ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 270 News From the Field A C Q U I S I T I O N S • Occasionally a bulk purchase turns out to be a delight. Queen’s University (Kingston, Ont.) Library has bought the personal library of Spanish and Portuguese peninsular titles from Professor W. C. Atkinson of the Uni­ versity of Glasgow. Professor William Christo­ pher Atkinson has been the Stevenson Professor of Hispanic studies at the University of Glas­ gow since 1932, and the Director of the In­ stitute of Latin American studies since 1966. It is intriguing to note that he was born in Belfast and educated at the Universities of Bel­ fast and Madrid. From 1939 to 1943 he was head of the Spanish and Portuguese sections of the Foreign Research and Press Service of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Twice in 1946 and in 1960, he visited Latin America as a British Council lecturer. In 1954 he led the first Scottish Cultural delegation to the U.S.S.R. In 1957 he again traveled in Latin America visiting the universities there as a Rockefeller Fellow. In between travels, or per­ haps whilst he traveled, Professor Atkinson wrote several books, the most recent being “Conquest of New Granada" in 1961. His “History of Spain and Portugal" published in 1960 enjoys steady popularity in the Penguin list. • The Library of Congress has recently ac­ quired a remarkable collection of phonograph records of interest to historians of turn-of-the- century America. In the collection are 133 Berliner Gramophone Company records issued between 1896 and 1900; 31 Zonophone records dating between 1899 and 1904; two rare Vita- phone records from 1899; 67 records manufac­ tured by Eldridge R. Johnson in 1900 and 1901, before he founded the Victor Talking Machine Company; and 30 early Victor records dating from 1902 to 1909. While any record dating from the period covered by this col­ lection would be of interest, the selection of artists on the discs is of such quality that the interest is even greater. Among the prominent singers represented in the collection are Fer­ ruccio Giannini, Rosa Chalia, A. del Campo, and Emilio de Gogorza (including recordings he made under the pseudonyms Signor Fran­ cisco, Herbert Goddard and Edward Franklin). The most famous of the popular entertainers of the day are also well in evidence, such as Len Spencer, William F. Hooley, Dan W. Quinn, George J. Gaskin, Billy Golden and many others. There is even one unusual recording by the celebrated vaudeville team of George Walker and Bert Williams on which the latter plays the piano accompaniment. It is in the field of instrumental music, however, that one finds the largest group of recordings. Sousa’s Band (including an 1897 recording of the “Stars and Stripes Forever” made only a few months after its composition), Victor Herbert’s Band, the Banda Rossa from Italy, and such great brass soloists as Arthur Pryor, Walter B. Rogers, the peerless Herbert L. Clarke, and Jules Levy are all well represented. It is particularly unusual to find so large a percentage of the records to be products of the Berliner Gramophone Company. Emile Ber­ liner, the founder of the company, was the in­ ventor of the lateral-cut disc record and is one of the most important figures in the history of sound recording. The records manufactured by his company during the 1890’s are among the most elusive of pre-20th century record­ ings. Through the generosity of Robert Frank, a member of the Berliner family, the Library had already received a collection of early Berliner records, including several experimental or privately circulated recordings preserved on acid-etched zinc plates, some dating back as early as 1892. The acquisition of 133 additional records gives the Library a particularly sub­ stantial representation of Emile Berliner’s work. In view of their age, the discs are in a remarkably fine state of preservation. After a careful cleaning and packaging treatment in the Recording Laboratory they will be avail­ able for listening by appointment. More than 500 kinescope films of this weekly television series, covering the years 1949-65, have been presented to the Library by pro­ ducer and regular panel member Lawrence E. Spivak on behalf of NBC News. The films provide a fascinating record of people of na­ tional and international prominence and sup­ plement a collection presented to the Library last year by Mr. Spivak. In addition to the films, Mr. Spivak has presented to the Library audio tapes and disc recordings of his early radio programs, scrapbooks of newspaper clip­ pings and correspondence files, and photo­ graphs. He has also presented the Library with his personal papers and records of his earlier association with the American Mercury Maga­ zine. The kinescope film collection includes a 1951 interview with Congressman John F. Kennedy as well as five more interviews with the late President. Six programs with his brother, the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and four with the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., are in the group. Among the hundreds of other fa­ mous figures interviewed are Richard M. Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson, Adlai E. Stevenson, An­ thony Eden, Mme. Chiang Kai-shek, Indira at this amazingly low price. On Thursday, October 3 0 ,1 9 6 9 , the price of this series will increase from $4,428.50 to $6,642.75 T R A V E L S I N T H E N E W S O U T H I & I I T H E L ost Cause Press has published, on M icrocard, volumes fro m T hom as D . C lark’s Travels in the N e w South I and II, the last two volum es o f the five-volum e bibliography o f travels in the South fro m 1607-1958. M r. Clark, in th e introduction, says: "T rav el accounts are sources o f info rm atio n fo r scholars in m any areas o f research. T h ere are even accounts w hich give good in sig h t into scientific developm ents. A lm ost o f necessity these w ritings are o f historical nature, and it has ever been the th o u g h t o f the compilers and th e editor o f th e volumes o f this extensive bibliography th a t our w ork w ou ld be a tool fo r research scholars.” Travels in the N e w South I and I I cover th e im p o rtan t years o f 1865-1955. T h e Postwar South 1865-1900, A n Era o f Reconstruc­ tion and R eadjustm ent. T h e T w entieth Century South, 1900-1955, A n Era o f Change, D epression and Emergence. Approximately 611 volumes* p o s tp a id ................................................ $4,428.50 O n orders placed after O ctober 30, 1969, th e price w ill be $6,642.75. A set of catalog cards will be included with this shipment, at no additional charge. *Duplicates of items already in library collections may be returned for credit w ithin six months after receipt of shipment. Lost Cause P ress 1 1 4 2 S ta riks B uilding L O U IS V IL L E , K EN T U C K Y 410202 NEVER AGAIN 272 Gandhi, Anastas Mikoyan, Pierre Mendes France, John Foster Dulles, Robert A. Taft, Joseph McCarthy, Robert Frost, Bertrand Rus­ sell, and John L, Lewis. The Library now has over 650 programs of the series, spanning a 16-year period. Since many of the films are now in the form of archival negatives, it will be necessary to print study copies before the entire collection is available for scholarly re­ search. This will be done as funds become available. All of the films are in the Motion Picture Section. Related materials are in the Manuscript, Prints and Photographs, and Music Divisions. • A valuable collection of some 2,000 books has been willed to the E mory University li­ brary by the late Duncan MacDougald of New York. In addition, Mr. MacDougald left a gift of $25,000 to maintain and add to the col­ lection to be known as The Hansard-MacDou- gald Memorial Library. The books reflect Mr. MacDougald’s wide- ranging interests and are devoted to: Pre- Columbian civilization, anthropology, music, art, the history of food and cookery, cookbooks, and linguistics. Guy Lyle, director of Emory’s libraries, said one of the most valuable portions of the gift deals with jazz. Mr. MacDougald’s selection of books on jazz was thorough and included works in several languages. A wide O T T O H A R R A S S O W IT Z Library Agency WIESBADEN • GERMANY Direct service on all G erm an language books and periodicals * Orders and inquiries are in vited on both new and out-of-print m aterial * Please request in form ation about our blanket order service and dealer’s selection program * Farm ington Plan agent fo r W est and East Germany OTTO HARRASSOWITZ variety of books on food and cooking is in­ cluded in Mr. MacDougald’s library ranging from “Herbs for the Mediaeval Household” to “Recettes des Provinces de France.” In the midst of the selection on cooking is a book “Pray Your Weight Away.” Many of the books are scarce monographs issued by learned so­ cieties. In his will Mr. MacDougald specified that all of his books be made available to all stu­ dents “on the ground that without freedom of thought there can be no freedom of the mind, or indeed of the human spirit.” Mr. Lyle said the collection will not be cata­ logued until next year when it will be housed in Emory’s new university library. • Boston University’s Mugar Memorial Li­ brary has received one of the country’s largest private collections of aerospace technical docu­ ments from the Allied Research Corporation, Concord, Mass., an engineering and aerospace research firm. The collection consists of over 10,000 papers and reports from NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at California Insti­ tute of Technology, the Air Force, Navy, Amer­ ican university research projects, and Allied Research Corp, reports. Merrill S. Albert, di­ rector of industrial relations at Allied Research, made the presentation to John Laucus, di­ rector of Boston University Libraries and Mu­ seums. • An outstanding collection of works as­ sociated with New England poet Emily Dickin­ son has been presented to the library of Princeton University. It is the gift of the well-known Richmond, Va., collector, Mrs. John Pershing, and includes some 280 volumes and extensive supporting materials. The col­ lection is particularly strong, the library reports, in multiple editions of the famous three series of Dickinson poems (Poems, 1890; Poems, Second Series, 1891; and Poems, Third Series, 1896), in her correspondence, and in the books and magazine articles about the life and work of the poet. Included are 24 copies of Poems (first series), representing 12 of the 17 editions issued between 1890 and 1906. Five of the 10 editions of Poems, Second Series, published between 1891 and 1906, are in the collection. And there are eight different copies of the two apparent editions of Poems, Third Series. Also included in the gift is material repre­ senting studies of Emily Dickinson and original works inspired by her poetry—books, parts of books, magazine articles, bibliographic material, and books and magazines containing creative works composed with Miss Dickinson in mind. Another part of the Pershing Collection con­ sists of books and magazine articles written by “the Dickinson Circle,” her family, friends, and early editors, as well as material on the Amherst community. There are two fine manu- 273 Depł. CR9-S Microcαrd Editions 901-26th Street, N. W . W ashington, D. C. 20037 □ Please send … copies of your latest catalog w ithou t cost or obligation. □ This is an order fo r the fo llo w in g titles: □ Guide to Reprints (1969); □ Guide to Micro­ forms in Print (1969); □ Subject Guide to M icro­ forms in Print (1968-69); □ Announced Reprints. Nam e ........................................................................................... Title ........................................................................................... O rganization ........................................................................................... Address ........................................................................................... ANNOUNCED REPRINTS A cumulative, quarterly (February, May, August, November) publication that lists forthcoming reprints— i.e. full-size, hard-bound reprints that have been announced but have not yet been produced. It includes books, journals, and other materials originating with publishers both in the United States and abroad. Softbound. Postage paid. $30.00 per year. GUIDE TO REPRINTS. 1969 An annual, cumulative list, in alphabetic order, of books, journals, and other materials available in reprint (full-size, hard-bound) form from pub­ lishers in the United States and abroad. Over 25,000 titles issued by 183 reprint publishers. 223 pp. Softbound. Postage paid, $5.00. GUIDE TO MICROFORMS IN PRINT. 1969 An annual, cumulative list, in alphabetic order, of books, journals and other materials available on microfilm, microfiche, and other microforms from publishers in the United States. Over 15,000 titles. 102 pp. Soft- bound. Postage paid, $4.00. SUBJECT GUIDE TO MICROFORMS IN PRINT. 1968-69 A biennial, cumulative list, by subject classifications, to books, journals, and other materials available on microfilm, microfiche, and other micro­ forms from publishers in the United States. I 10 pp. Softbound. Postage paid, $4.00. m ic r o c α r d e d it io n s 901 TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, N.W., WASHINGTON, ® D. C. 20037, 202/333-6393 IN D U S T R IA L PRODUCTS D IV IS IO N , THE N A T IO N A L CASH REGISTER C O M P A N Y 274 script examples; letters written by a sister, La- vinia; and correspondence relating to the for­ mation of Mrs. Pershing’s Dickinson Collection. The Pershings were among the some 50 per­ sons who gathered at the Princeton library for the presentation. The gift was accepted for the University by Professor Ludwig, and uni­ versity librarian Dr. William S. Dix, President of the American Library Association. The 24- page catalog of the collection was prepared by Robert S. Fraser, rare books cataloguer of the Princeton library. • The largest collection of materials on rail­ road labor history in the United States will soon be housed at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations ( I & LR ). The United Transportation Union (U T U ), an amalgamation of four of the oldest unions in the United States, is placing all non­ operating files in the school’s archives for the use of researchers and others interested in the history of railroading and railroad labor. The materials deposited in the school archives will include proceedings, officers’ reports, minutes of board of director’s meetings, financial rec­ ords, contracts and working agreements, char­ ters, constitutions and other official documents; reports of emergency boards, arbitrators, and the Presidential Railroad Commission. In ad­ dition, correspondence, union publications, A Guide to a Selection of Computer-Based Science and Technology Reference Services in the U.S.A. compiled by Science and Technology Reference Services Commif†ee Reference Services Division, American Library Association Compilation of 18 professional societies, government agencies, and private organi­ zations with reference services available in machine-readable form. Each description includes the characteristics of the data base, the equipment configuration, and the use of the file. Most of the services are also available in a printed version. 32 pages, $1.50 prepaid, $2.50 if billed. Order from Reference Services Division, A LA 50 E. Huron S†., Chicago, Illinois 6061 I broadsides, instructional materials, photo­ graphs, films, and tapes will be included in the addition. Many museum pieces such as badges, banners, posters, and pins are being presented to the school. A set of links and pins once used to connect cars is also part of the col­ lection. Cornell is also conducting an oral history program to record the unification of the Rail­ way Conductors and Brakemen, the Locomo­ tive Firemen and Engineers, the Railroad Train­ men and the Switchmen unions into the UTU. The oral history tapes recording the impres­ sions of those who took part in the unification discussions and the process by which the un­ ions became one will also be part of the collection. Gould P. Colman, the University’s representative for the joint project and director of Cornell’s program in oral history, said that this phase of the project had already begun with a taped interview of Lewis Chester, as­ sistant to the president of the UTU, who be­ gan his life in transportation at the age of 15 and became a brakeman at 17. The I & LR school already has other ex­ tensive collections of railroading materials in­ cluding the papers of Frank Columbus, former state legislative representative of the Firemen and Engineers union; the records of the New York, Ontario, and Western Railway and the New York and Pennsylvania Railway; and ma­ terials from the American Shortline Railroad Association. • The largest known assemblage of Sean O’Casey literary papers is now concentrated in the New York Public Library according to James W. Henderson, Chief of The Research Libraries, who announced the acquisition by the Library’s Berg Collection of English and Amer­ ican Literature of the O’Casey literary estate. Mr. Henderson said that the newly acquired collection complements the Library’s unique Lady Gregory archive and other related materi­ als, thus bringing to New York “what is un­ doubtedly the most comprehensive source any­ where for the study of the 19th- and 20th- century Irish Literary Revival.” Twenty-five manuscript notebooks in O’Casey’s hand, twenty- seven packages of typescripts, some types by O’Casey and some professionally typed but corrected and altered by him, and a large amount of edited page and galley proof com­ prise the new acquisition. The notebooks—many of them are ruled paper such as are used for school exercises—date from as early as 1918 to as late as 1962—almost the entire period of O’Casey’s long career. Sean O’Casey was born in Dublin in 1880 and died in 1964 in Devon, England. • The papers and memorabilia of the late Charles H. Wiltsie, a prominent Rochester law­ yer, historian, and library patron, are soon to 275 A lot of colleges are buying library books when they should be buying libraries. When you order your books through the Xerox College Library Program, all you do to set up your library is unpack it. We can send you th e complete 2,000-volume Choice Opening Day Collection*, along w ith 4,500 enrich­ m ent titles (including Choice's O u t­ standing Academic Books and 500 out-of-print titles from the ALA book­ list, Books for College Libraries). By ordering your library from us, you save yourself the time and trou­ ble of going through hundreds of catalogs and booklists. And you save your college the expense of having thousands of orders typed up and mailed out. Every book is listed in one anno­ tated catalog. All of them —or as few as 100—can be h ad with one order. And every book comes fully cata­ loged and processed to LC standards. I f you’re about to start a new col­ lege library—or add to an existing one—w rite for th e free Xerox Col­ lege Library Program Catalog. Then, you’ll be able to stop buy­ ing your library book by book. And start buying your books by the library. Un 300 N ort iversity h Zeeb Road. Ann Arbo M X EROr, Mic i h c . 481 r 03 o , (3 fi 13) l 761-4700 ms A XEROX COMPANY X *A BOOKLIST COMPILED BY RICHARD J . LEIT Z, W ILLIAM A. PEASE AND THE EDITORS OF "C H O IC E ". "C H O IC E ” IS A PUBLIC ATIO N OF THE ASSOCIATION OF C OLLEG E A ND RESEARCH LIBRARIE S, A DIVISIO N OF TH E AMERIC AN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 276 be added to the University of Rochester library’s local history collection, it was an­ nounced today by McCrea Hazlett, vice-presi­ dent for special academic activities. The gift, which includes a portrait of Wiltsie by John Vincent, Canadian-born portrait artist, was made to the University by Wiltsie’s grand­ sons, Dr. Charles W. Field of Hopkins, Minn., and Harold P. Field, of Lajolla, Calif. Wiltsie was for many years president of the board of trustees of the Rochester Public Li­ brary and the board of the Rochester Histori­ cal Society. Appointed in 1911 by Mayor Hiram W. Edgerton to the City of Rochester’s first library board, Wiltsie was a strong advocate of library expansion and supervised the opening of several of the public library’s first branches. The construction of Rundel Memorial Library, long a dream of his, was begun just before his death in 1935. Wiltsie was known as one of the nation’s foremost experts on the law of foreclosure, and published a book The Law of Mortgage Foreclosure in 1885, which was re­ published in a number of editions. He was a trustee of Rochester Institute of Technology, where he established a watercolor prize in 1930, and a former president of the Rochester chapter of Phi Reta Kappa. According to Mrs. Margaret B. Andrews, head of special collections at the University’s Rush Rhees Library, among the most interest­ ing items in the Wiltsie collection are a series of travel diaries and letters Wiltsie wrote as a student and while traveling in Africa, Asia, and Europe, and the manuscripts for his book on mortgage foreclosure, which is still used as a source by lawyers today. • The Pennsylvania State University li­ braries have announced the recent acquisition of the Williamscote Library, described as a typ­ ical “gentleman’s library” of the 18th century. The Library was first assembled by John Love- day of Caversham, near Reading, and con­ tinued by his son, also named John, who re­ located the Library at the manor of Williams­ cote near Banbury in Oxfordshire, England. Some items were added to the collection by later members of the family, but it was es­ sentially complete by the end of the 18th century. Because it has remained unmoved and under the care of one family since that time, its condition is superb and for this reason is particularly representative of its time. The Williamscote Library contains about 2,500 titles and additional numbers of pam­ phlets bound together. The subject matter covers fields one would expect in a collection of this period—classics, religious works, translations, history, and antiquities. Many of the items, such as Gentleman’s Magazine, are enhanced in value by the personal notes of the two Lovedays. Until a detailed inventory has been • completed, it is not possible to do more than indicate possible rarities, but it appears that among the pamphlets and 17th and 18th cen­ tury books are many not currently widely available. The principal interest of the Library, however, is in its nature as a “representative library” of the 18th century which has not suf­ fered the ravages of time and changes in own­ ership. The library intends to maintain the col­ lections as a unit. • The department of history of Temple University announces the creation of a new manuscript collection focusing on urban life and development and drawing on the Philadelphia metropolitan area since the Civil War. The col­ lection—called the Urban Archives Center—will collect institutional and individual records which will illuminate ethnic and racial groups, social welfare, crime, education, religion, eco­ nomic development and political activity. Its acquisitions to date include the papers of the Philadelphia Housing Association, 1909-1962 ( as well as that private agency’s extensive pamphlet library on housing, zoning and urban planning); the United Neighbors Association (including material from the Catherine Street House of Industry), 1847-1955; the Committee of Seventy (a municipal reform group), 1920- 1967; the Health and Welfare Council of Phil­ adelphia, 1943-1965; and the Philadelphia branches of the Urban League, 1935-1962; the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1943-1960; the American Civil Liberties Union, 1949-1960 and the Travelers’ Aid Society, 1904-1933. The Urban Archives will open for scholarly use in September 1969. In­ quiries should be addressed to Philip S. Ben­ jamin, Director, Urban Archives Center, Paley Library, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122. • Brigham Young University has pur­ chased a unique collection of nearly 2,000 volumes of literature covering almost every phase of life during the long reign of Eng­ land’s Queen Victoria, 1837-1901. The Victori­ an collection, obtained from the San Francisco antiquarian book dealer David Magee, contains many rare first editions, author’s presentation copies, and unopened and mint condition vol­ umes, including books, plays, speeches, essays, poems, ballads, printers’ proofs and private let­ ters from many famous writers during Britain’s “Golden Age” of literature. Highlighting the collection are first editions of Thomas Hardy’s set of novels and poems, FitzGerald’s Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, near­ ly all the works of Oscar Wilde and no less than five copies of Dickens’ work bearing pres­ entation inscriptions autographed by the author. Other autographed presentation copies are by Thackeray, Swinburne, Ruskin, MacDonald, Browning, Butler, and Tennyson. The acquisi­ tion also includes handwritten letters from Lewis Carroll, Wilkie Collins, Robert Louis Ste­ venson, Dickens, Hardy, and Ruskin to name but a few. Charlotte and Emily Bronte, George Eliot, R. M. Ballantyne, John Stuart Mill, Mat­ thew Arnold, Disraeli, Macaulay, Thomas Car­ lyle, Rudyard Kipling, Edward Lear, Charles Kingsley, Anthony Trollope, Coventry Patmore, Rossetti, Gilbert and Sullivan, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are also well represented among many others. One unusual feature is a rare collection of “Yellow Backs.” These are 1,750 printer’s proofs for the yellow back covers of the original pa­ perback novels of the 80’s and 90’s. They rep­ resent a vanished art form and are of great importance in the history of printing. There are also several original unpublished drawings— one by Thackeray for Our Street, and another by Phiz for David Copperfield. • Pearl Buck, West Virginia’s most cele­ brated author, has given a copy of her new biography to the state’s oldest educational in­ stitution, Bethany College, to bring its li­ brary collection to the 100,000 mark. The book, Pearl S. Buck, A Biography, by Theodore F. Harris, will be displayed in a special place in the archives of the T. W. Phillips Memorial Library, Dr. Perry E. Gresh­ am, Bethany College president, said. John Clopine, director of the library and assistant professor of library science at Bethany, and Dr. Gresham accepted the book from Miss Buck at her Pearl Buck Foundation of­ fice in Philadelphia. A W A R D S / G I F T S • An anonymous gift of $1,000,000 will build a theatre division in the planned $5,000,000 underground addition to the College Library of Harvard University. The gift, which will provide housing for the Theatre Collection, has been given in honor of the late Robert Jor­ dan ’06, Boston merchant and enthusiast of the arts. The Harvard Theatre Collection contains more than two million playbills, views and plans of theatres, tens of thousands of portraits of players, and many printed and manuscript doc­ uments on the history of the stage. This is a working collection for research on theatrical production, scenic and costume design, light­ ing, music, ballet, dramatic criticism, and many other aspects of theatrical history. The gift as­ sures a new home which will preserve the collection intact and provide for its growth. The Theatre Collection will be housed on one of the four levels in the planned addition of the College Library. The national committee in charge of the addition is led by Lammot ACADEMIC LIBRARIES g et more Send orders to your nearest o f the special services they need from BAKER & TAYLOR DIVISION. THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. EASTERN DIV IS IO N SOMERVILLE, N J . 0 8 8 7 6 5 0 Kirby Avenue Telephone- 2 0 1 -7 2 2 -8 0 0 0 N .Y . C ity Tel: 2 1 2 -2 2 7 -8 4 7 0 Oldest and Largest Book Wholesaler in the U.S. MIDWEST & SOUTHERN DIV IS IO N MOMENCE. ILL. 6 0 9 5 4 • 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 BOOKS IN 4 REGIONAL WAREHOUSES Telephone: 8 1 5 -4 7 2 -2 4 4 4 Chicago Tel.: 3 1 2 -3 4 6 -4 0 7 4 • OVER 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 TITLES (SOON TO BE 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) FROM 1 ,5 0 0 PUBLISHERS WESTERN DIVISIO N • BIGGEST INVENTORY OF U NIVE R SITY PRESS BOOKS RENO. NEV. 8 9 5 0 2 3 8 0 Edison Way • MOST COMPLETE, FASTEST FIRST S H IP M E N T SERVICE Telephone: 7 0 2 -7 8 6 -6 7 0 0 New service programs from Baker & Taylor INTERSTATE LIBRARY SERVICE CO. (A subsidiary) University & College Library New-Book Service. New-Book standing order program OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. 7 3 1 1 8 expressly designed to meet the needs of academic libraries. The new program enables 4 6 0 0 N orth Cooper Telephone: 4 0 5 -5 2 5 -6 5 6 1 libraries to receive, automatically, new books in subject areas they select. Baker & Taylor’s professional library s ta ff chooses title s of interest to academic libraries from NEW BOOKS INSPECTION CENTERS.- LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 9 0 0 3 6 all books published in the English language, both in the U.S. and abroad. The program 5 8 2 0 W ils h ire Blvd. is supported by the largest stock of University Press, scholarly and trade title s available Telephone: 2 1 3 -9 3 8 -2 9 2 5 from any one source. HOUSTON, TEX. 77019 Baker & Taylor’s Automated Buying) A newly-developed computerized book 1701 West Gray S treet ordering system for librar i es. This exclusive data processing system w ill enable Telephone: 713-524-6411 librarians to automate any or all of a library’s book ordering operations, from book BOSTON, MASS, (vicin ity! 3 7 2 M a in S tre e t acquisition through fund accounting and budget control. W aterto w n . Mass. 0 2 1 7 2 Tetephone, 6 1 7 -9 2 4 -7 5 2 2For further information, write to the BAKER & TAYLOR DIVISION nearest you. 277 Librarians at H a m lin e U niversity have become more than s to re ­ keepers who m ake sure the latest m aterial is a vailable. W ith the help of a 3 M M ic ro film System , they have become catalysts be­ tw een th e instructor and student. A t H a m lin e ’s Schilling M ic r o ­ film Research C e n te r, an e n tire c u rric u lu m is b u ilt aro u n d th e lib ra ry m a te ria ls on m ic ro film . T h e lib ra ria n w orks w ith an in ­ s tru c to r, helping him in te g ra te th e lib r a r y res o u rc e s w ith his instruction. Instead of using this m icrofilm m aterial for reference, the s tu­ dent now uses it as his original source. H e can read about an event as it happened in the N ew York T im es on m icrofilm , instead of in a history book. R a th e r than being spoon-fed the inform ation, he puts his reasoning powers to use and compares a specific event w ith other world happenings of the same era. T h e student can look up m icro­ film data in seconds on the screen of a 3 M “ 4 0 0 ” R e a d e r-P rin te r. If he wants a reference copy, he just pushes a button and has it in six seconds. For more inform ation, call your 3 M Business Products C enter or w rite to 3 M M ic ro film Systems, D e p t. F F D - 9 9 , S t. P a u l, M N 55101. this librarian is now a catalyst instead of a storekeeper N o w this uninue guide t o the literature of education makes it ease to f ind w h a t's of Eve sp ry e w c ee i k fi CU c RRENT inte CO r N e - st to Y O U ! TENTS®/Educat¡on brings you a pocket-size guide to articles and reports in journals important to you as an educator. Here’s how you benefit: No longer do you spend time search­ ing through stacks of periodicals hop­ ing to spot something of specific interest to you. CURRENT CONTENTS ends that drudgery! A quick thumbing through your weekly CUR­ RENT CONTENTS solves your reading-selection problem— you find reproduced the Table of Con­ tents of the literature that helps you keep abreast of developments in education. In ancillary fields, too. 689 United States and foreign publications will be covered. W rite or better, phone— for complete information on how CURRENT CONTENTS/Education can serve as your personal research librarian. W e’ll include data on the ad­ vantages of using our Original Article Tear Sheet service (OATS)® in connection with CURRENT CONTENTS. In P hiladelphia: contact IS I, 325 Chestnut S t.. P h iladelphia, Pa. 19106, Telephone (215) 923-3300 In Washington D.C.: contact IS I, 7315 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 500, Bethesda, Md. 20014, Telephone (301) 657-2366. In Europe: contact M r. Anthony Cawkell, 132 High Street, Uxbridge Middlesex, England Telephone Uxbridge 30085 or Mr. Peter Aborn, 6 Square Moncey, Paris 9, France. Telephone TRI 6738. In Japan: contact Mr. Takashi Yamakawa, Tsutsumi Building, 13-12 1-chome, Sh¡m- bashi M¡nato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Telephone (591) 5181-6. In stitu te for S cien tific In fo rm a tio n 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106, U S A 01969 ISI 280 du Pont Copeland; Augustus P. Loring is Vice- Chairman. Thus far $2,000,000 has been raised toward the $5,000,000 fund needed for the addition. • The W yoming Library Association has won the sixth Annual $1000 Grolier National Library Week Award “for sponsoring the out­ standing statewide Library Week Program of 1969.” The Associations in Louisiana, Missis­ sippi, North Dakota, and Tennessee have also been cited for “Special Recognition” in this year’s competition. All have sponsored note­ worthy programs in the past; North Dakota was top prizewinner in 1968. The winners were chosen unanimously by the judges from among twenty-four contend­ ing state entries, according to John G. Lorenz, Deputy Librarian of Congress and 1969 chair­ man for the NLW Program, the year-round reading and library development campaign sponsored by the National Book Committee in cooperation with the American Library Associ­ ation. The Awards were announced at the pro­ gram-session of the ALA Committee for Na­ tional Library Week in Atlantic City during the 88th Annual ALA Conference. Formal presentation of the $1000 prize and other ci­ tations will be made later in the year at the annual meetings of the winning associations. • Mansell Information/ P ublishing Ltd., publishers of The National Union Catalog: Pre-1956 Imprints, have received the first Robinson Award from the (British) Library Association. The award, set up from a trust fund bequeathed to the Association by the late Frederick Robinson, a librarian, is to be given at intervals to mark the originality of firms and individuals in devising new and im­ proved methods in library technology and any aspect of library administration. W ith the award go a special medal and a prize of 100 guineas, presented to J. E. Commander, Mansell’s Man­ aging Director, at the Association’s annual con­ ference at Guildhall in the City of London on May 10. The award was made in recognition of Man­ sell’s development of a unique system for the conversion of copy on over 12 million cards to the series of some 610 large volumes which will comprise The National Union Catalog. The award winning system centers on the sequential camera designed and built to Mansell’s speci­ fication by the Williamson Manufacturing Co., Ltd., optical and precision engineers. William­ son designed and made the special camera used in the production of the 263-volume British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books by Balding and Mansell. Experience gained in this work was applied to the special but re­ lated problems of the National Union Cata­ log and led to the establishment of Mansell Information/Publishing as a new company spe­ cifically concerned with the production of li­ brary catalogs and works of bibliographic ref­ erence. B U I L D I N G S • Riverside City College, Riverside, Cali­ fornia, dedicated its new $900,000 Martin Luther King Library on May 14. The building is a 40,000 square foot structure capable of housing 90,000 volumes and seating 800 stu­ dents. It is air-conditioned, carpeted, function­ al, and esthetically pleasing. Harry Bach is the librarian. • The University of Toledo’s Board of Trustees has approved preliminary plans for an $8 million University library. The proposed building, some 310,000 square feet in size, is designed to house up to 1,500,000 volumes and to seat 6,500 students at a time. Plans call for more than 600 lockable study carrels for use by graduate students and facul­ ty. Architects Munger, Munger & Associates, To­ ledo, who drew up the plans, indicated that the facility should adequately serve the Uni­ versity’s need for library space through 1980, after which a wing could be added to the structure. The existing University library houses a col­ lection of more than 630,000 volumes. Patrick Barkey, director of University libraries, said that the University’s library collection is grow­ ing at a rate of nearly 50,000 volumes a year. Plans call for a six-level square structure blending elements of the University’s collegiate gothic architecture with a contemporary over­ all design which, the architects say, will com­ plement existing campus structures. The building will feature eight rectilinear towers, topped with slanting roofs, and projecting segments of ex­ terior wall. One major innovation in the interior plan is the use of the office landscape concept in ar­ ranging administrative, staff and processing areas. All offices will be divided by panels rather than by permanent walls. Soundproofing will be achieved with carpeting, acoustical ceil­ ings, and the sound control qualities of the pan­ els themselves. Mr. Barkey said that, to his knowledge, The University of Toledo is the first to utilize the concept in the planning of a new library facility of this size. The University’s technological media center, an administrative unit of the library, and com­ puter terminal facilities will occupy the build­ ing’s basement level. F E L L O W S H IP S • The UCLA school of library service an­ nounces 1969-70 student stipends sponsored by the National Library of Medicine to be awarded to several candidates for the degree 281 of Master of Science in Information Science (Documentation). First year stipends of $2,400. Additional allowances for tuition and fees, support of dependents, travel. Second year stipend of $2,600. For details on qualifi­ cations for award, application procedure, cri­ teria of selection, etc., write to: Graduate School of Library Service, University of Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles, California 90024. • The department of library science at St . John’s University announces a number of fellowships which are available to candidates for the Master of Library Science degree. The fellowships are for Education in Librarianship, under Title II-B of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Qualified fellows will receive stipends of $75 per week. An additional $600 per year is provided for each eligible dependent. The University remits all tuition and fees. A one­ way travel allowance is also available for all fellowship recipients whose residence is more than 100 miles from St. John’s University. For further information, please contact: Mr. Milton S. Byam, Chairman, Department of Library Science, St. John’s University, Jamaica, N.Y. 11432. GRANTS • The American Association of Junior Colleges has received a federal grant of $66,- 000 to support a study of the use of microform copies of educational materials to supplement book and other publications collections in two- year college libraries. Provided by the Bureau of Research of the U.S. Office of Education, the grant will support the first year of a study into the development of microform collections as supplements to book collections, according to Richard E. Wilson, director of AAJC’s project for new institutions. “AAJC is anxious to identify new techniques, devices, and media that will more efficiently facilitate student learning and at the same time help to reduce costs of educating young men and women,” Wilson said. “Microform collections of educational material have a lower initial cost, and are less costly to store, main­ tain, and to use.” The two questions that must be answered, says Wilson, are whether peo­ ple will actually use microform, and if they use it, will they learn as well as they might from traditional media. Mrs. Louise Giles, as­ sociate dean of the Orchard Ridge Learning Resources Center, Oakland Community Col­ lege in Michigan, will serve as the principal investigator. • The principles of modern scientific man­ agement will be applied to the operations and services of university libraries if a project ful­ fills the expectations of its co-sponsors, the American Council on Education and the Association of Research Libraries. Support­ ed by a $25,000 grant from the Council on Library Resources, a study of university library management is being made by the firm of Booz, Allen and Hamilton, with the assistance of an advisory committee of university adminis­ trative officers and librarians. This study is the first of a projected series. Its objective is to as­ sess the current management situation in uni­ versity libraries and to identify those problems which can be corrected and those procedures which can be improved by the application of scientific management techniques. This approach to university library manage­ ment is being emphasized because the uni­ versity library has become an exceedingly com­ plex part of the modern university as enroll­ ments have grown, academic programs have been expanded and the volume of publica­ tions has increased dramatically. Further im­ petus to this review of university library man­ agement is to be found in the numerous stud­ ies which detail the administrative and financial difficulties now being encountered by American universities. There is general agreement that universities will need greatly increased financial resources in the next decade if they are to meet the demands being made on them and if they are to resolve successfully the chal­ lenges to their traditional structure and mis­ sion which have arisen in the last few years. Both public and private sources of support will be severely strained to meet projected needs. In such a period of financial stringency the university library will undoubtedly be sub­ jected to close scrutiny in an effort to assure that resources allocated to it are being used in the most effective manner to provide the high quality of collections and services required by the academic programs. Commenting on this management study, Dr. Logan Wilson, presi­ dent of the American Council on Education, said: “Libraries are among the most expensive as well as the most important teaching and learning resources of the university and anything done to improve their operation would be a valuable service to all of higher education.” The study team of Booz, Allen and Hamilton has visited the campuses of six major universi­ ties in various parts of the country to examine the libraries and to confer with presidents, provosts, librarians, faculty members, and stu­ dents. These field visits have provided informa­ tion on a wide range of library problems. The survey team has been guided by, and its re­ ports will be submitted to, the advisory com­ mittee appointed jointly by the ACE and the ARL. Warren J. Haas, director of libraries, Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania, heads the committee which includes: Vice-President Willard Boyd, University of Iowa; Douglas W. Bryant, uni­ versity librarian, Harvard University; Chancel­ lor Allan Cartter, New York University; Her­ 282 man Fussier, director, University of Chicago Library; President Howard H. Johnson, Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology; Vice-Presi­ dent Richard Lyman, Stanford University; John McDonald, director, University of Connecticut Library; and Robert Vosper, university librari­ an, University of California, Los Angeles. The final report of this initial study is expected to be completed by November. • The Rooks for the People Fund, Inc., a private non-profit corporation, created in 1961 with the assistance of the Pan American Union, to stimulate the production and widespread dissemination of low-cost, easy-to-read mate­ rials for children, young people, and new adult literates of Latin America and for the Spanish speaking peoples of the United States received a $35,000 grant from the Tinker Foundation of New York. The Library Development Program of the Organization of American States created a special program “Project LEER” (to read) in order to identify for schools and libraries what elementary reading materials in Spanish there are which might be available and ap­ propriate for library purposes. With financial assistance from Bro-Dart Foundation and ad­ visory services from Books for the People Fund, books in Spanish are being reviewed by the staff of Project LEER and a selection of ap­ propriate titles is being made for inclusion in the quarterly Project LE E R Bulletin, sent free to more than 3,000 schools and libraries. The funds presently available barely meet a mini­ mum level of the selection process (in two years a few more than 1,000 titles selected out of 7,000 books reviewed, still only a fraction of the total number of 100,000 books in print in Spanish). They do not cover the promotion of new materials for both children and adults with a minimum reading ability which would be more relevant to their needs and interests. The grant from the Tinker Foundation will permit the Books for the People Fund to pur­ sue more actively its objectives to stimulate the production of large numbers of elemen­ tary reading materials in Spanish for the chil­ dren and new adult literates of the Hemi­ sphere. Publishers in the United States, Latin America and Spain will be consulted in respect to the production of new books, reprints of useful titles now out of print in Spanish, and the translation into Spanish of appropriate books in English. Books for the People Fund will be able to contribute more effectively to Project LEER in its task of identifying exist­ ing materials and assuring their availability through book dealers in the United States, in listing titles available in Spanish and produc­ ing lists with special emphasis such as for the Mexican Americans and similar groups in the United States. It will furthermore provide liai­ son service between Project LEER and the agencies of the United States Federal Govern­ ment concerned with bilingual education and with the adult and vocational education of Spanish speaking groups, looking forward to support for the creation and maintenance of a Center for Spanish Language Educational and Library Materials with demonstration col­ lections and with the capacity for research into reading needs and interests of the Spanish speaking people. The Tinker Foundation which has made the grant was created by the late Edward Larocque Tinker, lawyer, author, journalist who rode with Pancho Villa, philanthropist, and aficio­ nado of cowboys and bullfighting throughout the Americas. Its broad purpose is aimed es­ pecially at creating better understanding among the peoples of the Americas. Offices of the Books for the People Fund, Inc., as well as Project LEER, are in the Library Development Program of the Pan American Union, Washing­ ton, D.C. • The new Consortium of Western Uni­ versities and Colleges, located at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, has received a $125,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Education, De­ partment of Health, Education and Welfare (H E W ). Identified as a “special purpose li­ brary grant award” under Title II of the High­ er Education Act of 1965, the money will be used to provide, through the cooperative ef­ forts of consortium members, better research material in the fields of international relations and area studies for students and faculty at associated institutions. An executive committee of the consortium, composed of one representative from each of the 12 charter institutions, will meet at Hoover to plan use of the federal grant, to amend previously ratified bylaws and to consider a pending application for membership. Present members are: University of Arizona, Tucson; Arizona State University, Tempe; Fresno State College; University of San Francisco; San Francisco State College; University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Also Hoover Institu­ tion, Stanford; University of Idaho, Moscow; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Ore­ gon, Eugene; University of Utah, Salt Lake City; and University of Washington, Seattle. Pending more precise definition in the by­ laws, consortium membership is open to any ac­ credited college or university from the Rocky Mountains westward. For additional financial support, the new cooperative venture will look to both public and private grants, to mem­ bership dues and to special acquisitions funds from affiliated institutions. While the federal award is limited to purchase and dissemination of study materials, the consortium will seek to apply future financing to several other princi­ 283 pal purposes. These include the provision of subsistence and travel awards in support of research, improvement of access to rare ma­ terials and increased efforts to make known the holdings of member institutions’ libraries. Acting executive director for the consortium is Prof. Witold S. Sworakowski, associate direc­ tor of the Hoover Institution. • The Commonwealth Fund of New York has awarded a three-year grant of $15,000 to the Countway Library of H arvard Univer­ sity to establish an Archive of Medical Visual Resources. The Archive, which will be housed in Countway’s Rare Books Department, will collect original paintings, drawings, and other graphic works of important medical illustrators. The Archive will be developed under the di­ rection of a committee consisting of Biagio J. Melloni of the Georgetown University School of Medicine and Dentistry, Martin G. Levine of the American Psychiatric Museum Associa­ tion, and Richard J. Wolfe, Rare Books Librari­ an at Countway. The committee will concen­ trate first on collecting materials which might otherwise be lost; particularly the works of Max Brödel and Tom Jones, the two outstand­ ing American medical illustrators, and their students. Mr. Wolfe welcomes any suggestions about illustrations and other materials appropri­ ate for the Archive. • The Council on Library Resources, Inc., has awarded a grant of $75,000 to the Im ­ perial College of Science and Technology, London, over the next three years, for re­ search on the scientific aspects of conserva­ tion of library materials. The work will be carried out in close association with the Royal College of Art, under the joint direction of Peter Waters (Royal College of Art) and J. C. Lewis (Im perial College), and will be closely associated with the problems of book restora­ tion arising from the flood in Florence in 1966, particularly those of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale. The research to be carried out at Imperial College will concentrate on the treatm ent and preservation of library materials and will also be concerned with methods of restoration and the construction of books. Techniques, ma­ terials, and equipment used in conservation will be evaluated and developed, with special emphasis on the scientific basis of traditional methods. Specific problems to be undertaken include th e improvement and development of methods of strengthening and deacidifying the paper of post-1840 books, to counter the dam- Is Your Colleġe L ib ra ry Lost In the Crowd? (o f Public & School Libraries) Stand out from the Crowd and do business w ith a Jobber (Midwest Library Service) who has only College and University Libraries on his mind. We have been supplying College and University Libraries exclusively fo r 9 years w ith the books o f all United States publishers. If you wish fu rthe r inform ation, please w rite or call us collect in St. Louis, Area Code 314, 845-3100. Midwest Library Service 11400 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, Missouri 63042 284 aging chemical effects of air pollution and the processes of paper-making of the period. This will extend the pioneering work of the late William J. Barrow of Richmond, Virginia, and the Barrow Research Laboratory, whose work is supported by the Council on Library Resources. Investigations will be made of problems of mud-retention in the paper fibers, methods of resizing, effects of fungicides, bleaching, the use of adhesives, and the development of special mending papers. Improvements in test methods will be tried for such materials as paper, vellum, and leather. • A federal grant of $50,000 has been awarded to the Southeastern New York Li­ brary Resources Council on behalf of nine college libraries in the Hudson Valley. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie; Marist College, Pough­ keepsie; Mount Saint Mary, Newburgh; Saint Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill; Rockland Community College, Suffern; Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson; the State University of New York College at New Paltz; Bennett Col­ lege, Millbrook; and Ulster Community Col­ lege, Stone Ridge, participated in the Council’s application to the United States Office of Edu­ cation under the terms of the Higher Education Act. Funds will be used to acquire books and oth­ er library materials for the colleges so as to strengthen the information resources of the area. Applicants were required to present proofs of regional planning and services for cooperative library endeavors, and only recog­ nized groups of institutions could apply. The Southeastern New York Library Resources Coun­ cil has prepared and published comprehensive catalogs of the serials holdings in the libraries of the Hudson Valley, a catalog of the re­ served book collections in college libraries, and directories of area libraries. The Council also maintains regular delivery schedules for the libraries and reimburses interlibrary photo­ copying and telephone toll expenses. The Southeastern New York Library Resources Council is a regional planning body for college and research libraries in the counties of Put­ nam, Dutchess, Columbia, Greene, Ulster, Orange, Sullivan, and Rockland. The Council maintains offices at 103 Market Street, Pough­ keepsie. • “There cannot be a more significant and thorough source of material on Afro-American culture and history to be microfilmed than the Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature and History,” said Mrs. Jean Hutson, Curator of the Schomburg Collection. She added, “the grants provided by the 3M Company and the Hill Family Foundation to the United Negro College Fund’s member colleges will further strengthen, expand and add new dimensions to the Afro-American studies programs.” Mrs. Hutson made her remarks at a recent press conference at UNCF headquarters, an­ nouncing the receipt of grants totaling more than $700,000 under which its 36 member institutions will receive microfilm research cen­ ters and microfilmed materials on Afro-Ameri­ can history. The Schomburg Collection has been the primary source of the microfilm ma­ terials. The Collection, housed at the Countee Cullen branch of the New York Public Library in Harlem, is the private library assembled by Arthur A. Schomburg. In 1926, Mr. Schom- burg’s collection was purchased from him by the Carnegie Corporation and presented to the New York Public Library. The United Negro College Fund is a voluntary membership or­ ganization through which 36 private, predom­ inantly Negro colleges and universities make a joint appeal for national support. Member in­ stitutions of the Fund have a total enrollment of more than 41,000 students. The microfilm centers will be delivered in the Fall of 1969. • The establishment of a Center for Li­ brary and Information Systems within The University of Toledo library and the receipt of the center’s first research grant have been announced by Patrick Barkey, director of Uni­ versity libraries and professor of library science. The initial grant of $12,000 from the Dana Corporation, Toledo, will help the center to begin operations and organize a team of technical research associates to provide ab­ stracts of technical information to Dana’s re­ search and development management and staff. Named director of the center is Sul H. Lee, manager of library systems analysis and assistant professor of library science. Similar centers are operating at the Uni­ versity of California; Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland; Lehigh University, Beth­ lehem, Pa.; and Yale University, Mr. Lee pointed out. The Dana-sponsored research proj­ ect—“A Feasibility Study for Establishing a Data Base in Science and Technology for Corporate Information Management, and De­ veloping Optimal Information Transfer Meth­ ods in a Research and Development Environ­ ment”—will involve the assembling of a re­ search team from among University of Toledo graduate students in various areas relevant to the technical fields in which information is being sought. The project will draw on the University Library’s collection of more than 625,000 volumes, 3,200 continuing periodicals, and on its depository of federal, state and Atomic Energy Commission documents. Mr. Lee hopes to be providing technical informa­ tion and abstracts to Dana’s research and de­ velopment personnel within six weeks of launch­ ing the project. The center also will provide a form enabling recipients to report how much of the information was of value, and will submit 285 periodic reports to Dana’s management on the effectiveness and validity of the program. M E E T IN G S Sept. 26-27: In cooperation with the Uni­ versity of Toronto Library, the School of Li­ brary Science is sponsoring a two-day Institute on the Library of Congress MARC Project on Friday, September 26, and Saturday, Septem­ ber 27, 1969. The first day of the Institute will be concerned with a detailed description of the MARC Project. This will be conducted by Mrs. Henriette D. Avram, Assistant Coordi­ nator, Information Systems Office, U.S. Library of Congress; assisted by Mrs. Josephine S. Pul- sifer, Chief of Technical Services, Washington State Library, Olympia, Washington; and by another staff member of the Library of Con­ gress. The second day of the Institute will be con­ cerned with the discussion by four participants in the MARC Pilot Project which was com­ pleted in 1968: Hillis L. Griffin, Information Systems Librarian, Library Services Department, Argonne Na­ tional Laboratories, Argonne, Illinois. Mrs. Josephine S. Pulsifer, Chief of Technical Services, Washington State Library, Olympia, Washington. John P. Kennedy, Data Processing Librarian, Price Gilbert Memorial Library, Georgia In­ stitute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. Ritvars Bregzis, Assistant Librarian, Technical Services, University of Toronto Library. The purpose of this Institute, which is the first such institute to be held in Canada, is to explain the organization and potential uses of the Library of Congress MARC tape service. The program is directed at library administra­ tors, cataloguers, acquisition librarians, data processing librarians, and heads of technical processes. Registration will be limited to 150. The fee is $40. For further details send your name and address to: Toronto MARC Institute, School of Library Science, University of Toron­ to, 167 College Street, Toronto 130, Ontario, Canada. Oct. 1-3: The Missouri Library Association 1969 convention will be at the Ramada Inn, Jefferson City, Missouri. Miss Syd Shinn, Ex­ hibits Chairman, Missouri State Library, 308 East High, Jefferson City, Missouri 65101. Oct. 1-5: 32nd annual meeting of ASIS will be held at the San Francisco Hilton; San Francisco, California. The Convention Chair­ man for the 1969 meeting is Mr. Charles P. Bourne; Director, Programming Services, Inc.; 999 Commercial Street, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303. Oct. 2: The academic libraries section of the Minnesota Library Association will hold a luncheon meeting at the St. Paul Hilton Hotel. Ted Johnson and Jack King of the Hamline University library will describe the research they are conducting under various grants. In­ quiries may be directed to Les Mattison, Chairman, MLA Academic Libraries Section, Bemidji State College, Bemidji, Minnesota 56601. Oct. 8-10: Madison, Wisconsin will host the 1969 annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists. Panel sessions will deal with academic archives, oral history, income tax appraisal of donations, computers and rec­ ords administration, editing of photographic collections, and other topics of current archival interest. Further information and registration materials are available from F. Gerald Ham, Secretary, Society of American Archivists, 816 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53706. Oct. 26-30: 68th annual meeting of the Medical Library Association will be held at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Miss Joan Titley, director of the Kornhauser Me­ morial Medical library, University of Louis­ ville, is convention chairman. The advance pro­ gram and registration forms will be a part of the May, 1969 issue of M LA News. Oct. 31: 2nd International Seminar on Ap­ proval and Gathering Plans in Academic Li­ braries, sponsored by Western Michigan Uni­ versity Libraries, Kalamazoo 49001. For appli­ cation forms write Peter Spyers-Duran, Director of Libraries, West Michigan University. Nov. 5-8: The Library-College Associates will hold an interdisciplinary conference en­ titled, “A Library Dimension for the Higher Learning,” at the LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, Il­ linois, November 5-8,1969. Participants who will be featured at this conference include: Henry S. Commager, Historian, Amherst College; Woodburn O. Ross, Dean of Instruction, Wayne State University; Louis Shores, Dean Emeritus, Florida State University; Sister Helen Sheehan, Librarian, Trinity College; and Harvie Brans- comb, Chancellor Emeritus, Vanderbilt Uni­ versity. To obtain reservations and further in­ formation on this conference, address inquiries to Mrs. Dorcas Scalet, Library-College Associ­ ates, Box 956, Norman, Oklahoma 73069. Nov. 7-10: The Fourth Annual Colloquium on Oral History will be held at Airlie House near Warrenton, Virginia, according to Dr. Gould P. Colman, of Cornell University, pres­ ident of the Oral History Association. The George C. Marshall Research Library of Lex­ ington, Virginia, will act as co-host for the Airlie meeting. Among the featured speakers will be Mrs. 286 Barbara Tuchman, author of The Guns o† August; former Ambassador Lucius D. Battle; Saul Benison, of Brandeis University, on the critical evaluation of oral history products; David W. Cohen, The Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity, on field studies of traditional African history; and Nathan Reingold, Editor of the Joseph Henry papers, on a critic’s im­ pressions of oral history. Other topics include legal problems affecting oral history programs, a review of studies on the accuracy of oral interviews, and the use of film supplements to complement oral interviews. There will also be demonstrations and exhibits of the latest in tape recording equipment suitable for the needs of the oral historian. The program has been developed under the chairmanship of Dr. Peter Olch of the National Library of Med­ icine, Bethesda, Maryland. Officers of the Oral History Association for 1969 are: President, Dr. Colman; Vice-Presi­ dent, Dr. Oscar W inther of Indiana Univer­ sity; Secretary, Mrs. Alice M. Hoffman, Penn­ sylvania State University; Treasurer, Knox Mellon, Immaculate H eart College, Los An­ geles. Council members are: Dr. Forrest C. Pogue, director of the George C. Marshall Re­ search Library; Mrs. Willa Baum, director of the University of California at Berkeley Oral History project, and Dr. Olch. Participants at the four-day Airlie meeting will be charged an inclusive fee of $100 to cover administrative costs, meals, and lodging (a double room). A single room is $12 extra. Daily rates will be available proportional to the registration fee. For further information or reservations, write: Royster Lyle, Jr., collo­ quium coordinator, The George C. Marshall Research Library, Lexington, Virginia 24450. D ec. 6-11: 1969 Galaxy Conference of Adult Education Organizations, sponsored by the Committee of Adult Education Organizations. Location of the conference will be the Shore­ ham and Sheraton Park Hotels, Washington, D.C. The conference theme is Learning to Change: A Social Imperative. Its purposes are: To provide individual members of adult edu­ cation organizations with greater opportunity for professional growth; To strengthen the work of all adult education organizations through joint consideration of matters of common concern; To provide organizations of adult education with a platform from which to speak with one voice on matters of great national con­ cern. More than 4000 leaders in adult and con­ tinuing education organizations will participate. Galaxy Conference is a concurrent meeting of those associations with a major concern for adult and continuing education. Full member­ ship meetings will be held by the following: Adult Education Association of the USA Adult Student Personnel Association Association of Field Services in Teacher E du­ cation Association of University Evening Colleges Council of National Organizations for Adult Education National Association of Public School Adult E d ­ ucators National University Extension Association United States Association of Evening Students Divisional, sectional, board and special group meetings will be held by: American Association of Junior Colleges American Library Association, Adult Services Division Extension Committee on Organization and Pol­ icy of the National Association of State Uni­ versities and Land-Grant Colleges International Congress of University Adult E d ­ ucation National Education Television University Council on Education for Public Responsibility. Observers from national and international agencies will also be on hand. At least two Galaxy General Sessions will be held on Sunday afternoon and Monday after­ noon. A reception is also scheduled for early Sunday evening. Participating organizations will develop their own programs for times other than during th e General Sessions. The programs will be based on the general theme of the conference. A statement of “Imperatives for Action” will be the basis for a major ad­ dress by a leading educator to be delivered at one of the General Sessions of the Confer­ ence. In turn, these “Imperatives for Action” will serve as a basis for discussions in the separate programs of participating organizations. Jan. 16-18, 1970: The Association of Amer­ ican Library Schools, annual meeting, Grad­ uate Library School, Indiana University, Bloom­ ington, Indiana. Jan. 19-21, 1970: A three-day seminar on the evaluation of information retrieval systems is to b e presented by W estat Surveys, Inc., in Chicago. The seminar will cover the following areas: criteria for measuring performance of retrieval systems; factors affecting performance; com­ ponents and characteristics of indexing lan­ guages; design and conduct of an evaluation program; analysis and interpretation of evalu­ 287 ation results; application of results to improve system performance; evaluation of economic efficiency; continuous quality control. Instructors will be F. W. Lancaster and D. W. King. Mr. Lancaster, who is the author of Information Retrieval Systems: Character­ istics, Testing and Evaluation (Wiley, 1968), recently completed a comprehensive evalua­ tion of MEDLARS at the National Library of Medicine. He will be the author of the chap­ ter on evaluation in the 1970 volume of the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Mr. King, a specialist in statistics and oper­ ations research, is the author of the 1968 An­ nual Review chapter on evaluation and co­ author of the Procedural Guide for the Eval­ uation of Document Retrieval Systems prepared by Westat for the National Science Founda­ tion. Tuition for the three-day seminar, including course materials, is $200.00. A limited number of registrants will be accepted for each ses­ sion. Reservations may be made through Wes­ tat Surveys, Inc., 7979 Old Georgetown Road, Rethesda, Maryland 20014. Telephone: (301) 652-8223. Jan. 26-28, 1970: A three-day seminar on the evaluation of information retrieval sys­ tems is to be presented by Westat Surveys, Inc., in San Diego. The seminar will cover the following areas: criteria for measuring performance of retrieval systems; factors affecting performance; compo­ nents and characteristics of indexing languages; design and conduct of an evaluation program; analysis and interpretation of evaluation re­ sults; application of results to improve system performance; evaluation of economic efficien­ cy; continuous quality control. Instructors will be F. W. Lancaster and D. W. King. Mr. Lancaster, who is the author of Information Retrieval Systems: Characteris­ tics, Testing and Evaluation (Wiley, 1968), recently completed a comprehensive evaluation of MEDLARS at the National Library of Med­ icine. He will be the author of the chapter on evaluation in the 1970 volume of the Annual Review of Information Science and Technol­ ogy- Mr. King, a specialist in statistics and oper­ ations research, is the author of the 1968 An­ nual Review chapter on evaluation and co­ author of the Procedural Guide for the Eval­ uation of Document Retrieval Systems prepared by Westat for the National Science Foundation. Tuition for the three-day seminar, including course materials, is $200.00. A limited number of registrants will be accepted for each ses­ sion. Reservations may be made through Wes­ tat Surveys, Inc., 7979 Old Georgetown Road, Rethesda, Maryland 20014. Telephone: (301) 652-8223. Mar. 16-18, 1970: Space age requirements of colleges and universities, in areas of admin­ istrative structure, physical environment and financing of new programs, will be the focal points of the 1970 International College & Uni­ versity Conference & Exposition to be held March 16-18, 1970, at the Atlantic City, N.J., Convention Hall, according to Georgette N. Mania, ICUCE program director and editor of American School & University, sponsoring publication. As in 1969, the conference format will in­ clude morning plenary sessions, afternoon work­ shops and an exposition of the latest and most interesting developments in equipment, office machines, furnishings, maintenance items, food service systems and other products and services for educational institutions. May 8-9, 1970: Fifteenth annual Midwest Academic Librarians Conference at Drake Uni­ versity and Grand View College, Des Moines, Iowa. June 28-JuLy 1, 1970: Annual meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, Washington, D.C. Sept. 14-24, 1970: 35th FID Conference, Ruenos Aires. The Conference will be organ­ ized by the FID National Member in Argen­ tina: Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cien- tificas y Tecnicas, Rivadavia 1917—R. 25, Buenos Aires, Argentina, attn: Mr. R. A. Gietz. Oct. 4-9, 1970: 33rd annual meeting of ASIS will be held at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Con­ vention Chairman for the 1970 meeting is Mr. Kenneth H. Zabriskie, Jr.; Biosciences Infor­ mation Services of Biological Abstracts; 2100 Arch Street; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. M IS C E L L A N Y • A new, coin-operated console electrostatic copier, Coineax, has been announced by Oli­ vetti Underwood Corporation. Already success­ fully installed in many test areas, Coinfax is adapted from the very successful Copia II electrostatic copier, introduced by the Corpora­ tion in 1967. It is now generally available. Coinfax operates completely automatically. Once the necessary coins have been inserted, it starts work as soon as the “Print” button is pushed, with no waiting for warm-up. The coin mechanism can be set for a nickel, dime or quarter and a coin-changer can be supplied to make change for quarters. The user can select one of seven copy sizes between 8½" x 11" and 8½" x 14". The paper roll is good for 1,750 letter-size copies and one change of toner will 288 last for 6,000 copies. Control panel lights flash an alert when either paper or toner is ex­ hausted; the machine automatically shuts off and rejects further coins. Full width double doors make servicing quick and easy. Coinfax is designed to copy pages from books without damaging the book’s spine. It will copy any kind of paper, any colors, half­ tones or solids, ballpoint signatures, photographs —even 3-dimensional objects. Most importantly, Coinfax makes a good, clear, dry copy the first time and every time. A built-in quality control system assures consistent copies, and the down­ time rate is one of the lowest in the industry. Coinfax is manufactured in Smithtown, Long Island, N.Y. by Olivetti Underwood Corpora­ tion, one of the nation’s 500 largest industrial companies. • For maximum survival protection of all computer media in even the largest data proc­ essing centers, a custom engineered walk-in Data-Vault is now available from Data- American Equipment Company, Chicago. This unique vault allows location on any floor of any new or old building at a fraction of the cost of its capacity in unprocessed tape. The free­ standing inner vault, surrounded on all six sides by an insulating air space, is contained within massive, explosion-resistant outer walls of a special insulating material. It is complete with a compression-type inner door that keeps the inner repository air and moisture tight, as well as a massive outer vault door that carries the Underwriters’ Laboratory six hour label. The well-lighted interior, which includes ad­ justable shelving, against the walls and in free­ standing aisles, is engineered to accommodate all raw and processed computer tapes, disc packs microfilm and data cards. With both doors sealed, the Walk-In Data-Vault pro­ tects tapes with a temperature less than 140°F. for at least six hours in a fire exposure equal to the American Standard Time & Temperature test reaching 2250°F. Even ten hours after the beginning of the exposure, the interior temperature will be lower than 150°F., which is well within the safety limits established by computer tape manufacturers. As an extra measure of protection, a specially designed re­ frigeration system automatically plunges the surrounding air temperature to 0°F. at a fixed point in the fire cycle. The resulting atmos­ phere is far more resistant to heat transfer than the air it replaces. This provides a safety factor beyond refrigeration and in addition to the ASTT exposure protection. For additional in­ formation, write direct to: Data-American Equipment Company, 333 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601. • Officers of the District of Columbia The Council for Exceptional Children Announces … its newest journal, a quarterly publication designed to serve professionals con­ cerned with gifted and handicapped children. EXCEPTIONAL CHILD EDUCATION ABSTRACTS … is a resource journal containing abstracts stored in the computer file of the CEC's Information Center and features a computer generated Subject Index, Topic Classification Index, Document Classification Index, and Author Index. The Subject Index is designed to eliminate many hours of library searching by quickly identifying particular documents dealing with a combination of concepts. Re­ searchers can quickly locate research reports dealing with specified variables and practitioners can locate curriculum manuals designed to develop certain skills with a particular type of exceptionality. Annual subscription rate: First Basic Subscription, $50; A dditional Supplementary Sub­ scriptions, $25 each. Orders fo r Supplementary Subscriptions musf accompany the Basic Subscription order. Write: The Council for Exceptional Children, Department CR, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 289 Library Association for 1969/70 are as fol­ lows: President: Elizabeth L. Tate, Chief, Library Division, National Bureau of Standards Vice-President and President-Elect: Richard K. Burns, Director, Falls Church (Va.) Public Library Immediate Past President: Alice D. Ball, Ex­ ecutive Director, U.S. Book Exchange, Inc. Secretary: Mary Helen Feldman, Head, Tech­ nical Services, Trinity College Library Treasurer: Naomi J. Rushing, Acquisitions Li­ brarian, D.C. Teachers College Assistant Treasurer: Bernice G. Reynolds, Co­ ordinator, Branch Administration, Prince Georges County Memorial Library ( M d.) Members-at-Large: Lois Fern, Reference Li­ brarian, U.S. Information Agency; Virginia C. Hills, Librarian, National Geographic Socie­ ty; Dorothy E. Porter, Librarian, Negro Col­ lection, Howard University ALA Council Member: Mary E. Kahler, Asst. Chief, Union Catalog Division, Library of Congress • El Centro College, Dallas, Texas is in the process of changing over its library cata­ loging system from a book catalog to a Micro- mation approach—a system which combines the automation of the computer with micro­ film. A master record of library holdings is maintained on magnetic tape in the computer center in a format similar to a microfilm frame. A 16mm microfilm is prepared directly from the magnetic tape through the use of conversion equipment and installed on a spool in a 4" x 4" cartridge. This cartridge is used with an in­ quiry station—a high speed microfilm viewing scope—loaded in much the same manner as a cassett tape recorder. The inquiry station dis­ plays the catalog one frame at a time on a microfilm scope. Through push-button control, the catalog may be passed in front of the viewer in increments of 1, 10 or 100 frames, at speeds up to 100 frames per second. There is also a “fast pass” button which advances or rewinds the entire cartridge in a matter of seconds. El Centro’s present holdings of 26,000 vol­ umes- are fully cataloged by author, title and subject (some 100,000 entries) on 2700 frames —less than three-fourths of the capacity of a single microfilm cartridge. Under this system, the costs of maintaining and displaying the li­ brary catalog will be a fraction of the cost of the former book catalog system or conventional card cataloging—with savings both in produc­ tion costs and personnel. (It will cost approx­ imately $150 using a Service Bureau to make six new microfilm cartridges for the six inquiry stations which El Centro will lease at the outset. Two of the stations will have “hard­ copy” reproduction capability. The computer records of library holdings are updated at fre­ quent intervals using tape provided by the book processing firm with which El Centro contracts. • Montana Library Association, Officers -1969-1970: President: Mrs. Letitia Johnson, Librarian, Sen­ tinel High School, Missoula, Montana 59801 Vice-President and President-Elect: Mrs. Mabel Brewer, Librarian, Flathead County Library, 37 First Street West, Kalispell, Montana 59901 Secretary: Mrs. Terry Clay, Assistant Readers Service Librarian, Montana State Library, 930 East Lyndale Avenue, Helena, Montana Treasurer: Mrs. Rita Nelson, Serials Librarian, University of Montana Library, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59801 A.L.A. Councilor: Mrs. Clare Smith, Librarian, Miles City Public Library, 1 South 10th, Miles City, Montana 59301 P.N.L.A. Representative: Mrs. Kay Griffith, Ac­ quisitions Assistant, University of Montana Library, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59801 Division Chairmen Association of School Librarians: Mr. John Breeden, Librarian, Great Falls High School, Great Falls, Montana 59401 Trustees and Friends Division: Mr. Don Gib­ son, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Glendive Public Library, P.O. Box 1329, Glendive, Montana 59330 Academic and Special Librarians: Mr. R. Pat­ rick Mallory, Acquisitions Librarian, Uni­ versity of Montana Library, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59801 • The College Division of the New E ng­ land School of Law closed on June 15, 1969. It is willing to sell the approximately 20,000 volumes in its library, together with the cata­ log. Prospective purchasers should contact Wal­ ter J. Kozuch, Jr., Dean of the School, at 47 Mount Vernon Ave., Boston. • The Board of Trustees of North Carolina College at Durham announced that by act of the general assembly of North Carolina, the name of the college was changed on July 1, 1969 to North Carolina Central University, Durham, North Carolina 27707. • Students and faculty at the Commonwealth Campuses of the Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity now have quicker access to information about the over one million volumes in the University Park libraries. This is possible through 16mm microfilm reproductions of the 290 T h e I n v i s i b l e P r o d u c t … SERVICE An invisible, intangible product goes into every shipment we send out. That product is Service … and it costs you nothing extra. Our clientele can't see it, but they certainly are aware that they are receiving it! W e're proud of the rapid, efficient manner in which we handle your book requirements. Our huge inventory, stocked in our own warehouses … our trained per­ sonnel … our progressive manage­ ment … these are the ingredients that make up our most desirable product— SERVICE! Send fo r our brochure and terms. Taylor-Carlisle BOOKSELLERS to INDUSTRY and the A C A D E M IC W O RLD M A I N O F F IC E New York: 115 East 23rd Street New York, N.Y. 10010 F lorida: Winter Park Mall Winter Park, Florida 32789 Texas: Houston (opening soon) Maryland: M.S.C., Baltimore author-title card catalogue for the University Park libraries, recently sent to each Common­ wealth Campus library. This new service is part of the University libraries’ continuing pro­ gram to make all information in the library system available to users throughout the state quickly and conveniently. It will also improve internal library operations particularly in fur­ nishing accurate information for book ordering by Commonwealth Campus librarians. The mi­ crofilm version of the card catalogue takes up 151 reels of 16mm microfilm and contains the images of over 1,150,000 catalog cards. For the first year, the service will be operated on an experimental basis. If it proves success­ ful, the microfilmed catalogue will be up-dated in the future and will possibly include refine­ ments such as indexing notation and additions such as the subject catalogue. • A computerized service that provides li­ brarians with monthly sets of printed catalog cards on a wide range of technical, legal, ed­ ucational, scientific and religious books was an­ nounced this week by Dr. Harold Jasper, Pres­ ident of Products of Information Systems, a newly formed information retrieval company. According to Dr. Jasper, the POIS staff re­ views daily the complete output of the Li­ brary of Congress, as represented by the Li­ brary’s printed card division. Cataloging for each title, exactly as done by the Library of Con­ gress, is prepared for placement in the ap­ propriate file and then is placed in protected storage in a large computer. On the same day as the last catalog entry for the month is made, the automated selection routines are used to choose all titles in the current file for each card mate subscription category. Each group is then processed for typesetting, print­ ing, and shipment to subscribing libraries. “By providing the output services of the system on a subscription basis by subject categories, we can offer this service at a cost below that presently paid by libraries for cataloging serv­ ice,” Dr. Jasper said. He estimated that sav­ ings of up to 40 per cent are possible, ex­ cluding the additional time spent on clerical chores by librarians with the present system. “Card-Mate” printed catalog card sets are available in medicine, law, engineering and technical subjects, science and mathematics, religion, education, business and allied pro­ fessional areas, and for titles reviewed in Choice, a publication of the Association of Col­ lege and Research Libraries. Costs range from $450 for the educational group to $1,500 an­ nually for Choice Mate. Further information can be obtained from Products of Information Systems, 833 Dover Drive, Suite 2, Newport Beach, California 92660. • Sigma Chapter, the 18th chapter of Beta 291 Phi Mu, international honorary society of li­ brary science, was installed at the graduate school of library science, Drexel Institute of Technology, on May 4 by Dr. Katherine M. Stokes of the U.S. Office of Education, Na­ tional President of Beta Phi Mu. Beta Phi Mu, which has over 6,000 members, all graduates of accredited library schools in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, was founded in 1948 to recognize scholastic attain­ ment of library school students. It is also ac­ tive in improving graduate library education and honors outstanding achievements of pro­ fessional librarians. The graduate school of library science at Drexel, one of the oldest and largest institu­ tions for professional library education in the United States, initiated 57 members at its first initiation which was conducted immediately following the chapter installation. Sigma Chap­ ter Officers for 1969-70 are: President, Barbara Sevy; Treasurer, Muriel Parsons; Secretary, Ma­ rie Guertin; Directors, Ruth Cramer, Carol Spenser, Jeanette Ballard, Emmanuel Schwager, and Marguerite Lytle. The Drexel ceremonies also marked the first mother-daughter initia­ tion of Beta Phi Mu. Mrs. Frances Ritchey of Philadelphia, a 1969 graduate, and her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Diane McMullen, also of Philadelphia, 1968 graduate, were both initiated in the May ceremony. P U B L I C A T I O N S • The Area College Library Coopera­ tive Program of Central Pennsylvania, a co­ operative group of fifteen college and uni­ versity libraries with the Pennsylvania State Library as a supporting member, has recently completed a revised Union List of Serials. This list of 7,510 titles includes the current and non-current holdings of the thirteen li­ braries which were members before May, 1969. An unbound copy can be purchased for $10.00. Another list that is now available is the Union List of India-Pakistan Materials, 1968. This author and subject list incorporates the resources for these subject areas in the Gettys­ burg, Shippensburg, and Wilson College li­ braries. Cost of a spiral bound copy is $5.00. The above can be obtained from: Miss Alma Winton, Chairman, Clearinghouse Committee, ACLCP, Shippensburg State College Library, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania 17257. Checks should be made out to the Area College Li­ brary Cooperative Program. • Encyclopaedia Britannica formally an­ nounced that it will begin to publish a series of periodic reviews in fields of education. The first of these will be the Britannica Review of QU A L I T Y C O N T R O L: the built-in pr Whe o n you te have c your t lib i rar o y's bo n oks re­ bound, have magazines put into hard cover bindings or buy prebound books, do you insist upon having a Certified Library Binder do your work? If not, you could be costing your library or school a considerable amount of wasted money. Books bound by Certified Library Binders are subject to quality control inspections which guarantee full readership, less cost per reader and more book for your dollar. Why? Because they must meet a series of rigid standards established by the mem­ bers of the Library Binding Institute. These standards set minimum requirements for cover materials, boards, workmanship and over 35 processes which go into every library bound book. Quality control is your "b u ilt-in ” protection. There are fewer than 60 Certified Library Binders in the United States displaying this seal. These Binders are extremely proud of the quality work they produce. This seal on your invoice is your guarantee of the highest quality obtainable. Without this seal you have no assurance that your books have been truly "LIBRARY BOUND” . Send today for a list of Certified Library Binders and other informative literature. Library Binding Institute 160 State Street •B o ston , Mass. 02109 292 American Education to be released this fall. The volume will be published biennially as a continuing series devoted to a comprehen­ sive, analytical and evaluative summary of current developments in the research and prac­ tice of American education. Other review vol­ umes devoted to specific areas of education are also planned for publication this fall and next spring. According to Dr. David G. Hays, General Editor of Reviews in Education for Encyclopaedia Britannica and Editor of the Britannica Review of American Education, the publications are “new tools for educators aimed at compressing new knowledge in education and evaluating its quality and significance.” The reviews will be the “first comprehensive and systematic treatment of developments in a field where the quantity of research has increased about 100 fold in this decade.” “The Britannica Review of American Education is designed to provide information of every edu­ cational specialty, including elementary, second­ ary and college levels as well as new knowl­ edge in subject, administrative and technical areas” he added. Chapter authors were selected for in-depth knowledge in their specialties. The overview chapters have been grouped in three parts, language and science, administrative areas of elementary, secondary and junior colleges, and technical educational areas such as counseling, testing and “practical pedagogy.” In addition to Mr. Hubert Humphrey and Dr. Robert Hutchins, the distinguished advisory board con­ sists of: Samuel M. Brownell, Yale Univ., Dr. William G. Carr, Dr. Sarah Caldwell, Dr. Sydney Marland, Jr., Dr. Benjamin Willis, Dr. Stephen Wright. Additional reviews planned in the educa­ tional area are Britannica Review of Foreign Language Education, Britannica Review of En­ gineering Education, Britannica Review of Ed­ ucational Media and Technology and Britan­ nica Review of English Education. Britannica currently publishes the Annual Review of In­ formation Science and Technology, which was first published in 1968 when the Britannica Reviews program was launched. Britannica Re­ view of American Education is priced at $14.00 a copy, a prepublication discount offer is made for $11.75. • G. K. Hall & Co. of Boston, Massachusetts has announced publication of several catalogs, a checklist and an index: The Catalog of Manuscripts of the Massa­ chusetts Historical Society has been published in seven volumes. The Massachusetts Historical Society, the oldest society of its kind in the United States, began collecting historical ma­ terials in 1791, the year of its founding. Early in its existence the Society chose to concentrate its efforts on historical manuscripts and books and such related materials as would “mark the genius, delineate the manners, and trace the progress of society in the United States.” In its long history, particular attention was given to gathering in manuscripts, and with such good effect that today it ranks as one of the major manuscript depositories in the country. The importance of the collection may best be suggested by pointing out that of 112 emi­ nent Americans, from earliest to recent times and in every field of endeavor, whose papers the National Historical Publications Commission has recommended for publication, almost one- third are represented in the Massachusetts His­ torical Society by either the principal collection of their surviving papers or by significant bodies of correspondence. The card catalog is a dic­ tionary catalog with entries under personal and corporate names, and to a lesser degree under subjects and geographical areas. The Catalog of approximately 247,000 cards is available at the price of $650.00 in the U.S. and $715.00 outside the U.S. A supplement to this catalog is planned. The Catalogue of the Singapore/Malaysia Collection, University of Singapore library, has been published in one volume. To meet the growing need for a strong working collection to aid the increasing volume of research on the Malaysian areas, and particularly to sup­ plement the various field work studies carried out in these areas, the University of Singapore library has been pursuing a systematic pro­ gram of building up its Singapore and Ma­ laysian Collection. The Catalogue of the Singa- pore/Malaysia Collection contains 15,800 cards representing approximately 7,500 cataloged items relating to the Singapore and Malaysian areas. This collection is particularly strong in source material tracing the various aspects of development of the Malayan States, Singapore and the Bornean regions ( excluding Brunei and Indonesian Borneo) from their founding through the period of colonial government up to independence and after. A good deal of this source material consists of microfilmed items of public records, government documents, rare serials, newspapers and manuscripts. The Collection also includes over 1,000 fully cata­ loged theses and academic exercises submitted to the Universities of Singapore and Malaya as well as to universities abroad—a record of grad­ uate and undergraduate research in the social sciences, language and literature, and the sciences relating to this region. Other valuable items include press cuttings, company reports, pamphlets, current journals and directories. Ti­ tles are in English for the most part and bear imprint dates from as early as 1596. The Catalogue is essentially a classified one, using the Library of Congress classification sys­ tem. For its publication, an alphabetical author 293 sequence with cross-references to main entries has been specially created. Analytical entries are provided for book chapters, special issues of journals and individual conference papers. For all serials, holdings of issues first received by the library are recorded. The 15,800 cards in this volume are available at a price of $100.00 in the U.S. and Singapore, and $110.00 elsewhere. The Checklist of Southeast Asian Serials, Southeast Asia Collection, Yale University li­ brary, has been published in one volume. The Yale University library has systematically built an outstanding collection of materials on South­ east Asia throughout the 20th century, and in 1947, when the college established its South­ east Asia Studies Program, the library added special staff to work in this area and to assure continuous acquisition of such material. Over 3,800 serials now comprise the Southeast Asia Collection, notable for its holdings of govern­ ment documents, society publications and lim­ ited editions of materials published before 1945 in all languages. Southeast Asia has been defined by the Yale Southeast Asia Collection as Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia, Portuguese Timor, Occusi Ambeno and New Guinea. In addition, certain publi­ cations from the Andaman Islands, Assam, Hai­ nan Island, the Nicobar Islands and Taiwan are included in the serials checklist if they have serials which deal with Southeast Asian influences found in these areas. This checklist includes all serials which deal with Southeast Asia, printed as well as on microform, which have been cataloged before August 1966. The arrangement of entries is alphabetical by author or title. Holdings, also as of August 1966, are given only for those serials housed in the main library. Titles held in departmental libraries which are current, are indicated by an open entry. In addition to regular periodicals the checklist also gives series of monographs and pamphlets which include much “hidden” material, that can easily be overlooked, especially when items are not in­ dividually cataloged. There is an appendix of materials which have not yet been cataloged, which includes uncataloged microfilms, government publica­ tions, and a recent purchase of a collection of Dutch Company Reports for companies with an interest in Indonesia. The index cites each country of the world and those serials which are published in that country which deal with Southeast Asia. The approximately 5,100 cards in this catalog are available at the price of $30.00 in the U.S., $33.00 outside the U.S. The Index to American Botanical Literature, 1886-1966, compiled by the Torrey Botanical Club, has been published in four volumes. The Torrey Botanical Club, as the oldest or­ ganization of its kind in North America, has an enviable record of service to botanical re­ search over the years. One of its earliest proj­ ects was the compilation of an index to pub­ lished articles on botany in the Western Hem­ isphere. Included subjects are taxonomy, phylogeny, and floristics of the fungi; pterido- phytes, bryophytes, and spermatophytes; mor­ phology, anatomy, cytology, genetics, physi­ ology, and pathology of the same groups; plant ecology; and general botany, including biogra­ phy and bibliography. The Index to American Botanical Literature has appeared continuously in the pages of the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club since 1886, but was not issued in card form until 1894. Since that time, approximately 102,000 titles have been printed. Due to lack of antici­ pation of the demand for files of the Index: On Cards, not more than ten complete sets are in existence throughout the world. Entries in the Index are in correct alphabetical order by author. The Index is available at the price of $330.00 in the U.S., $363.00 outside the U.S. A book-form supplement is planned every ten years. Armor books are paperbacks which have been library- bound in hard covers to the standards of the Library Binding Institute. They cost less than hardback editions and will provide library-bound service at lowest cost per circulation. Many books not available In hardbacks may be obtained In Armor quality because pa­ perbacks are obtainable and we will bind to your order. Make up your list and send it to us. Write today for a sample of Armor Books — no obligation. Armor Books® Division of Reynolds Bindery 1703 Lister, Kansas City, Mo. 816 CH 1-0163 294 Manuscripts of the American Revolution in the Boston Public Library: A Descriptive Cat­ alog has been published in one volume. That bicentennial celebrations of the next decade will stimulate a heightened interest in the American Revolution seems likely. In anticipa­ tion of this focusing upon the nation’s search for independence and the war which won it, the Boston Public Library has prepared a spe­ cial catalog of its manuscripts relating to the period. Here are described more than 1,500 items—individual letters or groups of related documents—providing for the first time a com­ prehensive survey of the Library’s varied hold­ ings. These are not solely of American origin, but derive also from British, European, and even West Indian sources. The materials in question cast light on all phases of the war: its political origins, the unfolding of military and naval campaigns, foreign alliances and opin­ ion, economic aspects of the struggle, and the like. Many of the manuscripts form part of the autograph collection brought together by Mellen Chamberlain (1821-1900) who pre­ sented it to the Library in 1893. He began to acquire historical source materials as a Dart­ mouth undergraduate and often was able to obtain them from heirs of participants in the war. Other related documents have been add­ ed, by gift or purchase, over the years. The arrangement of the descriptions is basi­ cally chronological. There is also a detailed in­ dex comprising some 1,500 topics—persons, places or subjects. These range from “Abbott, Zephaniah” through “Desertions,” “Hospitals,” and “Negro troops” to “Yorktown, Va.” The Catalog is available at the price of $15.00 in the U.S. and $16.50 elsewhere. The Mitchell Library, The Public Library of New South Wales, Dictionary Catalog of Printed Books, is available in 38 volumes. The Mitchell Library is the foremost single collec­ tion of documentary materials relating to the Australasian and South Pacific region, including the East Indian archipelago and Antarctica. It was opened in 1910 as a bequest to the Trus­ tees of the Public Library of New South Wales by David Scott Mitchell (1836-1907), Aus­ tralia’s greatest bibliophile, and now contains more than 240,000 printed books besides manuscripts, maps, microfilms and pictures. The Mitchell Library enjoys a preeminence in Aus- traliana, especially in literature, biography, his­ tory and geography, including works by Aus­ tralian writers wherever published and on whatever subject. The collection places strong emphasis on the discovery and exploration of the Pacific and on anthropology, botany and zoology in that region, with some added con­ centration on New Zealand and New Guinea. The strengths of the collection are summed up by saying that it is about man and his en­ vironment in the South Pacific region, ex­ tending to the Hawaiian Islands and the whole of the East Indies (Indonesia, Borneo and the Philippines). Included in the library are several thousand volumes that are outside its main subject field. These comprise about 60 incunabula and some fine early editions of the classics together with English literary works and a collection of bi­ ography and travel, nearly all of which formed part of Mitchell’s own library. This is a dic­ tionary catalog compiled under the cataloging rules of the Public Library of New South Wales. The bibliographical value of the catalog is enhanced by a large number of analytical en­ tries, both author and subject. The Catalog, with 603,000 cards, has a price of $2640.00 in the U.S. and Australia, and $2904.00 else­ where. A supplement is planned. Descriptive material on these publications is available on request. Inquiries and orders may be sent to the publisher, G. K. Hall & Co., 70 Lincoln Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02111. • The International Council of Scientific Union’s Committee on Data for Science and Technology has begun a newsletter. The CODATA Newsletter may be obtained with­ out charge from Dr. Christoph Schafer, Execu­ tive Director, Central Office of CODATA, Westendstrasse 19, 6 Frankfurt/M ain, West Germany. • CCM Information Sciences, Inc., will begin publishing in July a monthly journal, Current Index to Conference Papers in Engineering. Providing both a subject and author index to papers delivered at professional meetings, the new index offers the engineering community the only comprehensive access to over 50,000 papers delivered annually at meetings around the world. Some 85 per cent of these papers eventually will become journal articles. CCM Information Sciences, a subsidiary of Crowell Collier and Macmillan, Inc., noted that more than 70 per cent of all articles ap­ pearing in the world’s scientific journal liter­ ature actually have already appeared one to two years earlier as conference papers. The company’s in-depth indexing of this literature will make available to tire engineer carefully evaluated literature indexes and abstracting services. Complete ordering information for each con­ ference papers, including the conference’s own paper number will be included in the new monthly publication, which has its editorial of­ fices at the World Meetings Information Cen­ ter, 79 Drumlin Road, Newton Center, Massa­ chusetts 12159. Subscriptions are available from CCM Information Sciences, Inc., 866 Third Avenue, New York City, New York 10022. Annual subscription cost for the Engineering 295 section is $95.00. Semiannual accumulations are $35.00. • CCM Information Sciences, Inc., in co­ operation with the Educational Resources In­ formation Center (ERIC) of the U.S. Office of Education, has begun publication of a new index, Current Index to Journals in Education (C IJÉ ). The service provides indexing of over 200 education journals plus selective indexing of additional periodicals in related fields. These journals were selected as a result of a survey of the user population sponsored by the U.S. Office of Education. CIJE is a companion serv­ ice to Research in Education (RIE) but does not contain abstracts. Recent articles will be collected and indexed by the 19 clearinghouses that comprise the ERIC network. This ma­ terial will be indexed with terms from the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors, a vocabulary developed by subject experts of the various ERIC Clearinghouses. The Current Index to Journals in Education, a computer-generated index, contains a main-entry section, an author index, a subject index, plus an index to source journals. Subscription price is $34/year. Write to: CCM Information Science, Inc., Crowell Collier and Macmillan, Inc., 866 Third Ave­ nue, New York, N.Y. 10022. • The revision of BS 2917 Graphical sym­ bols for use in diagrams for hydraulic and pneumatic systems, which is now available, in­ corporates the symbols proposed by the Euro­ pean Oil Hydraulic and Pneumatic Committee (CETOP) in 1964, which were later adopted by the International Organization for Standard­ ization (ISO) as a draft recommendation. As in the previous edition, a complete range of sym­ bols is recommended for use in engineering diagrams which are prepared for the purposes of design, circuit analysis and maintenance in applications of hydraulic and pneumatic sys­ tems of control and actuation. This standard shows basic symbols, describes the principles on which they are based, and illustrates some representative examples of assemblies and com­ plete installations. Composite symbols can be devised for any fluid power components by a combination of basic symbols. Copies of BS 2917: 1969 may be obtained from the BSI Sales Branch at 101/113 Pentonville Road, London N. 1. Price 14s each. (17s including postage to non-subscribers). • A New Handbook and Directory, 1969 has been published under the sponsorship of the American Society for Information Science, Po­ tomac Valley Chapter, the District of Colum­ bia Library Association, and the Special Li­ braries Association, District of Columbia Chap­ ter. This publication contains a section on li­ braries and reference facilities in the Washing­ ton area, and a membership list containing the name, business address, home address, business and home phone number of the individuals who belong to one or more of the three or­ ganizations. Copies of this publication may be obtained for $3.50 (with a 20% discount for prepayment) for members, or $10 (with a 10% discount for prepayment) for non-mem­ bers, by writing to Combined Directory Fund, c/o D. P. Baster, 7012 Wells Parkway, Hyatts­ ville, Md. 20782. • The Harvard University library has now made available for general distribution copies of The Harvard University Library, 1966-1967, the Report of a Planning Study by the director of the university library and the university li­ brarian. This was submitted to the President of the University in May 1966, and its major findings were summarized in the library’s An­ nual Report for 1965-66 as well as in the article on “The Harvard Library in the 1960’s” by Messrs Bryant and Williams in the January 1967 issue of the Harvard Library Bulletin, but the full text is now published for the first time, with a prefatory note bring­ ing it up to date by describing plans for the underground addition. Copies are available up­ on request from the director’s office in Widener Library. The study takes stock of the library and looks ahead for at least a decade. While a general view is attempted, the emphasis is on major problems that will have to be met. • McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, announces the publication of Library Research News which is distributed on an exchange basis to Canadian universities, to the Association of Research Libraries and other research libraries throughout the world. Individual copies may be obtained from the Office of the Librarian, Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University, for the cost of $1.00 per issue or $3.00 per annual subscription. Exchange programmes are invited. • Research Publications of New Haven, Conn., has announced its plans to microfilm the Maclure Collection of French Revolu­ tionary Materials in cooperation with the University of Pennsylvania library. This huge collection of over 25,000 items formed during the revolution and shortly thereafter is one of the greatest libraries of its kind. Most of the material is arranged in subject order to fa­ cilitate reference. Filming order will follow that of the bibliography which describes the col­ lection. The collection encompasses the entire span of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras and is a primary source for research and reference material. Legislative proceedings are covered very thoroughly. Other subjects includ­ ed are economic affairs, cahiers de doléances, privately printed tracts, newspapers, important speeches, reports of committees and of deputies 296 on mission, petitions, administrative decrees and laws, remonstrances, almanacs and others. Se­ rial publications are represented in strength. They range in date from 1768 to 1815, in type from royal almanacs to anti-Jacobin journals of the most ephemeral character. These serial publications are catholic in subject m at­ ter and chronological in organization. Adding greatly to the value of the collection is the existence of an excellent catalogue-in­ dex entitled The Maclure Collection of French Revolutionary Materials by Hardy, Jensen and Wolfe, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1966. Research Publications is also planning the microfilm publication of the Published Coloni­ al Records of the Original Thirteen Col­ onies. • The first complete bibliography of the works of Russian novelist Boris Pasternak has been compiled at Cornell University. The work by Nikolai Troitsky, Russian bibliographer for the Cornell University library, was published this spring by the Committee on Soviet Studies in Cornell’s Center for International Studies. The book is in Russian with an English intro­ duction. It includes the work of emigre schol­ ars and is expected to be of much use to readers of Pasternak since it is not anticipated that a comprehensive bibliography of Pasternak will be published in the Soviet Union in the near future. Troitsky, a native of Volga, Russia, studied engineering and architecture in the Soviet Un­ ion and received a degree in architecture in 1932. While working in the Academy of Ar­ chitecture, he wrote occasional pieces for the theatre. After World W ar II, he settled in Munich, Germany, where he organized a Rus­ sian Public Library and was active in the In­ stitute for the Study of the USSR which he directed from 1950-55. During this period, he also authored, co-authored and edited several social science works and edited the literary journal “Literaturnyj Sovremennik.” In 1955, Troitsky and his wife, Vera, came to the United States. He received the master of library sciences degree from the Columbia school of library sciences in New York City in 1959 and served as documents librarian at Syracuse University until 1962, the year he became Slavic bibliographer at Cornell. He re­ tired from full-time service in 1968 after having built Cornell’s Slavic collection from a relatively weak position to one of considerable eminence. He continues to serve as advisor to the Uni­ versity libraries. • Periodicals and Serials, University of Alaska Library, 1969, is a 201 page computer produced publication of available holdings at the UA Library. Over 5,600 titles are listed along with call numbers, special locations, and general indications of holdings. Data is stored on magnetic tape at the campus Computer Center for quick, easy supplements and re­ visions. Attractive, spiral-bound copies are avail­ able for $2.00 from: Acquisitions Department, University of Alaska Library, College, Alaska 99701. • Proceedings of the Stanford Conference on Collaborative Library Systems Development have just been published by Stanford Uni­ versity Libraries. The volume contains the com­ plete text of ten invited papers plus accom­ panying verbatim discussion presented at the meeting. The invitational conference, which was held October 4-5, 1968, brought together over 50 participants drawn from library ad­ ministrators, systems librarians, programmers, computer center directors, funding agencies, library research organizations, communications technologists, and professional library associ­ ations. Papers were presented outlining specific de­ tails of automation programs at the University of Chicago, Columbia University, Stanford Uni­ versity, and the collaborative systems develop­ ment program being undertaken by these three institutions. Additional papers were devoted to the work of the National Libraries Automation Task Force, management and design of a com­ munication network, the economics of hard­ ware and software or library operations, the development of Stanford’s software support and data link network, the relationship of computer operating systems and programming languages to the requirements of bibliographic data proc­ essing, and the development of a campus based information retrieval system. Authors of the papers include Richard N. Bielsker, Thomas K. Burgess, Paul Fasana, Herman H. Fussier, Roderic M. Fredrickson, Mrs. Kennie Hecht, Samuel Lazerow, Mark D. Lieberman, Richard H. Logsdon, William F. Miller, Edwin B. Parker, Ralph A. Simmons, and Allen B. Veaner. The Proceedings are available for $7.00 post­ paid (add $1 for overseas orders). Prepayment in U.S. dollars is required; orders and checks should be sent to the Office of the Financial Manager, Stanford University Libraries, Stan­ ford, Calif. 94305. • A quarterly journal, Program: News of Computers in Libraries (formerly Program: News of Computers in British Libraries) will be published by Aslib beginning with Volume 3, Number 1 for April 1969. Subsequent quarter­ ly parts of Volume 3 will appear in July, Oc­ tober, and December, 1969. From 1970 on­ wards the publication will be issued at three- monthly intervals starting in March. Subscrip­ tion rate is 40 shillings a year (30 shillings to members of Aslib). Inquiries concerning sub­ scriptions should be addressed to: Publications Dept., Aslib, 3 Belgrave Square, London SW I, England. 297 • The first issue of Scientific Information Notes, published by Science Associates/Inter- national, Inc., consists of two numbers covering January to April 1969. It is a successor to the National Science Foundation’s publication of the same title, also bimonthly. Subscriptions at $10/year are available from Science Associ- ates/International, Inc., 23 East 26th Street, New York, N.Y. 11010. • A loose-leaf service titled Serial Holdings in the Pennsylvania State University Libraries at University Park will be issued on a sub­ scription basis by the University Libraries be­ ginning with a two-volume basic list in Octo­ ber, 1969, followed by three supplements in 1970. The basic compilation will include all periodical titles currently received and an al­ phabetical segment of non-periodical serials and non-current periodicals listed in the University Libraries’ serial record. Initially, approximately 11,000 titles will be listed. Beginning in March, 1970, supplements will appear three times an­ nually each one updating and completely re­ vising a portion of the alphabet with new periodical additions, changes in titles and in call numbers, and as many serial holdings as possible. The price for the two basic volumes and the updating service is $30 per year. Or­ ders should be sent to Serial Holdings in the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, Pattee Library, Room 102, University Park, Pennsyl­ vania 16802. • The first complete history of the Ethical Culture Societies in America, Toward Com­ mon Ground, by Howard Radest, has been published by Frederick Ungar. Mr. Radest, Executive Director of the American Ethical Union, the federation of Societies and Fellow­ ships for Ethical Culture, traces the founding in America of a religion based on ethics. To compile this important study, the first in the Movement’s 93 years, Mr. Radest had to as­ semble a special set of archives from inter­ views with men and women who were part of the early days of the Ethical Societies. Articles, correspondence, programs and other data carefully saved, were also used. The author, who is also a Leader (the Movement’s desig­ nation for their clergy) is a graduate of Co­ lumbia University and The New School for Social Research, where he earned his M.A. as a Hillman Fellow. • The USA Standard for Library Statistics has just been published by the United States of America Standards Institute. It was pre­ pared by a subcommittee of the Institute’s Committee Z39 on Standardization in the Field of Library Work, Documentation, and Related Publishing Practices under the chairmanship of Frank L. Schick, Director of the School of Library and Information Science at the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The recom­ mendations contained in this publication are applicable to public, college and university, school and special libraries, and to library ed­ ucation. They are intended to guide and as­ sist statisticians, librarians, and researchers in the behavioral sciences in collecting, organiz­ ing, and interpreting library related statistical data and related information. Librarians, li­ brary educators, publishers, and statisticians were consulted and represented on the sub­ committee which prepared this standard. In addition, liaison was maintained with repre­ sentatives and committees of the International Organization for Standardization, the Interna­ tional Federation of Library Associations, and UNESCO to assure conformity. Attempts to bring the various collections and sources of library data into closer relationship, to avoid duplication, fill existing gaps, and permit usable correlations have primarily been channeled through the statistics committees of the American Library Association and Special Libraries Association. Their work culminated in the publication by the ALA, in 1966, of Li­ brary Statistics: A Handbook of Concepts, D ef­ initions, and Terminology. The USA Standard, based on the ALA compilation, indicates the measures which will provide reliable and quan­ tifiable information. The two publications were designed to supplement each other. The 31- page publication (USAS Z39.7-1968) contains a foreword, a statement on scope, 14 pages of definitions, and individual sections applicable to each type of library. Copies of the new standard are available from the USA Stand­ ards Institute, 10 East 40th Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 at $4.50 each. • Seven volumes of the Universal Decimal Classification relating to economics, land, co-operation, socialism, customs policy, trade, etc., are now available from the British Stand­ ards Institution. The new sections form part of the full edition and comprise a systematic schedule with alphabetical subject index in each case. They are all sections of UDC 3 Social sciences, law and administration, and an introduction to the whole of this is pro­ vided in UDC 3/308. The sections are: Price BS 1000/330: 1969 Economics… 12s. BS 1000/333: 1969 Land and landed p r o p e r t y … l 0s• BS 1000/334: 1969 Co-operation… 10s. BS 1000/335: 1969 Socialism … 10s. BS 1000/337: 1969 Customs policy … 10s. BS 1000 38/382 1969 Trade, Commerce… 12s. BS 1000 3/308 1969 Social sciences, Sociology, Sociography … 12s. These sections may be obtained from the BSI Sales Branch at 101/113 Pentonville Road, London N .l. Prices are 2s extra, including postage, to non-subscribers. ■■ Structure Bookmarks News From the Field