ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 5 8 /C&RL News ACRL/CN I to hold preconference in N ew York B y J o a n K. L ip p in c o tt Librarian Leaders in New Learning Communities A CRL will offer a full-day preconference on “Librarian Leaders in New Learning Communities” on July 5, 1996, in New York City. The program will focus on preparing li­ brarians to take leadership roles on campus by participating in collaborative teams creating New Learning Communities (NLCs), employ­ ing the technology and resources o f the Inter­ net. Building on the experience o f two very successful NLC conferences, the program spon­ sors have d esig ned this p re co n fe re n ce to broaden the base o f librarians able to partici­ pate in such initiatives on their campuses. The new learning com m unities co n cep t builds on the collaborative model o f teaching and learning, in which students work together to make discipline concepts more meaningful and becom e partners with the instructor in the teaching and learning process. Collaborative learning results in greater understanding by stu­ dents in most cases. In the conception o f the Coalition for Networked Information’s NLC pro­ gram, the collaborative model o f teaching and learning is expanded to include collaborative development o f curricular content by teams of faculty and professionals from a variety o f units on campus, e.g., the library, computing center, instructional technology center, etc. The col­ laborative process o f developing curricular con­ tent results in a rich mix o f perspectives and expertise. Using the Internet as a vehicle for collaborative learning and using networked in­ formation resources as part o f the curricular content are also features of the Coalition’s pro­ gram. By participating in such initiatives on campus, librarians can becom e integral mem­ bers o f teaching/learning teams, bringing skills and perspectives on the use o f networked in­ formation into the curriculum. The preconference will focus on the pro­ cess o f forming successful NLCs through part­ nerships o f faculty, librarians, information tech­ nologists, and others. Presentations by team members and educational leaders will help par­ ticipants gain an understanding o f the concepts involved in successful collaborations, to b e ex­ posed to examples o f NLCs in which student involvement and the teaching/learning process are emphasized, and to see projects from model programs. In addition, participants will work in small groups to exchange ideas with col­ leagues and develop plans to implement NLCs in their home institution. Tom Kirk (college librarian, Earlham Col­ lege) will serve as the preconference facilitator and will be joined by speakers from a variety o f institutions. The program will include: • presentations by members o f institutional teams highlighting the process the teams are using on their campuses to develop their pro­ grams, and the collaborative nature o f these efforts; • presentations by librarians from project teams focusing on their role in the project; • presentations on the principles and vi­ sion underlying the concept o f NLCs and the characteristics o f such communities; • small group sessions, organized by type o f library and facilitated by team members or past conference facilitators, where attendees will engage in information sharing related to new learning communities; Joan K. Lippincott is assistant executive director o f the Coalition f o r Networked Information; e-mail: M e m b e rs save up to 15% A C R L Association o f College & Research Libraries Publications Catalog SPR IN G 1 9 9 6 2 - ACRL Publications MANAGEMENT Preporing for Accreditation: A H an db o o k for A cad em ic Librar­ ia n s Patricia Ann Sacks and Sara Lon Whildin This valuable, step-by-step w o rk b oo k helps librarians com plete their self-study and evaluation processes. $ 1 8 .0 0 , 80p. 0-8389-0621-4, 1993 Recruiting the Academic Library Director: A Com panion to the S ea rch Com m ittee H andbook Sharon Rogers and Ruth Person $1 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 1 5 .9 5 0-8389-7484-8, 1991 Measuring Academic Library Performance: A Practical Approach Nancy Van House, Beth Weil, and Charles McClure This easy-to-use set o f output measures is designed to assist in measuring the impact, efficiency, and effectiveness o f academic library activities. $ 3 4 .0 0 , 140p ., 0-8389-0529-3, 1990; $ 7 5 .0 0 with self-running database, 0-8389-0542-0, 1991 CLIP Notes Practical ideas for managing your library’s programs and services are contained in ACRL’s C ollege Library Inform ation Packets (C LIP) Notes. Each CLIP Note provides data and sample documents from co lle g e and small university libraries that w ill assist you in establishing or services and operations. NEW ! User Surveys in College Libraries, CLIP N ote # 2 3 M ignon S. Adams, Jeffrey A. Beck, comps. Presents exam ples o f a w id e variety o f survey instruments used by co lle ge libraries, including user satisfaction surveys, scripts for focus groups and interviews, surveys on specific areas o f the library, surveys o f online services, and facilities surveys. Examples are also included o f the various tools that w ill affect response rate, such as cover letters, directions, and rewards or motiva­ tors for com pletion. $ 2 3 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 1 9 .9 5 , 90p. 0-8389-7825-8, 1995 NEW ! Allocation Formulas in Academic Libraries, CLIP N ote # 2 2 Jane H. Tuten, Beverly Jones, comps. Identifies elements used in allocation formulas and provides guidelines for c o llege and small university libraries for im plem enting formulas in the budget allocation process. Includes a variety o f documents representing different allocation methods, such as w eighted, unweighted, and percentage-based formulas; narrative descriptions; and sample worksheets. $ 2 3 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 1 9 .9 5 , 90p. 0-8389-7812-6, 1995 Library Services for Non- Affiliated Patrons, CLIP N ote #21 Eugene S. Mitchell, comp. Sample policies and procedures for dealing with service to the non-affiliated library user. C ollected from academic institutions nationally. Includes exam ples o f informa­ tion sheets, application and registration forms, ID cards, recourse letters, and reciprocal agreements. $ 3 2 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 7 .9 5 , 151 p. 0-8389-7781-2, 1995 ACRL Publications - 3 Managing Student Employees in College Libraries, CLIP Note #20 M i c h a e l K a t h m a n , J a n e M c G u rn K a t h m a n , c o m p s . Comprehensive guidance for managing stu­ dent employ­ ees. Includes examples of policies and procedures for employment, dismissal, ori­ entation, train­ ing, supervi­ sion, and per­ formance re­ view. “Highly recommended for small and medium-sized libraries em­ ploying student workers.”— Library J o u r n a l $ 2 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 5 .9 5 , 140p. 0-8389-7752-9, 1994 Formal Planning in College lib ra rie s, CLIP Note #19 S a r a h W atstein , P a m e l a W o n sek , P a u l a M a tth ew s , c o m p s . A survey o f formal planning procedures at academic libraries. Includes examples of worksheets and checklists, vision state­ ments, and formal planning documents. $2 7 .9 5 ; ACRL member $24.95, 120p. 0-8389-7743-X, 1994 Emergency Planning and Man­ agem ent in College Libraries, CLIP Note #17 S u s a n C. G e o r g e , c o m p . Policies and procedures for emergency planning and management in college libraries. Includes examples of plans covering everything from earthquakes to salvage procedures. $ 2 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $25.95, 146p. 0-8389-7710-3, 1994 Interlibra ry Loan in College Libraries, CUP Note #1 6 R o x a n n B u sto s , c o m p . Sample policies and procedure statements, forms, public relations documents, and instructional handouts for libraries offering online searching, CD-ROM, and other computer-based services. $ 3 4 .5 0 ; ACRL member $ 28.75, 148p. 0-8389-7652-2, 1993 D a ta b ase Searching in College Libraries, CLIP Note #15 S a r a h P e d e r s o n , w r it e r a n d c o m p . Samples of policies and procedures statements, forms, promotional documents, and instructional handouts. $29.95; ACRL member $24.95, 123p. 0-8389-7651-4, 1993 Audiovisual Policies in College Libraries, CLIP Note #14 K r is t in e B r a n c o l i n i , c o m p . “The documentation included in the kit is clear and of good quality and covers all aspects o f establishing and managing an audiovisual collection.”— LRTS $21.95; ACRL member $1 8.95, 152p. 0-8389-7495-3, 1991 College Library Newsletters, CLIP Note #13 P a t r i c i a S m ith B u t c h e r a n d S u s a n M c C a r th y C a m p b e ll, c o m p s . Sample newsletters as well as nameplates, graphics, and style manuals/guidelines for guest editors are included. $1 8.95; ACRL member $15.95, 154p. 0-8389-7445-7, 1990 Performance Appraisal in Academic Libraries, CLIP Note #12 B a r b a r a W illia m s J e n k i n s , c o m p ., w ith t h e a s s i s t a n c e o f M a r y L. S m a lls “. . . a wide variety of philosophies and ap­ proaches, ranging from series of relatively open-ended questions to grids for grading employees on specific qualities and achieve­ ments.”—JAL $18.95; ACRL member $15.9 5, 128p. 0-8389-7444-9, 1990 4 - ACRL Publications Collection Development Policies for College Libraries, CLIP Note #11 Theresa Taborsky, comp. . . this volume is well worth the price.” — L ibrary J o u r n a l $ 2 6 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 1 .9 5 , 175p. 0-8389-7295-0, 1989 Annual Reports for College Libraries, CLIP Note #10 Kenneth Oberembt, comp. $ 2 1 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 1 8 .7 5 , 135p. 0-8389-7219-5, 1988 Friends of College Libraries, CLIP Note #9 Ronelle Thompson, comp. “This is a must for two groups of libraries: those who have Friends groups and those who do not.”— Library J o u r n a l $1 8 .7 5 ; ACRL member $ 1 5 .5 0 , 134p. 0-8389-7171-7, 1987 Periodicals in College Libraries, CLIP Note #8 Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson, comps. “Recommended for all college and univer­ sity libraries.”— L ibrary J o u r n a l $ 1 8 .7 5 ; ACRL member $ 1 5 .4 5 , 116p. 0-8389-7143-1, 1987 PERSONNEL ISSUES Discovering Librarians: Profiles of a Profession Mary Jane Scherdin, editor Results o f national studies of vocational interests o f library and information profes­ sionals. The librarian profile is presented from the ACT, the Strong Interest Invento­ ries, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and the SIGI PLUS computer-aided career guidance tool, along with analysis of demographic data. Readers “will be rewarded with a better understanding of their own career choices and the need to insure that guidance counselors and guidance tools accurately reflect the current needs o f our profession”— L ibrary J o u r n a l $ 3 5 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 3 1 .9 5 , 220p. 0-8389-7753-7, 1994 Academic Status: Statements and Resources, Second Edition Susan Kroll, editor A compilation o f the ACRL standards and guidelines that apply to faculty status for academic librarians, as well as a selective bibliography. $ 1 0 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 8 .9 5 , 62p. 0-8389-7739-1, 1994 ACRL Publications - 5 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Collection Ma na gment in the E lectronic Age: A Manual for Creating Community College Collection Developm ent Policy Statem ents Jennie S. Boyarski, Kate Hickey, editors A survey of community and junior colleges’ collection develop­ ment poli­ cies with examples of eleven com­ plete and seven partial policy state­ ments. “. . . valuable to academic and school libraries of all sizes and should be read by librarians engaged in collection development . . . ” — L ib rary J o u r n a l $ 4 2 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 3 5 .9 5 , 197p. 0-8389-7737-5, 1994 Vocational and Technical Resources for Community College Libraries Mary A nn Laun, editor Annotated bibliographies presenting a col­ lection o f resources, both print and nonprint, that are needed to support a vo­ cational and technical curriculum for a community college, or a vocational or tech­ nical institution. Useful to undergraduate students, vocational and technical students, librarians, faculty, and the general public looking for information on these programs’ resources. “This will becom e a standard selection tool for libraries in community college, technical institutes, and vocational- technical high schools. . . . four-year-col- lege libraries and medium-size and large public libraries . . . should consider it for their reference collections.”— B ooklist $ 9 5 .0 0 , ACRL member $ 8 5 .0 0 , 622p. 0-8389-7775-8, 1995 ßooks for College Libraries III This set covers more than 50,000 titles chosen to represent a core collection of books for four-year college and university libraries. BCL3 is also available on machine- readable tape. Contact ACRL. “Highly recommended.”— L ibrary Jo u r n a l. $ 6 0 0 /6 vol. set, $125 individual volume 0-8389-3353-X, 1988 Directory ofurriculum M aterials Center, 1990 Donald Osier, Carol Wright, Janet Lawrence, Mary Ellen Collins, Beth Anderson, comps. This directory includes 272 institutions and covers purpose, hours, staffing, budget, service, and holdings. $ 3 9 .5 0 ; ACRL member $ 3 2 .9 5 , 240p. 0-8389-7439-2, 1991 Western E uropea n Studies: Current Research Trends & Library Resources Eva Sartori, Ceres Birkhead, John Cullars, John Dillon, Thomas Kilton, editors Eleven research papers offer thoughtful synthesis, personal insight, and information useful for anyone dealing with recent scholarship in Western European studies. $ 3 2 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 9 .9 5 , 120p. 0-8389-7461-9, 1990 6 - ACRL Publications Curriculum M aterials Center Collection Development Policy, Second E dition Beth G. Anderson, Virginia Nordstrom, Karin Duran, Allison G. Kaplan, comps. A model policy is provided along with example policies from libraries that illustrate modifications to the model to fit specific local needs. $ 1 6 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 14.95, 46p. 0-8389-7707-3, 1993 Women’s Studies Collection Development Policies The WSS Collection Development and Bibliography Committee This unique tool identifies issues and provides models o f existing policies. Complete policy statements from 16 university libraries illustrate the range of issues and provide a variety of models. The “RLG Conspectus: Women’s Studies” supplemental guideline, included as an appendix, identifies issues unique to w om en’s studies and describes materials and sources. $ 3 5 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 9 .9 5 , 122p. 0-8389-7596-8, 1992 State Education Documents: A State-bγ-State Directory for Their Acquisition and Use EBSS Education-Related Government Publications Subcommittee This directory provides the means to access the large variety of state education docu­ ments available from government agencies. $ 2 1 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 1 8 .9 5 , 54p. 0-8389-7327-2, 1989 CHOICE Reviews Publications in this series from CHOICE are compiled by the editors from reviews previ­ ously published in the magazine (volumes 27 through 29, Asian Americans through volume 30, Environmental Studies through volume 32). Each collection provides the full text of the CHOICE review and author and title indexes. The editors consider these collections representative o f the significant books that CHOICE reviewed in the subject areas. NEW ! Environmental Studies $ 3 8 .0 0 , 893 titles, 164p. 0-8389-7808-8, 1995 *African and African American Studies $ 2 2 .0 0 , approximately 750 titles, 152p. 0-8389-7691-1, 1992 *Native American Studies $ 1 5 .0 0 , 278 titles, 60p. 0-8389-7632-8, 1992 *Asian and Asian American Studies $ 2 0 .0 0 , 605 titles, 113p. 0-8389-7691-3, 1993 *Latino Studies $ 2 0 .0 0 , 525 titles, 112p. 0-8389-7631-X, 1992 *Order these titles from CH O ICE Magazine, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 0 6 4 57 . Order Environmental Studies from ACRL. ACRL Publications - 7 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Examples to Accompany Descriptive Cataloging o f Rare Books Prepared by the Bibliographic Stan­ dards Committee o f the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section “The introduction is clear, the bibliography useful, the indexes exhaustive and the records themselves painstakingly accurate. In short, it is a model o f its kind, and should be consulted not only by those cataloguers currently using the code but also all managing librarians considering its adoption.”— R are B o o k s Newsletter $ 2 9 .9 5 ; ACRL members $ 2 3 .9 5 , 148p. 0-8389-7672-7, 1993 Thesauri for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging These thesauri were developed for use in MARC field 655 and 755. Each thesaurus provides standardized vocabulary for retrieving items by form and genre or by various physical characteristics which are typically o f interest to special collections librarians. G enre Terms (2nd e d .) $ 2 1 .9 5 ; ACRL member $1 8 .9 5 , 90p. 0-83 89-7516-X, 1991 P ap er Terms $ 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 7 .5 0 , 52p. 0-8389-7427-9, 1990 Type Evidence $ 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 7 .5 0 , 19p. 0-8389-7428-7, 1990 Binding Terms $ 1 1 .5 0 ; ACRL member $ 9 .5 0 , 37p. 0-8389-7210-1, 1988 Printing & Publishing Evidence $ 8 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 7 .5 0 , 28p. 0-8389-7108-3, 1986 Provenance Evidence $ 1 0 .5 0 ; ACRL member $ 8 .5 0 , 24p. 0-8389-7239-X, 1988 INFORMATION ACCESS Science and Engineering Conference Proceedings: A G u id e to Sources for Identifica­ tion and Verification Barbara DeFelice, editor Overview o f the coverage and indexing of conference proceedings and papers in subject-oriented abstracting and indexing services. A valuable working tool for the practicing librarian involved with public services for the scientific and engineering community. $ 16.50; ACRL member $ 14.00, 84p. 0-8389-7790-1, 1995 8 - ACRL Publications G u id e to Searching the Bibliographic Utilities for Conference Proceedings Nirmala S. Bangalore, Judith A. Carter, editors A convenient guide detailing search strategies for finding conference proceed­ ings in either RLIN, OCLC/PRISM, or W LN utilities. $ 7 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 6 .9 5 , 15p. 0 -8 3 89 -77 3 4 -0, 1994 Abstracting, Information Retrieval, and the Humanities: Providing Access to Historical Literature Publications in Librarianship: No. 48 Helen R. Tibbo An examination o f the qualities and functions o f abstracts and the challenges in volved in text condensation. $35.00, 276p. 0-8389-3430-7, 1993 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION NEW! Teaching Information Retrieval and Evaluation Skills to Educa­ tion Students and Practitioners: A Casebook of Applications Patricia O ’Brien Libutti, Bonnie Gratch editors Scenarios depicting actual instructional sessions at the undergraduate, graduate, practitioner, and high-school level using goals and objectives statements. Several cases include the teaching o f ERIC and Internet resources. Most useful are the reflective analyses o f the sessions by librarian-instructors that reveal lessons learned about teaching technology. $ 2 6 .5 0 ; ACRL member $ 2 2 .5 0 , 152p. 0-8 38 9 -78 13 -4, 1995 , R ead This First: An Owner’s Guide to the New Model State­ ment of Objectives for Academic Bibliographic Instruction Carolyn Dusenbury, Monica Fusich, Kathleen Kenny, and Beth Woodard, editors . . the MSO [m odel statement objectives] may serve as a checklist in evaluating existing BI programs, develo pin g educa­ tional goals w h en determining new programs, and determining whether such goals are being achieved.”— Library Journal $ 19 .95 ; ACRL member $ 1 6 .4 5 , 72p. 0-8389-7548-8, 1991 Learning to Teach: Workshops on Instruction Nine workshops cover the basics including clear, concise discussions o f classroom techniques, n ew technologies, and instruc­ tion in a multicultural environment. This collection o f w orkshops is designed to d evelo p fundamental skills and addresses critical issues in bibliographic instruction. “Recom m ended for practitioners as w e ll as academic, library school, and school library collections.”— Library Journal $ 2 4 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 1 .9 5 , 86p. 0 -8 3 89-7627-1, 1993 ACRL Publications - 9 Sourcebook for Bibliographic Instruction The Editorial Board o f the Bibliographic Instruction Section A w orking, desk-top tool for n ew and exp erien ced bibliographic instruction librarians, the Sourcebook is practical and easy-to-use. Five essential topics are covered: learning theory, instructional design, teaching methods, evaluation, and administration. “H ighly recom m ended for all institutions engaging in BI.”— Library Journal $ 18 .95 ; ACRL member $ 1 6 .9 5 , 96p. 0 -8 3 8 9-767 3 -5, 1993 10 - ACRL Publications STATISTICS & RESEARCH NEW ! Continuity and Transformation: The Promise of Confluence Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference of the Asso­ ciation of College and Research Libraries Richard AmRhein, editor Describes h o w librarians across the country are incorporat­ ing n e w and established techn ologies to enhance the teaching, learning, and research processes. Includes 54 refereed contributed papers and abstracts o f 31 panel sessions. $ 4 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 4 4 .9 5 , 500p. 0-8 3 8 9 -77 8 6 -3, 1995 Academic Libraries Achieving Excellence in Higher Education: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference o f the Association of College and Research Libraries Thomas Kirk, editor Practical examinations and solutions to current academ ic library problem s are included in 4 keyn ote addresses, 36 program reports, and 52 refereed contrib­ uted papers.“ . . . an excellent professional develo pm en t resource for librarians trying to keep current and for n ew librarians con cerned about the profession.”—JAL $ 4 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 4 4 .9 5 , 5 2 2 p . 0 -8 3 8 9 -76 2 2 -0, 1992 NEW ! (Ava ila ble after 5/1/96) ACRL University Library Statistics, 1994-95 Library Research Center, Graduate School o f Library & Information Science, University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, comp. Data from o v e r 100 participating libraries. Library categories include collections, personnel, expenditures, and interlibrary loan. Institutional categories include degrees offered, enrollm ent size, and faculty size. Price T.B.D. 0-8389-7831-2 ACRL University Library Statistics, 1992-93 Library Research Center, Graduate School o f Library & Information Science, University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, comp. $ 6 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 3 9 .9 5 , 80p. 0 -8 3 89-7738-3, 1994 ACRL University Library Statistics, 1990– 91 Library Research Center, Graduate School o f Library & Information Science, University o f Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, comp. $ 6 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 3 9 .9 5 , 80p. 0 -8 3 8 9-7587-9, 1992 ACRL/Historically Black Colleges & Universities Library Statistics, 1988– 89 Robert E. Molyneux, comp. $ 3 5 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 5 .9 5 , 101 p. 0 -8389-7547-X, 1991 ACRL University Library Statistics, 1988– 89 Denise Bedford, comp. $ 4 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 9 .9 5 , 79p. 0-8 38 9 -74 46 -5, 1990 ACRL University Library Statistics, 1987– 88 Robert E. Molyneux, comp. $ 4 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 9 .9 5 , 79p. 0 -8 3 89 -72 8 8-8, 1989 ACRL Publications -1 1 12 - ACRL Publications ACRL Publications - 13 OFFICIAL ACRL DOCUMENTS All standards are $5.00 per copy. Indicate quantity of each item to be shipped. 14 - ACRL Publications ACRL Publications - 15 NEWS & REVIEWS Choice Book review journal o f the Association o f C ollege and Research Libraries (ACRL). Eleven issues per year (July/August com bined). A va ila b le by subscription only, $1 6 5 /y e a r domestic rate; $18 7 /y e a r foreign rate; single issues $ 2 0 .0 0 ISSN: 00 0 9 -4 9 7 8 . Also available as: Choice-Reviews-on-Cards Reviews from each monthly issue o f Choice printed on 3x5 cards. Available to C h oice subscribers only for $ 2 4 5 / year domestic rate; $ 2 6 5 /y e a r foreign rate; sample box $ 2 5 .0 0 . O rde r either Choice product from: Circulation Department, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, M iddletown, CT 0 6 4 5 7 (203) 3 47 -6 9 3 3. R are Books & Manuscripts Librarianship A journal o f theory and practice covering all aspects o f special collections librarian­ ship. T w o issues/year. $ 3 0 .0 0 U.S.; $ 3 5 .0 0 for Canada and Mexico; and all other countries $ 4 0 .0 0 ; single issues $ 1 5 .0 0 each. ISSN: 0884-450X. College & Research Libraries Official journal o f the Association o f College and Research Libraries. Six bimonthly issues per year. Sent to ACRL members as a perquisite o f membership. Also available on subscription. $ 5 0 .0 0 per year in the U.S.; C anada and M exico $ 5 5 .0 0 per year; and all other countries $ 6 0 .0 0 ; single issues $ 1 4 .0 0 each. ISSN: 0 0 1 0-0 87 0 . College & Research Libraries News Official news magazine o f the Association o f College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year (July/August com bined). Sent to ACRL members as perquisite o f membership. Also available on subscrip­ tion. $ 3 5 .0 0 per year in the U.S.; $ 4 0 .0 0 per year in Canada and other PUAS countries; $ 4 5 .0 0 in other foreign countries; single issues $ 6 .5 0 each. ISSN: 0 0 9 9-0 0 86 . College & Research Libraries and College & Research Libraries New s, Index for Volumes 41– 50 (1980– 89) $ 2 9 .9 5 ; ACRL member $ 2 5 .9 5 , 180p. 0-8389-7487-2, 1991 ACRL APPROVAL PLANS ACRL publications provide practical ideas, tools, and methods for: management, bibliographic instruction, special collections, collection developm ent, statistics, and research. The convenient and cost-cutting ACRL approval order plan provides automatic priority shipping o f ACRL’s new books at a 20% discount to ACRL members (10% to nonmembers). There are tw o approval plan categories from which to choose: • Plan P guarantees that you w ill automatically be sent all n ew ACRL publications including CLIP Notes. ACRL publishes approximately 5 to 6 n ew titles each year. • Plan PC is exclusively for titles in the CLIP Notes (C ollege Library Information Packets) series. CLIP Notes collect data and sample documents from academic libraries to assist librarians in establishing or refining services and operations. It’s easy to enroll. Make your selection on the order form in this catalog. O r call or write the ACRL Publications O fficer indicating the category you have chosen. ACRL/ALA, Approval Plan, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 606 l l ; (800) 545-2433, ext. 2517 March 1 9 9 6 /1 5 9 • an opportunity for each participant or in­ stitutional team to develop a strategic plan for forming an NLC at his/her hom e institution. This program should b e o f interest to in­ struction librarians, departm ental librarians, subject specialists, program coordinators, and program administrators. It will focus on NLCs in the con text o f higher education. T he program is sponsored by the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI). In addition, the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE), ACRL, and Educom are sponsors o f the Coalition’s New Learning Communities Pro­ gram. The Coalition has received financial sup­ port for this program from the U.S. Department o f Education’s Title IIB Program. The Program Com mittee for the preconfer­ en c e includes Jo a n Lippincott (C oalition for Networked Information), Philip Tom pkins (In ­ diana University-Purdue University at India­ napolis), Susan Perry (Mt. Holyoke College), Tom Kirk (Earlham College), Barbara MacAdam (University o f M ichigan), and D eborah Masters (San Francisco State University). T he ACRL pro­ gram liaison is Noreen Hale. For information on the preconference, c o n ­ tact: N oreen Hale at (80 0 ) 545-2433, ext. 2510, or noreen.hale@ ACRL/CNI preconference registration form Registration is limited to the first 115 participants. T he registration fee includes lunch. As part o f the registration fee, you will receive a video and han dbook from the 1994 New Learning Com­ munities Conference. Registrations must b e received by May 28. Late registration will b e accepted until June 14 and carry a $35 late fee. Written cancellations will b e accepted up to June 14 and are subject to a $50 cancellation fee; refunds will b e processed after the preconference. No refunds will b e m ade for cancellations after June 14. 160/C&RL News