ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries In this issue: New Horizons for Academic Libraries ..........................................221 1978 Annual Conference . . . . . . . 2 2 6 Annual Report of the President 227 Highlights of A C R L Board of D irectors Meetings .....................231 A C R L Officers for 1978/79 ......... 233 Continuing Education— V ............235 AALS/Continuing Education Committee Resolution .............. 236 A C R L Chapters ................................ 237 News from the F i e l d ....................... 238 People ...................................................249 Classified Advertising ..................... 254 ISSN 0099-0086 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBR n AR e I w ES s NO. 8 • S E P T E M B E R 1978 New Horizons for Academic Libraries ACRL 1978 National Conference T h e Association o f C o lleg e and R esearch L i­ braries observes its fortieth anniversary with its first nation al c o n fe re n c e in B o ston N o v em b er 8 -1 1 at the Sheraton-Boston H otel. W ith its them e, “New Horizons for Academic L ib ra rie s,” the conference focuses on the future prospects for academ ic and research librarianship in North America. E ig h t leaders in higher educa­ tion and librarianship will give a broad overview o f the problem s and opportunities awaiting col­ lege, university, and research libraries. At th e op ening session on W ednesday after­ noon, N ovem ber 8, Mary F . Berry, assistant sec­ re ta ry for e d u c a tio n , D e p a r tm e n t o f H e a lth , Education and W elfare, will look at the future of h ig h e r ed u cation in th e U nited Sta tes. At the second session that afternoon, W arren J. Haas, president o f the Council on Library Resources, will speak on the management o f academic librar­ ies. On Thursday morning, N ovem ber 9, there will b e a r e p o r t from t h e N a tio n a l E n q u ir y in to Scholarly C om m u nication on th e work o f that p r o je c t and p r e s e n t and fu tu re p r o b le m s in scholarly com m unication. M orning session will conclude with an address by Jo e B. W yatt, vice- president for administration, Harvard University, on the role o f technology in our libraries. At an afternoon session on T hu rsday, B a rbara Evans M a rk u so n , e x e c u tiv e d ir e c to r o f th e In d ia n a C o o p e r a tiv e L ib r a r y S e r v ic e s A u th o rity , w ill sp eak on c o o p e r a tio n and n e tw o rk in g am ong academic and research libraries. On Friday morning, N ovem ber 10, Richard W. Boss, Information System s Consultants, In c ., in Boston, will speak on programs and services in academ ic libraries, and h e will be followed by Jay K. L u cker, library director at Massachusetts In­ stitu te o f Technology, who will speak on library resources and bibliographic control. In the con­ cluding them e address on Friday afternoon, M il­ licent D . Abell, university librarian, U niversity of California, San Diego, will speak o f the changing role o f the academic librarian. During th e first three days o f the conference, there will also b e seven periods during which a total o f sixty-six contributed papers will b e p re­ sented in a series of concurrent sessions. A list of News issue (A) of College & Research Libraries, vol. 39, no. 5 222 M ary F. B e r r y , a s s is ­ tant se cre ta ry f o r ed u ­ c a tio n , D ep a rtm en t o f H ealth, E d u cation an d W e lfa r e , to a d d r e s s W ed n esd a y , N o v em b er 8, session o f A CRL con ­ fe r e n c e . the authors and titles of these papers— and show­ ing the broad range of subjects covered— appears below. In addition to the more than 115 commercial and professional exhibits in adjacent halls at the h o t e l, t h e r e w ill b e a n u m b e r o f sp e c ia l functions—a reception at the Boston Public L i­ brary on W ednesday evening and at the Boston M u seu m o f F in e A rts on F rid a y e v e n in g . A bonus of the co n fe re n c e is th e e x h ib it at th e m u seu m , “T re a su re s o f E a rly Iris h A rt, 150 0 B .C .- 1 5 0 0 A . D . , ’ which inclu des th e Book of Kells. C onference participants will be able to partici­ pate in “A Boston D inner” on Thursday evening, at which tim e Kurt Vonnegut will address the group. T h e co n fe re n ce conclud es on Saturday, No­ vem ber 11, with a program of reports from the various national co m p u ter-b ased bib lio grap hic networks. C o n fe re n ce p articip ants will also be able to tour area libraries and will be given free admission to the Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair at the nearby Copley Plaza Hotel. A C R L m embers have received registration in­ formation in th e sum m er, and th e July-A ugust issue oí Am erican L ib raries also includes registra­ tion forms. F u rth er information is available from A C R L headquarters. Space is limited for the conference, and early registration is urged! C o n t r i b u t e d P a p e r s A c c e p t e d f o r P r e s e n t a t i o n a t t h e A CRL 1978 N a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e Martha J. Bailey, Purdue University. “C om pen­ sation Plans for Library Faculty M em b ers.” Ken Balthaser, Indiana U niversity-Pu rd u e Uni­ versity at F ort Wayne. “Providing Knowledge and Client L in k s.” Joseph W. Barker, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. “Th e D u tch-D oor C ircu­ lation D e sk .” J o s e p h A. B o is s é , U n iv e r s ity o f W is c o n s in - Parkside. D ealing with th e F e a r of C hange through the Self-Study Process. ” John A. B o llier, Yale D ivinity School. “ B ib lio ­ g r a p h ic I n s t r u c tio n in th e G rad uate/ Professional Theological Scho ol.” R itv ars B re g z is , U n iv e r s ity o f T o r o n to . “ T h e Technical Services B udget— 1980 and B eyond .” Patricia Senn Breivik, Sangamon State U niver­ sity . “ T h e N e g le c te d H o riz o n ; o r, An E x ­ panded Education Role for Academic L ib rar­ ies. ” C. Roger Davis, Smith C ollege. “T he Compleat C ollection D ev elo p er.” D ennis W. Dickinson, U niversity o f Kentucky. “Su b ject Specialists in Academic Libraries: The O n ce and Future D inosaurs.” Phyllis Dougherty, University o f T en n essee C en ­ te r for the Health Sciences. “ Interdepartm ental Sw ap-O ff by the Buddy System : Report o f a Staff Exchange Program .” Miriam A. D rake, Purdue University. “ Manage­ ment Control in Academic L ib ra ries.” Anne C. Edmonds, Mount Holyoke C ollege, and W illis E . Bridegam , A m herst C ollege. “ P er­ spectives on Cooperation: T he Evaluation o f a C onsortium .” Richard Eggleton, University of North Carolina at G reensboro. “Academic Libraries, Participa­ tive Management, and Risky S h ift.” Joanne R. E uster, Loyola University in New O r­ leans. “A W o m en ’s Profession in Academia: Problem and Proposal.” Glyn T . Evans and Mary H. B eilby, State U ni­ versity o f New York. “Towards an Information Sy stem for R esp o n siv e C o lle c tio n D e v e lo p ­ m e n t.” Raymond K. Fisher, University o f Birmingham, England. “Academic L ib raries and Part-Tim e Adult Stu d en ts.” Barbara J. Ford and Yuri Nakata, University of I llinois News items for inclusion in C & R L N ew s should be sent to John V. Crowley, Assistant Director of Libraries, Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820. Display advertis­ ing should be sent to Leona Swiech, Advertising Office, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St.. Chicago, IL 60611. Send classified ads to ACRL. Production and circulation mat­ ters are handled by ALA Central Production Unit, at the above address. News editor: John V. Crowley, Assistant Director of Libraries, Milne Library, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820; telephone (607) 431-2725. Assistant news editor: Ellen L. Huyler, Assistant Librarian. Acquisitions Department, Milne Li­ brary, State University College, Oneonta, NY 13820. Editor Richard D. Johnson, Milne Library, State University College. Oneonta, NY 13820. President, ACRL Eidred R. Smith. Execu­ tive Secretary, ACRL Julie A. Carroll Virgo. College & Research Libraries is published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 17 times yearly— 6 bimonthly journal is­ sues and 11 monthly (combining July-August) News issues— at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, M 0 65251. Subscription, $25.00 a year, or to members of the division, $12.50, included in dues. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri 65251. © A m e ric a n Library Association 1978. All material in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Associa­ tion may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement. 223 at Chicago C ircle. “G overnm ent Publica­ tions in Hum anistic Research and Scholarship.” Selm a V. F o s te r and Nancy C . Lufburrow, State University o f New York, C ollege at Potsdam. “ Docum ents to the People in O ne Easy S te p .” B ev erlee A. F ren ch , University o f California, San Diego. 'T h e Fou rth G eneration: Research L i­ braries and Comm unity Inform ation.” E liz a b e th J . F u r lo n g and K a re n L . H o rn y , Northwestern University. “T h e F u tu re in O ur Grasp: An O n -L in e Total Integrated System for Library Se rv ice .” Jeffrey J. G ardner, Association o f R esearch L i­ braries. “CAP: A P ro ject for the Analysis o f the C o lle c t io n D e v e lo p m e n t P r o c e s s in L a rg e Academic L ib ra rie s." Virginia Gillham and M argaret Beckman, Univer­ sity o f Guelph. “Individual Autonomy and Suc­ cessful Networking: A Canadian E x p erien ce.” Barbara B. G ordon, U niversity o f W ashington. ‘T h e University o f W ashington’s Participation in P A C F O R N E T as a Contractor. ” Jean L . Graef, C L System s, Inc. “Interfacing In ­ d e p e n d e n t A u to m a te d L ib r a r y S y s te m s : A Sam pling o f Existing Attempts ” Je a n L . G ra e f, C L S y s te m s , I n c . , and L arry Greenwood, University of Kentucky. “ M arket­ ing Library Services: A Case Study in Provid­ ing Bibliographic Instruction in an Academic L ib rary .” B a rb a r a H a b e r, R a d c liffe C o lle g e . “ W o m e n ’s Stu d ies R esou rces for C o lle g e and R esearch L ib ra ries.” M ichael Joh n H aeuser, Linfield College. "C u r­ riculum Reform: A Role for L ibrarian s.” Edm und G. Hamann, Suffolk University. “Access to Information: A Reconsideration of the S e r­ vice Goals o f a Small Urban College L ibrary.” Arthur T. Hamlin, Tem p le U niversity. “A Back­ ward G lance into the F u tu re o f University L i­ brary Support.” G a il A. H ernd on and N oelle Van P u lis, O hio State University. “T h e O n -L in e Library: Prob­ lems and Prospects for U ser E d ucation .” L eila M. H over, Suffern, New York. “T h e In de­ pen den t L e a rn e r and the A cadem ic Library: A ccess and Im p act.” William J. Hubbard, Virginia Polytechnic In sti­ tute and State University. “ D evelopm ent and Administration of a Large Off-Campus Shelving F a cility .” Edward R. Johnson, Pennsylvania State U niver­ sity, and Richard D. H ershcopf, Colorado State U niversity. “T he U ndergraduate L ibrary and th e S u b je c t-D iv is io n a l Plan : P ro b le m s and Prosp ects.” K. S u z a n n e Jo h n s o n and J o e l S. R u t s t e in , C o lo rad o S ta te U n iv e rsity . “T h e P o litic s o f Book Fund Allocation: A C ase Stu dy.” Soon D. Kim and Mary T. Kim , Ohio State U ni­ v e r s ity . “ A c a d e m ic L ib r a r y R e s e a r c h : A Tw enty Year P ersp ectiv e.” T ho m as G . K irk, E arlh am C o lle g e . “ C o u rse - R elated L ib rary and L ite ra tu re U se In stru c­ tio n : An A tte m p t to D e v e lo p M o d e l P r o ­ gram s.” Richard G. Landon, University of Toronto. “Rare Book and Special Collections Libraries: Hori­ zontal Consolidation.” Anne Grodzins Lipow, University of California, B e rk e le y . “T ea ch in g th e F a cu lty to U se the L ib ra ry ; A Su ccessfu l Program o f In -D e p th Seminars for University o f California, B erkeley, F acu lty .” I T. Littleton , North Carolina State University. “ S ta te System s o f H ig h er E ducation and L i­ b raries.” Richard Lyders, D iane E ckels, and Maurice C. L eath erb u ry , Houston Academy o f M edicine. “C ost Allocation and Cost G eneration. ” C hristina W olcott M cCawley, W est C h ester State C o lle g e , and S c o tt B r u n tje n , Sh ip p e n sb u rg State College. “Librarians as Risk Takers: D e ­ sign for S e lf M easurem ent. ” Charles M artell, University of California, B erke­ ley. “Erasing the Past: Technological Shifts and Organizational R enew al.” R obert J. Merikangas, University of Maryland at C o lleg e Park. “T h e A cadem ic R e fe r e n c e L i­ brarian: Roles and D ev elop m ent.” Susan L. M iller, O hio S ta te U niv ersity . “T h e Evolution o f an O n -L in e Catalog. ” G lenn W . Offermann, Concordia College. “Par­ ticipants’ View o f an Academic Library Consor­ tium. ” D ian e C . P ark er and E r ic J. C a r p e n te r, S ta te U niversity of New York at Buffalo. “A Zero- B ase Budget Approach to Staff Justification for a C o m b in e d R e fe r e n c e and C o lle c tio n D e ­ velopm ent D ep a rtm en t.” Edwin D. Posey and K athleen M cCullough, Pur­ due University. “Approval Plans O ne Year L at­ e r : T h e P u rd u e E x p e r ie n c e w ith S e p a ra te School P lans.” Jean M. Ray, Southern Illinois University at Car­ bondale. “T h e F u tu re Role o f the Academic Librarian, as Viewed Through a Perspective of Forty Y ears.” J u t t a R . R e e d , M a s s a c h u s e tts I n s t it u t e o f Technology. “Collection Analysis P ro ject in the M IT L ib raries.” Marion T. Reid, Anna H. Perrault, and Jane P. K lein er, Louisiana State University. “T h e Role Addition to E ndorsem ent List T h e State University o f New York Librar­ ians Association (SUNYLA) voted to endorse the A C R L “Joint Statem ent on Faculty Status o f C o lleg e and U niversity L ib ra ria n s” at its council m eeting o f April 5, 1974. 224 o f the A cadem ic Librarian in Library G over­ n a n ce .” Ralph E . R u s s e ll, G e o r g ia S t a t e U n iv e r s ity . “Growing Pains: An Adm inistrator’s Viewpoint on D rafting Library Faculty Bylaw s.” C. Jam es Schm idt, State University o f New York at Albany. ‘‘Faculty Status in Academic Librar­ ies: R etrospect and P rosp ect." Damaris Ann Schm itt, St. Louis Community C ol­ leg e at M eram ec. “ P rosp ects o f C om m unity C ollege Librarianship." W ard Shaw, Patricia B. Culkin, and Thomas E . D ra b e k , U n iv ersity o f D e n v e r. “T h e Q uery Analysis System : A Progress R ep o rt.” G eorge J. So ete, Arizona State University. “T he C o lle ctio n Analysis P r o je c t at A rizona S ta te University Library: An E x ercise in Staff D e ­ velop m ent.” A lin e S o u le s , U n iv e r s ity o f W in d s o r. “ O ff- C am pus L ib ra ry S e rv ic e s: T h o se In b e tw e e n Y ears.” Sandra Spurlock and E lle n Yen, M assachusetts In s titu te o f T echn ology. “ A pplications o f an O perations R esearch M odel to the Study of Book Use in a University Library: Implications for Library M anagem ent.” T. Philip Tompkins and Gary D . Byrd, U niver­ sity o f M issouri-Kansas City. ‘‘T h e Urban University L ib r a r y : E ff e c t iv e n e s s M o d e ls for 1 9 8 9 .” John Mark Tucker, Wabash C ollege. “T h e O ri­ gins of Bibliographic Instruction in Academic Lib raries, 1 8 7 6 -1 9 1 4 .” David B. W alch, State University o f New York, C ollege at Buffalo. “Budgeting for N on-Print Media in Academic L ib ra ries.” H erbert S. W hite, Indiana University. “Budget­ ary Priorities in the Adm inistration of Large Academic L ib raries.” S te p h e n W ib e r le y , U n iv e r s ity o f I llin o is at Chicago Circle. “Sources for the Humanities: M easuring Use and M eeting N eed s.” B illy R . W ilk in s o n , U n iv e r s ity o f Illin o is at C h icago C irc le . “T h e P le th o ra o f P erso n n el System s in Academic Libraries: A Phenom enon o f the 1 9 7 0 s.” Charles W illard, Princeton Theological Seminary. “ Microforms: Changing the Conceptual Polarity from Negative to P ositiv e.” Elizabeth J. Yeates and Laurie E . Stackpole, Na­ tional O ce a n ic and A tm osp heric A dm inistra­ tion. “Managing for R esults— A Case Study in Coalition Building.” Jo h n R. Y e lv e r to n , G e o rg ia S ta te U n iv ersity . “W in Som e, Lose Som e: W riting Bylaws for an A cademic Library . ” ■■ 225 New Horizons for Academic L ibraries A C R L 1978 National Conference Novem ber 8 - 1 1 , 1978 Sheraton-Boston Hotel Boston, MA 02199 P r e - R e g i s t r a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n Pre-R egistration. A P re-R eg istratio n Form is included h e re . P re-R eg istratio n forms m ust be received no later than O ctober 9. Form s received after that date will b e returned. O n-site registra­ tion will be an additional $10. Payments. C hecks should b e made payable to the Association o f C ollege and R esearch Libraries or A C R L. Paym ents and registration forms are to be mailed to A C R L, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, I L 60611. Your canceled check is your receipt; no receipts will be issued. R efu n ds. R e q u e s ts for refu n d ed reg istration fees must be received in writing by the A C R L headquarters by O ctob er 23, 1978. A $5 service charge will b e deducted from such refunds. R e­ quests for refunds after O cto b er 2 3 , 1978, will not be honored. F o r f u r t h e r inform ation see p .410 o f the July/ August 1978 Am erican L ibraries. F or a full conference brochure write the A CRL office. I n f o r m a t i o n f o r H o t e l R e g i s t r a t i o n Room reservations will be assigned on a prior­ ity basis p ro v id ed they a re re c e iv e d 3 w eeks prior to N ovem ber 8, 1978. A first night’s deposit for each room is required at least 10 days before arrival. It is refundable until 3 days before arrival date. A C R L 1978 NATION AL C O N F E R E N C E N ovem ber 8 -1 1 , 1978 SH ER A T O N -BO ST O N H O T E L R E G IS T R A T IO N FO R M Name ____________________ No. in Party _____ Address _________________________ Z IP ______ Arrival D a t e ___________________ Tim e _______ D ep arture D ate ______________ Tim e _______ Please circle rate and type o f room required: Single: $30 (economy) $38 $41 $44 $50 Double: $50 $51 $54 $60 Twin: $51 Triple: $54 Quad: $60 1-Bedroom Suite: $70 $110 $115 $120 2-Bedroom Suite: $140 $165 Mass. Room Tax 5 .7% Please read Information for Hotel Registration (abov e) and sen d th is form to: S h e r a to n - B oston H o te l, 3 9 D alto n S t ., B o sto n , MA 02199. P R E -R E G IS T R A T IO N F O R M A C R L 1978 NATION AL C O N F E R E N C E Sheraton-Boston Hotel N ovem ber 8 - 1 1 ,1 9 7 8 P L E A S E T Y P E OR P R IN T Name _______________________________________ Affiliation ___________________________________ Stre e t A d d re s s----------------------------------------------- City ______________ State _______ Z IP --------- C O N F E R E N C E PR E-R EG IS T R A T IO N F E E S Full Single (Conference Day Amount ALA/ACRL Personal M em ber $35 $15 Student ALA M em ber $20 $10 _____ Non-ALA/ACRL M em ber $50 $20 Exhibitor F R E E F R E E Accompanying Person $5 A C R L “Boston D in ner” at $14 p er ticket (not in clu ded in registration) A C R L M E M B E R S H IP D U ES 1979 Renewal ALA/ACRL $50 New M em b er ALA/ACRL $50 (Same Registration F e e as M em bers) Already ALA m em ber; please add ACRL $15 Student M em ber $25 N on-U .S. New M em ber ALA/ACRL $35 G RA N D TO TA L Please Indicate I plan to use the A C R L Placem ent Service at the m eeting. Please send me: _____ E m ployer’s registration form(s). At one form p e r opening, I need _____ nu m ber of forms. _____ Applicant’s registration form. _____ As a physically handicapped person, I have special needs. (Please explain) __________ Make check payable to A C R L and mail this form and payment b e fo r e O ctob er 9 to: Association of C ollege and Research L ibraries 50 East Huron Street Chicago, I L 60611