ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 303 Donald S. Tebbetts is the new assistant librarian for technical services at Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho. Mrs. E lizabeth Titus has been appointed reference librarian, Kresge Library, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. Paul D. Toner has been appointed chief, acquisitions department of the John Crerar Li­ brary. Joseph C. T seng has joined the staff of the University of Nebraska as assistant librarian and instructor, catalog department. Hugh T. Vrooman has been appointed as­ sociate director of libraries, Rensselaer Poly­ technic Institute. Mrs. Katherine Warkentin has joined the staff of the Wilson College libraries, Chambers­ burg, Pennsylvania, as reference librarian. Hans Wellisch will join the school of li­ brary and information services, University of Maryland, this fall as a visiting lecturer. Mr. Wellisch is head of the Documentation Centre and library and consultant to the Centre of Scientific and Technological Information, Tel Aviv, Israel. Lynn Clara Williams has joined the staff of the University of Nebraska as assistant li­ brarian and instructor, acquisitions department. W. Robert W oener has been appointed senior assistant librarian and head of the Behrend campus library of the Pennsylvania State University. Milton T. W olf, III has been appointed assistant librarian in the acquisitions depart­ ment of the Pennsylvania State University li­ brary. Mohamed El-Zehery has joined the staff of the University of Nebraska as senior assist­ ant librarian and instructor, social studies di­ vision. N E C R O L O G Y John Austin Parker, librarian of Storm King School, Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York, and formerly audio-visual librarian, USMA li­ brary, West Point, died of a heart attack on May 24. Edgar Weld King, who headed the Miami University libraries under various titles from 1922 to 1956, died May 29 at Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, of a heart ailment. RETIREMENTS Janet M. Agnew, head librarian at Bryn Mawr College, 1947-1969, will retire in Sep­ tember. Marian M. Allen, head of the University of Rochester library’s reference department and former librarian of the UR Women’s College, has retired after forty-two years of service with the University. After a month’s vacation, she will join the staff of the Colgate Rochester Divinity School library on a part-time basis. Mary Moore Beale, supervising librarian, cataloging department, Teachers College, Co­ lumbia University, has retired after twenty-two years of service at Teachers College. Richard K. Dixon, supervising librarian, re­ serve book room, Teachers College, Columbia University, retired from full time service on June 30. Mrs. E va E pstein, supervising librarian, cur­ riculum reading room, Teachers College, Co­ lumbia University, has retired after thirty-one years of service at Teachers College. Sister Melania Grace resigned on May 15 after forty years of service as librarian of Seton Hill College. Virginia A. H usted, music librarian at Il­ linois Wesleyan University, has retired after serving the University for thirty years as pro­ fessor of violoncello, theory and music history before she became a full time member of the library staff in 1960. Mrs. Katherine Kridl, supervising librarian, reference department, Teachers College, Co­ lumbia University, retired on June 30 after more than twenty years of service at Teachers College. Marie Scheie retires this year from the El­ len Clarke Bertrand Library at Bucknell Uni­ versity, where she has been head of the cata­ log department since 1948. Whiton Powell, assistant director of Cor­ nell University libraries since 1961 and librar­ ian of Cornell’s Mann Library since 1952, re­ tired June 30 after 25 years of service. Mrs. Alleyne B. Vandervoort, humanities librarian at Illinois Wesleyan University, has retired after ten years of service with the University. ■ ■ REM INDER TO COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY LIRRARIANS Have you completed your report for the U.S. Office of Education’s Fall 1969 survey of college and university libraries? Questionnaires were mailed in April 1969 to the office of the p re r c e e s iv id e e d n t y o o f u r e a copies ch inst o it f u t ti h o e n . q u I e f s ti y o o n u n a h ir av e e (O no E t Form 2300-5, 3/6 9 ), please inquire of your appropriate institutional officer. The reporting date for this survey is “not later than October 1.” A prompt response from everyone will in­ sure the publication of a report that will be of maximum utility to all college and university librarians. Cataloging U.S.A. A thorough and critical examination of library cataloging theory, principles, and practice as they have developed in the United States. A refreshing and stimulating approach to the “whys” of cataloging for students, staff members, and Look administrators. Paul S. Dunkin 192 pages Cloth LC 69-17680 SBN 8389-0071-2(1969) $5.00 a t H is to r ic a l S e ts, C o lle c te d E d it io n s , a n d M o n u m e n ts o f M u sic w h a t’s A Guide to Their Contents, 2d edition A new edition of the unique, comprehensive bibliography of published music. Records and indexes major sets, including new definitive editions of individual composers’ works, and most of the major collections. Entries, using Library of Congress form, in the main, give composer or compiler, title of the collection, place of publication, publisher, date, collation, and contents of the collection. More than ten languages are repre­ sented with the Roman alphabet used throughout. More than one-third of the entries are new to this edition. Those retained from the 1957 edition have been extensively revised, ex­ panded, and updated. Composer-title-form or medium index. Indispensable to music libraries and major reference collections and important for general libraries serving musicians, musi­ cologists, and music students. Anna Harriet Heyer, compiler 592 pages Cloth LC 68-21021 SBN 8389-0037-2(1969) $25.00 I n t e r n a t io n a l S u b s c r ip tio n A g e n ts An Annotated Directory, 2d edition Over 150 agents are listed alphabetically. Details given for each include: full address; names of countries and types of materials supplied; description of services; and business data. Uniform arrangement of all information and an index by country insures easy reference and use. Joint Committee, Serials and Acquisitions Sections Resources and Technical Services Division, A.L.A. 96 pages Paper LC 76-82255 SBN 8389-3099-9(1969) $3.50 other 1969 titles The Bookm obile— A New Look $1.75 The Career o f the Academic Librarian $4.50 Carnegie Libraries $8.00 Junior College Libraries: Development, Needs, and Perspectives $3.00 MARC Manuals Used by the Library o f Congress $7.50 AMERICAN LIBRARY Public Library Systems in the United States ASSOCIATION A Survey o f Multijurisdictional Systems $10.00 50 East Huron Street Work Simplification in Danish Chicago 60611 Public Libraries $6.75