ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 357 News from the Field A C Q U IS IT IO N S • T he Library o f G e t t y s b u r g C o l l e g e , G e t­ tysburg, Pennsylvania, has received the entire collection o f organ music of Claire Coci, who died S e p te m b e r 3 0 , 1978. T h e c o lle c tio n contain s 2 ,1 4 0 scores plus ninety-seven volumes of collec­ tions, fifty-four technical works, catalogs of special collections and bibliographical sketch es, and a number of other works. It was left to Gettysburg College by her family. • V irg in ia s s e n io r U n ite d S ta te s s e n a to r, Harry F. Byrd, J r ., has presented the first lot o f his papers under an arrangement that will bring his papers to the U n i v e r s i t y o f V i r g i n i a , Char­ lottesville, in regular shipments when they are no longer needed in the active business of his office. • C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , L o n g B e a c h , L ibrary has acquired the legislative papers o f California State Assemblyman Vincent Thomas. This collection contains material on all the major legislation and comm ittee work in which Assem­ blyman Thomas was involved during n in eteen terms in the California state legislature. • The U n i v e r s i t y o f W y o m i n g Libraries have recently acquired a collection of nearly 800 bilin­ gual foreign-language dictionaries and grammars c o lle c te d by C la r e n c e S e ib o ld o f C h e y e n n e , Wyoming. The bulk of the collection consists of dictionaries of non-Indo-European languages and dialects, many o f which have only rarely or re­ cently been recorded. • T h e Sp e cia l C o lle ctio n s D e p a rtm e n t of C o l o r a d o S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Libraries recently op en ed its G erm a n s from R u ssia C o lle c tio n . Among the 1,000 item s are books, journal arti­ cles, maps, papers, photographs, and manuscripts relating to Germans from Russia, or “Volga G er­ mans.” The collection began in 1975 in support of an interd iscip lin ary p ro je c t at C olorado State University to study this group, which forms the second largest ethnic minority in Colorado and is represented by substantial populations in other Great Plains states. A W A R D S • H u g h A m o r y , cataloger in the Printed Books Departm ent of the Houghton Library, Harvard U n iv e r s ity , has b e e n aw arded th e A. N. L. Munby Fellowship in Bibliography by Cambridge University for the academic year 1980-81. • N e t t i e L e e B e n s o n , professor of history and former director of the Latin American Collection at the University o f Texas at Austin, was pres­ en ted the O rder of the A ztec E agle award by Jo s é L op ez P o rtillo , p re s id e n t o f M ex ic o , at ceremonies in Mexico City on July 16. • R u s s e l l E . B i d l a c k , dean of the University of Michigan School of Library Science, has been d e sig n a te d th e 1 9 7 9 r e c ip ie n t o f th e M elv il Dewey Medal by the American Library Associa­ tion “for creative professional achievem ent.” • A g n e s C . C o n r a d , Hawaii state archivist, was presented the Distinguished Librarian Award by the Hawaii Library Association at its spring conference in Honolulu. • C a r l o s C u a d r a has been selected by the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services (N FA IS) to present the Miles Conrad Memorial Lecture at the federation’s 1980 Annual C onferen ce, March 3 - 6 , 1980, at the Sheraton National Hotel, Arlington, Virginia. • M . C a r l D r o t t , assistant professor in the Drexel University School of Library and Informa­ tion Science, received one of three Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Awards for Distinguished Teaching given this year at the university. • V i r g i n i a L a c y J o n e s , dean of the School of Library Service, Atlanta University, has received the honorary degree of doctor of letters from the University of Michigan. • F r e d e r i c k G . K i l g o u r , p r e s id e n t and executive d irecto r o f O C L C , I n c ., Colum bus, Ohio, received the fifteenth ASIS Award of Merit at ceremonies held during the 1979 Annual M eet­ ing of the American Society for Information Sci­ ence (ASIS) in Minneapolis. • R a l p h M cC oy, dean emeritus of library af­ fairs at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, has b e en nam ed by the U niv ersity o f Illin ois Graduate School of Library Science to receive the 1979 Robert B. Downs Award of $500. • R o s c o e R o u s e , d irecto r o f the Oklahoma State University library, was presented the Dis­ tinguished Service Award by the Oklahoma L i­ brary Association during the final banquet of its annual conference in Oklahoma City. It is the highest award given by the association. G RAN TS • The United States Office of Education has awarded $55,000 under the Library Research and Demonstration Program to the Alternative Acqui­ sitions P ro je c t based at T e m p l e U n i v e r s i t y ’ s Contemporary C ulture C ollection. T he project, now in its second year, will develop a handbook to aid librarians in handling alternative publica­ tions and will hold three one-day regional semi­ nars to acquaint librarians with the nuts and bolts of building an alternative press collection. • The Pew Memorial Trust, administered by the Glenm ede Trust C o ., has given D r e x e l U n i ­ v e r s i t y $1 million for use in renovation of Drex­ 358 e l ’s Rush B u ild in g , hom e o f th e u n iv e rsity ’s School of Library and Information Science. • D a v i d K a s e r , professor, Graduate Library School, Indiana University, has been awarded a grant from the Pacific Cultural Foundation to re­ turn to Taipei in D ecem ber to direct a workshop at National Taiwan Normal University. • The P i t t s b u r g h R e g i o n a l L i b r a r y C e n t e r will receive $99,304 for the first year of a project to develop and produce an on-line union list of serials for Pennsylvania. T he State Library of Pennsylvania awarded the contract for the project to the center. Funds were provided under the Library Services and Construction Act, Title III. • The North Shore Unitarian Veatch Program o f P landom e, New York, has awarded the A n d o v e r - H a r v a r d T h e o l o g i c a l L i b r a r y , Cam­ bridge, Massachusetts, a grant o f $57,250 for one year to complete the cataloging o f the books, pe­ riodicals, and manuscripts o f the Universalist His­ torical Society Library. The Universalist Library, founded in 1834, was given to the Harvard D i­ vinity School in Ju n e 1975 by the society and forms a part of the school’s Universalist and Uni­ tarian collections. • T h e N ational E n d o w m en t for th e Humanities (NEH) has awarded a challenge grant that may bring as much as $ 1 .6 million to the N e w Y o r k P u b l i c L i b r a r y . Under the terms of the grant the library would have to raise $3.2 mil­ lion in private gifts to qualify for the maximum $1.6 million from the NEH. The Vincent S. Astor Foundation will match unrestricted gifts in excess of the NEH award dollar for dollar. MEETINGS J a n u a r y 9 -1 4 : The forty-first annual N a t i o n a l A u d i o - V i s u a l A s s o c i a t i o n (NAVA) Convention and Exhibit will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Georgia World Congress Center. For more information write NAVA Convention, 3150 Spring St., Fairfax, VA 22031; (703) 273-7200. F e b r u a r y 1 4 -1 7 : The A s s o c i a t i o n o f A m e r i ­ c a n L i b r a r y S c h o o l s ’ 1980 C o n f e r e n c e will have the theme “New Mandates for Library Edu­ cation: Implications of the W hite House Confer­ en ce .” For information contact Janet Phillips, As­ sociation of American Library Schools, 471 Park L n., State College, PA 16801; (814) 238-0254. M a r c h 3 - 5 : “T h e L RC and th e L ife -L o n g Learner” will be the theme of the fifteenth an­ nual C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e L e a r n i n g R e s o u r c e s C o n f e r e n c e to be held at Southern Illinois Uni­ versity, Edwardsville. For more information and registration, contact Peggy Mills, John A. Logan College, Cartersville, I L 62981. M a r c h 1 9 -2 2 : L i b r a r y H i s t o r y S e m i n a r V I , with the theme “Libraries and C u ltu re,” will be held at the Driskill Hotel, Austin, Texas. The program will offer thirty-one selected papers dur­ ing the day and will feature addresses by major speakers at the evening sessions. The registration fee of $75 ($35 for students) includes two meals. F o r inform ation w rite L H S - V I C o ord in ato r, Graduate School of Library Science, University of Texas at Austin, Box 7576, University Sta., Aus­ tin, T X 78712. ■■ Continuing Education Opportunities The following continuing education activities have been listed with A CRL’s Continuing Educa­ tion Clearinghouse. If your organization is spon­ soring an activity that you think may be o f inter­ est to ACRL members, please send the pertinent details to the A C R L Office, 50 E. Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. January 1 7 -1 9 — Video: “Video Production T ech n iq u es,” workshop, Drexel University. F ee: $110. Contact: D irector, Office of Continuing Profes­ sional Education, Drexel University, 32d and C hestnut Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2153. February 8—-Environm ent: Environmental Information R e­ sources, workshop, D rexel U niversity. F e e : $55. Contact: Director, Office of Continuing Profes­ sional Education, Drexel University, 32d and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 895-2153. 2 0 -2 2 — Management: Management Skills Work­ shop for Librarians, Successful Library Man­ agem ent Associates, Travel Lodge Tow er at Lake Buena Vista, Florida. F e e : $175/Group $150. Contact: Successful Library Management Asso­ cia tes, P .O . Box 4 8 8 , Grayslake, I L 6 0 030; (312) 866-8073. 22, 28: M arch 7, 14— Accounting: Accounting for Librarians Institute, Rosary College Graduate School of Library Science, River Forest, Illi­ nois. F ee: $100. Contact: Continuing Education Programs, Ros­ ary C ollege Graduate School o f Library S c i­ ence, River Forest, I L 60305. 2 7 -M a rch 1— Statistics: “Statistical Methods for Professional Librarians,” workshop, University