ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 628 / C&RL News In the News This issue provides a wide range of topics for your perusal. William A. Moffett, director o f the H u n ­ tington Library, shares with us his reasons for making the D ead Sea Scrolls available to the gen­ eral public. (It’s not every day a librarian’s action captures the w orld’s attention.) Cathy H enderson, chair of ACRL’s Rare Books & Manuscripts Sec­ tion, offers us a com m entary on the issues of access and restriction, in light o f the H untington Library’s announcement. ACRL President Anne Beaubien stresses how im portant it is for all o f us to becom e actively engaged in recruiting talented people into the p ro ­ fession. A stoiy on an innovative program at UCLA details what they are doing to recruit African Ameri­ cans to library and information science. Jon Eldrege depicts for us the many award- winning programs offered by friends of academic library groups. I f your library is not a m em ber of Friends of Libraries U.S.A. (FOLUSA) you may want to consider joining to tap into their resources. R obert Martin reports on the recent Society of American Archivists (SAA) meeting. This group is also examining the question o f w hether or not social factors should be taken into account when selecting m eeting sites. T he ACRL National Conference Com m ittee announced that noted w om en’s studies scholar C atherine Stimpson will speak at the ACRL confer­ ence in Salt Lake City. Blaine Hall offers readers some enticing descriptions of the diverse library collections available in Salt Lake. I encourage you to take a few m oments to review ACRL’s 1990-91 Annual Report included in this issue. I ’d also like to ask each of you to consider subm itting to “News from the F ield ” b rief descrip­ tions o f innovative activities underway in academic libraries th at would be of interest to C &R L News readers. A longer description of what is sought is found on page 677. — Mary Ellen K. Davis E ditor & Publisher Library/Book Fellows set off fo r foreign posts Twelve individuals have b een selected to re p re ­ sent ALA and U . S. librarianship as Library Fellows. T he jointprogram of the ALA and the U nited States Information Agency (USIA) places U.S. library and publishing professionals in institutions overseas for up to a year. The F ellows have appointments of varying length; all will be com pleted by August 1992. The following people have confirm ed their appointm ents: Anthony M . Angiletta, chief of general reference at S tanford (Calif.) U niversity, will te a c h at H um boldt University in Berlin, Germany. Jitka Hurych, head of the Science and E ngineer­ ing D epartm ent at N orthern Illinois University in DeKalb, will p resent seminars at the All-Union Library o f Foreign Literature in Moscow, USSR. Ann M ontgomery Smith, director of libraries and curator o f special collections at W entworth Institute in Boston, Mass., will teach seminars at the Colegio de Bibliotecologos del Peru in Lima. Barbara Rush, director of the U.F.S.D. 10 Li- brary-M edia C enter in Commack, N.Y., will teach courses at Kay T eachers’ College in BeerSheva and for the Israeli Ministry o f Education and Culture. Sue Sherif, public services librarian at the Fairbanks (Alaska) N orth Star Borough Public Li­ brary, will work at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik. Stanley E lm an, r e tire d lib ra rian from th e Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co. in Burbank, Calif., will assess autom ated applications at the National Library of Poland in Warsaw. Maria-Solange Macias, programs librarian for the Miami-Dade (Fla.) Public Library System, will conduct in-service training for the library adminis­ tration at the Banco del Libro in La Paz, Bolivia. James Moldovan, librarian at the Library o f the U nited States C ourt o f Appeals for the Ninth C ir­ cuit in San Francisco, will teach courses at the C entral University Library in Bucharest, Romania. Gloria Fulton, associate librarian at H um boldt State University in Areata, Calif., will work at the Belgrade Public Libraiy in Yugoslavia. D e b ra McKern, preservation officer at Emoiy University in Atlanta, Ga,, will survey the collection at the National Library of Egypt in Cairo. D eborah V. H. Abraham, supervisor of th e Ref­ e re n c e D e p a rtm e n t at th e Public L ibrary of Brookline (Mass.), wall help autom ate the Indian Institute of M anagement’s technical services op­ erations, in Calcutta, India. M arjorie Rosenthal, assistant professor at the P alm er School o f Library and Inform ation Studies in Brookville, N.Y., will teach at Hebrew University’s G raduate School of Library and Archive Studies in Jerusalem , Israel. ■ ■