ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 259 factory systems, prices, price determination, costs, organization of production, private pro­ duction monopolies, and trading agreements. Price 19s by post. BS 1000 (339) Distribution, Conservation and Consumption of W ealth covers prosperity, poverty, livelihood, national w ealth and in­ come, consumption and conservation of w ealth and natural resources, supplies, and the dis­ tribution of goods. Price 14s by post. BS 1000 (6 2 2 .1 /.5 ) Explosives. A part from explosives themselves, this section covers fire­ works, pyrotechnic and related devices, pro­ pellant powders and gunpowders, detonators, and kindlers, matches, and lighters. Price 19s by post. BS 1000 (6 2 2 .6 /.9 ) Fuels cover fuels clas­ sified according to w hether they are natural, thermally or chemically produced, or m echan­ ically produced, artificial and synthetic. Fuel economy and combustion engineering are also dealt with. Price 19s by post. BS 1000 (6 8 7 ) Clothing Industry. Articles of Toilet. One part of this section deals with tailoring and industrial m anufacture of articles of clothing such as outer garments, lingerie, underwear, knitwear, cravats, protective cloth­ ing and headgear, as well as tools, machinery, and accessories for the industry. Another part deals with beauty culture, coverings, wigs and hairdressing, manicure, pedicure, and acces­ sories for beauty culture. Two final parts are concerned w ith artificial fur and brushes and brooms. These sections are all provided with alpha­ betical indexes. The new sections of BS 1000 are obtainable from the BSI Sales Branch, 101/113 Bentonville Road, London N .1. Prices by post to nonsubscribers are given in th e text. ■ ■ News From the Sections L A W A N D P O L I T I C A L S C I E N C E S U B S E C T I O N Editor’s Note: The following letter was submitted for publication in College & Research Libraries. It was the opinion of the editors of both College & Research L i­ braries and College & Research Libraries News that since the conference was publicized in the News that the letter should also be printed in the News. To the Editor: As co-directors of a scheduled ALA Pre- Conference Institute on Legal Bibliography, we feel an obligation to explain why this institute was cancelled. Our participation in the activities of th e Law and Political Science Subsection of the Sub­ ject Specialist Section of th e Association of Col­ lege an d Research Libraries made us aware of the great interest of librarians working w ith so­ cial science materials in legal literature. The good attendance a t th e meeting on th e litera­ ture of the U.S. Supreme Court sponsored by the Law and Political Science Subsection a t the Atlantic City meeting of ALA further con­ vinced us of the interest of many librarians in legal literature. Consequently, one of th e undersigned, as chairman of the subsection, suggested the pos­ sibility of a Pre-Conference Institute on Legal Bibliography a t D etroit to the Executive Sec­ retary of ACRL, and received encouragement for it. W e then proceeded to lay plans for such an institute, recruited additional faculty, and arranged for the institute to b e hosted, at no cost to ALA, by th e School of Law of W ayne State University. T he Subsection Ex­ ecutive Com mittee m et a t Chicago at th e M id­ w inter meeting of ALA, and final plans were approved by the Chairman of the Subject Specialist Section and the Executive Secretary of ACRL . Subsequently, we arranged for free distribu­ tion to enrollees of sample copies of biblio­ graphic tools, and a free cocktail party and dinner. All of this would have been available to participants for only $50.00, w ith practically no expenses incurring to the American Library Association; in fact, ALA would have received a substantial profit from the institute. D uring the entire planning phase of this meeting, we received no support from ALA H eadquarters. All typing and publicity had to be arranged for a t our respective schools. Suddenly, in th e middle of May, we were inform ed for the first tim e th a t th e faculty THE BLACK EXPERIENCE IN THE UNITED STATES • A Bibliography Based on the Collections of the San Fernando Valley State College Library 3100 entries in shelf list order Indexed by main entry Cloth, $12.00 PRINTED AT THE WARD RITCHIE PRESS DISTRIBUTED BY RICHARD ABEL & COMPANY 260 participants would be required, by an ALA regulation, to p ay th e fi fty-dollar registration fee! W e felt th a t this was too much! W e were willing to fulfill our professional obligation by paying our own expenses to come to D etroit and expected no rem uneration for o ur tim e and services. W e think th a t professionalism is n o t unilateral. W e understand our responsibility tow ard our profession, b u t an organization such as th e American L ibrary Association m ust also respond professionally. To ask us, or our un i­ versities, to pay for an institute w here our p a r­ ticipation is to benefit others an d n o t ourselves or our institutions appears to us to be m ost u n ­ professional. O ur subsequent attem pts to determ ine the rationale for such a regulation have been w ith­ o u t success. W e have received replies from various staff mem bers th a t th e regulation does exist—b u t no one seems to know why. This ex­ perience tends to confirm the often-expressed statem ent th a t ALA seems to operate more for th e benefit of its staff than its m embership. W e sincerely reg ret the inconvenience w e m ay have caused any librarian inconvenienced by th e cancellation of th e Pre-Conference In ­ stitute on Legal Bibliography. But if these events cause the American L ibrary Association to re­ examine this absurd regulation, we will know th a t all of the tim e and effort expended on the In stitu te will have a t least accomplished some good. Respectfully subm itted, Roy M. Mersky, Professor of L aw and D irector of Research, University of Texas, and J. Myron Jacobstein, L aw L ibrarian and Professor of Law, Stan­ ford University. ■ ■ Personnel Raymond E. F rankle has been appointed assistant director for technical services in th e library of the new Richard Stockton State Col­ lege, Galloway Township, N ew Jersey. Jere W. F razer has been appointed assist­ an t librarian-cataloger in th e W ilson College library, Cham bersburg, Pennsylvania. P eter H ia tt will be D irector, Continuing E ducation Program for L ibrary Personnel, W est­ ern Interstate Commission for H igher E d u ca­ tion, th e appointm ent effective Septem ber 1. H elen Carol Jones is now a cataloger at th e University of Tennessee library, Knoxville. E laine M. Keebler has joined the staff of E dinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsylva­ nia, as serials librarian. W illia m R. L ee joins th e staff of the Iowa State University (A m es) library as instructor and physical sciences engineering bibliographer on Septem ber 1, 1970. D ennis P. L eeper has been nam ed assistant director for reader services a t Edinboro State College, Edinboro, Pennsylvania. John P. M cGovern, M.D., has received an honorary appointm ent as curator of rare books for the Houston Academy of M edicine library for th e Texas M edical Center. Katherine M. Markee has b een appointed personnel officer in the Purdue University li­ braries. She was previously a m em ber of refer­ ence services a t Purdue. Charles E. Miller has accepted th e ap­ pointm ent of assistant director of th e Tulane University library, New Orleans, Louisiana. Mrs. C harlotte Millis joins th e staff of th e Lilly Library, W abash College, Craw fords­ ville, Indiana, in Septem ber as reference li­ brarian. A P P O I N T M E N T S R obert J. Bassett has been nam ed under­ graduate librarian a t th e University of Tennes­ see, Knoxville. Mrs. Beatrice M. Beck is now librarian of the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic G arden, C lare­ mont, California. D ale M. Bentz, formerly associate director of libraries a t th e University of Iowa, Iowa City, has been nam ed university librarian. L inda Berman is now assistant acquisitions librarian a t N ew York City Com munity Col­ lege. Barbara Borden has been appointed art cataloger a t th e W illiams College library, W il­ liamstown, Massachusetts. E arl C. Borgeson is now associate director of libraries for Stanford University, Stanford, California. Richard H. Corson becomes librarian at the State University of N ew York M aritime College, F o rt Schuyler, N ew York, on Sep­ tem ber 4, 1970. S. James Corvey has accepted the position of head cataloger in th e central processing u n it at M iam i-D ade Junior College, Florida. D r. L eslie W . Dunlap, formerly director of libraries a t th e University of Iowa, Iow a City, has been nam ed dean of library adm inistration. Mrs. F elicia F elder is now undergraduate assistant reference librarian at th e University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Mrs. Gail M. F itch was appointed instruc­ tor in library science and assistant serials li­ brarian in th e Texas A&M library effective April 1, 1970. Mrs. C arol M. F oggin is now a cataloger at th e University of Tennessee library, Knoxville.