ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 170/C&RL News Eliska Ryznar, head o f Stanford University’s Law Library Catalog Department, retired in Janu­ ary after m ore than 20 years o f service. In addi­ tion to w o rk in g in the Catalog Department, Ryznar is the author o f several bibliographies, a specialist translator, a professional indexer, and has contributed entries on the Czech and Slovak Republics to the Encyclopedia Americana. D eaths Lianne Schroeder Clark, a form er librarian in the Rare B ook Department at the Univer­ sity o f Chicago, died o f brain cancer in Janu­ ary at the age o f 65. Charlotte Jacobson, a retired associate profes­ sor and associate librarian at St. O laf College in Northfìeld, Minnesota, died in Decem ber at the age o f 86. Jacobson started working at St. O laf in 1931. During her 43-year career she served as assistant registrar, secretary to the president and to the dean o f men, associate professor o f En­ glish, and associate librarian. She retired from St. O la f in 1974 and becam e archivist for the N orw egian -A m erican Historical Association, based at the college. That second career lasted 16 years. Mary Alice Eggleston Kraehe, retired African bibliographer at the University o f Virginia (U V), died last August. In positions at the Universities o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Kentucky, Kraehe developed her expertise in the antiquar­ Advertiser index Academ ic Press 155 ASM International 136-37 Baker & Taylor 171 Brodart cover 4 EBSCO-Host 143 IEEE 147 IRI cover 3 OCLC 150, 160 PAIS 133 Rainbow Media 149 Sociological Abstracts 141 UMI 125 Univ. o f Missouri 128 ian book trade. She m oved to U V in 1970 as out- of-print librarian, and subsequently became A f­ rican bibliographer until her retirement in 1994. Professionally active, Kraehe held many offices in the African Studies Association’s Africana Li­ brarians Council and the Southeastern Regional Seminar in African Studies. Margaret Kelly Toth, retired head o f acqui­ sitions at the University o f Rochester (U R), died on D ecem ber 15, 1995. During her 26 years at Rochester, Toth also w o rk ed in the areas o f special collections and microtext. From 1953 to 1968 she was editor o f the UR Press, and served as editor o f the ACRL Microcard Series from 1954 to 1966. John C. Tyson, state librarian o f Virginia from 1990 to 1994, died in Novem ber after a brief illness. He was 44. At the time o f his death, Tyson was an associate profes­ so r at th e G ra d u a te School o f Information Sci­ ences at the University o f Tennessee, Knoxville. He also w as p resid en t o f John Tyson and Associ­ ates, a library m anage­ m en t c o n s u ltin g firm sp ecia liz in g in human John C. Tyson resource d evelopm en t. B efore his appointment as Virginia’s state li­ brarian, Tyson served as university librarian at the University o f Richmond (1986– 1990), and associate professor and assistant director for planning, administration, and developm en t at Northern Illinois University (1984– 1986). A pas­ sionate supporter o f the library profession, T y ­ son was a force behind the creation o f the Black Caucus o f ALA (B CALA ). In 1992 he re­ ceived the Distinguished Service A w ard from the BCALA for “his leadership and vision in planning the First National Conference o f A f­ rican Am erican Librarians.” Lucille M. Wert, retired professor emeritus at the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (U IU C ), died last August at the age o f 76. W ert served as science librarian at Harvard Univer­ sity, the Massachusetts Institute o f Tech n ol­ ogy, the State University o f Iow a, and UIUC. She retired in 1986 as professor emeritus at UIUC, w h ere she had been on the faculty and in administration. ■ March 1996/171 When it comes to accuracy... there’s no comparison! A ctual S c r e e n s - M a r c h , 1 9 9 5 C om pare B o o k s-in -P rin t Plus a nd T h e S ou n d o v e rw h e lm in g ? N o t at all. T h e itle S ou rce...and y o u can see fo r y o u rs e lf T itle S ource is e x tr e m e ly user fr ie n d ly and S u b scrib e to th e W o rld E dition!at T h e T itle S ou rce is far m o re accurate. th ere are o v e r 7 5 ,0 0 0 su bject h ea din gs that ot just the M a rc h , 199 5 e d itio n , b u t any en a b le y o u to access the exact in fo rm a tio n W it h o v e r 2.5 m illio n A m e ric an , British, onth y o u c h o o s e to c om p are . y o u n ee d q u ic k ly and easily. C an adian , Australasian and E uropean W h ich is p a rtic u la rly im p re s siv e w h e n you H o w can o n e sou rce p ro v id e m o re in fo r ­ E nglish-lan gu age titles o n a s in gle m o n th ly onsider that Baker & T a ylors T h e T itle Source m a tion ... m o re accurately... m o n th in, m on th C D -R O M , T h e T itle Source, W o r ld Edition , also provides m ore inform ation. In fact, out? Because Baker & T a y lo r is the source. is the w o r ld ’s m ost co m p re h en siv e reference its the m ost c om p re h e n s iv e O u r lo n g -s ta n d in g rela tion sh ip s w ith the to o l. Features include: C D -R O M title database w o r ld s pu blish ers insure that w e h ave the • U .S ., U .K ., and Au stralian e d itio n s listed availab le o f b o o k , m o st curren t title in fo r m a tio n , w h ic h is w h y sid e-b y-side. a u d io a n d v id e o there are o v e r 13 0 ,0 0 0 u p dates to T h e T itle • C o v e r p rice in U.S . dollars, U .K . pou nds, titles—in-prin t, S ource each and e v e r y m on th . o r Au stralian dollars. o u t-o f-p r in t and T h e T itle Source from Baker & Taylor. • C o m p re h e n siv e search o p tio n s -fro m fo rth c o m in g. Tru ly in c om p arab le. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n c o u n try o f o rig in to k e y w ords. O v e r 1.8 m il­ o n this p o w e r fu l refere n c e to o l and o u r fle x i­ lio n titles o n b le s u b s crip tion plans, call 1 (8 0 0 ) 775 -1 8 0 0 . o n e d isk! In te rn atio n al cu stom ers, please fax 1 (9 0 8 ) 42 9 -4 0 3 7 . T th N m c