ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 231 Highlights of the Annual Conference Meetings of the A CRL B oard of Directors T h e Board o f D irecto rs o f the Association of C ollege and R esearch Libraries m et twice during the 1978 ALA Annual C o nference in Chicago: on Monday, Ju n e 26, and on W ednesday, Ju n e 28. Division Representation on Council A fter co n sid e ra tio n o f th e m ann er in w hich A C R L sh ould h a n d le th e e le c tio n o f division C o uncil rep resen tativ es, th e board moved that the Nominating C om m ittee submit the names of two or m ore p eo p le who are cu rren tly or who have b e e n president o f the association in the last four years. I f the past presidents are eith er cu r­ rently on Council or otherwise unable to accept nom ination, th e N om inating C o m m ittee would then select candidates who are currently or who have b e e n at-larg e board m em b ers in th e last four years. C h o ice T h e board approved th e recom m en dation o f th e Audiovisual C o m m itte e th at th e E d ito ria l Board o f C h o ice consider the inclusion o f reviews o f nonp rint m edia in that publication, and that the editor subm it to th e C h o ice Editorial Board a feasibility rep ort at the next Midwinter M eeting. Advertising Salary Ranges D esp ite the board’s request that Council re je ct the resolution o f the C om m ittee on the Status of W om en in L ibrarianship , C ou ncil did approve the recom m endation requiring that salary ranges b e listed in all ALA placem ent advertising. After discussion o f possible alternative means o f provid­ ing placem ent information to m em bers, the board voted to r e q u e s t th e re c o n s id e ra tio n by ALA Council o f its action on advertising salaries and that, prior to Council review at 1979 ALA M id­ w inter, A C R L C oun cil m em bers and o th e r in ­ terested persons b e invited to attend an A C R L board m eeting to discuss this m atter more fully. Chapters T h e board approved the p etition for ch ap ter status by both the Florida Association o f College and R esearch Libraries and the North Carolina chapter. Requirem ents for the Establishment of A C R L Discussion Croups T h e board adopted th e recom m endation sub­ mitted by the Planning C om m ittee and referred to the A C R L Constitution and Bylaws C om m ittee that th e req u irem ents b e incorporated into the A C R L Bylaws and Constitution. Planning Committee T h e board approved th e recom m endations of the Planning C om m ittee to: launch a campaign designed by specialists to increase m em bership; i n c r e a s e d ir e c t c o m m u n ic a tio n s fro m A C R L headquarters on a periodic basis to m em bers and occasionally to all college and research librarians to make the association tangible and real to them ; p rom ote regional m eetin gs o f A C R L m em bers; give the executive secretary a column in C &RL N ew s fo r d ir e c t co m m u n ic a tio n to th e m em ­ bership and the regional chapters. T h e board re fe rr e d th e c o m m itte e ’s re c o m ­ mendation that “the Board will prom ote the de­ v e lo p m e n t o f s t a t e and re g io n a l c h a p te r s o f A C R L, m em bers o f which must be m em bers o f A C R L ” to the Chapters C om m ittee for a progress rep ort at M id w in ter and a final rep ort by the next Annual C onference. T h e board voted that, as standard op erating procedure for any future search for and appoint­ m ent o f an executive secretary, there would be a search com m ittee composed o f A C R L m em bers, w hich would in te rv ie w and m ake re c o m m e n ­ dations to the ALA executive director. T h e board voted that action on the co m m ittee’s recom m endation on Priority 6 (pertaining to the future size and makeup o f the A C R L board) of the Anderson R ep ort b e postponed until M id­ w inter M eeting of the board; and that the re c ­ om m endation b e published for the m em bership; and that th ere b e debate in A C R L publication(s). T h e board moved that the p resent system o f standing co m m ittees, which are review ed p eri­ odically by the Planning C om m ittee to determ ine usefulness and need, b e continued and that all ad hoc com m ittees b e established with a term ination date, which could b e extended w here the need for continuation exists. T h e board approved th e co m m itte e ’s recom ­ m end ation that P rio rity 8 (e sta b lish in g p ro c e ­ d ures for a ccred itation o f lib ra ries and library school courses and programs related to research and postsecondary education libraries) o f the An­ derson Report be re je cte d on the grounds that ALA is the professional association recognized as the accreditation agency. University L ib rary Standards M illicent A bell, reporting on the hearings de­ v o ted to th e “ D ra ft U n iv e rsity L ib ra ry S ta n ­ dards," said that three issues w ere raised in the m eetings. Two concerns had to do with w hether or not wording would b e included to cover par­ tic u la r in te re s ts : b ib lio g ra p h ic in stru ctio n and 232 staff developm ent and continuing education. T he c o m m ittee felt that both issu es could b e dealt with through m odest additions to the wording. T h e o th er issue discussed pertained to the lack o f qu antification w ithin the draft. In p articu lar a need was expressed for further work in this area rela tin g to p erform an ce standards and the d e­ velopm ent o f a mechanism for gathering data for libraries that are covered by the standards but not included in the A RL data collection process. T he board approved and endorsed negotiation with A RL to include non-A RL-m em ber university libraries in the annual collection o f library statis­ tics from A RL m em bers. Vote on C hange o f Location for ALA M idw inter M eeting T he board endorsed the motion, which was to b e p ro p osed by G e o r g e B a ile y to ALA m em ­ bership, to direct Council to reconsider its d eci­ sion to move M idwinter out o f Chicago. T h e mo­ tion failed on the floor o f the m em bership m eet­ ing the following day. O ffice for M anagem ent Services/ L ib ra ry D ev elopm ent Program T h e b o a rd m oved th a t A C R L c o o p e r a te and actively participate with the Office o f U niver­ sity Library M anagement Studies in developing the “A cadem ic L ibrary P rogram ,” and that the E xecu tive C om m ittee b e em powered to make all appropriate arrangem ents. A cadem ic Status C om m ittee T h e board voted to postpone until th e M id­ w inter M eeting the req u est that A C R L under­ w rite a pared-down version o f the co m m itte e ’s proposed study o f factors leading to the granting, r e te n tio n , w ith d raw al, or d e n ia l o f a c a d e m ic status for librarians in A m erican four-year co l­ leges and universities. T h e board moved that the com m ittee discuss with the A C R L Continuing Education C om m ittee the implem entation o f a proposed education pro­ gram on the nature o f academ ic status for librar­ ians and report back to the board not later than 1979 Annual C onference. Budget T h e board approved the A C R L bu dget with the understanding that some minor modifications w ill co n tin u e to b e m ade by th e B u d g et and F inance C om m ittee. Publications Com m ittee— A C R L C o n feren ce Papers T h e board voted to approve th e co m m ittee’s rec o m m e n d a tio n th at p la n n e rs o f c o n fe re n c e s may propose publication o f papers to the editor o f an a p p r o p ria te A C R L p u b lic a tio n . I f th is course is pursued, the proposal should be sub­ m itted well in advance o f the co n fe re n ce ; the ALA Publishing Serv ices’ guidelines for proceedings editors should b e followed; and the editorial policies and review procedures o f the respective A C R L publication’s editorial board should be ac­ cepted and fulfilled. I f the planners o f the con­ ference prefer, they may issue co nferen ce papers in the name o f the conference of the sponsoring unit. Papers should b e rep rod u ced from typed copy subm itted by the author at the opening of the conference and should be distributed to all conferen ce participants within one month follow­ ing th e close o f th e conference. Costs o f repro­ ducing papers shall b e covered by the budget for the conference. Copies o f papers so reproduced shall also b e a v ailab le for p u rch a se from th e A C R L executive secretary’s office. Copyright T he board moved that A C R L endorse the text o f a news re le a se on co p yrigh t, which will be forthcom ing in C& RL News. A BSS O b erly M em orial Award T h e board accepted the recom m endation o f the Agriculture and Biological Scien ces Section that th e nam e o f th e O b erly Award b e changed to “T he O berly Award for Bibliography in the Ag­ ricu ltu ra l S c ie n c e s .” T h e board ap p roved th e A BSS recom m endation requesting that the ALA Endow m ent trustees provide estim ates of O berly Award endowment incom e alternatives. Anthropology Section T he board voted to accept ANTS' recom m en­ dation that the presiden t of the association b e di­ rected to write to the Harvard College Librarian to express A C R L s concern at the possible dem ise o f the Peabody Museum Catalog published by G. K. Hall. R a r e Books and M anuscripts Section T h e board accepted R B M S ’s recommendation to put the rem ainder o f the 1978 preconference profits into a special fund for use in extraordinary speaker expenses anticipated for the 1980 inter­ nation al p re c o n fe r e n c e , on the un d erstand ing that this was not to b e considered a precedent. T h e b o ard a cce p te d the sec tio n re q u e s t for speedy (before M idwinter Meeting) publication in C &RL News of the revised “ Statem ent on Joint Access” prior to final presentation at Midwinter for adoption. R em arks E ld r e d S m ith e x p r e s s e d h is th a n k s to th e board and his pleasure in working with it over th e past year as president. A word o f appreciation was expressed to C onnie Dunlap for h e r many co n trib u tio n s to A C R L ov er th e cou rse o f h e r years o f service as a board m em ber. P resid ent F a r b e r Installed E ld red Sm ith handed over the gavel to Evan F a rb e r. P re s id e n t F ar b e r n o ted th at it is th e 233 presiden t’s role to provide energy, imagination, and leadership to an organization, yet the respon­ sibilities one has to on e’s own institution impose a finitude upon us all. T h e organization its e lf has to com pensate for this, and President F arb er ex­ p re ssed th e n e e d for co op eration and support from th e co m m ittees and section s. H e en cou r­ aged the com m ittee and section chairs to do as much as p o ssible, b e ca u se it is through th ese groups that th e association can design and im­ plem ent meaningful programs. T h e thrust that is provided by the com m ittees and sections is car­ ried out by the executiv e secretary, and P resi­ d ent F ar b e r no ted his having b e e n im p ressed with the work o f the executive secretary over the course o f the past year. ■■ ACRL Officers for 1978/79 Evan I r a F a rb e r, head librarian at Earlham C ollege (Lilly Library, Richm ond, IN 47374), is the fortieth president o f the Association o f C ol­ le g e and R e se a rch L i­ b r a r ie s , a d iv is io n o f t h e A m e rican L ib ra ry Association. D uring his term o f o ffic e, F ar b e r w ill p r e s id e o v e r th e A C R L Board o f D ire c ­ to r s and th e A C R L E x e c u tiv e C o m m itte e . H e w ill d e v e lo p th e plans for A C R L ’s major program m eeting at the 1979 ALA Annual C on­ f e r e n c e in D a lla s and w ill c h a ir t h e A C R L E van Ira F a r b e r C o n f e r e n c e P rog ram P lan n in g C o m m itte e for that c o n fe re n c e . T h e president serves as a m em b er o f all A C R L edito­ rial boards and as an ex-officio m e m b e r o f all oth er units o f the association. As president of the division, F arber will rep re­ sent A C R L on oth er ALA com m ittees, including th e ALA Dallas C onference Program C om m ittee and the ALA Divisional In terests Special Com ­ m ittee. F arb er also rep resen ts A C R L and ALA to other organizations, such as the American Coun­ cil on Education. In the past, F arb er has served A C R L as chair o f its C ollege L ib raries Section. H e has served ALA as a m em b er o f the Library Administration Division’s Buildings and E quipm ent C om m ittee and the N on-W estern R esources C om m ittee. H e was a C ouncilor for ALA from 1969 to 1971. L e Moyne W . Anderson, director o f libraries at Colorado State University (William E . Morgan Library, F ort Collins, C O 80523), is the newly elected vice-president/president-elect o f the As­ sociation o f C o llege and R esearch L ib raries. In the re c e n t ele ctio n s , Anderson receiv ed 1 ,3 4 9 votes, while Hendrik Edelm an, newly appointed u n iv ersity lib rarian at R u tg e rs U n iv ersity , r e ­ ceived 1,044. Anderson’s prior service to A C R L has included a term on the Board o f D irecto rs, chair o f the U niversity Libraries Sectio n, and m em bership on both the Goals, Priorities, and Structures and In ­ ternational Relations com m ittees. In addition, he has served on the ALA Staff Organizations Round T able Steerin g C om m ittee and the Library R e­ search Round T able Nominations Com m ittee. As v ic e -p re s id e n t/ p re s id e n t-e le c t o f A C R L , Anderson will serve on th e A C R L Board o f D i­ re c to rs, th e A C R L E x e cu tiv e C o m m itte e , and th e A C R L Planning C o m m ittee. H e will chair the A C R L C o nferen ce Program Planning C om ­ m ittee for the 1980 ALA Annual C onference in New York, and he will rep resent A C R L on the A LA C o m m itte e on A p p o in tm e n ts , t h e ALA B udget Planning Assembly, and the ALA Confer­ e n c e Program C o m m ittee for the 1980 co nfer­ en ce. At th e close o f th e 1979 Annual C onfer­ e n c e , he will b e co m e A C R L ’s forty-first p resi­ dent. T h e results o f the A C R L section elections fol­ low. F o r each position, the elected candidate is listed first. T he nu m ber o f votes earned by each candidate is listed in parentheses. A g r i c u l t u r e a n d B i o l o g i c a l S c i e n c e s S e c t i o n V ice -C h a ir/C h a ir-E le ct: L eila M oran, C hief, R e fe r e n c e D iv isio n , N ation al A g ricu ltu ral L i­ brary, Beltsville, M D 20705 (81); T. H. Milby, S c ie n ce L ib rarian , Associate Professor o f B ib li­ ography, U niversity o f Oklahoma L ibrary, Nor­ man, OK 73019 (55). S ecretary (one-year term ): Dolores B. Owen, D ocum ents Librarian, U niversity o f Southw est­ e rn L o u isian a L ib ra rie s , L a fa y e tte , LA 7 0 5 0 4 (7 3 ); V la d im ir M ic u d a , C h ie f, S c ie n c e and T e c h n o lo g y D e p a r tm e n t, P e n n s y lv a n ia S ta te U niversity Libraries, University Park, PA 16802 (61). A n t h r o p o l o g y S e c t i o n V ic e -C h a ir/C h a ir-E le c t: Anne K . B eau b ien , Social Scien ces R eferen ce L ibrarian and B ib lio ­ graphic In stru c to r, H atch er G rad uate L ib rary ,