not later than July 31, 1981, to Gerard B. McCabe, Director of University Libraries, Virginia Commonwealth University, 901 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23284. EEO Af­ firmative Action Employer. PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. G. Flint Purdy Library, Humanities and Social Sciences Library of the WSU Library System. Provides and promotes reference service, bibliographic instruction, database searching, catalog assistance, etc., in the humanities and social sciences. Assists in providing other public services. Partici­ pates in reference collection development and maintenance; in de­ veloping information handbooks, bibliographies and audio-visual materials. Required: fifth year library science degree from an ac­ credited library school with background in social sciences. Some experience in an academic library and awareness of current pro­ fessional advancements is expected. Salary: $13,869-$20,140 (12 months) depending upon qualifications and experience. Fringe benefits: TIAA/CREF retirement plan; social security; dental, health, hospital and life insurance partially subsidized. Wayne State Uni­ versity is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. Write to: K. L. Kaul, Head, G. Flint Purdy Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202. RARE BOOKS CATALOGER. University of Miami Library. Catalog and classify rare books and special collections, and assist students and faculty to use these materials. Qualifications: ALA-accredited library degree or equivalent; knowledge of Latin and German desir­ able; at least 3 years relevant experience, preferably in medium or large academic libraries. 12 month contract, faculty rank, TIAA/ CREF and a full range of partially paid benefits. Salary from $16,000 depending on qualifications and experience. To ensure consideration, please send by July 31 a letter of application, res­ ume, and names of 3 references to: Ronald P. Naylor, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, University of Miami Library, P.0. Box 248214, Coral Gables, Florida 33124. The University of Miami is an AA/EO employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Central Michigan University. Respon­ sibilities include general reference and documents reference, li­ brary instruction, and collection development in selected subject areas. ALA-accredited MLS required. Preference will be given to candidates with relevant reference expertise and familiarity with on­ line database searching. Second master’s degree desirable. Ten month tenure track appointment with full faculty privileges. Target level instructor ($13,000 min.) or assistant professor ($15,000 min.); salary and rank set according to academic credentials. Send resume and three references to the Selection Committee, 206 Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859. To ensure consideration, applications must be postmarked by August 21, 1981. CMU is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Participates in general reader services, including broad-based bibliographic instruction, online searching and collection development. Coordinates science collections located in departmental libraries. Required: master’s degree from an ALA- accredited library school and an undergraduate background in the sciences. Desirable: professional library experience and familiarity w ith co m pu ter-b a sed lite ra tu re searching. M inim u m salary: $13,000. Send applications and letters of reference to Michael S. Freeman, Director of Library Services, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provides assistance to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students. In addition to standard reference tools, abstracts and indexes, there is an emphasis on statistical sources, legislative research and government publications, and U.S. and foreign national and trade bibliographies. Responsibilities in­ clude participation in formal bibliographic instruction, as well as use of OCLC, the internal automated Library Control System (LCS), and New York Times Information Bank terminal for on-line search­ ing. Some evening and weekend hours are required. Office duties may include resolution of technical service problems related to se­ rials and monographs, as well as other departm ental respon­ sibilities. Faculty rank dependent upon qualifications. Faculty are expected to meet University tenure and promotion requirements for teach in g , research, and service. A vailable 1 August 1981. $15,000-$ 18,360. Salary at upper end of the range requires sub­ stantial reference experience beyond the minimum requirement. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program. Two or more years of successful professional experience in an academic or research li­ brary, at least one of which must have been in reference service. Desirable: Background in social sciences and/or humanities; ex­ perience with selection/collection development for reference ser­ vice; knowledge of Western European languages. Apply by August 1, 1981, to Sharon A. Sullivan, Personnel Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. Include resume with names and addresses of at least three refer­ ences. An AA/EEO Employer. Qualified women, m inority and handicapped persons, as well as others, are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsible for providing full range of professional reference duties, teaching library instruction, and as­ sisting in library automation and computerized reference services. Qualifications: MLS with ability to communicate effectively. Refer­ ence, teaching experience, and familiarity with computers. Science background preferred. Faculty status, 12-month appointment. Sal­ ary commensurate with education and experience. Position avail­ able September 1, 1981. Send resume and list of references by June 1st, to: E. Curtis Fawson, Head, Division of Learning Re­ sources, Brigham Young University-Hawaii Campus, P.O. Box 106, Laie, Hawaii 96762. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Under the direction of the Assistant Di­ rector for Reference and Collection Development Services and work­ ing with the Coordinator of Reference Services, has the following responsibilities: Provides general reference service during assigned hours at service points, including some evening and weekend hours. Participates in developing policies and procedures for the Reference Services Unit. Assists in the development and manage­ ment of the reference collection and services. Library faculty at SUNYA are expected to fulfill faculty obligations in the areas of con­ tributions to the advancement of the profession and the University service as well as specific library assignments. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. At least 3 years recent ref­ erence experience in an academic library required. Experience with governm ent p ub licatio n s desirable. Candidates with science backgound may be given preference. Salary and rank: commensu­ rate with education and experience; salary from $16,000 depend­ ing on qualifications. 12 months appointment; 21 days each sick 262 days and annual leave. Fully paid major medical, hospitalization and dental insurance. Contact: Jean Whalen, Personnel Librarian, University Library, Room 139, State University of New York at Al­ bany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Inquiries should be received by September 1, 1981. The State University of New York at Albany is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action em­ ployer. Applications from women, minorities and handicapped are especially welcome. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN WITH SPECIALIZATION IN CHEMICAL SCIENCES. (Search reopened). Serves a student body of 14,500 and provides individual research guidance to graduate students, faculty, and research staff; teaches courses and selects materials In the chemical literature; prepares profiles and performs online searching. Requires MLS and degree in a chemical science field. For appointment at assistant or associate librarian level, salary range is $16,392-$28,908. Send resume by August 15, 1981, to Margaret Deacon, Assistant University Librarian, Personnel Univer­ sity of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. ÙCSB is an aff¡rmat¡ve-act¡on/equal-opportunity employer. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. San Diego State University is resuming its search for a University Librarian. Emphasis will be placed on demonstrated ability in academic library administration, especially coordination of personnel in a variety of activities. The M.L.S. (ALA-accredited) and at least one other advanced degree will be required, as will well-documented leadership in the library profes­ sion, such as association activities or published research. Appli­ cants should have a broad knowledge of library organization and functions and substantive experience in applying such knowledge They should also demonstrate an innovative appreciation of new trends in librarianship and higher education. Responsibilities of the position include the developm ent of library services, budgeting, planning and automation. The salary for a 12-month appointm ent will range from $37,508-$45,344, according to experience and background. San Diego State University is located 30 miles north of the Mexican border, in the nation's eighth largest city. The Univer­ sity has over 24,000 FTE students, more than 2,000 full- and part- time faculty and a library staff of 132, including 42 professionals. SDSU offers bachelor’s degrees in 70 areas, the master's in 50, and the doctorate in four. The annual library budget is $4.9 million. The current library book budget provides an increment of 41,000 volumes per year. The library collection comprises 780,000 vol­ umes. Additional resources Include a depository government publi­ cations library, a History Research Center, and more than 1.4 mil­ lion microform materials. The Library inaugurated a computerized data base search service in 1976 and the OCLC automated catalog­ ing system in 1977 and is preparing for a fully automated circula­ tion system. To ensure consideration, applications, consisting of a resume and names of three professional references, must be re­ ceived by September 21, 1981. Send resume or nomination to Mr. William J. Pease. Chair, Search Committee for University Librarian, % the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, San Diego State University, San Diego, California, 92182-0420. San Diego State University is an equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsible for providing general reference service and developing collections in psychology and social work. Participates in bibliographic instruction programs and computerized information retrieval services. Acts as the library’s resource person for faculty members and other individuals interested in psychology and social work. Requirements: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school. Experience in a college or a university library in reference and/or materials selection preferred. An advanced degree in psychology or social work preferred. Salary: $13,659 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Application deadline: August 1. Send resume and names of 3 references to: Dr. John Corbin, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77004. An equal-opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Central Washington University. Full range of reference duties, including desk, collection development, bibliographic instruction, and online searching. Qualifications: MLS from accredited library school and specialization in social sciences and/or business administration. Appointment at Instructor, $16,466-$18,579, or Assistant Professor, $19,l48-$23,866, depending on qualifications and experience. Tenure-track position. Application deadline July 31, 1981. Forward application, resume, and 3 references to: Chair, Librarian Search Committee, Central Washington University Libraries, Ellensburg, WA 98926. An affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. HUMANITIES/JUDAICA MONOGRAPH CATALOGER. Responsibilities include original cataloging, LC classification, name and subject authority work, catalog maintenance, supervision of clerical copy cataloging, and tagging for input into OCLC. Some public service work may also be required. Requirements: Knowledge of Hebrew and Yiddish essential. Experience using AACR, LC classification and subject headings. OCLC experience is most desirable. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. To achieve mandatory tenure a graduate degree in an appropriate subject field is required within four years of initial appointment, and a significant record of professional activity, including publications, must be achieved. Appointment at Instructor ($16,434) or Assistant Professor ($17,985) rank depending upon qualifications; 12 month contract, 6 weeks vacation, 20 days sick leave. Excellent health and retirement programs. TIAA an option. Position expected to be open September 1, 1981. Send resume to Brooklyn College Library, Personnel Office, Brooklyn, New York 11210. Interviews by invitation only. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. 263 MUSIC CURRICULUM LIBRARIAN. Responsible for the juvenile, curriculum, score, record and AV collection of a university library serving 5,500 students; some service responsibility for documents, some database searching; opportunity to teach section of course in Use of library; supervision of one clerical position in addition to student assistants. Nights and weekend work expected. Accredited MLS required; music background desirable; experience helpful but not required. Annual salary $13,200+, depending upon qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Available August 15, 1981. Applications, including resume, transcripts, and two letters of recommendation should be sent by August 15, 1981, to: George N. Hartje, Director of Libraries, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO 63501. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. HEAD, REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT. University of Cincinnati. Responsible to the Director of Collections and Information Services for the planning, budgeting and formulation of policy and procedures of the department and for participation with other department heads and branch librarians in systemwide planning. The department, with a staff of 12 librarians and nine support staff plus student assistants, provides reference and information services and government documents, and members of the department are responsible for the development of the Central Library collection. The Central Library is a spacious, user oriented building just three years old, housing collections in the humanities, social sciences, business and education. The University of Cincinnati is a member of the Association of Research Libraries and the Center for Research Libraries and is the recipient of an NEH Challenge grant totaling $2 million. The city of Cincinnati is located in the beautiful hills of southwestern Ohio along the Ohio River bordering Kentucky. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; substantial experience in a large academic or research library including reference and collection development; ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing; reading knowledge of one modern European language; and demonstrated commitment to scholarly endeavors are necessary. Supervisory and management experience are desirable. Successful candidates will demonstrate leadership skills and the ability to work under pressure, exhibiting patience and tact with library users and staff, and sensitivity to the information needs of the public at various levels. Must demonstrate potential to meet reappointment and promotion criteria recently established by librarians. Minimum salary: $21,000. Please send resume with cover letter and three references postmarked by August 31, 1981, to: Sharon Tuffendsam, Libraries Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati, M.L. #33, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. ASSISTANT HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT AND HEAD, CATALOGING AND CLASSIFICATION UNIT. University of Cincinnati Libraries. Responsible for organizing and supervising work performed by the Cataloging and Classification Unit of the Catalog Department, for coordinating all other cataloging activities performed in the Department and for original cataloging. Supervises, trains, and schedules 5 unit support staff and students and provides functional supervision of 4 librarians assigned to the Cataloging and Classification Unit of the Department. May serve as Head of the Department in the absence of that individual. Minimum professional rank: Assistant Librarian. Minimum salary: $14,200. Qualifications: Master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program. Minimum of three years cataloging experience using Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Library of Congress classification schedules and subject headings; including two years experience working with the OCLC system. Demonstrated supervisory and leadership ability. Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. Demonstrated ability to work with other library staff at the support and Unit/Department head level. Reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages. Send resume with cover letter and three references postmarked by Aug. 31, 1981, to: Sharon Tuffendsam, 264 Libraries Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati, M.L. #33, Cincin-nati, Ohio 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative-action/ equal-oppor­ tunity employer. HEAD, CONSERVATION AND BINDING. University of Cincinnati Libraries. Responsible for the administration of the conservation and binding program for the Libraries. Reports to the Director, Access Services. Supervises department staff of 8. The University of Cincinnati Libraries have received an NEH grant to partially support the development of a conservation center and training program. Minimum professional rank: Assistant Librarian. Minimum salary: $14,200. Available immediately. Qualifications: Master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program, or in a field appropriate to this position and completion of a substantial program of study in the theoretical and practical aspects of the conservation and preservation of library materials. Minimum of two years experience in the application of conservation technique to library materials. Proven successful supervisory ability. Ability to communicate clearly, both orally and in writing. Send resume with cover letter and three references postmarked by Sept. 15, 1981, to: Sharon Tuffendsam, Libraries Personnel Officer, University of Cincinnati, M.L. #33, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221. The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative-aotion/equal-opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. MLS from an accredited library school. Opening available July 15, 1981, to be filled by September 1, 1981. Responsibilities include library orientation and instruction programs, reference assistance at desk, collection development, and DIALOG searches. Salary is $14,000 for 11 months. Library serves 3,500 undergraduate students. Apply to: Ray Means, Director, Alumni Memorial Library, Creighton University, 2500 California Street, Omaha, NE 68178. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Natural and Applied Sciences, Rutgers University Camden Arts and Sciences Library, Camden Campus (APP. #41). Available September 1, 1981. Responsibilities: General reference service with emphasis on natural and applied sciences, particularly biology and nursing. Collection development in the science areas. Shared schedule for nights and weekends. Qualifications: Minimum three years reference in an academic library. Background in natural and applied sciences, MLS required. Salary: $18,826, minimum, (1980/81 salary scale.) Status/benefits: Faculty status, calendar year appointment, TIAA/CREF, life/health insurance, 22 days vacation, tuition remission. Submit resumes and three sources for current references no later than August 1, 1981 to: Bonita Craft Grant (APP. #41), Personnel Librarian, Alexander Library, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08903. An equal-opportunity/affirmative- action employer. ASSISTANT CATALOGER. Entry level position in department cataloging 10,000 volumes per year (LC classification and subject headings). Does original cataloging, edits copy, prepares authority work, supervises routine activities of support staff (some copy cataloging, book preparation, filing). Also participates with other librarians in the provision of reference services. ALA-accredited MLS required; knowledge of OCLC, MARC tagging; foreign language skills desirable. Minimum salary $13,000. Send application, resume, and names of three references by July 31, to: Mary Ann Griffin, Library Director, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio 45207. Xavier University is an affirmative-action/equal-opportunity employer. HEAD TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN AND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. Reporting to the Library Director, has broad administrative responsibilities for the general operations of the library. Supervises, guides and coordinates the functions of the Technical Services Division consisting of Cataloging, Acquisitions, Serials, Documents Department and the Physical Processing and Corporate Reports Units, 265 employing a staff of 7 librarians and 13 support staff. Establishes and monitors standards of bibliographic documentation. Participates in all aspects of collection development. Develops technical services policies and procedures. Coordinates staff schedules and operations for all library units. Serves as member of the library's reference team. As assistant director, participates in library budget planning and controls. Participates in personnel selection, hiring and evaluation. Develops policy recommendations; plans space utilization, introduction of new technologies, and the acquisition of equipment and supplies. Administers staff development activites. Serves on administrative and policy committees. Prepares statistical and operational reports. Assumes all administrative responsibilities for the l i b r a r y i n t h e absence of the Director. MLS or equivalent combination of training and experience is required. Proven success as supervisor and administrator in technical services is needed. Knowledge of current cataloging standards, automated bibliographic control systems, database search service management, and acquisitions and collection development practices is essential. Proven success in coordinating diverse library operations, managing and planning personnel programs, and a record of success in finding and implementing solutions in library administration is mandatory. Thorough familiarity with all aspects of the administration and operations of business and academic libraries is required. Strong acquaintance with the literature of business and economics and the organization and objectives of academic business libraries is necessary. Demonstrated effectiveness in training, guiding, and supervising staff is required. Superior oral and written communication skills are essential. Familiarity and experience with academic library reference service are desired. Minimum of 5 years of progressively responsible administrative and supervisory experience in library technical services and academic libraries is required. Salary: $26,000-$29,000 (depending on qualifications). Senior Librarian academic staff rank. Apply by August 15, 1981, to: Search Advisory Committee, J. Hugh Jackson Library, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. An equal employment opportunity employer through affirmative action. HEAD PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Manages the circulation, reserves, and information functions, and provides general directions for stacks maintenance operations. Supervises 10 FTE support staff; writes policy and procedural documents; interprets and implements library rules; selects, trains and guides personnel; provides direct service as working supervisor, including some nights and weekends. Serves on the library’s reference team providing regular back-up reference service, including database searching. MLS or equivalent training and experience; demonstrated administrative/managerial ability; working familiarity with academic/ business library procedures; successful supervisory experience; superior public relations skills; effective oral and written communication ability; experience with circulation and public service; positive public service and staff relations attitude; ability for independent judgment and action yet acceptance of directions are needed. Salary: $16,OOO-$18,5OO (depending upon qualifications). Assistant/Associate Librarian academic staff rank. Apply by July 15, 1981, to: Selection Committee, J, Hugh Jackson Library, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. An equal employment opportunity through affirmative action. ASSISTANT CATALOGER. The Library at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia's Land-Grant University with an enrollment of 20,000 is accepting applications for the following positions. ALA-accredited MLS required of all applicants. Appointments will be made at the Instructor or Assistant Professor levels, depending on qualifications. Beginning salary is $14,000. (Two positions.) Responsible for original cataloging of books, microforms, and other materials in foreign languages and in English. Knowledge of Western European and/or Slavic languages required. Subject strengths sought are humanities for one position; science and technology for the other. Two years of 266 professional cataloging experience required for at least one position. OCLC experience and familiarity with AACR2 desirable. Department composed of eleven professional and twenty-eight support staff positions. Available 1 July 1981. The VPI Library is a developing library with a book budget approaching $2,000,000. A building addition will be completed by September 1981. Membership is held in ARL, SOLINET, and ASERL. A locally developed on-line Circulation/Finding System is in use with its own data base of more than 300,000 records. Planning for an on-line acquisitions and serials management system is in progress, with implementation beginning during current year. The staff currently numbers 56 faculty and 108 support staff. Send applications to Thomas A. Souter, Associate Director of Libraries, University Libraries, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. ASSISTANT GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: The Library at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia's Land-Grant University with an enrollment of 20,000 is accepting applications for the following position. ALA-accredited MLS required of all applicants. Appointment will be made at the Instructor or Assistant Professor levels, depending on qualifications. Beginning salary is $14,000. Duties include library orientation and instruction programs for freshmen and other groups, including term paper workshops, use of card catalogs, etc., and general reference. Available 1 September 1981. The VPI Library is a developing library with a book budget approaching $2,000,000. A building addition will be completed by September 1981. Membership is held in ARL, SOLINET, and ASERL. A locally developed on-line Circulation/Finding System is in use with its own data base of more than 300,000 records. Planning for an on-line acquisitions and serials management system is in progress, with implementation beginning during current year. The staff currently numbers 56 faculty and 108 support staff. Send applications to Thomas A. Souter, Associate Director of Libraries, University Libraries, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. An equal-opportunity/ affirmative-action employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Social sciences with emphasis on history, political science, local history or special collections, general and specialized reference, database searching. Maintains effective communication with teaching faculty, assists in collection development. Participates in library instruction program. Energetic, dynamic, personable individual with ability to relate to wide variety of people. Accredited MLS, academic library experience, social sciences degree or reference experience, demonstrated instruction skills required. Database searching skills, familiarity with government documents, selection experience preferred. Salary lower/mid teens, faculty status, TIAA/CREF. Apply by 7/31/81 to Karen L. Sampson, Assistant to the Director, University Library, University of NE at Omaha, Omaha, NE 68182. AA/EEO employer. MUSIC LIBRARIAN. Responsible for management of the Music Library (including the Sound Recordings Archives). Must be prepared to teach research courses in music and provide reference, bibliographic instructio, on-line searching, and individual research guidance to faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates. Also responsible for collection development liaison with music departments. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and master's degree in music history or musicology. Salary 12 months, $20,000+, negotiable upward depending on experience and credentials. Faculty status, tenure track. Position available January 1, 1982, or earlier depending on mutual arrangement. Send resume by August 15, 1981, to Dr. Sharon J. Rogers, Chair, Music Librarian Search Committee, Dean's Office, University Libraries, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403. An equal-opportunity/affirmative-action employer. PRINCIPAL CATALOGER. Shields Library, University of California, Davis. Serves as Head of the Original Cataloging Section of the Catalog Department. 267 Responsibilities include the supervision, training, and evaluation of the professional monographic cataloging staff. The Principal Cataloger is expected to be aware of changes in AACR2, as interpreted by the Library of Congress, and in consultation with the Department Head has final authority for deciding local interpretation and application of cataloging rules. The Principal Cataloger works closely with the Department Head and other Section Heads in planning Departmental procedures and is in charge of the Department during the Head's absence. The Principal Cataloger is expected to do original cataloging in her/his fields of subject expertise. In addition, the appointee may be required to serve a few hours per week at the Library's Catalog Information Desk. Commitment to a high level of cataloging production, coupled with a high standard of quality work, is essential. Ability to plan, organize, and manage original cataloging operations is important, as is the ability to communicate with clarity and precision, both orally and in writing. The following qualifi­ cations are required for consideration for appointment: a graduate degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution or its equivalent; a minimum of four years of cataloging experience, including at least one year of supervisory experience, in an academic library using LC classification and subject headings; knowledge of AACR2 and experience in using automated databases, such as RLIN and OCLC. Working knowledge of at least two foreign languages desirable, but not essential. Appointment will be made at the Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, salary range $l6,392-$28,908. Hiring salary for this position is up to $23,568, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Applicants should send resumes and names of four referees to Wm. F. McCoy, Associate University Librarian, 108 Shields Library, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. LIBRARY CATALOGER (Search reopened). Major responsibility: OCLC member copy, related copy, and different-edition cataloging; assigns LC class numbers; would share in training and supervision of support staff, developing departmental developmental policies and procedures. Performs other related duties as assigned. Qualifications: Fifth-year degree from ALA-accredited school; reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages; familiarity with AACR and LC cataloging practices, LC classification and subject headings and a working knowledge of OCLC and MARC tagging; ability to train and supervise staff, work cooperatively with other staff; and work well under pressure. Previous cata­ loging experience preferred. Twelve-month appointment. Salary from $13,659 depending on qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Faculty or professional status optional. Closing date for receipt of resumes, August 3, 1981. Send resume and three references to: Dr. John Corbin, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77004. An equal-opportunity employer. LIBRARY CATALOGER. Responsible for training and supervision of library assistants and indirect training and supervision of library clerks and aides in bibliographic searching; using OCLC terminals for data base searching; cata­ loging different editions; assigning LC class numbers; and performing other related duties as assigned. Qualifications: Fifth-year degree from ALA-accredited school; reading knowledge of one or more foreign languages; fami­ liarity with AACR and LC cataloging practices, LC classification and subject headings and a working knowledge of OCLC and MARC tagging; ability to train and supervise staff, work cooperatively with other staff; and work well under pressure. Twelve-month appointment. Salary from $13,659 depending on qualifi­ cations and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Faculty or professional status optional. Closing date for receipt of resumes, August 3, 19θl. Send resume and three references to: Dr. John Corbin, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun, Houston, TX 77004. An equal-opportunity employer. Just Published! BIOGRAPHY A N D GENEALOGY MASTER INDEX … A Guide to More Than 3,200,000 Listings in Over 350 Current and Retrospective Who’s Whos and Other Works of Collective Biography. 2nd ed. (Previous edition p ublished as Biographical Dictionaries Master Index.) Edited by Miranda C. Herbert and Barbara McNeil. 5,481 pages in 8 vols. Published 1980-81. $575.OO/set. (Also available: Supplement in 2 paper vols., $160.OO/set.) Increased Scope, Coverage d Usefulness Indexing seven times as many sources and offering four times as many entries as the previous edition, the second edition of BGMI covers additional biographical dictionaries, many of them recently published, plus all of the titles indexed in the first edition and its sup­ plements. Over half the sources indexed in BGMI are in Sheehy’s Guide to Reference Books and its Supplement, and nearly 85% of the listings cited in BGMI are in books covered in Sheehy. BGMI Is Easy to Use BGMI tells users which edition of which publica­ tion to consult. Or, it reveals that no listing exists for a given individual in the 350 publications indexed. Each entry gives: name, dates of birth and death (if given in the source cited), and a code indicating the source. Previous Edition Well Received “ Not just one of the year’s outstanding reference books, it is essential for all ready- reference collections” (fîû, Winter 1975). The first edition was also in both Library Journal’s "Reference Books of 1976" and College & Research Libraries’ "Selected Reference Books of 1975-76:’ Other Gale Biographical Indexes In addition to material published for the first tim e , BGMI in clu d e s m aterial published previously in Gale’s specialized or less com­ prehensive biographical indexes, such as Author Biographies Master Index. These special indexes are for libraries needing indexes in specific areas and for large libraries wishing to strengthen the research capabilities of their subject departments. Write fo r fu ll information on BGM I and other Gale biographical indexes. A ll Gale books are sent on 90-day ap­ proval. Customers outside the U.S. and Canada a d d 10%.