ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries People PROFILES William J. Studeh, associate dean of uni­ versity libraries and director of regional campus libraries at Indiana University since 1973, has been appointed direc­ tor of university librar­ ies and professor of library science at Ohio State University, effec­ tive February 1. He joins the Ohio State faculty after eight years at Indiana, when he was named director of regional campus libraries, a ti­ tle he retained when he became associate dean of library ser­William J. Studer vices in 1973. Previ­ ous to that, Dr. Studer worked at the Library of Congress, first as a special intern and later as a reference librarian and senior bibliographer. His undergraduate and graduate work was completed at Indiana where he received an A.B. in English, an M.A. in library science, and a Ph.D. in library and information science. He also studied at Stockholm University. Dr. Studer has been active in ALA and served as ISAD’s liaison representative to the RASD Information Retrieval Committee, 1973- 1975. He also was a member of the board of directors of the Indiana Cooperative Library Services Authority, a member of the LARC As­ sociation President’s Advisory Committee, and president of the Indiana University Graduate Library School Alumni Association. As director of the Ohio State University Li­ braries, Dr. Studer is responsible for a library collection that includes more than 1,500,000 books. Its staff of 88 professionals, 198 clerical support employees, and 122 student assistants provides library services for the nearly 43,000 full-time students who are enrolled in 14 major divisions of the university. DR. Claude J. Johns, Jr., former director of Air Force Academy Libraries, has been named director of libraries at the University of North­ ern Colorado (U N C ). The position has been designated as that of dean of library services, and his responsibility will be greatly expanded to include, not only the administration of the UNC’s library sys­ tem, but participation in the establishment and implementation of institutional policies affecting the total educational program of the university. This move intends to underline the increased emphasis UNC’s administration is placing on library services. Johns has been director of libraries at the USAF Academy since 1969. He joined the academy faculty in 1961 as an instructor in the Political Science Department and became chair­ man of instruction in that department in 1967. He served from 1956 to 1961 as an air in­ telligence officer in the U.S. Air Force and has been a graduate research assistant at the Uni­ versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Florida State University (FSU ). Johns earned a bachelor of science degree with an emphasis in secondary education and public administration from FSU, a master of arts degree in librarianship from the Universi­ ty of Denver, a master of science in public ad­ ministration from FSU, and a doctor of philos­ ophy degree in political science and public ad­ ministration from the University of North Caro­ lina. He is a member of and office holder in various national and regional professional organizations. He has done research and authored or coau­ thored numerous works in political science and library science. APPOINTMENTS Henry L. Alsmeyer—director of libraries —Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas. Steve Atkinson—reference librarian, hu­ manities— Mississippi State University, State College. D allas Bagby—reference librarian— Uni­ versity of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Merry L. Burlingham—South Asian li­ brarian—University of Texas at Austin. Linda Coupal—original cataloger— Univer­ sity of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Janet Erickson—reference librarian, Norris Medical Library— University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Judith Erickson—assistant head, Engineer­ ing and Physical Sciences Library—Univer­ sity of Maryland, College Park. Benjamin C. Glidden—director of libraries —U.S. Air F orce Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Susan Hardy—reference librarian—Univer­ sity of Maryland, College Park. Susan Harlem—reference librarian—Uni­ versity of Maryland, College Park. Thomas Henderson—architecture librarian —Mississippi State University, State Col­ lege. 79 HORIZONS OF CRITICISM An Assessment of Religious-Literary Options “ . . . m a y w e ll tu rn o u t Vernon Ruland to be th e basic hand b o o k o f re lig io u s -lite ra ry stu d ie s This brilliant work systematically evaluates the important f o r ye a rs to c o m e .” C h ris tia n ity a n d L ite ra tu recritical works on religion and literature with a view to their contribution toward defining these studies as parts of an “ . . . s h o u ld be invaluable interdisciplinary field. The approach is to classify contem­ to graduate stu d e n ts in lite ra tu re and th e o lo g y, or, porary writing in both these areas according to their m o s t o f all, th e in te r­ perception of a total religious-literary experience. d is c ip lin a ry fie ld th a t By using a typology of four concentric areas, Vernon relates th e t w o . ” Ruland is able to offer a comprehensive religious-literary C hoice, S e p te m b e r 1976 definition of his own. This theory has two uses. First, it “ . . . m e e t s a lo n g -s ta n d in g offers a means for the reshaping of one’s personal intellec­ need f o r a c o n ve n ie n t tual categories so as better to encompass human realities, hand b o o k capable of and, second, it discovers an underlying unity in the separate in tro d u c in g the advanced s tu d e n t in b o th areas quests of today’s theologians, philosophers, and to th e in te rd is c ip lin a ry literary critics. sphere o f re lig io u s -lite ra ry The work is also a handbook for the study of literature s tu d ie s .” and religion. By serving as a guide to its essential literature, C h ris tia n S c h o la r’s R e vie w joining issues änd relating themes, it suggests the contents of an educational program and sets the directions for further study. 274 pp. Cloth ISBN 0-8389-0212-X (1975) $14.95 274 pp. Paper ISBN 0-8389-0196-4 (1975) $7.50 Bonny Hilditch—science librarian—W ash­ ington State University, Pullman. Rhoda Hyde—supervisor of clerical catalog­ ing—University of Maryland, College Park. John Kelly—special collections librarian— Mississippi State University, State College. Marilyn Kierstead—reference librarian— University of Maryland, College Park. Sandra Langlands—extension librarian, Medical Library—University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Betty Lewis—social science librarian— W ashington State University, Pullman. Judith A. Lyons—assistant librarian, Under­ graduate Library—Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity, University Park. Thomas Marcum—budget and planning of­ ficer— University of Maryland, College Park. Nicole Rose Marie Michaud-Oystryk— reference librarian—University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Eleanor Montague—university librarian— University of California, Riverside. Mary E. Morrison—reference librarian, Cabot Science Library of the Harvard College Library— Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Lynn S. Mullins—head librarian— Mary- mount Manhattan College, New York, New York. Ann Pfaffenhercer—reference librarian— University of Maryland, College Park. Kathy Pletcher—assistant catalog librarian — University of W isconsin, Green Bay. Lorraine Sebo—reference librarian—Uni­ versity of Maryland, College Park. Diane H. Smith—assistant librarian, docu­ ments section—Pennsylvania State U niver­ sity, University Park. Jan Smith—reference librarian—U niversity of Manitoba, Winnipeg. E. Michelle Solomon—assistant librarian, Altoona Campus Library—Pennsylvania State University, Altoona. Larry Stallings—director of the library— F lorida Southern College, Lakeland. Sharon Taber—administrative services li­ brarian—University of Maryland, College Park. Peggy M. Tozer—director of the library— E astern New Mexico University, Portales. Susan Tucker—assistant reference librarian — Middlebury College, Middlebury, Ver­ mont. Carol Weibel—philosophy branch librarian — University of W ashington, Seattle. Keith Westover—acquisitions librarian— W ashington State University, Pullman. Bernice Wheatley—foreign documents li­ brarian—University of W ashington, Seattle. Suzanne W ise—education librarian—W ash­ ington State University, Pullman. RETIREMENTS D orothy Jorstad, head librarian at Kish- waukee College, Malta, Illinois, retired on December 31, 1976, after forty-six years of ser­ vice in librarianship. Eleanor P. Smith, head of the monograph cataloging department, University of Mary­ land, College Park, retired on January 1, 1977. She joined the staff in 1956 and was appointed chief cataloger in 1968. ■ ■ Editor Sought for N ew ACRL Series The latest long-term publishing effort authorized by the ACRL Board of Di­ rectors, the AC R L Nonprint Media Pub­ lications series, will consist of audio cassettes, video tapes, and slide-tape packages originating from ACRL-spon- sored or -related programs. The new series is being established in response to the growing number of such products, which up to this time have had no for­ malized editorial control or consistent technical review. The editor and a four- to six-member editorial board will serve on a voluntary basis to select for publication items of high quality and to edit them for textual smoothness. The taping, production of tapes, and technical editing may be con­ tracted to an outside agency, and the publicity and distribution may be han­ dled by ALA Publishing Services. ACRL members wishing to be consid­ ered for the first three-year term as editor should communicate their interest, ac­ companied by a statement of qualifica­ tions, to Barbara J. Brown, Chairperson, Search Subcommittee for A CRL Non­ print Media Publications Editor, Prince­ ton University Libraries, Princeton, NJ 08540, by April 15. Candidates should have a background in academic or research libraries or in li­ brary education, experience in research and editing, a knowledge of audiovisual materials and equipment, and the ability to provide critical analyses of program content and technical quality. A copy of the more descriptive guide­ lines for the new series may be requested from the ACRL Executive Secretary, ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. The editorial board will be ap­ pointed later in consultation with the editor. 81