ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries June 1986 / 411 P E O P L E Profiles Judith Gibson Green, head of cataloging and classification at the C anada I n s titu te for Scientific and T ec h n ical In fo rm a tio n (C IS T I), has been nam ed university lib rar­ ian at C olgate U niver­ sity , H a m ilto n , N ew York, effective July 1, A P h i B eta K a p p a g r a d u a te of C a r le to n College in 1962, Green receiv ed h er MLS d e ­ gree from the University of W estern O n ta rio in 1972. From 1972 to 1974 she was head lib ra ria n of the Faculty of E d u ca­ tion L ibrary at the U ni­ Judith Gibson Green versity of New B ru n s­ wick, and for th e past eleven years she has held various positions w ith C ISTI, C a n a d a ’s national science library in O t­ taw a, including systems developm ent librarian, head of the Technical Reports Section, and assis­ ta n t head of the Analytics and Conference Section. As a consultant in 1975 Green helped design and establish the Precedents L ibrary for the C anadian W ar Veterans Allowance Board. She also estab­ lished a library for the com m unity of C am bridge Bay, N o rth -W est T e rrito rie s, in 1964-65, an d served as reference lib rarian for the Nepean Public L ibrarv in O ttaw a. Hearings on Transfer Guidelines The ACRL Rare Books and M anuscripts Sec­ t i o n ’s Ad H oc C o m m itte e on D e v e lo p in g Guidelines on the Selection of General Collec­ tion M aterials for Transfer to Special Collec­ tions will hold a public hearing during the ALA A nnual C o n feren ce in New York to review d raft transfer guidelines (see C‹&RL N ew s, Ju ­ ly/August 1985, pp. 349-52). The hearing will take place on Saturday, June 28, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m . Check the conference program for the m eeting room location. G reen has been C an ad ian representative and secretary for the In tern atio n al Standards O rgani­ zation (ISO) Subcom m ittee on Bibliographic D ata Elem ents since 1980. Charles A. Jamison has been nam ed library di­ rector of the Myrin L ibrary, Ursinus College, Col­ legeville, Pennsylvania, effective April 1. Jamison had served as acting d i­ r e c to r of th e lib r a r y since last July, replacing H .E . B r o a d b e n t I I I , who left Ursinus to be­ come executive director of th e P itts b u r g h R e­ gional L ibrary C enter. Jamison joined the li­ b r a r y s ta ff in 1981 as h e a d of te c h n ic a l s e r­ vices. He o b ta in e d his MLS from Drexel U ni­ v e rs ity in 1981 a n d a Charles Jamison bachelor’s degree in psy­ chology an d o rg a n iz a ­ tional behavior from R ichard Stockton State Col­ lege in 1978. At Ursinus Jamison will be responsible for m ajor renovation and autom ation projects, tentatively scheduled for com pletion in 1989. People in the News J. M. Edelstein, chief lib rarian at the N ational G a lle ry of A rt, W a s h in g to n , D .C ., has been aw ard ed a John Simon G uggenheim M em orial Fellowship for a bibliography of H arry D u n can ’s C um m ington Press and A battoir Editions. Appointments (A ppointm ent notices are taken from lib rary newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap ­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appointm ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Barbara S. Aguilar has been nam ed Learning Resources C enter lib rarian at the H ealth Sciences L ibrary, W right State University, D ayton, Ohio. 412 / C&RL News Nancy A. Alzo has been appointed assistant li­ brarian for cataloging at Potsdam College, State University of New York. Susan Anderes is the new technical services li­ b rarian at the L ane Medical L ibrary, Stanford University, California. Marcia Anderson has been appointed head of acquisitions at Arizona State University, Tempe. Norma Siviter Assadourian has b een a p ­ pointed director of reference services and special collections at Southwestern University, George­ tow n, Texas. Freda Baum has joined the staff as assistant cata­ log librarian at the University of Michigan Law Li­ brary, Ann Arbor. Daniel Bearss is now assistant head of acquisi­ tions at Johns Hopkins U niversity, B altim ore, Maryland. Mary Ellen Benz-Voelkl has been appointed reference librarian at the New York Law School Library. David J. Bertuca is the new assistant librarian in the Serials D epartm ent at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Mary Brady has been appointed assistant head of acquisitions and head of the Search Section at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Fred Burchsted has been appointed archivist at the Archives of American Mathematics at the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin. Meredith Butler has been nam ed associate for academic development at the State University of New York at Albany. Ann D. Carlson has been appointed to the fac­ ulty of the School of Library and Inform ation Sci­ ence at Rosary College, River Forest, Illinois. Sheila Corman has joined the staff as an acquisi­ tions lib ra ria n at the N o rthw estern U niversity Medical School Library, Chicago. Laura Dickson has been appointed business ref­ erence lib rarian at the University of Nebraska, Om aha. Dorothy Earley is the new online services in­ structor at the M idcontinental Regional Medical L ibrary Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Om aha. Martha Lynn Ererhart is now reference lib rar­ ian at the Health Science Library at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Sandi Edwards has been appointed literature and languages librarian at Rice University, Hous­ ton, Texas. Mary B. Faulkner has been promoted to refer­ ence and interlibrary loan librarian at the Health Sciences Library at W right State University, Day- ton. Ruth E. Fenske has been appointed to the fac­ ulty of the G raduate School of Library and Infor­ m ation Science at Rosary College, River Forest, Il­ linois. Valerie Gondek is the new assistant health sci­ ences librarian for reference and com puter search services at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Eleanor K. Guenther has been appointed ac­ quisitions librarian at Millsaps College, Jackson, Mississippi. Tom Heard has joined the staff as a catalog li­ brarian at the College of Law Library at Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights. Kriza Jennings has been prom oted to coordina­ tor of public services at the Health Sciences Library at W right State University, Dayton. Douglas Kaylor is the new circulation lib rar­ ian at the Health Sciences Library at W right State University, Dayton. Jay Kirk has been nam ed director of the Law Li­ brary at M arquette University, Milwaukee, Wis­ consin. Sabra M. Kurth has been appointed Nevada Newspaper Project librarian at the University of Nevada, Reno. Barbara LaGodna is now head of cataloging at the University of North Carolina at W ilmington. Louise Langdon has been appointed ORION user services librarian at the University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. Linda Langschied is the new inform ation ser­ vices librarian at Rutgers University, New Bruns­ wick, New Jersey. Jay Lee has joined the staff as an assistant engi­ neering librarian at the University of Illinois, Ur­ bana. Sue W. Lithgo has been appointed cataloger in the North Carolina Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Terrence McCormack has been appointed as­ sistant librarian in the College of Law Library at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Neil J. McElroy is now head of readers’ services at the Hoover Institution Library at Stanford Uni­ versity, California. Marion G. McGuinn has joined the staff as rare book lib r a r ia n at th e W ash in g to n U niversity School of Medicine Library, St. Louis, Missouri. Charles B. McNamara has been appointed cu­ rator of rare books at the University of North C aro­ lina at Chapel Hill. Holly Melanson is now coordinator of collec­ tion development at Dalhousie University, H ali­ fax, Nova Scotia. Roger Miller has been appointed to the Tech­ nical Services staff of the W eter Memorial Library, Seattle Pacific University. Kathleen Neeley is the new head of the Science Libraries at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. David Pilachowski has been named associate university librarian at Colgate University, H am il­ ton, New York. Glen Ruzicka is the new head of the Collections M aintenance D epartm ent at Johns Hopkins Uni­ versity, Baltimore. Clifford Scott has been appointed media li­ brarian at the Northwestern University School of Medicine Library, Chicago. June 1986 / 413 Paula R. Scott is now Slavic catalog librarian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, California. Lee R. Sorensen has joined the staff as central reference lib rarian for a rt at the University of Ar­ izona, Tucson. Ann E. Stephens is now head, Serials D e p a rt­ m ent, at the University of Nebraska Medical C en­ ter L ibrary, O m aha. Sara Sudenga has been appointed science and engineering lib rarian at Rice University, Houston. Will Tress has been prom oted to associate law librarian at the University of Baltim ore L aw L i­ brary. Allan J. Urbanic is the new lib rarian for Slavic collections at the University of C alifornia, Berke­ ley. Sandy Wenner is now music librarian at Rice University, Houston. Jeffrey M. Weymeyer has been appointed ref­ erence lib rarian at the H ealth Sciences L ibrary at W right State University, D ayton. Lynn Wilcox is now assistant director at the University of New E ngland L ibrary, Biddeford, Maine. Carol Zoerb has been appointed science refer­ ence li b r a r ia n a t th e U n iv e rsity of N e b ra sk a , O m aha. Retirements Dale M. Bentz, university lib rarian at the U ni­ versity of Iow a, will retire on August 31 after more th a n 33 years of service at Iow a and over 46 as a professional lib ra ria n . Bentz cam e to Iow a in 1953 as associate direc­ tor and was nam ed un i­ versity lib rarian in 1970. He was previously em ­ ployed at the University of Tennessee, Duke U ni­ versity, and the U niver­ sity of N orth C arolina, w here he began his ca­ reer in 1940. Active in th e profes­ sio n , B en tz se rv e d as D a le M . Bentz president of the Iow a L i­ b r a r y A sso c ia tio n (1959-60); chair of A CRL’s University Libraries Section (1963-64); president of Beta Phi Mu, the i n t e r n a t i o n a l l i b r a r y scien c e h o n o r so c ie ty (1966-67); and president of the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division (1975-76). He was also elected to ALA Council (1978-82) and served as chair of its Resolutions C om m ittee (1980-81), and was th e ACRL representative to th e A m erican Council on E ducation (1980). Louise Deshaies, cataloger at the University of North C arolina at Greensboro, will retire at the end of August after 14 years of service. Mary M. Doak, chair of the H um anities/Social Sciences D ep artm en t at the University of Nebraska Libraries, Lincoln, will retire July 1 after 41 years of service. Doak received her library degree in 1945 from the University of Chicago. She began her ca­ reer at N ebraska the same year as assistant lib ra r­ ian in the H um anities and Social Studies Division; she was head of circulation services from 1962 to 1975, w hen she assumed her current position. Barbara Clason, literatu re cataloging librarian at the University of Kansas, will retire July 1 after 30 years of service. Maria Grossman, lib ra ria n of th e A ndover- H arvard Theological L ibrary, C am bridge, Massa­ chusetts, will retire at the end of June. Grossman joined the staff at A ndover-H arvard in 1956 as ac- quistions librarian. She was appointed assistant li­ b rarian for cataloging in 1961, and was nam ed li­ b ra ria n in 1965. Grossman left A ndover-H arvard in 1974 to serve as lib rarian for collection develop­ m ent in the H arvard University L ibrary, and in 1979 retu rn ed to A ndover-H arvard to serve again as librarian. Grossman holds an MLS from Sim­ mons College and a P h.D . in History from H a r­ vard. Her publications include H um anism in W it­ tenberg, 1485-1517, (1975), a num ber of articles and book reviews in the field of 16th-century G er­ m an scholarship, and several articles on theologi­ cal lib ra ria n sh ip . She is a past president of the A m e ric a n T h e o lo g ic a l L i b r a r y A sso c ia tio n (1968-69). Mary A. Hamil. director of library services at D a v id s o n C o u n ty C o m m u n ity C o lle g e , L e x ­ ington, N orth C arolina, retired May 23 after 13 years of service. Leona Hosmer Heisey, associate reader services lib rarian at Lock Haven University, Pennsylvania, will retire on August 15 after 38 years of service. Antje Bultmann Lemke, professor at the Syra­ cuse U niversity School of In fo rm atio n Studies, New York, retired in May after 35 years of service. A scholarship fund has been established in honor of Lem ke, w ho is know n for her lectures and writings on Albert Schweitzer and on hum an rights. The scholarship fund will recognize outstanding m aster of library science students, who will recieve a cash aw ard and a com m em orative bookplate. Esther Michael, gifts and exchange lib rarian at the University of W aterloo, O ntario, retired April 30 after 28 years of service. Michael received her li­ brary education at the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, and began her career at UW as a periodicals lib rarian in 1958. She was appointed to the gifts and exchange position in 1966. Larry G. Mowers, associate lib rarian of H a r­ vard University’s E da Kuhn Loeb Music L ibrary and keeper of the university’s Isham M emorial L i­ brary, is retiring in June after more th a n 29 years of service at the tw o libraries. Mowers began his H a r­ vard career at the newly dedicated Loeb Music L i­ b rary in 1956. Beginning in 1957, he worked half­ 414 / C&RL News days at Loeb and spent the balance of the day at Isham. Mowers holds a bachelor's degree in music theory from Ithaca College, and m aster’s degrees in both musicology and library science. He was named assistant librarian at Isham in 1964, and was appointed to his present position in 1981. At ceremonies m arking the 50th anniversary of the Isham Library in 1984, Mowers was honored by the university with the establishment of a perm a­ nent book fund in his name. Deaths Esther L. Gustafson, retired H arvard Univer­ sity librarian, died March 10. Gustafson, a 1922 graduate of Radcliffe, joined the H arvard Library staff in 1929. She worked in the Robbins Library of Philosophy and in the Catalog D epartm ent of the W idener Library and received an appointm ent as L ibrarian in 1958. Gustafson retired in 1964. Mary Louise Marshall, retired librarian of the Tulane University Medical Library, died January 25 in New Orleans. Marshall, a past president of the Medical Library Assocation (1941-46), retired from Tulane in 1959. Her professional service also included work at the Orleans Parish Medical L i­ brary. Grace Wormer, retired University of Iowa li­ brarian, died April 15 at the age of 100. W orm er retired from the University of Iowa in 1954. She was a graduate of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, and received an MLS from the University of Illinois. Prior to joining the staff at Iowa, W orm er was employed for two years at the W aterloo, Iowa, Public Library. She was at one time a member of the ACRL Board of Directors. ■ ■ N E W T E C H N O L G Y • Camber-Roth has introduced an electronic conferencing software package called CAUCUS. The software allows groups with tight schedules or scattered locations to interact at their scheduling convenience, with input recorded like the minutes of an ordinary meeting. Multiple conferences can be run on a variety of topics or subtopics. Each user is autom atically shown new activity by conference and subtopic; older m aterial is readily accessed if needed. The organizer of each conference deter­ mines which users can have access to the discus­ sion. For further inform ation or to join a demo con­ fe re n c e , c o n ta c t C a m b e r-R o th , 243 H oosick Street, Troy, NY 12180; (518) 273-0983. • Cornell University’s School of Hotel Adminis- tration research library has begun a comprehensive reference service for hospitality industry p racti­ tioners. C alled H O S T L IN E , this service gives managers and researchers direct access to the ex­ tensive library resources of both the Cornell Hotel School and Cornell University. Librarians and re­ search assistants at the School will be able to pro­ vide users w ith published statistical and factual in­ fo rm a tio n ; b ib lio g ra p h ic cita tio n s; extensive literature searches; and access to related online ser­ vices, such as M anagem ent Contents or ABI/In- form. The fee for HOSTLINE services is $55 per hour. O ther charges (database fees, copying, com­ puter time) are billed directly. For more inform a­ tion, contact the School of Hotel Administration, Statler Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853- 6901; (607) 255-3673. • INDEXIT is a new IBM PC program designed for anyone who is preparing an index. The system allows you to enter, alphabetize, update, and print subject or topical indexes. It also can interfile u p ­ per and lower case, file either letter-by-letter or word-by-w ord, and (most unusual for com puter indexes) can ignore punctuation marks when al­ phabetizing. Maximum index length is 5000 en­ tries. Cross-references may be entered at any point, and m any different types of page and volume num ­ ber references can be used. INDEXIT was w ritten by Allan D. P ratt, founding editor of Small C om ­ puters fo r Libraries. The system can be run on an IBM PC or compatibles. Contact G raham -Conley Press, P.O . Box 2968, New H aven, CT 06515; (203) 389-0183. • MacNeal Hospital has enhanced its interli- b rary loan softw are, F .I.L .L .S . (Fast In ter L i­ brary Loans and Statistics), a package th at can track which lending libraries fill orders at the most reasonable cost w ith the best service, which jour­ nals are borrowed repeatedly, and which library and customer loans are outstanding. The upgrade can be used w ith either O n-Tym e or W estern Un­ ion’s Easylink electronic mail system; it can print m ailing labels off its library address database; and