ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Organizations Endorsing the Statement On Faculty Status The following organizations have endorsed the “Statement on Faculty Status of College and University Librarians,” which appeared in the February 1974 issue of CRL News. Association of College and Research Libraries June 1972 Colorado Library Association December 1972 American Association of University Professors April 1973 Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians April 1973 Maryland Library Association April 1973 Association of Academic and Research Librarians, Washington Library Association May 1973 Southeastern Library Association July 1973 New Mexico Library Association July 1973 District of Columbia Library Association July 1973 Mississippi Library Association July 1973 West Virginia Library Association July 1973 Illinois Library Association July 1973 Tennessee Library Association July 1973 Virginia Library Association August 1973 Oregon Library Association September 1973 Southwestern Library Association September 1973 Ohio Library Association September 1973 Florida Library Association September 1973 Missouri Library Association September 1973 California Library Association September 1973 Special Libraries Association October 1973 North Dakota Library Association October 1973 Association of Research Libraries* October 1973 College and Research Section, Kentucky Library Association October 1973 Wisconsin Library Association October 1973 College and University Section, Georgia Library Association October 1973 Georgia Library Association October 1973 Academic Division, Minnesota Library Association October 1973 Theatre Library Association October 1973 Rhode Island Library Association November 1973 College and University Section, North Carolina Library Association November 1973 Kentucky Library Association December 1973 Association of American Library Schools January 1974 Music Library Association January 1974 * VOTED “that the Board endorse in prin­ ciple faculty status for professional librarians, and commend to the attention of all college and university administrations the ‘Joint State­ ment on Faculty Status of College and Uni­ versity Librarians.’ ” ■ ■ Ten-Year Cumulation of Choice Announced The Association of College and Research Li­ braries announces the forthcoming publication of a ten-year cumulated and interpolated edi­ tion of Choice book reviews. This edition, con­ taining approximately 58,000 Choice reviews arranged under an elaborate system of subject categories, will cover the first decade of the magazine (volumes 1 through 10,1964-74). The edition will be published in 1975 by Row- man and Littlefield, of Totowa, New Jersey, publishers of the National Union Catalog, 1956-1967 and other bibliographic tools. It will appear in nine volumes, including a cumulated author-title-subject index, which will refer users to entries both in the original monthly issues of Choice and in this edition. The index will also include, for the first time, index entries to most works cited within the original reviews as well as to the reviews themselves. The index will be available with the complete set or as a separate volume. Prices will be announced. Developed under the general supervision of Richard K. Gardner, editor of Choice, this ten- year edition will be edited by Phyllis H. Grumm, a former reclassifier in Wesleyan Uni­ versity Library’s six-year, 300,000-title Reclassi­ fication Project. The Association of College and Research Li­ braries is proud to announce the publication of this substantial and significant work, which should find considerable favor within both the library and publishing worlds. ■■ 109 A t last, one source o f subject access to CUMULATIVE MONTHLY This new fourteen volume single-alphabet subject index set . . . is offered by itself — for libraries holding complete runs of the Monthly Catalog — or, in a COMBINED REFERENCE EDITION which contains a complete MICROFILM collection of the Monthly Catalog from 1895 through 1971 for convenient reference use with the index volumes. The complete backfile of the Monthly Catalog was micro­ filmed by the Photoduplication Division of the Library of Congress especially for use with our Cumulative Sub­ ject Index. The 53 reel set contains the full text of all 867 indexed issues of the Monthly Catalog and its 3 World War II supplements, plus the two Decennial In­ dexes, and some 60 pre-1900 issues which were not indexed. Monthly Catalog entries contain complete bibliographical data for almost every U.S. Government publication; in­ cluding title, personal author, collation, LC number, Su- Docs classification number, price, ordering information, and a symbol indicating if the publication was sent to depository libraries. All Subject Index entries before September 1947 show year-and-page numbers whereas later entries give year- and-entry numbers. Each two digit year number (’00 through ’71) serves as the reel number in the microfilm collection. Page and entry numbers appear in numerical sequence on the film; and as all entries for any given year of Monthly Catalog are on the same reel, the numerical sequences are never broken and it is never necessary to look on more than one reel for any single year. Because of the lack of standardization in the microfilm industry, we offer our sets with a variety of film options; including a choice between silver halide film or Diazo, roll or cartridge, and 16mm or 35mm film size. Note: Although we believe the Combined Reference Edition concept described above is a most efficient yet inexpen­ sive system, the Cumulative Index Volumes can also be used effectively with sets of the original Monthly Catalogs, or with other microfilm versions of the series. Libraries having incomplete collections of the Monthly Catalog can, of course, complete their holdings with the purchase of microfilm reels for individual years. 20th Century U.S. Government Publications SUBJECT INDEX TO THE CATALOG OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 1900-1971 “In this ambitious new library tool, cumulative access is brought for the first time to the overwhelming majority of United States Government publications issued during the period 1900-1971. In this, it is an accomplishment unrivaled in size and scope. Documents librarians will find it a new and convenient time-saver and one which should offer them an additional means of providing an expanded and improved Government publications service to their patrons.” From the Foreword by Carper W. Buckley, United States Superintendent of Documents, 1952-1970 The unique new CUMULATIVE SUBJECT INDEX will eliminate 34 search steps which were formerly necessary to trace subjects through these indexes to 20th Century U.S. Government publications: —21 Biennial Document Catalogs (1900-1940), — 2 Decennial Indexes (1941-60), and — 11 Annual Indexes (1961-1971). All subject entries in the fourteen volume cumulative index were accumulated from 81 separate sources in the Monthly Catalog series and merged into one reference set. These sources include: 48 Annual Indexes to the Monthly Catalog, 2 Decennial Indexes, (1941-1950; 1951-1960), 1 Six-month Index, and 30 Monthly Catalogs for which no annual in­ dexes were made. Delivery: The complete microfilm segment and Index Volumes I (A-Ashworth) and II (Asia-Canacao) are avail­ able for immediate delivery, and the remaining volumes are scheduled to follow at decreasing intervals until the projected completion date of June 30, 1974. Meanwhile, all Monthly Catalog indexes and the 2 Decennial In­ dexes on microfilm are included in the microfilm segment for temporary use. USE THIS COUPON TO RESERVE YOUR SETS AT PRE-PUBLICATION PRICES