ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 226 ACRL at the 1978 Annual Conference Nearly two dozen program sessions w ere spon­ sored by A C R L and its various units during the 1978 ALA Annual C onference in Chicago. P r e s id e n t E id r e d R . S m ith p r e s id e d o v e r A C R L's principal program, cosponsored by the C o lle g e and U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r ie s S e c tio n s . Speakers on the program “T h e Academic Library within a National Information Policy: Towards the W h ite H o u se C o n fe r e n c e and B e y o n d ” w ere Richard Dougherty, University o f California L i­ brary, B erkeley; Irm a Johnson, Massachusetts In ­ stitu te of T echnology L ib rary; John M cGow an, N o r th w e s te r n U n iv e r s ity L ib r a r y ; W illia m Moffett, State University o f New York Library, Potsdam. A C R L section programs gave m em bers an op­ portunity to update and share their knowledge of v irtually all asp e cts o f a cad em ic and research librarianship; these included replevin, library instruction, preservation of visual resources, auto­ mation, and bibliography. T h e Agricultural and Biological Scien ces Se c­ tio n sp o n s o re d th e p ro g ra m , “ R e c o m b in a n t DNA— the Right to K now ,” with a presentation by Jonathan King, d irector of the E lectro n M i­ croscope Facility at M IT. T h e Anthropology Se c­ tion sponsored a program on the differences b e ­ tween com puterized and traditional m ethods of compiling an anthropological bibliography. T h e Asian and African Sectio n addressed the to p ic o f “ B ib lio g ra p h ic a l C o n tro l and L ib ra ry Networks in C hina, Kuwait and N ig eria.” T h e Bibliographic Instruction Sectio n, offering “T he Politics o f L ib ra n In stru ction ,” featured a panel o f ad m inistrators and librarian s discussing and exploring their priorities in relation to the prob­ lems they have maintaining their priorities. T h e Community and Junior College Libraries A b o v e , A C R L o f ­ f i c e r s at th e 1978 c o n f e r e n c e (fr o m le ft to right): E van i . F ä r b e r , C o n n ie R. D u n la p , a n d E i d r e d R. S m ith ‚ b e lo w , A C R L main p r o g r a m s p e a k e r s (from left to right): Ir m a J o h n s o n , R ich ard D ougherty, Jo h n M cGowan, an d William M offett. 227 Sectio n, in conjunction with the Public Library A s s o c ia tio n , o ffe r e d an a ll day c o n f e r e n c e ­ w ith in -a -co n feren ce: “C om m unity C o lleg e and P ublic Libraries: T h e Im petus toward Coopera­ tion!” T h e Rare Books and Manuscripts Section sponsored “R arities and E p hem era at the Chicago H isto rical S o cie ty L ib rary : an Illu stra te d L e c ­ tu re .” T h e Slavic and E a st European Section offered a th re e -p a rt program , which included “R e fle ctions on the History and Prospects o f Slavic B ib­ liography in the U nited Sta te s,” “Th e Automation o f Cyrillic Slavic C ataloging,” and “C u rren t D e ­ velopm ents in Romanization o f Cyrillic S c rip ts.” T rips sponsored by A C R L units included the L aw and P o lit ic a l S c ie n c e S e c t i o n ’s to u r o f Chicago City Hall, the Art Sectio n’s boat ride on Lake Michigan, and C J C L S ’s tour of four librar­ ies o f the City C olleges o f Chicago. Association of College and Research Libraries Annual R eport of the President 1 9 7 7 -7 8 This has been an active and productive year for A C R L. W e have addressed or are in the process o f addressing several major issues that are o f con­ sid erable im portance to our association and its m em bers. Plans and arrangem ents are moving along most e fficie n tly for our first nation al c o n fe re n c e . A m ajor staff appointment was made. Arrangements w e r e w o rk ed o u t for an a n n u a l aw ard for a c h ie v e m e n t by an a ca d e m ic lib ra ria n . O th e r A C R L programs produced results worthy o f re c ­ ognition. In ad dition, A C R L , during 1 9 7 7 -7 8 , addressed several ALA-wide issues that have sig­ nificant im pact on our association. Finally, we gave a tten tio n to co n cern s that we share with oth er organizations. T h e major critical issues addressed by the as­ sociation this year included the following. First, we made a beginning evaluation o f our associa­ tion’s ob jectives and the organizational structure needed to carry them out effectively, based upon th e re p o rt o f th e sp e cial A C R L Ad H o c S u b ­ co m m ittee on Goals, P riorities, and Structures. Second, we established a mechanism to assist our m em bers in addressing the com plex and difficult issues raised by the new co pyright legislation. T hird , we gave substantive review to the draft university libraries standards prepared by a jo in t A RL/A CRL c o m m itte e . F in a lly , we ad dressed the particularly com plex and critical issues re ­ lated to ownership o f public documents, as raised by the B. C. W est case. T h e Su b c o m m ittee on Goals, P rioritie s, and Structures was established in the fall of 1973 by A C R L President Norman Tanis with the follow­ ing charge: (1) to describe the changing environ­ m ent o f research and postsecondary education; (2) to identify the issues and problem s relating to in­ formation and library service in this environm ent; (3) to d eterm ine the role for an association such as A C R L in responding to these issues and prob­ lems; (4) to disregard all financial aspects or the constitutionality of its suggestions. T he com m ittee, chaired by L eM oyn e W . An­ derson, subm itted its recom m endations, which in­ c lu d e d p ro p o s a ls fo r s ig n ific a n t c h a n g e s in A C R L ’s a c tiv itie s and s tru c tu re , in th e fall o f 1977. T h e su bco m m ittee s rep ort was referred, by the A C R L board, to our Planning C om m ittee. This com m ittee is reviewing the report and will make recom m endations regarding its im plem en­ tation to the A C R L board. T h e Su bcom m ittee on G oals, P rioritie s, and Structures was discharged with an expression of th e bo ard s g rea t a p p recia tion . C e r ta in ly , th e work o f this com m ittee will facilitate A C R L ’s abil­ ity to address the major issues that lie before us. Its recom mendations may also contribu te to some significant changes in the organization and struc­ ture o f our association. Prior to the ALA M idwinter M eeting, A CRL was requested by ALA to assume responsibility for d e v e lo p in g g u id e lin e s on p h o to co p y in g o f co yrig h ted m aterials that could b e u tilized by academic libraries. A fter d iscu ssing this issu e with W illiam D. North, ALA legal counsel, who m et with us at M id w in te r , th e A C R L b o a rd c o n c lu d e d th a t A C R L should not, at this point, attem pt to de­ velop and publicize guidelines in this area. On the o th er hand, the board recognized the need fo r id e n tify in g , in d e ta il, th e p r o b le m s that academ ic libraries and librarians are encountering as a result o f the new copyright legislation. C onsequently, it was decided that an ad hoc co m m ittee on copyright questions should be ap­ pointed within A C R L, with the task o f identifying questions and issues in this area that are o f con­ cern to A C R L m em bers which req u ire legal in­ terpretation or attention. These questions would then b e forwarded to North for his review, rec­ om m endations, and appropriate legal action on the part o f ALA. This com m ittee has b e e n ap­ pointed and has set about its task.