ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 1 9 6 /C&RL News TheW ay I See It College lib raries and the new technology B y T h o m a s G. K irk The opportunities and challenges o f using new technology I read everyday about new tech n o lo g y and the dramatic things that will happen in the delivery of information as a result o f that technology. As a librarian in a small college I often feel overwhelmed by this news and ask myself disturbing questions o f self-doubt. How will my institution ever afford the costs of the new technology especially when my institu­ tion is stretched to provide adequate support to maintain the current purchasing level? Do our undergraduates really need all the glitzy technology that delivers evermore amounts of information when we aren’t using fully what we already have? How will my colleagues and I learn to use the technology effectively? Those questions come not out o f any oppo­ sition to the technology but out o f fear o f the unknown and great uncertainty about what the future holds for me as an individual and us as a profession. Keeping technology in perspective Those questions do not, however, consume my professional life and do not preclude my li­ brary from moving forward. What keeps me upright in this topsy-turvy world of informa­ tion technology is a return to some basic prin­ ciples which help keep the rapidly developing world o f technology in perspective and guide my thinking about how to engage the new tech­ nology effectively. These basic principles include: the role of our college libraries is to improve the educa­ tional programs we serve. We improve those programs when the information we deliver can effectively be used. The program is more successful not when we have more technology but when our students’ interest in and capacity to use the literature in all formats has been developed. Such capacity and interest should extend beyond meeting the needs for courses they take to include a fully integrated sense that libraries and information resources are an important avenue for lifelong learning. The technology may be evolving very rap­ idly but the integration o f the technology's use will take at least a generation. Technology starts out automating or m echanizing a tedious manual operation. Only after the technology has replaced the old way o f doing things do users (and creators) discover new things the technology can do. Different levels o f comfort in using computers, and the need for initial programs and hardware to evolve into more intuitive versions that complement the way people actually perform work, put a break on the fast pace o f technology development. Our work o f implementing the use of the technology is a process. Our challenge is not the completion of particular work such as imple­ menting an online catalog, developing a cam­ pus network, or purchasing a new CD-ROM database. Instead each is but a step in a larger process which has as its goal the continuing evaluation of the library’s ability to provide tech­ nology in service to teaching and learning and the cultivation o f the habit o f lifelong learning. I must be willing to change. My most criti­ cal challenge is to continue my own profes­ sional education. I should take every opportu­ nity to learn about the new technology and how it might be used. I read, play on the Inter­ net, attend conferences, talk with colleagues, and ask questions. I need to remember that if the habit of lifelong learning is important for my students to cultivate then it is also impor­ tant for me to practice. Thomas G. Kirk is ACRL President a n d college librarian at Berea College, Berea, Kentucky; e-mail: tom f April 1 9 9 4 / 1 9 7 I am not alone. We as a society and as a profession are navigating in uncharted seas. Like generations before us we are making up the rules as we go along. Therefore, it is not pos­ sible for us to know the answer to every ques­ tion. There is a level o f risk involved which we must accept and move on. Our challenge is to minimize the mistakes and learn from them. Future challenges With those principles firmly in mind I am ready to face the challenges of developing my library’s program o f service to the community. The first challenge is development o f a new curriculum for bibliographic instruction. The issues are so profound that even the old lan­ guage (i.e., bibliographic instruction) is inap­ propriate. However, the new language has not been created. When I started out in this profes­ sion I developed programs o f instruction based on a linear model of library research. The model suggested there are classes of library resources (e.g., encyclopedias, the library catalog, peri­ odical indexes) which can be used in a sequence so that what has been learned at each stage contributes to later use. The work of the last twenty years has upset that model even for beginning undergraduates. Advances in learning theory and its applica­ tion to bibliographic instruction, the recognized importance o f users’ emotional states in the problem -solving effort o f research, and the multipathed approaches and volume o f infor­ mation which automated systems provide, con­ verge to demand new approaches to instruc­ tion. While the need to make students aware o f resources and the particulars o f how to use them are still o f basic importance, we now must give much more attention to evaluating re­ sources, understanding research as a decision­ making process without the benefit o f full in­ formation, and understanding the semantics and logic of indexing systems. Whether you call it information literacy, in­ formation use instruction, or one o f a dozen other possible names, the enterprise of prepar­ ing students to make effective use o f the new technology, even with the benefits o f more in­ tuitive interfaces and the assistance of artificial intelligence, is still the most important thing we do as college librarians. While the technol­ ogy complicates our effort it should not divert us from attention to this priority. The second challenge is to use the technol­ ogy to deliver a greater diversity o f material which will increase students’ awareness of the multicultural world in which we all live. This challenge is part of the articulation of a new paradigm for collection development. We need to find creative ways to use the technology to ensure that we have effectively balanced ac­ cess, and purchase so that basic general sources, which may be under utilized, are adequately available while also providing a diversity of materials that present the experiences of par­ ticular ethnic, racial, and religious groups-, women; physically challenged persons; and persons o f different sexual orientation. Our third challenge is to integrate the new technology into the library’s reference service. The new technology increases, not decreases, the demand for user support. While an instruc­ tion program will help, there is still need for new approaches to reference service. The large academic libraries are now examining “differ­ entiated service” and “undifferentiated service" as two contrasting models o f reference service.1 While some aspects o f this discussion remind this experienced librarian of the 1960’s discus­ sion about information desks vs. reference desks, and central reference vs. subject refer­ ence and branch libraries, the new technology, among other factors, may have added new di­ mensions to the discussion about how to pro­ vide effective reference service. We must not dismiss the re-examination because it has primarily focused on large aca­ demic libraries. But neither should we ignore differences between the nature of colleges, their academic programs, and campus ethos on the one hand, and large multifaceted universities on the other. Our challenge as college librarians is to re­ main true to our central commitment o f serv­ ing the teaching and learning activities o f our institutions. Our goal is support of processes which allow the effective use of new technol­ ogy to improve access and reduce the drudg­ ery o f literature search and retrieval. Our re­ ward is to pass on to the next generation libraries which are fully engaged in the effort to use technology to enhance our understanding of the world. Note 1William L. Whitson, “Alternative Models of Ref­ erence Service: A Proposal,” unpublished pa­ per posted on Internet (Berkeley, Calif., Feb­ ruary 22, 1994). Available from COLLIB-L® WILLAMETTE.EDU. ■ 198 /C&RL News