ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 82 Classified Advertising NOTICE Respondents t o advertisers offering faculty "ra n k " and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. A ll advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications w ill be ed­ ited to exclude d ire ct or ind irect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions o f employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding p u b li­ cation o f issue desired. Copy received after that tim e may be held fo r the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because o f the increased risk of copy error, w ill be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirm ing order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible follow ing the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.80 per printed line. FOR SALE China (m ainly), Japan, Korea. Superb collection of books in Western Language. A ll topics. Over 3,000 volumes. W rite M. Frazin, ERAC Box 110, Farmington, CT 06032. STUDY COURSES INDEXING BY CORRESPONDENCE STUDY. This course has been prepared at the request of, and in collaboration with, the Society of Indexers and is specifically designed as an aid to those who wish to train for admission to the Society's register. Free details from—the Rapid Results College, Dep†. W A I, Tuition House, London, SWI9 4DS, England. WANTED TO BUY WE BUY POSTERS AND BOUND AND UNBOUND PERI­ ODICALS. A fter m icrofilm ing, d o n 't dispose o f the originals, sell them to us. We purchase periodicals from 1890 to 1940, including Inland Printer, Saturday Evening Post, Vogue, Harper's Weekly, Jugend, Fantasio, and dozens o f other American and European publications. We are also looking fo r old posters—travel, war, book and magazine posters and others f.rom 1890 to 1940. W rite or call The Exhumation, P.O. Box 2057, Princeton, NJ 08540. (609) 921-2339. POSITIONS OPEN ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT HEAD. South Dakota State University Library. Responsibilities include planning, organizing, and directing the acquisitions program, de­ veloping acquisitions policies, and supervising a d ep a rt­ ment o f three clericals plus student assistants. O rdering and accounting procedures are automated. Master's de­ gree in library science and minimum of two years ex­ perience required. A d d itio n al subject master's desirable, but not required. Preference given to candidates with academic lib ra ry experience in either cataloging or acquisitions. Minimum salary: $10,000. An equal oppor- †unity/affirm ative action employer. A pplica tion deadline March 20. A p p ly with resume and three letters of reference (one from current employer) to : Leon Raney, Dean o f Libraries, South Dakota State University, Brook­ ings, SD 57006. ASSISTANT CURATOR. Kansas Collection, University of Kansas Libraries. 12-month, tenurable position, open July I. Responsible fo r cataloging and for supervision of two support staff in cataloging and processing a ctivi­ ties. Also assists in public service, acts as department head in absence o f the curator, and prepares guides, inventories, and exhibitions. Works closely with the curator in administering the collections, prom oting th e ir use, and developing policies and procedures fo r processing, organi­ zation, and public service. The Kansas Collection, housed in the university's Kenneth Spencer Research Library, specializes in historical materials relating to Kansas and the Trans-Mississippi West. Requires MLS from an ALA- accredi†ed library school and either a master's degree in American history o r American studies or at least two years experience working with manuscripts, archives, oral history, and rare books—preferably with an emphasis on Trans-Mississippi Western history. Salary $10,500 up, de­ pending on education and experience. A p p ly by A p ril 15 to Mary Green, Assistant Dean, Watson Library, Uni­ versity of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045. An equal oppor- †unity/affirm ative action employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AND HEAD, PUBLIC SERVICES. Position now open. MLS degree from an ALA-accredited library school and second mâster's degree required. Five or more years adm inistrative experience in a uni­ versity lib ra ry at the department head level or above. Duties include the planning, coordination, and super­ vision of reference, circulation, and ILL programs and two branch libraries. Public services staff o f sixteen (16), plus 75 student assistants. Appointee must have thorough knowledge o f lib ra ry automation and networking. Must be able to work successfully as a team member with fellow staff members, faculty, and students. Usual fringe benefits and state retirement. Faculty status and rank of assoc, prof. Salary $18,000, 12-month contract. Send resume and references to : Dr. George R. Lewis, Director of Libraries, P.O. Drawer 5408, State College, MS 39762. Mississippi State University is an equal opportunity em­ ployer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES. O ld Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, is seeking an assistant director who w ill work with the d ire cto r in all phases o f lib ra ry management and w ill assume middle-management responsibilities fo r all public service units. The lib ra ry serves approxim ately 16,000 students and 650 faculty, is a member o f SOLI NET and the Tidewater Consortium, and is looking toward im ple­ mentation o f automated library systems. Qualifications include a master's degree from an ALA-accredited school (second master's h elpful); 8 years o f progressively more responsible lib ra ry experience, including adm inistrative duties; education a n d /o r experience in both computer and business applications in libraries. Salary: $18,000— $21,000. Send inquiry and resume to Dr. Cynthia Duncan, Library, O ld Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23508. Closing date: March 21. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL. Re­ sponsible for administering nonacademic and student employment and for assisting the director with aca­ demic empfoyment— recruiting, interviewing, compilation of statistics, staffing studies, work with staff develop­ ment, orientation, continuous im plementation and com­ pliance with the University A ffirm a tive Action Plans. In charge o f Library Personnel O ffice in absence of d irector. M.S. in library science and supervisory lib ra ry experience required; personnel experience or academic background in personnel preferred; a b ility to work well with all kinds of people and widely diffe rin g viewpoints; must, listen well and deal fairly and objectively with a wide variety o f situ­ ations. Verbal and written skills very im portant. Faculty rank dependent on qualifications; salary $12,000 upward. Librarians must meet general university requirements fo r prom otion and tenure (research, publication, uni­ v e rs ity /community service) in addition to specific li­ brary assignment. 12-month appointm ent with I-month vacation & other fringe benefits. Applications and in­ quiries to Robert F. Delzell, Director o f Personnel, Uni- 83 versify o f Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801. Telephone: (217) 333-0319. Deadline for a p p li­ cations: A p ril I. An a ffirm ative action /eq u a l opportunity employer, welcoming applications from members of m inority groups and women. ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. Administers all university library technical services, including Selection and Bibliography, Cataloging, and Processing Departments. Supervises 28 persons. Q u a li­ fications: MLS from A LA-accredited institution; minimum o f 5 years professional experience in academic libraries, including 3 years technical services, 3 years adminis­ tra tio n ; OCLC or other automated network experience. Salary $18,000+- depending on qualifications and ex­ perience. M ajor medical p a id ; other favorable benefits. Position open im m ediately. Send resume and list of references by A p ril I to Chairer, Search Committee, University Library, W rig h t State University, Dayton, OH 45431. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action employer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR (technical services). Position available im m ediately. The Health Sciences Library o f the George Washington University Medical Center which serves the School of M edicine and Health Sciences, the university hospital, and clinics seeks an adm inistrator with strong technical services background. Requisite knowledge includes fa m ilia rity with b ib lio g ra p h ic con­ trols in health sciences libraries including PHILSOM & OCLC. A b ility to supervise and manage lib ra ry staff and students and relate well to faculty and administrators is im portant. Candidates must possess a master's degree from an ALA-accredited lib ra ry school and from 5 to 8 years of progressively responsible experience. Liberal fringe benefits. Salary negotiable beginning at $20,000. Send resume and letter of application to: Ms. Nina W. Matheson, Director, Paul H. Him m elfarb Health Sciences Library, 2300 I. St., N.W., Washington, DC 20037. An equal o pportunity employer. ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Newly created position in an urban university library serving a student body of 20,000 on campus with doctoral programs in eighteen fields. Responsible fo r assisting university li­ brarian in all managerial, budgetary, and personnel mat­ ters, including recruitment, placement, and development of lib ra ry staff and budgetary preparation, justification, and control. Evaluates overall effectiveness of lib ra ry operation, together with the assistant university librarians in charge o f public and technical services, and recommends neces­ sary policy review. Serves as deputy director, perform ing related adm inistrative duties and conducting special projects as assigned. Minimum qualifications: A t least 10 years adm inistrative experience in m ajor libraries. Two graduate degrees, one from an A LA-accredited l i ­ brary school. (A doctorate in lib ra ry science or a sub­ ject fie ld w ill be given stronger w eighting in consider­ ation of applicants.) Demonstrated managerial experience and a b ility in handling complex lib ra ry operations. A b ility to meet general university requirements fo r pro­ motion and tenure in a ddition to specific lib ra ry assign­ ment. An understanding and first-hand knowledge o f academic scholarship and research. Conditions o f app o int­ ment: Rank and salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Associate professor or professor at not less than $25,000. Twelve-month appointm ent. Usual fringe benefits, including sick leave, hospitalization, and state retirement system p articip a tion . Position available im ­ mediately. Deadline fo r applications is A p r il I. Send applications, o r nominations, together with supporting documents (resume and references to be contacted) to : Robert J. Adelsperger, A ctin g Personnel O fficer, Uni­ versity o f Illinois at Chicago Circle, P.O. Box 8198, Chicago, IL 60680. The University of Illinois at Chicago C ircle is an affirm ative action /eq u a l o pportunity em­ ployer. AUBURN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES: Two Positions. CAT- ALOGER—accredited MLS, cataloging competence; work­ ing knowledge o f one or more foreign languages, fam ilia rity with OCLC. A va ila b le : September I. In ­ quire to : Miss Minnie W all, Chairperson, Ca†aloger Search Committee, Auburn University Libraries, Auburn, AL 36830. DOCUMENTS (U.S.) AND MICROFORMS LI­ BRARIAN—accredited MLS, second master's in one of the social sciences beneficial. Develop and maintain recently organized Documents and M icroform Center. Competence in microforms, documents work, reference service, super­ vision, and management is essential. A va ila b le : October I. Inquire to : M r. Gene Geiger, Chairperson, Documents and Microform Librarian Search Committee. Address above. Both positions: A p p lica tio n folders must be com­ pleted by May 15. Salary: Librarian II (equivalent to assistant professor) $12,000-$13,500. Faculty status but not professional title ; e lig ib le to be considered fo r tenure. State retirem ent plan is mandatory, TIA A optional. Sick leave benefits; annual vacation of twenty working days. Auburn University is an equal opportunity employer. BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsible for the selection of materials in the fields o f English/Am erican and Western European literature. May be expected to assume other assignment as needed. Requirements: MLS from ALA- accredited school; fluency in French and German and working knowledge o f Italian a n d /o r Russian; advanced degree in literature and previous lib ra ry experience pre­ ferred. Salary: $9,500+ depending on experience. Send resume to : Jane Titus, Personnel Librarian, Temple Uni­ versity Libraries, Philadelphia, PA 19122. An equal o ppor­ tunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN OCLC. Staff supervisor with re­ sponsibilities for training and supervising all OCLC personnel and assisting the administrative cataloger in developing departm ental manuals. Qualifications: Grad­ uate degree from an ALA-accredited program with at least two years professional cataloging experience in a university lib ra ry system u tilizing LC cataloging. OCLC experience is .desirable. Salary: $11,500 minimum. Excellent fringe benefits. A p p lica tio n deadline: May I. A p p ly to: Mr. Charles E. Chamberlin, Personnel and Budget Officer, 106 Love Library, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a ffirm a tive action em­ ployer. CATALOGER. O rîg inal descriptive and subject cataloging (LC) o f technological, physical and b iological sciences monographs. Qualifications required: MLS from ALA- accredited lib ra ry school and B.S. in science o r tech­ nology. W ill consider alternate B.S./B.A. plus appropriate experience. Salary: $10,000-$13,000. Position now open. A p p ly by A p ril 30 to: Eugene Petriwsky, University o f Colorado Libraries, Boulder, CO 80309. An equal o p p o r­ tu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e action employer. CATALOGER. Responsible for o rig ina l cataloging of monographs in Spanish and Portuguese, including de­ scriptive and subject cataloging and Library of Congress classification. Must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited lib ra ry school and two years experience in an academic lib ra ry; undergraduate m ajor or equivalent a b ility in Spanish is required. Fam iliarity with Library of Congress classification and reading knowledge o f Portuguese or one other European language are desirable. Please send resume, together with salary history, to: Richard F. M ac­ Donald, Business & Personnel Manager, University of Massachusetts Library, Amherst, M A 01003. Equal o p p o r­ tu n ity /a ffirm a tiv e action employer. CONTINUATIONS CATALOG LIBRARIAN fo r microforms work includes cataloging, maintenance of pertinent records, service to users, and supervision o f a ppropriate personnel. An accredited MLS degree required plus minimum 3 years experience. ORDER LIBRARIAN (as­ sistant acquisitions librarian) assists head acquisitions librarian in the ordering o f rare, out-of-print, desiderata, nontrade books; supervises appropriate personnel; es­ tablishes and maintains a close watch o f routines and jobber performance; acts in absence of head of acqui­ sitions. Accredited MLS required plus 2 or more years experience in order work, supplemented by activities in technical service and biblio g ra ph y. 9-month position(s) and academic rank based on degrees and years o f ex­ perience. Salary depends upon rank (e.g., instructor, $7,941 —$14,752; assistant professor, $10,367—$ 17,488) etc. Usual fringe benefits. Job descriptions available upon request. Send resume to : Dr. Ray R. Suput, Department of Library Service, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306. Deadline is March 31. Ball State University practices equal o pportunity in education and employment. CURRICULUM LIBRARIAN fo r resource center serving university students and faculty and school personnel in SW Idaho. Oversees acquisition, processing, and circu­ lation o f all types of book and nonbook materials. Demonstrates new and innovative materials to teachers and students. Maintains effective liaison with the School o f Education. Required: MLS from ALA-accredited school, background in education, and knowledge o f curriculum materials sufficient to provide required services. Skills 84 required: demonstrated ability to provide effective leader­ ship in directing services of a curriculum resource center and to supervise paraprofessional staff; basic working knowledge of selection, acquisition, cataloging of non­ book materials; a b ility to establish good interpersonal relationships and to work with faculty and library ad­ ministration to plan and coordinate services. Must show strong commitment to service. Twelve-month appoint­ ment, faculty rank, 24 days annual leave. Salary $12,000 to $14,000 depending on qualifications. Position open July I. Deadline fo r submitting placement credentials is A p ril 15. Send application, resume, credentials, and names of three references to Mrs. Carol Bettis, Associ­ ate Librarian, Boise State University Library, Boise, ID 83725. An equal o pportunity/affirm ative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Agnes Scott College, Metropolitan Atlanta Area. Agnes Scott College, a liberal arts under­ graduate college for women, invites applications and nominations for the position o f head librarian. Newly renovated building with collection of more than 145,000 volumes. Professional staff of five. Member of South­ eastern Library Network and University Center in Georgia. Applicants must have graduate degree in library science and some administrative experience, preferably in an academic library. Minimum salary $15,000. Contact Dean Julia T. Gary, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA 30030 by March 15. Agnes Scott College is an equal oppor­ tunity employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Wellesley College. A liberal arts institution. To direct and oversee the college library which consists o f a Main Library and art, music, and science libraries (holdings exceed 500,000) and is a member of the Boston Library Consortium. New facilities. Highly experienced person o f intellectual breadth with demonstrated leadership a b ility whose principal responsi­ b ility w ill be to direct the growth and improvement of the existing collections through interaction with faculty and staff. Reports to the dean of the college. Experience with modern computer library technology needed. MLS from ALA-accredited library school required. Salary com­ mensurate with qualifications. Position available Sept. I. Deadline for application: March 31. Send letter of a p p li­ cation with curriculum vitae with names of three references to Dr. Helen A. Padykula, Chairperson, Librari­ an Search Committee, Office of the Dean of the College, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181. An equal op­ portunity/affirm ative action employer. HEAD, PUBLIC SERVICES—Law library seeking applicants for July opening involving management of public services staff, reference, teaching legal research, some acquisitions. MLS and JD (or in progress) required; minimum 2 years in law or law-related library with supervisory experience; teaching and govt, documents experience preferred. Salary: $14,000—$17,000. Apply to : Gayle Edelman, Assoc. Law Librarian, DePaul University Law Library, 25 E. Jackson, Chicago, IL 60604. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Available: September I. Duties: Administration o f the department and its personnel (18 persons); responsibility for all instructional services; direction o f the automated information retrieval services; responsibility for the bibliography collection; development of the reference collection; developing pro­ grams to increase the levels o f personnel professional expertise. Qualifications: Master's degree from an ALA- accredited library school. Minimum o f six to seven years experience including administrative experience. A b ility to relate effectively to faculty, staff, and students. Salary: Minimum $16,000. Benefits: Faculty rank; 10.5-month ap­ pointment; retirement plans including TIAA-CREF; hos­ pitalization, major medical, group insurance; two weeks vacation plus holidays. Contact: Irene B. Hoadley, Di­ rector of Libraries, University Libraries, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77840. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES. Tennessee Technological University. Duties: Supervise acquisitions and cataloging operations. Requirements: 3-5 years of administrative ex­ perience in technical services în an academic library. Experience with library computer applications and OCLC or a similar network. MLS from an ALA-accredited school. Evidence o f a b ility to create and maintain a positive work atmosphere among staff members. LC cataloging experience. Experience in cataloging print and nonprint media. Evidence of commitment to the pro­ fession. Salary: $11,000-$16,000, 12 months. Faculty status. Vacancy dependent upon budgetary approval. Closing date for applications is A p ril 30. Position open July I. Send resume and have three references sent to: Mrs. Kay Reeder, Administrative Assistant, Jere Whitson Memorial Library, P.O. Box 5066, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38501. Tennessee Tech is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. We comply with Title IX o f the Educational Amendments of 1972. LIBRARIAN to administer cataloging and processing unit of Technical Service Division, including cataloging, mark­ ing, card production, filin g , bindery preparation, and bibliographic participation in state network; also serve as ca†aloger. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; 5 years related experience including cataloging. Rank: Librarian 3, minimum salary $17,000. Faculty status. Send resume, three recent letters of reference to Qr. Allene Schnaitter, Director of Libraries, Washington State University, Pull­ man, W A 99164, by A p ril I. An equal o p p o rtu n ity/a f­ firm ative action employer. LIBRARIAN, PUBLIC SERVICES. 5 years experience, in­ cluding at least two years in reference a n d /o r circulation and one or more years in library automation design a n d /o r development. Urban community college ex­ perience preferred. MLS (ALA-accredited) required. Po­ sition is in public services with automation responsibilities. Salary $18,483, 12 months. Excellent fringe benefits. Open July I. Send resume and covering letter describing ex­ perience and philosophy of library service for open ad­ missions clients to H iring Committee, Department o f Li­ brary Services, Community College of Phila., Educational Resources Center, 34 S. I l t h St., Philadelphia, PA 19107. LIBRARY DIRECTOR, Creighton University Alumni Library, Omaha, Nebraska. A private, Catholic university of ap­ proximately 4,500 students. Director fo r library programs serving undergraduate and graduate needs of students. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited . library school plus a minimum of five years administrative experience. Doctorate preferred. Twelve-month appointment. Faculty rank. Salary dependent upon qualifications and ex­ perience. Candidates should be capable o f overseeing a program that utilizes available technology in meeting the information needs of the university community. A p ­ pointment date: June I. Closing date for applications: A p ril I. Resume and three reference letters should be sent to: Dr. Margaret J. Ferrell, Chairperson, Search Com­ mittee, Lifelong Learning Center, Omaha, NE 68178. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARY SERVICES DIRECTOR—$ 11,628— Dept. head status; reports to Cty. Adm in.: supported by Citizen Advisory Council. Direction and coordination of medium- size, new library system 35 miles from Washington, D.C. Duties include supervision of more than 20 employees, budgeting, and general administration o f 3 branches and a bookmobile. Direct responsibility for cataloging, audio­ visual services, and coordination o f book selection. Must have ALA-accredited MLS plus 2 years experience, some o f which should be supervisory. County of Loudoun, Dept. of Personnel, 18 N. King St., Leesburg, VA 22075. PERSONNEL LIBRARIAN. Directs personnel programs o f the university libraries (staff o f 300) in accordance with university policies; assists in development and interpre­ tation o f policies and procedures; responsible fo r main­ tenance o f personnel records. Serves on various adminis­ trative committees; works with university. office . of personnel services. Expected to meet university require­ ments for research, service, and publication. ALA-ac­ credited MLS required; 3 yrs. minimum appropriate suc­ cessful experience required. Salary $18,000—$21,000 an­ nually, depending on qualifications and experience. Available A p ril I. GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Reference department. Provides assistance prim arily, to faculty and graduate students. Emphasis on statistical sources, legislative research, national and foreign govern­ ment documents, and bibliographies. Responsibilities in­ clude formal bibliographic instruction programs, use of various on-line computer search systems, assign duty I evening per week and every other weekend. ALA- accredited MLS; knowledge of I foreign language; 1-3 yrs. appropriate experience preferred. Available im­ mediately. Salary $9,840-$13,440 annually, depending on qualifications and experience. Send resume for either position to Rita Hirschman, Personnel Librarian, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue,. Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. An equal opportunity/affirm ative action employer. 85 REFERENCES SERVICES LIBRARIAN: W ill be part of the User Services Department. Responsibilities w ill include library instruction in the classroom, liaison with academic departments, and general reference duties. Candidates must have a minimum of a master's degree from an ALA-approved library science program. This is an entry-level faculty position with minimum salary level of $11,000 for 12 months and 22 days per year vacation and health insurance. TIAA-CREF available in the second year of appointment. Applicants should supply a resume, a copy of their placement papers, the names o f three individuals able to supply detailed references, and a letter covering what the candidate might be able to bring to the position in terms o f library instruction back­ ground, subject training, and other special qualifications. Applications must be postmarked no later than A p ril 8. Position available July I. Apply to Michael Herbison, Director, Library, University of Colorado—Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO 80907. The University of Colorado is an equal oppor†unity/affirmative action em­ ployer. SYSTEMS COORDINATOR. The incumbent evaluates li­ brary operations; defines requirements and develops specifications for cost-effective manual and automated systems; coordinates the implementation and operation of library automated systems. Qualifications: Degree from an accredited library school plus training in library applications of computer science; several years relevant experience in academic libraries; knowledge of library network development; technical knowledge; good human relations and problem-solving skills. Candidates without a library degree but with extensive knowledge of and experience in academic library automated systems will be considered. Salary, $18,000. The University of Manitoba Library System, comprising a main library (Elizabeth Dafoe) and twelve regional libraries and reading rooms with a staff of 234 and collections o f more than one million volumes, serves a student population of approxi­ mately 20,000. Computer facilities include an IBM 370/168 running OS-VS2. Applications with curriculum vitae should be sent to: Paul Wiens, Assistant Director for Administration (Libraries), Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Uni­ versity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2, Canada. VISITING REFERENCE SPECIALIST/REFERENCE AND COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT in new Learning Activities Resource Center incorporating library and nonprint media services. Seeking an experienced professional with skill in general reference practice who also can provide leadership and direction in at least one of the following areas: (a) conceptual foundations of academic reference service, (b) academic library col­ lection development, especially as a reference staff function, (c) instruction in the use o f academic libraries. The a b ility to suggest and communicate new ideas and techniques is particularly important. The visiting librarian shares reference duties with other members o f the de­ partment and is involved in the department's participatory form o f governance. In addition to an ALA-accredi†ed degree, the candidate must have a second master's in a subject area, or equivalent academic or professional achievements, and must have at least four years re­ sponsible experience appropriate to the above assign­ ment. Salary range: $ 17,304—$20,856 (associate librarian— 12-mon†h salary). Position available July I (a one-year appointment). Send letter of application, resume, and credentials by May I to: Robert G. Brennan, Director of Public Services, California State University—Chico, Chico, CA 95929. An equal oppor†unity/affirmative action em­ ployer. OVER 13,000 SOURCES OF UP-TO-THE-MINUTE INFORM ATION . . . ENCYCLOPEDIA OF A 1 S 1 S t O h CIATIONS Edition V olum e 1, N A T IO N A L OR- G A N IZ A T IO N S O F T H E U.S. O v e r 1,4 0 0 pages. A lp h a b etica l In d ex to O rg an izatio n N am es a n d K eyw ords. C IP : L C N o. 7 6 -4 6 1 2 9 . ISBN 0 -8 1 0 3 -0 1 3 3 -4 . $ 7 0 .0 0 . G e t in fo rm a tio n q u ick ly by calling o r w ritin g specialized a sso c iatio n s—th e p rim a ry so u rces o f th e la te st a n d m o st a u ­ th o ritativ e facts, figures, a n d opinions. V o lu m e 1 o f th e 11th ed itio n o f G a le ’s E n c y c lo p ed ia o f A s so cia tio n s keeps you in to uch w ith th ese so urces th ro u g h d etailed en tries o n o v e r 1 3 ,0 0 0 active o rg a n i­ z a tio n s —m o re th a n 6 0 0 listed fo r th e first tim e a n d 9 0 % o f previous en tries ch an g ed . Listings are d iv id ed into 17 m a jo r s u b jec t categories (trad e , a g ricu ltu re, e d u catio n , law , religion, etc.). E n tries give: official nam e o f g ro u p , p o p u la r n a m e o r a cro n y m , ad d ress, p h o n e n u m b e r, chief executive, n u m b e r o f m em b ers, com m ittees, p u b lic a tio n s, c o n v e n tio n / m eeting schedule, a n d m ore. V olum e 2 , G E O G R A PH IC A N D E X E C U T IV E IN D E X . O v e r 700 pages. C IP : L C N o . 7 6 -4 6 1 2 9 . IS B N 0 -8 1 0 3 -0 1 3 4 -2 . $ 5 0 .0 0 . V o lu m e 2 is d ivided in to tw o sections. T h e G eo graphic In d e x lists in state a n d city o rd e r all th e asso ciations th a t a re a rra n g e d in V olum e 1 by subject. In c lu d e d a re ad d resses, p h o n e n u m b ers, a n d n am es of executives. T h e E x e c u tiv e In d e x lists by su rn a m e all the executives m en ­ tio n ed in V o lu m e 1, follow ed by th e ir titles, n am es o f th e ir o rg an izations, co m p lete ad d resses, a n d p h o n e n u m b ers. E a c h listing in b o th sections gives th e e n try n u m b e r o f th e m o re detailed o rg a n iz a tio n en try in V olum e 1. V olum e 3 , N E W A SSO C IA T IO N S A N D PR O JEC TS. A p erio d ical su p p lem en t to V olum e 1. C u m u lativ ely indexed. C IP : L C N o . 7 6 -4 6 1 2 9 . ISBN 0 -8 1 0 3 -0 1 3 0 -X . In te r-ed itio n su b scrip tio n , w ith b in d e r fo r new su b scrib ers. $ 6 0 .0 0 . T his su p p lem en t m ain tain s a n d increases th e usefulness o f V o lu m e 1 by fu rn ish in g full d escrip tio n s o f n e w ly fo rm ed associations, w hich are o f p a rtic u la r in te re st to research ers b ecause n e w gro u p s te n d to be c o n ­ cern ed w ith n ew p ro b lem s a n d n ew ideas n o t ad eq u a te ly co v ered else­ w here. GALE RESEARCH CO. Book Tower • Detroit, Mich. 48226 Customers in the U.K., on the Continent, and in Africa should order direct from: Gale Research Co. • c /o European Book Service • P.O. Box 124 • Weesp, The Netherlands. REVIEWERS H AVE HAD HIGH PRAISE FOR THIS STANDARD REFERENCE B O O K . . . R Q “T he Encyclopedia o f Associa­ tions has earned its reputation as a cornerstone o f any sound general ref­ erence collection. . . . In a word, EA is a basic reference tool. 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